Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan (Ghost Story of Yotsuya) (1959) Movie Script

A Mitsugu Okura Production
'The bond of parent and child
lasts through this world...
'... but that of husband and wife
lasts forever.
'How can you kill one
who is your body and soul...
'... who is bound to you
for generations to come?
Photography: Tadashi Nishimoto
Art Director: Hiroyasu Kurosawa
Music: Michiaki Watanabe
Shigeru Amachi
Noriko Kitazawa
Katsuko Wakasugi
'I cannot leave this baby,
innocent of any sin!
'O, the fury
of a woman maddened...
'... is truly like unto...
'... the greatest horror
there is.'
Directed by
Nobuo Nakagawa
Okayama, Bizen
It's very cold.
Yes, I'm chilled to the bone.
It's past winter solstice.
I wonder how long
this cold will go on...
A moment, please!
Iemon Tamiya again begs...
...the hand of your daughter Iwa
in Marriage.
You again?
I've told you: I will not give Iwa
to a libertine like you.
What proof do you have
that I'm a libertine?
That you would demand proof
of such a thing is very amusing.
I guess that's how a man
of no status would think.
But you don't deceive Samon
so easily.
I may have no position,
but I am a samurai!
You believe lies!
A samurai speaks but once: will not have her!
You say that your disrepute
is all due to lies, Tamiya...
...yet you lie in wait
in a place like this...
...conduct unworthy of
even the lowest samurai.
Samon, you dishonor yourself
by even speaking with him.
Let's be on our way.
Hear me...
...I want no more of you haunting
my grounds like some stray cat!
Why do you go back
on your promise...
...and treat me like some thief?
I've said no. There's no sense
in you arguing.
Enough! It is you
who makes no sense!
Who are you to silence me?
A man of no status does not
silence an elder!
No man talks down to me!
Hold your tongue!
I would never give my daughter
to a prattling fool!
Do you call me a fool?!
Well, chief...
...I'd say you're in trouble.
Hey! Take it easy!
I've got an idea.
Leave this to Me.
I know exactly what to do.
Miss Iwa, Yomoshichi is here.
What a terrible thing
to happen to your father!
It is a tragedy for you, as well.
Ozawa Usaburo has a slash
right across his face.
It must have been him! He tried
to rob your father once before.
I suppose he was angry because
Father filed a complaint.
...may I ask that you delay...
...your marriage to
my sister Sode...
...until we've taken vengeance?
The sooner I avenge this wrong,
the better.
Iemon, would you be so kind
as to accompany us...
...and render assistance?
For you, Miss Iwa, anything.
Well, well, well!
I wonder who's the lucky man...
What a pretty bride!
...when do we get rid of that guy?
It irritates me just seeing him
walking with Sode.
Iwa, aren't you getting tired?
Yes, I am.
It's been six months
since we left home.
You're not stringing me along,
are you?
I'm the one being strung along,
stuck with a man like you!
I'm a samurai!
If you won't help me...
...I'll just have to tell them
what happened.
Watch your tongue, Naosuke!
So you will get rid of
Yomoshichi for me...
As soon as I have the chance.
Shiraito Falls/Soga Shrine:
I want to pray where
the Soga brothers took revenge... the old story.
But I feel so weak...
I'll pray to them for you,
Miss Iwa. You wait here.
Would you, please?
...would you pray to them
for me as well?
Of course.
Chief... now's our chance.
Don't waste it.
Try and push him over the cliff.
I'll stab him if you miss.
A magnificent sight!
It's amazing that when the Sogas
planned their revenge...
...these falls fell silent
to let them hear each other.
I wish the ladies could see it.
I guess this makes us
both murderers.
Who's going to back up
your story if you kill me?
Iwa! Just a little longer!
They'll be back any minute.
There's trouble!
Usaburo attacked us!
Yomoshichi fell over the falls!
They were too strong for us.
They're a bad bunch.
They almost got the chief, too,
but he was too quick.
He got away.
I'm ashamed of myself!
Let's follow them!
But my sister...
But if we don't, who knows
when we'll see them again?
I'll take care of Iwa.
You and Sode follow them.
Come on, Sode. They won't
get away from us!
Take care, Iwa.
Miss Iwa!
I'm sorry.
I'm nothing but trouble.
What are you talking about?
You're my wife!
A snake!
Don't kill it!
They're servants of the gods;
And I was born in their year!
Don't be stupid... damn this thing!
You must be tired.
Why not rest a while?
Last night I dreamed of
my sister.
Father was taking us
to a festival.
In Okayama, they'll be having
the Hachiman Festival now.
I wonder what's happened
to Sode...
Is she here in Edo...
...or did she and Naosuke
go off somewhere?
It's not fair that we're so poor!
If there were any justice...'d have a position...
Stop that!
I don't want to hear it.
When are you going to
avenge my father?
I'll take revenge!
As soon as I get the chance!
We haven't found my sister...
...we have no idea of how
we'll revenge ourselves...
...and you're reduced
to doing piecework...
So you want to leave
and go back home?
And you're tired of living
in poverty?
Maybe you're tired of me.
Do what you want, then. So will I!
I didn't mean that!
Five pennies!
The miracle potion!
Five pennies!
The miracle potion!
Back early again?
He's been telling me
all about you, Missus.
How you two
spend your afternoons...
'Elixir! Five pennies!
The miracle potion!
'Fits, convulsions, diZZiness...
'Elixir of Holland! Good for what
ails you! Five pennies a grain! '
You've been drinking again!
We got bored.
We stopped in at the tavern
on the corner.
But all the time I was thinking
of you here alone...
I'm so sick of shouting
'Elixir! Five pennies! '
Well, there's a reason
why you're doing it.
We have to find my sister,
and take revenge!
'Revenge'... let's not talk
about that now.
Come on, Sode...
Let go!
I wasn't born to be the wife...
...of a man of low birth!
What do you mean, 'wife'?
We're just pretending
we're married.
I can't wait much longer...
You promised you wouldn't
touch me till we took revenge!
Oh, come on!
No! Let go of me!
The girl can come
pour our drinks for us...
...or you don't get by us.
It was you who bumped me
with your scabbard!
So you aren't going to
give her to us?
We'll just have to take her.
Who are you?!
Show your face!
Thank you. You got us
out of a tight spot.
You're very good
with a sword.
You're too kind.
I hope we will come
to know you better.
If you'll permit me...
I can't accept that.
Take it as a token
of my gratitude.
I may have no situation...
...but I am a samurai.
One rarely Meets
a gentleman these days.
Ume, you should thank him.
I am most truly grateful.
It's so hot!
Welcome back!
It's the boss!
Hot, ain't it. I wish it'd rain!
It's hot!
Will I see you later?
Two dice, two dots! Evens!
How can you gamble
in this heat?
Takuetsu... lend me
some money.
You have a pretty wife
waiting at home.
She'll be my collateral.
Sure! For her I'll lend you
as much as you like.
But I'll hold you to your word.
I don't care. I'll get it
from Naosuke later.
Hey, chief...
Oh, it's you...
I don't have a tree
that grows money, you know.
Oh, I forgot...
...l've got to go out
to another customer.
We've been in Edo
for two years now.
I'm getting tired of
being broke all the time.
Even if we have to kill someone,
let's do something big.
Just like that night
in Okayama.
Welcome home. Would you
like to change your clothes...
...or will you eat first?
It's so humid tonight...
Oh, yes... Takuetsu came
to give me a massage.
He was talking about
a Naosuke from Okayama...
Have you seen him?
Of course not!
But Takuetsu said...
I haven't seen him, I said!
Takuetsu said you still
owe him money...
Shut up!
All right! I'll pawn something.
What have we got?
Nothing, eh?
Without that the mosquitoes
will eat him alive!
This place is thick with them!
Then chase them away!
Let go!
A tortoise-shell comb!
I didn't think we had
anything like this left.
This is worth money!
Lend me this.
Anything but that!
It was my mother's!
Please! Not that!
- Let go!
- I won't!
Give it back!
...take this sash.
Have your damn comb, then!
You'd better pay me
pretty well for this one, Ma.
It's been hard work
prying Iemon loose from Iwa.
I know that.
But it was your mother who
opened this door, don't forget.
You're a tough old bird!
I have to be, with a no-good
like you for a son!
It's not much, but it's yours.
Thank you very much!
...I hope this will be the start
of a long association.
Your daughter seems pleased.
If those two marry,
you'll be the matchmaker.
You couldn't turn against
my son then, sir!
You've gotten so thin lately...
Your husband
Makes you worry, I'll bet.
I heard something
from someone...
...about your husband and
old man Ito's daughter, Ume.
I'd watch out if I were you.
Takuetsu... aren't married,
so you might not understand.
That doesn't happen
once two people are married.
You may be right.
I just thought in this case
I should say something.
My husband, at least,
would never do such a thing!
Oh, Naosuke...
Did you have fun?
How was the young lady?
Here's some pocket money.
Why don't we stop fooling around
with all this small stuff...
...and make up our minds
and do something?
Old Man Ito won't keep giving us
Money for nothing.
I know that.
Then you get my drift.
Why not make Ume
the happiest woman in the world?
If it was only as easy
as all that...
Chief! Don't tell me
you're afraid of Iwa.
If that's the problem,
just kill her.
You've done it before.
What's one more?
Be tough now, or you won't
spend your old age in comfort.
How would you like a position
in some lord's household?
Chief... wait!
What if Iwa was to find out
the truth?
Then what, Chief?
Is this another one
of your schemes?
I'm glad you asked.
Why not use Takuetsu?
He's in love with Iwa.
We can set him up
so people think he's her lover.
And there's nothing illegal
in killing...
...a woman who's taken a lover
behind her husband's back.
But I couldn't kill Iwa!
There you go again!
All right... I can get some
foreign poison.
How are you feeling now?
I just get worse and worse.
I'm not afraid to get sick
and die myself...
...but our poor child!
If I die...
If you die...
You wouldn't take a new wife
right away, would you?
Sure I would.
Right away.
A nice, rich one.
What's wrong with that?
It happens all the time.
So it's true about you and
old man Ito's daughter?
And what about taking revenge
for my father?
I'm sick of hearing about it.
How can you say that?!
I'm fed up to the teeth with it!
What of it?
If you don't like it, leave!
Find another man to help you!
Are you going to leave me
for her?
Shut up!
Stop crying. It was just
a bad joke.
Forgive me.
You'll get sick.
I know... tomorrow I'll get you
some medicine that works.
Chief, you're late!
I'll go on ahead.
We don't want to keep Ume
waiting on her wedding day.
What are we going to do
about Iwa?
Not her again!
Here's the potion.
First her face will break out,
and then she'll die.
Here you go.
Take it! Stop being
so much damn trouble!
And this position you speak of
is assured?
Come now! Don't be
so formal!
Once the ceremony is over,
you'll be one of the family.
You won't have to worry.
I'll take care of everything.
Won't I, Ume?
You and Naosuke
have been a great help to me.
Me? Iwa's lover?
Don't make fun of me!
I'm serious.
This must be a joke.
You doubt the word of
a samurai?
But Iwa's your wife!
And it's her husband
who asks.
I understand!
So the story about you and
the Ito girl is true...
You're slow.
So you'll do it? I'll give you
whatever you want.
This is too good to be true!
This is so beautiful!
And you bought it for me!
I'm so happy!
What are you doing in there?
I bought some medicine
for your circulation.
I'm boiling some up for you.
Thank you!
It's been so long
since you were so nice to me.
I spoke to you so harshly
last night...
I'm sorry.
And I always answer back...
I'm sorry, too.
Let's both forget
what's in the past.
There's fireworks
at Ryogoku tonight.
Next year I'll take you
to see them.
They say this medicine
works wonders.
Here. Drink it, quickly.
You're so nice to me tonight...
I'm so happy...
...I'm crying!
Good evening.
Good evening!
Good evening.
Takuetsu... you've come
at a perfect time.
You know what to do?
Come in.
Good evening. Your husband
asked me to come.
Thank you.
Iemon... you've thought
of everything...
It's nothing.
I'll go see about that position.
Why not go and see
the fireworks as well?
Perhaps I will.
It's very humid tonight...
Usaburo! I've been waiting...
Take a good look!
That's Usaburo!
I'm covered in sweat!
Thank you, Naosuke!
Don't thank me.
As of tonight,
we're husband and wife!
I've got something else to do.
You go home...
...and get ready!
Right here...
The grief a husband brings
cramps this muscle here.
The best way to uncramp
this muscle is to cut the ties...
...that bind you to a husband
like that.
Stop that!
He may have no position,
but I am wife to a samurai!
Lay a hand on me again
and I'll have your head!
Please! Spare me!
This wasn't my idea!
Your husband knows
all about it.
He does?!
He knows everything.
Is this true?!
What's wrong?!
My face! My head hurts!
I can't breathe! I'm dizzy!
Get me some water!
More water!
Missus... here's your water.
Is something wrong?
Is this... this me?!
You did this!
No! It wasn't me!
Iemon planned all this so
he could marry Ito's daughter!
He said he'd reward me...
...if I seduced you!
Missus, wait! I didn't do anything!
My little boy!
Oh, hateful Iemon!
How could you be so cruel... one who never
sinned against you!
You poor child! How could I
leave you to a man like that?
Die with your Mother!
I could never enter paradise
if I left you behind.
Iemon, you heartless
and cold-blooded brute... you think I will leave you
with this debt unpaid?!
Why are you rushing away?
Did you do it?
I didn't do anything.
Don't hide it.
She's still a samurai wife.
For someone of your caste,
the thrill of a lifetime.
A monster like that?
Did you stab her?
Of course not!
She did that with a razor!
But Takuetsu... know what samurai
do to adulterers, don't you?
Sir! I didn't do anything!
You finally did it!
...pull off one of the shutters.
We'll nail them onto it.
The law says I can lay them
together and cut them in half.
No one will say anything.
We'd better hurry.
Tonight's your wedding.
All right, let's go!
Chief! What's wrong?
We're not poor anymore.
Tonight's a great night!
There's nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't expect you
to know how I feel.
'On Takasago Beach...
'... raise the sail...
'... of your ship...
'... and with the ebbing tide
run with the moon... '
You must be tired.
Will you have some tea?
Thank you.
Come and change.
How could you give me...
...poison to drink?
I will visit my hatred on you.
Be sure of that.
What's wrong?
Why did you shout?
I'll sleep alone tonight.
What is it?
A snake!
There's nothing to be
afraid of now, Ume.
Oh, Iemon!
Ume, do you still have to
act so shy with me?
...what did I ever do
to wrong you?
You! You're dead!
Iemon? Sir?
Is anything wrong?
May I come in?
Damn you, Iwa!
There's hair caught in this...
that's disgusting!
A comb! This looks like
What's this around my feet?
Someone could still wear this...
Catching any eels, Naosuke?
Hello, Chief. Going fishing?
I need a change.
Do you think it's safe for you
to leave the temple?
I feel like I'm suffocating
in there.
Going already?
If I stir up the mud chasing eels
I'll scare off the other fish.
I thought I'd go home
and have some fun with Sode.
If you'll excuse me...
Iwa! Do you haunt me still?!
...I will make an end
to the blood...
...of the Tamiya name!
Go to hell!
Pay what you owe me.
Takuetsu! You, too?!
Do you never stop?!
That's awful!
You scared me! What's wrong?
Two corpses turned up
in the river at Mannen Bridge!
A man and a woman.
They were nailed to a shutter.
What's wrong?!
The bucket's full of snakes!
There's no snakes here...
This comb...
Where did you get it?
At the Potter's Field
in Kamimura. Why?
This is my sister's!
It was Mother's...
Don't be stupid!
There's lots of combs like that.
No. This comb is my sister's.
And this kimono is hers, too.
I'm sure of it!
What if something's
happened to her?
How did you find us so late,
and in this back street?
Come in!
We were talking about you!
I'm so glad you're here!
And so relieved you're safe!
This is your comb, isn't it?
I knew it!
Forgive me!
Forgive me!
It was Iemon Tamiya
who killed your father...
...and Yomoshichi's!
He's at Zuishoji Temple
at Snake Mountain!
Forgive me! Forgive me!
The Bizen Inn
Miss Iwa!
I was dreaming...
Or was I?
Miss Sode!
It's you!
It's me! Yomoshichi!
You're alive!
A woodcutter pulled me
out of the waterfall.
When my wounds healed
I came to Edo.
It's amazing
you found me here.
It's very strange...
My sister...
Miss Iwa?
This is her comb.
It was a revelation!
Miss Sode...
...Miss Iwa came to me
in a dream and told me... was a lie that Ozawa Usaburo
killed our fathers.
She said it was lemon Tamiya.
So it was him!
You knew that?
When my sister appeared
Naosuke started raving...
...that Iemon was our enemy.
That was all in my dream!
Iemon and Naosuke stabbed me
and pushed me over the falls!
Could they have killed my sister?
They must have.
She told me where Iemon was,
and that I should avenge her.
Naosuke said so, too.
Iemon's at the Zuishoji Temple
at Hebiyama, in Honjo.
Chief, how can I help
if you won't say anything?
Open your mouth
and talk to me!
Where did old man Ito
keep his damn money?!
It's got to be either under
the floorboards or in the ceiling.
Let's get the hell out of Edo...
...and start over
somewhere brand new!
Hiding out in this snake-infested
temple won't do us any good!
You poison your pretty wife,
set a masseur up as her lover...
...kill him and dump them
in a ditch at Potter's Field.
I'm impressed! The samurai
is as much a villain as I am.
This is no time to go
weepy and womanish!
We're both vermin out of the
same hole. So where's the money?
...I told you, I didn't take
a penny out of that house.
Go away.
Leave Me.
Go away, I tell you!
This is interesting...
you're going to kill me?
Go on, then. Do it.
You don't know your place,
All of this was your...
Stop this whining! Kill me
if you're going to.
You can't, can you.
You haven't got the spine.
Cut Me down!
Yomoshichi! You're alive!
Iemon Tamiya...
I avenge my father!
I avenge my father...
and my sister!
Damn you!
Iwa... forgive Me...
Forgive me!
I was wrong!
Forgive me!
The End