Tokarev (2014) Movie Script

Hi, Sweetheart.
Hey, Daddy.
You know, you don't have to
pick me up, I can find a ride.
Yeah, I know, that's
what worries me.
What is that on the back
of your hand, Caitlin Maguire?
Relax, Dad, it's henna, okay?
Padma's mom did it for the girls in
class, we're studying Indian culture.
Indian Culture,
it washes-off, right?
Sort of, it will wear off.
I got these, the girl at the store
said they were the best ones.
Jeez, thank you, Dad.
You know, I don't... I don't
take the SAT's until next year.
It's never too early to
start preparing, right?
Oh, hey, can we stop at the
store for a couple of snacks?
The boys are coming over
after Mikey gets off work.
So, Mikey has a job?
Yeah, not everyone at my
school is a rich snob, Dad.
Mikey's on scholarship and
he washes dishes at Denny's.
Have you finished
with your term paper?
- Totally.
- Totally.
All right, it's almost done, I just
have to proof it and print it.
I want that paper done before your
two little buddies come over,
otherwise you'll never finish.
Alea est iacta.
The die is cast.
It's from "Julius Caesar",
you know that thing
I've been working on for
the past six weeks.
The die is cast.
It's impressive.
You got the date locked?
Next Saturday,
Caitlin's gonna love it,
the band's booked.
- She's got the whole place to herself.
- Good.
Caitlin's Sweet Sixteen,
damn, makes me feel old!
What are we gonna
do with the... booze?
Don't worry about it,
I'll tell the bartenders
and waitresses, "No booze".
Not a drop,
Oh, okay.
Did you talk to the doorman,
"no meth at the door"?
- Your doormen sell meth?
- Don't worry about it.
If I hear of anyone even
looking at Caitlin's friends funny,
I'll kick their asses myself.
No, no, no, wait a minute,
these are sixteen year-old kids.
Kane, I don't want any incidents.
We're not sixteen year-olds,
drinking and doing drugs,
like we're role models.
How much trouble did we used to
get into when we were their age?
You know, I seem to remember
you double-dipping Betsy,
the one with those wavy eyes.
That's right!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, right.
Wasn't she your girl for a while?
She was for a while
until I found-out that
this bad-ass was knocking
his bot dong around.
Well, hey, we shared the
same honey-pot, right?
- It makes us milk-brothers.
- Romulus and Remus.
Well, this is what I
don't understand,
how would you remember who you bang,
I mean, you've been drinking a fifth
of Scotch a day since you were born?
About a bad-ass,
mean-ass man you was.
I'm gonna throw a great party,
you're a great dad.
I gotta run.
Take it easy, Paulie.
Oh, Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor!
Mr. Mayor!
Can you please tell us how many jobs
will be provided on this project?
Yes... Phase One has already
created more than a hundred jobs,
local jobs, for this community.
And today we begin Phase Two.
And Phase Two means
that we'll have a park,
- as well as a river-walk.
- Mr. Maguire!
What do you intend to
do with the profits?
Thank you, Frank.
The Mayor and I feel
that this project will
certainly stimulate the economy and
we intend to put the money back into
education and medical, thank you.
Thank you all for coming.
Hey, are you almost ready?
We're gonna be late
for dinner with the
Thompsons and Dean White.
What does Dean White do exactly?
He works for the governor.
I think he's gonna run
for State Controller.
Good guy to know.
We're gonna need a
few extra contacts.
Do you prefer the Noir
tonight, or the Portofino?
You know Princeton's
nearly 40,000 a year
and that's not including
room and board?
I know, can we swing it?
I got it covered.
We've got it covered.
We're a team here, right?
Yes, we are a team, but...
No, no buts! None of this "She's
my daughter" bullshit, all right?
I love the two of you, and I'm here
for you both, you got it?
You know, you're very sexy
when you put me in my place.
Is this you changing the subject?
I don't think we have time for this.
You are SUCH a tease.
I'm not gonna shit on no hellion.
Caitlin, your gonna be
staying home tonight, right?
Yeah, we just hanging-out here.
Good, because you have a lot of homework
that needs to be done by Monday,
- and you need to focus on your work.
- Okay, Dad.
I'm serious.
Dad, I know. Listen, we're
just gonna hang-out here,
watch TV or something.
Lisa might stop by, but that is it.
Michael, I hear you're a working man.
- Yes, sir.
- And how's that working out for you?
It sucks.
But it's nice for a buck or two,
and it's pretty flexible, you know?
This summer if you wanna make
some real money, you let me know,
I can put you on one of my crews.
Swinging a hammer pays a hell of a
lot more than working at Denny's.
You'd do that for me?
Yeah, if you give me a hand with
one of these boxes over here.
- This?
- Yeah.
So, you gonna ask my daughter out?
I see the way you're lookin' at her.
I didn't think you'd
let her go out, you know?
- You smoke weed?
- No.
- No drugs at all?
- No.
Well, then, I... I might...
be willing to make an exception.
Do you think she'd say, "Yes"?
The mind of a woman is
a mysterious thing.
I can't tell you
what she'll say, but...
"Fortune favors the bold."
You ready?
Yeah, I'm almost there, go start
the car, I'll be right there,
Caitlin, I'm not your mother,
I'm not going to lecture
you about smoking,
although you shouldn't be smoking,
but the last time you and
your friends hung-out,
Paul found cigarette
butts in the back yard
- and I took the heat for it.
- He believe you?
Probably not, but
that's not the point.
- The look he gave me...
- I know the look.
- So, you understand?
- Yeah.
Yeah, Vanessa, I'll
be good, I promise.
Thank you.
You guys have a good night.
She's so hot.
I think the dock area is the
perfect place to build,
that part of town is just
screaming for re-development.
I heard you got a lot
going on in re-development.
How'd you get started in
the business, Mr. Maguire?
Oh, it's getting late, it's
already past midnight.
I'm sure everybody'd like
to go home and get some rest.
Paul doesn't like to brag,
but the truth of the matter is he
built his first development himself.
- A lot of hard work.
- That's what I've heard.
Well, I had a full crew
with me, but yeah...
my first job was swinging a hammer,
tends to drive my
foremen all crazy, but,
there's nothing that satisfies like a...
an honest day's work.
Love a guy that's not afraid to roll his
sleeves up and get his hands dirty.
Here's to an honest day's work!
To an honest day's work!
They're coming to get you, Barbara!
Stop it!
Hey, my dad kinda likes you.
It's funny.
Yeah, Mike go work for The Big Guy,
get in with the family,
next thing ya know,
you're marryin' Caitlin,
takin' over the business,
you'll be a made man in no time.
Cut it out, man!
Detective, you here for dinner?
- Paul, we need to talk.
- What seems to be the problem?
- I'm sorry, but it's urgent.
- This is not the time or the place.
Whatever this is, surely we can
discuss it in the morning.
Paul, listen to me,
this is not about you.
It's about Caitlin.
They called it in about an hour ago,
Michael and that other boy, Evan,
they sent him to the hospital
and got him a sedative.
He was really shaken-up.
What this Michael kid told us
was that all three of them
were together when it happened.
They were playing video games,
had a few drinks.
He said that Caitlin
tried to get away.
They say that she put
up a helluva fight.
This can't be happening.
Wha... wha... what about the
neighbors, did they see anything?
No, nothing.
I mean, who would break
into your house, grab your daughter,
there's no ransom demands, nothing.
I don't know, I don't have a problem
with anyone right now.
Right now, but think
about your past.
Who would have the
inclination to do this?
I know you still talk to O'Connell.
This is my daughter!
I would tell you if I had
any idea who was behind this.
Would you?
Pete, I'm out of the
game, you know that!
- How long have we known each other?
- Since the massacre at the Four P's...
- Yes, fifteen years, Pete.
- Yeah, I know you.
Right! You do, you know me.
I just don't want you fallin' back
on any of the old habits.
Let us handle this our way,
all right, Paul?
Okay, fine, what's your way?
Well, we drop it on
the News right away.
Within, if it sits on your history.
How many times do we
have to tell you, that he's clean?
One of two things
is going-down here,
the kidnappers either
know you or they don't.
If they don't, then the fear of who
they're messin' with is our best asset.
Once they hear, they'll probably drop
her off at a gas station somewhere
and she's back by lunch tomorrow.
And if they know me?
They'll be in contact,
and we'll be there.
We have a top on your phone.
Either myself or Detective
Hansen will be here at all times.
Paul, we'll find her.
You better.
Why, Paul?
Why Caitlin?
- You didn't...?
- You, too?
I'm sorry.
- I just...
- If I had any idea
who did this...
just one...
You find her.
Do what you have to do.
Whatever it takes,
you just bring her home.
Two unidentified male classmates
were injured in that home invasion
they're expected to
make a full recovery.
Caitlin Maguire is five-six,
one hundred and five pounds,
with long brown hair and blue eyes.
If you have any information that
could help in the investigation
and search for Caitlin...
Move! Let's go!
Go, go, Danny, go!
- I'm gonna go out.
- Go out?
I can't just sit here,
waiting for the phone to ring, knowing
she's out there somewhere, scared.
And I'm supposed to
stay here all by myself?
There's cops all over the house.
That's not what I meant.
Be safe, okay?
Where are we off to?
It'd be best if you just
stay here by the phone.
Shouldn't you be out somewhere
looking for my daughter?
- We're doin' everything we can.
- So am I.
I'm so sorry,
Eleanor, please, I need
to speak with your son.
You got all these awards.
You know, I started dating
Mary when I was seventeen.
That was Caitlin's mom, Mary.
Your seventeen, right?
I remember once we were
on this date down by the shore...
hot as shit, just wouldn't cool off.
Anyway, this Puerto
Rican looking shithead
comes walking down
the beach, and
calls Mary a slut.
You believe that shit?
Calling a nice, Irish, Catholic girl
like that a slut, well...
needless to say, I had
to defend her honor,
because that's what gentlemen do,
they protect women.
So I went and I got the
tire iron out of the
trunk of my car and I
broke both of his legs.
I'm not like that anymore.
No, I've changed,
See, 'cause when Mary got sick...
stage four breast cancer...
swore I'd go legit, so there'd
always be at least one...
one parent around to
take care of Caitlin.
They each had guns!
I would expect you to get SHOT...
trying to protect her.
Now, I want you to think hard,
what did they sound like?
The kidnappers,
did they have an accent?
Did they sound Russian?
Puerto Rican?
Did they use any words? Slang?
Did they sound like greenbahs?
I... I don't know.
Wha... what did they smell like?
Spicy food, too much cologne?
Come on, Mike,
you have to give me something.
If anything happens to my daughter,
I'm holding you
personally responsible.
I don't know, I'm
sorry, I don't know!
It was all so fast, I
messed up, ya know.
I wish I coulda done something,
I wish I'd been braver.
I wish it was me, okay?
If you remember anything,
you give me a call, you got it?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, it's me, I need some help, will
you meet me at the construction site?
We're sorry,
We'll find this roach
who did this, Paulie.
You got my word on it.
I know you're still in
with O'Connell, right?
- Yep.
- Right.
You remember that stink that
Golden syphed not too long ago?
Did my time, kept my mouth
shut, roughed me up.
I need guys I can trust.
The cops are keeping
very close tabs on me, so...
I... I understand if you don't want
to get involved with this, but I...
I do need some help.
Say the word.
I want to find her.
- I want to find who took her, and...
- They're dead, Paulie.
They just don't know it yet, right?
There's two hundred thousand.
Use what you need to get any
information, just keep the rest, okay?
We really can't take that.
We're family.
You'd do the same
thing for us, Paulie.
- We'll do anything you ask.
- I know.
This could get dirty, so, just
how deep do you want this to go?
How deep is hell?
I know just where to look.
The guy's a rat but he knows me.
Just hang back and follow
my lead, all right?
Jesus, an elevator woulda been nice.
Knock, knock, asshole!
Oh, shit!
No, no, no, no!
I didn't steal anything, man!
I swear! You know I wouldn't
mess with you guys! C'mon!
Relax, relax, I know
you wouldn't do that,
all right, you're
too smart for that.
I got one question to
ask you, all right?
Who kidnapped Paul
Maguire's daughter?
Take a good look,
you heard anything?
Nothing! I swear!
If I knew, I would tell you! C'mon!
Now, who would mess
with Maguire anyway?
My, my, my.
I'm not happy with what
I see here, Oliver.
I'll bet you were a sweet little BL,
before he got you all jacked-up?
Come here, honey, come here honey.
That's it, easy now.
Put her down, put her down.
- What are you doing?
- Come on, my Little Princess.
Am I your Little Princess?
I got a pretty little
Princess Necklace here for you, too.
You don't know anything about
the girl, Oliver?
- Nothing, I swear!
- Start talking, Oliver!
Please! Please! Look! Whatever it is you
about to do... don't, please, don't, no.
Tell me about the girl, Oliver.
Please, if I knew, I would tell you.
C'mon, don't hurt her, c'mon, man.
Please don't, don't.
No, no! Don't Doherty!
Listen to me,
If there a girl being
held somewhere?
I don't know, I don't know! No idea!
Just tell him! I don't know!
- No, no, no, no!
- Talk to me, Oliver!
No, please! Don't!
- I love her, no, I don't know!
- What's that?
I love her, man!
No, no, no, no! Lisa, come here.
I need you to breathe.
Now I believe you.
See you around, Oliver
Jesus, I can't believe
I hit that rope.
What, you've never
done that shit before?
Hell no, I thought she was going
for a two-story swan dive.
- You're one harmful guy.
- Right, right, you're a saint?
- Nobody's seen or heard anything.
- How is that possible?
Paul, we've been rattling
jaws all night long.
Whoever took her, is
keeping their shit tight.
Got feelers out everywhere.
Somewhere, someone...
has to mess-up.
We found her.
Thank you for your beautiful soul.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
- Thank you for coming,
I'm so sorry, my friend,
- Vanessa, this is Francis...
- Francis O'Connell.
Hi, I'm Vanessa, I'm Paul's wife.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Call me Frank.
If you don't mind,
Frank, I have a...
some things I'd like to
attend to at the house.
I'll see you later.
Can we take a walk?
You've done really good
for yourself, Paulie.
I'm proud of you.
Smoke and mirrors, Francis.
That's not what I heard.
You got a nice, big house over
there by the Country Club?
And a beautiful wife.
You know, Paul, the
present situation aside,
you got yourself one helluva life,
don't you agree?
Is this going somewhere?
Things have settled down,
and the business is more civilized
than it used to be.
In the good old days, you remember,
the gutters were running red.
You remember that
night at the Four Ps,
and what those Russians
faggots did to me?
Of course.
But do you remember what I told you
because you wanted to
rush-in and kill 'em all?
- You said we lost too many already.
- Exactly.
I don't know what this
has to do with anything.
My neck, it's hurtin' to
look up to you like this.
Do you mind sitting down?
That's better. Eye to eye.
That's the thing I miss
the most, I guess,
to be able to stand over
somebody and stare 'em down.
Those simple, small things in life
that I'm not able to do anymore.
You know, like bangin'
a young broad, or
kicking somebody's teeth
down their throat.
But do I lash out, Paulie?
Do I show my weakness? No.
I bury it a long time ago.
I buried the hurt.
Just like you have to bury yours.
Hey, I'm not finished! Sit down!
Yeah, you better be listening.
Because I know you,
and know this unpleasantness
is eating at you,
and you're determined to
do something about it.
I'm asking you, don't.
Let the cops do their jobs?
Things are good,
I want 'em to stay that way.
Things don't look so good
from where I am, Francis.
If you won't listen to reason,
can you listen to a friend.
I did you a big favor
when I let you walk out.
I didn't have to,
you know that, but I did.
I let you walk out.
It's not every day
someone can just walk
out of the business,
clean, as you could.
But you could, you know why?
Because you came to
me and you asked me.
I did you a favor and now I want
you to repay me by doing nothing.
Let it go away, Paulie,
bury the hurt.
You understand me.
I understand.
Does anyone want cream?
No thanks, I'm good.
Your friend Sheila
still come around?
I don't know what we're
gonna do with all the food.
Honey, do you mind?
I want to know.
No, really, you don't.
- She's a peach, that wife of yours.
- So, what's the word?
No word.
O'Connell not only said to stay out of
it, but to keep an eye on you, too.
So what now?
I still have someone
inside the Force,
someone who won't report
back to your boss.
I do.
I can have him check into the case.
I didn't want to bring
this up, because...
we're not supposed to
bring it up, we...
No, it was a long time ago,
we did everything right.
Are you sure?
- Go, go, Danny, go!
- Go, go!
- Where is the key?
- Where is it?
- I ain't got it.!
- Where is it, asshole?
- No! No! No!
- Give me his gun.
Shit, no, no, no, no!
It's your nasty, clean it up!
No, we... we did everything right.
Tell me about it.
How is it that a man with this
many past criminal associations
can turn legitimate businessman and I
can't get a re-file on my mortgage?
I mean, look at this!
Irish mob, Russian mob.
Twenty suspects, no leads.
When have you ever known
a criminal to just go clean?
No arrest doesn't mean no activity.
Maybe he's just been careful.
No, I just talked with him
a few days ago, he's a wreck.
If he was still dirty,
he'd know who did this.
This ought to narrow-down
the suspect list.
It's the ballistics
on the Maguire girl.
A 7.62 millimeter, fired from
a Soviet made Tokarev TT-33.
Well, it gets worse.
It crossed against three hits
tied to the Chernov family.
One in 1983, and two in 1988.
What does that tell you?
That whoever killed her,
hadn't killed anyone
for a long, damn time.
At least not with that gun.
This stays here.
Mr. Maguire.
I'm really very sorry for your loss.
Caitlin was... she was
really something else.
Yes, she was.
She worked really hard on that,
and I just thought that...
Of course, I'll read it tonight.
Mr. Maguire,
Would you like to collect Caitlin's
belongings from her locker?
Are you sure it's Chernov?
No, I'm not sure.
But whoever did it
used a Russian gun.
It was 20 years ago,
how could they know about us?
They took his daughter,
and you think that's coincidence.
Yeah, well, I never talked.
And you never talked.
And I'm certain Paul never talked.
So, how would anybody know?
This whole mess just stinks,
Do you want me to tell him?
No, I'll tell him.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Is he in?
Maybe he'll talk to you.
Are you okay?
I know it's hard.
Just because she wasn't my blood,
doesn't mean she wasn't
my daughter, you know.
She loved you,
Thank you.
Stay strong.
He's upstairs.
It was when she was four.
What have you heard?
- Ballistics.
- Yes?
Wanna get out of here?
So, what does that mean exactly?
How's someone like you
get as far in your
organization without
knowing his guns?
Knives are quiet, I like knives.
Tokarev. TT-33.
It's an old army sidearm, HL clip.
And it's favored in
the Russian mafia.
Yeah, the Russians.
Coulda been a hit.
It coulda been a smaller faction
just lookin' for some ransom money.
Not one of 'em takes a shit
without Chernov's permission.
We never asked permission
to rob the Russians.
We don't talk about that.
I keep trying to get Vanessa to stay
someplace safe, but she won't listen.
- She won't go.
- So, what do you wanna do?
Call Danny.
Like old times, fellas.
Let's do this?
You're not understanding,
as we have a lot of money to spend
and we want to play some cards.
Clearly you have a problem understanding
English, we want to play cards.
- We want to play cards.
- Nyet! Private!
No, no, that is NOT what I said,
what I said is
we have a lot of money to spend
and we want to play some cards.
Okay, let us in.
Hey, hey, hey!
We need you to move, pardner!
Speak English!
I speak three languages.
How many you speak?
Stupid Americans?
That got their attention.
- They're gonna come gunnin' for us.
- No shit!
Always the best way to get information
when it's hard to come by.
You stir the pot,
they'll come lookin' for you.
- Just be ready.
- We're ready.
Now, Danny, this shit's about to get
radical, you gotta cover each other.
- Relax! All right, we got this.
- Not one of your cocaine parties.
Really? You gotta go there, Paulie?
What is it with you and
my partying anyway?
All right, let's just relax, okay?
All right?
Jesus, Paulie.
- What is this?
- You know exactly what this is.
It is not safe for you
to be here anymore.
Tell me what happened?
Please don't shut me out,
I want to know.
What? What would you
really want to know?
What do you want to know? You
want to know how many people
I jacked-up last night,
how loud the screams were?
- No, I...
- Then what!?
Is it over?
It's just beginning,
What do you think?
I need you, you need me.
You told me to do
whatever it takes, right?
Well, this is what it takes,
pack your bags.
Nothing was wrong, maybe I should've
kept my mouth shut.
But you didn't.
Now I'm in this.
I'm sorry if it upsets you.
Yeah, that upsets me.
My husband is a killer.
I think you're enjoying this.
Say, "My husband's a killer."
Come on, repeat after me,
"My husband is a killer."
You've always known it,
you just haven't seen it until now.
Is that what's going on?
Is that why
you're still here?
'Cause it turns you on?
- Anything?
- Nothin'.
All right, we up the stakes.
What are you thinkin'?
We need a vory.
Let me make a quick call.
Yeah, just take him into the back room,
keep him occupied for us, sweetheart.
We'll be right over.
Yeah, me too, easy now.
Amber's got a vory over at the Club,
she's gonna take him to
the back room for us.
Just in case the bot can.
All right, all three of us go in here,
it's gonna look suspicious as hell.
All right, so, you two sit tight,
and I'll go in and get this prick out.
I got this.
I shoot people in the street.
Do you know who I am?
- What? You are nothing to me.
- Hey!
Do you know me?
Nineteen years ago I
threw you from a car,
and stole your boss' money,
do you remember that?
In the mask.
Chernov thought I took the money.
He tortured me, you're too late.
I lost these fingers because of you.
Someone put a bullet
in my daughter's head,
with a Russian handgun.
Who did it?
Was that Chernov?
Someone had to have a turn?
Who was it?
Who did it?
Who did it?
No, no, no, no! Don't die.
No, no! Don't die!
Who did it? Who did it? Who did it?
Who did it? Who did it?
Who did it? Who did it?
A cup of coffee, please.
Thank you.
I'm here, what do you want?
You can't go around tearing-up the
city, this isn't good for anyone.
Don't know what you're talkin' about.
Look, man,
this isn't gonna bring your kid back.
I feel you, what
you're goin' through.
But if this keeps up,
I promise you I'm gonna find a way to
put you and your crew away for good.
Shit, Paul!
A few years ago, my kid, Robbie,
was ridin' his bike on 6th Street,
got hit by a car.
I get to emergency and
it's touch and go.
The poor kid is.. is in surgery.
I felt I needed to do
something, anything.
Found out where the guy lived.
I see his fender, mangled,
where he hit my boy.
I must've stood an hour
at the edge of that driveway,
with the gun in my hand.
Then, finally I cooled myself down
and I go back to the hospital,
Robbie pulls through.
A few days later, I went
down to 6th Street,
there was construction going on,
there was a blind spot.
And I realized, in that moment,
that that accident coulda
happened to anyone.
If I had killed that man,
it wouldn't've changed a thing.
Your kid is still alive.
Anything else?
C'mon, bitch!
Put you weapon down,
on the floor now!
All right!
It's okay, you'll be dead soon.
But first...
you're gonna talk.
Somebody put one helluva dent
in Chernov's drug operation.
Yeah, and I haven't
even started thinkin'
about the mess at
the Russian joint.
Six skull cross, Chernov's men?
Meet Sasha Barad.
Rap sheet as long as my dick.
Cutting-off fingers.
Somebody's trying to
sniff-out a secret.
I have a pretty good idea who.
What's is it?
Someone went into our house,
Victor and Sasha are dead
Find whoever did this.
And bring them directly to me.
What's this world comin' to?
When I was a young man, we used to
settle our disputes with this.
Words were exchanged,
before gun shots.
People KNEW what was coming
to them... and why.
These days, they shoot first.
There's no rationale, no protocol,
nothing but blood and confusion.
How are we supposed to know
what these men want?
Oh, shit!
There should be almost three, big bunch
of Russian guys had just gotten out.
How long will it take you
and Doherty to get over?
- I thought he was with you.
- No, man, he's not with me.
Just make it fast.
Hang-up and try...
Come on!
God damn it, Danny, take
it off, they got Kane!
Go, go, go!
- What the hell is wrong with you?
- Me!? What the hell is wrong with you?
- Cuff him!
- Come on!
Get off him!
Get off!
Are you tryin' to kill everyone
in this city? Look at me!
Go to hell!
What the hell's goin' on, Maguire?
This asshole let the
kidnappers get away.
I'd like to ask you a few questions
concerning your whereabouts last night.
I'm trying to help you here,
you got clean once,
do it again.
Walk away, let us do OUR job.
We'll find who killed your daughter,
I promise you, Paul.
- It's a top priority.
- Bullshit.
I knew you heard about
the ballistic report.
Personally, a couple of
dead vory brightens my day.
So, why are they after you?
What did you do?
Did you piss someone off?
Can I go now?
Sir, are you serious?
- I'll take care of this.
- You gonna let him walk?
Thanks, Peter, I owe you one.
Hey, Paul.
Watch your back, man.
Mr. Kane, you know, who I am, right?
Not personally, no.
We've never met.
Your name is Chernov,
and you're the bad guy.
That is quite funny,
coming from someone who's responsible
for the death of several of my men.
Can you offer me an explanation
for your behavior, please.
Explanation, I should be
asking you the same thing.
Anton, please,
allow me to handle this.
Maybe a little water will
help loosen your belt up.
Drink up.
That'll not explain things.
Others don't explain.
I ask questions,
you answer them, understand?
That's sexy, I like that.
- I taught you to do that.
- Tell the stripper to leave, Danny.
- Paulie, what's up, buddy?
- Where were you, Danny?
Get out, grab your stuff, get out.
What's up?
You didn't check your phone?
I was just blowing-off a
little steam with Amber.
Why aren't you at your house?
'Cause you don't bang strippers in
your home. What's going on?
- They got Kane.
- Oh, Jesus.
And you didn't answer your phone.
I told you, I was havin' fun, I...
All this action, I couldn't
wind-down, I needed a release.
While you were gettn' high,
and getting your dick wet,
they got Kane.
Paulie, let me get you
a drink, all right?
How's the old bladder feeling?
Is it full?
Why are you killing my men?
Why would you be so stupid?
What could you
possibly have to gain.
I can do it much longer than you can.
- Caitlin Maguire.
- Who?
You killed Caitlin Maguire, Paul
Maguire's daughter, that's the truth.
The former criminal,
who lost his daughter?
- He thinks I did it?
- He knows you did it.
That is a terrible accusation.
Why would I kill the little girl?
Why would I do such a thing?
She was killed with that
Russian gun, a Tokarev.
You're not looking so good, Mr. Kane.
I can stop if you like.
We hit the bank guard for the money.
We cut his hand off, we killed him.
We were kids.
You killed Ivan?
You killed my brother?
You started that war.
Call that gimp O'Connell.
When was your stint?
Four years ago I got out.
- And how long were you inside?
- What difference does it make?
Just answer the question, how long?
Five years on an eight year sentence.
Aggravated assault, possession.
Right, yeah, I remember
when it went down.
All over the papers.
A crate full of Israeli sub-machine
guns and all you got was possession.
- Plea bargain?
- No!
And I don't like what
you're gettin' at.
What am I getting at?
No one has one clue
who killed my daughter.
Not one.
Took-up all those Russians last night,
not a single one of them knew anything,
if they did, they woulda
cracked, so YOU tell me.
Paulie, I did not rat and you know
I wouldn't rat, it was the driver.
He didn't know shit! Never saw our
faces, never knew what hit him.
- Paulie, listen to me.
- But you shot him!
So, now, we'll never know.
Paulie, you gotta listen to me,
all right? Just listen to me.
The whole reason I'm
back with O'Connell?
Is because I didn't
drop a dime on nobody!
I got a light rap because they
misplaced some of the evidence.
How about, still, you went down
nine years ago, so that was what?
What? That was two, three years
after we split the cash?
So, what are you getting at?
The weapons you got
caught with, did you use
the money to buy them,
and don't lie to me.
Yeah, of course I did. What the hell?
What's the big deal?
What's the big deal?
They took Caitlin and they shot her.
Maybe... maybe that's
not a big deal to you,
but it's a pretty
fuckin' big deal to me.
And the only reason they would do
something like that is if someone talked.
No one asked you, no one asked you where
you got the money for those guns.
O'Connell didn't want to
know how you knew how you
could pull-off something
like that on your own?
- Paulie!
- Yeah?
- I've always been loyal.
- You've always been an idiot!
Screw you, Paulie!
Nothing's ever your fault.
There's always someone else to blame,
always someone there
to bail you out.
Who... who's bailing you out now?
Who's man are you now?
Are you my man?
Are you Chernov's man?
- Are you O'Connell's man?
- Take it easy, Paulie! Easy!
- Knock it off!
- You talked!!!!!
I didn't talk!
Someone got to your boss.
They take care of you,
make those guns go away.
That's not what...
O'Connell talked,
and now my daughter's dead!
We swore not to talk about it,
not to spend the money,
not to draw attention to ourselves!
- I'm not a rat!
- You are a rat!
- Rat! Rat! Rat!
- Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
You... you swore it!
Paulie, shit, man!
I loved you, and you swore.
Danny, come on, Danny.
You got to get up, Man.
Get up, Danny!
I'm with you, bro.
What is so damned
important you had to pull
me away from my
nephew's football game?
I believe that belongs to you.
No, hasn't been mine
for many, many years.
- I have no responsibility.
- Responsibility?
When I was nineteen years old,
I was the number one,
light heavyweight champion in the Soviet
Olympic Boxing Team, did you know this?
No, I don't like sports.
And especially not Soviet Sports.
I had a shot at number one.
I could have been the champion, except
my father had a little problem.
He was a pathetic gambler,
and he could no longer pay his debt.
The Russian Mob, the Brita,
placed the burden on my shoulders.
I could clear his debt by taking a
fall by losing to the champion.
What do you think I did?
I don't know, I don't
have a clue, fill me in.
Doesn't have a clue.
I took a beating for my father,
I lost for him.
No child should have to pay
for their father's sins.
But the Bratwa took me in,
gave me new life.
When my father fell
for the debt again,
who do you think they
sent to collect?
My father failed, just as
your man here failed you.
I told you he's not mine any longer,
are you deaf?
You know the Maguire fellow,
the one in the news?
The one whose daughter'd
been killed?
What about him?
He was the one who
killed my brother.
He was the one who started
the war between us.
The one who landed
you in that chair.
So you see...
I invited you here to ask
you to do one thing for me.
Take responsibility.
Let me make one thing clear,
I don't take orders
from people like you.
Russian scumbag!
Do what you have to do.
Whatever it takes.
It's an old army sidearm.
It's a favorite of the Russian Mafia.
No, no, do not!
What was so important?
I'm sorry, Mike.
It was an accident...
No! Please!
I didn't mean to! C'mon, you have to
believe me! No, no, please, please no.
We... we... we were hanging out,
and drinking, as normal,
and... and... and talking about...
about how you used to be a gangster.
So, where does he
keep the loot?
Shut up!
C'mon, how many times do I have
to tell you guys, my dad is a...
A legitimate businessman.
Yeah, has he ever been arrested?
Maybe YOU should ask
him when he gets home.
No... Honestly, he kinda
scares the shit outta me.
Have you ever seen
or heard anything?
Like secret phone calls
or wads of cash lying around?
- Wait, did you see that?
- Totally.
- Did you see that?
- Come on, you know something,
something cool.
Come on, spill it.
Caitlin, please...
All right.
Yeah, yeah, I'll show you something.
We went upstairs, she... she said
she had something cool to show us.
I'd never held a gun
before, you know.
It... it... it was
scary and cool and,
I know I shoulda put it down.
But I didn't.
Take some of this, you assholes!
Evan, come on,
don't make me chase you!
- Come on, let's go!
- It's raining.
So what, it's rain.
Are you gonna melt?
All right, come on, Evan,
we gotta put it back.
- No! It's not even loaded!
- Don't be an asshole, c'mon.
- Give it over.
- Fine, buzzkill, jeez.
Jesus, you, too?
All right, hand it over.
Oh God! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Is she dead?
I didn't hear her coming.
I wasn't paying attention,
I was a little drunk, and... and...
and the gun was so cool, you know.
And it felt...
I didn't know she was
gonna be right behind me!
It was an accident.
I didn't know what to do.
We dragged her into the woods.
We put the guns back,
we trashed the house to make
it seem like a home invasion.
I figured... with your history,
the cops would think it was
a mob hit or something.
I'm so sorry,
I didn't want to kill her.
I was scared. I was scared!
I loved her,
I swear to God, I loved her so much.
Please say something!
Just end this.
I can't take it anymore.
Hey, baby.
It's okay now.
It's all over.
It's good to hear your voice.
Come home, know you'll be safe now,
Are you okay? You sound so...
I killed a man,
when I was seventeen.
Caitlin's age.
I got into a fight.
Someone handed me a knife.
Sometimes I dream about that night.
In the dream I see myself,
and I try to stop it, but I can't.
Then I wake up,
and I wonder what
would have happened,
if no one handed me that knife.
What my life,
what our lives,
might have been.
I'm sorry I let you down.