Tom and Jerry: Snowman's Land (2022) Movie Script

(amusing instrumental music playing)
(narrator) Welcome to Goodbury,
a tiny town known for friendly fare,
neighborly good will,
and of course, Mount Felicity.
Or as people in Goodbury call it,
Old Smiley,
on account of its twin peaks.
If you're standing in Goodbury,
you would swear
Felicity was smiling down at you.
Of course, that's not the only thing
that makes Mount Felicity so special.
Some folks will tell you
the snow up here
-contains just a little bit of magic!
-(wind whooshing)
But you didn't come here
to hear a bunch of
mountain and snow talk, did you?
Now, just 'cause Goodbury
is a tiny town,
don't take that to mean
it's always a quiet one.
(bell ringing)
(dramatic music playing)
(automated voice) Say cheese!
Say cheese!
Say cheese!
Say cheese!
(Jerry whistles)
(blows raspberry)
(gun cocks)
(empty gun clicking)
My poor, sweet,
highly-profitable babies.
Who did this to you? Who?
Tom! You incorrigible dunderpate.
The Destroy-A-Matic 5000 is
this year's hottest toy.
Ugh! And just look what you've done.
And stay out until you learn to respect
the premier technology
and superior quality
that makes Doctor Doublevay's Emporium
the best toy store in all Goodbury.
(Jerry smacking lips)
(man speaking indistinctly on phone)
(Mrs. LePage) Of course,
but please hear me out.
I'm just asking your bank
for an extension on my loan
is all, Mr. Flint.
You see, I'm selling a great new toy
this Christmas.
Snow Buds.
I just know kids will love them.
In fact, I'm hosting
a big party tomorrow
to introduce these adorable little guys
to the world.
After that, I'm sure I'll have
all the money I owe the bank,
and then some.
Oh. Thank you, sir. I appreciate that,
and I won't let you down.
Oh. Hello, Jerry.
I see Doublevay's cat was at it again.
Oh, that Doublevay
and all his trendy newfangled nonsense.
One of these days,
we'll show him, won't we?
Maybe a touch too much flash powder.
Uncle Jerry! You're just in time
to see my newest trick.
Check this out.
I can toss these rings around that pole
from anywhere in the room.
Really, anywhere.
-Like magic,
but not like magic-magic.
It's actually all electromagnetic.
I built it myself.
-(electricity buzzing)
Watch this, Uncle Jerry.
(glass breaking)
Pretty cool, huh?
Now, wanna see some real trick shots?
Oh, I get it.
You wanna wait till tomorrow and see it
at the big show I'm putting on
at Mrs. LePage's Snow Bud party.
I don't blame you, Uncle Jerry.
Magic's always better with a crowd.
What is it? You don't want me
to put on a big show?
I guess I can lose the flaming trapeze.
Wait. You don't want me
putting on a show at all?
Hey, I talked that snake
into spitting all those mice out.
I did tell you not to flinch.
I was doing a card trick.
Still not sure how that one happened.
Yeah, I guess you're right, Uncle J.
Tomorrow's too important
for Mrs. LePage.
I wouldn't wanna mess it up.
I know Uncle Jerry's right and all,
but I just wanted to help.
Boy, I wish I wasn't always
mucking stuff up.
If only I was better at magic.
You know, like honest to goodness magic.
Like the kind of magic
they say is atop Old Smiley.
Bet that'd help Mrs. LePage.
Ah, who am I kidding?
Magic's just kid stuff anyway.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Hello? Is someone there?
Well, I don't know.
I thought we were alone.
Hello? Anyone there?
I'm warning you.
I am trained in snow fu!
Kid, you okay?
Please don't leave me alone out here.
I don't really know snow fu.
Oh, don't worry, kid. I'll save you.
(coughs, spits)
I did it! Woo-hoo!
Oh, my gosh!
You're a real snow mouse, aren't you?
Like a magic snow mouse
from the magic snow atop Old Smiley.
Does that mean magic is real?
How does magic work?
And don't snow mice need
some kind of magic hat to come to life?
One question at a time, kiddo.
Let's see. Yes, yes, yes,
I don't know, and no.
Why on earth would I wear a hat?
A snow mouse's whole deal is
keeping cold.
Wow. My very own magic snow mouse.
Oh, I'm much more than that, kid.
I'm your new bestest pal.
(singing) Sure tonight just might
Be my first night ever
And now that we're together
It's the best night I've had yet
(Tuffy singing)
It's a fact I got your back
You're just like a brother
We're like jam and peanut butter
I'll never let you down
(both singing) From the Pyramids of Giza
To the Taj Mahal
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
To the Great Chinese Wall
Don't you know that we're all floating
Through the Panama Canal
Hey, buddy-o
You're my bestest pal
Hey, you're my bestest pal
(Tuffy singing)
I always believed that magic exists
But not magic like this
(both singing)
From the streets of Mumbai
Which used to be Bombay
To the rings of Saturn in the Milky Way
Don't you know in the whole universe
and any locale
Hey, buddy-o
You're my bestest...
East, north, south, and westest
Hey, buddy-o
You're my bestest pal
One more time!
Hey, buddy-o
You're my bestest pal
Come on, there's someone
you've gotta meet.
Uncle Jerry! Uncle Jerry!
Look, Uncle Jerry, isn't he great?
Seriously, should I start
taking this personally?
Come on, give me a hand.
You got it.
No! I mean, help, you goof.
(sighs) Geez, kid.
I get that snow mice are supposed to be
roly-poly and all, but...
would it have killed you to give me
a little bit of muscle?
I mean, look at these biceps.
Where's the definition?
Okay, buddy-o,
meet the greatest mouse in town,
my uncle, Jerry.
Gee, must be an even smaller town
than I thought.
Ha! Kidding! Hi, Uncle J.
Oh, I just realized you need a name.
Ha ha! Now just a minute, kiddo.
Naming a snow mouse isn't easy.
Name's gotta sound friendly,
but not frivolous.
How's "Larry?"
I love it!
Yeesh, kid.
You must have hit a growth spurt.
Uncle Jerry is right.
It's not me, it's you.
You're melting in here.
We gotta get you outside.
Come on, Larry.
Who? Oh, right. Larry. That's me.
Let's go!
There we go. All set.
-(Larry) Over here, guys.
Just replacing some of my melted snow.
Mind if I try a new look
while I'm at it?
Somebody call a vet,
because these pythons are sick!
Four score and seven mice ago...
Ahrr! There she snows.
You can't mess with a classic.
(both laughing)
Ah, freezing!
I am gonna sleep like a baby.
That's 'cause I am a baby,
on account of being
a few hours old and all.
Well, buddy-o, we've got
many, many hours of fun ahead of us.
(man on radio) Good evening, Goodbury.
Pat Indy with the weather.
Don't get your hopes up
for a white Christmas.
We have an unseasonable warm front
headed our way.
Yes, you'll be lucky to see
a single flake of snow on the ground
on Christmas Day...
-(radio stops)
-(Larry sighs)
Anyone else think that weather report
was conveniently timed?
Don't you worry, Larry.
Uncle Jerry and I will figure out a way
to keep you cold year-round, won't we?
Oh, I'm not worried.
This old snow mouse is magic, remember?
I'll be just fine.
(slow instrumental music playing)
Yep, old buddy.
I'll be just fine.
I've got a good feeling
about today, Jerry.
Even the weather is pulling for us.
Now, for the main attraction.
Heya, kid, wanna be buds?
Heya, kid, wanna be buds?
-Heya, kid, wanna be buds?
-(electricity buzzing)
Heya, kid, wanna be...
(Doublevay) Wow.
Look at that impressive tech.
Oh, by the way, the phone's for you.
It's 1983,
and they want
their animatronic pizza mascot back. Ha!
What do you want, Doublevay?
Mary, please.
I've been humiliating
your pathetic store for years now,
I think we're on a first-name basis.
Okay, fine. What do you want?
But wait.
What is your first name, anyway?
Your actual name is "Doctor?"
Well, yes.
My parents had rather high expectations.
By becoming the number one toy inventor
in the world,
I've exceeded their wildest dreams.
At least, I bet that's what they'll say
if they'd ever return my calls.
And when you do
inevitably default on your loan,
I've made arrangements to purchase
this building from the bank.
(blows raspberry)
Yeah, I plan to convert it
into something people will find
much more exciting.
Like a blank wall. (laughs)
Tom! What's the matter with you?
Go clean yourself, man.
Well, hello, little one.
Do you like the Snow Buds?
Yeah. Does it talk?
No, sweetheart.
Does it dance?
-Does it have Wi-Fi?
-Then what does it do?
A Snow Bud can do
anything you want it to,
because you are magical.
-I am?
-Of course.
We all have a little magic in us.
The magic of imagination.
You and your Snow Bud can go on
all kinds of fantastic adventures.
(Doublevay) Imagination.
You see that?
She expects you to do all the work.
That's why you're a failure.
Your entire business model
depends on the abilities of
puny-minded children.
Not you. Other puny-minded children.
Well, this has been great, Doctor,
but if you'll excuse me.
It's about time for my event to begin.
Oh, I know what time your event starts!
(upbeat music playing)
Because, wouldn't you know it?
It's the exact same time
my event starts.
-(crowd clamoring)
-(child) Cool! Mom! Can I get one?
(man) I found it! I found it!
(man 2) No, son. I want one.
(horns honks)
(Jerry laughs)
(man growls)
One more cube ought to do it.
Oh, and we can't forget the helmet.
(muffled) Gee, Tuffy, I don't know.
I mean, fashionable, functional
and flattering?
You sure can work magic.
Yeah, I wish.
Well, what do you mean?
I actually want to be a magician.
I'm just not very good at magic.
Um, hello?
Do you see the talking mound of snow
you brought to life?
Come on! We both know that wasn't me.
It must have been the magic
from Old Smiley.
Hmm. If you say so.
Besides, I wanna perform magic.
In fact, I was all set to put on a show
to help with Mrs. LePage's party.
But Uncle Jerry reminded me
my tricks sometimes tend to...
break everything.
And I'd just feel awful
if I ruined Mrs. LePage's big day.
(laughs) Well, have I got
some great news.
You don't need to worry about
ruining her big day,
'cause it looks like
it's already ruined.
-(upbeat music playing)
-(people cheering)
Oh, no. No one showed up.
We have to do something
to help Mrs. LePage.
You're right. We need to draw a crowd.
I know exactly how to do that.
You mean, perform my magic?
Whoa, that's a great idea.
No, I was gonna say grab that chalk
and actually draw a crowd
on the walls outside.
You know, to make it look like
people actually showed up,
but your idea is way better!
I don't know, Larry.
Come on, Tuff. Your friend needs help.
And not to be that snow mouse,
but her dud party can't get any worse.
You know what? You're right.
Let's do it!
I'll just need an assistant.
-You, you silly!
-(people yelping)
-(bell rings)
(Jerry shrieks)
(firecrackers exploding)
People of Goodbury, come one, come all!
Young and old, tall and short.
Sophisticated and...
that kid picking his nose over there.
Gather around to witness
the most amazing spectacle
of magic ever!
The great Tuffini!
(woman) Hey! Would you look at that?
(all applauding)
(kid) Adorable!
(blender whirring)
What do you say, kids?
Should we try another?
Hey, quit tickling!
Now, for my next trick,
I, the great Tuffini,
will toss these rings around that pole
no matter where my assistant holds it.
And I'll do it blindfolded.
(tense music playing)
(machine whirring)
-You okay, buddy-o?
-Of course, I am.
I must be nervous is all.
Don't be. Just stand where I tell you
and the magnets will do the rest.
(panting nervously)
Are we ready, my faithful assistant?
(electricity crackling)
-(electricity crackling)
(glass breaking)
(automated voice)
Heya, kid, wanna be buds?
Heya, kid, wanna be buds?
-Heya, kid, wanna be...
-(electricity buzzing)
(all gasping, screaming)
I guess
that's the end of today's special event.
But please remember,
Snow Buds are a kid's best friend.
(kids screaming)
Sorry, Uncle Jerry.
I know you said not to.
I was only trying to help.
(muffled) Now, just a second, Uncle J.
(in normal voice) This was all my idea.
And maybe it was a silly idea,
but our hearts were in the right place,
weren't they, Tuff?
You can't tell me you've never done
anything silly in your life.
Being silly is what makes us special.
I've only been here for a day
I've done silly things they say
I'm a goof to my core
And I gotta do more
'Cause being silly's just the best way
Whether you're frumpy or frilly
One should aspire to be silly
'Cause being silly
Is what makes us special
(boy) Hey, would you look at that?
What are you made of?
It's a little snow mouse.
(indistinct conversation)
-Must be some kind of magic.
-I think it's a little mouse.
-He's so cute.
-That guy is cool.
I can't help loving my magic
But the results are often quite tragic
It's bananas, my friend
But I'd do it again
'Cause silly's what makes it dramatic
(both singing)
Whether in the basement or roofsie
We're altogether goofy
'Cause being goofy's what makes us
(Mrs. LePage singing)
I run a toy business in town
But lately our sales have been down
I care less about cost
if no quality is lost
No customers leave with a frown
We hate it like this in a flooky
Sometimes it's good to be kooky
'Cause being kooky's what makes us
What in the world is that old muttonhead
up to now?
I dance wacky when nobody's looking
I make up words like gobble-dee-gookin
I do candy and sugar
I just ate a booger
(together) If you think that's bad
You're mistooken
So take it to heart we really
Should always aspire to be silly
'Cause being silly's what
Makes us special
(Mr. Flint speaking indistinctly)
That's right, Mr. Flint.
I'll have this month's bank payment
just like I promised.
Heck, I'll even have enough
for this whole year's payment.
Sorry, what? No, you can't have it now!
Oh, you did it, Larry.
You saved Mrs. LePage's store.
We all did it, buddy-o.
Oh, no, Larry. You're melting.
And it's only gonna get warmer.
Come on, I'll make you another suit.
Yeah, forget it, kiddo.
As impressively fashion-forward
as that getup was,
that's no way for a snow mouse to live.
I guess I'll just have
to accept the fact that
in a couple of days,
-I'll be nothing but a puddle.
-(water splashes)
You know, maybe I'll try to be
one of those fun puddles.
Like one a kid could splash in.
Cut it out, Larry.
We'd never let that happen to you.
Right, Uncle Jerry?
Oh, I don't see what choice we have.
I mean, snow melts. That's what it does.
It's not like there's some magical place
where a snow mouse like me
can literally chill out year-round.
Wait, that's it!
(gasps excitedly) Yes, there is, Larry.
Snowman's Land!
-Come again?
-Don't you get it?
Mount Felicity? The magic of Old Smiley?
It's all true. You're living proof.
And if you're for real,
that means the legend of Snowman's Land
must be real, too.
Snowman's Land?
Snowman's Land is a magical village
atop Mount Felicity,
in the center of Old Smiley's valley.
The snow up there
is supposed to be magic.
And I bet that's where you came from.
Snow men, snow women, snow kids.
You mean, others like me?
Why, sure!
What are we waiting for? Let's go.
What do you say, Uncle Jerry? Can we go?
Yeah, I know it's a long shot,
but it's Larry's only shot.
Please, Uncle Jerry?
(both) Please, please, please, please,
please, please, please, please?
(together) Yay!
We're going to Snowman's Land!
What is that thing?
Is it AI? Some kind of nanogear?
And where would old lady LePage
even get that kind of tech
to use for one of her toys?
Magic? Oh, don't be absurd,
you vacuous pillock.
But I promise you this.
Whatever secret tech it uses,
we are gonna find it out.
Oh, indeed, we will find out.
(laughing maliciously)
(Tuffy) Climbing that mountain
won't be easy.
At least it'll be cold
and I won't have to worry about melting.
That's true.
Then I'd say the bigger problem is
getting to the mountain before you melt.
If only we had a faster way across town.
Please, Uncle Jerry.
It's the only way.
Please? For me?
Uncle Jerry's pride and joy.
An RC Speed Queen convertible.
four synchronous electric motors,
real working headlights
and it goes from zero to eight
in three seconds.
Don't you worry, Uncle Jerry.
I know how much this car means to you,
and we promise to act responsibly
and be on our best behavior
at all times.
Action out the gate!
Heya, kid, wanna be buds?
(Doublevay) Ha ha! Well done, Tom.
It looks as though
our friends took a little road trip.
What do you say we join 'em? Hm?
Tom, to the Double Vehicle.
Well, I guess this baby
does guzzle batteries pretty quick.
Heya, kid, what do you say
we stretch our legs a little
and toss the old disc back and forth?
Gee, Jerry wanted us to stay...
That's it, buddy-o.
Just let your wrist go slack and flick.
All right, throw some heat.
Let's see that old patented
Larry-speed-snapping action.
Here goes nothing.
There it is!
And there it goes.
Oh, no!
(Tuffy shrieks)
I'm so dead.
I am so dead.
Relax. You can barely even see it.
You don't understand.
Uncle Jerry will see it.
In fact, he loves his car so much,
he's probably already sensed it.
Don't you worry, Tufster.
This will buff out easy.
Oh. Right. Hmm, probably should use
a clean napkin.
What's "oops?" You can't say...
(gasps) What did you do?
Okay, to be fair,
I did not realize this was
a plastic laminate.
But don't worry.
I'll figure something out.
You just relax, partner.
That's it. You lie down.
Old Larry will think of something.
Oh, Larry, you genius, you.
Uncle Jerry, can I just say
I honestly thought
I was doing you a favor?
I mean, it's Christmas.
What better way to get into the spirit?
Uh... Better let this one go, Lar.
Oh, they've been here,
but we'll never catch them
if we remain one step behind like this.
What do you say
we get a bird's eye view?
Thomas, get off of me.
I meant
a Destroy-A-Matic 5000's eye view.
Yes, fly, my children. Fly, fly!
(man slurping)
Oh, what are you lookin' at, pops?
(vehicle whooshes)
Aha! Found them. Let's go, Tom.
Nice try, but no freeloaders.
Now, are you coming or not?
Would you look at us?
Three best buds on the road.
Not a care in the world.
Hey, you know what we need? Tunes!
Huh, what kind of music is this?
Well, Larry, that's Jerry's stomach.
He must be hungry.
And so am I, actually.
Let's see what we've... got?
Where's our food?
Stay calm. I know exactly where it is.
It's in my tummy.
You ate everything?
Well, not the wrappers, obviously.
Unless I was supposed to.
I mean, this eating thing is new to me.
Sorry! I had to try everything
while I could.
I doubt Snowman's Land will...
No, you don't understand.
We're not magic snow mice.
We need food... to live.
You needed it to live?
Oh, no. What have I done?
What have I done? I've doomed
my two bestest pals in the world!
Doomed! Why?
-Take me.
-No, no, no, Larry.
We don't need food right away.
Just eventually.
Oh, in that case,
pull over here, Uncle Jerry.
I got a plan.
See? I told you I had a plan.
And how can you beat all-you-can-eat?
Come on, guys. I know it's a dumpster,
but are we not mice?
Let's get in touch
with those rodent roots.
Look! I found a nugget.
No, no. We're good, we're good.
Your nugget, your nugget.
Mmm, wow! Oh, Tuffy, you gotta try this.
It must be some kind of dessert.
Actually, I think someone threw out
their gum in a honey mustard tub.
Oh, gross!
Oh, it's getting warmer, guys.
Better find a way to cool down.
Oh! There we go.
Well, well, what do we have here?
Ooh! Looks like we got us
a couple of mouses.
Hey, hold up. A couple?
Wait. How many is a couple again?
Checks out.
You see, this is our home.
And how would you like it
if yous caught someone stealing
from your home?
We don't like it neither.
Lightning, tell 'em
what happens to stealers.
(clears throat)
According to dumpster cat code,
item seven, section nine,
any mouses caught stealing
shall be summarily penalized,
and vis-a-vis hereby sentenced to...
Uh... Just eat 'em already, Butch.
Hey, you leave my uncle alone.
What was that? Something bumped my knee.
Any of you fellas feel a breeze?
(all laughing)
Aah! That's the stuff.
Whew. Wow, fellas. The shake bath
really opened up those pores.
Hey, who are your new friends?
Six mouses?
Really? That's what comes after two?
Three mouses?
I'm Larry. Nice to meet you. Whoa!
Say there, Butch,
any more mouses show up,
and you're gonna run out of paws.
You know, your pal's right there, Butch.
You got some sense of balance.
That's a fact.
I mean, clearly, you must be
some kind of dancer, right?
No. No, not really.
I mean, not like I had
formal training or anything.
What do you mean?
Well, over the years, I kind of
developed my own style, you know?
Kind of an acro-jazz-hip-hop fusion,
with a soupcon of Cecchetti ballet.
Sure, I meant to take classes someday,
but I was always so busy.
You know how life is.
Beating up this or breaking into that.
Now, it's too late.
I don't know, Butch.
It's never too late.
It's too late for you, snowball.
Come on, Butch. Eat 'em already.
Uh, yeah, Mr. Butch, sir.
I mean, Larry's right.
It's never too late.
It's never too late to try
Don't be afraid to fail
Would you rather chase your dreams
Or chase your tail?
Why not reach for the sky?
(Larry singing)
It's never too late to change
To heed those wise old words
Follow your heart
Not mice and birds
Why not expand your range?
Say goodbye to garbage bins
And alleys behind bars
You'll be on stage in a Broadway show
Or dancing with Bruno Mars
Your home routines
will never get you very far
So it's never too late to start
(Lightning singing)
Aren't you tired of saying not yet?
Why live with disappointment and regret?
If you wanna dance
Don't leave it all to chance
Your talent's precious
And don't forget
Only you can make the choice
Only you can find your true voice
You can flatten your fist
Or follow your bliss
And finally rejoice
(together) No rotten tuna fish will do
Or sporting for a fight
You'll see your every wish come true
Your name in neon lights
It's time to start believing
You have eight more lives
It's never too late to try, try, try
(Butch singing)
Say goodbye to garbage bins
And alleys behind bars
I'll be on stage in a Broadway show
Or dancing with Bruno Mars
I'll see my every wish come true
My name in neon lights
It's time to start believing
I have eight more lives
It's never too late to try
It's never too late
It's never too late to try, try, try
It's never too late to try
It's never too late
It's never too late to try
Bye, guys.
-Nice meetin' ya.
-So long, fellas.
Uh, come back anytime.
Have a nice trip.
You're gonna be okay, Butch?
Those were the coolest mice I ever met.
I was really looking forward
to pummeling something today.
Ha ha ha! Chin up, Butch.
The day is still young.
Remember, it's never too late.
One of my drones spotted
that mouse here. Look around.
(Jerry shrieks)
Oh, no! He's melting.
And we are still so far
from Mount Felicity.
We'll never make it before Larry melts.
What do we do?
-(Tuffy and Larry screaming)
-(tires screech)
They have to be here somewhere.
Tom, go look in there.
See? Told you not to give up hope.
It's called
the power of positive thinking.
It's never too late to try
(laughing and grunting)
There they are.
Tom, playtime's over. We have to go.
I get it.
We can hitch a ride across town
in the back of that freezer truck.
Great idea, Uncle J.
We can keep Larry cold
and get there twice as fast.
(tires screeching)
Uncle Jerry, it's Doublevay.
Who? Oh, right.
The weirdo from across the street.
Hiya, neighbor weirdo man.
Ha ha! We got 'em now.
Preparing goop trap.
(upbeat music playing)
Uncle Jerry, we better get onto
that freezer truck. Now!
(brakes screech)
(engine accelerating)
(engine rumbling)
So, the little mouse wants
to play cars, eh?
Tom, truck up.
(dramatic music playing)
(Tuffy) U-Uncle Jerry,
what are you doing?
(Tuffy and Larry screaming)
That was awesome!
Oh, no. He turned around.
They're coming this way.
Hey, watch it, you dumb cat!
Uncle Jerry,
we passed the freezer truck.
We're not gonna make it.
(tires screeching)
Sponge darts.
Sponge darts? What are...
Did it leave a mark?
No, you're good.
(brakes screech)
He's gone crazy.
Uncle Jerry, we've got to get back
to that freezer truck,
but which way do we go?
Turn here.
Uncle Jerry, look.
Uncle Jerry, don't do it.
(tires screech)
(dramatic music playing)
(Tuffy screaming)
Hello, there.
-(Larry) Whoa!
-(Tuffy) Awesome!
Wow, Uncle Jerry, that was great.
Those jerks were all like,
"We're gonna get you."
But then you were like, "Nuh-uh.
"Vroom! Take this."
"There we go."
Let's do it again.
Yeah, the coolest uncle ever.
(stars chirping)
No kibble for you today.
Beautiful snow.
Wow! Look, Uncle Jerry.
That truck took us
halfway up the mountain.
We'll reach the top of Old Smiley
and Snowman's Land in no time.
Of course, that means we'll be having
to say goodbye to Larry in no time.
(Larry groaning)
(whimpering) G-Guys?
Marty's Super-Tastic Wintertime Park?
Meet Santa and feed his reindeer?
I love reindeer!
And it's only a mile up the road.
I want a Destroy-A-Matic 5000,
a set of Rutituchiman cards,
a new dog...
Dude, seriously?
No refunds.
Reindeer? Those aren't reindeer.
Those are just mules with fake antlers.
Seriously. What kind of sap
would ever believe
those are actually reindeer?
Wow! Reindeer. Oh, this place is great.
As majestic as I always dreamt.
Hey, sport.
Do us a favor and bring
that bag of grub over here.
Oh, yeah, sure thing.
Some days, kibble's all we got
to look forward to.
You know what I mean?
So how cool is it being a reindeer?
Uh, did you not hear what I...
Ooh! I bet on stormy Christmas Eves,
your blue nose lights up
to help guide Santa, right?
Sure, why not?
I knew it! My name's Larry.
These are my bestest pals,
Tuffy and Uncle Jerry.
Floyd. Floyd the blue-nosed mule...
Blue-nosed reindeer.
These are my, uh, associates.
Me and my buddies are on our way
up to Old Smiley,
to Snowman's Land.
Aha! So that's where they're headed.
Snowman's Land must be
some sort of code word
for the secret toy lab up there.
Let's roll.
(mules laughing)
Okay, okay, here's another one.
What's the difference between
a reindeer and a knight?
One slays the dragon,
the other one's dragging the sleigh.
(Floyd) It's funny 'cause it's true.
(gasps) Doublevay.
Larry, we gotta go.
But why? We just got here.
Oh. Them again, huh?
-Come on, Larry.
-Just a minute, fellas.
I'm not sure what this weirdo wants,
but I do know he and that cat of his
almost hurt my bestest pals
trying to get it.
What are you saying?
I'm not running this time.
What do you say we let those jokers know
they've messed with the wrong mice?
What do we do?
When I tell you to, open that pen.
What a dump.
What kind of sap would enjoy...
Nice going, Tom.
Because of your cookie shenanigans,
we've lost the target.
Chase me and my pals, will ya?
(both scream)
Tuffy, Jerry, now!
(Jerry whistles)
(all laughing)
(Tom screaming)
Be careful, Uncle Jerry...
(screams, grunts)
(Larry laughing)
Uncle Jerry.
Did you see
the look on Doublevay's face?
Aw, snowballs.
Wait, Jerry, don't...
(teeth clenching)
(grunting) Jerry, hold on. I got you.
Oh, thank goodness you're okay.
I'll admit, Uncle Jerry,
not my best plan,
but it could have gone a lot worse.
Uncle Jerry, this is all my fault.
I should have never talked you guys
into this.
I was just trying to
show you and Tuffy...
-Where's Tuffy?
-(Jerry shrieks)
Oh, Larry, what have you done?
Uncle Jerry?
Those weren't really reindeer,
were they?
Oh, boy, Larry, you've had better ideas.
Where's Larry? Larry? Where'd he go?
That toy mouse
and his detestable rat friends
will rue the day they crossed
Doctor Lawyer Oil Tycoon Doublevay.
Oh, this isn't about
secret tech anymore.
This is about revenge. Double revenge.
(laughs boisterously)
Oh, Tom! Thank goodness you're okay.
I was so worried.
Wait. You don't think I abandoned you?
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm actually on hold
with the police right now.
I was alerting them
of your disappearance.
Hello? Officer? Yes, I'm still here.
And guess what?
It's a Christmas miracle.
My sweet, precious Tom
is safe and sound.
(camera shutter clicks)
There now, no hard feelings?
Good. Come on, I need you.
We're going back to town
to pick up a little surprise
for our bestest pal.
Larry? Larry?
We don't even know
if he went this way, Uncle Jerry.
He could be anywhere on this mountain.
Where could he be?
I'm the worst magical snow mouse ever.
You know, I don't know
if Snowman's Land is even real,
but part of me didn't care.
I was having so much fun with my friends
and just look what I did to 'em.
They probably hate me
and I don't blame them.
Larry, you're being
too hard on yourself.
You made one mistake.
Oh, I made lots of mistakes.
I know it's hard to believe,
'cause you look at me and think,
"Here's this adorable, charismatic,
compassionate snow mouse
"with a razor-sharp wit
and a big heart to match,
"rugged bad boy looks that betray
his sophisticated soft side."
We all make mistakes, Larry.
Listen, what do you say we put
Jerry and Tuffy out of our minds, huh?
I guess.
I mean,
it hurts to even hear their names.
-Jerry and Tuffy.
-Twist the knife, why don't you, Floyd?
No, I mean Jerry and Tuffy.
Aren't those your buddies down there?
Can't quite make 'em out.
It's them!
They must be looking for me.
Whatever they're doing,
they're headed for a world of hurt.
That down there is the way
to Coyote Springs.
And guess what two things
they'll find down there?
Cyborg trolls and snake people.
What? No.
Why would I...
Listen to the name again, Larry.
Coyote Springs.
Springs, huh?
Any chance they're talking about
the fun boing-boing kind of springs?
No way Larry could go anywhere near
these hot springs.
Let's backtrack.
Oh, no.
(coyotes growling)
Uncle Jerry,
I'm sorry I got you into all this.
I'm sorry about a lot of things.
Like, always breaking your things
with my magic and never cleaning my room
and for making up that story about
a lion escaping from the circus
and eating an entire wheel of
your expensive Caciocavallo cheese.
(gasps) It was me.
Don't worry, buddies. I'll save you.
Hey, fang-face. Over here.
(coyote screaming)
(stars chirping)
Oh! Now I get why they call it
Coyote Springs.
Nice coyote.
Here, boy. You want the ball?
Want it? Then go fetch!
-Larry, you did it.
-Piece of cake.
(groans) But I don't think I'll be doing
that trick again anytime soon.
You guys, I'm sorry I messed up so bad.
Larry, you risked your life
coming to these springs to save us.
You really are my bestest pal.
I sure am.
But maybe we could talk about
how great I am
after we leave
the land of the exploding fountains?
Oh, right.
Now, come on!
Floyd said he'd take us
all the way up to Old Smiley.
That's right. All aboard!
The Reindeer Express is
leaving the station.
Snowman's Land, here we come!
(wind whooshing)
(teeth clenching)
(instrumental music playing)
(wind blowing)
Looks like the end of the line for me.
But pipsqueaks like you
ought to be able to
climb the rest of the way just fine.
Well, thanks, good buddy.
I'd worry about you getting home,
but since you're
one of Santa's reindeer,
you could just fly yourself down.
Larry, really?
You still believe...
Now, don't you think
I would have flown us...
No, you're right.
I'll fly down later, but right now,
I could use the cardio.
We're almost there. Come on!
I'm sorry, Uncle Jerry.
It's just that
if Snowman's Land is real,
then, I guess, I'm just afraid
to say goodbye to Larry.
Yeah, I know it's for the best.
And you're right.
We'll always have each other.
(Larry) You guys, come here.
What is it? Did you find it?
Is it Snowman's Land?
You tell me, buddy-o.
(Tuffy) It is real.
And it's amazing.
Wow! I mean, it's no
Marty's Super-Tastic Wintertime Park,
but, wow!
What are we waiting for?
(captivating instrumental music playing)
Larry, what's wrong? We're here.
Yeah, I know,
but what if they don't like me?
Are you kidding? What's not to like?
No. I meant, what if they don't like me,
because they love me?
'Cause let's face it,
I'm pretty lovable.
And if they love me, I'll love them.
Then I'll want to stay here,
but you'll have to...
You're my bestest pal, buddy-o,
but we both know you belong here.
It's the only way you can stay alive.
We just have to believe that
if magic brought us together once...
It'll do it again someday.
You're right, Tufster.
Well, hello, there, little ones.
Welcome to Snowman's Land.
We are the welcoming committee.
My name's Mayor Berg.
You must be new to town.
I sure am. My name's Larry.
Larry! Hmm. My, what a friendly name.
I'm Tuffy, and this is my uncle, Jerry.
Jerry, eh? A little derivative of Larry,
but welcome all the same.
Come, let us show you around.
Welcome to our mountain town
It's chilly
But that won't get you down
If you're made of snow
You should be good to go
You'll fit right in
Like the baker and his rolling pin
Welcome to the land of snow
It's the holliest, jolliest place to go
We're free of crime
So I've got lots of time to sing along
Who doesn't have time for a song
When you're in Snowman's Land?
Don't need refrigerators
Snowman's Land
No risk of alligators
Hey, we hope you'll stick around
We sure could use you in our town
Of Snowman's Land
(Larry singing)
Gosh, you make me feel at home
I thought for sure I'd get here
And feel all alone
(Tuffy singing) Gonna miss you buddy-o
But it's good to know
You'll be okay and I can visit you
Any day up here in
Snowman's Land
Ice cream for breakfast
Snowman's Land
Truly the bestest
Hey, we hope you'll stick around
We sure could use you in the town
Of Snowman's Land
Snowman's Land
Larry, you simply must tell us
all about your adventures.
Where do I even start?
I mean, we ate trash burgers,
did magic tricks,
rode a reindeer.
Oh! And this weirdo toy guy's
been chasing us.
Mayor Berg. Mayor Berg!
One of my snow scouts spotted
some sort of contraption
approaching Old Smiley.
(gasps) Doublevay.
He must have followed us.
Snowman's Land has
a state-of-the-art defense system.
You don't stay hidden
from the rest of the world
all these years without some effort.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
to your battle stations!
-(smoke hissing)
(Doublevay) I'd like to introduce to you
the Destroy-A-Matic Five Million.
Give 'em heck.
That's their
state-of-the-art defense system?
I know. Brilliant, isn't it?
Incredible, Tom.
A whole village of high-tech toys.
Mayor, we're hitting them
with everything we've got.
What do we do?
Did we try putting chunks of ice
in the snowballs?
Because those really hurt.
-Good thinking, sir.
-We have to do something.
Good idea, Uncle Jerry.
If we can get that phone,
we can shut this thing down.
Tom, I got a feeling
this season's hottest toy is gonna be...
(laughs boisterously)
These things will fly off our shelves.
It's running away!
Keep it up, people.
Okay, no, no.
That's not at all what's happening.
(whistling loudly)
Open fire at the weirdo!
Ow! Oh, ow!
Hey, that one had ice in it.
(Tuffy) Larry, look alive!
Mine, give it!
Ha ha! Good boy, Tom. Now, hand it over.
What are you waiting for, you clod?
(gasps) Tom, what have you done?
(all cheering)
The ice balls worked, Mayor.
(Doublevay grunting)
Oh, sure.
Everything here is made of snow,
and yet somehow,
you've managed to procure
nylon restraints.
See that, Tuff?
Everything worked out just fine.
I jinxed the happy ending, didn't I?
Probably, yes.
(Doublevay laughing cunningly)
You fools! I gave
the Destroy-A-Matic Five Million
a fail-safe kill mode.
Which, in hindsight,
probably wasn't the safest feature
for a child's toy,
but it's sure coming
in gangbusters now.
(loud rumbling)
Uncle Jerry, what do we do?
It's gonna trample Snowman's Land.
You're wasting your time.
That's useless.
You can only turn it off manually.
(Larry) There's a power switch
on its head!
We gotta get to that switch.
Larry, think you and I can get up there?
Think so? I know so!
Uncle Jerry, trust me.
Larry and I can get to
the top of that robot and turn it off,
but we need someone
to distract the big guy while we do.
Whoa. It's windy up here.
There, the power switch.
Allow me.
(wind whooshing)
Don't worry, Tuff. I got this.
It's coming. I can feel it.
(electricity crackling)
(Larry and Tuffy screaming)
(grunts) So... heavy!
Hey, you didn't have to make me
so jolly, you know?
Those kids are doomed.
(dramatic music playing)
(ice cracks)
(Tuffy grunting)
Forget about me, Tuffy.
Shut this thing off.
But how? There's no switch.
-Aah! Help!
-Hang on. I'll pull us up.
(Tuffy grunting)
Wait. I know how to turn this thing off.
You'll just have to toss them in.
Nothing happened. Do you have a plan B?
Great idea!
You did it, kid!
You saved us.
(cheering and applauding)
(Tuffy) Anyone else find this hug
really cold?
(Mrs. LePage) Merry Christmas, everyone.
Tom, this one is from Jerry.
(horn honks)
Thomas, wherever did you get
such an expensive gift!
Oh, I knew
the Destroy-O-Matic Five Million
was over-extending myself.
Hey, buddy. It says we're supposed
to load 50 RC cars.
I count only 49.
You're gonna have to pony up the cash.
Uh, you don't take play money, do you?
(all giggling)
You miss your little friend,
don't you, sweetheart?
Hmm. I guess the forecast was right.
Not a single snowflake out there.
(Larry singing)
Hey, you're my bestest pal
Hey, you're my bestest pal
It's like we said, kid.
Magic brought us together once...
And it would do it again.
Don't you know you're my bestest pal?
Hey, you're my bestest
Don't you know, buddy-o?
You're my bestest
You're my bestest
Hey, you're my bestest pal
(slow instrumental music playing)
Welcome to our mountain town
It's chilly
But that won't get you down
If you're made of snow
You should be good to go
You'll fit right in
Like the baker and his rolling pin
Welcome to the land of snow
It's the holliest, jolliest place to go
We're free of crime
So I've got lots of time to sing along
Who doesn't have time for a song
When you're in Snowman's Land?
Don't need refrigerators
Snowman's Land
No risk of alligators
Hey, we hope you'll stick around
We sure could use you in our town
Of Snowman's Land
Gosh, you make me feel at home
I thought for sure I'd get here
And feel all alone
I'm gonna miss you, buddy-o
But it's good to know
You'll be okay and I can visit you
Any day up here in
Snowman's Land
Ice cream for breakfast
Snowman's Land
Truly the bestest
Hey, we hope you'll stick around
We sure could use you in the town
Of Snowman's Land
(music continues)
Snowman's Land
Where everybody's fine
Snowman's Land
No risk of crocodiles
Hey, we hope you'll stick around
We sure could use you in our town
Of Snowman's Land
Snowman's Land