Tom and Jerry: The Movie (1992) Movie Script

WOMAN: Are you almost finished?
MAN: Just about.
Don't forget the love seat.
-We got it.
WOMAN: It's a long drive to our new house.
Tom? Thomas?
Hurry up, Tom. We're leaving.
Hmm? Huh?
Hey, beat it! No cats allowed!
Well, well, well.
Look at the big, brave pussycat.
FRANKIE: Yeah, picking on a little,
teensy-weensy mousie.
He'll feel guilty for this
for the rest of his days.
First time out in the cold, right?
And instead of being pals,
you're fighting like a cat and a mouse.
They are a cat and a mouse, Puggsy.
Uh, true, Frankie...
...but they gotta learn to be pals...
...or they ain't gonna make it out here.
True too?
All too true too.
Frankie da Flea is the name.
I'm of French extraction.
Heh-heh. That just means before he met me,
he lived on a poodle. Heh-heh.
I've been on the streets two years now.
My owners left me behind when they moved.
The name is Puggsy. What's yours?
-I'm Tom.
-I'm Jerry.
-You talked!
-You talked!
Oh, sure I talk.
What do you think I am, a dummy?
You said it, I didn't.
Hey, you little pip-squeak.
I ought to-- Hey!
How come you never spoke before?
There was nothing I wanted to say
that I thought you'd understand.
And there still isn't!
All right, that does it, you little--
Boy, you get me angry.
Ah-ah-ah. I told you before,
you guys have got to learn to be friends.
Abso-tiva-lutely. Puggsy and me's
been through thick and thin.
And thin and thinner.
You gotta fight to survive.
It's a dog-eat-dog world.
Uh, that is not
my favorite expression, Frankie.
Ooh. Sorry.
Puggsy's right, fellas. Listen.
We two, we're friends to the end
Ain't we, my friend?
We kind of blend together
Coffee and cream
Boy, what a team
BOTH: You'll never find two other guys
Compatible as steak and fries
We're two of a kind, much of a mind
We find our way together
Thinking as one
Searching for sunny skies
PUGGSY: True, the sun may turn to rain
-We don't mind a drop of rain
-But you won't hear us complain
FRANKIE: Doesn't help to stop the rain
-What's to gain if we complain?
-Causes lots of stress and strain
BOTH: We keep smiling in the pitter-patter
Doesn't matter
Why let it drive us insane?
We know the weather will mend
Won't it, my friend?
We'll weather life together
So, what the heck?
Here's what we recommend
The greatest gift in life's a friend
Take it, Frankie!
Pays a daily dividend
BOTH: Be like us and start a trend
Be friends to the end
Come on, one more time!
The greatest gift in life's a friend
Take it, Puggs!
Pays a daily dividend
Be like us and start a trend
Be friends to the end
Hey, come on, guys. You two try it.
No, no.
PUGGSY: You can do it. Be friends.
TOM: I'll give it a shot.
We two, we're friends to the end
Ain't we, my friend?
We kind of blend together
Coffee and cream
Boy, what a team
BOTH: You'll never find two other guys
Compatible as steak and fries
We're two of a kind
Much of a mind
We find our way together
Thinking as one
Searching for sunny skies
-True, the sun may turn to rain
-We don't mind a drop of rain
-But you won't hear us complain
-Doesn't help to stop the rain
-What's to gain if we complain
-Causes lots of stress and strain
BOTH: We keep smiling in the pitter-patter
Doesn't matter
Why let it drive us insane?
ALL: We know the weather will mend
Won't it, my friend?
We'll weather life together
So, what the heck?
Here's what we recommend
The greatest gift in life's a friend
Pays a daily dividend
ALL: Be like us and start a trend
Be friends to the end
-Again, again!
-Take it home!
The greatest gift in life's a friend
Pays a daily dividend
ALL: Be like us and start a trend
We're friends to the end
Ha-ha! Hey, you guys are the greatest.
I love it! Ha-ha-ha.
You are terrific.
Well, what do you say, fellas?
A cat and a mouse? Friends?
That's disgusting. No way!
-That goes double for me.
-Well, we warned you. True, Frankie?
True too!
Hey, maybe what you guys need
is a bite to eat.
Follow me. Tonight we dine al fresco.
-Oh, boy! We eat!
-Not you, mouse.
JERRY: Hey! Hey, let me out of here,
you stupid fraidy cat! Let me out of here!
I'm gonna turn you into dog chow
when I get out of here!
Come on, it's too dark in here.
Come back here, Tom, you chicken.
Hey, look. Chunk tuna!
Come on, Puggsy, speed it up.
I'm starving.
-Psst. Hey, Puggsy.
-Yo, pull up a tray, Tom. It's chow time.
Yeah. A trash-can smorgasbord.
JERRY: Come on, you fraidy cat.
Let me out of here right now.
What's the matter?
You have to hide me in a flowerpot?
I'm gonna nail you to the wall
when I get out.
Come on. Fight fair!
Frankie-boy, we just hit the jackpot.
JERRY: Hey! Hey! Ooh, ow, ooh.
Now you're gonna get it!
Hey, Puggsy? Frankie? Puggsy?
The straycatchers strike again.
Yeah, heh-heh, one more for the doc.
Where'd he go?
Oh, well, more for me.
Mmm. Chunky tuna.
CAT 1:
This is our turf, tootsie.
In this mean, old alley,
cats ain't pretty, pussy, pally cats!
And this is our domain!
I hope I made that plain!
You're dead if you're not out of here.
I wanna make that very clear.
This is how we are,
and this is how we stay.
What do we care about nice?
What do we care about sweet?
-All that we care about is vice
-And deceit
-Eating the mice
-Cheating at dice
-Which is neat
ALL: We got no time for taste
Who's got the time to waste?
We got a better plan
To be as mean as we can
What do we care about grace?
What do we care about shy?
What do you say to a pie in the face?
-Or to a punch right in the lunch?
-Or the eye?
We hate your ugly mug
This putrid place
The lousy, stinking human race
What we love most
Is just disgusting and gross
We don't care for sweet serenity
We prefer obscenity
Lowlife language filling the air
So there
What do we care for polite?
What do we care for genteel?
-What do you say to a fight?
-That's for real
-Really corrupt, don't interrupt
CAT 1: It's a deal
ALL: We wanna fill the world
With truly crude things
Loathsome, lewd things
Really rude things
Can't you tell?
We hate each other as well
We shout our dirty words
In dirty voices
We like dirt bikes, not Rolls-Royces
Stick it there
Because what the heck do we care?
What do we care?
What do we care?
-Way to go!
-Hey, get off our turf!
-Go get him, you dumbbell!
-Beat it!
-Come on!
CAT 2: Don't let him get away!
-You okay, pal?
-Yeah, I'm okay.
But don't call me "pal."
Come on, mouse.
Whoa, hold it! Hold it!
-Who--? Who are you?
Just us. He's Tom, and I'm Jerry.
Oh. I thought you were somebody else.
I thought you were following me.
-Heck no.
-Then what are you doing out here?
-We're lost and looking for something to eat.
-Yeah, we're kind of hungry.
Oh, well, um, I've got cookies
and an apple and....
JERRY: So your name's Robyn
and you ran away from home.
-How did you know?
-Your name's on your locket.
ROBYN: Oh, yes. It's Robyn Starling.
I don't have a home anymore.
I'm-- I'm an orphan.
My mother died when I was a baby.
What about your father?
What happened to him?
My father was on an expedition,
climbing a mountain...
...when the snow gave way in a ava....
And he was the most wonderful father
in the world.
We had our own secret place,
just for the two of us and....
And that's where you were going?
Uh-huh. And to get away
from my Aunt Figg.
She's not really my aunt, just my guardian.
But she's taken over the house.
She moved me into the attic and gave
my room to her dog Ferdinand.
Aunt Figg was always calling me "orphan."
She even stole my locket
and threw it out the window...
...but I climbed out and found it and....
Kept on running.
As fast as I could.
I'm never going back.
Oh, smart. Real smart, kid. You've got
a roof over your head, three meals a day.
A warm bed. Who'd want to leave that?
I hate to admit it, Robyn, but Tom's right.
You never know what you're missing
till you don't have it.
You don't know Aunt Figg.
She seems sweet...
...but underneath she's mean.
Real mean.
Aw, come on.
I'll bet she's frantic looking for you.
Oh, sure. She's crying her eyes out
for you right this minute.
[SOBBING] Oh, my poor little Robyn.
Oh, find her, officer. Please.
The poor child.
There, there, Miss Figg.
We'll find the little girl. I promise you.
-I'll call for a status report right now.
-Oh, please. Please.
I don't know how to live without her.
MAN: You won't be able
to live without her, Pristine.
-Shut up, Lickboot, you hoodoo.
-But it's true, Pristine.
Without Robyn, Daddy Starling's
trust fund money will go bye-bye-bye...
-...and you'll be out in the cold-cold-cold.
-And you with me, Lickboot.
Now stop talking.
You're a lawyer. Scheme.
FIGG: You find this amusing, Ferdie,
you fat freeloader?
-You're the one who let her get away!
-I was eating.
I know you were eating.
You're always eating.
You want this cupcake?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
FERDINAND: Oh, shoot.
-Just pray the police find her, Pristine...
...or we're doomed to return
to the ranks of the peasantry.
LICKBOOT: You'd better hope this rumor
that Daddy Starling survived the avalanche... just a rumor,
or we'll be worse than ordinary.
-We'll be...
-Don't say it!
-No more money?
We've got to have money.
Money is such a beautiful word
I know, I know
It soars in my mind
Like a beautiful bird
I know, I know
Better than that, it makes me feel
Like an aristocrat
That's where it's at
Money is such a beautiful word
Quite so, quite so, quite so
-Money is such a wonderful thing
-Ah, yes, ah, yes
-I find that I use it for everything
LICKBOOT: No less, no less
Money is power
If it were food, it's a dish I'd devour
Every hour
Money is such
-A beautiful word
-Oh, yes, oh, yes
-Oh, yes
FIGG: Money's my passion
Always in fashion
Stashing cash
Creaming the cream
-That is my dream
-Money's a glorious thing
When I see lots of it
I want to stand up and sing
Money's my favorite
That's why I crave it
A rich, wicked, old witch
Ha! Why should I switch?
Money's the love of my life
The only true love of my life
-Money for me is all that there is
LICKBOOT: It is, it is
I spend it so well
I'm the best in the biz
A whiz, a whiz
Money and I
We are as happy as apple and pie
Haven't you heard?
Money is such a beautiful word
Money, they say is as evil as Satan
And probably worse
-A dreadful and wonderful curse
-A pleasure to have in my purse
-It is, it is
BOTH: Money is the
Most beautiful
I can't go back. I won't.
Got you, you little...
Here she is. Safe and sound.
We found her down by the old bridge.
ROBYN: Tom! Jerry!
They're my new friends.
Let me keep them. Please?
They won't be any bother. Please?
-Oh, brother.
Under the circumstances,
it might be a good idea, ma'am...
-...if you know what I mean.
That's just what I was thinking, officer.
-Of course you can keep them, darling.
-I can?
See? She's not as bad as you thought.
You'll stay, won't you?
You'll have a real home again.
Will I? You bet.
-Uh, him too?
-Of course, him too.
-Thanks, Robyn.
You wouldn't be able to join us
for a little celebration snack, would you?
-Well, sure, I--
-I didn't think so.
Too bad duty calls and all that. I understand.
Mucho thanks and au revoir!
Show our new guests to the kitchen
and give them something special to eat.
As for you, orphan, for running away,
you're going to bed without dinner.
And your bed is back in the attic
where orphans belong.
Now, that's what I call eats.
Oh! What's all the commotion in here?
Well, your pets are certainly housebroken.
They've been here five minutes
and already they've broken the house.
We really don't have enough room
for them here, do we?
I-- I'm sure they won't do it again,
Aunt Figg. I promise.
No, they won't.
I promise.
There's a sweet man down the street,
Dr. Applecheek.
He absolutely adores animals,
he has a houseful. All kinds.
And he loves them to death.
I'm sure I can talk him into taking them in.
They'll have all the food they can eat,
companionship, shelter. Heh-heh.
And you can go
and visit them every day.
Well, I don't know.
I'll have to talk it over with them first.
Oh? Oh?
You do that.
Well, your daddy's lawyer--
Uh, your late daddy's lawyer...
...Mr. Lickboot, is waiting for me.
-She says it's a house...
-...and I'm a house cat kind of guy.
-Where's Jerry? Tom.
-Maybe Ferdie ate him.
Hey. Don't look at me.
What am I, my mouse's keeper?
Okay, okay. I'll go look for him.
-He's alive?
-The telegram just came.
Starling's lying in some godforsaken
native shack on a mountainside in Tibet...
...maybe every bone in his body
is broken...
-...if we're lucky.
-But he's alive!
LICKBOOT: Look on the bright side,
there may be another avalanche.
FIGG: And he may be eaten
by the abominable snow thing too.
Who cares?
Well, his daughter Robyn, for one...
...and our creditors, for another.
The point is,
Daddy Starling is still...
Robyn must never know.
I'll make sure she never knows.
I'll lock her in her room.
Now that's a good idea.
Hold it. What's the big rush?
Read this.
Robyn's father is alive!
Hey, she's not an orphan no more!
Good night. Sleep tight
And don't let the spiders, monsters,
and scary things bite.
How nice.
You fetched my telegram.
You're both so helpful.
I'll make sure Dr. Applecheek
takes special care of you.
Oh, no, you don't.
Got the mousie.
Well, here it is. Your new home.
Dr. J. Sweetface Applecheek
at your service, dear lady.
Pristine Figg, doctor.
Miss Pristine Figg.
Huh? Ha-ha-ha.
These are the two sweet strays
my darling little ward brought home.
You don't have room for them, so you
brought them here to my pet sanctuary.
-Well, my loving home... a shelter for all our lost
and abandoned animal friends.
You're gonna love it here.
-Do we have a choice?
-Yeah. This or the river.
APPLECHEEK: They'll be in good hands.
FIGG: Ta-ta.
God's little creatures
With sweet and furry features
Four-legged friends, I would go
To the ends of the earth to protect
My best friends are animals
Their best friend is me
And it pains me to see
Any signs of neglect
God's little creatures
They have so much to teach us
Men like myself
Put their lives on the shelf
To be kind to our pets
My whole life is animals
From morning till night
I pity their plight
But I have no regrets
Here, boys, take good care of them.
Yes, animals are business
A moneymaking business
I kidnap, buy and sell them
Call their owners up and tell them
I make outrageous oodles
From pekes and poms and poodles
Ten grand a day
Those rich old fools will pay
To find their precious poochies
With their collars made at Gucci's
Devotion to dumb animals
Is no dumb gig
I love God's little creatures
Because the income's so darn big
Big, big
Big, big, big
They're gone? You took them away
without letting me say goodbye?
Oh, they didn't mind. The only thing
animals care about is the next meal.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
First my daddy, and now Tom and Jerry.
Of course you feel miserable,
you selfish little girl.
You should be thinking of them.
They're happy where they are.
APPLECHEEK: Now, later tonight,
get rid of the two new ones.
Pristine Figg's paid
for the privilege of doing them.
Well, well, well.
-Puggsy! Frankie!
-What are you guys doing here?
The straycatchers finally got me.
So I ain't perfect all the time.
I've been telling you that for years.
So how'd you two guys wind up
in a fix like this?
-We met this little orphaned girl.
-Her name's Robyn.
-Only she's not an orphan. Yeah.
-Her father's alive!
-But she don't know it yet.
-What? What are you two talking about?
Her Aunt Figg got us
before we could tell her.
We gotta bust out of here.
The kid's gotta know.
Sure, but how?
Somebody's gotta get over there
and press the buttons on the control panel.
Don't look at me.
How can I get out of this cage?
-I think I can.
-I know you can.
Hello, all you happy people.
PUGGSY: All right, everybody out.
Watch it! Watch it! Wa-ha!
Quiet down there! I'm on the--
Well, well, well.
Pretty fancy footwork, pussycat.
Get going and give that orphan kid
the good news.
Do I miss you?
Count the stars
Multiply by 10
Of course I do
More than now and then
I could paint a rainbow
Shine the sky
Set the stars in space
Faster than explain
How much I miss
Your face
Watch the moon
Someday soon
He will start to smile
When I say I'll see you
In a while
But till then I'll miss you
Dry my tears
Hide my fears away
Until that happy day
To the rainbow's end
Is where I would go
My friend, I do
Miss you so
Jerry! Tom!
Robyn, have we got news for you!
He's alive? My daddy's alive?
I've got to go find him.
He might be hurt.
I'm sure he needs me.
It'll be cold in Tibet.
I better wear a hat.
-If that's where my daddy is...
...that's where I'm going.
-Do you have any idea where Tibet is?
It's way, way, way out there.
-Put your finger here, please.
-It's across the river.
-Into the woods.
-Over the hills.
It's past Cleveland.
Here, Tom.
Throw this end out the window.
Tom, hurry.
-Down, please.
-I'll give you down.
FIGG: Aah! She's escaped again.
I've got to call Lickboot.
-What's that over there?
-It's just an old crate.
Wrong again.
It's a raft!
-This is where they found her last time.
-Aah! It's Aunt Figg.
She'll come back here again.
I'll stake everything I've got on it.
-That's exactly what you're doing.
-Shut up, you twit!
Yoo-hoo! Robyn Starling!
It's your Aunt Figg, darling...
...come to take you home.
Hurry! Get on, and be quiet!
Didn't he go before we left home?
No, no, no.
Oh, shut up.
Gotcha! Gotcha!
Hello? What do you want now, Lickboot?
No more money?
Without proof that Robyn
is being well cared for...
...we can't touch another penny
of her father's money.
Don't talk foolishness, Lickboot.
Can't you do something, mmm...
I'm sure if you put your mind to it,
you can be really sleazy.
Why, thank you, Pristine.
But suppose we get her back...
...and the little brat tells Daddy Starling
why she ran away?
Who's he gonna believe? An overemotional,
whining, distraught little girl...
...or me, her warm, loving,
concerned nanny?
Now do something.
I mean, lie, cheat, steal!
Corrupt a government!
Do anything to get that money... nerdy nitwit!
-Well, that's easy. A reward.
A reward?
Yes. People will do anything
for money.
Oh, don't I know. So?
So we offer a reward for her.
Someone will turn her in.
Big reward! Say, one million dollars.
But we don't have a million dollars.
I know. That's why it's so sleazy.
Huh? Oh?
Aah! Oh.
Ooh, I love it when you talk like that.
This will get her back.
MAN [OVER RADIO]: Your daughter's
run away. And no one knows where she is.
What? My daughter's run away?
If Robyn's in trouble,
there's only one place she'll go.
-It's alive!
-Great wobbling wattles!
-Avast and heave to there, mate.
-Oh. You frightened me.
Oh, sorry, my dear. My first mate
doesn't mind his manners sometimes.
Ack! It's me bad upbringing
that's to blame.
Don't mind him.
How are you feeling, little lady?
Are you okay?
I feel a little dizzy.
You gave us quite a fright too, you know.
Been lying here a few days now.
-We thought you'd never leave.
-Where am I?
You are the lucky guest of Captain Kiddie.
King of the county fair.
-Pirate of pleasure and--
-Oh, yes. And my first mate Squawk.
-Heh-heh. He's funny.
-You hungry by any chance?
-Am I ever.
I'll bet you'd like some milk and cookies.
All little girls like milk and cookies.
-And milk and cookies is just what we got.
-It's all we got.
-What are you doing?
-Catching your breakfast.
Okay. You wanna catch something?
Now, where are we?
Hey! I see something!
Hey, Tom. Look!
-What's that?
-It's Robyn's locket.
Aah! She must be around here somewhere.
-So where'd you say you were headed?
-Davy Jones' locker, I figured.
ROBYN: Tibet.
I know it. Just outside of Cleveland.
-Have you been to Tibet?
-Yes, siree.
I've played them all from Broadway
to Timbuktu and back again.
-Why, I was a big star in my day.
-Oh, boy, here we go.
[SINGING] I have played at The Palace
I've sung at The Met
Both were fiascoes
I'll never forget
I have danced before royalty
Played Caesar in Rome
Forgive my disloyalty
You should've stayed at home
I walked high wires for Ringling
From Peking to Perth
It was not the greatest show on earth
-The audience adored me
-They came to see you fall
-Without a doubt, a great success
-They threw you out, it was a mess
Am I a ham, or am I not?
I guess the answer is, "Yes"
-I've done it all
-Boy, you got gall
-I've done it all
-Have you got gall
I've played the boondocks
And I slayed Carnegie Hall
-Nothing at all
-I played Macbeth on ice
And got pneumonia twice
-Guess you can't have it all
-I starred in Maine
-They're still in pain
-Then Montreal
-The role was small
-From Saskatoon to Minneapolis and St. Paul
-That was a haul
Name any theater town
And I've been there
Though it's been up and down
I hang in there
Spring, summer, fall
I've done it all
-I've been around
-Tell me about it
-And I have found
-What have you found?
-The showbiz trick is to be renowned
-Try getting drowned
That's why I fly trapeze
Do all the tricks with ease
Six inches off the ground
-Your height of success
-You'll see the final curtain fall
-My favorite moment
-Watch me take my final curtain call
Do we have to?
No one who ever played the theater
Knows how to milk an audience better
And all in all as I recall
It's wall to wall
We've done it all
Well, my dear, should we take
our show on the road?
A toast to our new star!
Psst. Psst, Captain.
What is it? Can't you see
I'm conversing with our young guest?
-Captain, I gotta talk to you.
-All right already.
-Can we step outside?
-Will you excuse us for a moment, my dear?
-I need to confer with my first mate.
-Oh. Sure.
-I'm rich! I'm rich!
-What do you mean, you're rich?
-You mean, we're rich.
-Oh, yeah, I forgot.
-It's the jackpot!
-The end of the rainbow!
-The pot of gold! Richer!
-Rich! Richest!
Oh, boy! Food!
-Ah. Sorry.
-No, look! It's Robyn!
-Where? Where?
-Right there, on the milk carton!
Oh, yeah, that's her!
Wow! A million-dollar reward.
Hey, you don't suppose....
No doubt about it, Robyn must be here.
Yeah, let's take a look around.
CAPTAIN: Hmm. Miss Pristine Figg.
What a lovely name.
It sounds like a million dollars! Heh.
FIGG: My fault?
What do you mean, it's my fault?
If you had done away with those two
like I paid you to...
...that brat wouldn't have run away again.
Nevertheless, those two animals
have cost me a bundle.
Not to mention the damage.
Damage? I--
Excuse me for a moment,
I must get the phone.
Hello? Yes.
Yes, I did offer
a one-million-dollar reward...
...for the return
of my precious little Robyn.
Captain Kiddie's Carnival! Ha-ha.
We've got her!
Ha-ha. I've got her.
Yes, yes, yes!
FIGG: Uh, now, doctor.
You were talking to me about damages? I--
Doctor? Doctor? Where is that creep?
-We found her!
Captain Kiddie's Carnival. You know it?
I'll have us there before you can say,
"One million dollars."
One million dollars!
If I could get to Robyn before Pristine Figg,
the reward will be mine. All mine!
-Uh, what are we gonna get?
-Yeah. What's in it for us?
For you? If you two had gotten rid
of that cat and mouse like I ordered...
...we wouldn't be in this fix.
You get nothing.
Come back! Come back!
We'll share it fifty-fifty.
Uh, uh, sixty-forty.
Come back! We'll negotiate!
Wow. It's-- It's really neat.
It's like a fairyland.
CAPTAIN: How about a ride
on the Captain's Ferris wheel?
-Tallest one in the county.
-It's the only one in the county.
Great view from the top. You can see
the whole of Captain Kiddie's Carnival.
-You can see it all from right here.
-I love Ferris wheels.
You'll love this one.
Let's make sure it's safe.
We wouldn't want anything
to happen to Robyn Starling.
-Wait. How did you know my name?
-Sorry, kid.
Gotta keep you
till your aunt arrives to fetch you.
ROBYN: And I thought you were a nice man.
-But I am, my dear.
But he'll be even nicer
with a million smackeroos.
CAPTAIN: Enjoy your ride, my dear.
-It's on the house.
Please! Oh, please let me down.
Don't send me back to Aunt Figg.
She hates me.
Please don't send me back.
Just relax. Look around. Heh.
You're on top of the world.
The sun is over the yardarm,
which means naptime for the old captain.
My locket.
Tom! Jerry!
What the--? Pirates off the port bow.
All hands on deck.
Get that varmint! Don't let him get away!
Ooh, hurry! Ooh, get him!
-Where's the girl?
-We wants to see the money, honey.
Only after I see Robyn.
You're too late, boys.
Where's the little brat?
She's safe and sound on the Ferris wheel.
-There she is!
-The million-dollar kid. We're rich!
Stop them!
Tom! It's moving.
Uh-oh. Don't look now,
but here comes the dragon lady.
Come to your dear Aunt Figg, darling.
Spread out and don't let the brat get by you.
What do we do?
I'll get us out of here. Come on.
They're getting away!
Push the red button.
It's always the red one.
I know it. I was just gonna push it.
Tom, Jerry. Hurry!
Lickboot, get the car.
We'll head her off up the river.
Move it, captain. Move it.
We're in a race for a million.
Not to worry.
This old captain still knows a trick or two.
Let me steer. Let me steer!
CAPTAIN: Out of the way, birdbrain,
I'm the captain here.
You're too late, doc! Ha-ha-ha!
STRAYCATCHER: Hey, doc. Doc.
We're up here. Hey, doc. Get us out of here!
Sorry, boys!
One good turn deserves another!
Oh, no! They're following us!
-We're going as fast as we can.
ROBYN: Here, Tom. Let me try.
We need more steam!
You twit! Get us out of here.
They're getting away!
Let go of the wheel, I tell you.
I'm the captain. I'll do the steering.
You couldn't navigate your way around a tub.
Well, that takes care of them.
But what happened to Aunt Figg?
Where is she?
I don't know. Maybe we lost her.
-Wait a minute. This place looks familiar.
JERRY: What?
Yes! I know where we're at.
We're going straight to Robyn's Nest.
You know, that special place
I told you about.
Aha. Of course.
Lickboot, what are you doing?
You're gonna lose them.
Don't worry.
Now I know where they're going.
We're taking a shortcut.
FIGG: You know where they're going? How?
-Lawyers know everything.
There it is!
There's the cabin.
Daddy built it just for me.
We'd come up here every summer.
He taught me to swim and sail and fish.
Daddy will know where to find me.
Maybe he's here already.
I'll bet he is.
Daddy is dead.
Tom, Jerry, help!
LICKBOOT: If you know what's good for you,
you'll never run away again. Never.
You're not taking me back.
You'll never take me back!
Oh, yes, we will.
Why, you little....
You fools. Look what you've done.
Lickboot, grab the girl, and let's go.
Robyn, the house is burning down.
You must get out before it's too late!
No! No, I won't go with you!
You'll never take me back!
-Let's get out of here before we all fry!
But the girl!
Forget her. We gotta save ourselves.
Give me those keys!
Look what you've done!
Look! The cabin's on fire.
We may be too late.
Robyn, I'm coming! Hang on!
Robyn, take my hand! Hurry!
-Oh, Daddy, I knew you'd come.
-You're safe now, Robyn. I'm here.
Wait! No, we can't leave them!
TOM: Hey!
JERRY: Come back! Come back!
Tom! Jerry!
Oh, Daddy, they're gone.
My best friends are gone.
Don't cry, Robyn. We'll find them.
Ah, Jerry! Jerry, where are you?
Oh, don't leave me, little buddy.
You just gotta be here!
Oh, what would I do without you?
You were the best pal a guy could ever have!
Oh, please be alive.
I promise you, um....
-All the cheese I can eat?
-All the cheese you can eat and, uh....
-And no more traps?
-No more traps.
-And no tricks?
-No tricks.
-That's a--
Ooh, I'm gonna-- Why, you little--
Tom, Jerry, you're safe!
Robyn, I promise
I'll never leave you again.
Well, well, well. Listen to this, Frankie.
"Heroes! Cat and mouse
save billionaire heiress."
Ha-ha. Well, what did I tell you, Puggsy?
Those two have done all right.
Yeah. Ha-ha.
I guess they learned to be pals after all.
Friends to the end.
Tom, Jerry, welcome to your new home.