Tom Sawyer (2011) Movie Script

- Look, melons.
- What are you doing here?
- How much are they?
- Beat it!
What kind of bird is this?
Look, the steam boat.
Fuck, my head!
Wait a minute!
I hate ships.
Joe! Check this out!
The cabinet!
Wait a minute!
- Kentucky!
- We had the show!
I can't believe it.
Let me, Tom!!
What is this?
That's what it says.
- Are you sure?
- Yes, that's what it says.
Fish eggs!
- But it's great box.
- Do you think that's worth something?
At least five cents.
- We'll never go on that ship again.
- Is there a way to get anything?
- You've got a wart.
- This is garbage.
It's a wart. I can handle that.
- I know how to get rid of it.
- I have to go.
- Where to?
- Business.
- We need only a dead cat.
- Tonight!
- Where were you?
- I was swimming.
- Did you bring the cards from the Bible?
- Yes, here.
- Where's yours, Ben?
- Here.
That's two. The price is three red.
I don't have three.
I put up the tooth. I pulled it out.
That's fine.
- But I want a real show.
- You can rely on it. Go on!
Muff Potter!
What? Yes.
- Nope.
- Get up!
Who? Me?
Yes, you!
Who are you?
Can't you see me?
You are in Hell.
Am I dead?
Can you smell that?
I just wanted to take a nap.
If you want forgiveness it will cost you a quarter.
I have no money.
You want to fry in Hell?
Wait! Wait!
I still have a nickel.
Show me!
Good. Lay it down on the floor!
Good. Lay it down!
Save your soul, Muff Potter!
- That was a show.
- Didn't I tell you?
- Where did you get that skeleton?
- I dug it up.
Get out, you dirty tramp!
- Potatoes!
- Thank you.
Mister Finn!
I'm not a mister. What's up, Muff?
- I'm dead
- You are... what?
Dead as a doornail.
Can you smell that?
How can you talk to me, then?
I guess you're dead, too.
I'm not dead! Definitely not.
It's me, Huck.
That's well said. Will you give me something to eat?
Since when are dead people are hungry?
He believed he was dead.
We'll get a nickel candy!
...and you'll do everything...
I command you to.
Oh and on!
Oh, meat!
- Tom?
- Hi, Amy.
- Didn't you want to show me something?
- What?
- Something great, you said.
- Did I say that?
I'd like to see it, even if it's not all that great.
- Who loves you?
- We are getting married.
- What did you want to show her?
- You don't know it.
For three blue cards, I'll show you.
A nickel, three shots!
Try your luck, Gentlemen!
Thank you. One!
That's the look of failure!
Three! Very good, my friend.
A nickel, three shots! Try your luck!
A nickel!
This looks like it's just for me.
- Hey, push off!
- Why?
This is only for whites.
My money is white.
- Yes, but your skin is red.
- We don't accept Indians.
Take your money and disappear!
Man, he can throw!
I'd fall down dead, if she's not pretty.
- Who is it?
- The daughter of Judge Thatcher.
They just came from Constantinople.
Her name's Becky.
Forget her. She's much too fine for us.
For you, maybe.
Where has the villain gone this time?
What are you doing in that tree?
It's pudding. Where did you get it?
From Tom.
- Tom gave you his dessert?
- If I paint the fence.
- Shouldn't you paint the fence?
- Sid absolutely wanted to paint it.
Shame on you!
You let the others do your work
for you and claim that you did it.
- A lie always comes back at you.
- Why is it always me?
Come in!
Heavenly Father, we thank thee for our daily bread.
Open our hearts...
to Sid and his little nose...
because he simply doesn't get it. Amen.
You eat like a pig.
- Overeating weighs on the heart.
- You don't say?
- No, Luke, chapter 21, verse 34.
- Well said.
I have a yellow and three red cards toward
the Bible competition. How about you?
I bet you haven't learned a single psalm
- But do you want to hear one?
- Tell me!
Fuck you, right where it stinks. Verse 1.
- That's enough!
- Sid started it.
- I saw you with Huck.
- Where?
Down by the river.
- Were you drinking rum with him?
- No.
- The guy isn't good for you.
- He's a great guy.
That's why he lives in a barrel and eats rats.
Stop it!
- Stop it!
- Sissy boy Sid!
- Quit right now! You stay right there!
- Just you wait!
Tom! Sid! Stop it!
Give him something, Chuck, on my tab!
What is wrong with my money, Doc?
Nobody wants it. Why should I bother earning it?
If you need work, I'd have something for you.
What kind of work?
You know that Horst Williams
is dead. Dead and buried.
- I didn't know anything about it, Doc.
- No.
It's vital to find out how
he died, and therefore...
one needs an autopsy for that.
Dig him up from the grave for me!
Dig up a corpse?
That's a messy affair.
I will let this cost me a dollar.
- A dollar?
- You call that a cut?
So, tomorrow at midnight in the cemetery.
Want to earn a dollar?
I don't work anymore, Joe. I'm already dead.
"Do you see the light?
"You are in hell."
So they say.
In the circles of Hell...
Lucifer punishes the sin-laden without mercy.
Glutton, these are wolverines, like you, Sid.
They need to drink dirty water
and are eternally hungry.
The lazily rolling mill stones,
glowing chains on their necks.
Satan stabs liars with
a skewer, right there.
It hurts, doesn't it? And it never ends.
Excuse me?
Reverend, children.
I'd like you to welcome our new
townsfolk here to St. Petersburg.
Becky Thatcher. Say hello, Becky!
Good day.
And this is her father, Judge Thatcher.
- You're very welcome.
- You're too kind.
No, quite the contrary. Sit down!
We're studying for the Bible prize.
For every Bible verse
learned, one gets...
She looked at me.
For ten blue cards you get a red.
For ten red you get a yellow card.
And for ten yellow slips yet get a gift.
A thousand verses, that's quite a lot.
Who has already won a yellow card?
A yellow and three red.
And I don't drink dirty water.
that's no reason to cry. Well, Sid?
He's fine.
I have ten yellow cards, sir.
How many?
- Ten. Ten yellow, sir.
- What's your name?
Tom. Tom Sawyer, Sir.
Ten yellow cards. In fact, this is remarkable.
Come on forward! Show us your ten yellow cards!
Where did he get those??
Six, seven, eight, nine... ten.
- Gee, a thousand verses.
- Can I have the gift now?
The Bible, the Book of Books, written by God's hand.
Worth 40 cents. For you, Thomas.
Thank you, sir.
Thomas! Don't you want
to tell us a few things...
that you've learned?
No doubt you know... the twelve.
- Twelve?
- The disciples of Jesus. His companions.
Tell the judge! The names of
the first two disciples are...
David and Goliath.
Fence painting.
That's nigger work.
You don't have a clue.
I guess hardly any of 1,000
boys know how to do it right.
Have you ever seen the like?
- Anyone can do this.
- You'd better believe me! Wait! Sid!
- Sid!
- What?
- Have you ever painted the fence?
- Nope.
You see! And Sid is smarter than you.
Don't worry, old man! Each may do only what he can.
I can do that, too. I'll show you.
- You can't.
- Yes I can.
- I can prove it to you.
- I'd leave you to it...
but Aunt Polly takes fence painting very seriously.
I'd let you do it, too, if it were my fence.
But it's not your fence.
I'll give you my apple.
- You can't tell anyone.
- Word of honor, you're a great guy, Tom.
I know that.
What are you doing here?
Can I paint, too?
- If you give me your sword.
- Here.
Thoroughly nice, Ben! Aunt Polly's
going to check things pretty thoroughly.
You need us to paint, too.
- What will you give me for it?
- Our top.
Great. And pretty neat!
I want to paint, too.
My slingshot?
Over there, there's still some room.
Hey Hucky.
When the devil comes...
to claim the souls of
the freshly buried...
well then you throw
the cat after Satan...
and call out: "Devil on the body...
Cat to the devil, warts on
the cat!" and you're fine.
The skin around the wart thickens.
Come on!
- The dead hear nothing, right?
- They hearing everything.
Here lies old Horst Williams.
Drank himself to death.
Now we just have to wait.
Do we really have to wait for the devil?
Want to get rid of it now?
Maybe some other time.
Yeah, right.
The Devil has come.
Williams, rise!
There it is.
Come out! I know that you're here.
I'm dead.
Come out of your house, old Horst!
It's me, Muff.
Muff Potter.
Speaking with the dead. That comes from booze.
- Then we just dig you out.
- Faster, we don't have much time!
Who has constrained you like this?
Raise it up!
That's it, Doc.
I won't take any money, Doc.
You know that.
- What do you want?
- Take it, Joe, he wants to pay us.
Do you remember when you drove me out of the house?
I just wanted a handout from your kitchen.
I was hungry. Do you know what that even is, hunger?
- Leave him! Hey!
- Half a mouth!
Your father had me whipped. Like a nigger.
And you were watching. Do you remember?
You have been a good-for-nothing
ever since then, Half-Breed.
- Half-Breed?
- Yes, a half-breed you are!
Not red, not white, not good.
Get off me!
Now we're even, you damned dog.
What happened?
That's a bad thing, Muff.
- The Doc is dead
- And how did he die?
I didn't do anything, did I?
Joe, I certainly didn't do anything!
What can I say?
The doctor has gave you a good one...
you took your knife and stabbed into the doctor.
I didn't want to!
What happened, Muff, has just happened.
- But you won't betray me.
- No, I'm your friend.
- I'll never forget.
- You'd better leave now!
- I'll never forget.
- Let it be, get out of here!
- Thank you, Joe.
- Go away!
He saw us.
We should tell the sheriff everything
I haven't seen anything. Not a thing.
- But Indian Joe will hang.
- We're dead if we squeal.
- Why?
- He'd know full well who blew the whistle on him.
- Well, how?
- He's an Indian.
They see more than we do.
He can ask the dead ones.
They see everything and forget nothing.
But you saw what he did with Doc Robinson.
Just a raccoon.
swear to me that you'll keep this tight.
I swear.
Swearing, that's only enough for small things.
But this's a big deal. It must be written down.
And sealed with blood.
Here, write it!
You're pretty clever, Tom.
Now the blood.
We swear that we'll never
say anything about it...
or else we'll die...
and rot away.
You saw me, Tom.
No! No!
- No!
- I came back...
to get you.
- Come to me!
- I've seen nothing. I've seen nothing!
- Come on!
- No!
- Come on!
- No! No!
No! No!
No! No! No!
- Tom! Wake up, Tom! Wake up!
- No! No!
- Tom!
- What is it? What is it?
He's OK.
My little one, everything's OK.
Onions. And then two of those ears of corn.
- Hey Huck!
- Tom!
Leave me alone!
What do you want from me?
I've done nothing...
What do you want from me?
Help! Leave me alone!
What do you want...?
No! No!
No! No! No!
Joe! Say something!
What are you thinking? Release the poor jerk!
- How can you think you can just hang him?
- He has stabbed the Doc.
He wouldn't do that. It's against the law.
Turn him loose at once! Are you not going to do it?
- His knife was next to Doc's corpse.
- Go home!
You, too, Miss Polly.
Beat it!
- Did you do this?
- I didn't want to.
- But I don't know anything else.
- Murderer!
My old head's good for nothing anymore.
- We have to say something.
- Want to fall over dead and start rotting?
- It's just an oath.
- Only? And what about Indian Joe?
Is there nothing we can do?
Today we'll talk about the
differences between men and women.
Who can specify a particular difference?
Girls... I mean,
women are... different.
Yes, that's true. But this isn't very precise.
Sit down!
Girls have no...
do not have...
- Yes?
- Do not have...
a beard.
- That's right.
- Women can't vote.
Please? Get up!
Why are women not allowed to vote and study?
My love, if God had so
willed, that women choose...
- Where are you coming from?
- I was with Huck Finn, sir.
- Huckleberry Finn.
- We had to discuss something.
That was certainly much more important
than sitting there in your place.
- That's right, sir.
- Quiet!
Sit down!
On the girls' side!
Wherein lies the difference, since Adam and Eve?
The human race separates
into the strong and the weak?
Eve was not created from Adam's head...
to rule.
She was also not created
from Adam's foot... serve.
No, it was Eva...
- The reverend is crazy.
- Yes, he's obsessed.
He hides himself with each little thing.
What's up with you?
You cheater! I'll never be with you again.
You'll burn Hell.
"This evening at the swimming tree"
Here, hardly used.
- What's your game?
- If a woman looks at the moon, the man kisses her.
- That's not true.
- Yes it is.
Do you do this with everyone?
Nope! I've never had another. I swear on my life.
You're lying.
Me? Listen, Becky, I'm with Huck,
Joe, and maybe Ben Rogers in a gang.
- We're pirates. Pirates don't lie.
- You kill people and stuff?
Not women.
The rich and beautiful are terribly afraid.
- We hang out in the caves.
- In the caves?
But we are polite. No one is as polite as pirates.
What do you do with women?
We let them sweat for a while.
Then they don't whine anymore.
And you'll never go back. Then they love you.
You really think I'll love you if you lock me up?
- Yes.
- Forget it!
Amy found the idea moderately interesting.
Amy Lawrence?
There was nothing to that. I swear. Wait!
You lie whenever you open your mouth!
As far as I'm concerned you can go
dry up with Amy in that cave of yours.
But you're not even worth that.
Muff, up here!
Tom, Huck, as well.
The jam is from Aunt Polly.
Tell her thank you, my boy!
How are you?
They're going to hang me.
But I've got a surprise.
I'm already dead, namely I slept in a coffin.
Death came to me there and told me.
- Nothing can happen to me.
- Just in case, if you're not really dead.
- It's a file.
- Thank you, boy.
Do you need anything else?
A bottle of brandy. The cheap kind.
I'm always so thirsty.
Maggie, come here!
Duck down!
Shopping without paying.
No, sir. I just wanted to go home.
The bottle also wants to go home. Where do you live?
They're so stupid.
- They didn't notice anything.
- You'll have to try it more often.
You were on that ship recently.
Oh, well.
The cheap kind.
But you don't want this to
drink it yourselves, do you?
This is for a friend.
He's in jail.
You have to learn a lot, guys.
We'll see.
Oh, dearie me.
Can I help you?
No, it's fine.
There's a chance you could
cut your hand on the glass.
That was really nice of you.
- Mr. ...
- Joe. Everyone calls me Joe.
I know.
- Here, take this.
- Thank you.
- It's nothing.
- I'll do that.
- The rest I can do alone.
- That's fine.
Thank you.
- No one ever thanked me before.
- Good day, Joe.
Good day.
Crap! Dropped it.
- It can't be true!
- I knew it.
- Becky, put back the book!
- Wait, there's more!
- That's the difference.
- Is that all?
Stash the book!
Now what?!
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Reverend Sprague.
Sit down!
My God!
Who did this?
- Joseph Harpen, was it you?
- No.
No, Sir.
- Amy Lawrence?
- No, sir, I didn't do it!
Did you do this?
I did it!
It was me.
- Now where did we leave off yesterday?
- Biology, page 57.
You know, Huckleberry, you're
truly free only when you're a pirate.
And if someone stupid comes
around, you run rings around him.
Debauchery, drinking...
- Women stashed in caves.
- Not for more than two weeks.
How about the Murrel gang!
They have a huge stolen treasure.
Where is it?
Somewhere on Jacksonville Island.
As it's waiting just for us.
We should search it out so we get the gold.
Thank you for our daily bread...
and for the fruit trees in our garden.
If it's not too much to ask,
that Tom does his school work...
and that Sid stops chewing his
nails, we would be grateful. Amen.
Who could that be?
Good evening, I wanted to bring back your glass.
Delicious jam.
- Thank you.
- And this... this here.
That's nice. Thank you.
Pleasant evening, ma'am.
Are you hungry?
Just a little, ma'am.
Wait, Joe, come on in!
Well, there's enough for all of us.
- Thank you.
- Sid, Tom, this is Mr. ...
- Joe. I'm Joe.
- Sit down.
Our soup is a little thin. We don't always
have enough money for a thick broth.
I am sure this is just as
delicious as your jam, ma'am.
Thank you.
Is everything okay with you, Tom? Drink some water!
What brings you to St. Petersburg, Joe?
Home is where our dead lie.
My father is buried here.
That is true.
Home is...
where we bury our loved ones.
The graveyard are all the same.
Have you ever been to the cemetery, Tom?
- Answer him, Tom!
- Me? No, never.
- You talk of it every night.
- Shut up!
- I wasn't there.
- I'm sure you weren't.
The doctor was stabbed to death there.
- Muff Potter did it.
- A bad business.
Poor old Muff. Now he must hang for it.
This is not to discussed in front of the kids.
- They know nothing of the world.
- How right you are, ma'am, but...
Sometimes children know more than they should.
Sid, help me!
One word, and your worst
nightmares become true, you got it?
Dear God, please let me never
meet up with Indian Joe again.
Are you praying?
- Nah.
- Yes, you're praying.
- Sid?
- Yes?
You're the biggest idiot who
ever came into the world.
You were at the cemetery.
You saw it all.
Why are you still lying?
You saw it all.
Joe sees everything.
Come to me, Tom! Come on!
Come to me!
You saw it all. You were at the cemetery.
Muff Potter's did it.
- No! No! No!
- Tom! Tom! Tom!
Tom! You were dreaming.
It was just a dream.
Everything's all right.
- Is he gone?
- Who?
Indian Joe.
For a long time. He left right after dinner.
Come here!
- Aunt Polly?
- Yes?
Would you feel bad if I was no longer here?
- Why wouldn't you be here?
- Just if.
Yes, it would be the worst thing in
the world, if you were not with me.
It would break my heart.
Good work, men. Good morning, Judge Thatcher.
Then he stood up and said: "Thank you for the soup."
His hand was as cold as ice.
We have to leave.
- And never come back!
- Never.
- And everyone will be crying.
- No one will cry over me, Tom.
But I would!
- You coming with me.
- Oh, right.
I'll wait by the river. In an hour.
I'll be there.
He has often helped out in the barn.
- Good day, Mrs. Roberts.
- Mr. Harris.
Good morning.
- Muff Potter! Murderer!
- You're guilty of murder, Muff!
You're going to hang!
This knife...
- was found beside the body?
- The blood of Doc sticks to it yet.
- It lay beside the corpse.
- And who owns this knife, Sheriff?
Muff Potter.
Muff Potter. Thank you.
- Defense counsel?
- No questions.
Come on!
You have to stay here, unfortunately.
It was dark. I had drunk a bottle. Or maybe two.
The doc gave me something.
That's all I know.
- Defense counsel?
- No questions.
You can now leave the witness stand, Mr. Potter.
I saw Muff take the knife.
He jumped onto the Doc and
he rammed it into his chest.
The doctor went to the ground.
- Defense counsel?
- No questions.
I wonder why you're here, to do squats.
You can step down.
Does anyone else have any testimony?
Your Honor, our witnesses are beyond any doubt.
Thus, the defendant committed
this infamous murder...
of Doctor Robinson, without
any possibility of doubt.
- The prosecution rests.
- Is there a defense to be presented?
No, Your Honor.
May God grant that someday I see a better lawyer.
Do you have something to say?
I saw it all, sir.
Then Indian Joe rammed the
blade into the doctor's chest.
Stop! Freeze!
Why did you do that, Tom?
Case dismissed!
My boy!
My dear boy.
God bless you, my boy.
- What do you want to be?
- I don't know yet.
- Why didn't you say anything?
- I was scared.
A fine boy you have brought up, Miss Polly.
The sheriff will find Joe.
His boys'll be standing guard.
- I'll check out the attic.
- I'll go around the house.
Got it.
- A little coffee?
- Great, thanks.
It really is a long night.
Would you like some coffee, too?
Dear God, protect us and the ones we love.
- He's out there somewhere.
- Who?
Indian Joe. He'll be back.
But he won't come here, right?
- He won't get past the deputies.
- But you know, Tom, he can creep like anything.
You said so yourself.
Man, Huckleberry, I thought you were still angry.
Do you know the McDougal's cave?
- Yeah, I know that one.
- You could hold me captive there.
Not for two weeks.
But let's say... an afternoon.
- What for?
- Just think about it, pirate!
You want to still be a pirate, right?
You see?
First you rob me. I fight
back, but you're the stronger.
Then you carry me off. But you must be polite.
- Then you'll stay with me the whole time.
- Why?
I don't want be alone in the cave.
- Are you having fun?
- I guess.
How do you like being a hero?
Not much, Sir. No one'll leave me alone.
- Everyone always wants something from me.
- Such is the price of fame.
There's even something in the newspaper. Some cocoa?
- No thanks.
- Becky told me...
about the mishap you took the blame for.
- It was nothing at all.
- That was very noble.
Sir, if you knew everything I've had a hand in!
- And Sid has collected for the thrashing.
- I'll leave you two alone for a time.
- I'm sure you have a lot to talk about.
- No, I need to see Huck.
He's my friend.
I'm sorry, Becky. Thanks for the cocoa.
Goodbye, Thomas.
Are you still mad?
This place stinks rotten.
There's dead, rotting meat here.
We couldn't let Muff down.
We? I'm never part of "we"!
We're friends.
What we have sworn with blood?
We were there?
I'll do better next time. Here. It's worth 40 cents.
You can't make something like this good.
- Why not?
- Because Indian Joe is chasing us.
- I said nothing about you!
- He'll take revenge.
Our scalps, he'll tear them
off and wear them on his belt.
Maybe he's already here.
Hucky, let's get out of here!
- We're going to Tierra del Fuego.
- And never coming back?
Never. Never again.
- That you're with me again?
- Word of honor. Or I rot.
On to Tierra del Fuego!
I'm Captain Tom Sawyer!
And I'm Huck Finn, the terror of the seas.
Rudder to starboard!
- A bit to port!
- Aye, Captain.
The Mississippi!
Yes, we did it!
- We're pirates of the Mississippi!
- Yes, that's us!
Jackson Island. That's Jackson
Island right in front of us.
- All hands on Deck.
- Aye, aye, Captain.
Prepare for landing!
Ready the bow line.
Yes, we did it! Yes!
We're the greatest!
Let's moor the raft!
Miss Polly... I'm sorry!
Shut the door!
Up there.
How far is it to Tierra del Fuego?
I guess a couple of days.
Everything here is full of ghosts.
The Murrel gang...
They divided up their booty here.
- Here?
- Until they got themselves into a mess.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Not one survived.
Not one?
Not one. Ever since then they
haunt and guard their treasure.
Did you see the torches?
- The deputies are everywhere.
- They didn't even notice when...
when I rode a horse right by them.
- Let's keep our heads down here for the winter.
- I'm not going to hide like a cold little rat.
I'll be out of here by winter.
- The good old Murrels.
- What did you find, Joe?
Bloody Hell! This is...
This is gold!
This is gold! Thousands of dollars
- The Treasure of the Murrel gang.
- We're rich.
We're rich!
There's no one up there.
Tomorrow we'll head for Illinois.
I've got something to settle first.
Yes, I'll hide the gold while
you go to St. Petersburg.
You'll hide the gold?
- Where?
- As always, the second cross.
- You'll wait there for me?
- You can count on it, Joe.
I have a better idea.
Come on!
We'll wait until sunrise.
Then we move on.
I have to go back. I must go back to St. Petersburg.
- Are you crazy?
- Indian Joe's looking for me there.
Well, then be somewhere else.
If he doesn't find me, Sid
and Aunt Polly come to it.
- They're still being guarded.
- No one keeps out Indian Joe.
Think about this again! You'll need
two days to get to St. Petersburg.
- I have to go.
- A man must do what a man must do.
Indian Joe's friend.
- I'm not going with you.
- Goodbye, Huck.
Goodbye, Tom!
You're a real pal, Huckleberry.
Do you think I let you go in alone?
Did you cry?
And what if we drop dead now and rot?
- Is Sunday again already?
- How would I know?
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want. He maketh
me lie down in green pastures
and leadeth me beside the still waters.
It's because someone's died.
I wonder who?
I always wanted to be
like him, so strong...
so fast, and so smart, but I never could be.
Who's he on about?
Now he'll never draw another breath. He is dead.
- He's talking about you.
- Nope.
My brother Thomas was a great guy.
He was brave, he knew no fear,
and he never squealed on me.
He shared everything with me...
He hid his treasures under
my bed and believed...
that I'd forgotten.
But you knew? You've known it all along?
- You're still alive?
- Why not?
A ghost!
- Where were you?
- I...
Indian Joe's coming back. He wants revenge.
We've seen him.
- Where?
- Jackson Island.
It's said that the sheriff of
Clayton caught him yesterday.
- Hallelujah!
- Hallelujah!
- Take me to the cave!
- Very brave, Tom.
- Hosanna!
- Hosanna!
- Hallelujah!
- Hallelujah!
- Are you sure, Becky?
- Just for one hour.
And you'd better be pretty polite.
- And now?
- What "now"?
- You have to kidnap me.
- Where to?
Well, certainly deeper.
- This is so scary! I'm terrified here!
- Let's go back!
Right away.
- Man, Becky.
- Come on!
Make a wish!
- I'd like to go back.
- Don't say it, otherwise it won't come true.
No one's ever been here before!
Let's go! Come on!
- We haven't been here before.
- Maybe this way.
It looks quite different.
This way, I think.
- Hello!
- Help!
- We've lost our way.
- You don't say!
- Why did we go in so deep?
- I'm sure they're already looking for us.
- Hello?
- Come on!
Help! Hello! Hello! Hello!
Here we are!
Mr. Thatcher!
What's up?
Tom and Becky are gone.
- Do you know something?
- I'll fill you in!
They arranged it themselves.
But they haven't come back.
Shit, the torch!
Come on, Becky!
Tom, I'm thirsty.
Chew slowly!
- Tom, we'll die here together.
- Like Hell we will.
We just need to find water.
Come on, Becky!
Come on, over there!
I can't go on.
You need to drink. Drink!
We need to keep going.
Tom! Becky! Hello?
Hello? Where are you?
- Hello?
- Where are you?
- Tom!
- Tom! Becky!
Wait here, I'll find an exit!
There is no exit, Tom.
Please don't leave me here alone!
- Of course there's one, and I find it!
- Do you promise?
Aunt Polly told me once,
everything comes back to you.
I'll come back for you. I promise.
Damn it!
So you came to me. How very kind of you.
You needn't be scared.
I'd like to show you my darling.
I've found the way out, Becky!
I've found the way out.
- Be quiet!
- Why?
Don't ask! Come on!
- Up there!
- Up there?!
- I can't do it.
- You have to.
I can't!
Tom! No!
Watch out!
- Where is Becky?
- Safe in her bed, I believe.
I think that she's going to marry you
- How dressy you look!
- They're as tight as a bear trap.
- I know where the treasure's hidden.
- What?
Indian Joe's treasure, the
second cross. I've seen it.
I can't run in these shoes!!
Let's make some things clear:
no more lonely islands,
no more cemeteries, no more saloons...
no more ghosts and no more holes!
- Promise?
- I promise, Aunt Polly.
- Huck?
- Absolutely, Miss Polly.
We're rich, Huckleberry!
It's cursed.
- That's becursed gold.
- Becursed money better than none.