Toman (2018) Movie Script

Fellow countrymen!
This is Jan Masaryk broadcasting!
Once again, but this time
definitively for the last time,
allow me to wish you a Happy New Year
via the BBC from London.
What are our hopes
and aspirations for 1945?
It will be the year of victory in Europe.
We citizens of Czechoslovakia,
the beautiful heart of Europe,
what can and should
we expect from victory?
First, we have to promise
that we will stick together,
that there will be no civil conflicts
and that we will not need
the Allied forces to govern us.
Our foreign policy in 1945
will be based on the solid, unshakeable,
mighty foundation of the agreement
with the Soviet Union.
It is my joyful duty
to express our gratitude
to that great statesman
and commander, Josef Stalin,
to the Soviet Government
and to the mighty Red Army,
whose heroic deeds have
brought about this wonderful reality
which all us Czechoslovak citizens
had hardly dared to trust in.
Our Carpatho-Ukrainians are already
welcoming their Slavic liberators.
The armies of the Third Ukraine Front
are at the Slovakian border as we speak
and it is only a matter of days
before they start liberating
the rest of our beloved country.
So which one are you then?
Zoltan Goldberger?
Zoltn Toman?
Or Zdenk Toman?
Just a dirty little Jew
though really, aren't you?
Can I have a cigarette, Inspector?
- What else have you got in there?
- Worked in London from 1941,
escaped through Poland, worked
as an official in the Government in Exile.
- Tried to join the Communist party.
- Who stopped you?
Communist and they didn't want you
in the Party even in Britain?
Perhaps because your old man
wanted you to be a rabbi, eh?
The Party didn't recognise his membership
in the Prague Young Communist League.
For ten years, all through
my law studies in Prague,
I was head of their Publicity Department.
Charles University. That was before
the war, 1926 to 36, cover name Vasil.
So Carpatho-Ukraine?
Eastern Slovakia,
born in Sobrance, 2 March 1909.
Father a practising Jew,
Hungarian, owned a grocery shop.
So then, Vasil, Hungarian,
Goldberger, rabbi,
What a mess.
Changed his name to Zoltn Toman
in London during the war.
All those different names.
How did you remember them all?
Joined the Party at the end of the War and
changed his name again, to Zdenk Toman.
Sent to Carpatho-Ukraine in March '45
by the Government in Exile
to organise the repatriation of
Czechs and Slovaks.
Attention: Dr Edvard Bene...
...Mr Jan Masaryk.
List of Czechoslovak citizens
- to be repatriated...
...citizens to be... soon as possible.
Compiled by Dr Zdenk Toman,
on behalf of the Repatriations Department
of the Czechoslovak Government.
Franta, in those lists of Jews
who survived the concentration camps
that you're always reading,
is there a Goldberger or Goldbergerov?
There's a few of them.
I seem to remember Auschwitz.
Here, for example.
And there's an Aurlie Goldberger here,
8 April 1918, Sobrance.
Best not to specify "faith" for the Jews.
It can be hard to explain
that they are Czechoslovak citizens.
Is Comrade Toman here?
Is Comrade Toman here?
- Comrades, you not go there now.
- Out of my way, bitch!
Comrade, we have received information
that your assistant is signing passports
for what are claimed to be your citizens.
is territory of Czechoslovakia.
According to the will of the Rusyns, it
will soon become part of the Soviet Union.
Comrades, according to the treaty,
our people from Carpatho-Ukraine
are entitled to decide between
Czechoslovak and Soviet citizenship.
If they have a single drop of
Russkoy blood in them, they ours.
We find them anyway.
You still have a lot to learn.
You've got a visitor, Comrade.
Waiting for you in the corridor,
and urgently wants to speak to you.
I look like a mess, don't I?
Forget Zoltan. I'm Zdenk around here.
This is Imrich. He helped me to get
all the way here from Poland.
We know each other.
Come in.
Things were different, in London.
You're lucky, Imrich,
that you helped my sister.
I have got something for you.
It's OK, to tell you the truth
I've been expecting you.
The lady in the photo
looks rather like you.
Comrade Tskalov.
Please take care of my sister.
Make her tea
and give her something to eat.
Make sure you sign it.
I assume you don't need a passport.
Not for myself, no.
But I've brought
a group of people from the camps.
Jews from Slovakia and Carpatho-Ukraine,
with no papers.
The Russians want to send anyone
still on their feet to the front.
Anyone repatriated has to pay
for their citizenship, in roubles.
One rouble equates to one crown.
I've got money.
But don't bring the people here.
Just bring a list with their details.
And hurry, because I'm leaving for Koice.
Gottwald wants me to find somewhere
for the Interim Government to sit.
The new post-war
National Front Government,
born from negotiations
between the Government in Exile in London
and the Moscow-based leadership of
the Czechoslovak Communist Party,
was set up in Koice, in the liberated
part of Slovakia in April 1945.
On 5 April the new Government was sworn in
by Dr Edvard Bene,
the President of Czechoslovakia,
and it then passed
the Koice Government Programme of
National Democratic Revolution,
which sets out the policies of
the restored Czechoslovakia.
I think we have
a bright future ahead of us.
It went rather well.
Zdeno! Is that you? You're looking more
distinguished than when I last saw you.
Vclav, really nice to see you again.
Want to come in?
Slnsk will be happy to see you.
No, not today. Just tell me what
happened there, in a nutshell.
In a nutshell?
The democrats came to Moscow
completely unprepared.
Everything worked out
just as we had planned.
Gottwald wanted Slnsk
to head the Interior Ministry.
That was too much for the
Socialists and the Christian-Democrats.
So I was given the Interior Ministry.
In a nutshell!
Really? Congratulations.
Before you know it,
you've got a political post.
But don't worry, you won't be left
behind. Gottwald's counting on you.
Be careful, Zdeno.
The NKVD is all over the place.
We're not in London any more.
- Good bye, Comrade.
- Good bye.
We'll be in Prague
before you know it, so drop by!
Minister, Mr Toman is here.
Good, show him in!
Shall I take that for you?
- Zdeno! - Comrade.
- Good to see you.
Sit down. I'm just picking my team.
Won't you sit down?
I need someone reliable
as Director of the Intelligence Service.
Well then?
Director of the Secret Service?
Me? Are you being serious?
And why not?
I've talked about you with Slnsk.
- Do you think you'd be up to it?
- May I?
For the time being
you would report to Bartk.
We had to put him up there for political
reasons, as a concession to the democrats.
He also recommended you, by the way.
Alright then, I'll do it.
It belongs to a relative of Kuracina,
my driver.
That's the lavatory.
We'll manage here for a few days
and then I'll get something better.
That's the neighbours in there.
Excuse me, but it's time to go.
Take some rest.
How long has it been?
Where do all the years go?
Yes, time flies. I spotted you in Koice,
but there wasn't time to say hello.
I see you've hit the big time.
- Did you inherit this from the Germans?
- Tell me now, how was London?
Blitzed to bits. You were lucky
that you were sent to Moscow.
But you know London like the back of your
hand now and have good contacts there.
I did during the war, Rudolf.
We were expecting a child but my wife
had a miscarriage during an air raid.
She arrived back in Prague today.
If you want to go into politics with us,
Zdeno, don't have kids.
What do you mean?
I don't know who suffers most,
the children or us.
My daughter was abducted in Moscow,
she was in a pram.
We never found her.
People were dreadfully hungry.
I still have nightmares
that someone ate my child alive.
I've heard you are a good businessman,
but you should really smoke the cheap
stuff, at least in front of the Soviets.
So tell me, what's selling well
in London at the moment?
I'm serious.
The Party is going to need money now.
Lots of money.
And as a Goldberger,
you know how to make that, don't you?
Now that the war is over, anything sells.
Someone would have to approve it, Rudolf.
And I'd need some initial capital.
I'll take care of that.
Come in!
Comrade General Secretary,
Comrade Reicin is here.
Come in, Bedich.
Comrade Reicin, Military Intelligence.
Comrade Toman, Foreign Intelligence.
- Comrade.
- Comrade Reicin.
- I'll see you soon, Zdeno. Good bye.
- Good bye.
How can you be in contact like that with
someone who is working for the British?
- And he's a Hungarian on top of that.
- We all work for someone, Bedich.
Come in.
Very nice.
You know how it is,
I work for a general now.
Fifteen minutes in the office every day
and otherwise I take things easy
and do a bit of business on the side.
What have you got for me then?
Well, I've got some imitation jewellery.
A few cameras.
- Would you like some Cognac?
- Why not.
And I'd take a bottle home with me,
my bar at home is still half empty.
What about diamonds, pearls?
Oh yes... and I need
those addresses of yours in London.
Which addresses?
Aladar, don't play games with me.
You know where to sell those things.
I'll pay you cash, in sterling or crowns.
Your choice.
Some of the contacts may be
a bit out of date, but you'll manage.
You'll have to copy them.
And you can pay in Reichsmarks too.
They've still got
the best rate on the black market.
Zdeno! Looks like we're going to be
working together again.
- Thanks for recommending me.
- You surprised me. - How so?
Well, it's normally best
not to argue with the Soviets.
You mean Carpatho-Ukraine,
before we lost it?
- I was just protecting our citizens there.
- The Jews won't forget you for it.
Josef, listen,
I have to go to London for a few days.
- The Americans are the only ones flying
there from Prague at the moment. - Exactly.
If it can wait a few days,
you can fly with me.
- That would be wonderful.
- I'll arrange for a seat for you.
And congratulations on your promotion!
Comrade Milada.
Comrade Deputy.
Is something up, Zdenk?
No, no...
Come on now...
We can at least talk about it.
That's where I went to secondary school.
Now the teachers there will be Russian.
We're surrendering
the Carpatho-Ukraine to them.
That will mean more refugees.
How will we ever feed them all?
As if we didn't have
enough problems of our own.
There'll be no refugees.
We can't give citizenship
to Rusyns or Ukrainians any more.
And we have to set up
refugee camps for the ones here.
That's a lot of laundry
you're taking with you.
Well then? Ready to face
those memories of London past?
We Communists only
look towards the future, Colonel.
The Yanks will load it on the plane,
but I'm not sure what the Tommies
will say to all that diplomatic mail.
- Brooches.
- You're planning to sell all that?
How much do you think
this could fetch?
I'll find out for you by tomorrow.
But I don't want the cameras,
you can sell those yourself.
Look, diamonds.
Nicely cut.
Oh, and I'd like to take
something nice back with me.
A nice piece of jewellery.
A necklace or a bracelet,
something special.
So it's a key to your wife's corset?
Would you like to join us for a reception
at the Ambassador's residence?
Lots of alcohol,
plenty of women, all that hosiery!
Are you really so busy
that you can't spare me a few minutes?
Can you tell me why you haven't
taken me to bed since my arrival?
I don't have time to think about that now.
And when will you make the time?
You don't need to put those on.
Come on...
Let's make a little Communist.
- But I really don't have time.
- Just a few minutes.
Do you want us to end up
like the Slnsks with their little Nadia?
But that was in Moscow,
this... this is Prague!
I'll take care of both of us.
But you have to understand.
The way it is now,
it's either politics, or kids.
It's a choice we have to make.
- Hello?
- Hello, Zdeno, Rudolf Slnsk here.
- How did it go in London?
- Fairly well.
I'll be looking forward to seeing you with
it tomorrow. We have to get a move on.
- You knew it wouldn't be that easy.
- What do you mean?
I thought you knew
your way around these things.
I'll see you tomorrow, Comrade.
Our goal is to strengthen the influence
of the Party in all of the ministries.
Comrades from Military Intelligence
here will handle the Army.
We need to identify
non-party members who are with us.
This is not the time to start
handing out Party membership.
We are still working on changes in the
structure of Military Intelligence, Karel.
We are appointing our people
to all the new positions, of course.
Thanks. Gentlemen from the Interior here
will deal with the police and so on.
We need Bartk and people like that
to be cut off from any information.
Every opportunity
to undermine them in public is welcome.
But changes at headquarters
are not enough.
The entire police force
needs to be changed.
We need new recruits and we can't have
police officers from before the war.
We are working on that, of course.
We have got our people in leading
positions in virtually every district.
We are setting up a unified security
service, focusing on political opponents
whose activities are deemed
not to be political opposition,
but a danger comparable to an attack
by the armed forces of a foreign power.
Thank you, Bedich.
Don't forget Foreign Affairs. The Soviets
want to be informed of all activities.
Of course, that's why
I brought along Vlado Clementis.
He will be giving us regular updates on
what Jan Masaryk is up to at the Ministry.
- Yes!
- Comrade Gottwald is on the phone.
- Says he is free now and should he come?
- Tell him we are about to finish here.
Karel and I will go see him
and give him a summary.
Zdeno, could you stay behind for a while?
I need to have a few words.
- Comrade.
- Comrade.
I'll wait next door, Rudolf.
Where's your safe?
Gottwald is covering our backs,
but if you go too far,
the Party will deny everything, Zoltn.
Here, count that.
Never call me Zoltan again.
You're just as much of
a filthy Jew as I am.
My name is Zdenk.
In we go then.
- And this is what the comrades assigned?
- I'm in charge assigned homes.
We'll get it all tidied up.
There were Jews living here for 25 years.
The Germans had it for five years.
And then the Red Army
was here for three months.
You can hang the Stalin painting here
so that it's centre stage
if any Comrades come to visit.
- Have you got it?
- Yes.
Put it on my desk.
You can go.
Yes Comrade?
Send this by diplomatic post
to Zeman in London.
- Yes?
- Hold the line please, you have a call.
Booth number two.
Hold on.
You're late,
I've already rung three times.
We have a problem, those packages of yours
are starting to attract attention.
Calm down.
I have got someone who'll take care of it.
- You know him, he was in Britain too.
- Who is it? - He'll find you.
- It's starting to get risky.
- Listen, how much could they fetch?
- Those latest packages?
- I don't know. Four or five thousand?
- Or deportation.
- Get rid of them as soon as possible then.
What about
the last package with the letters?
Yes, I've still got them on my desk.
Then start sending them out gradually,
from different post-boxes, start tomorrow.
OK, I'll do that.
Lucky Strikes, please.
One hundred and twenty crowns.
Comrade Toman sent us this
for the New Year.
Would you care for some?
It's French.
- I'm not keen on Toman.
- Patience, Comrade.
First we get rid of the non-Communists.
And then we'll turn to the others.
They've been exposed to too much
imperialism in London, now they're pests.
But otherwise, Comrade, the Intelligence
Service is almost exclusively ours
and we're working on the Army.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
One war is over, Captain...
but we are fighting another.
Would you be interested
in returning to London for a while?
I left a lover over there.
My wife doesn't know about her.
Good. I won't have to pay for a hotel
and you'll want to go back there for me.
But I'm working for Reicin.
I sort out everything
that's needed here, Adolf.
Like with Vlado Clementis.
He wanted a car for a reasonable price.
He got a reasonably-priced car.
Perhaps you might need a car
or a bigger flat one day too.
And as far as Military Intelligence
is concerned, Nosek approved you
and Reicin is going to
lend you to me for a few weeks.
I need someone reliable, an independent,
but a Communist at heart.
And above all someone who knows London.
I have got a tricky task for you. We need
to raise about fifty thousand pounds.
For the Intelligence Service?
For the Party. To pay for the elections.
Some for the Interior Ministry
and some for us, as a bonus.
And how are you planning to go about it?
We'll get you a diplomatic passport
and you'll take my post over for me.
The goods you buy in Prague
for this money will be in that post.
Then you'll sell
the goods in Britain for me.
Mrs Prochzkov? Come here.
How do you explain this to me?
They brought it here from the National
Property Fund. Comrade Toman wanted it.
From the National Property Fund.
So it actually belongs to the people.
I am sure Comrade Toman would not want it
this dirty if it belongs to the people.
Where do you want the bed, Mr Toman?
- Ask my wife.
- But you wanted your study in here.
Follow me.
The bed goes upstairs!
- Comrade, what will it be today?
- The pork and potatoes. No soup, thanks.
- Soup?
- Yes, please.
- Do you think he's sleeping with her?
- Can you blame him?
Comrades. May I?
Have a seat. We're talking about women.
Have you got something going on with her?
- Is it edible today?
- Same as always.
I think we could do
with a purge... in the kitchen.
- Yes. The Ministry is still full of...
...people who have not been vetted.
Incidentally, I've just remembered
something interesting I heard.
What's that?
A certain imperialist spider is planning
to spin a web right under our noses.
Your people are surely on top of that?
They are, but I thought
you might be interested as well.
He's Jewish.
Don't let him catch you
in that web of his.
If you want to know more,
call Clementis at the Foreign Ministry,
because the old baldy is giving
the spider his personal attention.
Since when has Masaryk been into spiders?
I thought it was mostly drugs and tarts,
- judging by how he behaved in London.
- Do you know something about that?
That could come in handy one day.
I'll drink to that.
Someone's sending
anonymous letters about me from Britain.
I've never read such filth!
I want to know what you know about it!
General, I don't understand
why you've come to us about this?
Zdeno, you know that I have always
served my country honourably.
I've never been a collaborator.
Forget about it, Josef.
It's just an anonymous letter.
It'll be forgotten about in a few days.
These were taken
at the Polish border, near Nchod.
The people, mostly Jewish families,
have virtually nothing.
Their only belongings
is what they can carry with them.
This is Gaynor Jacobson. An American yid.
He's only been here for a few days,
but he's already managed
to meet with Masaryk.
He's representing some Jewish organisation
that's helping refugees, the AJDC.
Where are they taking them?
To a refugee camp. Nobody wants them here,
but most of them have passports.
They want to transport them all to the
American zones in Germany and Austria.
Everything suggests that
they came here to finance the transports.
Registration... up.
I'm looking for my relatives from Polish
concentration camps. Guttmans.
Guttmans. G.
Treblinka, Auschwitz.
We only have partial lists from Poland.
But we're expecting more
from Warsaw, next month.
They should be more complete.
I'll bring it next door for you.
You'll have more privacy there.
Sorry but don't I know you from London?
Aren't you Mrs Toman?
- Comrade. - What's the matter?
Has your filing cabinet burned down?
I've been talking to Masaryk.
What did that old democrat want from the
Director-in-waiting of the Intel Service?
He put me in contact in
a round-about way with an American.
The head of AJDC,
a Jewish humanitarian organisation.
They're offering dollars if we help
transfer their people to the West.
Their people?
Jewish refugees who survived the camps.
The Party needs money,
the elections are round the corner.
You've got free rein.
Ok, put me through.
Comrade, what can I do for you?
That's good news.
You too. Good bye.
Bartk resigned today.
I think you may be in line for promotion.
- How much?
- Didn't even make three thousand.
Three? It was supposed to be
worth five thousand pounds!
The goods Berger
supplied me with were awful.
I thought your fifteen percent
was worth a little effort!
Take a taxi,
I don't want you anywhere near me.
I bumped into someone
I know from London in Prague.
We're planning to go
to the cinema tomorrow.
And why are you telling me?
It's an American film.
I'd like to have your problems.
Stop off at the Interior Ministry.
- Leaving already? I need to speak to you.
- Is it urgent? It's Saturday!
Come on. The elections are round
the corner, the campaign is in full swing.
- Where are you heading with this? Comrade!
- The Jewish refugees.
I know how to squeeze money out of them.
I need you to persuade the Government
that it's our political and moral duty
to grant them temporary asylum.
Make it legal for them
to cross our territory? Are you mad?
There's serious money involved.
And the Party needs money.
Why don't you go to Slnsk?
The Party coffers are his responsibility.
He can't decide anything on his own.
Masaryk has already approved it.
And when he approves something, Bene does
too. Your job is to persuade Gottwald.
How can I persuade Gottwald when we don't
know whether it's in line with the policy
of revolutionary state-building?
Tell him that we'll turn the Jews into
reds before we let them leave the country.
Lock the door please
so that nobody else disturbs me.
And get me something to drink.
Please come with me, come please.
- Where are you from?
- From Siberia. Polish Jews.
You saved us! A thousand thanks!
There, you have to register there.
Over there.
Careful, it's slippery!
How can I help you?
Deputy Minister of Interior would like to
invite you to breakfast with him, Mr Taub.
What a nice offer, but I normally
don't have breakfast until 9 o'clock.
But Mr Taub, Dr Toman
already has breakfast ready for you.
I'll be filing a complaint about you.
You're welcome to do that.
But your passport is not in order.
I could have you thrown out
of the country before you know it.
I thought you liked it here?
You could make a few bob on the side.
You have a girl here,
aren't I right in thinking?
Very pretty, it would be a shame if
we found that she was in possession of,
shall we say, some drugs
from American soldiers.
I would like to meet
your Ambassador, for instance.
Perhaps at one of those
famous soires of yours.
This is on me, Mr Taub.
And come and see me at the Ministry.
- When?
- We'll pick you up.
The mood of the people is not ideal before
the election. Gottwald's getting nervous.
The Soviets think
we are not doing enough for the cause.
If we don't win the election,
we are finished as politicians, all of us.
We need to grease more journalists' palms.
Kick-start the campaign.
Especially in rural areas and in smaller
towns. And we need more money for that.
Don't worry, the money will be there.
I've got a number of
projects in the pipeline.
I know that I can rely on you,
but I've heard that the Soviets
are not too enamoured with you.
It definitely doesn't look good when
your wife goes to see American films.
Are you telling me
that someone is spying on my family?
Let's not talk about that now.
Just make sure
you get us the money. And fast.
She arrived about 10 minutes ago
and is still in the building.
Are we going in?
That plane from Poland... It crashed
on landing in Prague this morning
and the whole plane went up in flames.
And the lists of people from
the Polish camps went up with it.
I have nothing for you.
I am truly sorry, Mrs Tomanov.
That's... not possible...
Go and get her.
Mrs Tomanov, please come with me.
What are you doing here?
Have you lost your mind?
I don't want to ever see you
in that building or anywhere near it!
I don't want you meeting
with these people in public!
Who's the man
with the glasses with Jacobson?
Dr Hork. He's Czech.
AJDC's legal representative.
I shouldn't bother
helping the damn people.
Drive over to them.
- Drive on!
- Zdenk?
I said drive on!
Dear Sir, Please be informed you
that a payment of 25,000 Swiss Francs
has been credited to your account.
May 13, 1946.
Toman here.
Get me Lieutenant Colonel Vodika, please.
- Are we expecting guests?
- Zdenk, don't you remember
that I rearranged dinner
with the Clementises for tonight?
- I hope I manage to get everything ready.
- And what is Prochzkov for then?
She's cooking.
The main thing is
that you don't arrive late.
You will make it, won't you?
Hello? So it's here, so I'll link it to you.
- Lieutenant Colonel Vodika speaking.
- Toman here.
I want the border checks relaxed,
along the entire border.
I'll have another train sent to Nchod.
The order still stands. Anyone entering
and declaring themselves to be a Jewish
refugee will not be sent back to Poland.
Instead they will be given assistance
to get to the transit camps.
I understand, Comrade. We'll relax
the border checks along the entire border.
And the Hungarian border too.
This is how things look tonight
here in Wenceslas Square.
The public address system is providing
a constant stream of announcements
as the election results
pour in from the regions.
You know the final result.
The Communists in first place.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Pesla Tomanov.
- That really suits you.
- Thank you.
- Where's the brooch from?
- From my husband.
Perhaps we should order a drink.
Aha, there it is.
- How did you get in here?
- I'm a clever lady.
- On the hunt for some influential friends?
- It's them who are after me.
And here's yours, madam.
Thank you.
- Zdeno, I am so proud of you!
- Are you? Well, you're the only one who is.
Zdeno! Come on over here!
Wait, Zdeno.
There's something I need to tell you.
Later, Vclav. The Prime Minister
elect has called me over.
But it's very important.
Don't trust Berger
and that whole Moscow gang over there.
Beat it!
Sit down here
and get some of this down you!
- Our victory!
- Our victory!
Our victory!
We only got 40 percent. I'm not so sure
Moscow will be too happy with that.
No, they're hardly
going to be jumping with joy.
It's not about
the results of the elections,
but about how the papers write about them.
That's where you shape
the mindset of the nation.
We'd have to ban all newspapers in that
case, apart from Rud prvo, of course.
All in good time!
You look wonderful today, Zdenk.
- And what about me, Marta darling?
- You too, dear!
Do you know
what I'm going to do, my dearest?
- What Comrade Stalin has advised me?
- What has Comrade-in-Chief advised you?
We are not going to be bringing in
collective farms here just yet, Comrades.
The conditions here are rather different.
Look what she's wearing.
We'll build the path to Socialism our way.
You're such a clever chap,
my little Prime Minister.
As the wife of the future PM, she should
at least get a dressmaker to advise her.
Personally, I wouldn't let
a dressmaker advise me.
But you've got
all that experience from London.
- Good evening.
- Take a seat.
What's going on between you
and that secretary of yours?
Come on now, Pesla, don't start on that.
We're sitting pretty.
Perhaps it is about time
to make that little Communist.
What do you say?
You still haven't answered my question.
Come on, Pesla.
- Everything looks wonderful.
- What?
Me, or what? Please, please, don't.
Come on, to celebrate
our victory at least,
a little Communist.
What do you say?
It's not the right time.
But if not now then when?
We've just won the elections after all.
- I'm not in the mood. Come and lie down.
- He'll be a Communist.
A proper one!
Five ministries for us,
three for the Slovak Communists
and me as Prime Minister. That is
the most we can achieve at the moment.
If we keep hold of
the Ministry of the Interior,
the Finance Ministry
and the Ministry of Information,
we'll have the most important ones
under our control.
There are five other ministries and we
can haggle over those with the democrats.
We'll leave the Defence Ministry
to Ludvk Svoboda, he's one of us.
- And he's not a Party member.
- Democrats will just have to accept it.
Our main task is to purge our ministries
of all the democratic reactionary deputies
and their cronies.
I want recommendations for suitable
apparatchiks to replace them.
I propose keeping Masaryk
at Foreign Affairs.
He's unaffiliated
and we've got enough dirt on him
for him to keep him on our side.
Comrades, if we clean up the Interior,
the Army and the Ministry of Information,
we'll have all the tools
we need for a takeover.
Get out of here!
- Coffee?
- Thank you.
- Masaryk rang you again last night.
- What did he want?
He wouldn't tell me.
- Coffee?
- Yes.
- Kielce.
That's just
a few kilometres from our border.
What are we going to do
about the British protests
that Jews are passing
through their zone in Germany
and travelling to Palestine, Minister?
I don't know myself, Vlado.
We'll probably have to
inform the President.
How would you tackle it, Doctor?
If we had to stop the refugees, or
even turn them back, I'd have to resign.
You realise that, gentlemen?
We'll increase
the capacity of the refugee camps.
We'll let them stay here a few weeks,
that'll stem the flow.
The numbers are interesting.
Thousands of people every day.
Those are very interesting numbers.
Thank you. Here is the letter.
Good day to you.
A letter has just arrived for you.
From the Foreign Ministry.
"Even the Americans are now complaining
to Bene about the flood of refugees!!!
Jan Masaryk"
I represent the interests of
the United States.
Help yourself.
Interesting piece, isn't it?
From Toman's goldsmith in Berlin.
You're not surprised, are you?
Reichsmarks are still valid
and only Toman and Pokorn have the right
to freely dispose of foreign
currency from the National Bank.
A sandstone quarry on the border
between the American and Russian zones.
Shares in a light-bulb factory.
- That belongs to the Intelligence.
- To my mind, Toman is the Intelligence.
He has got Nosek
eating out of the palm of his hand.
A night-club in Hamburg,
a number of houses in Berlin.
I'm sure Toman is not up
to this on his own.
He's got the Sudeten Germans helping him.
He's also chums with the Americans.
He's doing deals with the Ambassador.
The only damn thing I wanted
from him was a bigger flat.
He said Party members take priority.
Watch him, he's an ungrateful bastard.
This time he's sending
his wife to London with me.
Pesla! Good luck!
Excuse me.
Please have a seat
in my study for the time being.
I'll be with you shortly,
we're just finishing.
- Things are easier if we help each other.
- Va? Did he come here with a list too?
Let me give you a bit of advice:
don't just buy for yourself
and you'll have everyone on your side.
Come on, let's have a look at the goods.
- More tea, Mrs Tomanov?
- Are the shops on Oxford Street open yet?
I'm sure most of them are.
But there's not much to sell.
Try the markets in Covent Garden.
You are pregnant.
I'm being watched and you promised
that you would take care of that.
You said five minutes, Adolf.
- I hope you've brought enough money along.
- Money, me? I do have something with me.
How much then?
Seven and a half.
We'll only get a million and a half
for that on the black market, if that.
How much of that am I
supposed to give to the Party?
- Your wife spent a lot.
- Leave her out of it.
Look, here's someone capable.
He bought himself a chateau recently.
Kargul? Wasn't he
a concentration camp commander?
All that for the Party, Comrade?
It was us who made him
into a collaborating bastard
so that we could keep him on a tight rein.
And less of the "Comrade".
I've brought you some tea.
English tea.
- Problems?
- No problems. Everything is going well.
Sign this.
Yes, you're quite right, it's a release
order signed by the Minister.
- This man is supposed to be at a trial.
- It's not your job to worry about this!
I'd like a cigarette.
Marian Kargul has been selected to
represent our heavy industry in Brazil
and he will be leaving for Brazil within
the next few days. That's the end of it.
And what do we say to the Poles?
He is on their list of war criminals.
You tell them to contact
the Ministry of the Interior.
- Visitors?
- Your sister and her husband have arrived.
What do they want? Money? I've already
found them a villa and a Mercedes.
They want passports.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Aren't you cold out here?
I'm used to being cold from the camp.
Aurlie, you can't do this to me.
Where do you want to go?
To join our brother. To Venezuela.
Are you mad? Did you stop to think about
the damage that would do to my career?
Perhaps you could just
help me once in life, couldn't you?
You're not going anywhere.
You're a bastard.
Do you want money, Imrich?
No problem.
That bastard Kargul paid
twenty eight thousand dollars,
four thousand Swiss francs
and half a million crowns... buy his way out of court.
He's a criminal.
You were never in a concentration camp.
Neither were you.
Two hundred thousand for me,
two hundred for you.
And we'll give the rest to the Party
and the Interior Ministry
for intelligence purposes.
What do you say, Imrich?
And I'll send you to work
in London, instead of Pchler.
- Why so suddenly?
- On commission. On a diplomatic passport.
But Aurlie will stay here.
You're a bastard!
Pchler is an idiot.
He's racking up debts
and making a spectacle of himself.
- Hello, Toman here.
- Jan Masaryk calling.
Come and see me at the Foreign
Ministry immediately. I've just heard
that I was sent
letter bombs today at the Ministry.
Letter bombs? Why don't you call
Minister Nosek? This is a serious matter.
I don't have his home number.
I'll take care of this, Minister. Someone
capable will be with you without delay.
Has he bought you already?
It's time. You should get on board.
Comrade Tskalov, your work
for Dr Toman is in the Party's interests.
- Isn't it, Comrade Milada?
- Yes, Comrade.
The struggle against the foreign enemy.
Isn't that right, Milada?
Yes, Comrade.
Let's go and have dinner somewhere.
What is it, Milada?
Don't you like me?
Ahh, you're dressed already.
Well, I'll be off then. Comrade.
Have you missed the plane?
Are you sleeping with him?
How did he know
I wasn't going to be here then?
I don't know.
Hitch up your skirt!
I want to check whether that bastard
took your underwear with him.
You're saying the letter bombs were from
Moravian Communists, come on, really?
"Expert analysis of the handwriting
and the paint on the boxes has revealed
that the boxes were transported
to Prague and delivered
by a member of the Communist party,
a train driver by the name of tpnek.
The device was made by a Communist
Member of Parliament, Jura Sosnar,
on the instructions of... etc..."
So, Minister, it wasn't terrorists.
People are protesting because of the way
the 'Millionaires' tax' has been blocked.
- I didn't set them on you.
- You are one of the millionaires!
- You'll also be hit by the tax!
- Minister, I'll follow your advice.
- Advice?
- I'll spend everything and I'll be OK!
By the way, don't you want to
take some time off,
go somewhere
with your lover, Mrs Davenport?
Transported to Germany as a Polish Jew.
Transported to Germany as a Polish Jew!
Transported to Germany as a Polish Jew!
- What is the meaning of this, Comrades?
- But Comrade Gottwald said
the Soviet Union approved
the transportation of Polish Jews.
Polish Jews! Not Soviet citizens!
I want to know who's responsible for this!
My people are looking into it
and I will inform you.
What are you waiting for?
Haven't you got anything on him?
I've set Pchler and others on him,
I have photos of everyone he meets.
But I haven't got anything major.
- No one wants to go against him!
- What about that secretary of his?
Why you Czechs still need to prove
people are actually guilty?
So the servant does not complain
that we are not sleeping together.
What are you doing?
You stink of drink!
What are you doing? Get off me you pig!
Don't touch me, don't touch me!
Who is it?
Damn it.
Want one?
- Why don't you call them back?
- And how could I know who called?
Zdeno, the Party and the Soviets
need to be sure
that you are working in our interests,
not those of the Americans. Is that clear?
- Zdeno, are you there?
- Slnsk.
- Zdeno!
- Yes, Rudolf, I'm here.
But we're still coining it in
off the Americans, aren't we?
That's your business, but ultimately you
report to me, the Party and the Soviets.
There are also going to be
elections in the new Jewish state!
Surely the Soviets should understand.
Israel could be another Communist country.
- The first in the Middle East,
think about it! - Ok, calm down!
All I know is that the Soviets
are afraid of that American AJDC.
Why the AJDC exactly?
Don't play games, Zdeno.
You know very well
that they're a front for all
kinds of Jewish terrorist organisations.
You don't have to tell us, Zdeno,
but Zorin is all worked up about it.
And when Zorin is worked up,
Stalin is probably worked up too.
And what about our parties, Doctor.
You not miss whores?
Maybe the Party doesn't
but what about you?
Masaryk will sign it, Zdeno,
but he's worried.
The Czechoslovak Government
are willing to sell the weapons,
but only to a sovereign state,
and the Jews haven't got one of those.
That won't be a problem.
I'll take care of that.
- Have you got it?
- I have. - OK, come on then.
I'd like my percentage in cash.
Dollars if possible.
The weapons will not leave
Czechoslovakia until I do.
So, to Ethiopia then.
And the Minister of Defence has signed it?
Ludvk Svoboda. Yes.
Gentlemen, I am sure
you know about the embargo
on the export of arms to Palestine.
Thank you. Minister...
Gentlemen, good day to you.
Was that him?
Yes, that was him, Mr Wallet in person.
And we were the only ones
able to take his money.
For rusty old ex-Wehrmacht rifles.
How did you convince him to buy them?
I told him whatever we didn't sell to Jews
in Palestine we would sell to the Arabs.
So he took everything.
Idiot! You can't let any more Jews in!
It's not the right time to piss off
Bene with protests from the British.
We're going to need him
at the moment of truth.
- According to Masaryk, you OK'd it.
- I never said anything of the sort!
- He assured me that you had told him that.
- Damn it, I never said that to him, Zdeno!
I didn't say anything to him!
Let's leave it be. Forget about it.
And close those borders straight away.
Zdeno, we have a problem!
Some Polish Jews in Brazil
recognised him! Kargul!
If the Poles and the press find out,
we're really in the shit.
Who knows about it?
Kargul, he's not going to sing.
We'll bring him straight back.
- What happened between you and Gottwald?
- What?
He said to me
he was going to have your balls.
Maybe it's got something to do with that
Moscow order, not to accept any US aid.
But I'm not accepting any American aid!
I'm just fleecing them
for all they're worth!
Hombre! Great to see you, how are you?
Good afternoon. Seoras...
- Mister Ambassador.
- Minister.
- Your Excellence. Hello.
- Hello, Minister.
- Hello, ladies.
- Hello.
When is the little one
going to make an appearance?
- Soon.
- That's fantastic.
Zdeno, what's the matter?
Vlado, Slnsk asked me
to dig up some dirt on you.
You don't say! When?
Don't worry about it.
It's just something personal.
He was never a big fan of me.
Think about Lda, Vlado,
and get away while there's time.
Zdenk, Mr Masaryk
would like to speak with you.
Where would we go?
This is where we belong.
- It can wait, I'll come back later.
- No, no, Minister.
I'll be on my way.
I see you have more work.
- May I interrupt for a moment? Drinks!
- Of course, Minister! It's your birthday.
- We haven't even toasted you yet.
- I have a small favour to ask.
I'm leaving for New York.
I'd like to make sure, before I leave,
that the Jewish refugees here will
continue to be well treated, Deputy Toman.
I can't promise that, Minister.
I can't even guarantee
the safety of my own family at the moment.
I understand. I just hope for both of you
that your child is born healthy.
Try talking to the Prime Minister.
He's got more authority than me.
I can't cover for you anymore!
There's been too many cock-ups!
Don't panic, Rudolf. We'll sort it out.
You're doing the sorting out! I told you
clearly that you were on your own in this!
How Nosek could find out
about Kargul before I did?
If it was the other way around,
there would not have been a problem.
Just give me a bit of time
to sort it out, Rudolf.
This is for you. Gottwald made a decision.
It's time to get rid of the bourgeoisie,
in the interests of socialist democracy.
What are you so afraid of?
You can tell me, Zdenk.
Enemies of the state?
Or your own agents?
That hurts!
Don't even think about
mentioning agents anywhere, understood?
What? What is it
you're afraid of, Zdenk?
You know I was in Buchenwald
during the war, don't you?
Well, your wife paid me
a visit some time ago
and wanted to know if I'd seen
some Polish Jews there, the...
- The Gutmans.
- Yes, the Gutmans.
I promised her I wouldn't tell you.
If any Gutmans were alive,
I'd have found about it a long time ago.
Just a moment, please.
Could this be it?
Excuse me, you have a call.
Here we go then.
What's the news, Zdeno?
A son!
Good work, Zdeno!
What's he going to be called?
- Ivan.
- Ivan, good name. Ivan!
- Zdena doesn't disappoint.
- Here's to little Ivan!
- Zdeno's sown his seed again.
- Ivan!
Dr Toman refused to provide...
Wait a second, Milada.
Repeatedly refused to provide?
Repeatedly refused to provide
more information when I asked him.
Dr Toman instructed me to obtain 50 000
pounds sterling for the above purpose,
in exchange for Czechoslovak cut gems.
I was asked to transport them to London
in consignments bearing a diplomatic seal,
and then to sell them on the black market.
Dr Toman repeatedly stressed
that everything was being done
for the Communist Party
and the Ministry of
the Interior's Intelligence Department.
I must also mention,
that Dr Toman promised me
25% of the total proceeds,
but did not keep his promise
and started spreading
rumours at the Ministry
that I was working
for the British Intelligence Service
and that I had run up major debts
for the Ministry in Britain.
Zdenk, aren't you happy?
- It is clear from the above...
- Yes, Pesla, I am happy.
...that this was
a personal attempt by Dr Toman
to sully my reputation in the eyes of
Comrades from the Central Committee
and the Intelligence Service.
With my deepest respects,
Comrade General Secretary,
Yours, Captain Adolf Pchler.
Addressed to the General Secretary of
Mr Rudolf Slnsk, Na pkop 33, Prague.
- Give it to the General Secretary.
- He won't talk to me.
Leave it in his office, with a secretary,
she'll give it to vb and then we'll see.
That doesn't look like
Mrs Davenport, does it?
As you can see, even your butler
is one of ours. He takes good photos.
By the way, I am the only one to have
this file on you as you have just seen it.
Comrade Gottwald says that if you
resign as well, many people will suffer.
Why didn't he come and tell me himself?
A long time ago, Minister, you said to me
that I was the only Communist you liked.
Did I say that?
If I don't resign,
Bene will accept the resignation of
all the other democratic ministers
and the Government
will be exclusively red.
Who's going to suffer then?
But if you do resign,
then you will be the main one to suffer.
I know you have money stashed away abroad.
If you want to get abroad,
I could arrange that.
I've always arranged everything
for you, Minister, haven't I?
I should hate you.
But I'm afraid
that I'm not the hating type.
Good evening, Comrades.
What is it, Karel?
Something to deliver to you in person.
I have just returned from Prague Castle
where I was meeting with the President.
This morning I submitted a proposal
to accept the resignation of
certain current ministers,
who will step down on 20 February.
I also proposed a list of names
to be added to the cabinet.
And I am pleased to inform you that the
President accepted all of my proposals.
Nosek didn't say anything, Zdeno?
You can leave your coat on.
What's the hurry, Jindich?
You'll have
a cup of coffee with me, won't you?
That won't be necessary, Milada.
From now on this is Bedich's office.
- Really?
- Yes, really.
Now you'll be coming to me,
instead of me to you.
So let me have them, Zdeno.
The keys to the safe.
You must be mistaken. I don't have a safe.
Gottwald here. You've let us down, Zdeno.
Here on the windowsill
is a trace of stool.
And in the window frame,
here and here... are broken fingernails.
Leave that now!
Clean everything till it shines.
Get rid of them.
That's enough.
We'll take care of this, you can go.
Give me that envelope.
Get out!
Clean that, this as well.
Everything's under control.
The photos were taken by a policeman on
duty from the local station, Na Pohoelci.
We confiscated the camera
and enlarged the pictures ourselves.
These must not get out.
The Party cannot afford a scandal.
Put someone on guard here, Inspector.
No exercise.
Nobody but you, Winter and Putna
is allowed to know who's in here.
And make sure he doesn't hang himself.
Can I help you?
You've been sending that whore of yours
to London to do your spivving for you.
My wife's name is Pavla Tomanov,
ne Gutmanov.
We met at the Young Communist League,
we used to go on demonstrations together.
She will confirm this.
Pavla, Pesla, or Milada...
Which of those whores of yours do you
think will confirm anything?
Ring upstairs to get someone to relieve
me, if I stay any longer I'll be sick.
The bastard had it
tastefully done up here, didn't he?
We won't find anything here.
Go and search his study.
Comrade, please.
No, please, no, no!
Please, no...
The Major here would like to know
where your husband
has stashed all his money. Well?
Please, don't...
You Jewish bitch!
- Where has he hidden the money?
- Comrade Major!
We've found a safe!
Well, well, well...
If you give us the keys, we'll probably
be able to get in. Doesn't have a dial.
Shit, it looks like the money got
sent to a Swiss bank a long time ago.
- How much?
- It's in his son's name.
Two hundred and eighty-nine thousand.
- Good morning, Karel.
- Good morning, Jindich.
What'll happen with the boy?
- Comrades.
- Comrades.
Your wife wanted kids, didn't she?
Dear Comrade, you will probably
be surprised to hear from me,
but I have serious grounds
for contacting you.
I believe, since you are the Intelligence
Service and a member of the Party,
you are in charge of
the investigation into my husband.
He was told by the Party Committee
to take a leave during investigation
into the matter he has been accused of,
profiteering on the black market.
He was then watched day and night, by both
the secret police and the uniformed one.
He was then imprisoned. I do not
understand anything of what is going on.
I think he must be facing
a considerable number of charges.
I realise that the Party
must have lost all faith in him.
Because of all this, I can only
assume that his fate is sealed.
His car was also seized
without any court decision being issued.
As his wife and the mother of his child,
I am finding it very difficult
to live under these circumstances.
I dread to think of what
the future holds in store for our child.
So to secure the best possible
future for our little Ivan,
I have decided to ask you, Jindich,
to adopt our child.
You are a good Communist.
Please raise him as a good Communist too.
You are financially secure
and I do not think
that a child like this will cost much to
raise and he will no doubt bring you joy.
Ivan has had no medical problems to date.
He should be getting his jabs on Monday
at Dr Epstein's. That's his paediatrician.
La Pasionaria once said "Better to die
than to live on your knees."
That is what my life would be like now.
With my husband behind bars and a child
who I would one day have to tell
how the Party treated his father.
Everything around us
is radiant and full of joy.
I was looking forward to this, yet now
all I have is grief, sorrow and suffering.
I cannot go on any longer.
Please store my husband's things
until his return.
Tell him that
I was with him until the end.
That is all.
Good bye to all of you.
Pavla Tomanov.
P. S: Long live
the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic!
General Secretary has no objections to
the Secret Police dealing with the baby.
Who will get that villa of his?
Your wife always fancied
his china, didn't she?
Comrades! The assets of Dr Toman
will pass to the Ministry of the Interior.
You make sure there's not so much as a
squeak about it and you can have his car.
I have been entrusted by the Party
to arrange Toman's interrogation.
Inspector Putna from the Interior
will be personally responsible for it.
Any objections?
Jindich, you take care of
that kid, will you?
Did you know that
your wife has committed suicide?
Aurlie, that's such a nice name.
What's the problem? Shoes too tight?
Tell us who was in on it?
And who was in charge? Toman?
And where are
all those diamonds and the money.
Out with it!
Your husband left you to face the music.
He's safely over the border.
Well then.
You're missing him, aren't you?
Are you another one of them?
- What's come over you?
- If they release him,
you'd be in with a chance.
He's not married any more.
You're going to put him
on trial, aren't you?
Look, I don't trust
Karlovo Nmst Prison.
It's too lax.
They're moving him
to Pankrc Prison tomorrow.
Yes, I will make sure, Comrade.
The escort will be here before 1 o'clock.
Tell him to clean
the toilets on the first floor.
- Comrade Captain...
- That's an order!
I can't bear to watch you
scrubbing filthy toilets, Comrade.
Well, don't watch then, Sergeant.
And bring me my coat, it's freezing here.
Sergeant Winter! The escort is here.
Where's Toman?
Don't just stand there!
Winter, secure all the exits!
- He's escaped into the court building!
- After him! On the double!
Winter! First staircase!
Stop! Corridor! First floor!
- Have you seen someone in a suit?
- No, I haven't. - You haven't?
Search the surroundings
he can not be far.
Come back later, Karel.
Bedich's got someone in there.
Where is the bastard?
- Where is he?
- Calm down. We'll just say he was a spy.
Comrades. We've finally managed to prise
open Toman's cabinet in my office.
- And?
- Along with piles of foreign money,
crowns, jewellery and diamonds,
he had 18 kilos of gold in there.
Here is a list of everything.
He's been robbing us all.
Toman here. Meet me where we used to feed
the ducks with Jacobson. In half an hour.
Passage, do you understand? Passage!
Here you are.
Toman's kid is well hidden, Comrades.
Can you get me out?
I could do with some good news.
I'll take you out of Prague tonight.
When the dust has settled, we'll get you
out using the same route the others took.
It's time to tailach.
Your wife really is dead, I'm afraid.
- We'll get him in a couple of hours.
- If we really want him.
Who helped him?
What do you think, Bedich?
Are you asking me that?
When will you have new uniforms
made for the Castle Guards?
Haven't you got
more serious things to worry about?
You're not going to throw me
to the wolves, are you Klement?
I hope it'll just pass us all by.
The border is over there.
About half a kilometre through that wood.
Your Comrades won't catch you now.
They are happy that they've got my son.
Deputy Toman!
We'll find him for you.
This is for them. From Vesel.
From Toman's account.
Will that be enough?
More than enough to raise a Communist.
This is for you. For the little one.
As you know,
he is a foundling from Jihlava.
His parents are unknown.
Thank you.
There, there...