Tomboy (2011) Movie Script

- Everything OK up there?
- Yep.
We stay to the left?
No, to the right.
Not that far right.
There you go.
We keep going straight?
No, we turn right.
Blinker on.
Up or down?
To the right.
Go on, put the blinker on.
- Which way?
- Right!
Up or down?
Your call.
Turn, turn, turn.
Straighten it up!
It's really nice, you'll see.
You'll tell me what you think?
Just pretending!
I knew it!
You like my room?
Know what? Yesterday Mum and I
had a picnic in the living-room
cos there was no table!
Well, we went out!
And guess what? I didn't have a bath.
I can tell - you stink!
No way, I don't!
- You do.
- No, I don't!
- Yeah, you do!
- No, I don't!
Look what I've found...
a little cuddly stinky toy!
- You OK, my sweetie?
- Yes.
But youre crushing my foot!
- Did you have a nice sleep last night?
- Yeah.
In your new home?
All your cuddly toys and all...
Oh, there you are!
- You OK?
- Yeah.
- I missed you.
- Me too.
- Did you have a nice trip?
- Yeah, OK.
- Not too long?
- All right.
- How about the house?
- It's nice, I like it.
I like it too.
My room is lovely.
Did you see the blue walls?
Just the way you wanted.
Look what I found!
Dad found my cuddly toy!
I'm glad you found it,
it was mayhem!
It was all the way under the couch.
I will stop by in the afternoon.
I was on the phone with the guys.
They're overloaded.
It's gonna be a bit messy at first.
- I can't do that!
- You can't?
- It's easy.
- For you, it is.
You do like this...
- Did you tell them about the baby?
- Oh, yeah, I told them.
I should be able to take a week off.
That's why at first
it's gonna be a bit tough but...
We should take them out.
- I'm gonna take them to the woods.
- Could we go tomorrow?
Well, tomorrow I'm working but...
we could go this weekend.
Will Mum come along?
No, Mum won't come,
she has to stay in bed for now.
Or the baby could "slip off".
Cheer up, honey, it's almost over, huh?
Stop it!
- Ill pull your hair!
- If you pull my hair, I'll pull yours.
Let go.
You let go of my hands!
Hey! What's all the racket?
Settle down!
"Suddenly there was a grunt...
then a melody arose in the jungle:
'do bee do bee do bee
do bee do bee do'..
Mowgli's eyes opened wide and gaped.
The buffalo stepped to the left
and an enormous,
shaggy-haired bear appeared...
Immediately, his brown glowing eyes
fixed upon Mowgli."
Are you looking for the others?
I noticed you looking at them.
They already left.
Are you new around here?
Yeah, we got in yesterday.
I'm Lisa. I live here.
You're shy.
No, I'm not.
Wont you tell me your name?
Mickel, my name is Mickel.
- Hi.
- Hi.
This is Mickel,
the new boy from building C.
- Can we join you?
- We already made teams.
It's fine. I'll join one of the teams,
and he'll join the other one.
You're tagged!
I'll get my revenge!
Go on!
Winner, loser.
Winner, loser...
Go on, run!
Come on, Lisa!
I'll let you take it, but only
so your team will like you.
- I got it!
- Yeah, cool!
A young girl falls in love
with a boy who plays rock'n'roll,
at the end of the school day,
all the girls are wearing make-up,
the boys are getting bored,
the two twin sisters are squabbling...
Hello, madam.
What's your name?
And what age are you?
People say you're a star.
Yeah, it's true. I'm a renowned star.
And how do you feel about it?
I don't really know...
You dont feel anything?
Almost nothing.
Good morning...
Who are you?
Help us find the Smurfs' village.
It's right back there.
- Who is this?
- It's not a Smurf!
Oh, it's the dinosaur that...
Don't forget to wash your hair!
It's hurting my eyes.
Did it get into your eyes?
Is it all right now?
Still in?
No, it's fine.
My turn now.
It's gonna fall down.
It'll look beautiful!
There you go!
Tell me if it's too hot.
It's fine.
Close your eyes.
Come on out.
You've been there nearly an hour!
It must be freezing cold.
You'll catch a cold.
Jeanne, look at your finger tips.
If this goes on, it'll stay like this forever.
- I don't care
- Exactly, neither do I.
Come on, on your feet.
- Did you rinse your hair?
- Yeah...
Laure, get out of the bath!
Can you hear him?
Maybe he's asleep.
Maybe he's dead.
What a nerve!
Here, look...
Can you feel that?
What is this thing?
Jeanne made it all on her own
this afternoon. Nice, isn't it?
I can make one for you too.
How about your afternoon?
I went out to play.
You went out without telling me?
- I didnt want to bother you.
- I'd rather you tell me.
- Did you make any friends?
- A girlfriend.
Is that so?
Great! You're always hanging out
with the boys...
- What's her name?
- Lisa.
Will you take me along?
No, you're too little. Move over.
Easy, girls.
What are you telling him?
A secret.
I hope he'll tell me.
So, how's the room?
- You like it?
- Yeah.
I've got something for you.
This way you can come and go freely.
Keep them around your neck
so you don't lose them.
Thank you.
"Truth or dare"?
Come on!
We already played that three days ago!
- No big deal. We'll play it again.
- We're fed up!
Plus you're not the one in charge!
Is that so?
Let's play football.
Oh, no! Not football!
It's so boring.
You should play the cheerleader!
Look how cute he is.
Right, it's your go now, ask!
Are you in love with Lisa
right here?
"Lisa right here."
Wait! I wanna know the answer.
I know what you're going to say.
A little kiss.
Are we playing or what?
Truth or dare?
Have you ever...
eaten your snot?
- Not even when you were little?
- No!
- You're lying!
- OK, when I was little I did.
Have you ever tasted your pee?
- You pig!
- Go on, admit it.
You pig!
At least tell me what it tastes like...
It's salty.
How many girls have you kissed?
I've stopped counting.
Your turn now. Truth or dare?
You have to swap chewing gums
with Mickel.
Chew, chew...
Go on, chew it!
Chew, chew...
OK, that's enough!
Leave it!
Hey, I'm here!
You're not playing?
No, I like to watch.
Me too.
Anyway, I don't have a choice. They don't
want me to play. They say I'm useless.
What's up?
You're not like the others.
Here, see...
Over here!
Can I play?
If you like...
- But you play on our side, OK?
- All right.
Here, take it.
What a shame...
Well played.
Well played!
Nice game, Mickel!
- How's it going?
- All right.
You're good.
Go on, stop him!
Mickel, score!
Well done, Mickel!
Those who wanna
take a pee, over here!
Mickel! Where are you?
He's over here.
He peed his pants!
Hey, guys!
You OK?
You're back early, huh?
Let's see... Watch out...
From the Giles the Farmer family,
I want the son.
Pick a card.
From the Dough the Baker family,
Id like to have...
the daughter.
Are you cheating or what?
What? You want to try?
I'm not allowed to...
One sip won't do any harm.
Cant wait to see you play poker!
So, from the...
Flower the Gardener family,
I'd like the grandfather.
Pick a card.
Damn, what a pick!
Family set!
Oh, sucking your thumb?
What's going on?
You tired?
Come here.
I know it's hard moving
from house to house, hmm?
But this time we'll stay - a long time.
You'll see. It'll be nice.
Know what? I also used to suck my thumb
when I was little.
You'll see, when you grow up
and you try it again...
It's really weird.
It's no good anymore.
Hold on tight, little monkey.
Stop moving.
I'll do your eyes brown.
And then I'm gonna draw
some freckles on you...
on your forehead...
and on your nose,
and some on your chin.
Hey, I havent finished yet.
- Lisa...
- Yes.
I'm coming.
Where are you?
I'm down here.
You won't invite me in?
I can't. My mum's sleeping.
- You're sulking?
- No.
Why didnt you show up?
I didnt feel like it.
It's because of
what happened yesterday...
We can go to my place if you want.
Go on. I dont want to go
with the others either.
It'll be just me and you.
You look beautiful, see?
I'm gonna go.
I'm going to play at Lisa's house.
You said you'd stay with me!
Yeah, but I didn't know
she'd invite me over.
Can I come, then?
No, you can't.
What time will you be back?
- Im not sure. At around six.
- Make me a watch so that I know....
Come on, let's dance.
Come on!
What is that?
Let's put some make-up on.
- What are we playing?
- Well, girls!
Close your eyes.
Tomorrow were going swimming
with the others.
I'm not sure I'll come.
You can open them now.
You can't swim? Is that it?
Of course I can.
Don't do too much...
It suits you!
You look great as a girl.
Wont you come and say hi?
I need to do something first.
Oh, come on, come here!
Everything OK, sweetie?
You put some make-up on!
You look lovely.
It looks great on you.
It really does.
What are you doing?
Clay modelling.
Will you make me some spaghetti?
- I dont want to.
- Please...
Can you pass me the purple thingy?
What are you making?
Will you help me?
Hang on...
It's fine.
What are you making?
None of your business.
What are you making?
I already told you, I'm not telling.
That's not very nice of you.
Come on, you guys!
Youre just a bunch of cowards.
Come on! Let's put on a battle!
Come on, then.
Come on, Mickel!
So arent you gonna get back at him?
Go on!
Come on!
Push, push!
Yeah! There you go!
Go on, Mickel!
Go on, push!
Can I open my eyes?
Mickel! I'll get my revenge!
Is Mickel in?
No one's in. I'm all alone.
You're Jeanne, right?
Who are you?
Lisa. He must have mentioned me.
OK, so... bye.
Hi, sweetie.
What are you doing there?
Bored? Is that it?
No, it's not that.
We took a little longer,
it was really crowded.
Lisa came looking for you.
She came looking for Mickel.
Why are you doing this?
I'm not doing anything.
You pretend to be a boy.
Shut up!
- I'll tell Mummy.
- No, you won't.
If I bring you along, you won't say a word?
Ill bring you every day, deal?
What's your name?
Jeanne. And yours?
My name is Cheyenne.
That's a lovely name.
And how old are you?
I'm five and a half years old.
And what year will you be in?
In year one.
Oh, me too. We'll go to the same school.
It's really nice, you know?
I've already checked it out.
I haven't. Do you know
what the teacher is called?
Yeah, she's called Sylvie.
And what do your parents do?
Daddy works on the computer
and Mummy doesn't work
cos she's got a big tummy.
Cos she's "prenant".
Do you have a brother or sister?
A big sister.
I have a big brother,
which is better.
Why is it better?
Cos a big brother can protect you.
You know, once, my brother fought
some boys that were bullying me.
He punched them really hard
cos they were rude to me.
That was in our old home. He was
the strongest boy in the neighbourhood.
Everyone was scared of him
and all the girls loved him.
But he didn't care about
anyone else but me.
Hi, Jeanne.
You see? I came along with my brother.
Don't cut it too short
or Mum will notice.
And cut it straight!
Yeah, I'm not a moron.
When I grow up
I want to be a hairdresser.
What are you doing?
Hello, madam.
- You want one?
- Yes.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Remember, not a word at dinner.
You say nothing.
Mouth shut all the way. OK?
No slipping, hear me?
Come on, Jeanne. It'll get cold.
You're not hungry?
You've been running around
all day, haven't you?
She went outwith Laure today.
Is that right? That's good.
What did you do?
Did you have fun?
Just "Yes"?
Cat got your tongue?
Go on, show me.
What a relief!
We had a water fight.
That's funny.
Yeah, I even frightened some off
cos I was too good.
That's nice of Laure's friends
to play with you.
Yeah, but my favourite one is Mickel.
One of Laure's friends.
He played with me,
carried me on his back,
and now he is my friend too.
Finally, the class lists are up at school.
I went to check them out.
Are you sure you're in year six?
I didn't see your name.
Weird, cos there's only one class.
Well, maybe I haven't
been registered yet
cos we just moved in.
It would be so cool
if we were together.
Yeah, it'd be cool.
It's nothing, it's nothing.
You OK? What happened?
She fell.
No, she didn't. He pushed her.
- Him?
- Yeah, him.
Why did you push my sister?
She won't stop following me around.
She's a pain!
Go on!
Kick him! Kick him!
Go on, get him down!
There you go!
Let go!
Does it sting?
No. I'm brave.
Want a plaster?
You were great when you hit him.
Well, you clench your fists,
you close your eyes,
then you strike.
It's easy.
Good evening, madam.
Good evening.
- What is that?
- Don't know.
I saw him come in and...
Well, he says
he picked a fight in the woods.
I dont follow...
That's what happened.
I don't understand.
He told me your son did this to him.
You must be mistaken...
It was him, Mickel.
Yes, it's true. It was me.
I'm awfully sorry, madam.
I'll do what needs to be done.
I'll punish him.
- Apologise.
- Im sorry.
- It wont happen again.
- It wont happen again.
Thank you. Goodbye.
What did you do, Laure?
What did you do?!
Why did you do that?
I don't know.
Come here!
You told everybody you were a boy?
You lied and you dragged
your sister into it?!
Why did you do that?!
Go to your room!
Don't blame Mum, you know.
Don't be upset,
it'll be all right.
It'll work out fine.
It's all over now.
We need to leave. Please.
Got one.
Is it a woman?
- A man?
- Yes.
Do we know him for real?
- Is he on the telly?
- Yes.
Do we like him?
Not really.
Is he handsome?
Has he got any hair?
Is he in a TV show?
I know. He's in an advert.
The fat man in the pasta advert?
Wake up. Go to your bed, OK?
Come on...
Go to your room.
Come on, up,
you've got to get dressed.
No, you're wearing this.
- Oh, no, I dont want to.
- No arguing, put it on.
Here you go.
Come on, we're going.
Where to?
- That boy you hit? His place.
- No.
- Yes.
- I'm not coming.
Stop that. Enough!
I dont want to go!
I've had it now.
You're coming!
- Let go!
- Enough!
Jeanne, stop that. Leave your sister alone.
You let go of that arm.
Come here now!
Shut the door, Jeanne.
Shut the door!
Good morning.
We've come to apologise, again.
There's no need to.
It's kind of complicated, actually.
- We're not heading back home?
- No.
- Where are we going to?
- To your friend Lisa's place.
- No!
- What is your plan, then?
Are you going to pretend
to be a boy all year?
School starts in two weeks' time.
We have no choice. We need to tell.
I'm not doing this to hurt you,
or to teach you a lesson.
I have to, understand?
I don't mind you playing "the boy".
It doesn't even make me sad.
But this can't go on.
Got an idea? Cos if you do,
please say so, I can't think of any.
Have you got a solution?
Good morning.
Excuse me, is Lisa home?
She'll be home any minute now.
Would you mind if we wait for her?
What's going on?
Nothing serious.
I'll explain to you but...
Come in.
- Yes?
- Come here.
This is Mickel's mum.
She's come here to say Mickel
is not actually Mickel but a girl,
not a boy.
She's waiting for you in the kitchen.
Hey! You know what?
Mickel is a girl!
She came to my house
and was wearing a dress.
Are you joking or what?
He's over there. Let's go!
We've heard you're a girl.
We're gonna check that.
Stop it!
What do you think you're doing?
We're gonna check
if she's really a girl.
Leave him alone.
You're right. It's you who'll check.
If she's a girl, then you kissed her.
It's disgusting.
Yes, it's disgusting.
Then you're gonna do it.
Laure, don't you want to
go and play outside?
I'd rather stay here.
Tomorrow you go back to school.
That's all right.
He's waking up.
Oh my, oh my...
Not easy waking up, huh?
Oh my...
What's your name?
My name is Laure.