Tomie: Anrimiteddo (2011) Movie Script

What's so good about it, Tsukiko?
I find beauty in the most
ordinary things.
I hate things that are picture-perfect.
So what about picture-perfect people?
Like your sister over there?
She's with the judo guy.
Look, she's waving at you.
I can see that.
Right there! Take a pose, Tomie!
Sure, but do it right, OK?
- Like this?
- Try the other way.
- This way?
- How do I look?
Do I look pretty?
Sure! You'd look wonderful
even if I was a poor photographer.
Really? They say photos
reflect what's in your mind.
What do you mean?
If you were jealous of me,
how would I look in the picture,
eh, Tsukiko?
Producer: Hideyuki Fukuhara
Executive Producer: Kazuo Kato
Based on the original manga
by Junji Ito
Screenplay by
Jun Tsugita & Noboru Iguchi
Music by Ko Nakagawa
Special Effects: Yoshihiro Nishimura
Moe Arai
Aika Ota
Kensuke Owada
Koichi Ohori
Maiko Kawakami
Miu Nakamura
Directed by Noboru Iguchi
You were groaning again.
It's the dream.
The same dream again.
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Tomie
Happy Birthday to You
Tsukiko, blow out the candles.
She'd be 18 if she were alive.
I'd love to have seen her
graduate school.
And then onto university,
and her coming-of-age ceremony.
Then marriage.
She'd have looked beautiful
in a wedding dress.
Pretty smile.
Yes, it's a great picture, isn't it?
Photography's the only thing
I'm good at. Not like her.
Stop talking like that.
Toshio said so?
He wants you to take pictures
the day after tomorrow
for the student paper.
- Really?
- Do you want to give it a try?
Don't hesitate because of your sister.
It's been a year.
She'd be happy
if you got your smile back.
Stop it, Yoshie.
It's not like that...
Catch you later.
Who is it?
It's me.
It's me.
I'm your sister.
- Dad!
- What is it?
This girl says she's my sister.
- Is it a prank?
- Outrageous!
What's going on?
Mum? It's been a long time.
I'm so glad.
This is going too far.
I'll give them what for.
We've missed you so much!
We've really missed you!
I'm starving.
Does it taste good?
It's too sweet.
It's from the same
cake shop as always.
I don't want any more.
I'd rather have caviar.
Caviar or foie gras.
That's rather difficult to...
I want caviar! I want foie gras!
Caviar! Foie gras!
Calm down!
I'll buy some tomorrow, all right?
What's this?
Oh, you've never seen it before.
Pretty, aren't you?
Tsukiko took the photo
on the day you passed away.
Dont jinx me!
Why do you all look at me
like I'm dead when I'm not?
Can't you see I'm real?
Here's your clothes.
Hey, Tsukiko.
Care to join me?
We used to wash each other's body.
That's when we were kids.
Creepy, huh?
Because I was dead once?
It's just...
I missed her beautiful black hair.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I've just been reunited with my daughter
after a long time.
You don't even look happy
to have your sister back.
Mum! What are you...?
Why did you do this?
But Tomie says...
You don't need them anymore.
I'm back.
But they're our memories!
We can make new memories
from now on, right?
Let go!
Let go, I say!
- Ouch...
- Tomie!
- Are you all right?
- It hurts!
What's wrong with you, Tsukiko?
Look at the pictures! She...
No excuses!
I think she needs some discipline.
Let's get on with it.
- Do what?
- Don't act stupid.
Did it hurt?
Yes, it has copper wire in it.
Then, it's perfect for her.
Dad, no.
Hold her down.
- But...
- Do it!
I'm sorry, Tsukiko.
Please stop it!
Apologise to your sister, damn it!
Apologise, Tsukiko!
You can't do it with affection.
How terrible.
That hurt, didn't it?
Now you understand.
The bath's ready. Go and get in, OK?
Did it really hurt you?
Yes, very much.
I was scared
and started to feel faint.
And then...
...I started to think
that I deserved... be punished.
That's because I'm...
It's okay. Go on.
I'm what's left of you.
I'm useless and nobody needs me.
It should've been me who died,
not you.
How sweet of you
to say such a thing.
The kiss made me realise...
...that Toshio will fall for you
and ditch me instead.
Because I can't keep
my looks any more.
My scars will get worse soon.
Look at it.
It's horrible, isn't it?
What would Toshio
think of me with this?
Eh, Tsukiko?
No, no, no, no!
- Tsukiko!
- What is it?
- What's wrong?
- Monster! She's a monster!
- Monster?
- She's not my sister!
How could you call me a monster?
Eh, Tsukiko?
Apologise to her, Tsukiko.
Yes, apologise to your sister.
Why don't you believe me?
She's a monster!
You... fool! Fool!
If you want me to leave,
I'll leave.
- Wait, wait!
- Tomie!
Wait a minute, Tomie.
Please. I'll discipline her.
Don't go.
I've had enough. I'm going.
Going? But this is your home.
Are you kidding me?
Look at me.
How could your child be so pretty?
You're just falling for her lie, huh?
Give me some money.
See you. Bye.
You can't!
You can't.
You can't...
You can't leave my house!
Don't go! Stay here!
I need you!
Don't go!
I need you!
I don't understand...
A voice in my head told me to kill her.
Before I knew it, I was...
Enough! I don't want
to hear your excuses.
Don't look in here, Tsukiko.
Oh, today is the photo shoot.
Oh no!
Going to school?
I'll fix your lunch.
No need. I have no appetite.
Act normally or you'll raise suspicion.
What a selfish child you are.
Too nervous about the photo shoot
to sleep?
- It's not like that.
- But you missed school yesterday.
Are you alright?
Not feeling well?
I'm all right. Thanks, Yoshie.
- Morning.
- Good morning, sir.
I have news for you
before I call registration.
We have a new classmate today.
Let me introduce her.
Tomie Hiiragi.
It's nice to meet you all.
No way...
No way, it can't be.
Looks like your sister?
Maybe, if you say so.
She's identical!
And she has the same name...
It's just a coincidence.
You're just tired.
- But...
- It's all right. Take it easy.
Let's forget about her and eat!
I'll get us some tea.
Tea time!
Give me a minute.
What's wrong?
- Let's share.
- No!
You're acting weird.
I'm so hungry. I'll have my own.
What's the matter?
I've had it!
It's an illusion. Paranoia.
Tsukiko? Where are you?
Yoshie. Yoshie...
I'm here. I'm here.
Let's move on to the causative form.
Look at the characters
for "use" and "order."
These are often used in causatives.
These are the most basic forms,
commit them to memory.
When you see them,
it's most likely a causative.
In this case,
"A" serves as the subject.
"B" serves as the subject
of the causative.
"C" serves as the action...
Who are you?
That's a lie!
She's not a monster.
Well, I am the only real me.
There may be other
fake versions of me.
- I don't believe you!
- Believe me.
I've seen mum and Tsukiko
make fun of you.
It made me cry.
I want to be on your side.
Let me help you.
First things first, Dad.
Thanks for doing this.
Not at all.
Let's go, then.
So, it's been a year.
Do you miss her?
I don't know.
I went through a lot of pain.
But I finally got over it.
You suffered a lot, too.
Blaming yourself.
But don't let the past haunt you.
I'm sure Tomie would want you
to look ahead.
I've always worried about you.
Tsukiko...'re always so full of energy.
I guess...
Hey, you lot!
I hope you all said hello to Tsukiko.
Otherwise she'll shoot you
out of focus!
I'm glad I asked you along.
You take some great shots
and make us all happy.
Thank you.
I challenge you!
I challenge you!
What is this, a dojo challenge?
Yes, I'm here to beat you
because I want to join the club.
How brave you are!
Nabe, have fun.
Toshio, you go.
- But...
- Go, I said!
I never thought I'd see you again.
What? Do I know you?
It's me, Toshio.
You must remember me!
How disgusting.
Wait! Wait!
Who are you?
Why do you look like my sister?
What are you talking about?
Do you have a scar on your neck?
My neck? You're beyond help!
Whoever you are,
stay away from Toshio!
I won't allow it!
I hate immature, greasy boys
like him.
- Tomie, you're late.
- Sorry.
- Why?
- I had things to do.
Let's go and eat.
- What do you fancy?
- Hamburger steak.
I'm home.
Oh, welcome back.
Where's mum?
She popped out.
Wait, what did you do
with... that thing?
I buried it in the mountain.
Have some caviar.
My, how you have grown!
Taste good?
Terrible! Cheap stuff, huh?
What about my body?
I want my body now.
But you said you wanted to eat first...
- Don't talk back.
- Sorry! I'll see to it now.
Get on with it!
I'm not happy about it,
but her body will have to do.
There you are. Let's go.
- Yoshie.
- Did I scare you?
Where've you been?
You didn't return my calls...
Just, you know...
What's that photo?
Urgh, how gross.
That's what she really is.
She's not human.
She's a monster.
A monster?
She's getting close to Toshio.
I need to show this to him.
You'd better not.
Why? Yoshie, come with me!
- My friend will be mad!
- Yoshie!
Stop it!
I'm sorry, Yoshie!
No need to apologise to me.
Because I have a new friend.
Let me introduce...
Tomie says...
...she wants to be inside you... keep you away from Toshio.
I agree with her.
I don't want a man to have you.
Because I've always had...
Tsukiko, I want you!
I love you!
I want you, Tsukiko!
Kiss her, Tomie!
No! Stop it!
I love you! I want you!
Kiss me!
Tsukiko, I love you! Please...
No! Stop it!
Excuse me...
Is Toshio here?
No, I haven't seen him.
I saw him going into the art room.
With Tomie?
Yeah, with Tomie.
It pisses me off.
Yeah... makes me
want to stab something.
Yeah, I want to stab something.
Where is Tsukiko?
She just left.
- Why?
- Are you... Tomie?
- You're Tomie?
- No, I'm Yoshie.
Yes, I am Tomie.
Will you remove
this face-like tumour?
No way! You're the tumour!
Remove it now!
You heard her!
What is this...?
We were just chatting
when I heard a voice in my head,
telling me to kill her.
I wanted to make her all mine,
so I...
Toshio, quickly!
I destroyed her pretty face.
I can't go anywhere.
Toshio, no!
I'm back in my pretty self.
Hold me, Toshio.
Cut it off. Do it now.
Let go of me!
Cut it off now.
Do it...
Wait, be quiet!
Cut the tumour out.
Which should I cut?
That's the tumour. Do it.
Remove it now.
Idiot! Don't hurt me, I'm human!
Cut it.
Do it now.
She said cut it.
What do we do?
No! Mum! I'm scared!
I can't look at her!
I'll close my eyes!
Whatever! Just do it!
You cut off the human head,
you idiot?
You guys rushed me!
Let's wash the blood off
and calm down.
I love you all.
I love you...
...all of you!
Tomie, wait!
I realised something, Tsukiko.
Humans are attracted by death.
Tomie shows the way.
What you want is
never what you get.
...get away from me!
I won't let you have Tomie.
She's mine.
Sorry, Tsukiko.
You want me to go away, huh?
But I can't.
The more you wish,
the more of me there will be.
Everyone would love you
if it weren't for me, huh?
It's all because of me, right?
I'll prove it wrong with a kiss.
Morning, Tsukiko.
You look tired.
Couldn't you sleep?
I had a bad dream.
Really? What was it about?
- Sister...
- Sister? Whose sister?
Hey, our sweet only child is
acting weird.
Oh dear,
are you still dreaming?
Only child? Me?
Yes. That's right.
I've never had a sister or brother.
Interesting. Your dream can be
interpreted in many ways.
You wanted an older sister?
In her dream, she shifted
the blame on someone else
for her unsuccessful life in reality.
She still doesn't get it,
that Tomie has penetrated reality.
What's the matter?
Sorry, but this is not a dream.
This Tomie says I should tell the truth.
I haven't been good to you,
because you're not my child!
No! That's a lie!
He has a grudge against your father.
So I can't look you in the eyes.
Please, no!
Hey, Tsukiko!
Let's go and introduce you
to the real Tomie.
This is what Tomie wants.
Let yourself be absorbed.
You'll like it.
Let us give you our daughter now,
You're back to reality.
I've been waiting.
Tomie told us to bring you here.
In reality, I've never had
any feelings for you!
Please, no!
I was never your friend in real life!
I always bitched about you!
No! Stop it!
That hurt!
Tsukiko, come on now.
I'm beginning to know
what you want.
You wanted neither Toshio nor dad.
You just wanted to see me
hurt by people I care for.
Exactly. I was enchanted
by you for your solitude.
I wanted to see you suffer forever.
And I wanted to tell you one thing:
That nobody loves you.
That's none of your business!
Sorry, I've got you surrounded.
Who are you, really?
I am Tomie.
I am dad.
I am mum.
I am Toshio.
I am Yoshie.
I am...
I am everything...
that you hate.
What do you want from me?
I want to be one with you.
I understand.
...I have no other choice.
It's better than dying for nothing.
Because... need me.
You're the last one...
...who would need me.
Thank you.
Don't worry. I won't hurt you.
I'll treat you differently.
Because you're special to me.
Flower petals shine and dance
beautifully in the wind
Not knowing why,
they disappear with the setting sun
Just seeing your face
made me go along with you
In search of the love
spilling through my fingers
There is no turning back
You turned to look me in the eye
And touched your lips
to my innocent gaze...
Where have you been?
I've been looking for you.
...and you tap me with a smile
I am not as fragile
as I once was
I won't let any other man
come near you.
I love you.
I need you.
I need you!
He needs you.
Are you happy now, Tsukiko?
Directed by Noboru Iguchi