Tomie: Revenge (2005) Movie Script

TOMIE: Revenge
Hey, wait!
Are you in here?
Please, come out.
You're badly injured.
I'm a doctor.
So don't worry, come out.
Tomie... Tomie...
Tomie... Tomie...
What's her condition?
Unconscious, age about 1 8.
External injuries.
Request assistance.
Get details.
Can you hear me?
You hear me?
"One Year Later"
It's already one year.
Yes, one year has already passed.
Wonder what's best...
Yukiko's really idolized
at this clinic,
but this can't just continue.
Amazing she's alive.
She was near death
when carried in here.
Really a miracle.
Yes. It certainly was a miracle.
She'd lost her memory.
No one like her reported missing.
In short, there was
no record of her existence.
Make her my ward...
Excuse me?
If her condition continues...
I thought...
I might adopt her.
While still single?
Yes. But I guess it
does seem rather strange.
I sensed you were thinking that.
I regret that I can't
adopt Yukiko myself.
Wife still believes Rei,
our daughter, will
return from the mountains.
Sets out three meals
for her every day...
I also...
I'm still...
not really certain.
You're still thinking of
the accident that night...
Of course.
After all, I did
run down a girl.
She was identical to...
your daughter.
That wasn't Rei.
The more you said,
the more I felt it might be Rei.
But she'd disappeared in the
mountains two weeks earlier,
couldn't have
just wandered naked.
But, sir...
We've discussed this
many times this past year.
I'm sorry.
I didn't consider your feelings...
Dr. Suma,
recently I've felt...
Yukiko might...
be my daughter reborn.
I'm... afraid.
Afraid of what?
I don't know,
but when I think of Yukiko,
I feel very anxious.
Perhaps it's...
Perhaps it's... what?
your affection for her is your
emerging maternal instinct.
Maternal instinct?
Though still single?
Ah! Snow!
This year's first.
That's true.
The day she was
brought here, too,
the first snow fell.
Doctor, foot injury
reported in the mountains.
Fire Dept?
Yes. They just phoned.
Right. Well then...
If you had a birthmark,
it would be certain.
Fooled you again!
Dr. Kazue,
I fool you every time!
You really surprised me!.
Look, the first snow.
And here?
It hurts!
I might faint from pain!
Probably not broken,
but we'll X-ray it.
I'm done for!
Chart, please.
You hiked alone?
I ended up being a bit late,
and tried to rush down
the mountain.
At some point...
I lost my way.
Don't mistake these mountains
for an easy hike.
In this season
you must be prepared for snow.
I know.
Last year a college group
also got lost.
They're still missing, right?
How do you...?
Doctor, his chart.
My older brother
was in that group.
I see.
A year has passed.
When I think of him,
I just can't sit still.
Painkillers require
that you stay here tonight.
Yes, I see.
- Ryoko!
- Yes?
For Dr. Kazue's
birthday party...
Sounds great!
Let's plan it later.
See you.
I guess...
that cute girl makes you
want to stay longer!
She'll find out...
Don't worry, it'll be okay.
Is that so?
"Public Security
lnvestigation Agency"
No need for that.
We won't be long.
They're still here.
The gnats.
Even in winter.
Gnats, huh?
This unfamiliar agency
on our cards surprised you?
No. Well,
to be honest, just a bit.
Of course.
To put it simply,
we investigate matters
involving public security.
Such as cults, terrorism.
We're experts in such affairs.
But what brings you
to this rural town?
Actually, there's something
we want to ask about.
Sorry, but Dr. Togashi
has an emergency...
Is it something
I could help you with?
Dr. Suma,
it's you that we want to ask.
Ask me?
That's right, you.
These photos
belonged to a victim...
found last month
in the nearby woods.
Our concern is... this photo.
One year ago you saw a girl
on a back road...
and told police
she had a birthmark, right?
Also, you said her face...
closely resembled that of
Dr. Togashi's missing daughter.
Yes, that's who she
looked like to me.
The girl you hit was injured,
and ran into the woods.
According to police files...
your car bumper was damaged,
and traces of blood discovered.
But, blood analysis revealed...
it didn't match
Togashi's daughter!
This photo resembles both,
the girl I saw,
and the doctor's daughter.
Right. At the least
it seems that...
this girl is living
in these woods.
You don't recall the name Tomie?
No. I haven't heard it before.
We have a strange file
in our office.
On the spine is written:
"So-Called Tomie lncidents."
A phantom beauty
who appears all over Japan.
A girl called Tomie sometimes
just suddenly appears.
When that happens in some
area or community,
a murder always occurs.
The victim is always
Tomie herself.
It results from
lust and jealousy.
Various boys fight over Tomie,
and then one of them kills her.
Police have never conducted
an autopsy on Tomie's body.
Do you know why?
Tomie's body always vanishes
from the murder scene.
"Tomie lncidents" began
in the Meiji era,
and now includes
more than 100 cases.
Witnesses noted Tomie's
unique characteristics,
which never vary.
She's terribly beautiful,
with a birthmark
under her left eye.
Though police dismiss this,
we suspect last year's
student tragedy...
and last month's victim...
are related to the
"So-Called Tomie lncidents."
Tomie, even if killed,
can regenerate
from even one cell.
Ten years ago a Tokyo doctor...
did research concerning
Tomie and testified,
"Tomie could also...
"implant her own cells
or blood into others,
"taking over their bodies
for regeneration.
"Appearance may differ
from original Tomie but,
"a birthmark will appear
under the left eye.
"Over time, an exact replica
of original Tomie forms.
"The regenerated Tomie...
"harbors an intense hatred
towards original Tomie."
Blood-relative enmity,
as it were.
You mean...
the girl I hit with my car...
was really...
It could be Tomie.
Also, as a supposition,
she was the Doctor's
daughter but...
her body may have been
taken over by Tomie.
It can't be!
Unlikely, but suppose
the Doctor's daughter...
did have her body
taken over by Tomie.
The crucial problem becomes...
the matter of where
original Tomie is.
Original Tomie?
If nothing is done,
this peaceful town...
may be destroyed by Tomie.
A threat rivaling that of
an 'A' level terrorist group!
That's our conclusion.
Dr. Suma,
if Tomie appears
near the Prime Minister,
or a Cabinet member,
just imagine the outcome!
So we must search for
Tomie in this area,
and also we must protect
the Doctor's daughter...
if she is alive!
Dr. Suma, please work with us!
If we don't take action
there'll be more victims!
And so...
what is it...
that I should do?
First, let us interview Yukiko.
She may have actually seen
Tomie in the woods.
She remembers nothing.
We know, but even
a memory fragment...
As her doctor I cannot
allow you to interview her.
Yukiko totally lost
her memory because of...
what she experienced,
or what she witnessed
in the woods.
In any case,
she has serious PTSD symptoms.
I must...
Even if that puts
the entire nation at risk?!
Yes. I refuse.
You'll kill her...?
If the Doctor's daughter...
has actually become a Tomie,
you'll kill her?
First of all,
we'll protect her.
After that we'll see.
Tomie... Tomie...
Stop it!
Let go! I must kill her!
It's Tomie's command!
Stop that!
Who's that?
Help me!
I don't know!
Big old mansion!
Stop that!
Don't let them come here.
Someone's here!
One's injured!
Hurry! Hurry!
Let's liven up a bit!
Hurry! This way!
I've had enough.
It'll get easier.
Your foot okay?
You're too slow!
Keeps on laughing.
What's wrong?
It's her!
She tricked me and left me here!
Because of her I had big trouble!
Kill her!
Hurry! Kill her!
"Police Dept"
"Tomie lncidents"
"Top Secret"
What should I do?
Can't you figure even
that out by yourself?!
What's going on?!
What you doing? Move!
Stop that!
I'll kill you!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!!
Hey, what's wrong?
When will you get around to...
killing that girl for me?
Stop! Stop recording!
Tetsuya's in a bad mood.
Well then... Doi.
Will you get rid of her?
Doi's not much use either.
There's still Hamaguchi.
Don't take it out on me!
Stop it!
Well, good night.
Thanks. See you.
What is it?!
Who are you?! Wait!
What's wrong?
Can I sleep with you?
What? Like a child.
Hey, what's wrong?
I had a scary dream.
Really scary dream.
I thought so!
Takuya, it's been a while.
Who are you?
What a thing to say! It's me.
Your stupid brother's pal,
Blood smeared around...
Terrible blood.
Turned the whole room red.
Hey, Yukiko...
You've dreamed about a red room
before, right?
your memory's coming back.
Memory of before you came here.
Memory of before I came here?
Dr. Kazue.
What will happen
if my memory comes back?
What would happen?
If that happens
will I have to leave here?
That won't happen.
That's a lie.
If I find out who I am...
I couldn't be with you.
I said that won't happen.
Don't want that.
Definitely not.
I want to be with you always,
Dr. Kazue.
I'll become a nurse...
and help you, Dr. Kazue.
That's why...
I don't want to
recall the past.
I don't want to recall.
can I ask you one question?
A birthmark...
You ever seen
a woman with a birthmark...
under her left eye?
A woman with a birthmark here.
Dr. Suma!
What is it?
A stranger has gotten
into the residence!
We don't know
where Dr. Togashi is.
He left by car
without saying anything.
He hasn't done that before.
Shut up!
Serves you right.
You get it?!
Tomie is mine!
Tetsuya! Tetsuya!
If you touch Tomie
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you!
Ieft with Tomie.
controlled by Tomie.
Tomie is not just one.
Tomie is increasing in number.
This is not a lie!
Be careful.
Tomie is... Tomie is...
existing infinitely
in these woods!
Isn't Dr. Suma here?
Not here.
So here you are!
That was an easy search.
Who are you?
Who? Don't be so cold to me.
It's me. Hamaguchi!
You forgot me?
I don't know you!
Hey, that's not nice!
I helped you escape Tomie!
Not grateful?!
Stop it, Hamaguchi!
Shut up!
kept saying to kill you
no matter what.
Who do you think
held her back?
It's okay.
In any case,
Tomie wants to meet you.
So I came down from
the mountain to get you.
You understand?
Yukiko, sorry...
Where you taking her?
What'll you do with her?
Shut up!
Don't worry.
I'll take you to your brother.
My brother?!
I'll also let you meet Tomie.
Isn't that great?
Guts hanging out.
Doi, what a masochist!
The bears will eat you.
Please close the gate!
Please walk faster!
You're late!
Who's he?
He's Tetsuya's younger brother.
Younger brother?
I see.
Does resemble him!
Where's my brother?
Before that,
what you been doing,
I'm so sorry, Tomie,
but please take a look at this!
It's her!
Hamaguchi, good job!
I'll take care of her
real slow later on!
She'll have a painful death.
The worst death possible!
Where's my brother?
Shut up!
Brother! Brother!
What's wrong with you?
You came for revenge?
I get it!
You killed my brother!
I didn't kill him.
Your older brother...
is enjoying life over there.
Brother! It's me, Takuya!
What's this?
What's wrong, brother?
No choice!
There's not much to eat here.
What was that?
It had to be done...
It had to be done!
Why couldn't it be just me?
You're so annoying!
You're always so stubborn!
Didn't you...
come looking for your daughter?
Such a cruel father.
Men are so stupid!
and all men everywhere
should just die!
I love you.
I love you!
So stupid they're disgusting!
If all men were gone
from the world,
war would cease to exist.
Also the misery of terror.
Far fewer children
sacrificed in war.
I don't want to see...
such suffering
on the news any more!
For that reason...
there is no choice
but to kill all men.
A wonderful thing to do?
So... why don't you shoot me?
Just kill me!
I'm sorry.
Dr. Kazue.
You're up here again.
Because we'll
be leaving here soon.
I see...
But you'll get to like
the new town.
Since we'll be together.
That's true.
Dr. Kazue...
I had a scary dream again.
What kind of dream?
I had that dream...
You had that dream...
and then?
I remembered.
My name is Tomie!