Tong-jeung (Pain) (2011) Movie Script

My sympathy, sir.
How'd your interest get to be
Couldn't you call?
Why'd you come to my house!
Get out!
Should I call the cops?
Sir, you're quite different from
when you borrowed
urgent money.
So what?
You added damn
crazy interest!
What's wrong with missing
a few months' payment!
What? Wanna hit me?
Think you can use
force on us?
What are they, stupid?
Mr. Park?
Come here, please.
The client says
he did nothing wrong.
But the payment date
is long past.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
She says we're stupid.
How in the world...
Can't you do
your job right?
Didn't I say talking gets
through to some,
but not for others?
Take your shoes off.
Get up!
It's impolite to wear shoes
in people's homes!
What are you doing?
No, sir.
It's not your fault.
He's at fault.
I have to train him right.
Stand up straight!
You have a baby, sir?
So, that's why.
It costs a lot
to raise a baby.
Then it's hard
to get money back!
You should've
told me that earlier.
Come here.
What were you thinking!
Just give me one day.
No, just one hour.
I'll pay up.
Damn bastard finally pays.
Put this on your face.
It's bruised bad.
And wipe the blood.
We go collecting cash
like shit,
but end up
with pocket change.
Know how many people in Seoul
are actually from here?
Take a guess.
Don't know.
About half?
Only 1 .5% .
They all come up
from the country like me
lookin' to fight
for tops.
Seoul's full of folks
like that.
out of all those people
who makes it big?
Diligence is a given.
And a smart head.
Next up is strength.
People like that go places.
What's next?
What do you think?
Guts, man.
You need that.
No matter
what Ivy League school
or how strong you are...
If you ain't got guts,
you just eat and die.
You know?
What's better than that?
The ones who come out on top
of the ones with guts?
Think about it
till I come back.
Nam-soon, change hands!
You'll get frostbite.
Be right back!
Can I see that one?
Good choice!
I designed this myself.
You have great taste.
- What do you think?
- You look great in anything.
- Come on. Who says?
- Me!
There's nothing
prettier than me.
- Let's go.
- Of course there isn't!
Go easy.
Don't let 'em touch everything.
They're fake jewelry
The filthiest things
in the world
are what people touch.
Things, animals...
Or even people.
Your things will get covered
with grime and stuff.
What are you doing?
Getting my grime on you!
Laughing all you want?
Just 'cuz
your father died...
He still owes me $6000!
Don't buy more drinks,
eat some food.
Why you!
- Hurts, huh?
- Yes.
You get hurt, you die.
Watch your tongue.
Anyone home?
This one won't be easy.
I'm working now.
What time?
Excuse me.
I'm Song Beom-no.
I have an appointment at 3?
One moment.
Sir? Mr. Song's here
to see you at 3?
Who are you!
Pay up, bitch.
You're Lim Gye-jung's
husband, right?
You use self-injury
to threaten?
Your blows are infamous.
So, how much does
my wife owe you?
- You can pay me now?
- Tell me how much!
Do you have a religion?
I'm a Buddhist.
So, I was thinking...
Money's important to me...
But I think human ties
are priceless.
So what?
Should we solve
our problem with money...
Or body...
Let's think about that, huh?
- Geeze!
- I said!
Talking gets
through to some,
but not to others!
Didn't I!
Go away!
Or I'll call the cops!
I'll go if you pay up.
$3500 principle plus
$5000 interest totals $9000.
I don't have it!
Pay up, bitch!
That's mine!
Why you!
Don't touch me!
Wanna die?
- Pay up!
- Let me go!
Pay up!
What's going on in my house!
Help me!
He's a loan shark!
Of all things...
Get him!
You! Move out!
But it's winter!
I can't!
I don't care!
If I bleed,
it'll be murder.
I don't want my dad in heaven
getting bad-mouthed.
That's why I'll pay.
But I got other places
to pay off, too.
No interest
divided by 42 months
equals $180 a month!
It's a deal.
Wanna die!
Think I pulled this shit
just for that?
You don't scare me
one bit.
You threaten
with self-injury,
but can't hit others.
The fuck you talking about?
I face
over 100 people a day.
Think I can't tell?
And I'm taking off the pot
and stuff you broke before.
I'm back at 1 a.m.
on weekdays
and 7 a.m. on weekends.
If you come around then,
I'll have $180 ready
per month.
What the hell...
Why live like this
with a face like that?
Wash up and
you can live off
being a gigolo at least.
The hell...
Good job.
Cracked your head?
Was she pretty feisty?
She got a pimp or something?
I got $5000. It's over.
Who says?
Are you the boss?
If we bring this in,
What do we get?
She ain't got damn
I don't care!
Go away!
Never seen such a cruddy fool
in all my 70 years!
He came at dawn
and forced me
to give him
your $5000 deposit.
- That doesn't make sense!
- Why not!
He banged his head
and got blood all over!
What could I do!
I had no choice!
Why didn't you
call the cops?
The cops?
You think they protect shit
around here!
Cruddy damn bastard!
Boss says to charge
Joo Dong-hyun
interest for the remaining $400.
Obviously they want us
to squeeze out every penny.
Squeeze her like hell.
- Shit.
- Let me see.
If you cup
your hand then hit...
It makes a bigger sound
with less impact.
When you hit with your fist...
The other guy moves first,
like this.
But no matter how much
we practice beforehand...
It's like getting hit
for real.
Now, watch.
When you hit with wood...
With something like this,
you just get hit for real.
This guy's born with
a body hard as steel.
But see?
Most folks will die
from pain
and blood gushing
in the mouth.
So, the price is
different from the hitter
and the one getting hit.
How much
will you pay us?
Damn bastards.
Offering shit like that.
After our presentation and all.
Fuck em!
What do you think?
I'll do it.
I just have to
get hit, right?
- Take care.
- Bye.
Turning on fellow
for more money.
You call yourselves human!
Then, sue us why don't ya!
The fuck's this?
Never seen him.
You the store-owners' rep?
Son of a bitch!
They're taking pictures!
They got cameras!
Let's go!
- Pull out!
- Let's go!
Good work.
Good work folks.
I'll see you all out
early tomorrow.
Are you okay?
Pay up,
son of a bitch.
$5000's a cheap deal for you.
That was everything I had!
I told you I'd pay
you back 180 a month!
Why'd you
take my deposit!
Get lost before I take
your organs and get $4000 more.
You're all talk.
And with a lisp at that!
What? You little...
I'm leaving
cuz I have to work.
Not cuz I'm scared.
I'll come at dawn
and keep bothering
you till
I get my deposit back.
Oooo, you scare me.
Don't even try
to run away.
Or you'll have to watch
your back for life!
She coming or not?
I was about to visit you
in the hospital.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Damn it...
Joo Dong-hyun's case...
Han-jin Credit Union case...
Let's just
collect that and stop.
My wife's loan shark
wants help
with evictions
instead of the money.
Says he'll pay, too.
So he ain't
a complete asshole.
but can you help me?
- Enjoy.
- Thanks.
Let's eat beef blood soup.
It's good for you.
Though you can't taste things,
get your nutrition.
Taking vitamins, right?
Eat before it gets cold.
This tastes bland.
- Leaving already?
- Yeah.
Go to a motel or something.
You'll get sick like that.
I'm going to
Myung-dong Market.
Chinese lunar holiday
starts today.
Take care!
- Bye.
- Ciao.
Leaving work early
on purpose?
I'm talking to you!
How dare you
ignore me!
What's this bitch!
The fuck!
I'm talking bitch!
What are you doing!
Get her!
Hurry, fools!
You owe me the money!
Don't ignore me!
I'm sorry.
Please don't do this.
This thing's real?
You crazy bitch!
You can't
even sell her organs.
Where ya
gonna sell her to?
- She's a virgin, right?
- Sure thing, boss.
That's good.
The fools
fuckin' her can deal
with her bleeding to death.
She'll die?
What the!
The hell!
What the?
Open up!
You can't eat that...
Open up!
Who the fuck are you!
That girl's
gotta pay me first.
What the fuck!
I don't hit people.
Then get hit and die,
Hey! The car's moving!
Car coming!
My head!
- Kill him!
- Son of bitch!
The car's rolling down!
What the heck?
- Inspector Park!
- Yes?
Come here.
Let's go.
Are you okay?
Doesn't it hurt?
Thank you
for helping me.
Pay up, bitch.
You already took $5000.
Wasn't that the deal?
Still, pay up.
Do you like me
or something?
Then why keep following me!
I have absolutely
I don't even have
a room to lie down
in this damn,
big world!
So, don't mess
with me anymore.
I'm about to lose it, too.
What the fuck...
Ms. Joo Dong-hyun?
- Joo Dong-hyun?
- Yes?
I heard
you are a hemophiliac.
Shouldn't you go
to the hospital?
No, I'm fine.
Did you get hurt
And Mr. Park Nam-soon...
But this says
Park Nam-jin.
That's my real name.
To put em in the slammer
for a while...
they hit you bad.
That's at least 3 weeks of
medical treatment.
Go to the hospital,
I'm not in any pain.
- You're not?
- No.
Now I don't even have money
to take out the stuff to sell!
Who needs free sauna coupons,
I can't even go!
I have to live out
on the street now!
Really, I have nothing!
So, stop following me!
Stop! You can't even get
$100 for this!
I gotta make a living!
You're no human, asshole!
I got a room in my house.
$180 a month.
Sleep there
till you pay it off.
I'm sick of chasing you
for petty cash! Fuck...
For real, sir?
Been deceived all your life?
I'm a black belt in Taekwondo.
The fuck I care.
When you're done paying,
I have some other stuff here.
- Almost there.
- The hell?
- ls this it?
- Yes! Thank you.
Sign here, please.
Sign? Ah, sure.
Where are you going?
Don't ask
where I'm headed.
This isn't easy to ask.
don't get me wrong.
I don't think you do,
but just in case.
Do you like...
I don't feel anything.
Damn scrawny girl...
My name's
Joo Dong-hyun.
Living in the same house,
we should exchange names.
I know your name.
You live alone
with no family?
They're all dead.
Me, too.
Why're they dead?
Can't you use better words?
Like pass away?
Pass what?
Dead means dead.
Just call me Nam-soon.
Park Nam-soon?
Pretty name.
Shit, whatever.
Careful! Watch it!
Use that room.
And that.
Don't touch.
And never ever wake me up.
If you need money,
take it from here.
But don't take
more than $30 at a time.
Use the dishes up there.
Don't touch
the ones down here.
Where are you going?
Don't ask me
where I'm headed.
You can all play here now.
Oh no!
Analgesia ...
insensibility to pain...
Excuse me.
Ever heard of hemophilia?
You have hemophilia?!
You're awake?
I didn't wake you, did I?
You said you don't feel
anything for scrawny me!
No, it always gets like this
in the morning.
Don't go in there!
What's this?
What was that?
Blood clotting serum.
You heard,
my blood doesn't clot.
- Did you get it checked out?
- Why? I'm not sick.
Garlic, onions
carrots, oranges,
peanuts, seaweed, and fish.
They help clear up the blood.
I never eat that.
If my blood gets clearer,
I bleed more and more.
So, I smoked in middle school
to dirty up my blood.
What are you, a vampire?
Oh! That's right!
I have hemophilia.
Vampires have
Porphyric Hemophilia.
Hemo means blood.
Philia means love.
They both have
great love for blood.
That's why they use
the same word. Get it?
I'm a total vampire.
You've lost it...
You can't
taste things, too?
I didn't see your medical
files on purpose.
I don't feel sick!
Right! It's an illness.
- I'm not sick!
- Fine.
Geez! You scared me.
- I saw you.
- How?
This tastes spicy.
It's tear-jerking,
hot spicy!
Books say that you can
train to recognize taste.
Taste is a sense.
Try this.
Think of it as rehab.
Say, 'Ah'.
Hey, look.
We spoon kissed.
This is yours, bro.
This one's mine.
The hell.
Who're you calling bro'?
Shithead, fool...
Uncle, mister,
and bro.
I chose the nicest one.
Then, how about sis!
Just call my name.
Mr. Nam-soon? Sir?
- Drop the sir.
- Just Nam-soon?
Hey, Nam-soon?
We just have this area
left to tear down.
Any progress
with the compensations?
When someone living
in a shack
hears of redevelopment...
They ask
for a 700ft apartment.
Seoul is a complete hell.
Gushing with greed
and earthly desires.
What the fuck is this!
Son of a bitch!
Hey, is there
a payphone nearby?
I looked all around,
but can't find one.
Doesn't she have a cell...
I don't have a cell phone.
I like payphones way
Why are good
and cheap stuff gone
and replaced
with expensive things.
It was too dusty...
Where are you going?
To buy glue
for the broken dish?
Hold on!
I have extra strong glue
I use to make accessories.
I'm sorry.
I won't touch it again.
That belonged to
my family.
I'm so sorry.
- Here! You should...
- Hey!
I'm really good at gluing.
Can I do it?
Just go in and sleep!
No need to yell.
See! Give it to me.
Let go!
Hold on!
That hurts.
Don't be a sissy.
Just rip it off.
One, two!
No! No! No!
You're like a doc.
Siamese twins apart.
If you bleed,
it doesn't stop?
Very, very slowly.
Until all the blood
seeps out of me.
Still you don't go
to a hospital?
- Nope.
- Why?
Cuz people all die
in hospitals.
Doctors aren't undertakers.
My parents both died
in the hospital.
And we lost everything
to cover hospital bills.
So, I treat my own self.
I read many medical books
and related stuff
even in English.
Want me to study more
and heal you one day?
You smiled!
- So!
- You do know how to smile.
- Looks good.
- Bullshit.
This is bullshit!
Don't say that.
Think this'll work?
Not at all.
Oh man...
What is it?
It must be really hard
for Siamese twins!
It's that way.
Thank you.
Which department?
Good question.
I wasn't gonna tell ya,
and handle it on my own.
The bastard's using
my wife's debt
as an excuse to use us
like dogs.
Says to be
like Deungsinbul!
What's that?
He puts himself
on fire as
an offering to Buddha
and becomes...
A hunchback, a martyr,
then a Buddhist statue.
Put myself on fire?
Not that.
A sacrifice fly.
Cause a big accident and
if someone gets badly hurt...
He'll bring in the press
and get people
on his side.
Damn bastards.
Like we'll fall into that.
the ones with guts win.
What's the plan?
Know that damn rabbit?
The one with big bucked teeth
tagging alongside
the boss?
He's the boss' nephew.
I'll get him.
You pick a fight with him,
then get stabbed
in the gut.
That'll clear up my debt
and money for you on top.
Sure he's got a knife?
I saw him go around
with it.
It's a tiny, little one.
- I'll think about it.
- What? Think?
Guess my pal's doing
a lot of thinking these days.
You're right.
Money's not important.
My pal, Nam-soon, is.
But let's finish up
today's gigs.
You got hurt again?
Why do you live
like this?
Shit happens in life.
Aren't you sorry to
your family living like that?
- What?
- Living like this...
Your family in heaven
is watching.
They're all crying.
Don't go overboard.
I saw it
when I broke the dish.
How sorry and how much
you missed them.
- They miss you, too.
- Get out.
Get lost!
I'm sorry
if I went overboard.
I'll move out at dawn.
He's gotta be from
a royal family!
A royal family?
Last time
I saw a woman
hold his hand and cry.
Probably his nanny or deaconess.
I even saw him walking out
from Yonsei University.
He probably didn't like
his betrothed...
And ran away here
the day before his wedding.
Come and look around.
Why'd you come out?
No reason.
I didn't mean
for you to move out.
You came here to tell me that?
And not sleep?
Talk somewhere private.
I'll watch your stand.
I want to give up, too.
Give up what?
Getting by.
There are only 7 women
in the world
like me
who lived past 20.
Since I was young,
I had bad joints from my illness.
If I wasn't careful,
I'd get bruised.
When my body ached,
I knew
it was a sign of rain.
So, my nickname
was granny.
School picnics,
Never been near em.
It said Hemophiliac,
don't hit'
right on the attendance.
But when the kids
got punished and stuff...
They let me pass.
When I was in school...
Kids kept
scratching my body
with knives
without me knowing.
So, one day I grabbed one
and hit him.
He went blind in one eye.
So, I went to prison.
I met the guy I work
with there.
But now...
I don't want to get
beaten anymore.
Can I ask why you use
your sister's name?
So I won't forget.
Your sister
must be thankful.
I'm not sure now.
I don't remember much.
My family all died
cuz of me.
Cuz I spilt Coke
in the car.
Just cuz
my stupid finger hurt...
I even killed my sister.
Life is filled with
worry and deceit.
At times we become
disillusioned with life.
And we feel like dying
and giving up.
There is nothing that
can't be done in God.
Let us pray for our gifts
to be used as God's tools.
And be good followers of Christ.
Use it.
I found a payphone,
but it's way too far.
It's the first time
anyone ever thought of me...
Why'd you cry?
After a big cry
I feel relieved and refreshed.
Like putting ointment
on my chest.
That's why you cried?
To feel refreshed?
What are you doing!
When I felt like crying...
This is what I did.
But it didn't hurt at all,
so no tears came out.
Right then, I wished...
Someone would ask me...
What's wrong?
Joo Dong-hyun...
You can tell me
Things that make you
laugh or cry.
taking care of me...
Reminds me of my dad.
I miss him so much!
Know what it feels like?
How does it feel?
I can't explain it.
It's okay.
You don't feel...
For a scrawny girl,
If you punched it,
it would've broke.
But you pressed it
down hard.
So no one will know
you miss them.
Let's change the glass.
From now on, tell me
if you wanna cry.
I'll cry for you.
Am I too scrawny?
No, you're perfect.
- Do I have a long tongue?
- Yup.
I wanna live long.
Me, too.
Damn! That fool!
If it starts, I do it.
If not, I go.
What happened to your hand?
You can't serve
customers like that.
Hands are most important.
You gotta lure in customers.
But not with a look
like that.
Can you smile?
Let's try it again!
Come on!
You're supposed to
be angry!
ls that all you can do!
- Let me see.
- I got a message.
Hey, rabbit!
Came to give you this.
If your teeth fall out...
Stick these in like this,
You look like a rabbit,
but go around like a damn lynx!
You're a joke!
Who are you?
What the fuck you
staring at me for!
I'll pull out
those rabbit teeth,
slit your belly,
and fry up your guts!
Stab me!
What are you doing!
I'm moving down
to the country.
And start a strawberry farm.
Don't ever look
for me again.
This guy got hit for real!
This guy's so real!
Eat up.
- Mr. Park Nam-soon?
- Yes?
Oh, I forgot.
The star actor wants to hit
you for real
in the next scene.
We'll pay you.
How about $150 per day?
- Sure.
- Good work.
Not bad.
- Park!
- Yes?
Let's try something else
for the next cut.
Come in
from another angle?
How much is this?
Cut! Great!
Who's it for?
Well, well.
Cuz you wouldn't be
a Deungsinbul...
My nephew said
he'd do it instead.
So, I treated him
to a date
with one of my pretty gals.
But you tried to
jab him, huh?
No, sir.
That's not it.
Take off his pants.
I'll jab him.
No! Please!
You can't?
Then you pay for late
construction losses.
It's about $1 million.
I'll do it!
I swear!
Great! Next!
Nam-soon, jump!
I came to see someone!
When you jump from high,
you gotta land right.
Nam-soon! Get away!
It's just a show, man.
A piece of pie.
Then why're
they paying $50,000?
It's hard for others,
but easy for you.
You don't feel pain.
Just get it
treated afterwards.
Don't bring
any more work for me.
- What?
- Just come to hang.
Did you meet a gal?
Shit. Does your dick
even get up?
I mean, I'm happy for ya.
Then you gotta make a lot.
you make a living?
Anything besides
getting beaten.
Having dicks,
the things we gotta do
to keep our gals...
Love doesn't feed ya.
- Hello?
- What are you doing?
Ah... working.
- Where?
- The usual place.
Come home quick.
I'm worried about
your cough this morning.
Really, hon?
Okay, then. I'll get
some groceries and...
Hello? Hello?
This was the only number
on her cell phone.
She won't let me call 911.
Says she'll die in a hospital.
Where is she?
- Help!
- Lie her down.
What happened?
She fainted
in the street.
Take her in.
- She's a hemophiliac.
- Are you her guardian?
She can't stop bleeding.
Calm down, sir.
She's a hemophiliac...
She's been using
her serum way too long.
It formed antibodies
and became ineffective.
Then what?
There's a French serum
made from
specific recombinant DNA...
But it's very expensive.
How much?
It'll probably cost her
tens of thousands.
Maybe even
as much as $100,000.
She has pneumonia
and her menstruation, too.
She needs
to be hospitalized.
Can you please
get the serum?
I'll come up
with the money somehow.
Yes, it's my brother's house.
It's not my business
what you do
with that house.
But after everything
I did for you...
You cause problems
and end up in prison...
Now, you show up and ask
for a loan on the house?
I'm not asking for the house
to be put in my name.
I can't.
I already took out
a loan on it
to set up this store.
I can't
even if I want to.
Like strawberries?
I want to try it.
Wanna live in the country?
We'll go...
You open up a little shop.
And I run a strawberry farm.
You won't get
vinyl-house disease
cuz it's grown
in the winter.
Who says?
The script...
I mean a book.
I'll become a stuntman.
They said I'm a natural.
I hate this.
Hate what?
That I'm sick.
They said if you eat well
and rest, you'll be fine.
The two of us...
We're a burden on each other.
You're not to me.
I want to live a long life.
So, I wanna meet
someone healthier
and well off.
I'm gonna stay with
a friend for a while...
Then go to my uncle's
in Australia.
how you really feel?
I hope you meet
someone healthy, too.
I can't
even have a baby.
I don't need a baby!
Don't make this hard.
I have a favor.
Say it.
...Forget it.
Find someone
who's not sick.
I'll secretly park
a truck loaded
with boxes under there.
Just jump onto that
and you won't get
hurt much.
And the money?
I got half in advance.
I'll get the rest
at the scene,
so you take this all.
I got a favor to ask.
Anything! What is it?
It's just...
There's a place I wanna
go to before I die.
So, I don't wanna die
this time.
You're not gonna die!
Don't worry. I'll save you
even if it kills me!
So, where is it
that you wanna go?
Not now.
Maybe later.
Don't worry.
Alaska or Africa,
we'll go for sure, okay?
Thanks a lot,
I owe you big.
You may not wanna talk,
so I'm just leaving
a message.
1130 is the code
for the first locker
you had your stuff in.
It's the day
we first met.
It's so cute.
I didn't wanna live
there without you,
so I sold my house.
The money
in the locker is yours.
Just take it with you.
But I'll go to Australia
one day and look for you.
Even if...
You're married
to someone else...
you'll meet me once.
I was so stupid
and couldn't say it then...
I hope you meet someone
healthy and
live a long, long life.
Stop the demolition!
Go away! Go away!
Stop the demolition!
Hey, Nam-soon!
Go above the billiards.
I put up a rope there.
- Okay.
- Here.
What's with the sweat?
Go on!
- Who is it?
- What?
The one stronger
than the one with guts?
A lucky bastard!
You're lucky!
You're the only one
who survived the accident!
Go on!
I'll get the truck!
He just went in.
Give me
the rest of the money.
Get the job done first.
- Good luck!
- Honey...
1000 police officers
have gone
in to break up
the protesters.
The protesters are against
forced evictions...
And fighting for means
to make a living.
They're coming!
The ladder truck's coming!
Start for the target point.
Camera ready
Block off the back!
Nam-soon! Nam-soon!
I have to go
to Dong-hyun...
He fell and we
got it on tape.
Don't go
Are you okay?
It doesn't hurt.
Don't cry.
Ah, God?
I'm sorry to ask this
when I don't
even go to church.
But the thing is...
No matter how much
I get hit...
How much I bleed...
I don't care at all.
But when Dong-hyun cries...
When she cries...
It feels like
my heart's ripping apart.
So, please watch over her.
If I have to die
for her...
I'll die.