Tony (2009) Movie Script

Hello. How are you, all right?
I haven't got a DVD player.
I've only got a video recorder, I'm afraid.
You should sell videos.
If you had any action films on video,
I'd buy them from you.
What do you think...
What do you think's better, karate or kung fu?
I'll see you, then.
Might see you tomorrow.
You know who you remind me of sitting there?
Your mum.
I wondered when she was gonna come into it.
Just a sec. Sorry.
You live in a fucking dream world.
Here we go.
Don't you listen to anything I'm saying?
- I am fucking listening.
- You watch my lips moving
- but don't take in what I'm saying.
- Don't fucking talk patronising to me!
If you was a fucking geezer,
I'd stick that right in your face.
That's all you can resort to, that's all you know.
You sound like your fucking mum.
I knew it wouldn't be long
before she was dragged into it.
She's rumped everyone down the fucking road.
This is about me and you, not my mother.
Its not just about me and you,
its about me, you and Little Davey,
and you wanna get this in your fucking nut.
If I walk out, little Davey's coming with me.
- Oh, no, he's all right where he is.
- I don't fucking think so.
Do you know that cunt over there,
keeps staring?
- Who?
- Him, that noncey-faced cunt there.
No, I don't know who he is.
Can you please concentrate on me?
This is my argument, Paul. You never
take in what I want or what I'm saying.
What is this bollocks about you need space?
I know what that means.
- I ain't fucking stupid, you know.
- It means I want space.
- Time to sort myself out.
- I think it means you've got a geezer.
- Oh, here we go.
- I ain't fucking stupid.
Tell me. You've got someone, ain't you?
- You're not listening to me.
- I fucking am.
No, you're not listening to me!
- Here he goes again.
- What?
Do you fucking know my old woman?
Do you fucking know my old woman, cunt?
- Leave him alone.
- What's all the fucking staring about?
- Sorry.
- You noncey-faced cunt!
Yeah, sorry? I'll fucking sorry!
- Eh? Do you fucking know her?
- Oi, oi, oi!
- Paul!
- Fuck off!
Get your hands off me!
- Get that cunt out of here.
- I will.
- Before I lose my temper.
- Calm down, I'll get him out.
- Calm down.
- Is that him?
Get out.
If I see you again, cunt,
I'll break your fucking neck.
/Oh, God!
Oi, Davey, you're coming in
in 20 minutes for your dinner.
What we having?
- Nuggets.
- Do we have to?
Yes, we do have to and don't be so cheeky!
Yes, we do have to and don't be so cheeky!
Do you hear me, Davey?
- Yes, OK.
- Good, now don't be long.
- Do you like football?
- Yeah.
- What team do you support?
- West Ham.
- West Ham?
- Yeah.
I like West Ham.
Hello, yeah, I'm looking at
your card in the telephone box.
Do you have the girl in the card?
What girls do you have on this evening?
What are her sizes?
Has she had, like... are they real?
What's that?
She's a transsexual?
What does bubble bath consist of?
And waterworks, what... what happens?
We need to use the phone.
Sorry, mate.
You ain't got any fucking change on you?
Our car's broken down up the road
and we ain't got no money for petrol.
Oh, blinding, mate. Thank you very much.
You gonna call the AA?
There's 40p on that. Can I have that, mate?
Sweet, lovely. You're a blinder.
You trying to buy drugs?
- What?
- You trying to buy drugs?
If you're buying drugs, I'd like some.
I do a bit of smack.
He wants to buy some. He wants to buy some.
What you got on ya?
Come on, cos we got a cockle on us.
- There's ten here.
- Want a bit of gear?
- Yeah, I'll have a bit of gear.
- Blinding.
We're live now, man, we're fucking live.
Bloody live, mate. We're live.
Peck? What's happening, mate? It's Mackey.
Mate, you got anything? Yeah?
We'll have a little whirl, a deal from ya, yeah?
All right, I'll be about half hour.
What's happening? What's going on?
Tony. Yeah, I gave you some money.
Can I come, yeah?
- We're going, but where you from?
- Dalston.
Oh, fucking hell, mate, it's meant to be, ain't it?
It's meant to be, mate.
Come round mine and I'll buy some beer.
Blinding! We fell on our feet.
What's your name, mate?
- Tony.
- I'm Mackey, mate, this is Smudge.
Hello. Tony.
Come on, what the fucking hell are we doing?
He'll do a deal with us. I might be able to get
three for a score. I know the geezer, yeah?
- OK.
- I know the geezer.
All right, Tone?
Fucking hell, mate, are you all right?
Come on. He's fucking gone over.
- Come on!
- Are you all right, mate?
Let's hurry up, then.
Fucking hell.
That's it, bang him up.
Bang the door. That's it.
- Check. It might be open,
- It is, it is.
That's it. Sweet, we're in, Tone.
Come on, son.
- Shall I wait here?
- No, come on. Come in, mate.
Hurry up.
I've got a bad leg, been on it all day.
What can I do?
What's happening, boys? What's happening?
- What do you want?
- Shut up you, you cunt. Where's Pecker?
- He ain't fucking here.
- Does it look like he's here?
What's happening?
Ain't we invited to your party?
Come on, share the love.
Share the fucking love, man!
- Where is he, in there?
- I don't know.
Fuck off.
He ain't here, is he? Fuck off.
Come on, Mack.
We'll get some fucking gear, won't we, Tone?
Come on, Tone. Fuck them, Tone.
Bunch of cunts.
Who's that flash cunt in there?
All right?
- How you doing? You all right, mate?
- Sweet. Who's that?
Peck, this is Tony. Tony, Pecker.
- Hello.
- All right, mate?
Wanna do that thing for us?
Three for a score, is that all right?
Listen, I'll do it this time but next time it's a pony.
- That last gear was shit.
- You keep coming back for it, don't ya?
Listen, we only come to you,
we don't go nowhere else.
Good boy, well done.
Lovely, brother. Sweet. Come on, Tone.
What's that ugly fucking monging git looking at?
Oh, fuck him, anyway.
- Come here, mate.
- No, no, he's all right. Whoa!
- He's all right, he's with me.
- Want to see her?
Like to see her? She's been bled, mate,
she's been fucking bled.
Listen here.
What's wrong with those bleeders
who call themselves leaders,
Those sick, weak, perverted men and women,
And surely you and I shall always spot them,
I'll tell you why
For they are clothed with the spoils of war,
they're warmongers, paedophiles...
Now fuck off,
you fucking abandoned fucking reprobates.
It's a poem. It's a poem, Tone.
Don't worry, mate, he's having a giggle with ya.
See ya later, Peck. Nice one, brother.
Make yourself at home.
It's the far room on the right.
Fucking hell, what's that smell, Tone?
You wanna open a couple of windows
or something.
Fucking hell. What a shithole this is, eh?
It's all right.
It's like an old people's gaff, like old dcor.
- Know what I mean?
- I'm not old.
I need some tin foil.
Give us that.
- Foil?
- Yeah, tin foil.
So, anyway, the Old Bill's
knocked on the door, yeah?
So Frankie's gone bosh, three storeys up,
landed on his legs,
shattered both his kneecaps.
He still tried to get up and run away, mate.
Black cunt.
That's all the foil I've got.
That's blinding, brother.
That's all right, mate. Thanks.
Do you want a beer, then?
Yeah, go on, then. I'll have a beer.
We'll all have a beer.
Oh, mate...
I fucking need a bit of this.
I'm clucking, boy.
- There's a beer there.
- Cheers, Tone.
Fuck off, will you? Putting the beer in my face.
He's putting the beer over me, man.
What's the matter with ya?
Let's all just fucking chill out.
Relax and have a bit of...
Ow! What you fucking doing?
- Don't put feet on the table.
- Don't touch my fucking foot.
- I broke that fucking foot.
- Sorry.
Do you want some beans on toast?
- What you on about?
- Make some food.
No, I don't want nothing, mate. I'm all right.
Mack, do them up.
Shall I put a film on?
I've got no reception but plenty of action films:
Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris...
I've got Jean-Claude Van Damme, his first films.
I've got No Retreat, No Surrender...
I've got 2 as well. He's not in that.
How about 3? How about 4?
- What about 5?
- You're being silly now.
- How about 6, you got that one?
- No, you're being silly.
Enemy Territory, seen that?
About the vampire gang in the block of flats.
- You seen that one?
- No.
What about Double Revenge, you seen that?
Seen it?
I told you, don't put things in my face, mate.
Don't fucking put things in my face.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Don't put them in my face.
Let's all calm down.
Don't throw my film. Good job it's not in there.
You would have had to pay for it.
Yeah? You'll fucking end up paying for it, cunt.
Let's just chill out and relax.
Let's all have a bit of gear and relax.
Fucking... all this madness.
We all need to just take a breather.
What about Cocaine Wars
with John Schneider from Dukes Of Hazzard?
That'll do, just get that on.
We ain't too worried about the films.
Gimme a bit of that.
I'm doing it, mate, ain't I?
Nice drop of wallop.
- Oh...
- Mack, Mack!
It's all right, it's all right. It's sweet.
Here we go.
What about me having a bit of that smack?
I mean, I did put ten pounds towards it.
Don't worry, mate,
you're gonna get a bit, I promise ya.
We need it, mate. We're clucking boy,
we're clucking here.
You'll get a bit of wallop. Don't worry.
So I'll just have a beer, then, yeah?
Go get yourself a beer. Chill out.
That's it, mate, that's the jackpot. That's the one.
I'm gonna load that up. There's a bit on there.
Get another bit ready.
That's a nice bit, better than that other one.
- Fuck off.
- Hold it a minute, Tone.
I'm trying to boot up here.
What's the matter with you?
Lts not done like that, Tone.
You wait your turn. You'll get a bit.
There's hardly anything left.
We got a load of it. We've got three there.
- Oh, right, OK.
- Calm down, you'll get your turn.
Right, OK.
I'll sit down.
Give us another go.
All right, Tone?
Stay still.
Stay still. Stay still.
What's the matter with your face?
Where's Smudge?
Oh, he's having a little lie down. He's not well.
I don't want to kill no more.
I could have killed you.
In town, you're the law.
Out here, its me.
Don't push it. Don't push it.
I'll give you a war you won't believe.
Let it go. Let it... go.
Seen it?
First Blood.
Simon, this is Smudger.
/When I work, I don't leave loose ends.
/You don't need him.
/I do.
Tony, please, listen to me.
Listen to me. You know me, man.
I ain't fucking said nothing to no-one.
I ain't gonna say nothing to no-one.
Quiet! Be quiet!
All right, Tony. Please, please!
Please, let me live.
Let me go. I ain't gonna say nothing
to no-one, I swear.
- Aargh!
- Stop it! Be quiet!
That fucking hurts! Please, please!
Let me live. Let me fucking go, man.
Let me fucking go. Please.
See you later.
/What's the matter?
Do you want a cup of tea?
Do you want some breakfast?
I'll make some breakfast.
Oh, hello. I live downstairs.
And I've cut my finger.
I wondered if you had a plaster.
Yeah, its just it's bleeding quite badly.
Come through.
- Thanks.
- Follow me.
Take a seat.
- Plaster.
- Yeah.
Do you want a cup of tea or cold drink?
Erm... cold drink?
- Squash?
- Yeah.
So, do you live by yourself?
Must be lonely for you.
No... Well, sometimes.
Have you got any pets?
No, just me.
Oh, that's better.
So, have you lived here long?
Yeah, ages.
Yeah, I have seen you around.
What's your name?
- Tony.
- Oh.
Nice to meet you.
So... what you doing Sunday?
Do you like roast?
Roast dinner.
Erm... I love roast.
Well, you're welcome to join me
and Dave and the kids,
if you like, on Sunday.
Why don't you come down for lunch?
That might be nice.
Anything you don't like?
Any vegetables or do you eat everything?
Brussels sprouts.
Oh, well, I'll make sure I don't have any of those.
Oh, is that the time?
I really need to go.
There's a tenants' meeting...
Bye, Dawn.
Nice, nice lady.
Listen, can I phone you back?
Something's come up.
Is that all right, mate?
Tony, yeah?
Mike Hemmings. Take a seat.
Just getting your...
Just dragging your...
So, Tony...'ve been unemployed
for 20-odd years now.
And apart from a couple of weeks'
work experience,
you haven't done anything at all.
listening to people like me carrying on and on,
telling you to get a job, get a life.
Sorry? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm sorry. I really am.
I'm sorry for being late.
You're not late.
I thought I was late.
No, the problem isn't with you being late, Tony.
The problem is... you.
What are we gonna do with ya?
Well, according to our records,
you've been on Jobseeker's Allowance forever
but haven't actually...
Oh, Jeez.
Listen, it's better for you to work, Tony.
You'll feel better with a nice little job
and some money in your back pocket.
What do you think about that?
I don't think that's a good idea, really.
I'm quite happy how things are.
I know you probably are
but you're actually costing the taxpayer money
when you could be a taxpayer yourself, no?
Have you filled your book in?
What book?
Are you disabled in some way?
What have I done wrong?
You haven't done anything wrong -
or right, for that matter.
You're just incapable.
I can't see anything wrong with you
maybe getting a job cleaning toilets. I dunno.
Would you like that?
You could meet people, no?
- I'm not sure, really.
- Why not, Tony? What's wrong with you?
I've got a job interview for you.
Don't be late cos I will stop your money, OK?
You from England?
You sure? You look Polish.
No, I'm English. I was born here.
Does this type of work interest you?
No, not really.
Well... I don't know.
Well, have you done anything similar?
When, then?
I mean, no. No, I haven't.
You think you're up to it?
Do you or don't you, mate?
It's a simple question.
Yeah, I think so.
I think I could do it.
OK, I tell you what we'll do.
We'll start you on a trial,
see how you get on, OK?
Do I get paid?
No, it's a trial.
You don't get paid for a trial.
OK, thanks.
Where you going?
I ain't finished yet. Sit down.
When can you start?
Not for a few weeks.
Why not? You got another job?
No, just got things to do.
I'm quite busy at home at the moment.
Quite busy at home?
Yeah, very busy, actually.
We're not getting anywhere with this, are we?
How would you like me to make a phone call
to the person who sent you here?
Hello... Mr Hemmings?
Yeah, I have Tony in front of me.
Yeah, it seems he's messing us both about.
It seems he doesn't want a job
and he's wasting my precious time.
- Did you just speak to...
- No, but I can if you want.
No. No, thank you.
OK, get here at six
and we'll get you kitted out, OK?
What are the hours?
start at 0600, finish at 2000 hours.
That's not 12 hours, that's...
Do you read?
Fiesta, Razzle...
Bring a book.
Thanks, Tony.
Come in. She'll be about ten minutes.
- Ten minutes?
- Yeah, come on.
- I'll come back later.
- No, come on.
Where you going?
I'll come back later.
I told you, she won't be long. Sit down.
Sit down.
She's ready for you now.
You can go in.
No rough stuff, all right?
Price list.
How much for a cuddle?
Are you joking?
Well, is 20 the cheapest?
Yeah, and don't forget the lady.
The lady?
I haven't got to do anything with her, have I?
- Just a couple of quid.
- Oh, yeah, right.
What can you do for five pound?
Don't waste time.
You been busy? You had a lot of clients?
How many hours do you do?
Do you work a lot of hours?
Have you been with any, like,
blacks or Chinese men?
It's a nice room.
You been... been living here long?
I like your hair clip, it's really nice.
- Jill!
- Don't be like that, I'm just talking.
- Jill?
- Don't be like that.
- Is there a problem?
- No, I'm just talking.
- Listen to the lady. She wants you out.
- I ain't done nothing.
- Sorry.
- Get out. Go on, clear off.
Excuse me, please.
You haven't by any chance seen a little boy?
You haven't?
What, you've just walked through?
Thank you very much. Thank you.
You haven't seen a little boy like that?
Oh, no, I haven't.
Yeah, round the corner, bunch of kids
playing football. Might be one of them.
Right, thank you very much. Thank you.
- Hello.
- You like my moves, son?
Your what?
I said, you like the way I dance?
You couldn't keep your eyes off me.
You're a good dancer.
- You want a drink?
- No, I'm all right, thank you.
What's your name?
That's a nice name.
I'm Alex.
You sure you don't want a drink
or a bit of company?
I'll have a Coke, please.
After you.
It stinks in here, don't it?
Yeah, it's the drains.
The council are gonna send someone down.
Don't worry about it.
Shall I put some music on, then?
Yeah, er... you got any Trance?
- Trance?
- Yeah, dance music.
No, no.
Erm... I might have some Queen or...
- All right.
- I'll have a look.
Some tapes in here.
Well, don't worry about it, Tony.
I've got a bit of Paul Young - No Parlez?
No, honestly, don't worry about it.
Have you got a drink?
- Yeah, sorry.
- I'm really thirsty.
What would you like to drink?
You got whisky or vodka?
Something nice and... Nice stiff one.
No, I might have a couple of beers left.
I'll get them.
Yeah, that'll do.
No, I don't think I've got any beer left.
I ain't got any alcohol.
- You're joking?
- No.
Why didn't you say something?
We could have stopped.
- You haven't got any drink?
- No.
Have we got time to go out
and get something now?
I mean, what have you got?
You got anything at all?
Water... I've got some squash.
You want a glass of squash?
- Yeah, I'll have an orange squash.
- Yeah, orange squash.
I've made it quite weak. Is that all right?
Yeah, lovely, thanks.
So, erm... got music erm...
Do you want to watch a film?
I've got plenty of films.
No, I don't want to watch a film.
What about make some food?
I've got plenty of food.
- I'm not hungry, Tone. I'm not hungry.
- I've got fish fingers.
I'm not hungry, honestly. I'm not hungry at all.
Why don't you come and sit over here?
No, I'm all right over here, thanks.
Come and sit over here.
Come and sit next to me.
We'll have a little cuddle, come on.
That's nice.
Nice trousers.
Just trousers.
So do you go there a lot, then, that club?
- Yeah, every week.
- Really?
- Yeah, every week.
- Every week?
- You like dancing?
- Yeah, I do.
- Where you from?
- Wickford.
Wickford? Where's... Where's that?
Essex. I'm an Essex boy.
It's quite far, then?
It's a bit of a schlep, yeah.
How do you get home late at night?
- Well, I don't usually go home.
- Where do you go?
Well, I'm here tonight.
You weren't here last week.
- Where'd you go last week?
- Well, somewhere else.
Do you wanna have a dance?
I'll put some music on.
Don't worry about the music.
We can do it without the music.
Come on, I'll show you.
We'll have a little dance.
- You wanna have a dance?
- I can't dance.
I'll show you. It's just easy.
Like you saw me in the club.
I started out nice and... I took my time, didn't I?
I started out nice like that, nice little...
Sexy, then get a little bit harder.
- Neighbours, neighbours.
- What about the neighbours?
- I don't want to wake them up.
- Sorry.
Well, come on, get up with me.
- I can't dance.
- Come on, Tony. Come on, get up.
Come on, that's it. Oh, easy.
That's nice.
That's nice, oh.
Nice little shirt.
Nice little collars.
Do you wanna... Do you wanna have sex?
- Shall we fuck?
- No.
What you doing?
- You're a little prick tease, you are.
- What? No.
Yes, you are.
- Don't pull my shirt out.
- Let's have a little bit of fun.
We can do it here or go in the bedroom.
Come on, Tony.
Stop pulling my shirt.
Don't touch me.
Leave me alone.
I like it rough.
- You better leave now.
- Come on!
I'll be in the bedroom, then.
Excuse me, mate, you ain't seen a little boy?
He's about ten, he's a ringer for me.
You ain't seen him
walking around here, have ya?
- You seen anyone?
- No, no, no.
Keep your eyes open for us, will you, mate?
Tell him his dad's looking for him.
All right, mate?
Excuse me, you ain't seen a little boy?
He's about ten,
about that high but he looks like me.
- Ain't seen him, have you?
- No, mate.
You ain't seen a little boy,
about ten, looks like me,
- mooching about here, have you?
- No.
Tell him his dad's looking for him, will ya?
Thanks a lot, love. Cheers.
Oi, oi, oi! Stop there.
You're the nonce from the boozer, ain't ya?
Don't fucking look at me like that.
You seen my Davey?
What, you getting a semi on
cos I said his fucking name?
If you lose it here, you're in for a world of hurt.
- I'm fucking in for what?
- Leave it, Paul, he's harmless.
- Don't touch me, Mick.
- Come on, let's go find...
- Fucking nonce!
- Let's go find him round here. Come on.
Come on.
All right, lad?
I'm not a criminal.
I'm a soldier.
And I deserve to die like a soldier.
You're not a soldier.
You're a fly...
...on a pile of shit.
Open the door.
I can see you in there. Open the door.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You seen my son?
Davey, are you in there, son?
You got my son in there?
You got my fucking son?
If I open that gate, you're gonna hurt me.
I ain't got... I ain't got your son.
- I'm sorry.
- I'll call the police.
Don't call the police.
Do you know where he is?
He's not even 11 yet.
Come here. Come here.
No, I ain't got your boy.
I ain't got him.
You'd better go home.
I will. I'll call the police.
I'm coming back.
Ah, Tony Benson?
Mr Benson, Kevin Phillips.
Do you mind if I just come in for a moment?
Do you have a licence for the television?
Don't think so.
Have you ever purchased a licence
for the television?
In which case, sir,
I must issue you with a caution
under the 1949 Wireless Telegraphy Act.
You do not have to say anything
but anything you do say
can and will be used in evidence
against you in a court of law.
Do you have satellite or cable?
- Sir?
- Cable.
Right, sir.
No, that's fine.
If you can just sign here,
erm... just there.
Just says I've asked you the appropriate
questions, you've answered them.
Sign there and then that's me.
You'll be issued with a court summons
in the next 7-14 days,
and that'll explain everything.
Just there.
Just there. Thank you.
You don't put any good films on telly.
I only watch videos.
OK, sir, you've left me no choice.
I'm now gonna confiscate your television set, sir.
I'll issue you with a receipt.
And then you'll be informed in the next day or so
of the appropriate measures and steps
of what to take next.
Jesus! Jesus!
/You fucking thicko.
/Don't fucking speak back to me!
Detective Dave Reynolds, CID.
Can I come in, please?
You don't mind if I come in, do you?
No, I don't mind.
Front room's last door on your right.
Do you want a cup of tea?
Full name?
What, no middle name?
No, neither have I.
You lived here long, Tony?
- Yeah.
- How long?
Well, years will do.
Ten... Ten years.
Do you go to work?
I been for a job interview,
they've put me on a trial basis.
Oh, right.
Well done.
I suspect you have a lot of time on your own -
walking around, if you know what I mean?
Walking where?
Looking around, observing.
Have you noticed anything
over the last couple of days?
- Like what?
- That's what I'm asking you.
...a little boy has gone missing.
The last time he was spotted was around
this part of the estate on Tuesday.
Surely you've seen all the forensics,
all the commotion and so forth?
You've just told me you was observant.
Well, I did wonder.
I don't like to ask questions. I just thought...
...filming or something.
You did wonder?
Where was you that night?
Yeah, fucking Tuesday, you heard me!
I was watching Gary Busey
in Hider In The House.
It's a good film. Have you seen it?
And then what did you do?
I had a bath and then went to bed.
What's that fucking sm...
There's a terrible smell in here. What is that?
Oh, yeah... drains.
The council meant to send someone down to...
- The drains? Council?
- Yeah.
You won't mind if I go and have a look around,
then, will you?
- What, the drains?
- Yeah.
No, I don't mind.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Speak slower.
I can't understand you.
Where was he?
I'll be there in a minute.