Tony 10 (2012) Movie Script

Ten years ago,
I came into this world.
I opened my eyes and the first thing
I saw were my Mum and Dad.
What about 'Tony'?
Tony. Yes.
Tony Wagemans.
I was born in the house
near the big cranes.
That was just as well.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
My father is Gilles Wagemans...
the best operator of the country.
The crane is his third arm.
He can do anything with it.
When your father is a crane operator,
you really aren't afraid of heights.
My Dad didn't know my Mum yet
until they met at work.
It was love at first sight.
Hey. Could you take it easy?
Let me guess. Sissy?
My mother, my father and me.
We are very much alike.
For example: I have my mother's eyes
and my father's cranes.
I was able to hoist
before I could walk.
That's because of my crane blood.
Every year on my birthday
my Mum bakes a cake...
and my Dad teaches me
a new crane to operate.
When I became four,
I rode a caterpillar.
That's when my Dad became
leader of the operators' union.
When I turned seven,
I was allowed on the forklift.
And at age eight, on the scissor lift.
That was right before my Dad
took over Kouwenaar cranes.
He became the boss
of Wagemans & Co.
My Dad bought 28 tower cranes,
and 37 cherry pickers.
At the age of nine
I was allowed on the grabber.
Then I was able to do everything
a good operator should be able to do.
Or nearly everything.
- And that one?
- No, not that one.
- Not the Beast.
- The Beast is very dangerous.
Extreme sports.
That crane demands everything:
Concentration, speed, muscles.
- When I'm ten?
- No way.
That boy of ours has crane blood.
He can't be stopped.
When you're ten.
I was lucky to have these parents
and they were lucky to have me.
But then I was still nine, and we were
still together. Just the three of us.
I was on eight roller coasters
this weekend.
That's quite something.
Tony, four legs please.
Thank you. Great.
- What did you do this weekend?
- My Dad and I had a job to do.
A car had driven into the canal.
A bit faster.
Fortunately no one got injured.
Of course the car was a total wreck.
We only talk about things
that really happened.
- But it's true.
- Write a paper and hand it in later.
- New hands?
- My cat ate his own tail.
How did that happen?
- A bit more.
- Sure, boss.
Stop it. Yes.
- Keep it straight.
- Stop.
Come on.
- How's it going?
- Fine. Lower it. Good.
And... stop.
Yes. Fine.
Go ahead. A bit faster.
- What?
- A bit faster.
We're waiting for the Queen.
She's in the car. There she comes.
Long live the Queen.
Your majesty,
I'm Gilles Wagemans.
We're responsible
for this whole operation.
The unveiling will happen here
in a few moments.
- So I have to push this button?
- Keep your paws to yourself.
- Paws?
- Pinchers.
Listen, I'm not here to pinch this thing.
I just want to push that button.
- For the unveiling.
- You can do that at the top.
It's possible to do it from there.
- Really?
- All the way at the top?
- Certainly.
- I hardly dare to ask, but...
- It's my pleasure, Your Majesty.
- Come with me.
- How exciting.
Did you see that?
That was me.
Dad and the Queen.
Did Dad say what time he'd be home?
She'd never even heard of pinchers.
Gilles Wagemans of Wagemans Cranes
wishes you nice dreams.
I have to go.
Gilles, I miss you.
- I can't disappoint the guys in the band.
- Of course you can't.
Thank you.
- Three beers, please.
- Here's the next song.
Hi, Sis.
Calm down.
Calm down, honey.
He's here.
He's here with me and he's just fine.
I'll put him on.
Tony speaking.
She's crying.
Tears of joy.
She thought you were gone.
Honey, Tony is fine.
He's OK. See you later.
Here he is...
Watch out, girls...
Our trumpet player: Gilles.
Keep it straight.
Straight corners. That's the secret.
How do I keep it still?
My Dad's company was doing great.
Wagemans & Co became the country's
biggest crane specialist.
He became treasurer of the
Upwards Safely Foundation.
And secretary of the
National Dig and Hoist Association.
And chairman of the European
Vertical Transport steering committee.
Everyone knew how good he was
and they all wanted him.
It's not a problem technically.
A quarter turn and hoist it up.
Wagemans Cranes, good afternoon.
One moment, please.
- Dad, it's for you.
- I'll call them back later.
Gilles Wagemans speaking.
I'll give it some thought, of course.
Fine. I'll get back to you.
That's fine. Bye.
The Queen.
Do I want to become a minister.
That's one, two...
Those are for us, son.
Here we are...
Pass on the glasses.
Hurray. Long live the Queen.
Sweetie, dude, guys:
To the new Minister of Transportation.
- Why don't we talk about it?
- We are.
You already decided without me.
- A once in a lifetime's opportunity.
- You're hardly home as it is.
Are you coming to kiss me goodnight?
Both of you?
Of course.
Or yellow?
- They're all fine.
- Sis, please help.
Dad, it's time to go.
No, that won't do.
- Which one then?
- I don't care.
You do care, because you said
that this one won't do.
- We're leaving.
- We?
I'm taking Tony to school.
Good morning, this is
Gilles Wagemans. Tony's father.
I'm sitting beside his bed.
He's not feeling well.
He's coughing and has a temperature.
It's better that he stays home today.
Fine. I'll tell him.
Thank you. Bye.
'Get well,' the teacher says.
This is where it all happens.
My new office.
Wanda, this is Tony.
Wanda de Wit.
Wanda is my guard dog, so to speak.
Everyone who comes here
has to pass by Wanda first.
You're expected at the meeting
of the Council of Ministers.
The Council of Ministers
is for ministers only.
I'll be right back.
Who is this nice lady?
She has dimples
and a wonderfully regal look.
It's a very nice picture.
A beauty.
Come on, guys.
This beauty is of course...
Her Majesty the Queen.
Just like that: In the photograph.
She's surrounded by people.
Have a good look.
Who are these people?
Who are these lucky dogs?
They're allowed to stand
beside Her Majesty.
- Those are...
- Say it.
Come on.
The Queen and her Ministers...
are the most important people
in the whole country.
Lovely photograph.
What's this?
Wow. You made lots.
Wonderful. I'm starving.
Dad's joining us for dinner.
- Looks good. Can I have one?
- Help yourself.
I'll put sugar on it? Is that OK?
We'll save a great big stack for Gilles.
He'll be starving
when he comes home.
- Will you tell him I made them?
- He'll notice right away.
They look so great.
So you finally made it home.
- What are you doing here?
- I want to sleep. I'm tired.
- I worked all day.
- Oh, come on. This late?
- We had a meeting...
- Yeah, right.
- Everyone wanted to continue.
- Oh, and you wanted to stop.
That's enough.
Can we talk calmly for once?
Is that what you do with her too?
Get lost. Gilles Wagemans,
I'm through with you, I really am.
Does Dad have to stay outside
all night?
Like a drifter.
I'm sure there'll be someone
he can stay with.
For how long can you keep pancakes?
Your father's gone crazy.
He's completely out of sorts.
He does the silliest things.
He thinks he's...
He's in love.
Tony, turn that thing off.
- Get lost.
- You stay away from the Beast.
It's dangerous.
No one is allowed to touch it.
My father is.
But he's not here.
Come on out.
Sleep tight.
In love.
That's for girls, not for boys.
So I thought Dad would be back soon.
But when he had not come back
after a week, I got worried.
When he was still not back
after three weeks...
it was really taking too long.
Something had to happen.
- What's wrong?
- I miss Dad.
Come and snuggle up with me.
I'm not going anywhere.
Who's Dad in love with?
I don't know.
Someone. A woman.
Someone who's nicer than I am.
No one is nicer than you are.
Let's go to sleep.
Let's not think about bad things.
It had to be a very special person who
my father had traded my mother in for.
But who?
'Scream. ' Full stop.
New sentence: 'Meanwhile... '
'Meanwhile it's... '
'clear... '
'it's clear... '
'that the... '
Then I knew who it had to be.
'No one... '
'No one... '
Tony Wagemans.
'No one... '
I wasn't afraid.
Not even of the Queen.
I have to talk to the Queen.
I'm Minister Wagemans' son.
the Queen and her new ministers
I'm Tony.
Gilles Wagemans' son.
You have the same big pinchers
as your father.
I want my father back.
Who's got him?
- You.
- Me?
Dear Tony, your father
is an extremely capable minister.
Cheerful and friendly
and I daresay he's quite handsome.
But I don't harbour
any romantic feelings for him.
You know what?
Ask him yourself.
This is Tony Wagemans.
I'd like to speak to my father.
- He's in an important meeting.
- We'll see about that.
This is the Queen.
Wanda, yes.
I'm looking for Gilles Wagemans.
It's urgent.
Your Majesty.
Hi Toontje.
Sometimes it feels as if I'm caught
in the middle of a hurricane.
I'm just being swept along.
I can't help it.
Your father's gone crazy.
My heart's thumping.
My blood's boiling.
I say crazy words like...
'cuddly bear'
or 'my little turtle dove'.
- He's talking gibberish.
- I don't find it silly.
He has no idea what he's doing.
- I'm...
- In love.
Suddenly, it just happens to you.
Butterflies in your stomach.
Singing at meetings.
- It's terrible.
- When will it pass?
Never, I hope.
I can't live without her anymore.
- Let me take you home.
- I came by crane.
Can I call you back?
I'm in a meeting right now.
OK, that's fine. Bye.
When you phone this number
I'll answer it myself.
We'll do lots of nice things together.
How are you, Your Excellency?
- Hi, Toep. Everything under control?
- Certainly.
You're late.
- I...
- Sure.
Tony, stop it.
I told you to stop that.
Couldn't sleep?
- This is a Royal Rosebud.
- Dad asked me to give it to you.
And would you come along
to do something nice.
- Just the three of us.
- The three of us?
Well, isn't that sweet.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
I think this is a bird-of-paradise.
My presentation is about the goat.
Female goats are called 'does'
and males 'bucks'.
Males aren't satisfied with one female,
they keep looking for a new female.
They divorce
and look for a new female again.
Are your parents divorced too?
They all are.
My father makes my mother itch.
Please listen.
My goat's called Ron.
He eats goat feed, grass and carrots.
- This was my presentation.
- Well done.
Who wants to pet the goat?
Easy. Not too fast.
It's your turn next week.
I wonder if we'll want to listen to you.
Such a sweet goat.
Can he go back outside now?
Dad, weren't we going to do
something nice on Saturday?
Are you coming to pick me up?
- Mum.
- I'm coming.
You're not going to grumble at Dad,
are you?
We're going to have lots of fun.
Coming, Tony?
Your father will join us later.
- Coming, Mum?
- You go. I...
I'll come along some other time.
You go.
No, you can't come.
Or else Mum will be alone.
Which grade are you in again?
- You're with Miss...
- Mister.
Do you get good marks?
Does my father ever call you
'my little dove turtle'?
'My little turtle dove. '
Tony. Hey, dude.
Turtle dove.
What did I say?
Is 'stunning' close?
- How's school?
- I have a presentation next week.
- What about?
- About you.
- Great idea.
- Nice.
- You have to be there, OK?
- Of course. Good plan.
We'll arrange it.
- She doesn't have crane blood.
- She has lots of other things.
Come on.
Do you like my father?
He likes my mother better
than he does you.
He'll be back home soon.
It's your turn.
What are you waiting for?
Your presentation is about...
Excuse me?
- What are you doing here?
- My presentation is about...
Where is my father?
Wanda called to say that
he's in an emergency meeting all day.
- But I'm here to replace him.
- I want my father.
Well, why don't you do your
presentation on a different topic?
- What are presentations about nowadays?
- It's Her Majesty.
Chickens? Rabbits?
I'll help you. All right?
Your Majesty. Please enter.
- Hello, children.
- Hello, Your Majesty.
- Please have a seat.
- Over here?
My presentation is about her.
The Queen.
Start at the beginning.
When the Queen was born,
she was a princess and was crowned.
The Queen is supposed
to nod properly...
to smile, and to wave.
She has to be able
to cut ribbons and rule the country.
Tony, one thing.
Look, everyone can nod.
But nodding with a 24-carat
gold crown on your head...
is a different kettle of fish.
- How many crowns do you have?
- Three. This one.
And this one is the same as that one.
And this one.
The Queen's hobbies
are playing table-tennis.
And cooking.
- The Queen's favourite foods are...
- Peas, pudding...
and pheasant.
- Is the Queen the boss of everyone?
- Yes.
I'm the boss of the government,
but my ministers do the tough work.
My ministers are my hands and feet.
Of course you know that, with
a terrific guy like Tony in your class.
And Tony's father is my best,
my very best minister.
I'm finished.
I'm going home. It was fun, but now
I have to go back to ruling the country.
and give my regards to your family.
Bye, Your Majesty.
This was my presentation.
- Finished.
- Let's hear it for Tony.
- What did you get for your presentation?
- An A+.
- It wouldn't have worked with your Dad.
- Aren't you my Dad's boss?
Could you tell him
he has to come back home.
I could tell him.
That's not difficult, but...
there are things my ministers
can decide for themselves.
Where they live, for instance.
What they eat. Who they make out with.
- It's not up to me.
- My mother is much nicer than Wanda.
Couldn't you fire her?
That will only fan the flames.
They'll miss each other.
We have to re-kindle the fire
between your parents.
Then things will take care
of themselves.
- What's that for?
- That? Those decorations?
For the Queen's Ball.
- Will my father be there?
- Of course. All ministers will be.
They're fun evenings.
I'll wear a ball gown and there's music.
Everything will look wonderful.
The chandeliers will be lit.
Very romantic.
Why don't you come?
Do you dance?
I don't.
But I know someone who does.
Hey. Coming?
- He's getting big.
- He's nearly ten.
Let's go on that one.
I noticed that my Mum didn't miss
my Dad that much anymore.
Do you still like Dad?
Yes, I do. He's sweet.
Sometimes I think
that this world is too small for Gilles.
He always wants bigger and more.
He skips the small things.
When you were three
he was going to paint the bathroom.
Then he painted the whole house,
except for the bathroom.
He skipped it.
He felt it was too small.
Some people are like that.
They think big.
- That's not bad, is it?
- No, but it made me feel small too.
He skipped me as well.
Your Mum is Purveyor to the Queen.
She sold 12 gravy bowls to the palace.
- Now she can attend the Queen's Ball.
- What will you wear?
- I'm not going.
- Of course you are.
You can't let the Queen down.
He's right.
You can't let the Queen down.
So what should I wear?
- Like it?
- Yes, I do.
Just go.
Promise to go to bed on time?
You have to show this.
They won't let just anyone in.
I think.
- Sleep tight. Sweet dreams.
- Bye.
Come on. Hurry.
The guests will be here soon.
- Gilles.
- Your Majesty.
Wonderful to see you.
Hello, Wanda. You haven't seen
my house yet, have you?
Egbert? This lady would like
a complete tour of the house.
From top to bottom.
Don't skip anything.
Go ahead.
See you soon, honey.
This is what is called
The Portrait Room.
This is the grandmother's
side of the family.
As you can see,
there were six children.
This lamp consists of over 10,000 parts...
...all cut by hand.
- Really?
Could you play the piece?
Tony Wagemans.
I'm so sorry.
- Not in bed yet?
- I couldn't sleep.
- Mum, would you like some tea?
- That would be nice.
- Were you crying?
- No.
Comes from biking.
Dad was there too.
With his...
- Tony.
- Dad.
- Wanda and I broke up.
- Really?
- She didn't have crane blood.
- But that's not the worst.
She didn't like children
with crane blood.
I'm going to get Mum.
Not just yet.
I hurt her badly.
She won't get over it that easily.
Are you staying the night?
- Mum won't like it.
- She doesn't have to know.
Are you comfortable?
- When can I tell Mum?
- Leave it up to me.
On your birthday, your Mum and Dad
will be back together.
Good morning.
It's a quarter past eight.
- Ready to go?
- My coat's still inside.
See you tonight.
Chicken is tasty.
You can make chicken nuggets,
chicken breast or soup.
The chicken lives in a coop,
or in the freezer.
The chicken eats lettuce, or potatoes.
That was my presentation.
Very good. Any questions?
- Does a chicken eat chicken?
- Good question.
Don't forget to bring along
your gym clothes.
I happened to notice
it's your birthday soon.
I was wondering...
- Can I come to your party?
- Can I come too?
- How many cakes will you make?
- A banana-cream cake, at any rate.
- This strawberry cake looks good.
- The whole class is coming.
- Is that OK?
- Yes, of course. The more the merrier.
Dad, when will you hit on Mum?
- It's almost my birthday.
- I know.
I'm working on getting tickets.
We're going to make a trip
to the South Pole.
I think that's overdoing it.
- I know what she likes.
- What?
The dust bin.
Good morning.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'm coming with you.
It's too bad your parents
are still living together.
I have two of everything:
Two vacations...
two toothbrushes and two dogs.
When my Mum acts stupid,
I just go to my Dad's.
Or vice versa.
Do your parents
really belong together?
I'm Tony's mother.
I thought you might be thirsty.
- Who are you?
- Luce.
I've never visited anyone
who isn't divorced.
Nothing to be ashamed of:
Your parents not living together anymore.
I'm off to bed.
You're not going to be ill
on your birthday, are you?
I'm tired.
- Sleep tight.
- Nighty-night.
That bridge connects the whole thing.
Yes, that's...
Hold on.
All right. We'll be in touch.
- Go downstairs.
- We're going to build a bridge...
from Egmond to London.
You'll be there in no time.
You have a date.
With Mum.
- Does she know I'm coming?
- No.
- Then it's not a date.
- You picked these.
Tomorrow our son will be ten.
So I thought...
I brought these for you.
- It smells good here.
- The cakes.
- Do you want a drink?
- Lemonade.
- Did you guys kiss?
- Kiss?
- Are things all right now?
- One more night.
OK? One night.
Not asleep yet?
I thought you were tired.
Who was visiting?
Dad came by to discuss
some things for your birthday.
He'd picked a bunch of weed.
Typically Gilles.
I know what would be
your favourite birthday present...
but I can't work miracles, you know.
I didn't get it. My Dad had promised
things would be OK again.
My Mum was angry when he left,
and now for coming back.
- Then I had to think about Luce.
- Do they belong together?
I could stand upside down
or go to the Queen...
but nothing would help.
I'd become a boy with two
toothbrushes and two dogs.
They just don't belong together.
- I'm not made of rubber.
- No, of concrete.
- You sneak into my house like an insect.
- My son lives here, I believe.
Oh, is that your son?
It's hard to imagine you have a son.
- What do you mean?
- You think you can do everything.
Quit it. I'm tired and I work a lot.
I'm trying, aren't I?
You two have to separate.
long may he live
long may he live on high
long may he live on high
Hurrah. Hurrah.
- Well Tony, is the Queen coming?
- I think so.
You think so?
They're getting a divorce.
That's up to them.
As long as it won't affect you.
Don't let your party
be ruined by your parents.
I hope you and Dad won't fight
on my birthday.
Are you sure?
Gilles isn't coming.
When you get a cake out of the oven
it has to cool off first.
It's the same way with grown-ups.
When they've had a fight,
they have to cool off first.
They just shouldn't see
each other for a while.
This one too.
We'll celebrate soon.
Just the two of us.
What are you doing?
Come down immediately.
- Come. Let's go home.
- Do as your mother says.
We'll be party animals next week.
A guy's thing.
Let's go and eat cake.
We don't need your father for that.
I'll buy you a cake this big.
You won't know what hit you.
- And you'll give him an airplane and...
- As if it's fun being with you.
Stop it. Both of you.
You two can't come to my birthday.
Ever again.
I didn't care
what happened down there.
I'd celebrate my tenth birthday
up here, by myself.
Nice and peaceful.
Can I come to your party?
Me too?
- Please.
- Pretty please?
- We won't fight.
- I won't either.
- Yes. Promise.
- Promise.
Ten is quite a number.
The evening of my tenth birthday,
the whole class came to my party.
I had a Royal visit.
My father played
like he'd never played before.
My mother's cake tasted super yummy.
For the first time I called Luce...
My little turtle dove.
And my parents got a divorce.
It was the best birthday ever.