Too Close For Christmas (2020) Movie Script

[upbeat Christmas music playing]
I still remember like it was yesterday
The smell of Mama's Christmas cookies
And the bells on an open sleigh
All I gotta do is shut my eyes
And I could see those twinkling lights
And every street lined
With decorations
In my hometown tonight
Passing strangers stop
To share a smile
Bright houses filled
With joy and laughter
As they bless the child
-It's my favorite time
-It makes my heart shine
[Hayley] The caterers are set,
I've just confirmed the string quartet,
and everything else
you need to know is in here,
alphabetized and color-coded.
There shouldn't be
any surprises. Black-tie formal.
Just like the last three years.
Well, not too repetitive, I hope? It's
It's more of a Christmas classic.
It's always a huge success,
so I'm not worried.
-Although you've always been here
to handle everything in person.
I know. I'm sorry.
This is the first Christmas
that my parents have been
away, and my sister really--
Go. Don't worry.
You've done all the heavy lifting.
And if we need anything,
we can always ask Trey.
[telephone ringing]
Go. Before I change my mind.
[laughs] Okay, right. Going.
Oh, I was just wondering,
is there any news
on the promotion front?
I'm sorry, not yet.
They promised to let me know
before you took off, but so far, nothing.
[sighs] It's okay.
I get it. Everyone's busy
with the holidays.
-Just keep your phone close.
-I always do.
And I'll call you as soon as I hear.
-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.
[Christmas music playing]
Christmas is here again
Christmas is here again
Christmas is here again
Everybody's home for Christmas
It looks like snowy weather
The family's all together
We'll party like we always do
-[cell phone ringing]
Okay, before you say anything,
I'm almost there.
Hey, it's a Christmas miracle!
Didn't think they'd ever let you escape.
[laughs] Careful. There's still time.
Okay, how many times
has Mom called you so far?
Four times just from the airport,
and twice when they got to Hawaii.
[chuckles] I'm so happy they went, though.
I can't remember the last time
they went somewhere, just the two of them.
Dad said it was before you guys
adopted me. Is that true?
Oh, you mean back when life
was peaceful? [chuckles]
[chuckles] Oh, please.
I'm really glad
you decided to spend Christmas
with me and Tim's family this year.
I know. I'm so excited too.
Plus, you said the magic words.
You-know-who won't be there.
-[man] Christmas will be had by all!
Okay, um, I'm super excited
you're coming.
[alarm dinging]
Uh, yeah. I just have
to quickly stop for gas,
and I will be right there.
-Okay! See you soon. Love you!
-Love you!
[festive music playing]
I found the decorations
I've sent the invitations
Now all that's missing, babe, is you
The sound of sleigh bells ringing
-The little children singing
-[couple giggling]
They're celebrating
All around the world
-Christmas is here again
-Won't you come home, baby?
-Christmas is here again
-Won't you hurry back, darling?
-Christmas is here again
-Whoa, whoa
-Everybody's home for Christmas
-[Amy] You're here!
-Hey! Let me help you with that.
-Oh, my goodness. Wow.
-Hi! [giggles]
-Hi! [giggles]
-Hi, Tim.
-Thank you so much for having me!
-You're so welcome.
Well, I'm very excited
for my first Barnett Christmas.
Me too. [chuckles]
Well, my first as a Barnett.
Okay, you two.
-Sorry. Sorry.
Why don't I, uh, take these inside,
and then I'll send Paul out
to grab the rest of the stuff.
This is all of it, right?
Uh, yeah. This is all of it.
Did you just say Paul?
He's here?
-Uh, you know my brother.
Mm, not really.
You never know where his
vacation's gonna end up
until you get the postcard.
I mean, that's Paul.
Okay. I'm gonna take these inside.
-Nice and light. [grunts]
-[chuckles] Thank you!
Okay, before you say anything,
it's just for one night.
Why didn't you tell me?
It was super last-minute,
and I didn't want to give you an excuse
to turn around and go back to work.
They do not get
another holiday out of you.
-I'm sorry.
But Is it really that big a deal?
I know he was a bit blunt
at the wedding, but--
That's an understatement.
A big one.
He's still going on his ski trip.
-To Switzerland?
-He's just leaving in the morning now.
In the morning. Okay.
You know what?
It's fine. It's fine.
So, you won't say anything?
You don't have to worry
about me. I can handle anything
for a night. [chuckles]
You're gonna love it here.
Ah, Judy said you're just upstairs.
Oh, wow. [chuckles, inhales]
Ooh, it's cold.
Oh, let me grab your bag.
You weren't kidding. This is beautiful.
Oh, yeah. Gorgeous.
[Hayley] This is their vacation home?
[Amy] Yeah, I know, right?
Come on!
Oh! Well, I should probably
take these off.
I've got snow everywhere.
-Oh! I am so sorry. Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm-- I'm fine.
You made it.
-Yup. I did.
Man, I hope it didn't take you
as long to get here
as it took me. I mean,
getting out of the city was brutal.
Am I right? [chuckles]
What am I doing?
Let me get your bags.
Ah, no. No, I'm good. [chuckles]
Okay. Uh, well, how 'bout your, uh
your pillow?
Oh, I got it.
Oh, hey! Hi. You remember my sister?
From the wedding?
Of course. How could I forget
our chicken dance, huh?
Well, it was a group dance.
Wasn't "ours."
Good clarification.
[Judy] You made it!
And in good time too.
Hi! Thank you so much for having me.
-Oh, thank you for coming!
-Can I take those? Bring them upstairs?
Oh, yeah.
That would be wonderful.
-You must be starving.
-Come on in!
-Oh, I am.
[Judy chuckling]
-Your house is beautiful.
-[Judy] Oh, thank you.
["We Wish You a Merry Christmas" playing]
[all laughing]
As much as I hate you
missing Christmas,
I know it's the only time
you can get away from work.
I know. Thank you, Mom.
You should be an accountant.
-Oh, you know your brother.
He's not really one for,
you know, sitting still.
Yeah, I don't wanna sit still.
There's a whole big world
out there just ready to be seen.
I want to see it.
I'm just saying, you get
a lot more time off
as an accountant than
you do as a building contractor.
[Amy laughs]
Would you like anything else, Hayley?
-You haven't really touched--
-Oh, no!
I'm good. Everything was so delicious.
I just ate too much granola
on the way up here.
[all chuckling]
Hey, I was gonna ask,
where's that boyfriend of yours?
I'm sorry?
Simon, wasn't it? Nice British fellow.
We had a good "chinwag" at the wedding.
I think that's what they call it.
Well, I'm guessing
he's back home in London.
I can't be so sure.
Wait, why's that?
Are you guys not together anymore?
Ah, no. No. Not.
Uh, we actually broke up
shortly after the wedding.
You did? Hmm.
-[Penn] Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Don't be. It's okay. It's all good.
-Hey, who wants dessert?
-I'll help you!
-It's just for one night.
["Deck the Halls" playing]
[Judy] Okay, now, don't worry,
it doesn't need to be fancy.
Just has to come from the heart.
-We're making gifts?
-A gift. One each.
Everyone will take a name--
Oh! I guess whoever gets Paul
will have to make something real quick.
-Wait. Where is Paul?
-[cell phone ringing]
Oh, is that Mom again?
[gasps] Uh, no. Actually, it's work.
-I have to take this.
-[Penn] Take it outside.
-[Hayley] What?
-The reception's better out there.
Oh. Okay. Uh, Kim! Hi.
Oh, you're breaking up.
Can you hear me?
Kim? Hello?
Uh, can you hear me now?
[Kim] Your reception's
not great. And so far, no news.
Oh! [chuckles]
Well, I guess that's better
than bad news, right?
They're now saying they
don't want to make the decision
until after the event on the 23rd.
Oh. Okay.
Speaking of, how do you feel
about circus performers?
Trey's old idea?
The one we all shot down? [chuckles]
Well, personally,
I wouldn't hire them to serve,
and I'm not a fan
of last-second changes,
but if it's shock value you're after
[Kim] Hayley, everyone here
loves the idea.
Oh! You've already decided. [chuckles]
Well, I guess, just keep me posted, then.
[Kim] Of course I will.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Well,
you know where to find me.
[Kim] Bye.
[sighs] Terrific.
Drop the call?
Happens a lot out here.
You know, sometimes there's better service
in the driveway, if you want to try it.
I'm fine.
Did you try to shake it?
-Your phone. It helps.
I'm kidding. It's a joke.
[chuckles] Okay.
Am I-- Did I do something?
Is that a question?
Or another joke?
You know, it's really
not a great time to ask.
Oh, come on!
Fine. You really wanna know?
I do.
You had no right
dooming my relationship.
Excuse me?
Do you not remember
what you said? At the wedding?
Oh, no, I do.
But all I said was that your boyfriend
was clearly gonna move back to London.
Yeah. Without me!
Who says that to someone? At a wedding?
It was just an observation.
Yeah. An observation
which forced a conversation.
A conversation, without which, who knows?
Might've worked out differently.
-Why are you laughing?
Wow! I'm sorry. Sorry.
You actually blame me for your breakup?
What? No. No. I
You wanted to know if you
did anything, and I just told you, okay?
Great. Great. Well, then,
can I make one more observation?
-No. You may not.
-[chuckles] Okay, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I must. I must!
If your relationship ended
because of one conversation
it wasn't gonna work in the first place!
Is that your expert opinion?
[chuckles] Well, that--
I'm sorry. I find that
actually really funny,
because I've heard
that you're not quite an expert
in the relationship department yourself.
You're too busy! You're always traveling.
You're Paul "Who Can't Sit Still."
What does that have to do with anything?
Nothing. I'm just saying,
I'm not surprised.
What? That I don't have a girlfriend?
Word of advice,
observations aren't always helpful.
Or wanted.
Okay. Okay.
Well, thank you for that
-Anything else?
-No. I think we're good.
[Paul] Good.
What am I supposed to do
with an oven mitt?
You could make it a fancy chapeau.
-[sighs] Hmm.
Okay! It's time to pick names!
Hayley, as our guest, you go first.
Okay. Yeah.
[sighs deeply]
[Penn] So, how'd it go?
Oh! You mean out there, right now?
-With your work call?
Oh, that? It was, um
it's not great.
I mean, it was
Yeah. Not great.
What'd the airline say?
They're not lettin' anybody out.
Out? What do you--
what do you mean "out?"
Well, turns out there's a big
snowstorm in Northern Europe,
so next flight out
isn't until Christmas Day.
Does this mean you're staying?
For, like, five more days?
-You just made my Christmas!
-That makes two of us.
Here you go.
Now you've got towels, water
-And these super cute jammies.
-[Judy laughing]
-Thank you.
-Oh, it's nothing. They were on sale.
I get them for all the kids
every Christmas.
[whispers] Whether they like it or not.
Are you sure you don't want me
to sleep on the couch?
-I honestly don't mind.
-Please! Paul insisted you have his room.
-He did?
-He wasn't even supposed to be here.
Yeah. That's right. Um, well, thank you.
Just let me know
if you need anything. Good night!
Huh. He's been everywhere.
[door opens]
Did you really say something?
-Cute jammies.
-Did you?
What? It-- it wasn't that bad.
What did you say?
Just that he had no right
commenting on my relationship.
I actually think it was a really
good thing for him to hear.
Good? Good, how?
-From a personal development standpoint?
In fact, I think it actually might
help him in his future relationships.
Oh, I'm sure he was very appreciative.
-[groans] I'm sorry, okay?
I thought he was leaving. And then,
the words just kind of came out,
after that circus call.
You mean with work?
[sighs] I had everything set up,
down to every little detail,
and then
it doesn't matter, because I'm not there,
so if they hire someone else--
It will not be because you took a break.
You deserve this promotion,
Hayl. You know that.
You've been there forever,
and if they don't promote you, just
-Just quit.
[Amy] You could go anywhere.
-It's not that easy.
-Why not?
Because I've been there forever.
I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said anything.
[Amy chuckles]
I know you wanted
this weekend to be perfect.
Oh, it's fine. Maybe even better
you got it off your chest?
I know you're lying. But I appreciate it.
[chuckles] Just get
a good night's sleep, okay?
Oh, I plan on sleeping in
as late as humanly possible tomorrow.
Good. [chuckles]
-I love you.
-I love you more.
-[door closes]
-[sighs deeply]
[birds chirping]
[blender whirring]
[whimsical music playing]
-[blender whirring]
-[groans] Wh--
[blender whirring]
Okay, fine.
Fine. [sighs]
I'm up.
[blender whirring]
Good morning.
I can't believe everybody's actually up.
Oh, yeah. You didn't know?
We're all real, real early risers
here, especially Paul.
-[Paul scoffs]
-I had no idea.
You still clocked a good eight, right?
Ah, no. I'm, I'm good with--
-Yes. Thank you.
[Amy] Your second cup
is standing by.
So, Hayley, uh, how much time
do you need to get ready?
Ready? For what?
Well, if you want to know
what's happening, it's right over there.
-We're going ice skating?
-For a start.
Oh! Well [laughs]
I'm, uh, not the best ice skater,
so I'm just gonna
hang here, and you guys can go.
Uh, yeah, that's not gonna happen.
Excuse me?
Yeah, our mom has
a strict no-man-left-behind policy
at Christmas, so
Well, she likes us all together
all week.
[Judy] It's what makes
the holidays special.
Otherwise it's just a lot of stuff we do.
-That's right, Mama.
-[chuckles] Right?
-Yeah. You know I love it.
-[Judy laughing]
So, what are we thinking?
Can we all be ready in ten?
-[Tim] Yeah.
-All right.
-Ready in ten? All right.
-[Judy chuckles]
[Amy] Refill?
Well, this is relaxing.
Just think of all the fresh air
we're gonna get.
[Hayley groans]
["Joy to the World" playing]
[panicked sputtering]
-Bless you.
-Here, this'll warm you up.
-Aw, thank you, honey.
Oh, I'm fine! You go on.
No. That's the last thing they need,
the old man showing them up.
-Looking good, Hales!
-I was just thinking the same thing.
-[both laugh]
[grunts] All right. So, I think
I already know the answer,
but are you sure you don't want any help?
Uh, just one piece of advice.
Don't look at your feet.
It sounds counterintuitive, but trust me,
it'll make it a lot easier.
Okay. I'm fine!
Are you always this stubborn?
Stubbornness has nothing to do with this.
Okay, okay, okay. You're right. I'm sorry.
I probably should've found a better time
to comment on your boyfriend
than at the wedding.
Thank you.
But you really
should have seen it coming.
Excuse me?
Well, I mean, look, I know
he was your type and all.
And I get it. I do.
But if I could see the handwriting
on the wall in just a weekend--
And how exactly
do you know what my type is?
-Oh, easy.
-[chuckles] What?
-You're a creature of habit.
-No! No, I am not.
You sure about that? You have
two cups of coffee. Every morning.
So does every other
person on planet Earth.
[Paul laughing]
I'm pretty sure you take trail mix
with you everywhere you go.
Well, I don't like to be hungry.
And besides, it's granola.
You travel
with your own pillow, hmm?
You clearly have a thing
for guys with accents.
I'm guessing mostly British?
Safe, predictable
suit-wearing men with British accents.
Are those bad things?
They're not bad,
if they're working for you.
Okay, can you-- can you
give me a little space, please?
You want me to leave?
Yeah. I do. You know, actually,
I think it would probably be
in everyone's best interest
if you and I give each other space
the entire week.
Tricky considering
my mom's policy and all.
And the fact that we're
staying in the same house.
But, you know,
I think there's enough of us, we could
probably figure out some sort of buffer?
["God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen" playing]
[pills rattling]
[Judy sipping water]
I'm just going to start
making the cookie dough.
-Honey, you need to lie down.
-[Judy] It's almost Christmas!
We have to finish decorating upstairs,
we've a ton of desserts
to make, a tree to get
Not to mention the charity event.
I-- I haven't even checked in on
the decorations or the food for that.
Well, I already finished
the sleigh for the donations,
so you don't
have to worry about that, Mom.
[sighs] It really is beautiful.
Thank you. Now, please,
would you just get a short nap?
No, I'm fine!
[sneezes, groans]
Well, you're right.
The reception is definitely better
out there, but still no update.
-What's wrong?
-Judy's not feeling so great.
-Oh, no, really?
-Oh, it's nothing.
I'll be fine after a quick
Uh, what was I saying?
Okay, that's it. Time for bed!
-Oh, this can't be happening.
-[Penn] Come on.
-What-- what am I gonna do?
-Not worry about Christmas, for starters.
We'll take care of
everything while you rest.
Well, what about the charity gala?
If anything comes up,
we're all here to help with that too.
Come on.
You know, I don't think
this looks that bad.
Uh, that's not her list.
Behind you.
[ominous music playing]
Don't worry.
Christmas will be perfect. I promise.
Listen to the kids. They got this.
They'll do everything together,
just like we do every year.
-Will you take a lot of photos?
-Yes, Mom.
-[Judy] And still make your gifts?
-Yes, Mama.
-Oh! And you-- [sighs]
-[Penn] No! Bedtime.
We'll get you some tea.
[inhales] Well
So much for a buffer.
["Jingle Bells" playing]
I still don't know what I'm supposed
to do with an empty CD case.
Dude, your wife's an art teacher.
You know that, right?
-It's not rubbin' off.
-I don't know.
What about that time you made me
-Never mind. [chuckles]
Okay, so I have taken
all of your mom's lists,
and I've combined them
and made one massive spreadsheet,
so we know exactly what we
need to do for the rest of the week.
-There you go.
-Thank you.
-And one for you.
Um, are you always this organized?
[chuckles] She used to tidy up
my toys. When she was four.
I was thinking,
for the more functional items,
we can divide and conquer?
Girls against boys.
So, is this your new buffer? [chuckles]
I just wanted us to get on the same page,
and now each of us has our own page.
Okay, so let's look at today.
Uh, December 21st.
We're going to go pick up the food,
and you guys can go upstairs
and finish the decorating.
-Sound good? Great.
-[laughs] Seems fair.
[Tim chuckling]
[warm music playing]
[customers chattering]
[cash register dinging]
I can't believe I thought
Mom was over the top
for making us camp out in front of
the Christmas tree every year.
-Tim's mother is officially next-level.
[chuckles] I think it's actually
pretty mild in comparison.
To what?
[both chuckle]
You think Judy's chart is too much?
Their grandma used to map out
all twelve days of Christmas,
for everyone. [chuckles]
What? What's wrong?
Oh, nothing. I-- I'm fine.
Might just be the smell
of the blue cheese or
the Camembert. Ooh!
Oh, no.
No, no, no! Please!
You can't be getting sick too.
You can't go down
and leave me alone with Paul.
Why are you looking at me like that?
Wait! Wait, you're not.
-Are you seriously pregnant?
Okay, okay. All right,
I'll keep it down. But what?
-I know!
It-- it's still early,
so we're not telling anyone.
Not till Christmas.
So that's why Tim was acting so weird!
Well, he's a bit cautious,
anyways. In general. [chuckles]
That is true. [chuckles]
But he doesn't want anyone
to know yet. Not even you.
-Not till we tell his parents.
I don't know how I'm gonna tell them.
I mean, Judy is so good
at making everything special, and I
Hey. You're gonna
be an amazing mom.
I hope so. [chuckles]
You will. I'm so happy for you!
Oh, thank you. [laughs]
[engine revving]
Why don't we just call Paul?
He's got that big truck.
He can pull us out in, like, a second.
No. No, no. I got this, okay?
No need for Paul.
Okay. I think we're good.
-[sighs] I'm so sorry.
I don't know why I'm so exhausted.
I feel like all I do
is sleep all the time.
Hey! Don't apologize.
You just need to lay down,
and I will cover for you. Okay?
I'm sorry. I know
you're not a big fan of Paul's.
-Stop apologizing. It's fine!
-[Amy chuckling]
We will do anything
we need to do. And I promise,
-I will act like I know nothing.
-[Amy chuckling]
-Hey there, Tim!
-[Tim] Hey.
Hi. [chuckles]
She knows, doesn't she?
It's okay! I mean, she's your sister
and your best friend.
Of course she knows.
Sorry, I tried.
And for the record, you both
have terrible poker faces.
[both chuckle]
[door opening]
Thought I heard
you guys come in. [groans]
Yeah, about that.
They're not feeling that good,
Amy especially, so they're
just gonna take it easy.
And considering your dad
is taking care of your mom,
that means it's just
It's just the two of us.
For the moment, yeah.
But, uh, we do need to get
a Christmas tree tomorrow, at some point.
[clicks tongue] Let me guess
divide and conquer?
Well, unfortunately,
if we want to pick a tree
that meets your mom's expectations,
it's probably gonna take
at least two people.
Oh! [chuckles] You mean
you want to do this together?
You, me?
Well, 'cause you need my help, I
-"Need" is a strong word.
-[Paul] Hmm.
Um, but, yeah.
I guess so.
Okay. Well, look, I just need you to know.
You see, my mother, now,
she is gonna require a lot of photos.
Mm. Mm-hmm.
-[Paul] Lots of pictures.
And that means
you're gonna have to smile. A lot.
Whole bunch of holiday cheer.
And, you know--
Okay! Are you done?
[laughs] No. No, no, no, no.
I'm just gettin' started.
You're impossible, you know that?
Okay. Well, I'm going.
But tree, tomorrow.
You got it. Oh, Hayley?
Uh, we're taking my truck.
'Cause we don't want to waste any time
getting stuck in the snow, now, do we?
Good night.
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Mistletoe? Definitely not.
[car door closes]
Okay, fine. I may eat a lot of granola,
but at least I don't have
a creepy elf clock in my room.
Now, one, that's my childhood room.
Two, I won an award for that clock.
In the fifth grade.
Oh, you-- you made it?
Well, I mean, it's not-- it's not creepy,
it's just, um
it's, um
A little creepy.
[both laugh]
-[Hayley crunching granola]
-It's okay. Don't worry about it.
It was just a silly little contest, but
it was the first time
I realized I liked making things.
Wow! And you've kept it
all of these years?
[Paul] Yeah.
You're a lot more sentimental
than I thought you would be.
[splutters] Ah, it's Hold that thought!
I wanted to get rid of it.
My mom wanted me to keep it.
I just thought here
might be better than my apartment.
-Good call.
[Christmas music playing]
[girl] I want this one!
Okay, we have definitely
already been down this way.
No, we haven't.
Ooh! What about this one?
Yes! This has got to be it.
[Paul] No, no, no.
What? Why?
You can't just veto every tree I pick.
It has no personality.
It's a tree, not your future wife.
It's too predictable.
-I mean, who wants a tree that's just--
-Perfectly symmetrical?
Mm. [chortles]
This. This is what I'm talking about.
-This has personality.
-It's a bare tree.
It's not bare.
It just, you know, has his--
his own thing going on.
[scoffs] Kind of like you.
I'll take that as a compliment.
-Ooh, what's that?
-What's what?
That smell. You smell that?
I don't know. Pine?
No it's-- Yes! I'm so excited.
[chestnuts sizzle]
[Paul laughing]
You get this excited about nuts?
Have you ever had
roasted chestnuts before?
Sure, at some point
in my life. I don't remember.
You'd remember.
Ah, I'm just so happy!
I make them every year.
It's kinda like
my own Christmas tradition.
Like your
Well-- [chuckles] Come on!
You must have
some sort of holiday food ritual.
No. No, I
I'm more into
new experiences than traditions.
And, besides, I'm really not a nut person.
Well, you might
change your mind after this.
Oh, I doubt it.
-[chuckles] We'll see.
I'll have two boxes, please.
-One for my sister.
Every time I eat them,
it's like my whole childhood
flashes before my eyes. It's amazing.
And you are definitely
as sentimental as I thought you were.
I will take that as a compliment.
There you go. Thank you.
-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.
Da, da, da. Hold, right there.
Perfect opportunity.
Just wait right there.
What are you doing?
All right.
-Okay. You get one.
Oh, come on, smile!
-[laughs] What?
It's for my mom.
-Okay. Fine.
-[Paul] All right.
There we go! Oh, beautiful.
She's gonna love it. It's magic.
Come on.
So, you really have
no holiday food traditions?
I mean, that's what
makes it taste so good,
it's that feeling that you get with it.
I know your mom.
I know she goes all out, so
No! Look, don't get me wrong. It's nice.
I just don't get emotional
about things like that.
Well, do you want to try one?
Paul! I can't believe it!
I thought your mother said
that you'd be in Sweden!
Uh, uh, Switzerland.
Oh! [scoffs, laughs]
-[dog barks]
-Oh! Hey, buddy! No flights, you know?
So it looks like I'm here till Christmas.
Oh! Oh, well, that's great!
That means you can come to the gala.
Holiday Hounds.
That's where I met Maxie
last year, isn't it? Mm.
[chuckles] Well, I guess
it just depends on my flight, you know?
Yeah. Look, I know your mom
is so upset about being sick,
but tell her we have it
totally under control.
She sure does.
Hey. So, when did you get into town?
Yesterday. I decided
to come in a day early.
[Patti scoffs] She may be
a Los Angeleno now,
but we can't keep her away
from the East Coast for long. [chuckles]
You know, I thought for sure
that you'd be away for the holidays again.
-He's going away on Christmas.
-Ah, of course he is.
Well, uh, the, the--
This is Amy's sister.
She, uh
She's a professional event planner,
so if you guys
need any help, it's, uh
I'm Hayley. Hi. [chuckles]
You know, we really
should pay for that tree.
We should?
Yeah. It's pretty perfect and, uh,
I don't think it's gonna last long.
Okay. Guys, it was so good
to see you guys again. Both.
-Merry Christmas.
-So nice meeting you.
-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Um, just so I'm clear
we're going with my tree, right?
Yes, perfectly symmetrical.
[gentle music playing]
[Paul exhales] It's getting brisk.
Here. This is a good one.
I will allow you to use this.
-You will allow me?
-[chuckling] Yeah.
Oh. Very well, Your Highness.
My mother will be pleased.
You sure you don't want any of these?
They're kind of amazing.
Still good.
I'm sorry about that.
Well, if you're not a nut person,
I'm not gonna force you.
No. [chuckles]
Back there, with Patti and Michelle.
I know it was a little awkward.
I have no idea why
I offered you up for help, but
thank you.
For what?
Rolling with it.
So, you guys dated?
Mm. That obvious?
Are you sure you don't want any of these?
I mean, I don't know
if it's the elevation,
or all the fresh air,
but I'm starving, and
I don't know how much
longer they're gonna last.
Okay. Get out.
-What? Why?
-Come on. Let's go.
-It's not that far. Come on.
-I thought we were going back?
[clears throat] Not until we get you
some real food.
[country music playing]
[Kim] You've reached Kim in marketing.
-Please leave a message.
-[cell phone beeps]
Kim, hi! It's me again,
leaving another message.
I just wanted to make sure
that you had everything
you needed for tonight. Okay, great.
-[cell phone beeps]
-Or not.
-Still nothing?
-Nope. [sighs]
I mean, I guess I should be happy
that things are running
smoothly without me.
Wow! It is all just meat, huh?
Oh, yeah. Pretty much
just meat, and a few sides.
Pumpkin spiced ribs?
Is that really a thing? [chuckles]
Ho, ho, ho. At Christmas it is.
Okay, well, um, before we order,
I should probably let you know
that I'm not the most adventurous eater.
And that's why we're here.
All right, we'll take some
of the pumpkin spiced ribs.
Oh? Uh
[Paul] The, uh, cranberry
barbecue pulled pork and
Oh! The jalapeno mashed potatoes. Please.
Is it possible to have
those jalapenos on the side?
-No? What about the sauces?
Okay, then. [chuckles]
You know, considering
that I usually like my plate
half-green, half-protein,
with a side of fruit [laughs]
I'm surprised how much I love this.
No. You cannot say "I told you so."
-I won't.
-You're about to. I can tell.
It's on the tip of your tongue,
and you're just itching to say it.
Oh, it's on the tip of my tongue?
-[Hayley] Mm-hmm.
-Right? Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
You know, you have a little [laughs]
Look, I just think that
you know, tastes can
change a little. That's all.
-Oh, really?
-Hey, Paul! How long's it been?
-[Paul] Hey! Too long.
-It's good to see you.
-You too. How's everything tasting?
Honestly, I've never had
barbecue so good. [chuckles]
[Paul] Wow
Now, this is coming from Hayley.
She's a fancy event planner
from Manhattan, so, uh
Only on good days.
But this is really tasty.
[chuckles] Stop.
No, really, go on.
[all laughing]
-I'll grab you my card?
-Okay. That'd be great.
Why do you do that?
Do what?
You sell yourself short like that.
What? No, I don't! How could you think
You know what? No more
observations out of you, mister.
Hmm. Okay.
Well, I think you're fancy.
In a good way.
How's that?
So, are you glad you stayed?
I know you didn't want to. [chuckles]
What? No, no.
It's not that I didn't want to.
It's just it's what I do.
Travel at the holidays?
It's always been
a big thing for me, you know?
When I started working,
the only time I could
get away was Christmas.
So, you just disappear?
It's not always a popular decision.
Wait, is that why
your ex broke up with you?
-Was it-- Shelly?
It was Michelle.
[chuckles] She got upset,
because you left at Christmas,
and then she ended things with you.
-No! No, no, no, no. She
-She wanted to move to LA.
And I just wasn't 100 percent.
I don't know,
she looks pretty perfect to me.
Oh, no, she's great. She's fantastic,
which, I know, makes it hard to explain.
I just-- there was something missing.
That's it?
Okay, look, I wish
there were more to it, all right?
I do, I do, I do. I just [sighs]
When I meet someone
that excites me like a
a trek through Peru
then I'll know it's right.
You know, uh, when I meet Brad Pitt,
I will also know that I found the one.
-Come on! Are you
I'm just saying, that's a tall order.
And when it's for a lifetime,
why shouldn't it be?
[romantic music playing]
[indistinct conversations]
So, you two went for lunch?
And how was that?
-Fine. [chuckles]
-Fine? Really?
That seems like
a big shift since two days ago.
Okay, I'll admit,
it wasn't as bad
as I thought it was gonna be.
Do you actually like him?
What? No. No, I don't "like" like him.
I just-- I don't dislike him
as much as I thought I did.
-Oh! Good. [laughs]
-[Santa] Merry Christmas!
I mean, good you like him,
but don't "like" like him.
-I mean, that would be a bit awkward.
-[laughs] Right.
Though I do have to say,
you look a lot more relaxed now.
Oh. Well, it's probably the fresh air.
[both chuckle]
Okay, here you go. Here you go.
Oh, a warning.
Uh, my mom usually has, like,
six other families out here caroling, so
Sometimes eight.
Yeah, I'm not sure
how it's going to sound with just us.
Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi. Oh
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Nah, I feel pretty good.
[crowd laughing]
I think someone's dog howled
through the entire chorus
of "Carol of the Bells."
-And they ran back inside.
-To hide.
I think he was just impressed
with my vocal prowess.
-Of course!
[Judy] That's a problem,
and we'll find a solution.
-Oh, hi, Patti.
-Everything okay?
Just a tiny snag with the gala.
-A snag?
I think we might need your help after all.
[Patti] Well, last year,
we didn't have to do anything.
We just put the link up online,
and half the town bought tickets. But now
You know, it's actually
pretty normal for a second-year fallout.
Especially after the initial excitement.
Yeah, but this is, like,
half the excitement.
Not even. God!
I can't let the pooches down.
This is the charity's
big event of the year!
-What do we do?
-You don't do a thing.
Penn's right, sweetie. You look awful.
I actually am feeling
much better, but thank you.
[Amy] Oh, I bet Hayley
has some good ideas.
She's amazing.
She does all kinds of events,
private, corporate, charity.
All super successful.
[Hayley] Well, I haven't had time
to give it any real thought,
but you said the theme
was Taste of the Shores, right?
Yes. Well, that's a whole other problem.
Wh-- what problem?
Well, if we don't get
more restaurants to donate,
our "taste" is going
to be more of a "bite."
Well, okay. For ticket sales,
you just need to tease it.
Give people a taste
of what they're in for.
What if we rename it
Taste of the Holidays?
To remind people what it's all about.
Good people, good food, and giving back.
This will get people buying tickets?
Not on its own,
but give me a couple hours,
and I will come up with a plan
and give it to you first thing tomorrow.
She's a hard worker, isn't she?
[chuckles] Way too loyal, if you ask me.
What do you mean?
She's way overdue this promotion at work.
[chuckles] She'd never admit it, but
everything she does turns out amazing.
[cheerful music playing]
We'll stand in front of the venue.
We'll create a festive atmosphere.
People are gonna be out and about anyway.
And then we'll just see.
I know it sounds a little grassroots,
but I really believe
that people want to give back.
We can all just get wrapped up
in our own world sometimes,
especially at the holidays.
It's funny, I was convinced I was
going to work through this cold.
"I don't need to rest."
But Penn was right.
I guess sometimes what you think you want
isn't always what you need.
[orchestral music playing]
[door opening]
I gotta say it
these roasting kits were a great idea.
Amy was right about you.
You are good at your job.
And that's coming from a guy
who hates chestnuts.
[chuckles] Well, thank you
for helping me with all this.
Happy to help. So
what's next, coach?
["Deck the Halls" playing]
Merry Christmas!
We'll see you tomorrow night!
-[girl giggling]
-[woman] Chestnuts! These are cool!
Be sure to check our website
for tickets. They're going fast.
Merry Christmas!
Hey. Everything's good to go in there.
-Oh, thank you.
-It's beautiful.
And this is gonna look amazing inside.
I still can't believe Paul made this.
And why not?
I mean, come on. People need
somewhere to put their donations, right?
Well, I don't know.
It's kind of traditional
for you, isn't it?
Too symmetrical?
[British accent]
I deliver what the client needs.
In this case,
classic Christmas seemed ideal.
[normal accent]
Oh, and I, uh
may have directed a large
group of people your way.
You're gonna be busy.
Did you lure them in
with your beautiful singing voice?
Hmm, quite possibly, yes.
Okay, I think we're gonna get out of here.
-Unless you need help with anything else?
Uh, no, I think we're good.
I'm almost done.
Whoo! [Paul and Tim laugh]
All right, I'm gonna go
hunt down some more people.
-[chuckles] Okay, you do that.
-Yeah, you know.
How's my favorite event planner?
Oh, well, I think I might be
your only event planner
[chuckles] but I'm good.
You know, I didn't think
these nuts were gonna do it,
but our ticket sales are already up.
-But the food
I know, I gotta figure it out,
but don't worry.
I think I have an idea.
Ah, well, keep this up, and I'll have to
tell my friend Miranda Watson to hire you.
Did you just say Miranda Watson,
as in Watson Creative?
-She's your friend?
Oh, my gosh, her firm does amazing work.
Well, I might just have
to snatch you up myself.
Philanthropy is exhausting.
Well, I think I'm good
where I'm at, but thank you.
Plenty of time to talk
about that after the big night.
Now, it's-- back to work!
-Oh, Merry Christmas.
-[man] Thanks!
-We'll see you tomorrow? [laughs]
-[man] You sure will!
[both laugh]
[sighs] Brr.
So, how'd it go?
How do you feel about cinnamon ribs?
Good! Because he just agreed to
donate a ton for tomorrow night!
[both laugh]
[Kim] Marketing Division. Kim speaking.
Hi, Kim. It's Hayley.
[gasps] I'm so glad I finally reached you!
It went well? Excellent.
Oh. [chuckles]
[somber music playing]
Looks like everyone's
turning in for the night, so
It's nine o'clock, grandma.
[chuckles] I know, but
Everything okay?
With work?
Uh, yeah, it's fine.
I finally got ahold of her.
Turns out they wanna
promote the both of us
for the next six months,
and see who does better.
So, like, a co-promotion?
Is that a good thing?
Sure [chuckles]
for the one who doesn't get
demoted afterwards.
I don't know.
I guess it's better than nothing, right?
Is it?
I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning?
you could show me
how it's done.
[chestnuts sizzle]
So, it's basically like S'mores.
[Hayley] Without the marshmallows.
Or the chocolate.
Or the graham crackers. [chuckles]
So, it's
basically nothing like S'mores?
Pretty much.
[both chuckle]
All right, look
I'm just gonna come out and say it.
You don't like my holiday food tradition?
I'm sorry.
Well, I guess I forgive you,
'cause at least you tried it.
No. [laughs]
Not about that.
I'm sorry about
what I said at the wedding.
Oh. Let's not go back there. [chuckles]
I'm serious.
It's okay. I'm over it. I've
I've moved on.
I said it
because I wanted you
to know you deserve better.
And I thought that then.
I barely knew you.
I know that now.
[fire crackling]
I just want you to know that.
You don't have to say that.
Do I look like someone
who would say something they don't mean?
No. [chuckles] You don't.
I've just always been that way.
Like, when I get
something in my head, I
have to stick to it,
even when I shouldn't sometimes.
You know?
As much as I hate to admit it
you were right.
I should have seen it coming with my ex.
He wasn't reliable, and, in the long term,
he wasn't gonna stick around.
You know
you're not the only one
who didn't see things coming.
[Penn] Now she wants a fire!
Almost ten o'clock at night,
and she wants a fire in the bedroom.
You know what I think, son?
I think she's milking it.
-Are those chestnuts you're roasting?
Well, yes, sir, they are. Uh, Hayley
is showing me one of her
special Christmas traditions.
I still can't believe he doesn't have one.
-What? A Christmas tradition?
-[Paul] Uh
Oh, he has one.
Thanks, Dad.
Wait, what?
Okay, okay, okay, okay. Fine.
I might have one.
But it's specific to Christmas Eve.
Well, are you gonna tell me?
Well, you're just gonna have
to set your alarm and find out.
[orchestral music playing]
[alarm buzzing, shrieking]
[alarm mechanism clicking]
[alarm buzzing, shrieking]
[Hayley] Gotta say
I didn't know your elf yells.
Not to mention shimmied.
Oh, yeah.
Actually, I was going
for more of a shake, but
He's growin' on you, isn't he?
All right. Well, I come bearing gifts.
I brought coffee.
Two cups in one.
Wow. I'm touched.
I'm glad.
So, this is your one holiday tradition?
Watching the sun rise on Christmas Eve?
Yup. This is it.
How long you been doing this for?
Oh, gosh. Huh.
As long as I can remember.
Actually, started with my grandfather.
You know, he used to--
used to bring me out here
every year when I was a kid.
[wind whooshing]
My grandma, she micromanaged
the Twelve Days of Christmas.
It'd get a little hectic, so,
you know, he'd just
come out here for a little quiet.
Just soak it all in.
The meaning of Christmas?
Yeah, but
also, how fortunate
we are to be surrounded
by family and friends.
So for me,
I just thought it was
a good thing to keep going.
So, I do it every year
no matter where I am.
-Oh, yeah.
This day last year,
I watched the sun rise in Cape Town.
Clear across the Atlantic.
You are more sentimental than you think.
-Oh, yeah?
And you are far more
adventurous than you think.
I don't know about that.
I mean, I've still got my
two cups of coffee.
True, but, uh
you're out here
with me
at the crack of dawn.
[chuckles] This is true.
I'm glad you came.
Me too.
I'm glad you stayed.
Me too.
["Joy to the World" playing]
[Penn] Are you sure
you're well enough to go?
[Judy] Absolutely! I feel so much better.
[indistinct chatter]
Okay. You sure?
You know what? I think
we're going to drive separately,
in case we need to leave early.
Why would you leave early?
-No reason.
-No reason.
I think we should
do the same. Well, just in case.
Right, well, that just leaves, uh-- Oh.
Just beautiful.
Thanks, sir.
It's a nice suit.
You think?
Okay, should we go? We should go.
-Right, well, we'll see you there.
-Oh, we're driving separately?
Okay. [chuckles]
Well [groans]
Looks like you're stuck with me.
[both laugh]
-You really do look beautiful tonight.
-Oh. Thank you.
-What's that?
Of course, I had to pull your name.
And you're leaving early in the morning,
and I figured that these might
come in most useful tonight.
-I'm supposed to open this now?
So, I originally made you
an ornament for your truck
out of the same stuff.
Thought you could hang it
on your mirror or something,
but then I thought
that cuff links were a better option.
They're perfect.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
-["The First Noel" playing]
-[crowd laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
-Well, honey, what do you think?
-Oh, I can't believe I'm out. [chuckles]
And everything looks perfect!
Oh, yes, it does.
[chuckles] Stop.
I can't believe so many
people showed up. It's amazing.
Oh, and look at your sleigh!
All the donations!
You did it.
We all did it.
[Paul] Now, more importantly
let's go find some ribs.
[chuckles] Okay.
We should probably follow them.
Okay. So, I think I've got it figured out.
I'm gonna get a cake
for tomorrow night's dessert.
And it's going to say,
"Baby Barnett, coming soon."
Maybe I should just write
the due date on the cake?
Isn't Christmas cute enough?
[jazzy music playing]
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Okay, you know what? [clears throat]
-These are better today.
Mm-hmm. I think it's the memory.
Like you said.
The feeling the food evokes.
I think it might just be the cinnamon.
I don't know. I don't know,
because every bite I take,
I just keep, just having this vision,
this picture in my head,
of you, and barbecue sauce
all over your face.
[laughs] Stop!
Actually I think I have a photo of it.
-Are you kidding?
-I am not.
-No. Gi-- give that to me.
-Nope! Screensaver.
-[laughs] Give that to me.
-Sorry. Hayley Parker?
-Uh, yeah.
Hi, Miranda Watson. I was
just talking to Patti about you.
Oh, you were?
I know you're off-duty,
so I won't keep you, but
if you're up for coffee
sometime, I'd love to chat.
You've done a really great job here.
Yeah, coffee sounds great. [chuckles]
Terrific. Okay,
I'll be in touch. Merry Christmas!
-You too.
-Thanks. Merry Christmas!
Okay. Wow.
[chuckles] What?
Thinking about another job opportunity?
It's pretty adventurous.
Well, this guy once told me
that a little adventure
might do me some good, so
[clears throat] You know
what else might be good?
What's that?
In the city.
Just the two of us.
Make it a proper date.
Okay, hold that thought,
hold that thought, hold that thought.
On the off chance you might say yes,
I think I should get seconds,
so I can create another
positive food memory.
I'll be right back. [chuckles]
[woman] Oh, my gosh,
I love these! Thank you!
-[server] Hi!
-Hoo-whee! Hmm.
Everyone is super impressed.
But, God, I'm sorry you had
to work over the holidays.
Oh. I mean, that's fine.
It's a really good cause,
and I wasn't the only one who pitched in.
He's pretty great, isn't he?
I'm sorry?
Paul. At pitching in.
You know, making things fun. [laughs]
Yeah, yeah, no, he was
definitely a lot of help.
Yeah, it's just too bad
that he's impossible to pin down, right?
Always on the move, or at least
trying to find a way to be.
I don't know a lot about that, so
Listen, you seem like a nice,
smart, talented woman.
I just
I wouldn't wanna see you get hurt.
-Excuse me?
-He leaves tomorrow, right?
First flight out he can possibly get?
He's like that.
He's always been like that,
and he's never gonna change.
You'll never be
as important to him as his trips.
Trust me, I know.
But hey, wish him a good trip for me.
[music darkens]
Okay, I might be a bit biased,
but this is the best donut
I have ever had. [laughs]
What's wrong?
I just, uh
Nothing. I'm good.
Where's Paul?
-Hey, they're about to, uh--
-All right, folks, gather 'round.
It's time for the Christmas raffle.
[crowd cheering]
-Hey. Do you want to find him?
-No, I'm fine. Let's go.
Hi! I'm Patti Larson,
the founder of Mill Creek
Hounds Dog Rescue.
[crowd applauding, cheering]
Uh, just before we get
to the big raffle winners,
I wanted to take a moment
to thank you all so much
for coming out tonight,
to help our holiday hounds
find their perfect home,
and to support all of those
who take care of them
until they do. [chuckles]
I also wanted to send a special thanks
to Hayley Parker,
who really made this evening
possible. Right, Judy?
[crowd applauding]
Absolutely, Patti.
Hayley helped us figure out
what we really needed.
So, thank you, from all of us!
Oh, and make sure you eat a lot more,
because tonight, every bite counts.
[all laughing]
And don't forget to come
and have your picture taken
right here with my favorite pooch.
-[crowd] Aww!
So cute! [chuckles]
Okay, who's ready to win some big prizes?
[crowd cheers]
Take it away, Judy.
It's gonna be a warm
Warm winter
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah! Ah! There you are.
Uh, two things.
One, I think I lost our table.
And two, man, I got right
to the front of the line,
guy took the last ribs
right before I got there.
But I got us some potatoes.
I'm good, thanks.
Now, I know there's some jalapenos on 'em,
but I feel like you're warming
up to them, right? [chuckles]
[crowd cheering, applauding]
You okay?
Yeah, I'm-- I'm good.
I, uh, I actually think I'm gonna head
back early with Amy and Tim.
Right now?
Uh, why?
'Cause I'm the one who's gotta
get up early. [chuckles]
Yeah, I just, uh, I think I have to go.
What's going on?
I'm sorry, I can't do this.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey.
I-- [spluttering]
I don't understand.
What just changed?
Well, you don't understand,
because you don't stand
still enough to notice.
Hey, hold your horses.
That's a bit harsh.
Okay, I'm sorry. I don't know
if it was the holidays,
or my head getting lost in the clouds,
and then this thing
that happened between us,
if you can even call it a thing.
But you're still going on this trip,
and I don't expect you to change.
Is that really what you think?
I just don't wanna get
more invested and then have you leave.
Hayley, it's one trip.
Okay, that's not what
I'm talking about, though.
Okay, why are you trying to sabotage this?
-I'm not. I'm not.
-That's what you're doing.
What, 'cause I wasn't part of your plan?
Please do not turn this around on me.
You were right.
Okay? You were right. Are you happy?
I should've seen
all of the signs with my ex.
I don't wanna make the same mistake again.
Okay. So, if I'm reading
this right, and I'm--
I'm pretty sure I am,
I'm gonna make one more observation.
I'm guessing you want
your space again? Hmm?
Well, you're leaving
first thing tomorrow morning,
so now, this time, it'll be really easy.
[tuts] Yeah, I guess so.
I have to go.
[orchestral music playing]
[car horn honking]
[soft music playing]
I guess we're both excited
for the day. [chuckles]
-Merry Christmas!
-[Hayley] Merry Christmas.
So, are we the only ones up?
Well, Paul's already gone.
Probably halfway to the airport by now.
Are you okay?
Me? Yeah, I'm-- I'm fine.
Merry Christmas!
[laughs] Oh, Merry Christmas!
-[smooches] Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.
-Hey! Merry Christmas.
I feel like I barely saw you last night.
So, the three of you left together?
Is everything okay?
Yup! No, it's good. [chuckles]
'Cause Paul seemed a little off as well,
so I was just wondering
I'm pregnant!
Wait. Did I just hear that correctly?
We're pregnant!
-Oh, honey! Congratulations!
Oh, we have to call your brother.
Oh, we already told him late last night.
Sorry, we were going to wait
until dinner to tell you guys.
We had it all planned out.
There was this cute cake announcement and
Well, I wanted it to be perfect,
and I just blabbed it out.
Are you kidding me? This is perfect.
[gasps, chuckles] I'm so excited!
Well, it's not your perfect.
Oh, I know it might not be
how you planned telling us,
but the news itself
is the best Christmas gift ever.
Thank you.
[both sniffling, laughing]
All right. Everybody, get your jackets.
-I have a surprise.
-You do?
I do, and I think
it's a perfect time for it.
Well, you can't be the only one
who's over the top at Christmas.
Although I think Amy might
have beat us all this year!
-[Tim] I was involved!
-All right, come on.
I have no idea. [laughs]
Thank you for covering for me.
You've been covering for me all week.
You okay?
Yeah. You mean about
He wasn't my type anyway. [chuckles]
[somber music playing]
Guess the flight will be pretty empty.
Not a lot of people
flying on Christmas Day.
[chuckles] Still,
sounds pretty exciting to me.
Yeah, it should be.
[orchestral music playing]
Okay, mister. Are you gonna tell us
where we're going, what we're doing?
All you need to know
is I brought hot chocolate.
[horses panting]
-This is for us?
-[gasps] This is your surprise?
-[Amy] That's so cool!
-[horses neighing]
-[Tim] Are we going far?
-It's just an hour round-trip.
I know you love horses, so
[Judy] This is wonderful.
[Amy] They're beautiful!
I'm-- I'm sorry.
I mean, this looks
amazing, but if it's okay,
I'm, I'm feeling a little tired.
Oh, you should stay. Relax!
You deserve a real day off,
after all the hard work you've put in.
I don't know what happened last night,
but I do know that Paul
didn't delay his vacation
because of some storm.
He stayed because of you.
What? How-- how do you know that?
I'm his mother.
It's my job to know these things.
Oh, and Hayley?
I think he left something
for you under the tree.
[horse neighs]
-All right! Here we go!
-My lady.
What am I doing?
[ringing tone]
Come on, answer.
[Paul on voicemail] Hey, it's Paul.
I'll be off the grid until the new year.
I hope you can wait until then.
-[cell phone beeps]
It's Hayley.
Listen, Paul, I
[Paul] Hey!
What are you doing here?
I thought you were
supposed to be in Switzerland.
Were you just calling me?
I know. I'm supposed to
be giving you your space
but I can't.
-You can't?
'Cause I was on my way
and I'm thinking about my trip,
and I'm wanting
so badly to be excited about it.
But the only thing that got me excited
was the thought of
getting to know you more
and more, and more.
And all your little quirks.
I don't have any of those.
And all your adorable habits.
Okay, I might have
a few of those. [laughs]
I know you don't think
I'll ever stand still.
And here I am.
-Right here, right now, standing still.
I think I just needed the right reason.
So, what do you say?
You wanna give it a try
with that date in the city?
I'm up for anything
at this point. [chuckles]
I'm really sorry about last night. I had
[sighs] a moment.
So is this considered
creating a new experience?
Which part?
All of it?
Well, if I may.
I was kinda hoping
we could make it a tradition.
Which part?
All of it.
[emotional orchestral music playing]
I love that you
made me an elf clock.
Still too creepy?
[chuckles] You know
I think he might grow on me.
[Penn] There they are!
[all laughing]
[Paul] Merry Christmas.
[Hayley giggles]
["We Wish You A Merry Christmas" playing]
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin
We wish you a merry Christmas
And a happy New Year