Too Young to Die? (1990) Movie Script

Too Young to Die?
- Dias de Violncia -
He is there inside!
Amanda Sue Bradley, you are arrested
murder and kidnapping.
Come on.
- Name! Louder.
- Amanda Sue Bradley.
- Age!
- 15
- Hands off!
- You said so last night!
- What is it?
- I gotta go to work.
- Come on.
- You do not leave me no choice.
Merry Christmas, Mom.
You will make yourself breakfast.
Stepfather already started drinking beer.
You get to keep care of yourself today
I have to go.
- Thank you sweets.
- Please.
- Merry Christmas, Harvey.
- It does not feel too good today.
- Do not take it.
- Your mom says here what I do.
- Why do you have Christmas stockings? You're 14
- Until next month.
You look from day to day
more woman.
- Guys will find you?
- No. Go away, I shall wear.
Dress up, I did not stop you.
- Stop!
- I am your father.
I love you as much
as any father.
- I've seen the boys' heads.
- Do not do it! Not again.
Every Christmas we celebrate together
The birth of Jesus for a miracle.
Today, we consider
birth is a miracle of our own.
Each of us is a work of art
created in God's image.
It is a miracle that we will never
may be taken for granted.
Now, during the year iloisimpana -
honor God
and also to ourselves and our loved ones.
Those who gave us life.
The god of wisdom, said:
"Honour thy father and thy mother."
They are unable to do for you
anything you want.
- I liked it.
- Stop lying.
I have not been married for years in all.
Men are not an aberration, as soon
without good reason.
How long is it going?
A few months.
I'll tell you, because I do not want to
her longer to do it.
Stop. Why do not you tell
earlier, if you like it?
Because I knew
wanted him to be here.
I do not need favors.
I know how the man held.
Tell him
to go from here.
Yes, he leaves.
And I'm going under. I
and Harvey has big plans.
It is best that you stop that.
Otherwise, you're out of patterns.
I have done enough in front of you.
Now it's my turn.
- Brian, I'm struggling.
- How so?
I do not know
what am I supposed to do.
Surely not all that bad can be.
I'll help you.
- I want to marry you, Mandy.
- Do you?
Mom wanted me to go into the army.
But the implementation of the 18 next month, so
I can marry without his permission.
We are getting married,
so we have each other all the time.
- Does that mean that you love
me? - Of course I love.
- Is it true?
- I want you to marry me.
- Do not you want?
- Can we buy your own home?
Of course, tyhmeliini.
I have a full-time at the workshop.
And you do not need to go to college.
When you are married, so no need to.
Oh, God! We are going to get married.
Dinner? They have muffins.
It is healthy, a lot of nuts.
Heating was turned off two
months. You had to buy blankets.
- You did not leave money.
- If you had a job ...
I'll try.
I gave my name to trade.
- Where are you going?
- Refrigerators, if I die en route.
Should go to the army,
I could get at least a decent meal.
- Hey, Mandy.
- Where's Mom?
They left North Dakota a couple of
weeks ago. Harvey got a job.
Damn. Brian and I had a quarrel.
- You can stay with me if you want.
- No, thanks.
The last three months
were the worst of my life.
I do not want you anymore.
We had better be separated.
I have a chance in the army.
Go to her mother.
Why did he do that?
- I'm Buddy Thornton.
- Arrange for me out?
I will defend you.
Defend? I have not done anything.
- Good. Then witnessing it.
- I have not been proven.
- Annie know his girlfriend.
- Annie Meacham ?
- He is a witness for the prosecution.
- What does it mean?
- He says you did it.
- How so? He did not see anything.
- Sort me out.
- That I'm trying to do.
You try? Does the prior prison
contact should be found guilty?
- It will be decided at trial.
- Where is the trial?
We start from the beginning.
You will be charged with murder, and the State
keep you reading as an adult.
They have witnesses, motive,
the gun and fingerprints.
There is no one
that you should not be guilty of -
and lawyers have not had before
murder, so goes the matter.
Otherwise, we will have difficulties
and you had the gas chamber.
I did not do anything.
It is gratifying to hear.
I go to meet with prosecutors.
I'm going to find out what evidence
he has. Then we start to work.
Can you buy me
coated chocolate candies?
- Of course.
- My mother gave them when I was sick.
Do you want
that I play even if your mom?
Last I heard of their living accommodation
mobile home in North Dakota.
- Maybe I can find him.
- I've tried. He's not there.
Hey, wait ...
Do not forget the sweets?
No, I do not forget.
- Morning. You are disturbed.
- I want out. I can not breathe.
I asked for hours. One hour.
I'd come right back.
Devil's Guard.
- We do not provide it.
- Whose side are you on?
You have to. I am a lawyer.
I will do everything to get you out.
Do you think I did not do it?
Do you believe
I'm trying to help you?
Then we start work.
- Thank you, sir.
- Buddy.
Amanda. I know that you have been
difficult to find reliable people.
Do not pity me.
I know that you have been rejected.
I point guards
throw you out, Billy.
- Hey!
- Well, but, hey!
Would it work here, that I may
something to eat and sleep?
- I am very hungry. I do what
only. - You're not.
Your best bet is to go back
home. You should not stay here.
- Life is tough, huh?
- Yes it is.
- Did you come by bus?
- I, I hitchhiked.
- What do you escape? - I am looking for my husband
Army Base.
- Your husband?
- Are you masquerading as a child?
I'm old enough, I know something about it.
- Do you recognize a friend when you see one?
- I think so.
- Billy Canton, a friend.
- Stop it, Dracula.
- What is your name?
- Amanda Sue Bradley.
Mandy! This is not
a good place for you.
- Have not you ever been hungry?
- I'm so hungry.
- I am ... - Give the girl something to eat.
For hamburger.
But the house offers, does not this guy.
Sit down here and ...
- Maybe I can help you. OK?
- OK.
People have lost their
confidence. We belong together.
- What do you want to drink?
- A soda, please.
- I gotta call.
- There.
North Dakota services, thank you.
Does not exist, therefore,
Sledge, Harvey, or Wanda?
- Is it successful?
- I do not know what I do.
- I'll arrange for you to sleep.
- I do not have the money.
I can help too.
Will arrange for you to work.
- Really?
- Do you recognize a friend when you see one?
- I told you that I will help you.
- But what about the waitress?
How can he help you?
You need a job, right?
Come, then.
You were very hungry. Eat. Keep
eat well, that remains nttin.
You nt player.
- Have you ever danced in the disco?
- Yes.
Good. Let's go inside.
Does this not to be ashamed of.
Many of the top models started here.
- Why?
- Because of that, posing on stage.
- Dance a little. Yes, you know.
- I'm in this clothing.
- You dance in a disco.
- I do not like that.
Too bad, you would have earned
easily be $ 60.
- $ 60?
- Yes. Dress up. I'll be right back.
I've got a new one.
- How old?
- Enough.
- Vanempi than the previous one?
- Yes.
- Music?
- Something naughty.
- Where is he? What's his name?
- Mandy.
All the soldiers and cowboys,
we have for you now as a special treatment.
Sexiest little case
Tulsasta, Oklahoma.
Everything is ready. This goes well.
Our song. Now let's go.
Are you coming or not?
Let it go now.
Dance now.
Let it go. Or out!
- Get out!
- Go to hell.
Come here.
Come on. Want to lose $ 60?
How to get to anything,
if you fear such a country boy?
You're no longer a child,
so do not behave like a child.
- I got you something.
- What?
Good as candy.
Dances point than Ginger Rogers.
Where are you going?
- Sort him out of here.
- He is better looking than the others.
We agreed on $ 100 a girl.
But it must also occur.
- How old is he? Hardly 19
- She looks young for his age.
- Take it easy. Give us 20
minutes. - OK, and then right back out.
- It's my girl.
- What you gave me? Oddly feeling.
I told you that I like about you
concern. Dance for me now.
Five dollars. Take it off.
- I feel dizzy.
- You're exhausted mass. One of the beer.
Give her chocolate.
You were really good.
So good that you get to sleep with me.
- Good, sleeping.
- This will take you to bed.
Jump inside.
- Is this it?
- Yes.
- Do you live here?
- Sometimes. Go inside.
- I will go forward.
- No, you go back.
I'll make it comfortable for you.
I have a husband.
I'll help you, getting you a job
and a place to sleep.
- Can not you see that I care about you?
- I see.
Then go back.
Unfortunately, I can not.
You will not get far.
Sorry, I thought you were in second place.
- Do you know where I could get the room for the night?
- I do not. Varotko bit. Thank you.
- Police looking for you.
- Maybe they can help me.
When you look there,
they put you in jail.
My wife baked them.
I hope you like petit fours.
Your wife? Tell him thank you.
- Is the food good?
- Ruokaako it is?
Brian criticized my cooking skills.
He should be here in a week.
- Do you have children?
- 5-year-old girl. You meet him yet.
Will you okay?
Yes. We will get along well.
What about you? Do you have a
or anyone close to love?
- Jean.
- Jean bowling?
Sometimes when you meet someone, you feel as soon as
as if old friends.
So I had some and Jean. He was
as a sister. I loved him.
I remember once, when me and Billy
we purchased an apartment and ...
- Wait. Do you purchase an apartment?
- I did not want to live in his car.
He had a job.
Or he would empty the stores ...
- You did not say that the other one said.
- What is it?
We need to show
that you were trying to get rid of him.
I tried. As soon as I would have gotten
point is in order, I would have gone.
Listen to me now.
This is important. If we can not
to prove that you were trying to leave ...
What about the first evening Hornessa?
You could ignore him.
- You had $ 60.
- No. We received a payment once a week.
I got the money on Friday
and Billy always took sides.
It was a Black Stocking?
- Jean! Come on, I have it.
- Amanda!
Where are you? I have the tape.
I love this. But I would have to
have saved money apartment.
Ellen, I have found the homes of Charles
Street, twins found.
- Lying?
- I swear. I'm leaving him.
- Billy Pstik you off?
- He does not know yet.
- I can deal with him.
- This is the best so far.
- How much do you pay rent?
- Too much. Looking for a partner for residence?
- No, I already have one.
- What do you mean?
- Just that. Me and Frank.
- Menettek married?
- Yes.
- Heaven! When?
Next month.
And I go to a bowling alley and I say:
"Carl, you can push
that your work wherever you want! "
I get the child's first year.
- But now we consider you asioitasi.
- Do not carry me to worry.
You need to get out
strippauskerholta and Billy's flames.
I go here when I have enough
old to get an ordinary job.
- I'm looking for a man and a family foundation.
- Do not talk to the kids.
- You're still a child herself.
- I got married before you, huh?
- Is it enough for you people?
- I have never been enough.
Hello. Enter the cola on the rocks.
- Billy's looking for you.
- I have no doubt.
- He seems angry.
- I do not doubt it either.
- Thank you.
- My name is Mike.
- I have not seen you before.
- I am walking around.
- Where have you been?
- You do not own me.
- Did not I nice!
- I do not owe you anything.
I care about you.
Let me go.
A woman can not be beaten.
- Do you come from?
- Out!
Mandylle I've said for a long time,
that would leave that filth.
- Are you okay?
- Will not hurt anything.
- Thank you.
- Please.
- What's your name again?
- Mike.
I'm Amanda Sue.
"Amanda Problem", met with the mother of to say.
Can I buy a beer?
I can not stand it.
I do not whiskey. It is strong.
- How old are you?
- 18
Almost. 17 and a half.
I guess that's not dinner?
- Why are you so interested?
- I do not know. Yet.
- Still? I like that.
- Let's get out of here.
- We eat some good food.
- I have to do some work.
I could pick you up later.
I can put you some food with me.
It would be nice.
He does not seem like that.
Do you know how old he is? 14.
- What the hell is she doing here?
- He wants to eat.
We go in and eat something.
Home sweet home. Mixed with ...
But I ask ...
Why do not you're told 14-year old?
- I'm not a child.
- You should not be such a place.
If it is so filthy,
Then what are you doing there?
I do not know.
I'm not proud of it. I'm divorced
and lonely. I miss my kids.
- Do you have children? How many?
- Two.
I have this big house. You can live
free of charge as long as you want.
And you can be quite calm. En
children get tangled and you have a child.
You would want to live here for a
time doing what you do.
- Why?
- It's not right.
- You need a yes taloudenoitajan.
- Yes.
Come on. You can live lastenuoneessa.
Make yourself at home. They will not come until
Sunday. I am a neighboring room.
This is absolutely wonderful.
- You can take me in your lap if you want.
- No.
- Why not?
- I told you already.
Good night.
Nice ...
Just take a look.
I guess you fall from heaven.
Yeah, I guess.
"The world is my game;
Rumbleston is my name. "
No, not so. Rumpelstiltskin.
- Daddy says that the rush movement.
- Good night.
I like that they are happy,
never sad.
- I Am I responsible for?
- Yes.
- Hello.
- I want to meet you.
- Billy?
- Do not turn off. I want to meet.
- Go to hell.
- Do not say that.
- Who is it? Canton?
- End the harassment of a girl.
If you still do it,
you have to deal with.
What's wrong?
Mandy, please.
I like that you hold me in your lap.
I really am afraid for him.
Now he does not get you.
He likes me. I quit work,
and moved with him.
- Huijaatko?
- It is clear!
You met a month ago.
He is a soldier.
He does not.
I've looked at already lapsiinkin.
- Does she have children? How old is he
is it? - Old enough.
- Great.
- I'll bring him to Denver.
- I do not want to leave you here.
- The decision was yours.
Frank got a job there,
so we can go there to get married.
- I was supposed to be a bridesmaid.
- You can still be.
- Come with us.
- Where I lived?
With us until you find your own.
Frank agreed to do so.
- I'm only 14 What kind of work I get?
- We invented something.
- Oh, Jean!
- Do it.
I do not want to miss Mike.
I love her and she me.
- You do not even know him.
- We come to visit, you'll see then.
- What about Billy?
- I do not meet him again.
I do not want you to go.
I know it.
- Out, troops.
- I'm out.
- Hey, Mandy!
- Hey!
Hankin frisbee which you wanted to.
Go there.
- Hey.
- Give a hug.
Look at that.
- They tried to hit me in the club.
- We can not forget.
Sergeant Medwicki. I came to visit
Lieutenant Billings.
One, two, three, go.
Hello. Father's need to go inside.
I talked to the grocery store with a woman.
He said the same thing as you.
- That I could get a high school ...
- Mandy, we need to talk.
Sit down.
- We are in big trouble.
- What do you mean?
There are people who do not want to
we live together.
- What then?
- My boss does not want.
- He got to know that you are a minor.
- So?
We have not lived in reality.
This does not happen. You need to be changed.
- What do you mean?
- I have a court martial.
I lost a challenge to the law.
- Because we live together?
- Yes.
- And then?
- You have to go away.
- I can not do this thing.
- You can not say that.
Try to understand. The army is my life.
I sacrificed it for eight years.
I need to feed their children.
I do not have anything else.
I can not leave. You know how much
I love you. Do not you love me?
It is not that.
We are cheating ourselves.
I gave you my love.
I gave it to you.
- It asks me to jail, lose my kids!
- No!
Yes! You were not there!
- We are the children and explain to them.
- Too late.
You ...
Maybe you could try to find your mother.
My mother? He threw me out!
He threw me out!
Help me!
Love me!
Mandy, I'm sorry.
Really sorry.
Okay ... Okay!
- No, Buddy.
- He is a child. He has 15
- How can you blame him for adulthood?
- This is not shoplifting.
This is a brutal murder. Do we lay him
just stand in the corner for a moment?
- He did not do it.
- Say it with Annie Meacham ille.
- There was a man. The knife was his.
- It was Amanda's fingerprints.
- You know as well as I ...
- Buddy, you need to know something.
when they brought him inside.
It is not valid
because the lawyer was not present.
- You lied to me!
- I'm not.
This is an acknowledgment that
that you have signed up.
I did not want to sign up.
The man forced me to.
- Amanda, why do not you tell me?
- I do not know.
I believed the whole story.
I believed you.
- Is loppukin a lie?
- No, I'm told the truth.
- Why does not anybody listen to me?
- Now listen to me.
I can not help you,
if you are not honest with me.
It is in Denver.
Jean Glessner.
Yeah, she got married.
Man's first name is Frank.
I know. Thank you.
One will be all over the place.
What happened? Heittik out of the military?
How do you know?
- You told them about it?
- Yes. I did it because of you.
- You bastard! Why?
- Mandy!
Wait! Wait!
- Go away!
- He wanted only one thing.
- I know that you liked him.
- You saw him only once.
I've seen her buy a hundred times
what you gave for free.
- Valetta.
- Really?
Ask for street girls, they are
all been Medwickin with.
Where do you live, Mandy?
- Go away!
- I do!
I love you a lot. I'm the only one.
Why are you so bad for me?
- I love Mike.
- He does not love you.
- He got rid of you quickly.
- I want to die.
- Let me die.
- No, you do not want to die.
- You need to get a good feeling. Please!
- I do!
If he had loved,
He did not reject you.
I will never abandon you.
Come with me home. I like
take care of you. I have a room.
Come on now. I like take care of you.
Good people are being exploited.
You were stupid and you are violated.
No it does not matter
anymore anyone?
So I try to teach you.
- Nobody cares a shit, huh?
- I'll pass.
- Can you do better?
- I think so.
If karkaat once again from me,
I'll kill you.
Come on.
Do not peek.
Mandy ...
I've been worried about you.
- No, he was not so hard to find.
- Mandy, are you okay?
- What have you done?
- He's OK. Try juttujasi other.
Mandy ...
- Do you know him?
- It's a long story.
I tried once to help him.
My God, I hate him.
Why has he abandoned me in that way?
Forget him. You are with me.
I needed him so much.
Why did he do to me so?
- What are you doing?
- A good dose.
You forget everything.
- Does it hurt?
- No.
Close your eyes and count to five.
Do you feel better?
Kiss me.
We will take care of him.
What type of rejection because you
way? Tell me about it.
Not my friend anyway.
We pay him.
Neat bitch.
- Hey, baby.
- Mandy?
- What the hell is this?
- What is he doing here?
If you want to talk to, I can leave.
Mandy, what are you trying to do?
What do you want?
- Compared, the military.
- I want you two get out of here now!
- Do not throw me out!
- What do you do for us?
- Mandy, we resolve this together.
- Why, dear?
- We can agree on.
- You violate my daughter again.
- It is true.
- Yes.
- Children are sleeping.
- My children.
- Mandy!
- Shut up!
- Get dressed.
- Everything will be all.
- Everything's fine.
- Do not make him evil!
Do not worry, little ones.
Amanda, we're leaving.
Bound by that bastard.
- Stop.
- Now we'll go for a ride.
- Let's go. One, two, three, four ...
- Please.
Everything will be okay.
Billy, honey ...
There behind.
Mandy, why are you doing this?
- Out of the car. Come on.
- This has gone too far.
- What is this? They are engaged to be married.
- It's not an engagement ring.
- What are you are you going?
- Come on, Amanda.
- Give him to me.
- It goes like I planned.
Shut up. Turn around.
Everything will be okay.
Mandy, do not make him evil.
- Why are you doing this?
- You have a problem.
- Mandy!
- Shut up, asshole.
I cut you into pieces, the pig.
- I've never done anything to you.
- You can say goodbye to him now.
You love her.
How are you doing this?
- Now it's too late!
- Mandy! Mandy!
Shut up!
Do not talk shit.
Stop. Come back, bitch.
Mandy, come here to help me.
Mandy comes.
He is available, or what?
- This is stupid.
- He will give you.
- You like it, huh?
- God.
He gives you!
Dear God ...
Mike! Mike!
I was so stoned,
and around the place so much.
I can not understand ...
I really loved Mike.
Good morning, pretty lady.
I throw up.
Where are you going?
- How are you?
- What must it be?
- Tank full.
- Okay.
- Shit, the cops.
- Hey, where are you going?
- I guess you at the seat of someone you know?
- Mickey could probably help us.
I kept.
- What are we doing?
- Take it easy.
Now it's just you and me.
- What is it with these?
- That last one there.
- Here. That's Mickey.
- Be properly then.
- Hey. Is it Mandy?
- Yes.
I did not recognize you.
- Billy. Nice to meet you.
- Mickey.
- Amanda, is that you?
- Hey, Miss Blaylock.
Come inside.
- You look so different.
- I made him a woman.
We are a honeymoon in California.
Is not that right, honey?
- What has happened to your hands?
- Accident.
- Can I borrow jeans and a T-shirt?
- Of course.
- I'll have one beer.
- Please.
- I am proud that you came to visit.
- Can you help me?
- How are you doing, honey?
- Well.
- What did you say just now?
- Nothing.
- Do not be pushy bride.
- Come on. I've known him always.
Anyhow ...
Need to buy a beer. It is the end.
- Can I wash up a bit?
- Of course, not at home.
- We see the point.
- You and me.
Mary? Birdie here. Can you imagine
Amanda and one guy just came.
He has Mickey in a caravan.
Makes 5.95.
Oh, I forgot my wallet Amanda.
Can you handle this until I get it?
- Yes, I guess.
- Thank you. You are fair.
- I can see that for the second time today.
- Get in the car.
Get out of the car.
- Walk your hands up.
- I'm glad this is over.
He's lying.
He cheated on me all the time.
I really loved him.
He is there inside!
Showing him!
Whether the jury made a decision?
- Yes we are.
- The defendant please rise up.
What's the verdict?
Mr. Chairman, we have found
the accused guilty.
Order in the court!
Would you like to give an opinion?
- What does this mean? I going to die?
- You do not.
- The jury was against us.
- This is not over yet.
- They May recommend Mitigation.
- Do Something, Buddy, I do Not want to die.
I do everything,
Which for me is Possible.
I do Not want to die.
Some do not do it.
Act was punishable by death.
They viilsi man's throat.
This is too demanding for me.
is in my hands, and ...
This is too much for me. This would
Salomon ... Really big ...
This is what just happened, Buddy.
You can do this?
To sentence him to death
and go home to sleep.
How old is Cathy? 12?
Think of him going to the gas chamber.
Many of the children whose lives have been as
Amanda, read by doctors.
He made a choice.
I do not want to see anyone die.
How could this have had?
Jean. How did you find me?
- That was the news in Denver.
- Denver up?
I'm trying to find your mother.
I called every damn
RV area throughout the country.
When the mother says that he goes
he is serious.
- What is Frank doing?
- Good.
He runs his brother garages.
- Nice. Have you had a child yet?
- I'm pregnant.
- Great. When?
- In August.
- Which one is it?
- We do not know.
- We want to surprise.
- I do not. Let me know immediately.
I will not tolerate uncertainty.
What happened?
I do not know.
He was ...
If you get a baby girl,
can you give him the name Mandy?
I would consider it.
I would have been a good mother.
A really good mother.
All that arise.
Now the time has come
declare the punishment.
Prepare to loppuyhteenvetoonne.
Jurors, you deserve the honor
wise, brave decision.
You have brilliantly kept separate from
facts and references -
innocence and youth.
Decision respects
the only innocent in this affair, -
the victim, Michael Medwicki.
It would be easy to give
Amanda Sue Bradley -
benefits of compassion.
We hope that his
life would have been easier.
The truth is that he had enough
old deprive another person.
He killed a man.
The father of two small children.
He has to suffer
the consequences of their actions.
And to be executed.
If Amanda's criminal
would be an isolated incident ...
If he had only a teenager,
whose offense is punishable by death -
should be taken into account
mitigating circumstances.
It is sad that Amanda is a part -
growing problem,
toward which our country is going.
You know, read the magazines.
Every day there are stories
that riot all cities
the streets, killing and raping.
It is a new kind of youth,
and Amanda is one of them.
We must give a clear message
for all the world Amado -
that they can not get off the hook
after pahuuksiaan.
He must die for their crimes!
We must protect the innocent,
God-fearing citizens -
In this ...
... And this.
Thank you.
Mr. Thornton.
Before turning to the question,
what to do with Amanda Sue Bradley -
Let us ask first
ourselves is one thing.
How can we who are here now,
we could find ourselves in that situation?
A situation in which the Oklahoma
Land to ask you -
to send a 15-year-old girl
the gas chamber.
We know how Amanda Sue
faced with this situation.
As early as age 14, his stepfather was
repeatedly raped her, -
mother and 18-year-old husband were
abandoned him, and he had been sold -
strippauskerhoon with men -
such as Billy Canton pumped him
drugs, and used.
Amanda wanted most in life
love and family.
Michael Medwicki placed his hands on his
around and promised all that.
He moved to the man,
and the point they ended up in the same bed.
And just like everyone else,
he dismissed her.
He returned to the single world, which
and knew where Billy was waiting for Canton.
I do not want to belittle what happened to
Hornessa oil field, Oklahoma.
It was tragic.
But tragedy is also ours.
Amanda is a child of our time.
The prosecutor is right in saying that
a lot of kids who are on the street.
But if he is guilty,
society is also to blame.
Designed to protect children
this sort of abuse -
and rejections,
but we have failed in it.
Do you want to hide that mistake now
sending him to the gas chamber?
Do you want to condemn him to death,
before he gets the opportunity to live in?
You have condemned him to the crime.
Send him to jail,
but do not kill him.
- Have you made a decision?
- Yes.
Will the accused rise
and approached the judge.
Read the court decision.
We have unanimously decided
that the defendant was sentenced to death.
Execution by lethal gas is
After 30 days.
When will they come?
They take me to the death cell.
I'm dying now.
I'm dying now.
at least 16 years of age executions.
Currently, 28 teens
waiting on death row.
Recovered by dCd / November 2010