Too Young to Marry (2007) Movie Script

You don't need to push so hard.
You're going to jam your wrist.
Let the sandpaper
glide over the wood.
Oh, OK.
Max is a total
construction savant.
Did you know that
when he was a kid,
he'd build whole cities
out of building blocks,
and then he'd give tours.
It's not true.
I never gave tours.
See, that's the difference
between me and you.
I used to charge my parents full
admission for my fashion shows.
You two are going to be running
the world by the time you're 21.
She's got dibs
on the Oval Office.
I'm still trying to
get through high school.
Why do you think we keep going
back to this story year after year?
What is it about these
star-crossed lovers
that's so compelling?
Is it the fact that their parents
hate each other?
No, it's not really
about the parents.
Yeah, 'cause
when you're in love...
And I'm not talking
what they show on MTV.
That's just a bunch of
good-looking people having sex.
That's not love.
I'm talking the real deal.
It's like your whole
system get rewired.
So you could be 15,
like Romeo and Juliet
or 20 or 40 or whatever.
It doesn't really matter
'cause that kind of love,
you don't really have a choice.
It's like, I don't know,
having blue eyes or being
left-handed or whatever.
You found your McDreamie.
Hey, do you remember
the first time that I saw you?
It was grade 9,
first day of school
and you were wearing
that faded blue t-shirt.
Walking head-first into a pole.
'Cause you were staring at me.
I was trying to play it so cool,
I almost got a concussion.
I still think you were going
for a sympathy vote.
- It worked, didn't it?
- Insanely well.
You are a lying,
cheating reptile, Roger,
and I am not going to waste
another minute of my life
arguing with you!
Why don't we just let our
lawyers duke it out, then!
Hi, honey.
- That was just...
- Yeah.
How was the party?
Good night.
- Hey! You made it!
- Hey!
You OK?
It's just my parents
are total infants.
You'd think the divorce would
make them stop fighting.
Instead, I think it
just makes it worse.
Between the two of them,
I feel like Switzerland.
Except without the
hidden Nazi money.
You know, when most people
think of Switzerland,
they go to chocolate,
maybe watches, but not you.
I wish we could
do this every night.
College will be different.
I know, but I mean
permanently, without roommates.
Well, maybe my roommate
will crack under the pressure
and we can get one of
those psycho singles.
Sounds good.
And if he doesn't, we can...
- Psych him out?
- Exactly.
It's just a matter
of time, you know?
We'll have a blast at Harvard.
Maybe even fit in
a little studying.
Maybe a little?
Come on, this is my
version of the future.
Just let me enjoy the
fantasy for a minute.
We'll get one of those cool
lofts, downtown Boston.
You'll get into Harvard Med
School, become an OK surgeon,
probably go to jail for botching
someone's breast implants,
but I'll visit you every
weekend for conjugal visits
because I love you so much.
Just kidding. You'll be
a great surgeon.
I'll get a cool job where
I'll make tons of money
and I can still shoot
hoops on the weekends.
That sounds amazing.
Jess, you awake?
I'm coming, Mom!
I'm just getting dressed.
Breakfast is almost ready.
Yeah, I'll be there in a second.
Maybe your mom slept in.
Are you kidding me?
My mom never sleeps in.
I love it when you sleep over.
Enjoy the memory
because I'm going to be
grounded till I'm 60.
- Rough night?
- No.
Sounded like you were
thrashing around in bed.
Must have been having
some active dreams.
Mom, the tea smells great.
There's more in the pot.
You can have some.
So when are you supposed
to hear from Harvard?
Any day now.
I hope they need a huge deposit
so your father has to delay
construction on his new house.
I'm just kidding.
Just kidding!
- So, Dad...
- I've got an idea.
Why don't we all go to
tennis camp for Spring Break?
I hate tennis.
- Sorry I'm late.
- Babe!
How are you girls doing?
You know, keepin' it real.
Fine, thanks.
Have you told them yet?
No, but I guess
there's no better time
than the present, huh?
Kelly and I are getting married.
I know this is
probably hard for you
but I want you to know that
I love your dad very much.
I hope we can all get along.
We can all get along.
Besides, Kelly and
I are pregnant.
How far along?
Six weeks.
You mind checking on her
and making sure she's OK?
No, no, no.
I'm not telling Mom.
I'm sure it would go down just
a little easier coming from you.
I think I'm going to be alone
for the rest of my life.
Don't say that.
There are worse things.
Like being bored to death.
This guy tonight...
He collects stamps.
And talks about it incessantly.
Oh, God...
Your father's a scumbag, but
at least he makes me laugh.
How was dinner?
Pretty much what you'd expect.
I love you, Mom.
What brought that on?
I just... I guess
I just don't say it enough.
I love you too, baby.
I don't know what
I'd do without you.
He actually expects me to tell
her about Kelly and the baby.
Sorry, babe.
It's like Holly and me, all
those years he was with my mom,
they didn't mean anything.
Come here.
We'll never be like that, OK?
You'll always
come first with me.
Yeah, you too.
You're like my home.
Hold on.
There's an envelope
from Harvard and it's big.
Yeah, just wait till...
No, no.
OK. No, open it now.
Yeah, open it now.
I got in! I got in!
Of course you did, babe.
It's early admissions, babe.
You're a goddess.
Thanks, Mom.
OK, I'll see you later.
Call your house.
My mom's probably
not even home, but...
Hey, Mom.
Jessica got into Harvard.
She says congratulations.
Thank you.
My envelope is small.
They're just morons.
Yeah, OK. Thanks.
I got deferred.
You'll get in in April.
No, seriously.
I know that you will.
Well, that's your
problem, Roger, not mine!
Freedom has a price!
Oh, right!
You ever remember them happy?
Before you were born.
It was like bliss.
I'm serious.
This one time we went to Vermont
and we built a huge snowman,
straight out
of a Christmas card.
Rocks for eyes,
carrot nose, plaid scarf.
Dad was there?
He took out a Swiss army knife
and he trimmed the perfect
carrot into a nose.
No bumps whatsoever.
And then we went skating and
they actually held hands.
I don't remember that.
I was maybe 6,
so you would've been 3.
You couldn't really skate.
I mostly walked around the pond
and made sure
you didn't fall in.
We'll just let our
lawyers talk about this, OK?
Talk to my lawyer!
That babe over there
has got you in her sights.
Over there by the counter,
sprayed-on jeans,
cleavage for weeks.
Go for it, man.
Son, I'd be all over that,
except she's not looking at me.
All right.
Just give it up, OK?
So, you really
don't care, do you?
What am I saying? You're
practically already married.
It's cool, man.
Forget it.
You're saying that like
there's something wrong with it.
I know she's the one.
OK, I don't know what you're
up to, but it better be good
'cause my fingers
are freezing off.
OK, it's Valentines' Day,
so I'm risking being
really cheesy here.
Max, I'm a girl.
When it comes to Valentine's
Day, you can't be cheesy.
And you got me chocolates,
so you're already in the zone.
Well, this last week has
been kind of sketchy.
Getting deferred. I didn't
really see that coming.
Hey, that's only temporary.
You're going to get
into Harvard in April, OK?
You see?
That right there,
the way you said that,
the way you make things happen
instead of just
talking about them,
I love that about you.
Hey, I'm a girl with
a plan. What can I say?
Yes, you are.
Being with you, it makes
me believe in myself, in us.
I've been trying
to think all day
of a way to explain
how I feel about you.
You know, like a line
from a song or a movie.
I was all set to
plagiarize Shakespeare,
but even that seemed lame.
See, when we're apart,
separate, we're good.
We're really good.
But when we're together,
it's just that much better.
And we have all these plans,
all these things we
want to do together
but that's just it:
they're all just hopes now,
none of them are real.
But they will be someday,
and it will be amazing.
It'll be perfect...
What are you doing?
Come here.
I know we're young, OK?
And I know we have our
entire lives ahead of us,
but I don't want to waste
another second of it
without you by my side.
I love you, Jessica,
and I've never been more sure
of anything in my entire life.
Marry me?
Just don't think
about what's reasonable
or rational or logical...
Max! Of course!
Stop! My hair!
Sorry, just one second.
What's your drama?
I'll see you in a bit.
What the...
What's going on?
You know, no big.
Max just proposed
and I said yes!
Oh my God!
Oh my God!
Keep it on the downlow.
When did he do it?
What did he say?
Did he kneel?
Yesterday, and yes,
he went down on one knee.
And he gave me this.
But it's only temporary.
That is the most adorable thing.
What was it like?
At first I couldn't breathe.
And then it felt like the most
natural thing I've ever done.
That is so romantic.
What about Harvard?
That's still happening.
Nothing's going to change.
My head is spinning!
What did your Mom say?
Yeah... I haven't
told her just yet.
What do you got in there?
OK. Right here.
It's so pretty!
OK, so if we were to
win the lottery tomorrow
and we were just
rolling in money
where would you want
to go for our honeymoon?
Well, there's this place
that I saw in a magazine,
and the beaches,
the sand was literally pink.
And the drinks are pink too?
What do you think your
parents are going to say?
My parents got
married pretty young.
They'll be cool with it.
How about yours?
I think they'll deal.
Coming through!
I see congratulations
are in order.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
We're very excited.
Wait a minute.
Are you expecting?
I can always tell.
I'm due in August.
Well, you're just full
of surprises, aren't you?
Anyway, what's
this all about, huh?
Jessica and I got engaged.
Are you pregnant too?
You're off to college,
your whole lives ahead of you.
What's the rush?
Well, we're still
going to go to college.
We know we want to be together.
We don't see why we should wait.
Plenty of people
do it at college.
It's not really an either-or
thing. We're going to do both.
Are you sure
you're not pregnant?
When were you
planning to do this?
- Now.
- Now?
But Jessica won't
be 18 till next December
so we need written consent.
Good luck.
We don't want
to wait till next summer.
Look, you've got
a brilliant future.
You're going to Harvard, OK?
There's no way I'll let you
throw that away just for him.
Watch your mouth, Roger.
Dad, we love each other.
You're 17. You don't even
know what that means.
Like you're such an expert?
When you're 18, you'll be able
to do whatever you want.
But until then, there's
no way I'm going to be
supporting you and your husband.
Kelly, let's go.
He makes it worse. Sorry.
Why don't we all just
cool off a little bit?
Come on, Max.
What were you thinking?
Mom and Dad set
such a good example,
you just can't wait to follow
in their footsteps, huh?
I so don't need
this from you right now!
The first time we did this,
I thought we were going to
get run over for sure.
Especially when you
made me close my eyes.
Like I've ever made
you do anything.
Your lips are cold.
Well, so is your nose.
I thought everyone was going
to be happy for us, you know?
We did a really great thing, and
instead they act like we're...
- Mutants?
- Yeah.
I just wish it could
always be like this.
Together, the two of us, no...
- Noise.
- Exactly.
You know what? It is like that
in all the ways that matter.
You've been suspiciously
quiet about all this.
Well, I guess I don't think
it's the end of the world.
He's 18, Tim.
Life as he knows it, is over.
Or it's just beginning.
Look, A) Jessica's terrific.
And B) sure they're young,
but so were we.
Makes you more resilient.
We were older.
Life was different.
I don't seem to recall
your parents seeing it that way.
It was your ponytail
they didn't like, not you!
I wish I could share your
optimism, but I just can't.
I will not support
their marriage.
How you can see this as
anything but a disaster?
You want my permission.
And your blessing.
When I was 5,
I wanted a doctor's bag.
Not a toy, the real thing.
And you got it for me.
It was black leather.
You used to sleep with
that doctor's bag,
you loved it so much.
And when anyone asked you
what you wanted to
be when you grew up
you'd say, "I want to be
an orthopedic surgeon."
You didn't say,
"I want to be a doctor,"
or "I want to be
a surgeon," even.
You just said, "I want to
be an orthopedic surgeon"
like you knew.
And that's still
what I'm going to be.
See, that's the part
that I don't get.
I'm too young to know that
I want to be with Max
but I'm not too young to know
that I want to be a doctor?
Sweetie, you're 17 years old.
Yeah, and you always said that
Max and I are a better couple
than you and Dad ever were.
Well, yeah!
It's just that you have no idea
what kind of obstacles you face.
You're just too young, sweetie.
I know.
I know, and I know
that you're worried.
But you also need to know
that this isn't going
to ruin my life.
It's only going to make it
that much more amazing
because as great as
Max and I are separately,
together, we're...
together we're just perfect.
You know?
Promise me you will finish
college and get your degree.
Of course.
And promise me you will use
birth control religiously
until you get that degree.
I swear!
And promise me that
once you're married...
Once I'm married,
you can't tell me
what to do anymore.
I can't?
But I'm your mother.
Telling you what to do is part
of my job description for life.
So, where are you
guys going to live?
Well, we...
You haven't thought about it.
- No.
- No.
So you two are perfect together
and yet you can't figure out
where you're going to sleep?
That's OK. You can
stay here if you want.
Thank you! Thank you!
You're welcome.
- Thank you!
- It's OK.
You think Dad's going
to come around, right?
Who cares what he thinks?
Sorry. You do.
I know.
have to stay with your mom.
Come on.
I'm nervous.
Don't be nervous.
This is the most beautiful day.
You're the most beautiful girl
in the world, and I love you...
I almost forgot
something very important.
Hey! You came!
Don't do this, OK?
Your mother only signed that
consent form to spite me.
Oh, please.
You got a new
family to take care of.
Why don't you just leave
these guys alone?
You do this and
I am done with you.
How about I make it
easier for you?
Jessica! Wait!
Yeah, what a threat!
Sweetie, come back.
Sweetie, today is
about you and Max,
and how much you
two love each other.
Nothing and no one else.
You understand that?
You're right.
You're totally right.
You are an amazing young woman
with a brilliant mind
and fantastic instincts.
And if you trust your heart,
you can't go wrong, OK?
Thank you.
You just need one thing.
Grandma's pearls!
She wanted you to have them.
They'll be your
something old, OK?
There we go.
And I have
something new for you.
And blue.
Can't forget your
something borrowed,
which means I want them back.
Mom, you didn't
have to do all this.
You are my first baby,
and you're getting married.
Of course I had to do it.
I wanted to.
I love you, sweetie.
I love you too, Mom.
Thank you.
In sickness and in health,
as long as you both shall live.
I do.
Do you have the rings?
Then by the power vested in me
by the state of Connecticut,
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
That was fun.
Are you serious?
OK, open your eyes.
Oh my God! It's perfect!
Are you kidding me?
Don't worry about it.
I already cleared it with
Miss Teddy Bear here.
She's cool with it.
You building a shrine?
Hey babe, this place
is like a pink palace.
Look, you gotta work with me.
Yeah, those plastic trophy
things, they look good there.
I can't wait till we get
our own place at Harvard.
Be able to decorate it
however we want.
I won't have to walk by
your mom every morning
in my underwear.
I'm sure she likes it, though.
Or we could outlaw
underwear altogether.
Now you're talkin'!
Wait, stop.
Just kidding.
What are you doing here?
I thought you might
want a ride home.
Haven't seen you in
a couple of weeks.
Missed you.
Yeah, I miss you too.
OK, Mom...
You look taller.
Look, Max, Jessica's
a wonderful girl
but sometimes it's...
easy to get caught
in the moment.
What are you saying?
I'm saying it's not too late
for you to change your mind.
Get an annulment.
Start fresh.
Go to school.
We'd even think of
getting you a car.
You want me to
trade Jess in for a car?
Max, I...
You can keep your ride.
You OK, babe?
Yeah, just tired.
There's nothing you
can't tell me, you know.
I know.
It's like when
you fill out forms
I'm your "in case of emergency".
I get that makes me yours.
For the rest of our lives.
Hey, what's up?
You bailed early.
I didn't get in to Harvard.
That's not funny.
I'm not joking.
You got wait listed, right?
But those other
envelopes, they're thick.
The closest one is
Vermont, 300 miles away.
Max, you know that...
I let you down.
I let us down. We had a plan.
And the plan was
to be together, OK?
And we still will be.
We just got to figure
out a plan B, that's all.
I'm so sorry.
Well, you can
go to separate schools
and see each other
on the weekends.
Plenty of people have
long-distance relationships.
It's a good compromise
and you can still see each other
and not jeopardize
your educations.
Yeah, and if your
love is really strong
it'll withstand the distance.
Or I could blow off Harvard,
get into wherever Max goes,
and start in January.
You're going to Harvard.
This is my screw-up
and it's mine to fix.
You didn't screw-up anything.
You were accepted at
5 very good schools.
But my wife will be at Harvard.
Look, we had a plan, and I'm
not going to make you suffer
just because I couldn't hold up
my end of the bargain.
You're going to Harvard, and
I'll figure something out, OK?
End of story.
That was really intense.
Yeah, you're welcome.
Hey, I meant before
with our Moms.
I love that you
totally have my back,
but you still got
to go to school.
Don't worry about it.
Max, come on.
It's important.
I'll go, OK?
We're only talking like 6 months
and I'll be back on track.
But what matters right now
is that we're together.
That's what this
is about. The two of us.
Our marriage comes first
before anything else.
Whether your dream is to become
a doctor, a lawyer, a...
Whether your dream is to
become a doctor, a lawyer,
a scientist, a rock star,
or just to find
that perfect person
with whom to share your life,
making it come true
requires the same things:
Passion, perseverance,
dedication and fearlessness.
It is easy for people to tell
you what you can't do.
The hard part is tuning them out
and continuing on
with your journey,
and say, "You can sit there
and wait for us to fail
"but we are heading
for the stars."
We're headed for the stars.
We're already gone.
One thing I want to
say about that speech:
it was killer.
A perfect mix of pomp,
circumstance, and rock n' roll.
Cheers to that!
Cheers to that.
Pretty soon we're all going
to be in different places
I'm going to UVM, you guys
will be in Cambridge,
And you're gonna be...
- NYU.
- Yeah!
To getting out of
this nowhere town.
Goodbye high school,
hello Harvard.
Cheers to that!
Forget the food pyramid.
Ice cream:
breakfast of champions.
You're my champion.
But not if you take that away!
Don't you get enough of me?
Of you?
You wanna go caffeinate?
Excuse me?
We're all over-achievers
or we wouldn't be here.
So instead of wasting the
day standing in line,
we could go kick it at a cafe
and talk to graduates.
Manhattan shrink spawn.
I'm Jessica, Connecticut.
Spawn of a plastic surgeon
and a former teacher.
All your parts look original
so either you have
huge self-esteem,
or your Dad's an
incredible plastic surgeon.
I have a weakness for
arrogant, spoiled Eurotrash.
How about you?
Smart, athletic, not too cocky.
More Gap than Abercrombie.
What dorm are you in?
Actually, I'm living off-campus.
As a freshman!
I have the best instincts!
All right, fellas!
That's lunch!
You know what you're doing.
The last guy they hired,
he thought hammers were
for smashing beer cans.
You guys, let's not try
to kill each other
while we're on
the clock, all right?
How long you been married?
Couple of months.
You should take your
ring off while we're working.
It's a good way
to lose a finger.
You probably think
I'm crazy doing it so young.
No, my brother got married
right out of high school.
My sister, she did it
in nursing school.
Not you?
Never found the right girl.
Your wife, what does she do?
She goes to Harvard.
I knew a waitress that
hooked up with a Harvard guy.
But it doesn't usually work
the other way around.
I didn't get in,
or I'd be there too.
Whatever works, man. You
catch the Red Sox last night?
All right, 1958 Pulitzer
winner. James...
Come on, seriously.
I think James won
the Pulitzer. Brown? No?
No, it's a four-letter word.
Second letter is a "G".
A "G".
Agee! Good one!
At least one of us reads.
OK, should we focus on the
global causes of World War One,
or the precipitating events?
Men are responsible for most
of the wars in the world,
So it's your call, Carter.
Look, I can't focus or defend
my gender without pizza.
Hey, not to get all Psych 101
here or anything,
but you boyfriend seems
kind of controlling.
He misses me.
Max isn't exactly my boyfriend.
He's my husband.
Are you serious?
You don't look...
I'm not pregnant, or Mormon,
or Orthodox, or even Amish.
Max and I just love each other.
So, how did your
parents feel about it?
I knew you were interesting.
Was it a total Romeo and Juliet?
They're still
getting used to it.
OK, so, if it's not religion
or a medical necessity, then...
He's just the one.
I think it's romantic as hell.
You work too hard, babe.
There's just so much more work
than in high school, you know?
It's hard to keep on top of it.
So how was your day?
If you got married in
February, where did you live?
At my Mom's house in my bedroom.
Wasn't that weird, though?
I mean, you're legally joined,
but surrounded by My Little Pony.
All that really mattered was
that Max and I were together.
And I was never
into My Little Pony.
You make me feel like I'm some
sort of science experiment.
Sorry, it's just our
grandparents were expected
to marry super young, not us.
So, I'm a non-conformist.
Maybe teen marriage is
like the new punk rock.
I'm wrecked.
Me too.
So you don't mind if we don't...
- No.
- Yeah, OK.
We had fun though, right?
Family of origin
is everything, OK?
You can't escape genetics.
What about all the
people who are adopted
and share the same
personality traits
as the parents who raised them?
Luck, or common traits.
All nurturing does is bring
out what already existed.
God, you can't stand
to be wrong, can you?
Like you wear it so well.
There's something in your hair.
Things got a little
messy last night.
A bunch of us are
going to the pub tonight
if you want to come with.
Max too.
Maybe we'll make an appearance.
You want another drink?
Yeah, I'm drying out.
So, where's the husband?
He's just out with
some buddies from work.
You're very lucky, you know.
I'd kill to be in love.
He's really...
You should text Max.
Tell him to come
by when he's done.
You know, you're the real deal.
Not really.
It's just kind of a side thing.
That's only 'cause you want
it to be. You're talented!
So, what's in these things?
Pretty much
everything in the bar.
You know, it's really weird.
I've only known you a few weeks,
I don't even know what
you drink in your coffee,
but it's like...
Like we've known
each other forever.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
Cream and two
sugars in my coffee.
Good to know.
Oh here, let me
help you with this.
I'm pretty late.
I should probably get home.
Oh, here.
It's just me and my band.
This is pretty cool.
I need to get home now.
It was just a kiss, you know.
No, not to me.
I'm married, OK?
This is a huge mistake.
I'm sorry. It can't
happen again.
Have fun?
I just wish you had been there.
Next time.
I gotta go to work.
I miss you.
I miss you too.
Can we go on a
date sometime this week?
How about tomorrow night?
Sounds great.
Max is the greatest guy
I know. What was I thinking?
You weren't thinking.
No matter how good
your relationship is,
there's always going
to be temptation.
Not helpful.
Not finished.
You're going to feel all sorts
of things for people.
Just don't act on it.
The trick is to recognize
the attraction for what it is
and then just walk away.
Maybe everyone was right.
Maybe we were
too young to marry.
What if I can't handle this?
You can.
You love Max and Max loves you.
Just focus on that and
everything will be fine.
Yeah. You're right.
OK, bye.
You'd really like
this Philip Roth novel
I'm reading in my lit class.
I'll lend it to
you when I'm done.
I'm kind of into
this Michael Connelly.
Isn't that kind of lightweight?
You grading me on
my reading material?
I just meant you
could use the time
to catch up for when
you're in school.
You know him?
Yeah. That's Carter.
That his girlfriend?
Olivia? No.
She's kind of a slut.
So, what do you want to do?
So is this how
it's going to be now?
We can't hang out?
I just don't want
it to be weird.
No worries.
So how long have
you been seeing Olivia?
It was just dinner and a movie.
Going to be seeing her again?
Are you asking as my friend,
or the girl that kissed me?
I'm just giving you a hard time.
Don't sweat it.
I was pretty surprised
that you called.
You're my daughter.
I don't always agree
with your choices,
but I do love you, huh?
Yeah, I love you too.
So, how's married life?
Why? Did Mom say something?
About what?
Nothing. Married life,
it's great!
And I love school.
That's going great too.
So, how's Kelly? Baby should be
coming any day now, right?
Kelly and I are on
a bit of a sabbatical.
I don't believe you.
What's her name?
You know what?
Actually, no.
Don't tell me.
They never last long enough.
It's not worth
memorizing it, OK?
Dad, you don't get it, do you?
Marriage, it's about love
and loyalty and commitment.
It's not about acting on every
single impulse that strikes you.
God, you are so pathetic!
Come on, Jessie.
Jessie, come on.
He's a complete sociopath.
Successful and good-looking
on the outside
but dead on the inside.
Hey, do you feel like we haven't
been connecting much lately?
I gotta jump, babe.
Catch you later.
OK, I miss you.
I noticed that you're
putting tennis courts
on the south side
of the building,
and the pool on the east side.
Yeah. You got a
problem with that?
It's none of my business,
but I play tennis,
and on an east-west
court someone's
always got the
sun in their eyes.
Is that so?
Yeah, and if you
switch the tennis courts
to the east side
of the building,
they could face north-south
and you could have the
pool on the south side.
Which would be better because...
Southern exposure.
It's warmer, so the cost to
heat the water will be lower.
Yes, they would, and I tried
to design it that way,
but zoning issues
made it impossible.
What's your name?
Max. Max Doyle.
You're 21, 22?
Eighteen, sir.
I got to hand it to you, Max.
You got a serious
set of cojones.
Pretty good instincts too.
Max, the lights aren't working!
Yeah, I forgot to pay
the electric bill.
It's kind of cool though!
No, it's not cool!
My Civ paper is due tomorrow
and I'm behind.
Well, the electric company
was closed before I got back.
It doesn't open until
8:00 tomorrow morning.
I'm going to be at the library.
All unhappy families are
unhappy in their own way.
Thank you, Mr. Tolstoy.
I'm sure that your family's
neuroses are just like mine.
My parents are
still together, actually.
Miserable, but
very much together.
Bad divorce, huh?
Let me guess: this is the
point during which you tell me
that I got married young
because I wanted security.
I created my own
little nuclear family
in order to prevent history
from repeating itself.
Someone's done
their homework, I see.
This is she.
Is he all right?
Yeah, I'll be there.
Max had an accident at work.
See you later.
All right, yeah.
Is there anyone here
for a Max Doyle?
Hi. Just a
couple of questions.
Is he allergic to penicillin?
I don't know. When am I
going to be able to see him?
He's getting x-rays right now,
so it's going to be a while.
Looks like he cracked his ribs.
Is there any other medication
that might have an
adverse effect on him?
Adverse means negative.
I know what it means,
I've just never seen him take
anything stronger
than cold medicine.
Stay with me. Should we
call his parents then?
No, don't do that.
What kind of health
insurance does he have?
I'm not sure.
I think it might be
with my school plan.
He might still be with his
parents' plan. I don't know.
Why don't you take
a seat right there
and we'll call you
when we're ready, OK?
Thank you.
Hey, you got a cross today.
Sorry, I can't to that today.
I thought you were going to
stay home and take care of me.
I haven't been
to school in 3 days.
I have mid-terms coming up.
I can't blow that off.
All right, well, be sure
to check your schedule
before I get hurt again.
Well, if you hadn't
been screwing around
during your lunch break, maybe
this would never have happened.
Easy, OK?
At the hospital, they asked
me about your medical history,
and I had to call your mom.
So, I'm your wife, OK?
I should know these things.
And now we're stuck
with a bill for $1,200
and that was all of our savings.
I guess I should've made sure
I had health insurance
before I took the job.
I just figured I was still
on my parents' policy.
Yeah, OK. I gotta go.
Hey, Nick. How's it going?
How's UVM?
She's fine.
She's busy with school.
I'm working.
We don't really see
each other much, but...
It's all good.
I thought that the doctor said
you should lay low
for a little while.
I'm going crazy sitting
around. I feel fine.
Hey, my boss is going
to give me an advance
to cover the hospital bill.
That's pretty great, huh?
Yeah, except then
you'll be stuck there.
Well, what if I wanted to make
it more of a permanent gig?
I didn't know that you
were thinking about that.
I like working.
It feels good.
It's just that whenever we're
talking about the future,
college was always a part of it.
Well, my future isn't
mapped out like yours.
I don't know what I'm going to
be doing for the next 10 years,
but I'm pretty sure I don't want
to go to college anytime soon.
You're serious?
Yeah. Is that a problem?
All that really matters is
that we're together, right?
Yeah. Of course.
Well, I gotta get to work.
So, see you later?
I should go home.
Some people search
their whole lives
and never find the right person.
You're very lucky.
Are you OK?
No. When I'm home
I wish I was at school.
And when I'm at school...
You wish you were with him.
Not... Not always.
I love school so much.
It's better than I
ever dreamed it would be.
All the friends I've made,
the things I get to study.
And then I go home to Max, and
he's working this crummy job,
and not going to school,
and I feel guilty, you know,
because he gave up his
entire future for me,
and here I am
having these doubts.
Jess, you guys love each other.
You'll work it out.
Do you think?
You're right.
It'll be a lot easier
once he's in school
and we're on the same page.
See you later.
What's all this?
I just thought we could
have breakfast together.
There you go.
They're good.
So, I have this friend in Bio
class who works for admissions
and said she could get you
an interview for next year.
Man, it's just killing you
that I'm not
in school, isn't it?
I think I'm entitled to
be just a little bit upset.
Because I don't fit in
with you and your
brilliant new friends?
No, it...
The guy that I fell in love with
he had dreams and
a future like mine.
We had the same goals,
and we wanted the same things.
- Jess...
- And he trusted me!
What do you want from me, Jess?
Call her?
No way, man.
She can call me if she's
got anything good to say.
I went out with a
Harvard chick once.
She was hot! Smoked
these clove cigarettes.
It was great when we were alone,
but her scene and mine,
they don't mix.
Man, you should've seen her face
when I told her I didn't
want to go to college.
Might as well
have harpooned her.
Look, it's none of my business,
but if she really loves you
she's not going to try to
turn you into someone else.
So we're at this club, right,
and it's a total dive.
But it's our first paying gig,
so we're really
psyched about it.
I'm playing keys in this song,
and Derek, the lead singer,
decides out of the blue that he
wants to get his keyboards on.
So he shoves me away
from the instrument
so I go flying off the stage,
and I land on my right hand.
No way.
Turns out I broke two fingers.
It was a nightmare.
Yeah, I can imagine.
I thought you were studying.
Hey Max, have a seat, man.
What are you doing here?
We barely see each other.
I looked for you at the library.
I thought you could us a break
from all your studying.
Max, wait!
Max, come on!
Max! Max!
What's your deal?
We've been studying for like,
5 hours and we took a break.
It's not a federal crime.
Interesting choice of words.
Carter and I are just friends.
Don't you trust me?
You know, I used to,
but ever since we came here,
you're this totally
different person.
I could say the exact
same thing bout you.
Well, you know what?
I'm outta here.
What's going on?
I'm going to stay at
Sophie's for a little while.
You breaking up with me?
We're married, Max.
You don't break up.
You do a trial separation.
Is that what this is?
I don't know, OK?
Something's changed,
and it's major, so...
So you're just
going to take off?
Don't make this more
difficult than it has to be.
I'm not driving, man.
It's 7:30, Max!
I miss you.
Jessica, I love you, OK?
The past two days...
I get it.
Yeah, I miss you too.
Then let me in.
You're drunk, babe.
Just go home, get some sleep.
We'll talk about
it tomorrow, OK?
OK, or just come right up.
Come on...
I can't breathe right when
you're not around, babe.
Come here.
Go away, Max.
Let me in. We can
work this out.
You've got a hickey
the size of New Jersey!
You came here straight
from some random chick!
I can't believe this!
No, Jess. Come on...
Why don't you work it out
with whoever's been
gnawing at your neck.
'Cause Max, honestly, I'm done.
So please just go. Just go.
I can't believe...
It's great, you know.
I can do whatever I want.
I don't need to follow
anyone else's schedule.
I'll drink to that!
Jessica's cool and everything,
but by the end,
all we did was fight.
That sounds just like me
and my old girlfriend.
I'm sorry.
Life's just too short.
Another one.
I've ignored all
his e-mails and texts.
I guess he's trying to send
something that I can't delete.
A for effort.
Whose side are you on?
At least he's fighting for you.
I mean, most guys
would just walk away.
If you would've seen the size
of the hickey on his neck,
you wouldn't be defending him.
I was ready to go back to him.
I'm such an idiot.
You kissed Carter.
Hey, that was different.
If you say so.
I'll see you later.
I think there's a convenience
store just one block up.
We can get some ice cream.
Ice cream? It's way
too cold for ice cream.
It's never too
cold for ice cream.
It's never too early for ice
cream. It's never too late...
Oh, come on!
Hey, it's one of
life's simple pleasures.
Are we seriously going
to fight over ice cream?
It's important.
OK, OK...
Look, I'm willing
to be converted.
- OK?
- OK.
Now what kind of ice cream
are we going to get?
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I put it on later,
but I got it done when...
Didn't waste much time, did you?
Look Max, we were just...
Don't do this, OK?
I'm supposed to
pretend this is all OK?
You don't take my calls,
you don't answer my e-mails...
You're still my wife.
Have you forgotten that?
Oh yeah? You're not
exactly by yourself here.
Cool down, man...
You just stay out of this, OK?
This completely edible senior
just invited me
to a party tonight,
and I have nothing to wear!
Sophie, your closet is insane.
Yeah, with slutwear, maybe.
But I need something
more sophisticated.
Something that screams,
"I did junior year abroad,
scandalized Europe,
and lived to tell the tale."
A little black dress, maybe?
I have something that could work
but it's at the apartment.
Well, I wouldn't make
you go all the way over there.
You know what? I owe you
anyways, so I'll be right back.
Hey Max, are you home?
I came to get...
Looking for the blitz
that he knows is coming.
14-13 in the closing minutes of
this Thanksgiving Day special.
He's through...
- How are the ribs?
- Fine.
I had a talk with Jim Bennett.
He's got some time
over the weekend
if you want to
sit down with him.
The sooner you and Jessica
make a clean break,
the sooner you can move on.
You mean get a divorce.
Honey, you're so young.
Maybe you can get an annulment.
You've been on this
mission against us
ever since we got engaged.
What's your problem?
Max, come on.
Well then, back me up, Dad!
Part of the reason
I wanted to marry Jessica
was that you and Mom
set such a great example.
Yeah, we're 3 years younger than
you were, but that's nothing,
so why does it bug you so much?
Your father and I have
had a wonderful marriage
and that's exactly
what we wanted.
Live in a small town,
raise a family.
But you, you have the potential
to become whatever you want.
To change the world.
I don't want to see anything
or anyone get in your way.
You see, that's where
you got it all wrong.
Jessica was my partner,
not some kind of obstacle.
Maybe now he'll
go off to college
and have a real future.
Babe, it's not your life.
He's got to make
his own mistakes.
The kid's had his heart broken.
You know, as bad as I feel now
I also feel kind of relieved.
Those last couple of weeks,
all we did was fight.
That's how I knew for sure
that the relationship was over.
Come on, everybody fights.
Max and I never used to.
That's because you never
lived together before.
You and Dad, you always fight.
Yeah. We still do.
The only thing that's
changed with the divorce
is how we file our tax returns.
But if you're happy,
you don't fight.
Jessica, grow up!
Relationships are
not black and white.
In fact, most of the time,
people live in gray.
But Mom, these fights,
they scared me.
You know, I felt like I
didn't even know Max anymore.
Yeah, but baby,
you can't be so rigid.
The true test of a marriage
is how you get through
these bad times.
You got to dig in and
work through things.
And you've got to fight.
You've got to fight fair,
but you've got to fight.
Your father and I
didn't fight fair,
and we didn't
work through things,
so we had all of the emotion
but none of the compromise.
Yeah. I must
sound so dumb to you.
You just sound
really young to me.
I think I'll head
back to Boston early.
The air in the house
is running kind of thin.
I hear you. Why don't you wait
until after the party tonight?
Is Jessica going to be there?
I don't know.
Watch this shot.
Off the corner,
purple in the side.
I know I gave you
guys a hard time
when you were getting married,
but you seemed to know
what you were doing, so...
Well, what's your point?
My point is that I've known a
lot of cool girls in my life,
just none I'd ever
take the bullet for.
Forget it. I'll pass.
Max will be there.
So what are you going to do?
Hibernate here in Mommy's house
while he goes out
and has all the fun?
Screw that!
It'll be too weird.
Look, you have just as much
right to go to this party
as he does.
When was the last
time you saw him?
Last week.
I was with Carter and
he was with some girl.
It was hideous.
Don't you think
it's a little soon
for you to be
with some other guy?
I'm not with anyone.
Come on!
It's pathetic.
I'm not even 18 and I'm
already heading for divorce.
Go and speak to him.
No way. I can't.
Listen, just get it over with.
I've been spending a lot of time
with the architect
on the job site.
I might give that a shot.
I'm wondering if I'm going
to kiss you or kill you.
So, what's the verdict?
It's good to see you.
Yeah, it is.
So you didn't tell me about
the architect at the site.
You never wanted to hear it.
Yeah, well, you weren't
really interested
in hearing about what was
going on at school either.
I guess I wasn't.
Want to go for a walk?
Yeah, sure.
Schizophrenic much?
Geez Holly, you scared
the crap out of me!
First you go all
melodramatic and marry the guy,
then you're barely at
school a couple of weeks
and you kiss someone else?
And then you move out 'cause you
need your space or whatever...
You know, it's not that simple.
They always said
you were so mature.
How was your Thanksgiving?
Good, good. How was yours?
Long. Couldn't
wait to get back.
You want to do dinner tonight?
I can't.
But I'll give you a call.
So Jessica and I kind of got
together when I went home.
For good?
I don't know.
We're going out tonight.
You don't think
it's a good idea?
None of my business.
I'm asking.
Just make sure she
wants you for who you are,
not who she wants you to be.
Thing is, I kind of like the way
she pushes me to think bigger
and go for what
I want, you know?
I need that.
What do you think?
Depends on your agenda.
It's a date.
With your estranged husband?
God, that sounds sexy!
You are so bent.
You do realize you
barely even took a shower
before you went out with Carter?
And your point is?
True love really does
conquer all. I was right.
It's just dinner.
Besides, for all I know,
he's still seeing that girl
he went to the movies with.
How's school?
It's good.
Great. It's just really busy.
There's a lot of exams,
and they're coming up, so...
I started filling out
applications for the fall.
And I'm going to be interning
at that architect's office.
It's not paid or anything,
but it'll be a great experience.
That's really fantastic.
And I feel like it's something
I could do long-term.
And I'm not doing
it for anyone else.
Not my parents or anything.
Just for me.
I'm really happy for you.
Let's get out of here.
I missed you so much.
I love you, Jess.
I guess...
I thought if I applied to Harvard
again and didn't get in,
you wouldn't look at me
the same.
All your friends are
really intense now.
You like that.
Yeah, I do.
But I also like you.
Well, that's not exactly true.
I love you.
I love you too.
Well, you know, I never stopped.
Even when things got hard.
I never thought that we could
get so out of sync.
And then it felt
like we were failing.
And I've never felt anything...
It's ironic.
For so long, I would slam
my dad for leaving us,
and then I just went and did
the exact same thing.
You're not him.
But still, we're married.
I should've stopped.
I should've...
Here's the thing:
We got to figure these
things out one way or another.
I'd rather do it with you
than without you.
Me too.
Make-up sex can be
pretty persuasive.
That is not why I'm going back.
I feel solid with Max,
in a way
that I never have before.
He's the only person
in the world
that I can actually talk to
about anything.
That I want to talk to,
you know?
I just kind of lost sight
of that.
He's my husband.
You're so lucky.
Yeah, I really am.
But yeah,
the sex was pretty sensational.
I rest my case.
So you think
you guys will make it?
I know I want to and so does he.
And I'll never forgive myself
if I don't try.
Look, I'm probably the
biggest sucker for romance
you'll ever find, so I'm
crossing my fingers for you.
But if anything ever changes,
my couch is your couch.
Go home.
See, you just
don't get me anymore.
I'm not into ice cream.
Great. More for me.
Hey, come on!
Am I misunderstanding something?
Just that I'm going
to kick your butt
if you don't give
that back, so...
OK, wait.
What do I get out of it?
Compromise is the cornerstone
of any good relationship.
Well, I think that sharing
is the cornerstone of
every good relationship.
I don't think so.