Tooth & Nail (2007) Movie Script

The end.
The end of life as we know it.
We didn't see it coming,
that's for sure.
I mean, who plans for an Apocalypse?
But you know
the really funny thing?
It wasn't something big
and horrible that did us in.
It wasn't nuclear war
or a deadly virus
or a comet crashing into the planet.
It wasn't over-population
or global warming.
I wish it was.
You know, something...
lofty and magnificent,
something worthy of exterminating
most of the human race.
In the end, it was
none of those things.
We simply ran out of gas.
We haven't found
a thing all day.
- I'm getting tired.
- Yeah, me, too.
Okay, fine.
I'll be dark soon anyways.
We'll head back.
Did you guys hear that?
- Yeah, it sounded--
- Shut up.
Your boyfriend's
gonna get us all killed.
Don't move!
Don't move a fucking muscle!
What the hell!
I would have had him!
Waste another bullet is
what you would have done.
Check that watch.
This is the first people
we've seen in weeks.
So what do we do with her?
I say we leave her.
Come on. The Professor
wouldn't leave her.
Well, the Professor isn't here.
Yeah, but she's pretty messed up.
If we leave her, she could die.
That's not our problem.
Please, help me.
Let's take her home.
Oh! I wanted to grab that watch.
They're back.
I hope they found
something interesting.
They did.
Where am l?
Um, you're in a hospital.
Hospitals aren't safe.
No, no, this one's-- This one's clean.
No. Hey, hey, hey.
You should just--
You should just stay and relax
because you might have
some internal injuries.
We don't-- We don't know.
We're not sure.
You're in a hospital,
but none of us are doctors.
Anyway, um...
You're lucky to be alive.
My boyfriend.
I'm sorry.
We still have a couple
of month's rations left,
but we need to save them
for the winter.
Hey, Professor,
any chance we can get some
hamburger on the menu?
Now, Ford,
all we got is soy and vegetables
in the near future.
Such bullshit.
What's the point of being a carnivore
if all we can eat is rabbit food?
Any other questions?
The new girl.
What about her?
What are we gonna do with her?
Maybe she'll stay.
We don't know
anything about her, man.
She might be useful.
She's cute.
We got enough mouths to feed.
And we don't need anybody else.
We don't have time
to take care of her.
I'll take care of her.
Oh, I bet you will.
What is that supposed to mean?
I agree with Ford.
Me, too.
Do I get a vote?
You should be resting.
I'm okay.
What's your name?
Let me introduce you to our group.
This is Dakota,
This is Viper.
This is Max, and I'm Darwin.
In the year 2012,
the gasoline ran out.
You could almost hear
the giant sucking sound
as the last drop of crude
was pumped from the earth.
Within a year,
the reserves were gone, too.
We were supposed to have
That's what the experts said,
and...they were wrong.
Detroit was still
churning out gas guzzlers
even as the wells went dry.
You'd have thought we could
survive without gas.
But the end of gasoline meant the end
of electricity, nuclear power.
There's coal, but you still need trucks
to deliver the fuel.
No electricity
means no refrigerators,
and that means spoiled food.
In days, grocery stores
were picked clean.
Within weeks, there was looting,
rioting, and chaos.
The government had a plan,
but it was too busy trying
to stop the violence.
When they finally
declared martial law,
it was already too late.
Civilization collapsed into anarchy.
The smart ones moved south...
until they realized that millions
of other smart people
had the same smart idea.
All those people in one place
fighting for the same shelter and food.
It was a bloodbath.
Within three years,
more than 2/3 of the world's population
had starved to death,
frozen to death,
or slaughtered each other.
The American Dream
became the American nightmare.
So...what is this?
Red Cross rations.
Disaster-relief meals.
We found, like, 30 cases of them here.
We cook them.
Makes them last longer.
Wait until you try
Dakota's acorn pancakes.
Screw you, Ford.
So what's your story?
- Me?
- Yeah.
What are you doing
here in Philadelphia?
My, um-- my boyfriend and l
were on our way to Florida,
and we heard there was
shelter and food here.
You were misinformed.
Is that good?
Don't bother. She's retarded.
Ow! You bitch! That hurt!
Nova is not retarded.
She just doesn't speak to anyone.
That's retarded.
Ford, you got chores to do, right?
So how long have you been here?
Almost a year.
You're not moving south?
A lot of people are going to Florida.
There's too many people.
Not enough resources.
It's a war zone. We're better off here.
In a hospital.
Yeah. We have a good chance here.
We have a lot of rooms.
Large water supply.
The building's tall and safe.
I mean, we can house
a lot of people here, working together
to try to...
create a new life.
- A new life.
- Yeah.
Start over. Begin again.
Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.
What about you, Neon?
You got any special skills?
You know, anything you can
do to help out around here?
I'm actually pretty good at fixing things.
'Cause we need a lot of stuff
fixed around here.
- You feel up to working?
- Yeah, sure.
All right.
Hey, you guys see Victoria?
She's supposed to help me with those
barricades in the lobby.
I thought you were supposed to be
fixing the water purifier.
- I just thought--
- Clean water's our top priority.
Well, maybe security should be.
Hey, we're safe.
We should be prepared.
Besides, I'm sick of
working on that damn thing.
Viper, would you please just fix...
the water purifier!
Neon, why don't you go with him.
Maybe you can help him out.
Maybe I should keep
an eye on them.
I think that's a good idea.
I'll watch Nova.
You got to be fucking kidding me.
Don't even start.
The guy's a tool.
He means well.
Let me guess, he gave his whole
"Phoenix rising from the sun" thing.
Phoenix rising from the ashes.
But yeah, he did.
Come here.
Come here.
Okay, guys, I think I got it.
Kid, I don't care
how good you are at fixing things.
It's never gonna work.
Busting my ass on that thing for weeks.
You're wasting your time.
Excuse me.
I had a good feeling about that girl.
She's gonna be a valuable
asset to the group.
What about Viper?
What about him?
I think he's gonna be a problem.
He'll be fine.
I don't know.
Has anybody seen Victoria?
Uh, she's been a little out of it lately.
You know how she gets.
Oh, yeah.
All right, well, look,
today's assignments, um--
Dakota, can you
go down in the basement?
Check on the medical supplies,
do an inventory.
Take Torino with you.
Yukon, we need some more water.
Viper, it's your turn
to haul out the pails.
Ho! Shit detail!
Max, how about some more firewood,
man, okay, for the still?
I'm gonna work on the barricades.
You know how it works.
We all take turns.
Get Wonder Girl here
to haul your shit, man.
But it's your turn to take out the pails.
I'm not your slave, dude.
I'm sick of taking your orders, too.
Hey, Viper, we're all sharing
the work here, all right?
You're no different from anybody else.
- Oh, is that right?
- Yeah.
You know, because
I've never seen you haul shit.
And I've never seen you
get your fucking hands dirty.
Viper, we all know
that he is very busy.
Yeah, fucking you.
- That's enough, Viper.
- Suck it, asshole!
Asshole? He's the asshole.
Are you okay?
There's nothing you could do.
Did you see how the others
were looking at me?
I've lost their respect.
It's not true.
Everyone still respects you
as our leader.
Nothing is gonna change that.
This is mostly just trash in here.
Looks like all
the good drugs are gone.
Can I ask you something?
You think he's coming back?
- Viper?
- Yeah.
I don't know.
I don't think so.
I know he's difficult,
but I kinda feel safer when he's here.
It's like he'll protect us.
Darwin will protect us.
Oh, come on.
The Professor's smart,
but when the shit hits the fan,
I'd rather have Viper here to protect us.
That might come in handy.
Look at all this blood.
I mean, there's no way
somebody's walking around
after losing that much blood.
Who's not accounted for?
Who's not here?
Victoria. She wasn't in her room.
Neon. Where's Neon?
I'm right here. What's up?
Where's Darwin?
Has anyone seen Darwin?
Oh, God, no.
Where's the body?
He's not dead.
There's no way he's still alive.
He's not dead.
I'm sorry, honey, but he's gone.
You know, you're all pretty quick
to write him off.
He could be alive. He could be out there,
and he can need our help.
There was a lot of blood. I just don't--
What purpose would it serve?
We needed him.
Nobody would have wanted
the Professor dead, right?
Well, somebody killed him.
Well, who?
Who would have done
something like that?
That's what I wanna know.
Well, I didn't do it.
Well, neither did l.
Not me.
What about Viper?
The guy's pretty pissed off.
Oh, come on.
Viper was an asshole.
He wouldn't have killed the Professor.
Well, then who, huh?
What about her?
Where the fuck were you last night?
Yeah, Neon, where were you?
I was sleeping, like the rest of you.
We don't know a damn
thing about her.
She could be a killer.
Come on, Ford.
She doesn't look like a killer to me.
Look at her.
She couldn't hurt a fly.
Why would I hurt the Professor?
He took me in, no questions asked.
He stood up for me.
What-- Why would I want to kill him?
What good would that do?
You know what? This is stupid.
I'm going to look for the body.
Uh...the Professor, I mean.
Me, too.
What is it, honey?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Jesus Christ. He'll calm me down.
This ain't your lucky day, buddy.
And I got some bad news for ya.
It ain't gonna get any better.
Who the hell were those guys?
I mean, do you think they're the ones
that took the Professor?
Okay, I'm going out after them.
I don't think that's a good idea.
If we leave right now,
we can still catch up.
I don't think that's such a good idea.
Max, I'm gonna need you.
The three of you stay here.
Look, you don't know
what you're dealing with.
Neon, do you have something to say?
'Cause right now would be the time!
I didn't tell you guys everything.
Well, tell us now.
Look, the real reason
that my boyfriend
and I are here is we were running.
From what?
From them. They're Rovers.
What's a Rover?
They're cannibals.
They eat people for food.
What are you talking about?
They killed my family.
They killed my friends.
They-- They ate them.
What do you mean, they ate them?
I think I'm gonna be sick.
So why are they here?
You remember when you rescued me?
The man who attacked you.
He's one of them. He's a Rover.
So you led them right to us!
Neon, you could have told us!
I'm really sorry.
I thought we were safe.
Well, how many of them are there?
A dozen, two dozen, more.
Okay, what are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?
We need the Professor.
Yeah, well, the Professor's not here.
All right. Well, we're gonna fight.
You didn't see the size
of those guys. They're huge.
We got guns.
We had guns.
So what are you saying?
I don't know. I just don't wanna
do anything stupid.
You calling me stupid?
No, I just--
I think maybe we should
think about hiding.
I-- Okay, I am so sick of this bullshit.
We need to make a stand now!
I-- I don't know.
Torino, what are you talking about?
Are you gonna listen to this?
I don't know. I don't know what to do.
I think we need somebody
to tell us what to do.
- We need the Professor.
- Okay, okay.
Well, the Professor
is dead, so let's move on.
- Then we need a new leader.
- So let's elect one.
Fine. I'll be the leader.
No, I think Neon should be leader.
She's not even one of us!
She seems to know a hell of a lot more
about these Rover people than the rest of us.
So let's vote.
Okay, let's vote.
Who wants me to be the leader?
And who wants Neon to be the leader?
Well, that's a tie.
Nova doesn't count 'cause she's a retard.
So, Dakota, make a choice.
I can't do this right now.
You have to!
Who's it gonna be, me or her?
Come on, Dakota.
Fuck this!
Then it's settled.
Dakota! Dakota!
Wake up. Come on.
- What's the matter?
- Hurry.
Holy shit.
Look at them all.
What are they doing?
Why are they just standing there?
I think it's a scare tactic.
Yeah, well, it's working.
How many do you see?
I count, uh, 14.
And there's five of us.
Five against 14. That's not good.
No shit, Sherlock!
How many ways in and out of here?
About a dozen or so, maybe more.
It's a big hospital.
- So there's no way to keep them from--
- No.
What do we have
in the way of weapons?
We got the pistol, the rifle,
and a couple of knives.
That's it?
Yeah. Well, Viper took the bow an arrow.
What are we gonna do?
I say we leave.
We wait till the sun sets,
we take our chances,
we sneak out.
It'll be dark. It's a big hospital.
They can't possible cover all the exits.
We'll think of a place
to meet back up--
Don't you think it's a better idea
for us to stick together?
I mean, safety in numbers.
We are completely outnumbered.
We have nothing
in the way of weapons.
They're stronger than us.
You wanna stay and fight,
or do you wanna run and hide?
Let's run and hide.
Your family.
What happened?
We were living in a grocery store.
Couple of the families
from the neighborhood.
We had aisles of food and supplies.
There was about 20 of us.
I'm not even sure when it started.
People just started disappearing.
We noticed it was like clockwork.
Every night, they came
and took one of us.
You didn't fight back?
We tried.
There was too many of them.
They were too strong.
The funny thing is,
they only ever took one at a time.
I don't know.
I think it was because
dead bodies rot faster.
They were keeping us alive for fresh meat.
Oh, my God.
You wanna know what the worst part was?
It wasn't watching
my family and friends die,
seeing them slaughtered in front of us.
It was the waiting.
Waiting for dark.
They always come at night.
Well, I'm not ready to die.
It's starting to get dark.
We should split up.
Good luck.
You, too.
You promise you'll protect me?
Yeah, baby.
It's time to go.
Maybe we can just hide.
No. We're gonna go out
the back of the hospital.
We can sneak out.
No one will even see us.
Okay. What about the others?
Fuck the others!
Every man for himself.
Come on.
Let's hide here, okay?
What's the matter?
We can do this the easy way,
or we can do it the hard way.
I don't really care which way.
But by sunrise,
I'm gonna be gnawing on your bones!
Help me!
Help me!
Well, well.
Are we really gonna leave them?
You're being such an asshole.
They would do the exact
same thing to us.
Okay, maybe they would,
but I wouldn't.
Oh, God!
Catch you later...
pretty thing.
They're leaving.
You see anybody else?
They got Max.
Is he, uh--
I don't know, I couldn't tell.
He wasn't moving.
You guys, it's Ford!
He's been attacked!
That should help with the pain.
How is he?
Well, uh, I'm not a doctor,
but, um...
he's got some holes in his stomach,
and he's lost a lot of blood.
Is he gonna live?
I don't know.
Um, the stomach is one thing, um...
but his leg...
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God.
I, uh-- I think that's it's broke in two.
Well, can you fix it?
Fix it?
No, I can't fix it.
I wouldn't even know where to start.
We need a doctor.
We need a doctor.
I don't think he's gonna make it.
We don't have a doctor.
So can you just--
Can you do anything?
Can you help him at all, Dakota?
Just-- Just do something.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I'll, um--
I'll do the best that I can.
How's he doing?
I pushed the bone back in.
I had to cut a piece of it out.
It's, uh...
Are you okay?
I'm exhausted.
I'm going to go to bed.
Are you scared?
Me, too.
I promise you that I'm not gonna
let anyone hurt you.
You trust me?
Hush, little baby, don't say a word
Mama's gonna buy you
a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird don't sing
Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
And if that diamond ring turns brass
Mama's gonna buy you
a looking glass
And if that looking glass
gets broke
Mama's gonna buy you
a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down
You'll still be the sweetest
little baby in town
It's Ford.
He's hurting pretty bad.
I think he needs another shot.
How is he?
Well, he's not feeling any pain.
I gave him three shots.
Three? Isn't that too much?
Isn't that gonna hurt him?
How am I supposed to know?
I'm sorry.
So what's your plan?
Yeah. What are we gonna do?
I don't know.
I'm sorry. What do you mean
you don't know?
I mean I don't have a plan yet.
Well, you need to come up with one.
We can't fight them.
There's too many of them.
We can't run.
Ford's running days are over.
Well, I would just really like to know
what brilliant idea you
are gonna come up with next.
Run and hide?
Is that the best thing
you can come up with?
Do you have a better one?
No, but I would just like a plan
that does not involve
one of us getting killed.
Why don't you try being leader?
See how easy it is.
No, thank you. I do not
want to be the leader.
I am already the doctor.
I just don't want to die.
You think I want to die?
Look, we're in this together.
We'll come up with something.
You better make it fast.
Because in five days,
we're all gonna be dead.
- You're awake.
- Yeah.
How are you feeling?
Just dandy.
It looks better, right?
You'll be better in no time.
Guys, we have three hours
till it gets dark.
I don't know. I say we separate out.
We try to find places
to hide in the hospital.
We are not gonna split up this time.
Okay, that's good. Now what?
We barricade the doors,
flip over the tables to hide behind,
and then we shoot every one of those
fuckers that walks in here.
You know we can't kill them all.
Maybe not, but I'm not
gonna go easy.
None of us are.
If they want dinner,
they're gonna have to pay for it.
Are you with me?
Torino, go get the rest
of the needles for Ford.
Bring a rifle.
Take Nova, too.
You got a problem with this?
Are you the leader now?
I guess so.
- Shouldn't we vote?
- No.
You stopped being the leader
the minute you stopped
caring about whether we live or die.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means, Neon, that you have been zero help
since this all started,
and I don't know what your problem is.
But it really seems like you don't give a shit
whether we make it or not.
You know what? You're right.
What's going on?
You haven't figured it out yet?
And I took you for bright.
Figured what out?
Okay, I'll spell it out for you.
I'm one of them.
One of them?
You're a Rover?
Just think of me
as a wolf in sheep's clothing.
And that makes you
the lambs led to slaughter.
I'd love to say there was some
higher purpose here,
but frankly, it comes down to food.
You can't do this.
People don't eat other people.
We do.
Do you have an ounce
of humanity left?
This is survival of the fittest, sweetie.
We helped you.
Yeah. You're weak.
We saw you coming.
We preyed on your weak nature.
You deserve whatever fate you get.
What's going on?
We're having a discussion.
About what?
- Dinner.
- Run!
Now get up.
Come on. You're coming with me.
That's it.
So everything you told us was a lie?
That whole story
about your family?
No. Actually, most of it was true.
That's how I met the Rovers.
They were brutes.
Inefficient, unorganized,
desperate for leadership.
They needed me.
So I sold out my family.
You sold out
your own flesh and blood?
I ate them, too.
You're disgusting.
If you want to survive, Dakota,
it's best to be on the winning team.
I'm gonna kill you.
Not if I eat you first.
We'll go back for the rest tonight.
Leave her for last.
Okay, let's go.
Lobo, look after her.
I feel so cold.
Just hang in there.
Hang in there.
What is it? Is someone coming?
Is it help?
Okay. Baby, you're gonna
have to run and hide.
Nova, listen to me. You have to go.
God damn it, listen.
You need to find some place to hide you.
Do you have a place,
some place good?
Good. Now go there.
No matter what happens,
you don't come out.
You're gonna be okay. Just go.
How did you do this?
Followed you here.
We have to hurry.
We have to get back to the hospital
before they do.
- No we don't.
- Nova is still in there.
We're not gonna be able to help her.
There's a half a dozen
of them and two of us.
I'm just not liking the odds here.
I don't care.
You shaved.
I like it.
Shut up.
Shut up!
We'll be eating in a couple of hours.
Nice, tasty meat.
Yum yum.
Shit, they're already here.
We've gotta get them
out of there.
Okay, fine. How?
I have an idea.
Can you kill him from here?
Can you play a trumpet?
Where's Nova?
She's hiding.
All right. Um...
Don't. Just-- Just go.
I-- I can't move.
Just find her.
She needs you.
What about you?
I just want the pain to go away.
God, this is so wrong.
It hurts so bad, I can't even feel my leg.
Fuck, I can't even feel
anything in my body.
Do it.
I don't want to be chopped to pieces
by two-bit ass clowns.
Where's Dingo?
It's a trick. Someone's tricked us.
Forget the plan. Just kill the rest.
Hello, pretty thing.
Want to play a game?
Hide and Seek.
You hide, and I'll seek.
And if I find ya,
I'm gonna eat ya.
Where are you, pretty?
You enjoying the game, pretty?
You little bitch! Open this door!
Open the door!
I'm gonna skin you alive!
Open the door!
Come here!
Open this door!
Take these bodies back to camp.
I get the heart.
Shoot him.
Shoot him!
Hey, you.
Hello, Dakota.
Don't come any closer.
Let her go.
Or what? You're gonna
shoot me with an arrow?
- Really?
- Yes.
How good is your aim, Dakota?
What if you miss?
What if you hit a little too low?
I won't.
I'll slit her throat
before you even release.
Once again, it looks
like luck is just not in your favor.
How did--
How did I do this?
I drugged the bodies.
You ate them.
Survival of the fittest.
Say hello to the winning team.
For better or worse,
this is our world.
Not the end of life
and not the beginning, either.
Just different.
We live in the light
because society tells us to.
But we are all
children of the dark.
Laws are the only thing
that separate us from savagery.
Because the beast is there
inside all of us,
When civilization is no
longer there to protect us,
when the beast is the only thing
standing between us and death,
we will absolutely fight
tooth and nail to survive.