Torn: A Wicked Trilogy (2022) Movie Script

[labored breathing]
[Ren] When the thorn stake cuts
a halfling, their blood bubbles.
If the prince or princess were
to procreate with a halfling
the child resulting from
such a union would undo
the original spells
creating the doorways.
[Ivy] Holy shit, its
like the apocalypse baby.
[Ren] Our job, the Elites,
is not just to hunt
down the ancients.
Were also given the duty of
hunting down the halflings.
[Ivy] As in killing them.

Why didnt you tell me?
I didnt think it would
ever come to this.
Well, it did come to
this. Like, right now.
We had no idea there
was a second gate.
We believed that there
was no chance of any
of the royal court
coming through.
- It was a non-issue.
- Guess what, Tink.
Its not a non-issue.
Its a huge,
Godzilla-sized issue.
I can see that now.
- I never meant to lie to you.
- [sighs]
If you dont mean
to lie to someone,
you simply dont lie to them.
[sigh] I knooooooooow...
Did you know what I was
when you first saw me?
Yes, but I didnt know
until you got near
and I sensed the weak
fae blood in you.
I shouldve told
you, Ivy-divy...
but I was afraid youd
do something rash!
What could I have done?
You couldve, I dont
know, hurt yourself.
I wouldnt hurt myself, Tink.
But you would try to leave.
Youre thinking about it now.
Youre forgetting two
very important things.
Come to think of it,
youre forgetting a lot,
because you got
your head knocked.
You have to consent.
Sex. Consent to sex
with the prince.
As a halfling, thats the only
way a child can be conceived.
No glamour.
No magic or compulsion.
- You have to actually...
- I know what consent means.
He cant make you do it.
Well, he could, and
thats just wrong,
but a child wont be conceived.
Great, so he could
force himself on me
but hey, at least theres
no apocalypse baby.
Thats not what I meant.
But theres a
bigger problem, Ivy.
Worse than me being a...
You said the prince
tasted your blood, right?
Then there is nowhere you can
go that he cannot find you.
Come again?
Hell be able to sense you.
It doesnt matter if
you went to Zimbabwe.
Im not even sure where
Zimbabwe is, but I just like
saying Zimbabwe,
but hed find you.
When an ancient takes a
part of someone into them,
he is forever connected
to that person.
Do you know how to kill him?
You cut off his head.
But thats not the
most important thing...
You cannot let anyone
know what you are.
Whats stopping the
fae from outing me?
Well, the prince wont
want to risk that.
He wont want to risk
the time it would take
to find another female halfling.
I guess thats one good thing.
You cant even tell Ren...
I know hes an Elite, and
while I think that is as lame
of a name as the Order,
I have heard of them.
How have you heard of them?
[whispers] Im omnipresent.
I think you mean
omniscient, and...
Youre... youre not
omniscient are you?
I need to be able to trust you,
and Im not sure I do right now.
I deserve that. [sighs]
Many fae have
fallen to the Elite
before the gateways were closed.
Though I dont think Ren
is smart or cool enough
for that level of
badassery. [laughs]
Ren is a total badass.
Whatever... You
cannot tell him.
It is his duty to end you.
You have to pull
it together, Ivy.
I think Im owed a pity party
for the next couple minutes.
You need to let Ren go.
- Break up with him.
- No.
- Ivy...
- No.
End of discussion.
I need to shower.
Thank Queen Mab.
I know you probably want
to slice and dice me, Ivy.
Im sorry.
No, but I kind of want to
flush you down the toilet.
Im not a goldfish.
You might not believe this,
but I didnt stay with you
because of what you are...
I stayed because
I care about you.
I also stayed because
you have the magical
and wonderful Amazon Prime.
I need a snack.


Hey. You okay?
You have sugar and
crumbs all over you.
I was, um, hungry and tired.
Did that ass save you
any of the Beignets?
Mm. Looks like your
chest ate most of it.
[laughs] Thanks.
What time is it?
A little after two.
The streets were dead.
There was no sign of the prince
or the warrior knights.
I dont understand why theyd
be laying low like this.
Theyre probably focused
on finding the halfling.
Did I hurt you?
Did you see David tonight?
Only for a bit.
He said hes trying to pull in
more members in from Georgia.
He asked about you.
Wants to know if youre
still planning to come in.
I told him I thought you
could use a few more days.
Yeah, I dont-I dont
know if Ill be... ready.
Well, I dont want you on
the street until youre
at a hundred percent.
You sure youre okay?
Yeah, just tired.

I like you watching me.
Why are you clutching the
blanket like its going
to run away from you?
Oh...[laughs] I dont know.
Youre weird tonight.
No, Im not.
You moving like that is
going to drive me crazy.
Well, we could, you know,
do something about it.
Ivy, weve got to take things
easy for a little while.
Babe, I want nothing more than
to get between those legs,
but Im not going
to risk hurting you.
Did David say
anything about Val?
Order members are
out looking for her.
David isnt too keen on the
fact shes probably shared
a shitload of secrets.
And I still want to kill her.
Davids not
questioning the whole
halfling shit anymore either.
You think Val is the halfling?
Yeah. Its what Ive been
thinking for some time.
Maybe a fae got to
her and found out.
Her parents are denying it.
I mean, who would
fess up to that?
Where are her parents now?
Dont know. Dont really care.
What about that
crystal she took?
David doesnt know what
it is, or hes not saying.
I put some feelers
out to see if anyone
in the Elite has an idea.

Val! No!
I wish it hadnt been
you that chased after me.

Okay. I guess I can
reregister for classes
in the spring.
Yeah, thanks for
letting me know. Bye.
[Tink humming]
[Tink] Oh, so
pretty. In the cart!
I cant believe I
have to drop out.
- Jo Anns gonna kill me.
- Its for the best.
If the prince can sense me, why
hasnt he showed up here yet?
If I were the prince,
Id be buying time.
Buying time for what?
Hes got to win you over...
if he wants to impregnate you.
Please dont use the word
impregnate ever again.
Why? Thats what
he wants to do.
Hes probably trying
to learn how not to be
a sexed-up dickhead.
I saw the prince getting it
on with three females once.
Hes totes sexed up
and hes a dickhead.
In other words, no humanity.
Like most fae.
Yeah, but the agents are worse.
Hes going to have to
work on wooing you.
Or hes plotting something
major and any moment
hes going to knock down the
door and storm the place.
Wow. Thats a relaxing thought.
Dont worry. Im
here to protect you.

[deep breaths]
[Ivy] Mm...
Mm... hmm...
I didnt want to wake you.
But you were making
these sounds.
I was?
These soft, little,
breathy moans.
I was?
I wouldnt lie about
something that was so sexy.
I want to kiss you.
You dont need my permission.
Just assume its always granted.
But your lip.
My lips are fine.
Actually, theyre not.
They feel lonely and abandoned.
God damn. Youre so sweet.
I want to touch you.
Thats another thing you
dont need permission for.

[heavy breathing]
[gasps] Christ.
- I cant even...
- [laughs]
I cant either.

Ill be right back.
Hey, sweetness.
Youre okay? Did I...
Im okay.
- Hows your ribs?
- Fine.
- They barely ached all day.
- [laughs]
I just realized I didnt
even make it to these.
You can make up
for it next time.
Oh, I will.
Im going to shower them
with so much attention,
I might have to take
them out to dinner.
So I was thinking...
- Thats what I smell.
- Oh, Jeez.
You and Tink to have more in
common than you want to admit.
I might have to kick
you out of bed for that.
Oh, yeah, you cant kick
me out of my own bed.
What are...
What were you thinking about?
I was going to go out tomorrow.
Not to work.
Just get back out there.
Sounds good.
I got the evening shift again.
I kind of just wanted to
go out and do my own thing.
And you have to do that alone?
Its nothing personal.
- I just...
- I know, Ivy.
You got to prove youre still
the badass that you are.
No one has seen a fae in days.
Has nothing to do with the fae.
You need a damn babysitter
because you want to get
out there and find Belle.
Think I dont know
you that well?
You dont.
What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

I know you need to find her,
but whatever questions
you might have, its...
not going to change
what happened.
Look, Im going to
be honest with you.
You were strong
and you were brave.
But you were seriously
injured a few days ago.
It was more than a few days ago.
Does that really
make a difference?
Look, its late.
Can you turn off the
light so we can go to bed?
You almost died, Ivy.
So could you try to use some
common sense and just say...
I dont need your permission.

Will you just think
about what I said? Okay?

[music continues]
You shouldnt go out.
Am I supposed to
stay here forever?
Amazon does same-day
delivery now
and you can use man-boy
to get us beignets
since its the only
thing hes good at.
- Ill be careful, I promise.
- [gasps]
[Tink humming]


You shouldnt do that.
I know you want to,
but that would be
very unwise of you, Ivy.
Your friend has
been very helpful.
Speaking of, Val... Happen
to know where she is?
Why dont we talk?
[scoffs] Thats not
going to happen.
I think it is.
What exactly can you do?
Refuse me?
I can.
I beg to differ.
You see, we are
surrounded by humans.
So many of them.
And I have an
extraordinary appetite,
a rather impressive
appetite for so many things.
First off, eww.
And second, I dont want to
hear about your appetites.
And you should know that
I could kill these humans
in less than five seconds,
leading them to believe
that this little...
redheaded girl murdered
all of these innocent people.
Deny me this,
and their blood will be on
your hands, little bird.

You must be really
useful on a crowded bus.
- Sit.
- I prefer to stand.
- Sit, little bird.
- Dont call me that.
Sit. Or I will make sure his
insides are on his outside.
[woman] Hes about to jump!
[man] Oh my God!
[woman] Oh my God.
The mortal realm has changed.
Last time I was here,
horses carried people
where they needed to go.
Its taken me a few
days to... adjust.
My world is dying, little bird.
Nothing new is reborn.
The only way I can save it is
to permanently open the gates.
You killed your own world.
Youre not going to
do the same to ours.
What do you know of
my world, little bird?
What do you know at all?
I know I want to stab
you in the eyeball
every time you call
me little bird.
- You do not like me.
- No shit.
Perhaps if we met under
better circumstances.
One where didnt kill me
within an inch of my life?
I would have ended your life if
I hadnt realized what you are.
But now that I know
how important you are,
you will open the gates for me.
Yeah... no.
Let me impregnate you and you
shall want it for nothing.
That is probably the
most unappealing offer
in the history of mankind.
[sniffs] Mmm.
I smell fear on you
and yet you speak to me
as if you have no concern
for your own well-being.
Did you just smell me?
You can come with me now
and make this easy, or...
Or I can make it hard?
Yeah, I know how this works.
You cant force
me to be with you.
You can make me do
a lot of things,
but not that... ever.
Is this because you
love your human male?
- What?
- Tell me.
How much do you value his life?
Dont threaten him.
Are you insane?
Theres literally
nothing you can do or say
that would make...
You can fight this all you want.
But trust me, you
will be consenting
sooner than later. [gasps]

Hey, Dylan, why is
the gift shop closed?
Jerome came down with a cold.
So what are you doing out here?
Fae know our location now,
since that traitor
led the Prince here.
David moved operations
down into the secure area.
Got it.
Sorry about this shit with Val.
I know you was close with her.
[door clicks]

Havent used this
place for a while.
I havent needed to.
I thought you going to think
about what you said, Ivy.
I did.
Yet youre here.
Are you going to let me pass?
What have you been up to?
Nothing, really.
Went to get beignets, but...
The place was packed.
Am I interrupting?
You gonna get pissed
if I say yes, Miles?
Youre watching
Vals parents house?
Have been for the last week.
How are things going?
Her parents are no
longer a concern.
What does that mean?
You know what it means.
Did they confess to anything?
Not like either of them was
gonna admit to fucking a fae.
Doesnt matter.
Theyre compromised
and the sooner we find
their daughter, the better.
If were lucky, the traitor
isnt knocked up yet.
You okay?
Did you know theyd
taken out her parents?
Pretty sure everyone
in the Order
knew that was going to happen.
Do we have irrefutable proof
that Val was a halfling?
- No.
- What if were wrong?
What if shes just a traitor
and the Order flat out
murdered her parents?
They were good people,
dedicated their entire
lives, to this place.
I get why you feel
you need to find Val.
I dont want you out there
because if you do find her,
its going to be too hard.
I dont mean you
cant handle yourself.
Its just...
Itll be rough on you, Ivy.
I know.
You dont need to live
with the kind of shit
thats going to be left behind.
I can shoulder that for you.
Youre too good.
Yeah, I am pretty awesome.
Oh... [laughs] And
so modest, too.
I really am sorry
for what shes done.
You going home?
In a little bit.
Just remember what I said.
If you find her, call me.
Ill make sure shes
brought in alive.
Are you coming over
after you get off?
Well, I was planning on it.
Ill miss you.

[phone rings nearby]
Hey, Brighton.
Hey, can you come over?
My moms gone.
Yeah, Ill be right over.
I didnt know who else to call.
I dont really trust
the other Order members.
Whats going on?
Mom hasnt been acting
right since the gate opened.
She hasnt been sleeping.
She started talking
about these places where
the fair folk lived.
Well, was she talking
about the Otherworld?
No, she was talking
about our world.
She told me its no longer safe.
That the Order couldnt
defeat the prince.
Only the fae could.
And that the Order
already knew that.
Should have followed her
when she went outside.
But I didnt.
And when I went out to check
on her, she was just...
When I came back in, I...
I saw these journals.
So I started reading.
Oh, my God.
This cant be.
No, I know. Thats what
I thought at first, too.
But my Mom isnt that crazy.
There are good fae,
fae who came into our world and
decided not to feed on humans.
They lived normal lifespans.
They worked alongside
Order members.
This book was all the
members of the Order
during that time.
Some are still alive
but have moved away.
But there is one
whos still around.

Do we know where these
good fae are living?
This one has maps of the city.
Places marked where hunts
have been carried out,
locations of kills.
Are there any more like that?
None that I found.
Oh, and Ivy...
Before she left,
she told me Ren would
know what to do.

[door opens]
Why are you wearing
shorts and knee socks?
Why not just wear pants?
First off, these
are sleep shorts,
and secondly, the
socks are fuzzy,
which makes them
better than pants.
Im going to love pulling
them off you later
with my teeth.
We need to talk about
something first.
Arent we going to talk about
how these are feeling abandoned
and Ive been planning
all day to rectify that?
- Merles missing.
- Mm-hmm.
She left behind
all these journals,
some dating back decades.
They detail how the Order used
to work alongside the fae.
Come again?
Yeah, she talks about how
there are actually good fae;
fae that dont feed on humans.
Are you high?
I wish.
But if you let go of
me I can show you.
Youre being serious.
Merle is missing?
And she told Brighton
it wasnt safe anymore.
I think its real.
Im not trying to
be rude or anything,
but Merle struggles with...
Yes, she struggles
but this was chronicled
before she was taken
by the fae and fed on.
List of Order members
who apparently
co-hunted with the fae.
Most of the members
have either retired
or didnt make it to retirement,
but theres one
whos still kicking.
And theres something else...
Merle told Brighton
to contact you...
that you would know what to do.
So you didnt know about this?
Ive honestly never
heard of this.
And as a member of
the Elite, we...
know everything.
If this is true, then we
need to find one of these
good natured,
non-human-eating fae
and quickly.
Yeah, you make that sound
like its something easy.
Hell, I think weve learned
that nothings easy.

Ren, please.
You dont have to
ask, sweetness.
Is this okay?
I could keep you right here.
Right like this.
[pounding on door]
I seriously doubt
thats Amazon delivery.

[crash] [man yells]
You just busted into
the wrong house.
That was funny?
What the hell?
What kind of tomfoolery is this?
A knight.
Thou shall not pass!
Shit. That worked in
"The Lord of the Rings."
This needs to stop!
- I got this.
- Tink, no!
Holy shit.
What in the actual fuck...
There are none of your
kind in this realm.
- Youre not to be...
- No.
Its the middle of the night.
Yeah, knights and
ancients dont go poof.
Were going to have to do
something about the body
because they tend
to decompose fast.
Theres going to be a lot more
than just blood seeping
through the floorboards.
A good day to you, sir.
- How in the...
- What?
Big things come
in small packages.
That explains nothing.
Im kind of like a house elf.
This isnt the Wizarding
World of fucked up.
Im going to pretend you did not
speak of the Wizarding
World in such a tone.
Anyway, Im a brownie.
We have the remarkable
ability that allows
us to shrink ourselves just
like opossums playing dead.
Thats nothing like an
opossum playing dead.
But its the same idea.
Are you telling me this entire
time youve actually been
pretending to be small?
Not exactly pretending.
Being small is the
same as being large.
That makes no sense.
I warned you, Ivy.
I even asked if you knew what
you had living in your house.
Did you know he was
actually six feet tall
- and anatomically correct?
- No.
Then shut the hell up.
Why would you think it
wasnt anatomically correct?
Well, where are
your goddamn wings?
Oh, I have them hidden.
In this form theyre pretty big
and would be knocking shit over
and considering how
unstable you are...
Im unstable because youre
not the size of a Barbie doll.
Well, Im actually
more useful this way.
You dont have to
carry my deliveries...
Oh, my God.
Im going to kill you.
Well, thats a little drastic.
I can get behind
that thought process.
I saved your life.
How dare you?
I had it handled.
It looked like the only
thing you had handled
was the art of getting
your ass kicked.
Can you put some
damn clothes on?
You have a problem
with male nudity?
I have a problem with
your dick hanging out.
My, my, how the
tables have turned.
I think youre
intimidated by my size.
Yeah, Im not intimidated.
This is a nightmare.
Im going to wake
up in a few minutes,
the knight will have
never been here,
Tink will go back to
being a foot small
playing with troll dolls.
Oh, Ill still play with them.
If it makes you feel
better I can return
to your approved size.
Thats not going to
make me feel better.
While this shit-show
is a pretty big deal,
Im going to have to
ask one more question.
That knight was
gunning for my ass.
He didnt want anything
to do with Ivy. Why?
Probably because the
knight went after the one
he viewed as more of a threat.
Take out the one
thats stronger first.
If knights are coming to Order
members houses in the middle
of the night and this
changes everything.
Im going to buy a deadbolt.
Ill be right back.
- Im sorry, Ivy-divy...
- Stop with the cute shit.
[groans] Oh, I never said
anything because you...
Let me guess.
You never thought it
would be an issue.
[groans] Oh, its just when
we enter the human realm,
we always take this form,
its a protective measure.
- And you found me in that form...
- Youre cleaning that up.
Ill clean it up,
Ivy, but I dont like
when youre mad at me.
Well, then how about being
completely honest with me?
If you knew that I could
be this size, you wouldnt
have been comfortable
with me staying here.
You probably would
have tried to kill me.
Theres nothing else, Ivy.
You know everything about me.
Please dont be mad.
I can cut back on
ordering from Amazon
like maybe down to three...
I saw the prince earlier.
And you just now say something?
How in the world did
your towel stay on?
Seriously, what the
hell, Ivy, what happened?
He didnt try to take me.
He was wooing you, like I said.
The prince knows about Ren
and the knight had no
intention of fighting me.
He kept pushing
me out of the way.
I think he was sent here to
take out the competition,
to kill Ren.
[exhales] Thats no bueno.

[clears throat]
Saw your coffee.
- It was too sweet to pass up.
- Hm.
What do you think about Tink?
The fact the asshole isnt the
size of my boot bothers me.
Im not saying you
should kick him out,
but Id 100 percent
support that decision.
Duly noted.

Tonight, when we
get done working,
its going to be all you and me.
And I dont care what
kind of shit we gotta
deal with or think about or
plan for, when were done,
Im going to get you naked.
I like the sound of that.
I got a real bad
pickup line for you.
Oh, yeah?
Ive been saving it for
just the right moment.
Youre a work of art.
Id like to nail
you to the wall.
That is so terrible.
I know.

Good to see you finally
walking through that door.
Its been a while.
Good to see youre doing well.
What are you doing here, Kyle?
Here because were needed.
And you must be Ivy.
David was telling me about you.
Nice to meet you.
Fought the prince
of the Otherworld
and lived to tell the story.
Barely lived to tell the story.
Listen up.
We have two members
from Colorado here,
their names are Kyle
Clare and Henry Kenner.
Im going to cut
through the bullshit.
Henry and I are here
to find the halfling.
And heres the thing that all
of you seem to be missing.
If that girl Val was
truly the halfling
fae wouldnt let her
anywhere near that gate.
That would have kept
her safe and sound.
She isnt the halfling.

Ivy. Slow down.
Hey, are you okay?
Whats going on,
babe? Talk to me.
Youre really starting
to scare me for real.
- Im the...
- Hey!
What are you two
doing down here?
Were talking.
You know something
that two people,
sometimes more...
Hell, even a person
when theyre on their own likes
you do without interruption.
Kyle warned me you
were a smart ass.
I can see he wasnt
- Whats up?
- Kyle needs to speak with you.
Kind of doing something right
now, Ill be up to see Kyle...
Its an order.
I can wait.
You should go see Kyle.

Times a ticking, my man.
Well continue this later, okay?

I think she just got pregnant.
You might want to keep your
mouth shut if you want to use it
later for things like
breathing and eating.
Text me when youre done.
Will do.
Holy shit-storm in the making.


Val, stop.
Stairs. Really?
I was hoping you
wouldnt follow.
You hate stairs.
Yeah, no shit.
Why would you
betray us like this?
People died, Val.
I almost died. Your best
friend who trusted you.
I never wanted you to get hurt.
You followed me and the prince.
- Who does that?
- Me.
I kept thinking they had
you under their control.
I followed you because
I care about you.
You almost got me killed.
But you werent. Were you?
Thats not the point.
I want to know why you did this.
I dont even care
about the Order.
- I just want to know why.
- You dont understand.
You got your
parents killed, Val.
Do you know that?
That was...
- Sad?
- Sacrifices had to be made, Ivy.
Its not like they didnt
live a long and happy life.
I cant believe you.
Jesus, Ivy. Are you really
happy working for the Order, hm?
Putting your life on
the line every day.
Youre happy getting up
every morning knowing
theres about a 50% chance
youre going to die that day?
We dont get paid
enough for this shit.
And its not like
we can just quit.
We were born into
this, cosmically
pulling the short straw on life,
and I know youre not happy.
Thats why you take
college classes.
But I dont betray
everyone I trust.
And if you were this unhappy,
you could have just walked away.
You have no idea what
the other side is like.
Other side?
What the fae are capable of.
And Im not talking about
taking over the world.
They are... oh...
Lets just say once you go fae,
you never go back.
Are you serious?
Oh, when they feed...
its better than
a shot of heroin.
- You...
- Dont look at me like that.
I got cornered on
a hunt months ago.
I thought I was gonna die.
But he took me to
Marlon instead.
Marlon the ancient.
We worked out a deal.
He wouldnt kill
me if I helped them
find the Order members
guarding the gate.
So, you know, after a while,
it wasnt even like
I was being forced.
Theyre going to take over, Ivy.
And you know what?
Id rather be on
the winning side.
And, girl, the fae...
know what theyre doing.
You actually enjoy being fed
on? What is wrong with you?
Ooh, dont knock it, babe.
Not until youve had one
that didnt want you to hurt.
Oh, its like full body
orgasm. Whole thing.
That guy you were
seeing. Hes a fae.
It took you that long
to figure that out?
You were feeding him information
so you could get fucked
and fed on?
How dare you stand
there and lecture me.
Youre the halfling.
Youll be screwing the
prince soon enough.
I wont be screwing the
prince because I actually
have taste in men.
And I didnt choose
to be this, Val.
I didnt wake up one morning
and decide to be a coward
who betrays everyone
who trusts me.
Because thats what
you are. A coward, Val!
You deserve that and more.
Hitting isnt nice, Ivy.
You know you cant beat
me in a fight, Val.
Why cant you just
chill out and...
Cant just let you walk away.
You dont have it
in you to kill me.
So youre probably going
to try to take me in and...
Yeah, Im not feeling that.
Just need to delay this.
For what?
[crows cawing]
I knew hed come.
What do humans say?
Why fight when we can make love?
That is so incredibly clich.
I smell your blood.
This just keeps getting
better and better.
Oh, I can think of so many
ways to make this evening
so much better.
Dont get near him.
Oh. Babe...
Ive already been near him.
Like really near him.
If you get my drift.
Why are you bleeding?
We were fighting.
She attacked me so I
had to defend myself.
You were to bring her
to me, not beat her.
I wouldnt say she beat me.
I told you, she just needs
more time. I promise...
You promised to bring her to me.
I do not see how involving
fists would accomplish that.
I will.
Ivy is difficult, Drake.
I did not give you permission
to address me so directly.
Youre right. Im sorry.
I overstepped.
Did you just apologize
for overstepping?
Are you on crack?
And she cant woo
me to the dark side.
Im un-woo-able, so
I dont know what
shes been promising you, but
its a whole lot of nothing.
You cant use her
to get to me, Drake.
I didnt give you
permission either.
And look how many fucks
I have to give: Zero.
Ivy, stop.
Oh, my lovely little bird
doesnt know when to stop.
Shes lucky that
shes necessary.
But you...
You are not so lucky.
[Val screams]
She was a problem
for you, wasnt she?
I... took care of her.
She was helping you.
As you said. I cant
use her to get to you.
So she was... expendable.
But you are not.
Dont come any closer.
Remember what
happened the last time
you pulled a weapon on me?
Do you really think thats going
to stop me from fighting you?
Apparently you do not learn
from previous experience.
But this time I
dont have to worry
about anyone else getting hurt.
Were alone.
So I can do anything
I want to you.
And theres no one
here to stop me.
For now.

[crows cawing]
[button clicks]
[elevator dings]
[door closes]

[phone rings]
- Vals dead.- I need
a little more detail.
I saw her on
Bourbon and she ran.
Chased her to a
rooftop on Canal.
We fought and she...
She fell.
I didnt kill her.
I asked her why she betrayed us.
- And then she...- The
why doesnt matter.
She did what she did.
Shes still out there?
Ill send someone.
Youre off for the
rest of the night.
Im fine.
Get your ass off the
streets or you find yourself
off tomorrow too.
All right.
[phone rings]
I just heard. Where are you?
On Bourbon. Next
to Galatoires.
Ill be right there.

[muffled] Ivy.
Im sorry, sweetness.
I didnt kill her.
- It was...
- It doesnt matter.
You facing her down was the
last thing I wanted for you.
Thats too heavy.
I know what youre feeling.
You okay? Your jaw...
What did... what did Kyle say?
He wanted to talk
about the halfling.
Plans to ferret out some of the
fae, to recapture one of them
and maybe get them to point
us in the right direction.
- But with Val...
- She wasnt the halfling.
- I know, Kyle thinks...
- Im the halfling.

- What? Ivy...
- Its me.
I... I didnt know
until a couple of days
after I fought the prince.
I... I dont know
why you think that.
Val was the halfling,
that makes sense.
No. No, it doesnt make sense.
If Val had been the halfling,
they wouldnt have risked her
to open the gate. They
would have kept her safe
so she could be
available for the prince.
It wasnt her.
Okay. All right.
I... I can see why
youd believe that.
And youve been under
a ton of stress...
Its not stress!
This isnt some whacked out
theory Ive come up with.
I know you said my parents
were in love, but...
maybe it was like your friend.
I dont know.
But its me.
Thats impossible.
Come here.

I know I should have told
you as soon as I found out
but I cant lie to you anymore.
You must be so
disgusted with me.
I could never be
disgusted with you.
I dont know whats
going on in your head
but we can figure this out.
Try to get to the bottom of why
you think this about yourself.
Ill show you.
You dont have to
show me anything.
Im the halfling, Ren.
I dont need you to lie
for me or do anything
and I hate putting in
this position because...
I love you.
You what?
you told me that
youre this thing
and then you say
that you love me.
What is... How
did I miss this?
No, Ren...
I just...
I dont even know how to
process this right now.
I... I... I got to go see David.
He needs to know
about the knight.
Youre not...
I ju... I cant.
I cant do this right now.

[Tink humming]
You came home alone last
night, and hes not here now.
Not that Im complaining.
I needed a break from him.
Are you fishing?
If there are fish in my sink
I swear to God, I am
flushing you down the toilet.
Relax. Theyre not real fish.
I tried to order real ones
from Amazon, but alas,
they do not sell them.
So where is Renny Tin Tin?
We had a fight.
Yeah. I dont think hell
be around for a while.
That big of a fight?
You didnt tell him, did you?
About what you are?
No, I didnt tell him.
What would you do if I died?
Why would you even be
thinking about that?
With everything going
on, theres a chance.
What would you do?
I dont know.
I guess Id have to go find
someone else with Amazon Prime.
But seriously, youd have
to leave here eventually.
You know, take on your...
um, bigger form.
I know what Id have to do, Ivy.
You dont have to
worry about me.
Do you want a fish?
Like as a pet?
Youd get me some if I said yes?
Yeah, I could start you
off small with, like,
- a beta or a goldfish.
- Can I have a ferret?
- What? No?
- What about a cat?
Oh, I watch videos of
them on the YouTube.
They seem to be sort of mean
and I kind of like
that about them.
A cat would probably eat
you if you stay that size.
Naw, I think a
cat would love me.
Especially if you get me
a kitten and I raise it.
It doesnt matter
if youve raised it.
The cat will try to
kill you at some point.
I refuse to believe that.
I will hug it and pet it.
Forget I said
anything about this
Not ever going
to forget. Ever.
If you had a cat, youd
have to take care of it.
I know that.
Id have to get a litter
box, preferably one of those
self-cleaning ones,
cat toys and...
[fan turns on, Tink
screams, drops]
That was screwed up.
Id never do that to a kitten.
Bye, Tink.

I came to see how
youre feeling.
Im feeling like I
dont want visitors.
Too bad.
[door squeaks]
You look like crap.
Well, your house smells like
dust and [sniffs] Vicks VapoRub.
Oh, insult me while
I might be dying.
Thats a new low even
for you, redheaded demon.
But, hey, I brought
you chocolate cake.
So theyve essentially
told me to get off my ass
and get back to the shop.
Actually, David doesnt
even know Im here.
No one does. I...

Jesus, I didnt come
here to kill you.
What the hell, Jerome?
Oh, you cant be
too safe these days.
I want to know about the fae
who dont feed on humans.
You dont need to be
asking questions like that.
You dont know what...
I know the Order used
to work with them
and I know they hid it so deep
no one else knows about it.
Merles been talking.
I think she might have gone
to one of these communities.
Those communities aint
in existence anymore.
So youre saying there
are communities of fae
who dont feed on
humans, that are good?
I said was. Theyve
all been dealt with.
Thats all in the past.
But the knights and the
Prince came through the gate.
Im sorry but its...
You need to go now.
- Jerome.
- I mean it, Ivy.
You need to go now.
Dont have me ask you again.

[phone rings]
Whats up?
[David] Is Ren with you?
No, why?
He was supposed to come back
and talk about some shit
that was urgent.
He didnt show.
I called him, no answer.
Im going back to headquarters.
Ill see if his cars
still in the garage.

Hm. All righty, then.
The hell am I
supposed to do this?
Most people use it
to actually kill fae.
Oh. You know, when they
go out there and work.

I just saw a fae in
the parking garage.
Actually, I saw two.
One killed the other and then
impaled herself on my dagger.
Im not even sure what
to do with that info.
You guys?
Did either of the
faes say anything?
One looked like he was about to,
but he was killed
before he could.
She was carrying
one of our daggers.
Fae had long since
adapted the use of iron
for their own in a
self-policing sort of way.
Its good that youre here, Ivy.
Got some questions to ask you.
Whats up?
Last night we were
chatting with Ren
and then he left
to meet with you.
You still havent
heard from him?
Thats why I was in the garage.
Ren parked there yesterday
and now his truck is gone.
He was asking if we
knew anything about fae
who didnt feed on humans.
Do you know why he would ask
something so strange like that?
Rens always curious
about things.
What a weird thing
to be curious about.
His absence and his
timing is strange.
Do you have any idea
where he would be?
I mean, I was thinking
about checking his place.
- [phone rings]
- Im a little freaked out.

Ill send a team out now.
Whats going on?
Dylan said theres a lot of
police activity down at Flux.
This may not have
anything to do with fae,
but it warrants investigating.
- Ill go.
- Not you.
I want that report about
Val filled out now.
But I dont...
Why is it that I
always have to tell you
that an order is an order?
Every single time.
Id rather get shot in the
head than do paperwork.
Can I ask you a question?
If I say no, you
still going to ask?
That crystal Val took.
Whats the significance of it?
Just a piece of shit gem
that doesnt mean much.
You and I dont really
know each other.
Well, to be honest,
no one in the Order
really knows each other.
Except you and Val.
You two knew each
other fairly well.
Fell off a roof, huh?
Close with Ren and now hes MIA.
An Elite member missing.
Thats odd.
Where are you going
with this, Miles?
Just thinking out loud.
Can you not do that?
You know what else
I cant not do?
Your double negative
is confusing as hell.
I cant shake this feeling
for about three years
that there is something
very, very off about you.
David trusts you.
I dont know why.
But I dont, Ivy.
Thank you for letting
me know your personal,
irrelevant opinion of me.
I appreciate it.
Im going to be clich as hell.
Im keeping my eye on you.

Holy crap, Glenn!
Are you part ninja?
Whatcha doing here?
Just filling out a
report for David.
I was going to head to Club
Flux, see what was going on.
Look, I was just there.
Look, Im guessing youve
seen some crazy stuff
since we all have...
but this...

Oh my God.
Detectives are gonna spin
it as mass cult suicide.
Why are you sleeping
on the couch?
Are you and Ren still fighting?
If so, theres a chance you
might want to see my junk.
I dont want to see
your junk again, Tink.
A bunch of people were
killed last night.
Fed on until they died.
Well, thats a buzzkill.
- And Ren is missing.
- What!
I dont know what to do.
Maybe hes off licking
his man wounds?
Or maybe the prince
has captured him.
Both make sense.
Thats not helping.
Im really not good at
saying sorry and sounding
like I mean it,
but I do mean it.
Would now be a bad time to talk
about getting that kitten you...
[door shuts]
So close.

Ren... Where have you been?
Ive been around.
Davids been trying to call you.
I thought you disappeared
because of what I said
- And then I thought...
- Ivy.
The Prince.
His name is Drake,
he killed Val.
Pushed her off the roof
like she was a just
some piece of trash.
I planned on telling
you the truth but...
Ivy, its okay.
Im the halfling, Ren...
Im this... abomination.
You are not an abomination.
Im not even completely human.
The Prince wants to knock me up
so have his... apocalypse baby.
I wish you would
stop calling it that.
You came to New Orleans
to find the halfling.
How can this be okay?
And now that Kyle
and Henry are here,
how can any of it be okay?
Because I will make it okay.
You called me a "thing" after
I told you that I loved you,
and then you left.
[sigh] I shouldnt have
reacted the way I did.
Everything will be okay.
Are you hungry?
Would you like to
get something to eat?
Lets eat.

So is this part of your plan?
You pretend everything
is okay and then
you turn me in to the Elite?
Its not a trap, Ivy.
And the Elite will never
get their hands on you.
Have you checked in with David?
I will later.
Hes not really my
priority right now.
Hes not going to like
the sound of that.
Cannot say I care.
What about Kyle?
Henry? He said that...
Theyre not really
my concern either.
Are you going to eat?
Was there something
wrong with it?
It didnt taste right.
Mines fine.
I really thought youd
be disgusted with me.
I thought youd
be... so repulsed.
I could never be
repulsed by you.
Are you done?
Lets go somewhere.
Tinks at my place.
- What?
- Well, yeah.
The brownies always there.
Lets not go to your apartment.
Whered you park?
I didnt feel like driving.
I had a lot on my mind.
Lets get that cab.

- Want something to drink?
- No.
Youre nervous.
I dont want you to be.
Is it that obvious?
I get that things have
been tough recently.
I left you without giving you
a chance to fully explain.
It was wrong, especially after
what happened to your friend.
Yeah, that was
kind of... dickish.
I overreacted.
Trust me, I regret it.
You do?
More than you will ever know.

Do you... want
me to slow down?
Thats the last
thing I want to do.
[pounding on door]
Ignore it.
[pounding continues]
Ren, if youre in there,
I need you to open this
damn door right now.
This explains why you havent
been answering your damn phone.
Kyle said you were reliable,
that we could count on you.
So far, the only
thing we can count on
is you spending your
time getting fucked.
Hi, Henry.
I havent heard from him, huh?
Hes quite annoying.
Was... not so much anymore.
What the hell?
Holy shit! Ren, why
would you do that?
He knew what you were.
He knew that you
were the halfling.
I dont know.
Well, then how do you
know that he knew?
And if he knew, then
that means Kyle knows.
And if Kyle knows, how
am I still standing here?
They dont seem like
the type to wait around.
They will, if they believe
that you will lead them
back to the prince.
After all, they wouldnt to
just take out the halfling.
Im sorry that
this bothered you,
but it had to be done.
I need to take care of the body.
I should probably do this alone.
Itll be okay, I promise.
Ill catch up with you later.
[phone ringing]
- Hey.
- I found something.
On one of the old hand-drawn
maps, theres these
strange markings in front of
certain homes and businesses.
They look like
crudely drawn wings.
Those markings symbolize
a safe haven for the fae.
- Are you sure?-
Thats what it says?
I think I know where my mom is.
Theres this house.
Well, its like a
mansion, really.
But it keeps popping
up on all the maps.
My mom even has it circled
on one of her maps.
This mansion
is where the Market
Street Power Plant is.
That old, abandoned, creepy-ass
building on Peters Street?
Promise me you wont go
there before I check it out.

[phone rings]
How did you know it was me?
Who else would be calling
me from inside my apartment?
I dont know. People, ghosts.
Is there a reason
for your calling?
I might have ordered something.
Okay. I definitely
ordered something.
But not from Amazon.
You cant get these from Amazon.
Well, what is it?
Youll see when
you come home. Bye!

[phone rings]
[Ren]Where are you?
Nowhere. Where are you?
At the apartment.
Its been taken care of.
We need to talk
about what happened.
Ill meet you back
at your place, okay?
Ill be waiting.

What did you do with Henry?
You probably dont want to know.
Who are you?
Excuse me.
Youre straight up murdered
Henry and youre acting
like todays any
other Wednesday.
He was going to hurt you.
So will Kyle. Im
protecting you.
I get that. But I wasnt
in immediate danger.
You would have been.
And if youre wondering if
Ill do the same thing to Kyle,
the answer is yes.
Why are you so surprised, Ivy?
They will kill you.
- May I...
- Have at it?
Mm! [clears throat]
That is some strong
black coffee.
Its the way I like it.
No, its not.
You like it with sugar like me.
Actually you usually
use six packets or more.
You dont like it black.
I like it both ways.
Nobody likes it both ways.
What did I study in college?
Are you feeling well?
Answer the question.

What did you call me
when you first met me?
Wheres Ren?
Im right in front of you.
Youre not him.
Whatever is going
on inside your head,
we can work this out together.
Where is the real Ren?
- Ivy.
- Dont say my name.
Tell me where he is
or Im gonna make this
hurt before I kill you.
Start talking!
[deep breath]
I was hoping you wouldnt
catch on so quickly.
Unfortunately, you are more
clever than I anticipated.
Dont come any closer.
You could have tried to
stab me, but you didnt.
As long as I look like him,
you will do nothing to me.
That was not very
nice, little bird.
You... Drake.
Wheres Ren?
You are so aggressive.
Where is he?
Hes a little occupied
at the moment.
Is he alive?
Answer me.
The last time I checked.
That could change at any moment.
You better pray
hes still alive.
And if not?
You have to admit
this was impressive.
If it wasnt for that
stupid cup of coffee...
I would have figured it out.
Would you have figured it out
with my tongue in your mouth
or while I was thrusting...
You were so close
earlier, werent you?
I thought it was Ren.
You disgust me.
Keep telling yourself that.
Get off me!
You want this body.
Im not sure why.
But if this is what it takes...
Youre not stabbing
me with that.
Why do you even try
to fight me, Ivy?
You know you cannot win.
I like it when they fight back.
Oh, gross!
Shame. But there
will be time later.
Im going to enjoy this.
So difficult.

[door rattles]
[door opens]
Shes awake.
- Where am I?
- I dont answer to you, cow.
You guys really need to
come up with better insults.
Should put that pitcher down
before you hurt yourself.
No, thanks.
Were having food
brought to you.
If you misbehave, you
will net the consequences.
Ooh, scary.
I think we should starve you.
Maybe then when hunger
is gnawing at you,
you will gladly
open your thighs.
Tastes like wine. Do it.
Or Ill break her in two.
The prince will not be
pleased to see her injured.

Son of a bitch.
You havent touched your dinner.
Unchain me.
Youve been awake
for all of 5 minutes
and youve already
abused one of mine.
One of yours bit me.
And shes been taken care of.
I do not want you injured.
You have me chained to a bed!
Obviously we cant expect you
to behave like a civil creature.
Like a civil...
Im gonna kill you.
You cant even reach me.
Youll get close
enough eventually.
And when I do, you
will be willing.
Not likely.
You cant pretend
to be Ren anymore.
I dont have to be Ren.
I love seeing this on you.
Its like having a
rabid cat on a leash.
I also love seeing you
down here, little bird.
Do you really think that I would
ever in a million
years be with you?
I think so.
I hate you.
Im not exactly
fond of you either.
Youre not even attracted to me.
Oh, there are times that I find
you deliciously attractive.
This is one of those moments.
Youll change your
tune soon enough.

Oh my God.
We need to feed.
You would too, if you
would stop fighting me.
They enjoy it?
What kind of life is this?
You killed those
people in the club.
- You...
- They crossed me.
It would be wise to
learn from their example.

Did I give you
permission to go to him?
You will pay for your
actions if you displease me.
Okay. Oh, God, Ren!
Dont feel too badly for him.
Hes caught the eye of Breena
and shes been rather hands on.
How romantic.
Im so sorry.
- Hey.
- Ivy?
Its me.
You shouldnt be here.
Neither should you.
I told you he was still alive.
But for how long
depends solely on you.
I will let him go...
in exchange for you.
I will let him go right now
if you agree to be with me.
If not, I cannot guarantee that
Breena will be so pleasurable
with him as she has in the past.
- No, you cant.
- You have a choice.
I let this human male go
free and you submit to me
or I hand him over to Breena
and he wont survive the night.
How do I know youre not lying?
I give you my word.
Once given it can only
be broken by death.
And youd promise to stop
hurting him and let him go?
No, Ivy.
I need time.
I cant just be with you.
Thats not who I am.
If you dont give me time
and stop hurting him,
Ill find a way to end this.
Youll be back to square one
looking for another halfling.
How much time?
A month?
- Two weeks.
- Three.
I have to get comfortable.
You dont need to
be comfortable.
You just need to let me
plant my seed in you.
You see, thats exactly why
I have to get comfortable.
You sick son of a bitch.
Youre not going to touch her.
I will end you.
Three weeks and
youll submit to me?
Say it.
Three weeks and
those conditions.
And Ill submit to you.
Marique, hes to be released.
Ivy, no.
Ive got this. Okay?
Trust me.
Dont do it.
Im not worth it.
Yes, you are.
I love you.

Dont you touch her!
I will rip you into
fucking pieces!
Ivy, no!
[door slams]
If you think to trick me,
I will do things to you
that will make
you beg for death.
Do you understand me?
I understand.
You still havent eaten.
Well, were here to
make sure she showers.
So last opportunity to eat.
She can still eat
afterwards, Breena.
- Youre Breena?
- I am.
Youre on my to kill list.
Is that so?
Well, I think I know why.
Yeah, I bet you do.
I told you it wasnt
wise for you to be here.
Prince spoke of you. She
wasnt going to forget you.
I was hoping she wouldnt.
You know who else is never
going to forget my name?
My little human pet.
Youre disgusting.
Well, thats not
what Ren thought.
Especially not when my
tongue was on his skin.
My mouth on his neck.
Youre so proud of yourself for
forcing yourself on someone.
Who said anything
about forcing myself?
I can be very convincing.
Youre about to be very dead.
My pet had the most
amazing tattoos.
I traced my tongue up
and down those vines.
Shut up.
Give me the key.
He tasted like man and salt.
Not a bad combination.
I should go pay him a visit.
I doubt youll get the chance.
Im going to unchain you now.
If you try anything, one
of the males will come in.
You dont want that, right?
Then please dont go after her.
She wasnt with him that long.
She fed on him. That is all.
Shes just trying to
get a rise out of you.
Dont give her that.
Why do you care?
Lets go.

Do you really have
flowers on your bra?
Pink panties.
How old are you?
Go fuck yourself.
How about I go fuck
your boyfriend instead?
Shut up, Breena.
And you have a tattoo
in the same place
as your boyfriend.
How cute.
Its okay, you can shower.
[water running]
I felt so alive while
I was feeding on Ren.
Pretty soon the prince
will knock you up,
and hell cast you aside
and Ill take my rightful
place at his side.
He wants you to shave.
Gross. Humans are so hairy.
No way.
Its not happening.
The prince wants
you to wear this.
Are you serious?
Well, its either
that or your naked.
Your choice.
Please, I cant wear that.
Im sorry.

How cute.
You look like youre
trying to play dress up.
Im going to kill you.
[Breena shrieks]
Stop it.
[Breena shrieks]
Come on, lets go.
Lets go.
The prince wont be
Pleased with your actions.
Worth it.

[door opens]
Do you like the dress
I picked out for you?
You should not have
gouged Breenas eyes.
Im gonna kill her.
You kill her because she
touched your human male.
Id kill her because what she
did to him wasnt consensual.
How do you know?
Being fed on isnt something
Ren would have wanted.
And you think that
he truly wants you
knowing that youre a halfling?
How do you think that we
captured your human male?
Breena caught his attention
and lured him in quite easily.
He saw past her glamour.
Its our job to follow
fae when we see them.
Breena is beautiful.
And you? Well, you.
You have this hair.
Im not sure what to make of it.
Gee, thanks.
I know what youre trying
to do, and its not working.
You know that when
we feed on people,
we can see inside of them,
pieces of their personality,
their wants and desires.
One of the things that I
picked up from your human male
was his concern
over Henry and Kyle.
You should thank me
for removing at least
one of those threats.
Murdering someone in cold blood
isnt exactly a desirable trait.
Do you know what else I learned?
Your human male isnt sure
how he feels about you.
Hes torn. He cares about you,
but he loathes half
of what you are.
Why should I believe
what youre saying?
Because Ive been
inside your head
and you share those same fears.
Now, why would you
want to be with someone
who doesnt fully accept
you for who you are?
Do you think telling me
this is going to help?
You made a deal,
so in the end it
doesnt really matter.
You have 17 days left.
I would rather you kill
me than remind me of that.
I thought you
didnt want to die.
Your mere presence makes me
wish for a 50 story window
to jump out of. Or a moat.
A moat filled with dozens
of hungry alligators.
You always paint
such lovely pictures
with your words, little bird.
Im going to paint lovely
pictures with your intestines.
Resist all you want,
in the end I will plant my seed.
Then once the apocalypse
baby is born...
Oh, I wish youd
stop calling it that.
The apocalypse baby...
youre going to kill me.
Ill be of no use
to you anymore.
So not wanting this is
my life insurance policy.
You know, little bird...
I plan to keep you afterwards.
Your mouth amuses me.
Perhaps Ill have a pretty
little cage fashioned
for my pretty little bird.
Nothing screams romance like
being held captive in a cage.
Im going to kill you.
I will find a way.
Thats a promise.
My amusement has its
limitations, little bird.
Theres something that
you havent realized.
There are worse things
that I can do to you
than end your life.
Its time you realized that.

Youre a fighter, even
when its useless.
I can respect that.
But it doesnt mean
I wont break you.
You wont break me.
Youve already
agreed to be with me.
Id say Im already well
on my way, little bird.
You know, Ive only met a few
halflings in my many centuries
of being alive.
Used to have many humans
in the other world.
Well, they didnt
last very long.
The feedings or the
environment always got to them.
So we bred them,
replenishing our stock.
Unfortunately, our
world has cooled
and the environment no
longer sustains human life.
And without humans, we age
and we die.
The dying flowers, the cold.
Its because youre here.
Its adjusting to our needs.
The weather will
continue to change.
Winter is in our
blood after all.
You joined the
Summer court. You...
We overtook the Summer
court centuries ago.
Before we learned
of the loopholes
in the prophecies
surrounding the doorway,
halflings were
considered an abhorrence.
They were killed.
As if your kind treats
halflings any better.
Every once in a while,
one of our kind would
take a liking to the child
and the halfling would grow.
Do you know what we
discovered about halflings?
We learned that they
could feed just like us.
Its just like a kiss.
All have to do is
inhale and want it.
The first couple
of times are like,
how do you humans
say, taking a hit?
Youll get used to it.
Its time that you
discover who you truly are.
There is no way Im
feeding off of a human.
Thats not who I am.
You dont know what you are.
Ive Ivy Morgan.
Im a member of the Order
and Im human.
I dont feed off
of other humans.
You are a halfling and
you will do as I say.
You do remember I can make you?
Dont do this.
Dont make me do this.
My will is yours.
Show her.
Youre hungry.
There is a need burning bright
in your belly, lighting up
every cell of your body.
Its not food that you desire.
You need life.
You need a piece of her
and she can give
you what you need.
Take it.
She wants to give it to you.
Show her.
Thats it. Feed.
[Ivy inhales]

You want it.
No. I dont want this.
I dont want you.
Soon you will say yes.
There is no other option.


Are you going to put
that collar back on me?
I hope I will not have to,
but I guess that
depends entirely on you.
Why are you so nice to me?
Is it so surprising that
my first inclination
when I look at you is not
to feed on you and kill you?
Considering where we are, yeah.
[door opens]
The Prince wants
her brought to him.
If you come willingly, I
wont have to put this on you.

Do you guys need us to
come back or something?
I was expecting you.
Did she eat?
A little.
If you dont eat your dinner,
you dont get dessert.
Yeah, I definitely
dont want dessert.
Do you want dessert?
You know I do.
You know, who else
loved dessert?
Do you want me to gouge out
your eyes for real this time?
I would like to see you try.
You know what your
mouth is better used on.
[Ivy] Ugh.
As if your human male
doesnt feel the same.
He actually respects me.
You stand there as
if you will still
be reunited with
your human lover.
I find it amusing that you think
that he would take you back.
If he felt that
same way about you,
dont you think he would have
found his way back here by now?
I dont need him to save me.
Its time.
Time for what?


[door opens]

Can we talk?
I only have a couple more days.
Two days, if were
counting today.
You intimidate me into feeding
and Im not myself afterwards.
So not all this time counts.
And it doesnt help me feel
more comfortable around you.
I have been incredibly
lenient with you.
- Seriously?
- Yes.
I have removed the
collar for now.
I have not pushed.
I could have gotten you to
say yes many times over.
Sure, you could get me to agree.
But I cant be
under your control,
and I have been
this entire time.
What do you want to talk about?
Do we have to talk in here?
Where would you like to go?
Not gonna happen.
All Im asking for is a
couple of minutes in the sun.
If you try anything,
you will not like what happens.
Okay, just a heads up.
Threats dont exactly make
me more comfortable either.
Ask your questions.
Can we walk?
Whats the game plan?
The babys born, the
gates open. Then what?
There are a lot of humans.
Like 7 billion.
And I know that sounds like an
all you can eat buffet to you,
but its a whole lot of people
who arent going to
want to be on the menu.
Humans are stupid.
They have a tendency to stick
their heads in the sand.
Well have complete control
before they know it.
How are you going
to take control?
Once we open the gates,
all will come through
and there are millions of us.
Theres still more of us.
You mean more of them.
You think we havent been
planning this for decades?
We are everywhere.
Some have even willed themselves
into positions of power.
Youve infiltrated
the government?
Local, federal, global.
Its only a matter of time
until we have complete control.
We will fight back.
And yeah, the fae may have
more abilities than us,
but we have a reason to
fight no matter what.
And what reason is that?
Most humans will already
be bent to our will.
Human cannon fodder.
Im done with this.
- Its time.
- Wait, no.
I... We havent been
out here long enough.
I still have questions.
Youre only delaying
the inevitable.
I dont have to feed.
Youve made your point.
You clearly havent
gotten the point
if you keep referring
to yourself as a human.
Its time for you to
remember what you are.
Ivy, stop.
Look at me.
You will do as I say.

Ivy, you need to wake up.
The prince is not here.
This will be your
only chance to escape.
I fed again.
I know.
If you keep feeding, youre
going to get addicted.
Addicted? What do you...
This will be the only chance
before the prince returns,
and your time is up, he
will be back in this bed.
The prince isnt here?
He left, taking three
Ancients with him.
We dont have much time.
Youre going to help me escape?
All you need to know
right now is the Order
are not the only ones
that want to prevent
the gates from opening.
I couldnt get a thorn
stake, but this will do.
Thisll do.
I will not kill any of them.
I will incapacitate,
but I will not kill.
Im probably going to kill them.
Valor is occupied in the
back room at the moment.
Can you incapacitate quietly?
Because I can kill quietly.

What the hell?
Where are you two going?
You dont have to kill them!
They dont know any better.
Were really going to have to
talk about that part later.
What? It didnt kill her.
Theres a road about a mile out.
Were going to
have to run, okay?

[woman] Stop!
- Theyll catch us.
- Youre right.
Im killing this time.
Its too risky not to.
Ivy, look out!
Did you really think
you could escape?
Uh, yeah.
Because of you,
shes going to die
and youll wish
you would have been
smart enough to know better.
I can snap your
neck in a second!
I dont think your prince
would be too happy about this.
Hes going to find
another halfling.
Hes going to think you escaped.
But in reality,
youre gonna be dead.
Are you okay? Ivy, its okay.
Everythings okay.
- I dont know if its you.
- Its me.
Ill explain everything later.
I just need you to trust me.
Why are there more fae?
We have to go. Well
lose this window.
Ivy! Ivy!
Ivy! Ivy!
Oh, my Queen Mab.
I thought you were dead
or at least knocked up.
And I thought Id be
dead because no one
but jerk face knew about me.
- Ivy, we need to go.
- I thought Id starve to death.
- Tink.
- Just sitting at home
all by myself.
Not by myself.
But I was worried.
Wait, why are you
wearing a dress?
Come on, lets go.
Are we going to the
old power plant?
Im Kalen. This is Dane.
Im Tink. You guys know that.
I checked this place out.
It was on a map Merle drew.
Yeah, we know.
Merle is with us.
You guys are the good fae?
I told you, not
everything is as it seems.
We do not use our abilities
to manipulate humans
beyond protecting what we are.
They age and die like humans.
Im a brownie, therefore
I do not need to feed.
I just age very slowly.
Im guessing youre probably
still in your
toddler years, then.
Ill have you know
that Im 200 years old.
Brownies can live to be
over a thousand years old.
In human years, hes barely 20.
Eww, sticky.
But the power plant, its
run down and abandoned.
We only let you see
what we want you to see.
Keeps the humans away and allows
us to live in peace from...
From the Order.
The type of glamour were
using on the building
cant be seen through.
No ward will break it.
We can protect you
from the prince.
But we cannot put
our people at risk.
Wont your kind be at risk
once the prince
notices Im missing?
The prince is not
our only concern.
The Order cannot know
where we are either.
- I wont betray you.
- She wont.
She kept me all this time
and never told anyone.
Renny Tin Tin didnt
even know about me
until he walked down
to the kitchen naked
with his junk, all hanging out.
Im going to punch
you, and it will hurt.


Oh, my God.
When I first saw it, I couldnt
believe my eyes either.
Theyve been here a long time
and there are places like
this hidden everywhere.
You make it sound so creepy.
Were not really everywhere.
Thats just Ren
being all ominous.
I think hes socially awkward.
Or maybe just
intellectually stunted.
Terrible for my allergies.
Come on, lets go.
Make sure you check with Kalen
that theres extra
fae standing guard.
What is this place?
Its a safe haven.
Any one day we can house
one hundred fae or more.
Ivy needs to shower and rest.
What room could she stay in?
I think she would like the
one that overlooks the garden.
The garden room is fine.

Ill get you your
clothes. I brought some.
And theres a robe on the door.
Its not yours, but its nicer.
Does the door lock?
From the inside.
Youre not being held
captive here, Ivy.

Im not there anymore.
Im not there anymore.
I brought you some weapons,
but dont let the
other fae see them.
Iron kind of wigs them out.
I had to grab the
So I sort of rifled
through your underwear.
Um, Tink?
Whats up with the sling.
I didnt get it from Amazon.
Well, I got the
sling from Amazon
- but not Dixon.
- [kitten meows]
Dixon, meet Ivy.
Are you mad?
Im not mad.
Get over here, you little fella.
Maybe you should tell
Tink what happened.
Can you just tell me first?
Its not for kittens ears.
[kitten meows]
You left Wednesday
morning and that was it.
Then about a week
later, Ren showed up.
He didnt know how
to get back to you.
Then a fae showed up.
Not a good one.
We took care of that together.
The fae said he was
going to bring Rens body
back to the prince.
We talked about
going to the Order,
but he knew that
wouldnt be smart.
You told him what you are.
He would have figured
it out eventually.
But still, you lied to me.
Anyway, Kalen and
Dane showed up.
We tried to look for you.
You worked with Ren?
Well, I had to find my Ivy-divy.
Thank you.
Its what friends do.
And its what
boyfriends do, right?
I dont know if Ren is my...
I think hes just
doing his duty.
I dont think it
was just his duty.
He wanted to storm that house.
As much as it hurts
my soul to say this,
and yes,
I believe I have a soul filled
with glitter and rainbows,
I dont think youre
giving him enough credit.
He barely slept or ate.
He missed you, Ivy.
What happened to you?
A lot.
I know what the
fae are capable of.
But I know that youre strong.
Itll be okay.
Im getting sleepy.
See you in the morning.
Come here, Dixon.
Tinker Bell.
[kitten meows]
Meow, meow.
I shouldve gotten there sooner.
Its not your fault.
You got there in time.
It is my fault.
I wasnt paying attention.
I walked right into a damn trap.
And because of me,
that bastard was able
to get his hands on you.
I should have warned you.
I get why you didnt.
Im a member of the Elite.
Well, was a member.
Ive been M.I.A. For weeks.
Thats not going
to go over well.
I doubt its going to go
over well for either of us.
I dont give a fuck
about the Order.
I dont want to talk about them.
I want to talk about us.
Im kind of tired.
- I just...
- Dont... shut me out, Ivy.
He pretended to be you.
After you left, no one
knew where you were
and you showed up.
I thought it was you.
And he said he didnt
care what I was.
It didnt matter what I was.
I was just so desperate
to believe you.
And I should have
known right then.
Youre being too
hard on himself.
He didnt like beignets.
I should have known right then.
And he killed Henry,
snapped his neck.
If Henry hadnt shown up, I...
Did he...
Did he touch you?
It didnt get very far.
Im going to fucking kill him.
I got out before he could...
It doesnt change the fact
that he did things to you.
You sacrificed yourself for me,
and I couldnt do anything
to stop him from hurting you.
He hurt you, too.
What do you remember?
I remember him feeding on me.
Not a whole lot.
But enough to have a
kill list a mile long.
Do you remember Breena?
The parasite with serious
boundary issues? Yeah.
Shes number two
on my kill list.
I gouged her eyes out.
Well, I tried.
You did?
Youre the bravest
person I know.
Im not brave.
I just couldnt let
them hurt you anymore.
I love you, Ivy.
Im in love with you.
I dont know how long Ive been
in love with you, but it was
probably after that night
you flipped me on my back
and held the dagger
to my throat.
Youre crazy.
Yeah, crazy in love with you.
Im the halfling, Ren.
I know who you are.
Youre Ivy Morgan.
Youre this beautiful,
wild and brave woman.
And I dont deserve your love.
But Ill take it
and I wont regret a
damn second of doing so.
When I was sitting
in that damn room
before my head got all foggy,
all I could think about was you,
getting back to you.
I didnt give a shit that
you were the halfling.
You were sent here
to find and kill me.
I wouldnt lay a finger on you
that you didnt want there.
The prince made me do things.
I cant imagine
what he made you do.
But Im telling you right now,
thats not going to change
- the way I feel...
- He made me feed on someone.
You see?
You cant be with
someone who did that.
I hurt a woman.
I might have...
Oh, God, I... I might
have killed her.
And I could do that to you, too.
You would never do that to me.
You dont know that.
Did you feed of
your own free will?
Or did he manipulate
you into doing it?
He forced me.
What if I hurt you?
I could never live with myself.
You would never hurt
me because I love you.
And because you love me, too.

Hey, its okay.
I got you.
I was beginning to wonder if
you were going to wake up.
How long was I sleeping?
You slept straight through
yesterday and last night.
Jeez, I didnt mean to.
You needed the rest.
Im sorry for
crying all over you.
Never apologize for that.
You wanna cry all over me again,
Im right here.
You love me.
Sounds about right.
Do you have something
you want to say to me?
No, I dont have
anything to say.
I love you.
Thats all I wanted to hear.
I do wish you were
awake yesterday, though,
just to bear witness
to what I saw.
What was that?
Tink fashioned some kind
of leash for that cat.
He was flying and walking and...
Im pretty sure he was naked.
Oh, Lord.
When that cat gets
bigger, he will eat him.
One can only hope.
Hes kind of grown on me...
like a fungus.
Do you feel up to
talking to anyone?
Of course.
I feel like I need to wash
a layer of sleep off me.
You look beautiful.
You need to get
your head checked.
I think you might want
this back, though.
The chain was broken,
so I got you a new one.
Thank you.
After you shower, well go and
meet up with everyone, okay?

I am so glad youre okay.
Come on. Everyones here.
I mean, this is Tanner.
He runs the place.
Nice to finally meet you, Ivy.
Nice to meet you, too.
You look a bit shocked.
Yeah, Im sorry. Im
just a little out of it.
I also understand it
must be a bit shocking
to be here around my people.
We used to work side
by side with the Order,
but unfortunately that
joining didnt last very long.
Our ancestors left
the other world
because they didnt agree with
what the ruling court was doing.
They were killing our world,
turning all of us into monsters.
Most of the fae here are
descendants of the Summer Court.
They started escaping because
they were being hunted.
Hunted much like your
friend Tink and his kind.
The fact that you
took care of him
told me that we could trust you.
Did you guys try and
seek me out before this?
No. Why do you ask?
Before the whole prince thing,
a fae followed me
into a parking garage.
A female fae showed
up, killed him
and then impaled
herself on my dagger.
That was not us.
Ill see what I can find out.
Did he plant his seed?
Can you not phrase it
like that again, ever?
I need to hear her say it.
He didnt, I swear.
I would have hated
to have to kill you.
If she was caring
the princes child,
we would have had to kill her.
That is a fact.
We do not believe
in killing humans
no matter the circumstance.
Well, somebody should
tell Merle that.
Why did you tell Brighton
Ren would know what to do
with the info in the journals?
Because this young man
has trust in his eyes.
We know youve got
a lot of questions,
but we dont want
to overwhelm you.
They know how to send the
prince back to the other world.
When my family left, they
took a very powerful crystal
from the kings
throne, which was then
given to the Order
for safekeeping.
Or at least thats
what they said.
Their decision to move the
crystal without our permission
is what created a rift
between our kinds.
This crystal has
the power to send
the prince back to the
other world for good.
But we dont know where it is.
Okay, so we... we find the
crystal, and then what?
Then we need the blood of
a halfling and of a royal.
Like a drop of halflings blood.
Hes still not happy
about that one.
Finding the crystal,
getting the princes blood,
and a drop of your blood
isnt the hard part.
Well, it sounds pretty hard.
The ritual of the blood
in the crystal must be
completed in the other world.
We must open the gates.

Okay, have fun.
La la la la la
Dixon has a play date
with Auntie Faye.
Theres really not
room for three.
Theres totes room for three.
If you have a problem
with our closeness,
youre more than
welcome to leave.
Yeah. I should have
let you starve.
Heard you met with Tanner.
He thinks Im amazing.
Lets ask him what he
thinks of you in a few days.
Hate the game, not the player.
That doesnt even make sense.
I was worried about
you, Ivy-divy.
You slept like you
were a Disney princess
who ate a rotten apple.
I think you mean
a poisoned apple.
Same difference.
Prince Charming over there
couldnt wake you
up with a kiss.
Thats all I know.
Youre going to need more
than a Prince Charming
when I beat you ass unconscious.
Ooh, so scared.
I, um...
I just want to thank you
guys for not giving up on me.
For looking for me and...
And for caring.
You dont need to thank us.
You never need to
do that, sweetness.
For once, I agree
with the loser.
Youre gonna be okay.
Course she will be.
She has us.
Im going to be okay.
Aw, back together.