Toronto Stories (2008) Movie Script

Please state
the purpose of your visit.
Visiting family. In Markham.
Thank you.
Next, please.
Refugees. Please.
Please state
the purpose of your visit.
I have three days
of meetings here
before I move on to Montreal.
Merci. Au revoir.
Please state
the purpose of your visit.
Well, hello there.
Is your mother or father
travelling with you?
Do you have anything to show me?
Some papers?
That's very nice.
One second.
Yeah, can you send someone
over from Special Handling?
Flight number?
Are you joking?
At this point,
we're still searching
for what carrier he came in on.
Christ. Well, let's keep him here
till we figure things out.
It's incredible
that he could've got in
without somebody somewhere
papering him.
How could something
like this happen?
Don't ask me. I've got my own
department to worry about.
You don't know where he's from,
you don't know
what processes they've got.
Maybe they've got shit.
I hope that's not the case.
Why are we being so quiet?
He doesn't understand
a word we're saying.
Hey, you wanna come here?
Right there. Good.
Okay, smile, honey,
I'm going to take your photo.
... Yeah.
Okay, well,
there are three possible flights
he could've come in on.
So I need you to track down
those manifests and...
Shit, I gotta call you back.
Don't drink that,
that's not good.
There's a water fountain
right over here.
Come on, I'll show you.
Hey, you wanna come
to the farm with me?
I was gonna pass through there
on the way to my friend's.
Come on.
It's got all the best animals.
Cows, horses and goats.
Just stay here.
Don't bike in the road, Cayle.
Hear me?
- Y es.
Stay on the sidewalks.
Where'd he go?
- Who?
That boy.
We were playing a game together.
What, you have
a new imaginary friend?
He wasn't imaginary.
You know I'm your only
non-imaginary friend, don't you?
Listen, I have something
to show you.
You won't believe it.
- What? What is it?
Not here.
Let's go to our place.
Look at this.
of Toronto's Cabbagetown
"have reported sightings
"of what they claim to be
a strange, sapiens-like humanoid
"scurrying around
in the cavernous underworld
"of the picturesque neighbourhood.
"One Parliament St. resident
"describes his run-in
with the creature.
"It occurred while he went
in search of his missing kitten.
"He discovered a hidden passage
leading under a building,
"and there saw a dead kitten
and the alleged monster,
"covered in slate-grey fur.
"After the creature whispered
in a raspy voice,
"'Go away, go away,'
"it scurried off
down a 45-degree-angle tunnel
which descended
as far as the man could see."
- Can you believe that?
A monster, living underground.
Do you think it's real?
- Y eah.
How do you know?
- 'Cause I do.
my mom says
that monsters aren't real.
Well, they are.
Your mom just says that
so you won't be scared.
My mom used to tell me
the same thing.
That's what moms do.
Let's see it for real.
I know where there's an entrance.
- In the ravine,
under the subway tracks.
- I don't know--
- Come on, Jacob.
What's the matter?
You scared?
- Whoa!
You're such a sissy.
- But you scared me!
Mamma's boy.
- I am not!
Come on!
You're too fast!
Where are you taking us?
Who's Cayle?
I am the great Queen Alabantia.
My kingdom is under siege
by an evil intruder
from another land.
Is there any brave knight out there
who might be able to save me
from this horrible intruder?
And who art thou, "Me"?
Sir Jacob...
of Riverdale!
So you're brave, are you?
The bravest.
- Prove it.
If you prove it,
I have many riches
to offer you in return.
You're in there.
Aren't you?
What are you?
What are you?
Look who it is.
The freak and the dyke.
You two lovers now?
Fuck off, Zack.
Oooh, "fuck off"!
That's pretty tough.
You telling me to fuck off, dyke?
I'm not a dyke.
Whatcha gonna do?
Watch as we beat on your little--
Come on!
Don't just stand there,
kick her ass!
Fucking pussies!
Don't you ever let anyone
talk to you like that!
Hear me?
- What?
I want to find it.
I want to go find the monster.
You do? But we can't.
Zack and them are still back there.
They'd kill us.
Tonight, then. At midnight.
Jacob, are you sure?
Oh, hi, Mom.
All right.
Uh, I gotta go.
Dinner's ready.
Come by my house at midnight.
Set your alarm and sneak out.
I'll bring flashlights and a knife
just in case.
Okay. Midnight.
- Promise.
I'm home!
Hi, honey.
- Hey, Mom.
Did you have fun
with Cayle today?
You stayed in the park, right?
- Mm-hmm.
All right. Go get washed up.
Dinner's on the table.
Help me.
Okay, let's go.
That's good.
Wh-what happened?
- Your arm.
What happened to your arm?
I fell.
What did you fall on?
Does it hurt?
Do you wish your mom
was still around?
I hate him.
You ready?
Did you hear that?
- No.
Wh-what'd you hear?
I... I dunno,
like a moan or something.
Let's keep going.
Go away!
Come on!
Did you see it?!
Did you see it?!
Yeah! Yeah, yeah, I saw it!
His shoes.
Look at his shoes.
His shoelaces are tied.
The guy just jumped!
Let's go.
I'm sorry it's so cold in here.
My furnace blew up yesterday.
Wow. That's cool.
I never usually talk to strangers.
No, me neither.
But... I'm glad you did.
What do you do?
Oh, I'm a designer.
I build things.
What sort of things?
Well... furniture,
um, various objects,
Yeah, my Kicks.
Do you have any questions
for me?
do you, uh...
the, uh, the beads?
What do you think of the beads?
I never actually
thought about them.
My ex-boyfriend put them up.
What do you think?
From a design perspective...
they're not very practical.
Say you want to serve food...
If you want,
I can lend you
my Bead Be Gone spray.
Thank you,
that would come in very handy.
What's wrong?
Well, this big Somalian guy
kneed me in the gut
when I was playing basketball.
I borrowed this book
from the library.
That is a Photoshop
federal offence.
Some of the most interesting
books have the ugliest covers.
This one's about a boy
who was born
with the gift of touch healing.
He lays his hands
on a person's injury
and heals them.
You believe all that?
- Yeah.
You want me
to try healing you?
Uh, I don't know what you did,
but... actually,
I think it feels better.
Boris, do you think it's strange
we're lying on the bed
beside each other?
- No.
Have you ever been in love?
Are you gay?
- No.
No, I just, uh...
I always imagined that one day...
I would see a woman...
and fall instantly in love with her.
It just hasn't happened yet.
Ah, it's late.
I gotta bounce.
I like your beard.
It suits you.
- It's kinda like Ernest Hemingway.
Yeah, I thought I'd grow it out.
- You mean for warmth?
Well, yeah...
Y eah, I mean, kinda.
I thought it'd be cool.
It's kind of a female repellent.
You know,
when you got, like,
a ton of guys hanging off you,
and you're just like,
"Whoa, chill, chill out.
No, I-I...
don't know what that's like.
It doesn't really work...
... is the thing,
'cause some girls really like it.
I guess you...
I guess you go out...
on a lot of dates?
Y es.
Like romantic dates?
No. No, no, no.
Well, I mean,
aren't all dates romantic?
Not necessarily.
Is this a date we're on?
I think so.
"Dative... dating agency...
date rape...
"date: A particular day
of the month or year,
"the time
at which a particular event
has occurred or will occur."
There's a "To date."
"An appointment,
especially a romantic
or social engagement."
So there you go.
Social. I mean...
... we're both right.
Imagine if you knew
every word in the dictionary.
I'd have a hardcover.
Oh, well, that was a gift.
If it was up to me,
I'd have a hardcover, too.
I have to tell you something.
I think...
I think I have a crush on you.
Yeah, I thought you might.
Is it okay if I kiss you?
... I never
would've approached you.
Are you a shy guy?
"Love shy" refers
to a debilitating shyness
that impedes the ability to form
Iong-lasting romantic relationships.
Love-shy sufferers experience
an overwhelming fear of intimacy.
Love-shy men are prone
to anti-social personality disorders.
How to get a guy to like you.
Make conversation.
People with Asperger Syndrome
are neurologically unable
to understand other's emotions.
... and respect you as you are.
Rekindle the energy
that dilutes your...
...attracting confusion
in your relating.
Crown myself the prince of buzz
Can't wait until you can't wait
Till you unsubscribe
I'll be a lonely scribe
Imagine trying
to fight a war in that.
Y eah, not very practical.
That look is deadly, though.
Happy belated birthday.
- Whoa, this is all for me?
Yup. Yeah, this is one of
my favourite books.
Oh, and this -
that is the night
that I first saw you.
I knew I liked you right away.
Did you mean to draw it
in this shape?
Like, with everything?
No. Um...
I-I actually just started drawing
and it... turned out that way.
It's, uh...
it's so...
it's really a nice card.
You're welcome.
So what do you think
of what happened
between us the last time?
I was surprised.
A good surprise,
or a bad surprise?
Well I...
I had a good time.
I thought I had come on too strong.
No, it's okay.
I wouldn't know, really.
I'm not...
that experienced, actually,
How many times
have you had sex?
four times.
But one was like a...
two-night stand?
What if we made a trade?
I mean,
I've never built anything ever.
You could teach me how.
I mean,
we could design it together.
And if you teach me
how to build something,
I could teach you about sex.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
Marine-grade, uh, teeth..
might be nice.
That's what... Seriously!
Are we gonna do this, or what?
Thank you. Oh...
- Ow!
You're gonna have to take that off.
But it's my protection.
Not anymore.
Okay, T each.
You shave.
Well, you know...
it's like, uh, not as messy...
and I like the way it looks.
It's, like, less...
It looks good, right?
Y eah.
Alright, dear,
brace yourself.
At the count of three,
breathe in.
How's it going?
I got...
I got a--
- A what?
I got a tat...
- You got a tattoo?
No, not a tattoo.
- All right.
But I got a--
You're killing me over here!
What is it?
So you wanna come in?
Actually, I promised my dad
I'd watch the World Cup with him.
I see.
Well, call me sometime, will ya?
Yeah, yeah...
fo' sho.
Uh, have fun with that Brazilian.
When am I gonna see you again?
I... I dunno. Whatever.
I'm kinda like Polkaroo.
Who's Polkaroo?
Well, Polkaroo's like a creature...
who kinda comes and goes.
Like me.
is the imaginary creature
from the children's TV show
Polkadot Door,
broadcast by TV Ontario.
Polkaroo never spoke,
other than to exclaim
its own name.
Only one of the two hosts
could see Polkaroo at a time,
Ieaving the other to cry.
"Polkaroo was here
and I missed him again?"
Howdy do
How are you
What do you say
What are you doing here?
Excuse me.
There's a boy.
I think he's lost.
Boris, I need to talk to you.
I had to see you...
Because I need to know...
Actually, I have to know.
Are you interested...
in a romantic relationship with me?
... it's a really...
it's a really hard decision...
to make...
.... but no...
... I'm not.
Y'know, it's not you.
It's me. I-I have to...
stay open to some things.
It's okay.
Now I know. Y'know?
It was the not knowing
that was driving me crazy.
I couldn't stop thinking of you!
I had no idea you felt that way.
I mean, I...
I never think of you.
I mean, I never...
really think about you
when you're not...
It's fine.
I'm glad we cleared that up.
I feel a lot better.
Does this mean
we can't have sex?
Are you sure about this?
God, you are so beautiful.
And the crazy thing is,
you don't even know
how amazing you are.
Okay, hold on.
Oh, God... Oh, God.
Oh, no.
Oh, crud. Oh, crud.
Are you okay?
Yeah... Uh...
I never...
I never should've come over here.
I should've trusted my instincts.
Where are you going?
I can't...
I'm going... home!
Okay, slow down.
I have to go!
- I'm not a monster
trying to keep you captive here.
- All right, what?
So talk to me.
- I'm talking to you!
When are we gonna
see each other?
I don't know, okay?
I can't say!
- Why?
Because, Willia, you don't...
It's too defining!
Stop! Don't go.
Run to the thing
you fear the most!
Uh, you're pointing at me.
Oh. Sorry.
Oh... Willia.
This is really...
hard to explain.
I'm doing my best.
I have to... go.
Boris, come on.
Remember when we first met?
You told me that you believe
that you'll fall in love at first sight.
It doesn't work that way.
Real love takes time.
You're probably right.
I never...
got to choose.
I was never chosen.
Goodbye, Boris.
A young male child reportedly
of North African descent,
age nine or 10,
has gone missing
from an Immigration holding area
at Pearson International Airport.
Police have issued
a citywide Amber Alert.
We'll continue to bring you updates
as this story develops.
Turning to the weather for the--
Get outta here!
Ha-ha! You're shittin' me!
What's up, man?
How's everything?
Cool, man.
- Hold on, hold on,
we gotta get something to eat.
- A'ight.
Let's go, let's go,
jump in, jump in.
What, this your "Streak Free"?
- You know it.
Check it out, streak free!
- Oh, a'ight.
It's not a bad job,
know what I mean?
That pays all right, it's outside,
and no one's
looking over your shoulder.
Back in the day, you said
you'd never wear a uniform.
Yeah, I did. But I talked
a lot of shit back then, so.
You did a lot of shit back then,
Things are different.
Three years sober, man.
Can't say the same here, bud.
Come on, man.
You still into that same shit?
It's easier to cop on the inside.
You know that.
When d'you get out?
- Recently.
Y'know, I was dreamin'
about these fries.
I was thinkin'
about how much I like them
and I was jonesin' for 'em bad,
But it's like,
if you don't eat 'em in time,
and you let 'em get cold,
they're shit.
Somebody would've to force you
to even eat just one.
Had a lot of time on your hands
to think about shit like that, huh?
Fuck you.
You like Chinese girls?
Look at that one. Mm!
Yeah, Dougie...
that's your Chinese, man.
'Cause she was nice.
Lookit, lookit, lookit, lookit!
How much this guy pay you
to do this anyways, man?
Why, you want a job?
- No, all I'm saying is,
whatever he's paying you,
he's making like three times more.
You should get out
from underneath his--
Don't worry about all that.
I got it, I understand all that.
I'm just saying,
you should go out on your own.
Go out on your own.
How you doin', man?
Why don't you grab a shammy
and squeegee and do some work?
That's a funny-looking hat,
but underneath that hat is -
y'know what I'm sayin'? -
it's all about what's underneath--
Why don't you grab a shammy
and a squeegee, man?
If I bring you to my place of work,
I expect you to work, bro.
You want me
to work for you now?
I just got out of two...
I'm not gonna work for you!
So you still seein' that girl,
No. Uh-uh.
Too bad, man.
She was nice.
So... so what's up with you
anyways, man?
I'm gonna check out Roshanna.
Yeah, I heard
she was getting engaged.
What are you talking about,
She's not getting engaged, man.
What are you talkin' about?!
- I probably heard wrong,
y'know what I mean? It's--
- No, you heard wrong!
We were just takin' a break, man.
We didn't break up!
We said we were gonna
take a break. That is all!!
Same old Dougie.
We interrupt your broadcast
with a breaking news bulletin.
An escaped prisoner may have
made his way into the city.
Douglas Shannon
walked out of Collins Bay
Correctional last night.
He is described as male, Cauc--
Look, man...
I'm still on probation,
y'know what I mean?
I got it.
I can drop you off somewhere,
man, you know--
It's cool, man, it's cool.
I got it.
It's not much,
but you know how it goes.
Y eah.
- Be good.
Hey, Mommy.
Mm. Sorry, I could not wait.
I didn't say anything, Chantal.
No, come on.
I'm eating and you smell sweaty.
Go shower.
Go, please.
So you feel anything today?
- Mm, a little.
Kinda felt like swirls.
No kicks today, though.
How was work?
You know same ol', same ol'.
What about you?
I threw up three times.
- Mm.
So why are you looking at me
like that?
Like what?
I can't look at my wife?
- Mm-mm-mm.
No, because I'm fat.
- You're not fat, baby.
Yes, I am.
- You're pregnant.
And what, are you supposed to be
skinny when you're pregnant?
Mm. Actually, I have to pose
for my swimsuit issue next week.
But right now,
I have to pee, so watch out.
Oh, shit!
- Alton, is Roshanna engaged,
or not?!
- Aw, come on, man!
I don't know! I told you,
I probably messed up!
You're such a fuckin' liar,
I'm gonna fucking kill you!
- No!
Who are you talking to?
- Uh, nobody, babe.
I gotta take care
of some powerwashers, okay?
Pick me up some ice cream?
- Y eah, yeah, yeah.
What kind, what kind?
- Um... I dunno, maybe--
Listen, I'll call you in the store.
- Alright. Get me some of that...
Rocky Road!
I don't know what else to...
Don't fuckin' do this to me!
I don't know what else to say!
I told you what's happening!
You didn't tell me
what's fucking happening!
Dude, you guys
remember each other, right?
What the hell is your plan?!
You gonna kidnap her
until her father gets home?!
Don't be fuckin' ridiculous.
- This is crazy!
No, you're the only
who gets to be ridiculous.
Keep it up--
- You're hurting me!
Hey! Hey! Doug! Doug!
You're not fucking thinking ahead!
Please! Doug,
this is why we always got caught!
You can walk out right now!
Just fucking go!
Hey, I'll go if you come with me!
This is ridiculous!
If we leave now, nothing happens!
- Oh, shit's gonna happen, man!
I broke out of jail,
I got a fucking gun!
Yeah. Doug's got a master plan!
- Shut the fuck up!
Get out of my house.
- Your house?
This isn't your house,
it's your daddy's house.
Okay, get out of my father's
fucking house. Now!
You think I enjoy this,
coming back here
and having you yell at me?!
- What did you come back here for?
You know why I came back!
- Doug!
It is over! It's over!
- That's how you treat people, right?
Doug, relax.
- First sign of trouble,
and you just fuckin' take off?!
- What?! First sign of trouble?
Doug, you just broke out of jail
for armed robbery!
How else am I supposed
to compete with all this?
You don't have to!
You never had to!
That's... Shut the fuck up!
That's why you went off
with what's-his-name
and his fuckin' trust fund?
- Holy shit!
We had an understanding!
That's not fair!
That's right,
we had an understanding!
We said we could see other people,
not go get fucking engaged!
You want some water
or something?
Uh, yeah.
Come on,
this is fucking crazy, Doug.
You never offered me
any fucking water.
Alton isn't waving
a fucking gun in my face!
Hey, hey, hey.
- Can I go get him a fucking drink?
Make me a sandwich.
Montreal smoked?
A little Dijon?
If I make you this sandwich,
will you go?
Yes. I'll go.
I don't wanna be here, man.
I don't wanna be here!
I came all the way from my house
to make sure
you didn't do something stupid!
Gimme the gun!
Doug! Let me get--
- Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh.
There you go. There we go.
Thank you.
Alton, you hungry?
- You're gonna make me eat alone?
- Yeah!
Suit yourself, man.
I'll have a ginger ale instead.
Are you kidding me?
I'm so sick--
Please, please!
Please, just get him the ginger ale.
You need to chill.
- I'm chilled, man.
Let me get the gun, man.
Fuckin' unbelievable, man.
Remember who used
to look out for you.
Remember who's here right now
looking out for you.
This is bullshit!
Give me the gun.
Selfish, man.
- Oh, shit!
Run! Run!!!
Fuck you!!!
You should've left, Doug!
- Hey, hey!
Put the weapon down!
Kneel on the ground now!
- Show me your palms, both of you!
But she cut my face!
Who do I talk to about that?
Doug, shut up.
- Put the weapon down!
Put your hands in the air!
- Just put the gun down.
Do it now!
- Okay, put the gun down.
We're okay, we're okay.
Put the fucking gun down, man.
Put the gun down!
Obviously fuckin--
Oh, you're so original, Doug.
So fucking original.
Shut up!
- Aaahhhhh!!!
Look at me, bro, look at me!
Don't do that! Don't do that!
Don't do that!
- Put the gun down now!
Hey, please, just relax! Doug.
Come on, buddy, buddy.
- What are you gonna do, Doug?
- She's not fuckin' worth it.
Fucking do it, Doug, do it!
Keep her back! Please! Doug!
Doug, look at me. Look at me.
Don't fuckin' do that, please.
Don't do that, buddy, don't do that.
Put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
Take him!
- Hey, hey!
Relax, relax, relax!
- Get down, now!
Fuck, my feet!
Get down, get down, get down!
Why the hell you do this, man?
- You think I'm enjoying this, huh?!
I know you're enjoying this!
... comes up in my face
with a gun.
You're always gettin' me
into something!
Let me be.
- Let you be?
That's what I shoulda did.
Yeah, I shoulda let your ass be,
so you'd be up for murder!
Think I'm enjoying this now?!
You are enjoying this shit!
You enjoy fucking your life up,
and mine! Shit!
Mine's just a bonus!
Shut up!
Shut up, man!
This shit is not funny, man.
... I don't care.
I just want him off my property...
You're the one that tried
to contain the situation?
Who, me?
Not you, convict.
Kowalski, help me with this guy.
you're not gonna make
a racial complaint, are you?
Can you just get these off me,
Come over here;
I still need your statement.
It's been real, Doug.
- Later!
Have a seat.
- Much!
From the beginning.
Where did you come in on this?
Yo, Rosh...
Roshanna, come on!
Come on, man, come visit me.
Co... Wh...?
Did you look at my feet?
Did you see what you did?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Wanna go take a look
at the fuckin' door too, Doug?
Come visit me, I'm sorry.
Come on, Roshanna.
- Let it go!
Come on!
- Let it go, Doug.
I love you.
I love you.
Well, I just called the police.
I am the neighbourhood-watch
lieutenant, you know.
Yeah, I just thought that,
you know, it's strange -
I mean, you don't usually see...
you know,
window washers after 6 p.m.
Where's my Rocky Road?
- Aw...
I'm sorry, baby.
- Oh, come on.
I'll go get it.
- Hurry up.
... An Amber Alert
was issued around 1 0 a.m.
Police describe the boy
as less than 1 0 years old.
He does not speak English
and was last seen
wearing a dark suit...
Who wants to play?
I'll give you the first move.
I'll give you the first three moves.
I'll give you five, six moves!
I'll move three moves for you!
What do you say? Huh?
You're not sure? Come on.
Let's make a deal.
Let's an appointment.
Call me on your blueberry.
Or, better yet, you can email me
Hey, little man.
Lookin' sharp.
What you got there?
Oooh, Canada.
So what do you say?
I don't usually play
with little men in suits,
but it's a slow night so...
you want a game?
Ah, no. Ah, no, no, no.
Now no game, no. No.
Come on, Henry,
you know the rules.
Time to clear out.
There's no--
... playing chess in the station.
I know, I know.
I know,
'cause what would happen
if everybody played chess
at the station?
You'd have people sitting around--
Don't do that.
Can you, um--
Y eah.
- Can you do that, please?
... Police are quite concerned,
because he's been
without food or water
for some time
and is likely confused and lost.
Okay, good.
Good, you're right here.
I'm not gonna hurt you, okay?
I have to take you someplace safe.
Okay? 'Cause it's not safe here.
So you have to come with me,
You have to come with me.
Okay? All right, so...
Oh, what are you doing?
What are you...?
Give me that piece.
Give it to me.
Give me the piece. Give it.
Gimme... What... what are you...?
Don't put it in your pocket,
gimme the piece!
I am gonna get somebody...
Uh... not him.
I'm gonna get somebody to help us.
Okay, so you stay there,
and I'll be back, okay?
You trippin', Henry?
No. No, I'm not. I saw him.
He was here, Charlie.
- There's no one here.
I know that. I know that.
We have to find him.
No, Henry. I don't think
you know the difference
between what's real
and what isn't.
I do. I do.
- You do? Okay, look.
You have to get out of here,
or I'm gonna have to throw you out.
You understand that?
- Okay.
It's him.
I did see him.
Anybody see
a little... Iittle kid, uh...
uh, a sharp-dressed little boy?
Come on, did anybody see a...
... boy.
Hey, get back here!
Okay, Henry, that's it.
- No!
I warned you. Come on!
- No! No!!!
Come on, this way.
- No!!!
Come on, calm down.
- No!!!
Henry, come on.
Don't make me hurt you.
Don't try coming back in here,
all right?! You've been warned!
Oh, you shouldn't have done that!
Don't you know people can drown
in two inches of water?!
Don't you know that?
Don't you know that?
Yeah, Henry...
... he's fine.
You all right?
Just gotta get some food into ya.
... chicken soup.
Remember that guy?
We always see him
at the bus stations
and the train stations?
Nah, I don't know
who you're talking about.
The guy from the train station?
Uh... J...
Oh, uh... Jake... Johnny!
- Johnny.
Yes, that's it, right.
Well, apparently,
Johnny's the guy
who's got that kid's pictures up
all over the city.
No way...
- Where the fuck is he?!
Where the fuck is he?
Tell me where the fuck he is!
- I don't know!
Tell me where he is!
- I dunno, man!
He doesn't know anything!
- Get the fuck off me!
Is there a problem here?
No. No problem.
Right, Eddie?
No, man, there's no problem.
Henry, I'm surprised at you,
you're usually the gentle...
- Huh...
Waiting for the world
to come home
Everybody's gone
I'm here all alone
Waiting for the world
To come home
Waiting for the world
To come knockin' on my door
Just like it did before
Waiting for the world
To be born
Free from this shadow
I want
To be lost no more
I'm waiting for the world
Be born
I need...
I need money.
that's all that I have right now.
No. No, no, no, no.
I... I need more.
I need more, Beth.
It's important.
It's important!
Okay. Give me a second.
Oh, no...
No, no, no! No!
- What?
Oh, shit!
Shhh. It's okay.
Listen. Listen.
Listen to me, it's on a timer.
I have to go.
- Okay?
And I never swim in it, Henry.
- I have to go.
You need to stay here
and we need to talk!
We need to talk, Henry!
I have to go.
Hey, Mr. Hot...
Y eah.
I came here to do business.
- Sorry, only do business
with friends.
- Hey, no, hey, Mr. Hot.
Mr. Hot, seriously.
Look, buddy,
this isn't some fuckin' TV show...
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Hot, thank you.
Which one of you is Twinky?
That's me.
- Okay, I got what you need.
C'mon, let's do some business.
Come on.
I have almost 20,
but you give me an hour--
- I don't want your money.
You don't?
- No.
Alright, I'll do it,
but you've gotta gimme at least--
No, not that!
- Then what?! Whaddya want?
Johnny the Freak.
You know where he is.
You tell me where he is.
- I dunno anything.
That kinda shit, I could get--
- Tell me where he is!
You gotta
make it worth my while.
All of them.
Excuse me, officers -
please, I need your help.
I need your help right now.
Can you put your coffees down?
Please, I need your help.
I need you to come with me,
I've got an address.
Whoa, wait a minute.
What's going on?
I have an address
and I need you to take me there!
- You, you're not allowed in here.
No, there's no time.
- Let's go! Come on!
There is no time!
There's no time!
No time!
- I don't let people like you
in my store!
- You shouldn't have done that!
You shouldn't have done that!
- Get in there!
I came here to help!
You should listen to me!
I came here...
to help!!!
I thought I told you to stay
the fuck out of my store--
- Hey, hey! Relax!
Do not make you take me in,
all right?
I know exactly where he is.
What are you talking about?
The little kid.
I took him.
So, Henry...
what we got here
are some vagrancy charges.
Nothing like forcible confinement
or abduction...
Doesn't seem
like you're the kind of guy
that'd hurt a kid.
That's it?
You got nothing to say?
All right, Henry--
Shit, come on!
Little man!
Little man, there you are.
I've been worried about you.
Step away from the boy!
He's right here.
- Step away from the boy!
Step away from the boy!!!
- Just get him out of here.
He can't understand you!
You're gonna be fine, little man.
Oh, not in the puddle!!!
Not in the puddle!
You're gonna be fine, little man!
You're gonna be just fine!
You'll be fine!
He says he's not hurt.
All right, ask him
about the homeless guy.
Ask him if that guy ever...
touched him.
He says no.
He brought him here, right?
Even he admits that.
He says no.
That's not possible.
He must've misunderstood.
Ask him again.
No, the other man
brought him here.
The door was locked
and he was really scared.
He then got frightened
by the sirens
and ran away.
The other man
didn't do anything to him.
He would like to play chess
with him.
Go upstairs.
See if that guy
can give us anything
on where to find this...
other guy.
And if he doesn't?
Then we let him go.
Now that you got him back,
now that he's safe,
I need you
to promise me something.
I need you
to promise me one thing.
- Okay?
Don't let him go swimming.
You live in your own world,
don't you, Henry?
Don't worry about it.
I promise not to let him go...
Hey, Henry. Wait a minute.
Hey, uh...
why don't you let us
get you into a shelter?
At least get you a meal.
Whaddya say?
Well, let us give you a ride.
At least run you back
to where we found you.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Waiting for the world
to come home
Everybody's gone
I'm here all alone
Waiting for the world
To come home
Waiting for the world
To come knockin' on my door
Just like it did before
I'm waiting for the world
To be born