Tortured (2008) Movie Script

- Thanks for hooking me up.
- Any time, bro. Any time.
- How's your back coming along?
- Very nice, very nice. Very happening.
I'm gonna unveil it next week, bro.
Wait till you see it, man.
Marcus is like... He's a magician, bro.
I think she's got one on her lower back
she wants to brag about.
- Hey, what's up?
- You tell me.
- Is he here yet?
- Brought him in last night.
- Did you see who brought him in?
- Nah, supposedly he brought him in himself,
- you know, the big guy?
- Ziggy?
When we woke up,
there was an envelope on the table.
And I will raise.
And he left instructions for you.
For me, huh?
So what's the game, baby?
Who's taking who to dinner?
The Valium chip. Light blue.
Good color, man. I will see that.
I will raise 20 milligrams, baby.
Let's get high.
Thank God.
Where am I?
What is this place?
How long have I been here?
Who are you?
Whoever you are,
please help me.
Listen. I need your... I need your help.
Do you hear me?
Do you know how long I've been here?
What're you doing?
Please, please, whoever you are, help me.
I don't know what's going on,
but obviously this is...
This is some kind of mistake.
I mean, I was on my way to New York.
My name is Jimmy Vaughn.
Do I know you?
When I come into the room,
I speak and you listen.
I question and you answer.
Nod if you understand the rules.
Ziggy has asked me to take care of this.
And believe me,
the more time that we spend here,
the more fun it'll be for me,
and the less fun it'll be for you.
Do you understand that?
So you were Ziggy's accountant.
Is that correct?
And you stole $10 million from him,
is that right?
Look at me, Mr. Green.
Mr. Green, I'm gonna leave you
to think about that answer.
But before I do,
you'll realize that sitting is a luxury
you don't have anymore.
I'll see you soon.
That's an unusual name.
How do you pronounce it?
Well, I can't offer much.
I mean, with a high school equivalency
and military service,
would you consider security somewhere?
Pays like, $10 an hour.
I could maybe get you $12.
I was told to wait in line
specifically to talk to you.
Why me?
'Cause there's only one man
I'd like to work for, Mr. Gnoww.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I asked you nicely,
and now I'm gonna demand
that you tell me where to go,
or I'm gonna blow your brains out.
He doesn't respect men who carry guns.
That's why I brought this.
Now I'm gonna shove
this in your fucking mouth,
and blow your brains out,
or you're gonna tell me
where I can find him.
I pull this pin and it's over.
Take a large coffee.
That's $2.25.
This is horrible. I'm not paying for it.
Let me talk to your manager.
- Can I help you?
- I can't drink this.
What's the problem?
The coffee's way too wet.
Too wet?
Let me take you in the back.
Perhaps you prefer
some of our dry coffee blends.
So what's your name?
Jimmy Vaughn.
Well, Jimmy, our dry coffee
is right through here.
The key to making dry coffee
is the dry beans.
And dry beans
comes from drought-inflicted areas.
It's a difficult thing
to find such a happy medium
between the moisture needed
to grow beans,
and the absolute dry heat
truly needed to get dry coffee.
I am no novice to this concept.
I've traveled to the forests myself
in pursuit of the evasive, perfect blend.
You have to look everywhere for the beans.
In an animal's armpits, stomach, legs.
And sometimes
it's stuck in a tree shaft.
So you have to stick your hand inside
and feel around.
This procedure may feel
a little uncomfortable.
You're clean. Turn around.
Pull your pants up.
Go stand in the back alley.
I'll call you a ride. They'll come pick you up.
All you have to do is say, "Yes, please."
- Where am I going?
- I don't know. I've never taken the ride.
Then how'd you get the job?
My dad worked for him.
This was his life insurance policy.
I get paid 10 grand a month
for fingering guys like you.
Hey man, me and my friends just got out.
You wanna get in and vacuum our asses?
Yes, please.
Hello, Jimmy Vaughn. You're a stupid guy.
Only stupid people get brought to us.
I'm Mo. Larry. Curly.
Why would the big guy give you a job?
Why wouldn't he?
You got a quick mouth, yeah?
Larry's got a pretty quick
fucking wrench, too.
Every day,
Larry and Curly are gonna come in here,
and they're gonna beat you senselessly
until you leave.
I won't fight back. You're not my enemy.
I wanna be your brother.
I wanna be your brother.
Only Ziggy can decide that.
So, any news today, Kevin?
Today was a big day.
Brian Marks.
So Agent Cole, I read your brief,
and it seems that your assessment's correct.
Ziggy's aware of you.
Is there an Archie Green
reported missing yet?
Not yet.
Why do you think he requested you
to deal with Green?
I don't know.
I mean, I guess maybe I've earned his trust.
I mean I've been, what,
running errands for six months now.
Yeah, but that was small potatoes.
This seems much bigger.
Have you met anybody
who's seen him lately?
No, apparently Ziggy brought him in,
in the middle of the night,
but my guys didn't see him.
- How recent's our latest picture of him?
- It's seven years old. It's unusable.
Yeah, he's a master of disguises.
He's had total reconstructive
plastic surgery.
If you get to anybody
who claims to have seen him lately,
- bag them and get them in here.
- You got it.
- Congratulations, Agent Cole.
- Thank you, Agent Murphy.
Cole, almost forgot.
Your itinerary.
You've been requested to Washington
by the Director.
- When?
- Tonight.
- Tell him I'll see him tomorrow.
- Smart ass.
He'll know where I got it from.
What's going on? Did you buy groceries?
Better, sweetheart. We're celebrating.
What are we celebrating?
- A big day at work.
- A big day for my big man?
I like that. So what'd you get?
- We have flowers.
- I'll take that.
- We have expensive wine.
- I'll take that.
And we have gourmet cuisine.
Let's keep that for later.
- For later?
- After we celebrate.
I love that shirt.
I know you do.
- Is it cold?
- No.
Smells great, though.
Just give it to me.
- I want to get you a good bite.
- You'll give me that perfect bite.
Chinese food really juices me up.
They have produced, like, a billion people.
So, did anything happen today
that I could hear about?
Yeah. Brian and I sat at our desks
and we played solitaire.
And I beat his ass
for about the 50th time in a row.
I should beat your ass.
I'm serious.
The only thing that I can tell you
is that I love you.
Come here.
One more bite for me, please.
Oh, really?
Mr. Green, I warned you.
This will only stop
when Ziggy gets his money back.
I don't have his money.
I've explained the rules to you, Mr. Green.
Why do you think
he believes that you stole his money?
I don't know.
I did some work for him.
But it was always via P.O. Box,
from accountant to accountant.
We double-checked
and triple-checked each other's work.
If there was a mistake, it wasn't my fault.
Mr. Green,
I'm gonna leave you today with this thought.
I'm about to tear the final fingernail
off your hand.
You... You're leaving me...
You're leaving me no choice, you see?
Now tomorrow, I'm gonna come back
and I'm gonna do the other hand.
And then the following day I'll do one foot,
and then I'll do the other.
And then I'm gonna have to start
getting creative as to what else to rip off.
Now, is there anything
that you'd like to tell me
before I get to your thumb?
Please, I have a family.
I have a wife
and a beautiful... Beautiful daughter.
You understand?
No. No!
Are you ready for this?
Ziggy told us four days was enough.
He's got a job for you.
Thank you.
I've been waiting for this for two years
and this is who he sends.
You're Harry Rusick?
Well, maybe I'll ask you. What is your name?
Jimmy Vaughn.
How long have you known the big guy?
How long? I never met him.
Never met him. Even better for me.
How long have you known him?
Forty years.
I knew him from the neighborhood.
I introduced him to Mickey.
That's how long ago I knew him.
Now, please,
please tell him
that I'm trying to stay the course.
You got that?
And I got a guy
who wants a sniff of something real potent.
So stay laxed. Okay?
Laxed. You got it?
I got it.
Most importantly,
tell him that I understand what I did,
and that...
I'd appreciate him letting me out of here
as soon as I repay him.
- He's the one that's got you in here, huh?
- What?
You think these fucking assholes
make any kind of decisions whatsoever?
All right, pal.
- Don't fuck up, kid.
- Release the visitor.
- He never forgets.
- Let's go, Rusick!
- He never forgets.
- Rusick!
Yes, I'll have him call you back. Thank you.
Director Cole's office.
Yes, he's in a meeting. Yes, thank you.
Agent Cole.
I don't think he'd like me telling you this,
He talks about you all the time.
We were all praying for you
while you were over there.
I appreciate your prayers.
Kevin, get your butt in here.
- Good to see you, Son.
- Good to see you, Dad.
- Looking good.
- Thank you.
Welcome to Washington.
You know, I get calls
from the leadership of both parties
asking me
if you'd consider running for Congress.
They just wanna know,
are you a Democrat or a Republican?
Ask them what the difference is, these days.
Just like that, Kevin Cole is out of politics.
So, what's this I hear
about you being a field agent?
I don't know. What did you hear?
Kevin, why?
Come on, Dad.
We've been over this a thousand times.
Why the hell do you always insist
on doing everything the hard way?
Because I'm your son.
And if I take anything easy,
then for the rest of my life,
people will say that I got there because
my dad's the Director of the Bureau.
And besides, taking the hard way
is the way you took, too.
Yeah. Well...
I've been reading your latest brief
on the Ziggy Operation.
- I want you to pull yourself out.
- Pull myself out?
- I just got noticed.
- That's why it's time.
The next thing to happen
is you're gonna get compromised,
and then we'll have to pull you out.
Poor mark like that on your record,
it's gonna spoil your chances
for a quick promotion.
But a success could ensure it.
Kevin, listen to me.
I never told you not to enlist,
not to go to Afghanistan.
But I'm telling you now,
this is a really bad move.
You have no idea what Ziggy's capable of.
I know you know his organization
and the scum he does business with,
that he trades IEDs for heroin.
What you don't know
is how deep he can get his hooks in you.
I do. Twenty-five years ago,
I got that close to him,
and I still couldn't bring him down.
So wouldn't it be a great story
if your son was the one that finally did?
You said you'd only do one foot at a time.
I lied.
I'm sure you're familiar with the technique.
You bastard. Bastard.
Mr. Green, in a day or so,
one of two things will happen.
Your wounds will get infected,
or your body will be unable
to clot all the wounds,
and you'll drip the blood until death.
Now you can dip your toes
into this bucket of salt, which will help.
It will also hurt like a bitch.
Or I can stitch you up myself,
with anaesthetic,
for just a little piece of information.
I can...
I can give you a little piece of information.
I'm listening.
My daughter's name is Sheila,
and my wife's name is Gloria.
I love them so much.
They're all I have in the world.
I didn't steal Ziggy's money.
I would never do that.
But I'll pay it back.
I swear I will, if I have to work
the rest of the days of my life,
if you just let me go.
If you just let me go.
Ziggy wants his own money back,
Mr. Green.
He doesn't make
those types of deals anymore.
No. No!
- Hey.
- No!
It's me. Baby. It's me. It's Becky.
You all right?
It was just a bad dream.
- You ever had therapy before?
- Never.
West Point, Honors.
Rangers in Afghanistan, Delta.
Saw your share of action?
You're looking at my file,
you know who I am.
- You ever have these nightmares over there?
- No. I was just happy to get some sleep.
Should I assume
you're Director Jack Cole's son?
You should.
- What's your relationship like with him?
- It is what it is.
How's your relationship with your mom?
She passed away a couple years ago,
right before I got back from active duty.
I'm sorry. The two of you close?
We're not here to talk about my family.
Fair enough.
Would you mind having a seat?
Well, listen.
It's clear you got a lot of weight
on your shoulders.
You're a very sharp guy.
We should be able to find
the source of these nightmares.
Why don't you just start by telling me
what's new in your life.
Who's listening,
and what kind of clearance do you have?
- You couldn't be in a safer place.
- Is that right?
Yeah, I was hired many years ago
by the Bureau
to talk specifically to the best agents
in the field about the job.
You can't imagine the clearance I have.
My nightmares are visions of
this undercover operation that I'm a part of.
And what is that?
- Kevin, help me.
- Kevin, help me.
And then you woke up screaming,
just because of that?
You weren't trained
to mercilessly torture people,
you were trained to be Captain America.
It's in your blood, for God's sakes.
- I see two options here.
- What's that?
Well, if you wanna stop seeing images
of Green's wife and daughter, then...
Don't let him lead the conversation
into his personal life.
And, two, I'd just request a transfer.
They assign you a different case.
It happens all the time.
And then you can tell Becky
that the problem is over.
And no one will ever know
the reason for the transfer.
That won't work for me because I'll know.
I'll see you.
- Mo, you ever go in the vault with Green?
- Nah, that's not my job, Jimmy.
Yeah? What's your job? What do you do?
- Aside from drinking?
- Yeah.
- Being a professional alcoholic.
- That's it.
Jimmy, I sit here, I guard the door,
I mail off the tapes,
and I make sure no one walks in
and pops your ass.
- Cheers.
- Love you, baby.
- Glass up.
- Yeah.
I actually mail the tapes.
And I write out the envelopes.
I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble.
- The tapes, recordings of when I'm in there?
- Yeah.
Over there in the closet.
Where do you mail them to?
Just out of curiosity.
P.O. Box, for your evaluation.
- Don't go fuck up our system.
- Larry, don't get so serious.
I ain't feeling the love.
I ain't feeling no love, man.
- Where'd the love go?
- I don't know, man.
- It's to who?
- Down, boy.
- I fold. I'm out. Yeah.
- You're out?
The system is a series of drops,
and Green has confirmed exactly
what the three wise men said.
Three wise men?
The three whacked-out fiends
who play cards in the kitchen.
Now, if we can figure out
who leases the P.O. Boxes
and who makes the pickups,
we might be able to get our leads.
And the camera in the vault?
The recording device
appears to be a live remote feed.
We already checked.
The signal's untraceable.
Good to know.
Two hours ago, LAPD got a report
that Archie Green was missing.
- He's been gone two days.
- His wife thought he was on a business trip.
And we can't inform LAPD of the operation.
Ziggy's way over their jurisdiction.
Just be prepared now for any hurried tactics
in trying to get him to talk.
- Hey, Jimmy.
- What's going on, Mo?
- You're late, bro.
- Late?
- Yeah.
- Late for what?
The big guy just sent a package for you.
- Did he bring it himself?
- No, man, I didn't ask his name.
Some old guy in a suit said,
"Give this to Jimmy."
He said the code is your birthday.
- Anything good?
- More toys.
Call me Santa. I come bearing gifts.
We've got this.
Festive. Or we've got this.
You haven't had solid food in days.
Why don't we start with a little treat?
Mr. Green, just relax.
Nothing's going to happen
if you just tell me what I need to know.
Let's start with a place.
Give me a place to look.
Is the money in the Caymans?
- No.
- Zurich?
Rome? The money's in Rome?
Jimmy, I already told you.
I don't have Ziggy's money.
I know I can't prove it.
But how can I disprove a false accusation
when I don't have any understanding of it?
Now you could tell me anything.
You could tell me the sky is red outside.
To me right now, in here, the sky is blue.
Until we're both standing outside
under the same sky,
it's your word against mine.
We both have the same kind of credibility.
So you gotta help me, Jimmy.
Tell me the facts.
Tell me who told you I stole Ziggy's money.
Ziggy told me you stole the money
and that's all I need to know.
- That's all he said? He didn't say how?
- Mr. Green, I'm growing impatient.
- You hear me!
- He didn't say which account the money...
Mr. Green, I'm hoping the electricity
woke up some forgotten memories.
I tried to wait up for you.
Come lie down. Come lie down.
Hello, Jimmy. I didn't wake you, did I?
- Who is this?
- You know who this is.
I've been watching your sessions
with Archie Green.
Nice work, Jimmy.
What's your gut telling you?
My gut's telling me
to do whatever it is that you want.
While that's the correct answer
most of the time,
this is one of those rarities
when I'm really asking your opinion.
- Do you think he stole the money?
- Yes.
So do I. Carry on with your sessions.
Thank you, sir.
And Jimmy, try to get some sleep.
Don't you ever do that again.
- What're you doing here?
- I flew in first thing this morning
as soon as I heard Ziggy had called you.
Yeah, well,
we're not 100% sure it was Ziggy.
Whoever it was jammed our trace.
I've dealt with him before.
I'll lay you odds it was Ziggy.
How do you wanna proceed from here?
I finish the operation,
I get Ziggy and I bring him to justice.
Agent Cole, I was not speaking to you.
Sit down and listen
while Director Cole and I reach a decision.
He's been underground a long time.
Why would he call Kevin last night?
Why surface? Why now?
And what's this Archie Green thing
all about, anyway?
Sir, you don't believe
it's about the $10 million?
I have no idea.
We don't know what Green knows.
That's the real question.
Please, please.
I'll tell you anything you want.
Anything I can, anything you wanna know
that I actually know...
Don't hurt me anymore.
This is me now. It's me. It's me.
Now just relax. Just relax.
Now, we're gonna try to retrace your steps
to remember the exact moment
when you made 10 million mistakes.
Mr. Green, I'm gonna let you speak freely.
How long have you known Ziggy?
A long time.
Twenty... Twenty to twenty-five years.
I met him at a card game.
It was a high stakes game at...
Mickey Sullivan's place in the basement.
And how did your relationship
move forward?
He had just adopted a little girl.
She was, I don't know,
seven, eight years old.
And he was having problems with her.
Anyway, that's because he wasn't married.
And I had just gotten married, so I...
I offered up my wife, Gloria,
to take her shopping and stuff like that.
- Ziggy's daughter?
- Yes.
What's her name?
My wife Gloria and Tally
would go shopping and the movies.
You know, girly foolishness.
You see how easy this can be, Mr. Green?
Please, continue.
Well, one week at the game, Z tells me...
That's what we called him, Z.
He tells me, he says,
"Archie, you look tired."
I explained to him how I was working
my tail off at Arthur Andersen.
He tells me he's a pretty wealthy guy.
He doesn't make a big deal out of it.
It's nothing showy.
He just says it matter-of-factly,
like he was presenting something to me.
You know,
he started out in Streets and Sanitation.
Up in Chino, I think.
Anyway, he told me he would give me
the books to one of his companies,
and that if he liked my work,
he would pay me twice my annual salary.
I did it.
I left Arthur Andersen,
started my own little practice.
I only had one client.
I started with one client.
I still to this day only have one client.
And you kept totally legit, clean books?
Sure. I would keep the records for a year
and then I'd send it back to him.
But that's not unusual.
I had a lot of clients from my old firm
who did the same thing.
They sent their taxes by themselves.
It wasn't that unusual.
- So when did you realize, Mr. Green?
- About Z?
Five years later, maybe six, I don't know.
I started doing some of his
other businesses, all cash businesses.
Bars, restaurants, laundromats, diamonds.
I mean, when you have two or three
cash businesses, that's one thing,
but when you've got a dozen
and they're moving
tens of millions of dollars through them,
and I'm talking about 20 years ago,
well, that's quite a different thing.
I was in too deep, anyway.
I mean, he supported my entire business.
He paid me a fortune.
So when he disappeared,
I would get these packages in the mail
and send them back.
It didn't feel dirty.
Why should I care
if somebody else is doctoring the books?
- Why did Ziggy disappear?
- Anyone would've left.
Why's that?
Do you even know Ziggy?
You just can't enjoy yourself,
can you, Mr. Green?
Now, I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Why did Ziggy disappear?
His daughter was killed.
That is heavy.
- I didn't even know he had a daughter.
- Me neither.
We've got our guy.
Wake up, Peggy, wake up.
He's here. He's here.
- I rarely see that box get opened.
- I only come by once a month.
That's quite the system.
You just keep sending the envelope?
I don't know nothing about it.
I just do this and get a check in the mail.
I'm fucking bored of
sitting around here doing nothing.
We're not doing nothing,
we're playing cards.
You can scratch my balls.
You guys ever hear of a guy
by the name of Harry Rusick?
- No.
- He must be an old-timer, Jimmy.
- Old-timer?
- From the first generation.
There was a bunch of older guys
who worked with the big guy
when he was young.
Rules were a lot different back then.
For one reason or another,
they'd never stay around forever.
- Well, he was telling me...
- Shut up!
Hey, shut up!
What the fuck are you doing?
- You could get us whacked.
- Or worse.
Hey, Jimmy, you get an order,
just do your shit.
You write it up, you send it back.
Nobody needs to hear
what color other people's shit is.
There's no gain from that. Understand?
Yeah. I understand.
- Who is it?
- Delivery.
- Delivery for Jimmy Vaughn.
- Yeah, that's me.
Can I help you?
I'm here for the arbitration.
My name is Jimmy Vaughn.
They're expecting you.
Last door at the end of the hall.
Come in.
Turn around.
All right.
Mr. Vaughn. Please sit down.
Mr. Vaughn, Mr. Rusick. I'm confident
you gentlemen have met before.
Mr. Vaughn, I know you're fairly a newbie
to this organization,
but at times like this,
you're going to be treated like an adult.
Thank you.
You received orders
to visit Mr. Rusick in prison.
- Is that correct?
- Yes, sir.
And what happened there?
I filed a report
documenting our conversation, sir.
Is this the aforementioned report?
Let the record show that Mr. Vaughn
positively identified his Rusick report.
Now, Mr. Vaughn, there seems
to be a slight discrepancy in the report
that has proved to be quite alarming
to the organization.
What is that?
When you spoke to Mr. Rusick,
did he stress that you remain relaxed,
because that is what you wrote up,
the word "relaxed."
So what's the discrepancy?
I said "laxed."
Laxed, not relaxed. I said "laxed."
You got it? Laxed. And you said, "Got it!"
Mr. Rusick. Mr. Rusick, might I remind you
of the severe consequences you're facing?
He granted you this hearing as a courtesy.
Do not make him regret that.
Now Mr. Vaughn, did Mr. Rusick
use the word "relaxed" or the word "laxed"?
I got a wife. I got kids.
I believe my report is accurate, sir.
Please let the record show that Mr. Vaughn
has corroborated his own conversation
of his own report with Mr. Rusick.
Therefore, Rusick directed the shipment
into Redlands Airport.
Not only did he fail to repay his debt,
but he wasted another $10 million
and tried to cover it with a lie.
Mr. Rusick, are you familiar
with the penalty for lying to him?
Thank you, Mr. Vaughn. You're free to go.
- Hello?
- I was told to drop off an envelope.
Yes. I heard. I'm Harry's wife.
I'm Caren Rusick.
- Well, won't you come in?
- No, I don't wanna intrude. Please.
There's nothing to intrude on.
Just sit inside and cry.
I didn't hear from anybody.
Well, Ziggy called this morning.
He told me about this. So thoughtful.
Come in. Please.
Please, have a seat.
Can I get you anything?
Some iced tea, coffee? Maybe some cake?
No, thank you.
You'll have to excuse all the baking.
I bake when I get stressed out.
I've been pretty stressed.
I think those are the biggest cupcakes
I've ever seen.
I'll give them to you.
- You can take them all when you go.
- No, no. No, please, no.
He's so sweet.
Most employers wouldn't do this.
- Do you not even know what this is?
- No.
It's a life insurance policy
he takes out for all his long-time employees.
He says it's to ensure the family nest egg.
You mustn't be thinking about that, yet.
You're far too young.
I'm sorry. I'm so rude.
I forgot to ask you your name.
- It's Jimmy. Jimmy Vaughn.
- Jimmy.
You seem nice.
Did you ever meet Harry?
No. I don't think that I did.
He would've liked you.
You would've liked him, too, I bet.
He told great stories.
All those guys told great stories.
Harry and Ziggy, Archie and Mickey.
But nobody's even around anymore.
- Well, the thing is, people get busy, huh?
- Isn't that the truth?
This is... This is my Harry. Here.
I can assure you that he is looking down
right now from Heaven,
and he is saying to himself, "I can't wait
to meet that young man, Jimmy."
He'll thank you for what you've done.
He will.
I'm so sorry.
- And when was that?
- It was almost six months ago.
I knew I was killing him.
I mean, I basically killed him myself.
But I also knew that it was either him or me
that was leaving that room.
Did you hear him say, "laxed"?
Of course I did.
Murphy had me write up "relaxed,"
which meant Redlands Airport Los Angeles,
instead of "laxed,"
which meant LAX Airport.
- Two targets down. Good to go.
- Let's go. Let's go. Come on.
Move, move.
- So what do we got in there?
- Coffins.
You think the drugs are
inside these coffins?
There's only one way to find out.
Give me the crowbar, will you?
He worked for Ziggy.
They all worked for Ziggy. He killed them all.
- So where are the drugs?
- He doesn't have fat people work for him.
They're all in good shape.
Let me see your knife.
Here, hold this.
They're stuffed.
Keep opening 'em up. Let's go. Come on.
Ziggy killed all 40 of those men
to transport his drugs to the meeting spot.
We seized about 1100 pounds
of heroin that day.
And our team won the day.
- So that's what Rusick wanted to tell Ziggy?
- No.
Rusick was in charge
of all of Ziggy's drug operations.
He wanted the flight to go to LAX,
where his two biggest contacts
were waiting.
I redirected the flight to Redlands.
He set the whole thing up
from inside a prison to repay his debt.
- His debt?
- Yeah, his debt to Ziggy.
I don't know what it was. I have no idea.
Right, but you are aware
that you didn't kill Rusick.
During a small prison riot that afternoon,
Rusick was shot square in the head
with live ammunition.
The guard,
he got a two-day paid suspension.
You're judging yourself
for your role in Rusick's death.
That isn't fair to you.
You chose a job, a life serving the Bureau.
The Bureau chooses for you,
because it can see the bigger picture.
Dr. Shaw,
I shattered his family.
So Agent Cole,
you got anything new from him?
Look, he told me the same story
of how he met Ziggy.
Same as Rusick.
A card game at Mickey Sullivan's.
He was important.
He links them all somehow.
Back in the day when you knew Ziggy,
did you know Mickey Sullivan?
And was he a guy like Green and Rusick?
No. He was a prick. Like Ziggy.
Agent Murphy,
I'll talk to you in the morning.
Kevin, I'm hosting this function
at the hotel tonight.
I'd appreciate it
if you'd put in an appearance.
Sure. Should I bring Becky?
Yeah, sure. See you there.
Mr. Green.
Mr. Green.
A little deli food?
Just what the doctor ordered, huh?
I figured one piece of a candy bar
in five days...
I owed you a little bit of food.
Tomorrow we're back to story time.
- Jimmy. Jimmy, do me a favor?
- What's that?
Kill me.
Baby, we need to talk.
I don't wanna talk right now.
Just give me 10 minutes.
I need you to open your eyes,
so we can talk now.
If I ask for 10 minutes,
then give me 10 fucking minutes.
I go to work all day, I do all kinds of shit.
And if I come home
and I wanna be left alone,
then I don't need you telling me
you need to talk right now.
All I want is 10 fucking minutes!
- What is it?
- There's so much.
What the fuck do you want from me?
Just tell me.
What is it? What do you want?
Talk to me. Come on.
What is it? What is it?
You hurt me. That's what.
I don't even recognize you anymore.
You have changed, Kevin.
I mean, first,
you don't wanna talk about the war.
Then you don't wanna talk about your job.
Then you disappear for days
and you don't wanna talk about it.
- And now, you don't wanna talk at all.
- I wonder why.
Our conversations are such a pleasure.
Now get ready
and let's get the hell out of here.
- Name?
- Kevin Cole and Becky Carson.
Go on.
Every girl loves to go into a party
through the basement.
Enjoy your evening.
I wouldn't bet on it.
Listen. Let me talk to my father,
then we'll get out of here. Okay?
Figured you might want 10 minutes.
Director Cole.
- Nice to see you again, Senator.
- Nice to see you, too, sir.
- How's your boy?
- He's doing very well, thank you.
Good. I've been meaning to thank him
for his service to the country.
Would you excuse me, Senator?
- That's quite the spectacle.
- Dog-and-pony show.
Now that you're getting deeper
into this operation
and having more success
than any of us anticipated,
I think we should talk. I read your brief.
Archie's description
of how Ziggy's whole syndicate began,
about the card games, Mickey Sullivan.
Yeah? You remember something about it?
I'm Mickey Sullivan.
I was almost 40
when I first started out at the Bureau.
I figured I'd have to make some noise
if I was ever gonna get noticed.
There was this small-time thief,
ran these scams, dealt mostly in diamonds.
I volunteered to go undercover
to get close to him,
see where it would lead me.
And I used the alias Mickey Sullivan.
Ziggy posed no real national danger
at that time, so I became friends with him.
He used to invite me along
on some of his endeavors,
to meet his contacts.
At the same time
I was bringing new people to him,
people I thought would be sloppy
and easy to track.
- Like Rusick and Green.
- Yeah.
Only he had this way into them.
He'd weave his web,
and before I'd even realize,
they were caught up in it.
That happened to Rusick, Green,
lot of people.
So you helped build his empire.
- No.
- No?
I kind of counseled him so that
his organization would have a structure
that the FBI would be familiar with.
No, he wound up taking over all the crooks
that I was initially just using him to meet.
I had no idea he'd get this big.
Sometimes you help create the very enemies
you end up fighting.
But Rusick talked about Mickey Sullivan
like he was still around.
I still pull a few strings now and then,
when I think it's in the best interest
of the Bureau. Like Rusick.
He was in charge of Ziggy's drug trafficking,
so I moved some money around
in one of his accounts
to get Ziggy's attention,
see if I could force Rusick
into revealing his contacts.
So Rusick dies.
That's the price you pay
for doing business with Ziggy.
Did you frame Green?
No. And unfortunately I don't know who did.
Why are you telling me tonight?
Why haven't you told me before?
Because I wasn't sure how you'd take it.
And I wanted to explain
all this to you myself
without any other agents involved.
He's never contacted
any of the people we sent in.
He's taken a special interest in you, Kevin.
- How many other agents have you sent in?
- Oh, many.
Most don't make it past the coffee shop.
Some end up dead.
You wanted this,
in spite of my objections, remember?
Just give us a second.
How long have you been with Becky?
A long time, Dad.
It's important to have a life
outside of the Bureau, Kevin.
- Something that's completely your own.
- Yeah.
It's just tough trusting anybody right now.
You haven't told her anything, have you?
- Of course not.
- Good.
You don't ever wanna get her involved
in any of this.
That's how people get hurt.
You said something the other day.
You said that I wasn't trained
to mercilessly torture people.
I was trained to torture people.
But what they don't teach you, Dr. Shaw,
is what it's like to look
into another man's eyes
as you tear his fingernails out.
That they don't teach you.
Or what it must feel like
to be there in that moment when
your father tells you he's Mickey Sullivan.
- What'd it feel like?
- How would it feel?
I've killed a man who used to be his friend,
and now I'm out there every day
slowly killing another man
who used to be his friend,
in order to catch another guy
who used to be his friend.
Feel like he's got a lot of bad friends.
You know how most kids grow up
thinking their father's a...
I don't know, a business person?
And then one day that boy becomes a man,
and he goes to work at the same office
as his father.
And one day he opens his father's drawer,
and he finds a dirty magazine.
- So?
- I knew my father had secrets, Dr. Shaw.
But for the first time in my life,
I have no idea who he is.
- And would you want that for your son?
- No.
I would want my son to go into work,
open my drawer
and find a filthy, dirty magazine.
Is that what your father would want
for your son?
I don't really care what my father wants.
- What about what your mother would want?
- My mother?
My mother would want whatever it was
that made him happy.
She'd probably want
what would make you happy, as well.
What about that?
That thing that would make you happy?
If you could choose only one thing
that would make you happy,
what would you choose?
It's too late.
What's too late?
You don't act the same anymore, Kevin.
It's been a while.
Becky, please.
Ever since you came home
with that scar on your neck.
You never did tell me, what is that scar?
I wanna make things work.
You just got to give me some time
to finish things at work, that's all.
Just give me some time.
- I want a normal life again.
- What's normal to you, Kevin?
A family.
You know, barbecues at the house,
poker in the basement.
I want those things, too.
I just don't believe you can
walk away from your work.
I called my sister.
I'm gonna go stay with her.
You're staying here, Becky.
Don't leave me.
I love you, Kevin.
You know that.
I just can't live like this anymore.
Becky, you're all I have.
Please don't.
Just... Just let me go.
I'm so sorry I hurt you.
I don't understand.
Why do I have to give another statement?
I've already told the police what happened.
The FBI gets involved
in missing person cases
where we have reason to believe
the individual might've crossed state lines.
- You think that he's crossed state lines?
- We don't know.
He got up, he packed,
he came across
and kissed me on the forehead,
and then he walked out the door.
- Did you see him walk out?
- Yes.
- You were awake?
- I was awake.
I usually wake up
when he kisses me in the morning.
Do you think that my husband is still alive?
It's important to stay positive
at a time like this.
Do you have any reason to believe
that my husband is still alive?
I have no proof of anything, yet.
It could be anything. He could've run away.
He could've been abducted.
Somebody could be holding him for ransom.
It could be anything.
- Do you think that it's ransom?
- I don't know. It might be.
- I could pay.
- Lead her to the money, Brian.
Lead her to the money.
It's generally not a good idea
to negotiate with kidnappers.
But, just in case we explore that route,
what kind of options do we have?
A lot. I could get a lot of money.
My husband works for an old family friend.
- I could contact him.
- How's that?
I write a letter and I mail it
to his corporate post office box.
Within a week I get a response.
- A week.
- It's too bad.
He called me this morning,
asked me if I needed anything.
Who called her?
Wanted to know if there was anything
he could do for her.
- What do we do next?
- We wait.
He'll tell us what to do.
You notice how the towel's wet at the top
and dry at the bottom?
When I light this towel on fire,
your feet will burn,
but the dampness in your shins
will keep the blood moving in your legs.
It's an old trick they use in the desert.
- I think I know something.
- I can't hear you. What'd you say?
- I think I know something!
- I can't hear you!
- I know something!
- What?
I know something!
Now listen to me.
I have no way of proving this,
but I think Mickey Sullivan is behind all this.
Now listen to me. Hear me out.
There's not that many of us left
from the old days.
There's Ziggy, Mickey and me.
I would never do what you're talking about.
Z certainly wouldn't do it.
Harry's dead. That leaves Mickey.
You just bought yourself
some time, Mr. Green.
- Hello.
- Good afternoon, Jimmy.
- Good afternoon.
- I just watched the feed.
I liked where you were going.
Now go back and burn his feet.
Sir, the technique was working.
He's talking about Mickey Sullivan.
I don't give a shit.
I'm directing you to go back into the vault
and burn him. Now.
- But then he won't trust me.
- Who gives a fuck if he trusts you?
Remember what I told you.
You have 10 seconds to make up your mind.
Five seconds, Mr. Vaughn.
There can easily be two bodies
hanging in the vault tonight.
- Hey, what's up Jimmy? Back so soon?
- Come back for this, bitch?
I owed you that! You hear me?
I owed you that.
Fuck. Bitch.
Oh, God! Oh, God!
- Where'd you get that?
- A lady gave them to me.
Are they okay to eat?
- It's a strange world, Mo.
- You think so?
Yeah. I think so.
Hey, Jimmy. So do I.
Stand up, Jimmy.
Mo, couldn't you wait
until I was fucking through?
Jimmy, please stand up.
- Are you through?
- Yeah, I'm through.
- Turn and face Larry.
- Slowly, asshole.
Put your hands out.
What's the matter, guys,
don't like the cupcakes?
Shut the fuck up.
What's going on, Mo?
Well, that was easy enough.
Hello? Hello.
Who's there? Hello?
Please, I'm doing my best.
If I've done something wrong,
just tell me, please.
I'm doing my best. Do you hear me?
Mr. Vaughn, please don't be frightened.
I'm the one you've been waiting to meet.
- I am Ziggy.
- Ziggy?
This is a happy occasion.
One you will look back upon
many years from now
and be very proud of, I'm sure.
It is time for your initiation.
You should know this is the closest
you will ever come to me, Mr. Vaughn.
And there are a lot of people
who would risk their lives
to stand even this close.
I know you've seen the mark of initiation
on all of my recruits.
I am about to slice open your neck,
but do not think about the pain.
Think about the gratitude you feel for me,
since I protected you
by not cutting open your vein.
Do you feel grateful?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Yeah. I'm sure.
Embrace the pain, Jimmy.
This is a celebration.
I am grateful. I am grateful.
From the bottom of my heart,
Son of a bitch.
- Rough day in the vault?
- No, it was a bed of roses.
Hey, hey. Both of you.
Hey, we heard the call.
He's making us look like amateurs!
So what do you suggest?
- Let's surface him.
- How?
Let's get our hands on something
he actually cares about. Force his hand.
- Like what?
- Like Green.
Last time I acted on advice like that,
Ziggy's daughter got killed.
- What'd you say?
- Ziggy's daughter.
- Yeah, her name's Tally. Yeah, I know.
- That's right.
We had a plan to take down Ziggy, too.
We were gonna intercept his car
when he brought his daughter home
from school.
Only he wasn't in the car.
The driver started shooting.
She was hit in the crossfire.
And he went underground.
And he never came back up again, not once.
Until you started interrogating Archie Green.
- So that's it. Let's bring Green in.
- What?
Let's kidnap him.
We'll hold him as state evidence.
We even have Mickey Sullivan here
to talk to him, somebody he trusts.
And then I'll get the word to Ziggy
that we have the answer
for the $10 million mystery.
It'll eat his ass up and he'll come after us.
What do you think, sir?
- I think it's way too risky.
- Oh, come on.
Well, what if you approach Green
and reveal yourself to him,
and he doesn't wanna turn?
What if he reveals you to Ziggy?
Hey, don't look at me. Ultimately it's his call.
He's gonna have me go into that vault
and kill Green, eventually.
So try my way. My way, nobody dies.
That's the signal. Two minutes.
Remember, we might not be the only ones
watching the house.
- Sir, there's a call for you.
- I told you. Tonight, no bullshit.
Jimmy, you got a package.
- Something wrong?
- No. Not for me.
I guess we'll be doing
some digging tonight, huh?
Hey. I know you might not understand.
None of us do.
But whatever you got to do, you got to do.
FBI! Don't move! Guns! Guns!
Jimmy, shoot the motherfuckers, man!
What're you waiting for?
You motherfucking wussy! Motherfucker.
- Clear!
- Clear!
Kevin? Kevin?
Mr. Green.
Mr. Green.
I'm gonna try to explain something to you
that you might find hard to believe.
My name is not Jimmy Vaughn.
I'm an agent
for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
And I'm giving you an opportunity
to become state evidence.
I'm gonna take you down.
It's okay, it's okay,
I'm just gonna take you off of here.
Just gonna take you down, okay?
It's over, Mr. Green.
It's over, it's over. Come here.
We can protect you.
And we can protect your family.
I'll take you in for questioning, okay?
Will you come with me?
Straight back.
- Why are you driving?
- Brian's gonna wrap it up. Let's go.
I hate silent transport.
It's the only way to do it.
- You just missed the exit.
- I'm not going back to headquarters yet.
Yeah? Where're we going?
I need some answers.
I can't have that guy walking
into the review board
making allegations against me
that just aren't true.
If Green's allegations aren't true,
the Bureau's panel will see that.
You don't ever wanna put your life
in the hands of that panel.
Where the hell are they!
They should be here by now!
I've got a body!
There's another call for you, sir, from Chino.
I think you should take this.
Let's get an I. D!
Is that Archie Green?
I gotta get Director Cole on the phone.
Yeah. Yeah.
I know, Murphy. I'll tell you about it later.
I said I'd tell you about it later.
I'll be back as soon as I'm done.
Murphy, that's not important right now.
You know I don't respect men
who carry guns.
- Hello, Mickey.
- Hello, Ziggy.
You have no idea
how long I've waited for this.
Years of planning. Watching Kevin grow up.
The sins of the father, huh, Ziggy?
Kevin for Tally?
That's right.
Don't do this. I'm the one you want.
So, take your shot.
- I'm right here.
- You're not enough, Jack!
- You ordered me to torture you.
- And you did very well.
You see, when you lose a child, Kevin,
you lose everything.
When I lost Tally, nothing else mattered.
You're about to learn how that feels, Jack.
Looking back, I'm glad I tortured you.
No, Kevin. I tortured you.
Dad. Dad, breathe, breathe.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
Jack, that was a very unselfish thing to do.
You surprise me.
Looks like I win again.
This is the game we have chosen
to play, Kevin.
Whose side do you wanna be on,
his or mine?
There are those eyes.
I recognized it
the first time you came into the vault.
You've got what it takes.
Think about it. How's it look?
Your father brought Archie Green
to a remote location.
Mickey Sullivan died.
Archie Green went free.
Even in your own reports,
I bet your father was still Mickey Sullivan
until the end.
Who's gonna believe you, Kevin?
I watched you work me over.
I watched your eyes.
It was all preparation.
Admit it,
there's a little bit of me inside of you.
We're nothing alike.
We read over your report, Agent Cole.
We need some time to corroborate the story
for our investigation.
Kevin, listen, this is gonna be a paid leave.
Use the time to put all this behind you.
Clear your head.
You're no good to us right now as you are.
Agent Cole, can we please have your badge
and your gun?
Anything else you wanna add for us
to keep in mind?
My father was clean.
And the only reason why that maniac knew
that my father wouldn't bring him in,
is because my father was afraid of standing
in this room in front of you.
And Ziggy knew that.
You know that, Murphy.
We all know Jack was a good guy.
We just need some time to prove it.
Standard procedure. Trust the panel.
Job well done.
- Hello.
- I got a letter from Ziggy.
I'm supposed to answer to you.
Am I speaking to the right person?