Total Recall (2012) Movie Script

Wake up. Wake up.
Wake up.
I cut the power.
We've got about ten seconds
before that alarm
brings an entire team down here.
- We need to go.
- Okay, go.
Okay, come on.
No! No! No!
No! No! No! No!
Let go.
You have to go now.
- No. I won't leave you.
- Let go.
- No.
- I promise I'll find you.
You have to go.
Go! Go!
You have another nightmare?
Baby, what are we going to do with you?
I don't know.
Do you want to talk about it?
There's nothing to talk about.
Same dream?
Same dream.
Same time.
I'm trapped, being chased.
Can't get away.
And then I wake.
And that's it?
It's just you, nobody else?
No. Just me.
Is it me?
Is what you?
I don't know.
You're alone. You can't get away
Is it us?
- Do I make you feel trapped?
- No.
I know this isn't exactly
what we had in mind when
we were younger, but...
This castle?
Who gets everything
they fantasise about, right?
I got you.
Come here.
It's just a dream. That's all it is.
Well, we're going to have to
get you some better dreams.
That would be nice.
Oh, come on.
- Shit.
- What is it?
Another bombing in the U.F.B.
Passenger train.
Goddamn Resistance.
I'm going to have to
catch the 6:30 departure.
They're calling
all emergency personnel to go up top.
I got to go.
We'll pick this up tonight, okay?
Try and get a little sleep.
Sleep scares me.
Well, dream of me.
But not in these pants.
The bomb went off just moments
after the commuters boarded.
We are being told rescue teams
are still searching for survivors.
The death toll is at 144 and still rising.
This marks the fourth attack in United
Federation of Britain in as many months.
And all signs point
to terrorist leader Matthias
and his Resistance movement.
The U.F.B. exploits us.
The workers of The Colony deserve equality.
The Fall enslaves us all.
Chancellor Cohaagen
pointed to this as proof
that Matthias does not seek a peaceful path
to independence for The Colony,
but rather a prolonged and bloody conflict.
And with overpopulation
figures in the U. F. B. Continuing to rise,
this could not come at a worse time.
You'll recall the last attack
occurred six weeks ago.
Federal police have since
attributed that bombing to Carl Hauser,
a former intelligence officer turned traitor
now considered to be
Matthias' right-hand man.
No word yet as to whether Hauser
had a role in this morning's incident.
Going somewhere? No?
Well, don't let that stop you.
That fantasy that remains
forever out of reach?
Not any more
At Rekall, we'll provide you
with a complete set
of memories all your own.
We can remember it for you.
All passengers, please report
to your designated gates.
This is the final boarding call
for the 7:15 departure.
Wake up to the truth!
Cohaagen is counting on your complacency.
Don't let them ship you
across the Earth like cattle.
Come on, move.
Matthias speaks the truth!
The Fall enslaves us all!
- Hey, buddy. You look like shit, man.
- All section A departures are located...
- Thanks.
- No of fence.
I feel like shit. None taken.
I ain't sleeping so well, man.
Hola. Privet.
Welcome to The Fall.
7:21 a.m.
Travel time to United Federation of Britain:
Dropping in 60 seconds.
Has it ever occurred to you
that we always sit in these exact same seats?
For years now... Why?
I don't know.
They're seats. We have asses.
Seems like the logical thing to do.
I'm talking about us following
the same routine, all right,
day after day, year after year
without even questioning it.
Want to switch it up?
No sweat.
Please make sure
all personal belongings are stored
below your seat before departure.
Oh, yeah.
Much more happening on this side.
Good call.
- Dick.
- The Fall dropping in
four, three, two, one.
Have a nice day.
Despite recent talks
between Chancellor Cohaagen
and The Colony's governor,
the Chancellor has announced
that he will be stopping
all humanitarian aid to The Colony
in light of this morning's bombing.
As much as I want to focus our efforts
on cleaning up The Colony,
today's terrorist attacks means that funding
will have to go to bolstering
our synthetic federal police force.
The protection of our citizens
will always come first.
Approaching core.
Please prepare for gravity reversal.
Security elevated to level three.
Please remain in scanners until cleared.
Looks like that bomb set off
a hell of a panic up here.
Identification documents must be in hand
and ready to present to the security officer
before entering the screening area.
All factory personnel must enter
through security gate 12.
Hey, what do you know about Rekall?
- That mind-altering shit?
- Yeah.
Do yourself a favour, Doug,
stay away from them.
Why is that?
Remember Travis from shift three?
Travis went to Rekall for his bachelor party.
Wanted to be king of Mars or some shit.
I'd like to go to Mars.
Got himself lobotomised.
Any available biometric tech,
please report to the...
- You believe those stories?
- ...central office...
- About Rekall?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I do.
Come on.
You never thought about it, just a little bit?
I don't need to think about it.
Don't mess with your mind, man.
It ain't worth it.
All right, all right, listen up.
Maybe I need my mind messed with.
We're starting double shifts again.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Don't blame me.
- Fuck me.
I don't want to be here
any longer than you do, okay?
They've increased
the production of police synthetics
thanks to that shit this morning, so...
So take all your complaints
to Chancellor Cohaagen.
Now, which one of you
fine, upstanding assholes
wants to train the new guy?
Come on.
Synthetics coming down!
Section three weld scanners are
temporarily off line.
Heads up! Coming your way!
Don't hold it like that.
Hold it here.
If you hold it there and the syn th shorts,
one of those bolts
will shoot straight through your hand.
No shit, huh?
No shit.
Easier ways to get a day off.
Hey, you know, your friend
was wrong, by the way.
About Rekall.
What, you've done it?
Been three times already.
Best memories I have.
A whole lot better than this shit.
Ask for Mac.
Okay? You're going to thank me.
Douglas Quaid, please report
to factory operations.
Any word?
Matter of fact, I just heard.
Come on. Don't leave me hanging.
They're going with someone
from the outside.
All D. V. T. Techs must report
to their team leaders...
Look, as far as I'm concerned,
you're ten times
more qualified than this asshole
- they're bringing in.
- What is it, then?
I mean, come on, Marx.
I've been killing myself the last quarter.
All those extra hours I've been doing.
I'm exceeding my quota.
Come on, man, you know how it is.
You're from The Colony, he's U.F.B.
He's got a fancy education
and all the right connections.
Right. Right.
Come on, you're saying I'm
stuck on the assembly line?
I'm going to lose my mind.
I'm really sorry, Doug.
I've done all I could do.
All right.
Thanks for trying.
Gates nine through 18 now closed.
Gates nine through 18 now closed.
Section A departures will reopen in 40...
All right, finally.
- Cheers. Salud.
- Yeah. Jesus.
Hey, buddy.
- Hey.
- How you holding up?
I've been better.
Lori working tonight?
Hey, Murray. Same.
You ever learn how to play the piano?
Yeah, I always wanted
to learn to play the piano.
What's with you today?
It's not just about the promotion.
You've been zoned out all day.
I've been having these dreams.
Yeah, feels
like I'm doing something...
Something that matters,
something important, you know?
Nope, not so much.
You don't think what we do is important?
Really? Come on, Harry.
We commute halfway
around the world for shit jobs,
for shit pay, to come to this shit bar
and get drunk on too much shit beer.
- No of fence, Murray.
- Yeah.
What? Are you actually happy
with how your life's turned out?
Is there something wrong with it?
No. You know what? You're right. Forget it.
I'm just...
Forget it.
All right, big guy. Tomorrow.
My advice?
Go ahead.
Figure out a way to deal with
whatever the hell it is you're going through
before you mess your shit up for good.
It's possible I might have drank too much.
Yeah, it's possible, Harry.
I'm going to go throw up on something now.
- Okay.
- And you're going to get your shit together
and go home, you hear me?
Yeah, I think everyone heard you, Harry.
Night, Dougie.
Good night.
Seem like you're looking for something.
Is it this?
Anything goes here.
Trust me, baby,
you're gonna wish you had three hands.
I'm looking for Rekall.
You know where I can find it?
Stairway to heaven, over there.
Thank you.
Welcome to Rekall.
First time?
Yeah. That obvious, huh?
It's fine.
There's nothing to be afraid of.
This is a safe place.
My friend Marek gave me this card,
told me to ask for Mac.
- He's right inside.
- Thanks.
Remember to have a good time.
You're a friend of Marek's.
Yeah, we work together.
Is that it?
That is it.
And it feels like real life?
What is life but our brain's
chemical perception of it?
Your eyes see, your brain chemistry reacts.
Here, we just remove the middleman
and we go straight to the chemistry.
Does that make it any less real?
An illusion, no matter how convincing,
is still just an illusion.
That's very good.
You're right, objectively.
But from the inside,
I assure you, it's quite the opposite entirely.
Listen, I get it.
I get it.
You're here because
you feel like some thing's missing.
You got some tug, some longing
for something more.
We're going to give you that thing.
Is that right?
Could be something
you could never afford to do.
Something secret you've always wanted
to try, but you would never, ever dare.
What do you mean, secret?
Tell us your fantasy.
We'll give you the memory.
You want to be rich and famous?
Worshiped by millions?
Maybe something
with a little more adrenaline, huh?
Crime fighter? Or world-class athlete?
Secret agent. That's you. Right?
Clandestine bank accounts,
- coded messages.
- Secret agent.
I could do that.
Yeah, as an intelligence operative.
You could be working for the Resistance.
Maybe you work for Cohaagen.
Or why limit yourself? Why not both?
One last thing, Doug.
As a matter of full disclosure,
none of the secret life elements
you chose can actually be true.
See, the thing is, a lot of guys
come in here, they want
the secret mistress trip
when they already have one,
a real one, on the side.
We can't do that.
It would cause
irreparable conflict and confusion.
That's how brains get blown.
Don't worry, I don't have any secrets.
I'm sure you don't, but just in case,
we're going to run
a psycho-polygraphic panel on you anyway.
Marcus, go.
You're going to have such a good time,
you're not going to want to come back.
Look at that.
Looks like your wife
does have a man who appreciates her.
No conflict there.
Sorry. Still the best way
to get chemicals into the human body.
All right.
Let's get this show on the road.
Get ready to save the world.
Happy trails, man.
You can tell me all about it when you get...
Shit? What is it? What's wrong?
Yank that needle out before it takes.
What is it? What's wrong?
- You lied.
- Lied about what?
- Son of a bitch.
- Look, I don't have a mistress.
- What are you talking about?
- Mistress?
You're a goddamn spy.
Vitals are everywhere.
Why are you here? Why?
Federal police!
- Federal police! On your feet now!
- No, wait!
This is all a mistake! It's all...
I'm nobody.
- I'm nobody.
- Hands on your head now!
Turn around!
Holy shit.
118.5, code six. 105 north...
Move, move, move!
Federal police!
Team one, have you
secured the suspect?
Team one, advise.
Let me know what's going on in there.
Stevens, get an eyeball in there now.
Shit. They're all down.
He's all alone!
Let's punch it.
Fall back! Fall back!
Cover the exit!
In what is being described
as a terrorist attack,
a solitary gunman opened fire
on a squadron of federal police
at the Rekall Lounge in downtown Fremont.
We are still awaiting word
- on precisely how many casualties there are.
- Yes.
- But officials now confirming...
- Okay.
...that at least 20 officers have been killed...
Oh, my God, Doug.
I understand. Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Lori.
- I'm so glad you're here.
- Of course I'm here.
I've been going out of my mind.
Where have you been?
Look, something bad has happened.
No, I know. I just got the call.
We've all been put on standby.
You don't understand.
Oh, my God.
Doug, are you okay?
Lori, it wasn't the Resistance
who killed those sentries.
It wasn't terrorists.
It was me.
What was you?
Lori, I'm the one who killed them.
You killed 20 armed men?
No. No, it was more like ten.
But you killed them?
With what, honey, your book?
- Lori, look, I'm serious.
- Doug, you're scaring me!
I'm sorry.
This is going to sound crazy, okay?
I went to Rekall after work.
- And...
- What?
- What did they do to you?
- Nothing.
I sat in the chair, they hooked me up.
Before they could do anything,
the police burst in.
They tried to take me.
And I just reacted.
And I killed them.
Listen, you didn't kill anyone, Doug.
Trust me, I killed everyone.
No, sweetheart, don't you see?
Whatever you think you did
had nothing to do with any of this.
Those assholes screwed with your mind,
and now you're having some
kind of a paranoid delusion.
Those places are really dangerous.
Whatever it is that happened,
we're going to get through it.
Come here. Come on.
Come on.
It happened so fast.
It's okay, we'll figure it out.
I'm sorry.
Lori, I can't breathe.
Come on.
What the hell are you doing?
Lori, what the...
Lori, what the...
Lori, goddamn it, what are you doing?
My job.
Are you crazy?
Am I crazy?
That's a good one, Doug.
Considering you don't even know
who the hell you are.
Do you really believe
a factory worker could take out
an entire room of highly-trained men?
Tell me what is going on.
Or we can skip straight to
"Until death do us part."
I'm not your wife.
That's bullshit.
We've been married seven years.
I'm U.F.B. police intel,
assigned to play your wife.
Six weeks ago, I didn't even know you.
What are you talking about?
It's true.
Your memory was replaced,
your mind was implanted
with a life you think you've lived.
You keeping up, baby?
There is no Douglas Quaid, there never was.
Are you saying I don't...
Every... Our marriage...
What can I say? I give good wife.
Come on.
Deep down, did you really believe
someone like me
would marry someone like you,
live in this shithole?
If I'm not me, then who the hell am I?
How would I know?
I just work here.
If I had to guess,
all the trouble Cohaagen's taken
to hide you from the Resistance,
you must be fairly important.
And with your skill set, I think it's highly
doubtful you're his gardener.
Cohaagen's trying to hide me?
Why are you trying to kill me?
Call it seven-year itch, Doug.
And by the way, you haven't even
begun to see me try to kill you!
Team three, break position.
I need you on-site now.
Glide two seven, understood.
I want his phone back on the grid now.
It's Hammond.
I don't know any Hammond.
Oh, shit.
You said this might happen.
Look, find a piece of glass.
Put your hand to it.
Do it now
They really did
a number on you, didn't they?
Who the hell are you?
You honestly don't remember
any of it, do you?
No. No, I don't.
Remember what? How do you know me?
We worked at federal intel together.
Look, there isn't much time.
You said to me
that if you ever pop back on the grid,
I was to phone this number.
The grid?
Your phone.
It's been reactivated.
How do you think
they've been tracking you?
Look, you asked me to give you a message,
so I'm giving it to you. Get the key.
The key? What is the key?
You said you'd know.
Yeah, well, I don't! So tell me what it is.
Look, I know we were close,
but this is getting too dangerous.
If they find out I've contacted you, I'll be...
Just... Just tell me what's going on.
All right, who is it you think I am?
Look, there isn't any time.
If! Were you, I'd get rid of that phone
- All right? Now.
- How can I get rid of the phone?
It's in my goddamn hand. How am I...
Hey, wait.
Come on.
Holy shit.
What is that?
Where can I get one?
- What the hell?
- Yo, come on.
Hey, Robo-dick, that's mine!
Going somewhere? No?
Well, don't let that stop you.
That fantasy that remains
forever out of reach?
Not any more
At Rekall, we'll provide you with
a complete set of memories all your own.
We can remember it for you.
Come inside! We have hot food for you.
Quaid must've known we'd be tracking it.
How the hell would he have known that?
Oh, shit.
He made you look like a fool.
He'd had major tactical training, sir.
I wasn't made aware of that.
How the hell did he get activated?
An agent in place
told me he'd gone to Rekall.
I sent a team in, but his memory implant
had been blown before they could get to him.
He's clearly regaining
some memory fragments.
I'm 15 minutes behind him.
No lethal force.
I want him alive, do you understand?
Who the hell is this guy, sir?
Take me off display.
Line is secure.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why is he still alive?
Yes, sir.
- We kill him on sight.
- But the Chancellor said...
I'm sorry, say again?
- Sorry.
- The Chancellor's not here
on the ground.
Believe me, if that target's given
even half a chance, he will end us.
If you see him, you shoot to kill.
- Is that understood?
- Will you lay off, asshole?
I keep telling you, that's my phone.
The guy gave it to me, I swear.
Where was he going?
The man that gave it to you.
Lady, do I look like a psychic?
How the hell do I know?
All I'm saying is that phone
is my personal property now, okay?
I know my rights, so you all can just...
When you've got your breath back,
you're going to tell me everything
that man said to you,
starting from the beginning.
Who are you?
I'm his wife.
Okay. You're good.
Can I help you, sir?
Yeah, I have a safety-deposit box here.
It's 10549.
This way, please.
You can use any one of these client rooms.
And I'll just be outside, if you need me.
They're gonna be
coming for me any second,
so I need to make this quick
Okay, you're going to
find this hard to believe
but you're not the person
you think you are now.
If you're watching this,
it means I failed to escape.
It means, it means they
succeeded in giving you
a new name, a new identity
and a new set of memories...
Everything, everything.
Anything you think
you know about your fife
it's not real.
You have to believe me.
The most important thing for you to do now,
is get to my apartment!
Get to my apartment!
549 Hysperion, Block D.
I want to tel! You more,
but I can't trust you yet
My only hope is, if you are me,
you found the key
and you know what to do with it.
You found the key
and know what to do with it!
What key? What key?
- What key?
- Good luck.
- Good luck, buddy.
- What...
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Passengers may proceed
to security screening.
Please have
your identification documents ready.
Hold it!
Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step
through the scanner again, please.
How long are you here?
Two weeks.
Are you a citizen of The Colony?
How long is your stay?
Three days.
What is your business in the U.F.B.?
Thank you.
Excuse me?
Three days.
Yes. Thank you.
- That's him!
- What the...
Everybody down!
Eastside exit!
Go, go, go!
We have a visual!
- Coming through!
- Go, go!
We've alerted all units outside.
How the hell did he get
a weapon past the scanner?
He didn't.
Move, move, move, move!
Clear, clear! Move!
- Alert 6246.
- Hey!
All units, take position.
- He's headed up to I-19.
- Copy that.
Move it!
Oh, God! Oh, God.
Get in! Now!
I can't believe it's you.
You recognise me?
I don't know.
Do you know who I am?
I have been looking for you everywhere.
Suddenly, you show up
on all the police scanners.
Oh, shit.
Hold on.
You really don't remember me?
I've seen you before, but it's...
It's okay.
It's okay. I can explain everything.
Central 99, air support has visual
on the suspect traveling north
on Interstate 19.
Oh, shit.
It's my wife.
You're married?
It's safe to say we're separated.
Here, you drive!
Suspect is headed to suspension level three.
Repeat, he has headed to suspension three.
he's headed eastbound on Wellington.
I want you there before he is, do you copy?
Copy that, 905.
All vehicle and air support,
proceed to Wellington.
Establish a barricade in zone 217.
Central, I want all units
to maintain their perimeter.
Drive him into that barricade.
Do not allow him any room for evasion.
Is that clear?
Copy that, 905.
All vehicles, hold position.
Oh, shit.
Warning, mag suspension cannot be
disengaged while vehicle is in operation.
What the hell are you doing?
You're gonna need your seat belt on!
Warning, mag suspension cannot be
disengaged while vehicle is in...
They've got a lock on the vehicle.
Are they clear to engage?
You are clear to engage.
- Got it?
- No, no!
- You got it?
- Yes!
Welcome. Operating systems activated.
The key, the key, the key.
I'm recording this message
as a fail-safe, so if you're watching this now,
it means you're in some seriously deep shit.
But the good news is you made it here,
which means my instincts are right.
Somewhere inside of you, you're still me.
My name...
Your name is Carl Hauser.
Oh, shit.
This recording has limited
interactive capabilities.
Please rephrase the question.
You work with Matthias.
But I've never met the man.
Hardly anyone has.
I was given a direct order by Cohaagen
to infiltrate the Resistance and kill Matthias.
But then,
I met a woman
And she opened my eyes.
And she showed me
the Resistance are the ones
I should be fighting for, not against.
You mean the terrorists.
Listen, the Resistance are not terrorists.
They just want equality for The Colony.
And freedom.
Those bombings in the U.F.B.,
they're being orchestrated
by Cohaagen himself.
Trust me,
he was my commanding officer in the war.
I know exactly what
this asshole is capable of.
Why would he attack his own
people? I don't understand.
To justify building
a bigger army of synthetics.
Don't you get it?
He's gonna invade The Colony.
The U.F.B. is running out of living space.
Cohaagen's going to level
the entire Colony and rebuild.
Then he'll simply
replace the workers with synthetics.
Innocent people will die.
But we can stop him, you and me.
What do you mean, me?
There's a way to shut down
all the synthetics.
There's a kill code.
All right, it's along, complex sequence,
but I got a look at it
Which means it's still
somewhere in my mind.
In your mind.
Matthias will know how to get it out.
You need to get to Matthias.
It's the only chance we have
of stopping the invasion.
Take it from the one person
who knows you even better than you do.
I know you can do this.
I've done a lot of wrong in my life.
This is the chance to do something right.
Millions of lives are in your hands.
Good luck, buddy.
You have got to be kidding me.
This can't be happening.
Shouldn't have come here.
Yeah, I know.
I had no choice.
I know that this is a lot to take.
Yeah, it's a lot to take.
Yeah, I'm supposed to believe this?
It's the truth.
Hauser, we have been looking for you.
Don't call me...
My name is Doug Quaid.
I was born August 29th.
All right, I was raised by my mother.
She died of cancer ten days
before my 15th birthday.
I married my girlfriend when I was 29!
You were born April 29th.
You were raised by your father,
not your mother.
He died before you were 15,
but in a car crash.
And believe me, you were
most definitely not married.
I'm sorry. You know what?
None of this makes any sense to me.
I'm Doug Quaid, that's all I know.
You recognised me.
From a dream.
I recognise you from a dream.
It wasn't a dream.
It was a memory.
That scar on your hand,
how do you think you got it?
Do you know?
I got it at work.
I was trying to help you escape,
but I was too late.
You grabbed onto me
and a bullet tore through
your hand and mine.
You must remember something.
And you and I, we were...
We got to go. We got to go.
Shit. Come on, come on.
Harry, what are you doing here?
They sent me in for you.
To talk you down.
Who sent you in?
you don't get it.
I don't mean they sent me in here.
I mean, they sent me into your mind.
I need you to listen to me.
You're suffering what's called
a paranoid dissociative break.
What are you talking about?
You're not really here, Doug.
You're still back at Rekall,
strapped to a chair.
None of this is real.
Back at Rekall?
He's lying.
He's lying!
Just slow down.
Harry, what are you talking about?
They chemically
transfused me into your mind.
They thought a familiar face might
help, to try and bring you back
before it's too late
and you're trapped here forever.
Do not listen to them. They're just trying
to recover what's in your head.
- What's she doing here?
- She's here, too, Doug.
What's she doing here?
She's in the room, beside you,
holding your hand right now,
worried sick.
It's her presence you're sensing.
She's... She's trying to kill me!
- No.
- Harry!
Not the real Lori, Doug.
As soon as I told her what was happening at
Rekall, she came straight over.
I had to call her at work.
She loves you, Doug.
Lori didn't work last night, Harry.
You're lying. You're lying.
Why are you lying to me?
Only because you wanted me to.
You're clinging to the delusion.
He's lying!
I swear to God, put it down
Harry, what are you doing?
Harry, what are you doing?
This is not a delusion!
Okay, fine.
Tell you what.
Is that proof enough for you?
Would I have done that if this were for real?
He's trying to manipulate you
into giving yourself up!
- We got to get out of here.
- And go where?
There's no getting
out of your own head, Doug.
But you can escape this nightmare
if you let me help you.
Help me how?
- Don't listen to him.
- How can you help me?
Don't listen to him.
You have to shoot her, Doug.
What, now?
I know that's asking a lot,
but she's at the epicentre of this whole
twisted fantasy of yours.
- Hauser...
- Which is why
it would mean nothing if we were to kill her.
It's you who has to choose reality.
You shoot her, Doug, and I promise you,
you will gasp awake
and find me sitting in the room beside you.
Turn, and you'll see your beautiful,
loving wife.
She wants you back, Doug.
We both do.
That's right, Doug.
Come on back.
Come on back, Doug.
I can't let them take you away.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Of course she can't do it.
She's not real.
Now you just need to prove it to yourself.
End her, Doug.
End this nightmare.
Shoot her!
Kill her, damn it!
Jesus Christ.
God damn it, Harry!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Come on.
You still out there, baby?
Or I suppose I should be calling you Hauser.
I guess the joke's on me.
I really thought you were a loser.
Turns out, I was living with
the greatest intelligence agent alive.
Cohaagen still wants you back, you know.
Guess he still has faith in you.
But then you always were the favourite.
All we heard at the agency was
how brilliant Carl Hauser was.
But I know what you are.
You're a traitor, Hauser.
And traitors get put to death!
Come on, come on, come on.
So you might want to give
your little girlfriend a kiss good-bye.
Long as she doesn't mind
where those lips have been.
Oh, that's it, I'm ending this bitch.
Shit, I'm out.
Come on! Come on!
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Come on.
Oh, shit.
Come on.
Give me the gun.
Track him.
Grab my arm!
Is this going down?
Level D-14.
Come on. Come on.
Wait, wait.
You really know how to pick 'em.
Come on.
Sources close to the Chancellor
will neither confirm nor deny...
Passage on The Fall requires
a current transit visa.
If you do not have a current transit visa,
please visit the information office.
The largest real estate agency
has now opened. Be sure to visit...
The Resistance leader has been
in hiding for over six months.
In the wake of these latest attacks,
federal police have
uncovered alarming new evidence
proving what many
in the Cohaagen administration have
long suspected, that Matthias
and his terrorist movement
are being funded by The Colony's governor
and his district's organisation.
And we're now hearing unconfirmed reports
of military mobilisation.
Sources close to the Chancellor will neither
- confirm nor deny the reports.
- Jesus.
The Resistance leader has been...
We've got to get you to Matthias.
How the hell do we find him?
There's a way. Come on.
You sure you can trust him?
Yes. I'm sure.
Welcome home.
Airlock sealed.
Cohaagen scours U.F.B.
and The Colony every day
looking for Matthias.
The reason they can't
find him is he's not there.
After the wars,
no one would be crazy
enough to come out here.
Everyone stays out of the No Zone.
Makes sense.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Almost there.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm...
Everyone seems to know me, but me.
It's strange.
I can see he meant a lot to these guys.
He gave us the upper hand.
And some of us were really
able to see the best in him.
What if the best is gone?
I'm sorry.
Hauser wasn't perfect, you know.
Could be a real asshole sometimes.
You're just trying to make me feel better.
It's working.
He wants to see him alone.
Don't go too far.
Mr Hauser.
What is it you want?
I want to help you.
That is not the only reason you're here.
I want to remember.
So I can be myself, be who I was.
It is each man's quest
to find out who he truly is,
but the answer to that lies
in the present, not in the past.
As it is for all of us.
But the past tells us who we've become.
The past is a construct of the mind.
It blinds us.
It fools us into believing it.
But the heart
wants to live in the present.
Look there.
You'll find your answer.
I am told you have information
that may save us all.
I am told the same.
The firewall to the memory banks.
We're in.
You see?
Can you retrieve it?
It's encrypted.
What is this?
Hello, Matthias.
You can't imagine how much
I've been looking forward
to seeing you again.
It's been far too long.
You know, you're a very hard man to find.
- It's a trap.
- Shut it all down!
Secure all entrances!
Move! Move!
Go, go, go!
Get him out of here!
Gun down now!
Well done.
It's impressive.
You'll be interested to know that
there is no kill code.
It was a fake.
You're lying.
It was the only way to get to you.
All this trouble for one man.
Oh, never underestimate
the power of one man.
I know I don't.
- Let go of me!
- No! No!
- Lieutenant?
- It's all here, sir.
Matthias' defensive plans,
troop numbers and location coordinates
on every Resistance outpost in The Colony.
The first wave of attack is already underway.
Congratulations, my friend.
Get him up, please.
Up, up, up.
You did it.
You're a hero.
What are you talking about?
Matthias is dead,
The Colony is about to fall,
and it's all thanks to you.
It was just brilliant.
What better than a double agent
who doesn't realise he is one?
There it is.
The old Hauser spirit.
You're going to need that.
Granted, there were a few hiccups
along the way... You popping
your memory cap at Rekall, for instance.
That wasn't good.
And then there was your lovely wife,
who strayed from her directive.
Look at me.
She was ordered to bring you back alive.
I'll deal with that later.
You led us here, Hauser.
You helped us win this,
and for that,
I'm going to give you a second chance.
What do you mean?
- No.
- What are you doing?
What are you...
What are you doing?
Bringing back the old you.
We made sure to back up Hauser's memory
before we sent him in there.
Before he became corrupted.
Just think of it. In a few hours,
you'll awake,
and you will be the old Hauser once again.
Now, what to do with you?
I think we keep her.
Leave her out of this.
I think the world will be very interested
to hear the confession
of Matthias' lieutenant.
You'll be very surprised
to see how good Hauser is at beating
a confession out of someone.
God damn you, Cohaagen.
You have me.
Let her go.
Let her go!
Just try to relax.
It'll all be over soon, I promise you.
We'll be reunited very soon.
And meanwhile,
I have an invasion to lead.
I wish I could forget that easily.
Sweet dreams.
Hold him still, Hammond.
Do me a favour, asshole.
Fight it as much as possible.
Hurts more that way.
Jesus, Hammond.
Suspected reports of military mobilisation
in the U.F.B. have now been confirmed.
But what was thought to be an operation
to uproot terrorist leader Matthias
appears to be on the scale
of a full military invasion.
An estimated 50,000 armed troops
can be seen boarding The Fall,
preparing to deploy for The Colony.
The governor has issued a level-three alert
to all districts of The Colony.
Have the latest mission profiles
been programmed into all our troops?
Being distributed to
all squadron commanders as we speak.
Excellent. When do we depart?
As soon as you give the order, sir.
You have it.
And find someplace for her, will you?
Bay three access granted.
We are a go on Code 310.
Citizens of The Colony are
to be considered hostile.
Program all synthetics to use lethal force.
Repeat, citizens of The Colony
are to be considered hostile.
We are a go on Code 310.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
We got to get off this thing.
Damage report in bay six.
- Are you ready?
- Yeah.
All emergency personnel,
please report to bay six.
Prepare for gravity shift.
Drop your weapons!
Right now!
Lieutenant, we've
secured the prisoners attempting escape
on level nine.
The prisoner in bay six
was just caught attempting escape.
She was with a second individual, male.
That's him.
Deal with it.
Come on.
And the bag.
Do it.
Team leader two, team leader two.
Seventh level prison...
Entering core.
It's okay.
They're in stasis.
Attention, emergency hatch cannot deploy
- while in zero gravity.
- What are you doing?
Hauser, these doors don't open for a reason.
We'll wait till it passes the core.
Then we go.
Gravity reversing.
Come on.
Take this.
Hatch deployed.
Commencing deceleration.
- Move!
- Hatch deployed.
Commencing deceleration.
They're headed topside.
I'm going after them.
Lori, no.
If they make it up top, I will deal with them.
Just make sure those troops are activated
and off-loaded the moment we arrive.
Hauser is not stopping this invasion.
Do you understand me?
Follow them.
Shit. We got to get to the aircraft bay.
Come on.
No! Hauser!
Secure him!
Government officials have issued
a Colony-wide state of emergency.
All civilians are to evacuate
their homes immediately
and head to the nearest No Zone shelters
outside The Colony border.
Officials are urging everyone
to comply with the evacuation orders.
Continued bombings
on Resistance holdouts...
The Fall secured.
Bays three through 87
now armed and active.
Let's get them on the move now.
You really are a disappointment, Hauser.
I'm afraid it's time to erase
those memories for good.
Good-bye, old friend.
Weapon systems activated.
Ammo chamber is empty.
Come on.
- Weapons systems reloading.
- Shit, come on.
You really thought
that would stop an entire invasion?
No, but I think this will.
Look at you.
You're still fighting
and you don't even know who you are.
I may not remember who I was,
but I know who I am.
Say hello to my wife for me.
Come on! Run!
Come on. Come on!
What is it?
It'll be fine.
Hey, hey-
Hey, wake up.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Come on.
Come on, come on.
Hey, wake up.
Come on, wake up.
Wake up.
Tell us your fantasy.
We'll give you the memory.
Don't mess with your mind, man.
It ain't worth it.
Secret agent.
That's you. Right?
Are you okay?
We did it.
There's no scar on your hand.
Hey, hey!
Come on!
Did you think I'd let you leave
without a kiss good-bye?
"Till death do us part," right, baby?
That's right.
Drop the weapon now!
It's all right. It's him.
You okay, sir?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
We've got a medic down in here.
Oh, my God.
Thank you.
People are spilling into the streets
all across The Colony,
celebrating what many hope will finally be
a path to an independent nation.
A new page in history
has been turned
as the invasion so many feared
ended with the destruction of The Fall,
a longtime symbol of economic
and political oppression.
No word yet on the fate
of Chancellor Cohaagen,
but we are being told that he perished
along with his forces.
Jesus Christ.
I know.
It's hard to believe, isn't it?
you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
You sure?