Tournament, The (2009) Movie Script

[distant sirens]
Awakened by the sound of an explosion...
newscaster #2:
...running for their lives.
newscaster #3:
Police are now pushing...
newscaster #4:
...the Feds are telling us
it is not a terror attack.
It is most likely an accident.
newscaster #5:
...the Fire Department
is calling a major emergency.
newscaster #6:
...wave of unexplained killings
- that are sweeping across this city.
- [screaming]
Not all things in the world
are quite as they first appear.
Every seven years in an ordinary town,
an extraordinary event takes place.
You won't know it...
you won't see it...
...but it happens.
[machine gun firing]
[gunshots echoing]
[man spits]
- You out?
- Yeah:
Don't let it be him, Joshua:
not him:
Mr: Harlow!
What's the matter, Mr: Harlow?
Are you out of bullets?
Here, have some of mine!
- [shouting]
- [screaming]
no you don't, Mr: Harlow:
To be quite frank with you,
you're a stain on our profession:
I'm beyond fucking insulted:
come on out
and I'll show you
the only way to quit
this line of work:
Congratulations, man:
I'm glad it was you:
Enjoy your life together:
- [applause]
- We have a winner:
[crowd cheering]
[muffled announcement]
[thumping bass music
playing on car radio]
[water running]
[water stops]
[cup clatters]
[latch unlocks]
...crime rose across the board-
particularly gang-related gun crime,
which is leaving residents
in a constant state of fear.
There were calls last night
for further investment
in the city's under-manned
police force, as often--
Another day in the borough:
[glass clinks]
All right, you:
Come on:
You been here long enough:
- Closing time, eh?
- opening time:
How many times have
I told you about this?
Come on, out:
What did I do last night?
It's not what you did,
it's how much you drank:
You're a disgrace, you know that?
You dirty bastard:
Don't forget this:
now piss off, Father:
You're barred!
Fuck off:
All right:
Venue's stacked:
Man #2:
Visual is coming through:
Almost got it:
I'm into the ccTV mainframe:
That is tasty and invisible:
Thank you:
Watch and learn:
- Rerouting:
- Thank you:
Rerouted CCTV footage is online:
Confirm complete camera tap:
Rerouted ccTV confirmed
on all grid sections A through to B:
We have coverage of the entire city:
Visuals on the standby?
All available motion detectors
and hidden cameras
are active and responsive:
- Block coms:
- Blocking:
Emergency calls placed
on permanent hold cycle:
Please hold while we try to connect you.
Emergency radio frequencies
are scrambled:
Lock everything:
Prepare to go live:
We're up:
About time:
What's our status?
Some of the long hauls
are a little late rising,
but the majority are up and about.
And the implants?
The surgery teams
completed overnight.
Make sure the cleanup crews are ready:
They're going to have a busy day:
Ladies and gentlemen:::
welcome to the Tournament:
It is my honor
to be your host
for this legendary event,
being held for the first time
here in Great Britain:
With more CCTV
than anywhere else on Earth,
we shouldn't miss a thing:
now, as you know,
the stakes in this room are high,
but the stakes
for our competitors out there
are the highest possible:
At this very moment,
are preparing for
the ultimate sporting event:
International killers
of every imaginable discipline
will compete
for a $10 million cash prize
and the honorable title
of the "World's Best:"
our lovely ladies are
standing by to take your bets:
And here are a few
of my personal favorites
you may wish to keep your eye on:
- Visuals online:
- Go to seven:
- Go to seven, Rob:
- And cue:
Lai Lai Zhen,
abandoned at birth and left for dead:
At 17, she was killing
for the Triads
and has grown up to become
the number one hitter
in the Eastern market
for the past three years--
a snip at 10 to 1 :
Anton Bogart:
An outstanding athlete,
he lives for the thrill of the hunt:
Silent, stealthy, smart--
a lethal option:
Yuri Petrov,
Russian special forces:
An incredible all-rounder
armed to the teeth:
Fists, feet, bullets, bombs--
utterly merciless,
he has it all:
Miles Slade, the crazy Texan kid:
An outside bet,
but he's mad enough
to rise the ranks:
Reckless, ruthless, wild,
but guaranteed great entertainment:
This is one guy
who truly loves his job:
And if you thought
it couldn't get any better,
we have a dramatic late entrant--
a returning champion
who I'm sure
will add something very
personal to the proceedings:
Seven years ago,
Joshua Harlow took
the Tournament by storm
and retired as a champion:
But this year he's back:
For one reason,
and one reason only--
Joshua's wife was brutally murdered
in their Miami home
four months ago,
and the person who killed her
is one of this year's players!
Joshua Harlow is our
favorite at 2 to 1 :
Activate tracking devices:
overlaying and synching positions:
- Tracking bugs online:
- Prepare to go hot:
Hotter than me in a swimsuit:
As ever, each assassin
is implanted with a tracking device,
so we can find them,
and they can find each other:
But this year we've added
an extra pinch of spice:
If we don't have a winner
within 24 hours,
our contestants will discover
that their tracking device
isn't just a tracking device:
Well, I know you're all very busy men:
one rule--
kill or die:
Ladies and gentlemen,
place your bets:
The Tournament has begun:
[water running]
- [gunshot]
- [beeping]
Suck me sideways:
I would kill
for a piece of that pie:
Yeah, right:
You'd be fucking dead
before you could lick your lips:
Besides, somebody upstairs
has designs on her:
oh, yeah?
Is that so?
Yeah, kinda:
They go way back:
He nurtured her or something:
Tech: oh, oh, oh:
All right, it is showtime:
Rob: Holy shit:
Can you do that?
- Wow:
- He just killed an innocent guy!
Tech: Fuck! I love this shit:
- Fuck!
- Keep on him:
I'm locked on him:
Nowhere to hide:
Miss Hunter, it is showtime:
We have Tomko versus Zhen:
That is England v. China!
Patch it through:
Sir, we're off:
It's Steve Tomko and Lai Lai Zhen:
What the fuck are you up to?
[knock on door]
Who is it?
Room service:
Breakfast, madam:
You like that, bitch?
I just want you to know,
after I kill you,
I'm going to fuck you:
Hey, welcome
to the tournament, Rob:
You fucking bitch!
First blood to Lai Lai Zhen:
[cheers and applause]
Her odds move to 7 to 1 :
Man: Yeah!
Cleanup crew Delta
to the lvy House Hotel room 107.
We're on our way.
I still would:
- [alarm beeping]
- Confirm one body...
oh, okay, party time:
We have the Frenchman
Anton Bogart
heading into a cluster
- developing on the high street:
- Shit:
Activating all street security cams:
Picking it up on one,
two, three police cameras:
- The cameras live?
- Cameras are live:
We are in on the Gypsy:
The Frenchman's gone cold:
I didn't see a fight:
You see him get killed?
no, I didn't see a fucking fight:
Doing a signal sweep:
Check his body heat sensor now:
I'm on it:
Tech: He's back:
What did you do?
Must've been a blip:
Run a complete diagnostic:
I don't like blips:
Top you off?
- Coffee?
- no:
Top you off?
There you go:
[cell phone rings]
You planning to pay for that?
Yeah: Yes:
Credit card?
Here, Father:
Allow me:
Enjoy your coffee:
Au revoir.
Thank you:
Hello, Todd:
Hello, Father:
Sorry I haven't been around:
I've been busy:
How's your mom doing?
She died, Father:
I-I'm sorry:
She was asking after you:
Is there anything I can do,
like help with the funeral?
That's okay:
I've got it all sorted:
- Rob: oh, fuck:
- What?
I think we have another blip:
Shooter on the rooftop just went cold:
No one near her:
We've got a moving signal
but no Frenchman:
What the hell is going on?
- Come on:
- I'm looking, I'm looking:
I fucking hate blips!
[engine idling]
Hail Mary, full of grace:
The Lord is with thee:
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus:
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and in the hour
of our death, amen:
oh, please,
Blessed Virgin, hear me:
I want to be a good man:
I want to be a strong man:
But I look inside my heart
and there is nothing there:
There's nothing there:
oh, Blessed Virgin,
please give me hope:
I know:
Whatever this is,
please, please:::
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with me?
Please, hear me--
Why aren't you
defending yourself?
I don't have any money,
- I don't have any money:
- Shut up:
I'm just a--
I'm just a priest:
- Please, please--
- [thuds]
[priest panting]
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Ghost,
[speaking Russian]
I'm going to enjoy this:
Please, don't struggle:
So much easier
when they don't struggle:
What are you doing?
Just let her go!
I've got a gun!
I've got a gun and I'll use it:
- [cracks]
- Aah!
Don't move:
or what?
Just-- just stay right there:
Stay back!
You need one in the chamber:
- Who are you?
- I'm a priest!
If you lie to me,
I break your neck:
I'm not:
I'm not!
Where are your weapons?
Who do you work for?
Where do you receive
your orders from?
No scar:
I don't know
what you're talking about:
You're bleeping:
You really don't know
what I'm talking about, do you?
You really are a priest:
Father Macavoy:
This is--
was my church:
Well, Father,
welcome to the Tournament:
Thank you:
[cheers and applause]
[cheers and applause]
They found the blip:
What is it?
It's our Frenchman:
- Anton Bogart?
- It seems he managed
to cut out his tracking device,
and it's ended up inside that priest:
I see:
We now have one of our favorites
running around virtually invisible?
I'm sorry:
What shall I tell them to do?
I suggest you shorten his odds
and follow him:
Yes, sir:
Tech: okay, maintain
visual contact with Bogart:
Don't lose sight of that
slippery little bastard:
Tracking manually:
Damn, Bogart's quick:
Go to camera two. Quick, go.
Just got to reconfigure:
Give me a second:
[alarm beeping]
- Holy shit:
- What now?
- It's him:
- You sure?
oh, there are gonna be fireworks:
All right, Miss Hunter,
we have Harlow:
We have Harlow for you.
May I have your attention?
You wanted
the greatest show on Earth:
out for revenge,
the greatest assassin of our time:
[man panting]
Cut the shit, Eddy:
oh, shit:
- What are you doing here?
- I need information:
What have you heard?
I heard someone
came for you:
[tires screech]
I heard it got a bit messy:
And I heard about your wife:
What did you hear? Who told you?
The crazy American kid, Miles:
He's your one:
Miles Slade, the finger guy?
- Thanks:
- You're welcome:
[car alarms blaring]
- [gunshots]
- Eat shit!
Well, that's one more
for the trophy cabinet,
thank you very much:
Hey, boy!
Come here, little fella:
Hey, there's a good boy:
There's a good dog:
Yeah, that's a good dog:
That's a good dog:
Hey, what is this?
What is that, huh?
What is it?
Here you go:
- [gunshot]
- [dog squeals]
That guy is fucked up:
See you later, boy:
okay, just take it back a little:
Playing out to one:
Jeez, who steals a finger?
oh, yeah:
- [phone ringing]
- oh, fuck:
That's the emergency line:
What do I do?
Answer it:
Yeah, hold on:
I'll just put you through:
Just spoke to Lai Lai Zhen:
You tell her you wanted
to eat her pie?
- Excuse me, Senator:
- All right:
It's Lai Lai:
Make sure that redneck
settles his marker
before he has another coronary:
Lai Lai:
We have a situation with a civilian.
Who are you talking to, the police?
I know you can see what's going on:
You know the rules, Lai Lai.
It's kill or be killed.
You're like a child
running back to Daddy
telling me how
the big boy stole your ball:
You're on the battlefield.
There is no going back.
And he's just one of those famous
innocent bystanders you hear about:
- Let me speak to him:
- no, stop it:
- This is Father Macavoy:
- I'll kill you myself:
- Let me speak to him:
- It's not right: He's just a priest:
Personally, I find it kind of apt.
Back in the day we used to throw
Christians to the lions.
Seems that history
is repeating itself.
Carry him or kill him,
but don't call back:
What's happened?
Are the police coming?
not really:
[car rewing]
We have to get out of here now:
Move it!
oh, God!
[woman weeping]
Someone help me!
- [pounding]
- Please, help! God!
It's stuck:
Help me with the seatbelt:
- It's jammed:
- Don't let me die!
Come here: Come here:
Wrong day to be
a good Samaritan:
When I say "move it",
move it!
- Come on!
- What's going on?
You've got a bug inside you:
They think you're a hitter:
This is a competition for assassins:
That last man standing wins:
A game where people
kill each other?
Yes, we have to get
the tracker out of you,
otherwise you're a target:
Why don't we go to the police?
Eh? You and l:
You acted in self-defense:
I'll speak for you:
Is it my accent?
Do I stutter? Is that it?
The people who run this,
they are more powerful
than the police:
- Man: Somebody:::
- They will get you anywhere:
- :::do something!
- But the bodies:::
people will see the bodies:
There will be an explanation:
It won't be the truth,
but it will be what people will buy:
A madman with a gun,
a terrorist attack,
a natural disaster,
a car crash:
That's how the Tournament
remains a secret!
It's insane:
Don't you watch TV, Father?
The whole world is insane:
now move it!
Come on!
Tech: Sir.
Sir, can we just reconfirm?
You want to make
the priest a player?
You want him on the system?
Was I unclear, Mr: Hamilton?
no: no, sir:
It's ready: It's ready:
- This is bullshit:
- Shut up and do it:
Ladies and gentlemen,
a man of the cloth
has stepped out
from the sidelines:
If any of you good people
would like to take a long shot
on a man with a dog collar,
we'll take that action:
[laughter, applause]
Lai Lai:
Will you hurry up?
It's not coming up:
How do you know
I've even swallowed this thing?
How else could it
be inside you?
Fuck! Fuck!
Everybody thinks I'm an assassin!
Everybody wants me dead!
- Yes:
- oh, fuck!
I don't wanna die:
- It's okay:
- I don't wanna die:
I don't wanna die:
- I don't know how to cope with this:
- You'll be okay:
[sirens approaching]
Trust me:
oh, thank God:
Thank God:
oh, officer,
thank goodness you're here:
- nice outfit, Father:
- [high-pitched whine]
Get down!
Come on!
What's happening?
I'm not sure,
but we have to get out of here now:
A policeman's been killed:
- He's a player:
- A player?
Why would anybody want
to take part in this madness?
Cash prize, revenge,
title, excitement:
So what's your reason?
I've seen him before:
- In the cafe this morning:
- Are you sure?
- Positive:
- He cut it out:
Hold on!
Whoo! Here we go:
Yeah: Hi, ladies!
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder clap]
Hurry back:
I love you, baby:
Enjoy your life together:
Where were you?
- [phone ringing]
- [answering machine beeps]
Host on speaker:
I'm deeply sorry about your loss,
but I may have some information
about the person
that came after you.
I may know where
you can find them.
[thunder clap]
[thunder clap]
[loud bass echoing]
[hip hop music playing]
oh, shit:
We got another one
of those cluster things:
Jesus fucking Christ:
That's not a cluster:
That is a war zone:
Angel's titty bar?
Are you kidding me?
There's nine shooters in there:
Why aren't they
attacking each other?
Probably so many people
in the place
they don't know who is who:
All right, we got ourselves
a situation here:
We have nine players
in one location:
Repeat, nine players
in one shithole location:
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a bloodbath
about to take place:
[crowd cheers]
[hip hop music playing]
- [music stops]
- [screaming]
Come on, bitches!
Fuck yeah!
Come on, boys!
no, you don't!
[Miles laughing]
I see you, bud!
[woman whimpering]
Thanks, sweetheart:
Tindillini and Mitre out:
They're going down fast:
Still taking bets:
Come on, boys!
You fucking son of a bitch:
- Ho, ho, ho!
- This is fucked up:
That's Van de Ven out of the game:
- [man panting]
- Miles: Where you at, boys?
Bring it on!
Fuck, yeah!
Was it you, Miles?
Did you come after me?
- Stay still, honey:
- Did you murder my wife?
What the fuck you talking about?
[both screaming]
no, you don't, honey:
Good night, sugar:
We're experiencing problems
with transmitting.
All units,
we have reports of gunfire...
Man on radio:
Sorry, we're completely swamped here.
Man #2 on radio:
What the hell's going on today?
[radio chatter continues]
God, I need a drink:
You drink too much
and your eyes give you away:
You damage your liver:
That's just perfect:
That's just exactly what I need,
health advice from a hit man:
What are we going to do?
We have to wait until it passes
through your system:
The further out of town we go,
the less accurate the tracker:
It will buy us some time:
Do you mind
if I ask you a question?
Why are you here?
Why are you playing?
Why all the questions?
Why do you drink so much?
Why were you sobbing
like a child this morning?
Because I'm lost:
You're lost?
Try to be me:
It must be tough playing God
with people's lives:
I don't play God:
If I don't do it,
somebody else will:
It's just a job:
nothing more:
I don't believe you:
why didn't you just kill me?
I don't kill the innocent:
I'm so happy:
Did you feel that?
Where were you?
Can you hold that for me, buddy?
Huh: Howdy:
[Miles laughs]
Look at you:
Joshua Harlow,
greatest assassin there ever was:
Well, I shit ya,
you're well past your best, ain't ya?
But, hey, look at the bright side--
at least you fell at the hands
of this year's champion:
[Miles laughing]
Look at what I did to that guy:
What the fuck was I thinking?
Jesus, Miles,
you're a fucking maniac:
Have a drink, legend:
Trying to quit:
Just to be clear, old-timer,
these are the last few
moments of your life
you're experiencing right now:
You might as well
have a drink with me:
Maybe later:
Suit yourself, superstar:
Go on, now, tell me:::
how many kills?
See, I love killing:
Just the smell of it:
Why Mary?
Mary who?
I killed a fucking million Marys:
You know who:
Miami, four months ago:
I wasn't home:
It was me you wanted:
Why did you kill her?
[man coughing]
Give me a second:
Hey, man, let me help you:
That's some nasty shit:
Now where were we?
My wife:
Yeah: Why weren't you there?
You left her all alone:
If I were you:::
I'd blame myself:
Bad news, superstar:
This is really going to fuck you off:
It wasn't me:
Don't lie to me, kid:
I am not:::
- a kid!
- [slices]
I got me a $10 million trigger finger:
That's as close as you'll ever come,
you fucking amateur:
Here, let me help you with that:
- [sizzling]
- [groans]
I really wish it was me:
Shit, I really do:
But I wouldn't go take credit
for other people's work:
That'd just be wrong:
Don't you pass out on me, legend:
I'm going to tell you
who killed your wife:
It gives me great pleasure
to know:::
that you know who did it
and that you can't do
a fucking thing about it:
Lai Lai Zhen came after you:
Lai Lai Zhen:
She killed your wife:
You're a liar:
Am l?
I think I'll have that drink now:
That's the spirit:
Toast the new champion:
I think we're done here:
- [soft music playing]
- [engine starts]
Every time
We say goodbye
I die a little
Every time we say goodbye
I wonder why a little
Why the gods above me
Who must be in the know
Think so little of me
They allow you to go?
When you're near
There's such an air
of spring about it
I can hear a lark somewhere
Begin to sing about it
There's no love song finer
But how strange the change
From major to minor
Every time we say goodbye
You okay?
oh, no:
For a minute there
I thought it was
all just a bad dream:
You'll be okay:
- [door thuds]
- oh:
oh, please:
Please, God,
help me through this:
Please give me
some strength because--
- because I need a drink!
- [thuds]
[door opens, closes]
Sorry, I was--
Bless me, Father, I have sinned:
Stakes are high,
ladies and gentlemen,
a favorite will fall:
[hard rock playing
on headphones]
[hard rock continuing]
You're lucky I got to you
before Joshua did:
He's pretty pissed you killed his wife:
no, no:
- [grunts]
- Wait, wait:
Please, please stop:
Finish the fucker!
[crowd jeering]
Don't do it!
I'm sorry:
Don't do it:
Don't do it:
[microwave bell rings]
I'm sorry:
[Miles sobbing]
[crowd jeering,
Pull the fucking trigger!
Man on radio:
Let's get as close as we can.
[phone ringing]
Keep him locked.
We gotta wait.
He said what?
It's the right thing:
[electronic beeping]
What is it?
What is it?
[beeping faster]
What is it?
[telephone rings]
[ringing continues]
Mill's service station:
It's, um--
it's for you:
Father Macavoy,
we haven't met,
but I feel I know you intimately:
So you're the sick fucker
that's running all this, are ya?
Such profanity
from a man of the cloth:
[crowd chuckles]
now I suggest you listen to me
very, very carefully:
Since you deemed it
necessary to interrupt
what could have been
a spectacular kill,
I feel I should clarify the rules a little.
There's a time limit
you really should take note of.
Time limit?
What are you talking about?
It's very simple.
You need to start killing
if you want to stay alive.
I'm not going to kill anyone:
We shall wait and see:
It will be your faith
against your desire to live:
That device inside you
is so much more than a tracker,
as you've just witnessed:
There's only four hours
left of the game, Father.
If there's more than
one player still alive
when the clock hits zero,
everyone will meet
the same fate
as your American friend.
So let's see if you have any real guts:
It's kill or be killed:
Four hours, Father,
and the clock is ticking:
[dial tone]
Thank you:
Well, that's perfect:
Hamilton: Let's bring a replay
of that up on one:
Hamilton: Let's bring a replay
of that up on one:
Rob: Jesus:
We have to do that to all of them
if the time runs out?
no, it takes them out automatically:
What's the priest doing?
If the sat imagery is correct,
he is trying to sort his shit out:
Lai Lai:
Anything yet?
nothing's happening: I'm too tense:
It's got to come out
one end or the other:
Can you not wait outside?
I'm staying put:
now concentrate:
You're putting me off:
Can you whistle or something?
okay, who's Joshua's wife?
It doesn't matter:
I thought the way you reacted
when you heard--
Will you just leave it alone?
Bit of a confession
in here, really, eh?
Confession can be incredibly hard:
It's painful to admit our sins
and trust ourselves in God's care:
But it helps:
It helps:::
Why don't you tell me
why you're here?
What's it got to do
with Joshua's wife?
The last thing you see
in a target's eyes:::
is understanding:
deep inside of them,
they've been expecting it:
Mary Harlow didn't have that look:
She just stared at me,
Iike you did this morning--
petrified, scared:::
I saw in her eyes
that something was wrong:
My instincts told me to stop:
But I pulled the trigger anyway:
[Lai Lai crying]
I didn't know it until afterwards,
but she was pregnant:
It's haunted me ever since:
That's why I have
to win this tournament:::
so I can get enough
money to vanish:
And if I don't win:::
then I get what's coming:
okay, Miss Hunter,
the final few players
seem to be converging
on the motorway:
We got Harlow on the move,
we're tracking Bogart nearby,
and the long shot, Topuzov,
is closing in fast:
Lai Lai Zhen and the priest
are sitting ducks:
[door opens]
We have to get out of here now:
- I haven't--
- Now:
Quick, get to the car:
[horn honks]
oh, shit:
[passengers shouting]
[car crashing]
Come on!
What's going on?
- I'm taking your bus:
- What?
I'm taking your bus:
- I can't drive a bus:
- Learn fast!
Bus driver:
What about the passengers?
Everybody down!
[horns honking]
[passengers scream]
Come on!
Lai Lai!
They're coming up on the Frenchman:
How is he gonna get in on the action?
Lai Lai!
Come and see this:
I'm a little busy now:
Can you handle it?
It's more in your department, really!
[woman screams]
Jeez, they're going way too fast:
They're out of control:
[bell rings]
[shutter clicks]
That guy's got a ticket:
Maybe not:
Holy shit:
Lai Lai's taking a beating:
open the door!
Lai Lai!
Lai Lai, what are we gonna do?
[guns clicking]
[passengers murmuring]
What have I done?
You saved me:
I'm gonna be sick:
[electronic whirring]
[whirring stops]
okay, that is confirmed, sir:
Bogart is down and the priest
has officially left the game:
What about Joshua?
[Lai Lai coughs]
what are you doing still here?
I cannot protect you anymore:
Please go:
I don't wanna go:
Why not?
You didn't abandon me,
so I'm not going
to abandon you, yes?
We should go:
Come on:
only five minutes remaining,
ladies and gentlemen:
Let me remind you,
if we don't have a winner
when the time runs out,
we will pay out on the current favorite,
Joshua Harlow:
[wings flapping,
pigeons cooing]
Lai Lai:
No cameras:
They cannot see us in here:
What did you say?
There are no cameras in there:
- What about satellite?
- They're indoors:
Did I speak to you?
There are 30 people in there
who paid $10 million:
We're in the final few minutes:
I want everything and anything
pointed at that fucking church!
Wow, that really helps:
[alarm beeping]
okay, okay:
If we can't show what,
we can at least show where:
We'll give 'em something to watch:
You have to get to a hospital:
I want you to pray with me:
of course:
You said your prayers?
I hope you said goodbye:
Please, this is God's house:
no killing in God's house:
Why, Lai Lai?
Did someone send you,
or was it personal?
- Just kill me:
- no, no, no:
Get it over with:
Why'd you come after me?
Why'd you come after me?
I didn't come after you:
I wasn't there for you:
I was there for her:
The contract was on your wife:
Why would anyone
want to kill Mary? Why?
I don't know why:
We never know why:
Please, please:
Joshua, please:
She's not to blame:
She's not to blame for any of this:
She's a device, like a tool:
- She didn't want to kill your wife:
- no, shut up!
- She didn't want to kill--
- Shut up!
Mary was my life:
Mary was my life!
Who hired you?
She was your life:
She was your life:
Don't dishonor her now with death:
Who hired you?
- You're dishonoring her with death!
- Shut up!
Who hired you?
You know who hired me:
Joshua, what would Mary do?
What would Mary have you do?
[electronic beeping]
[alarm blaring]
We have a winner:
[cheers and applause]
Ladies and gentlemen,
I want to present to you
the two-time winner
of the Tournament:
Please be upstanding
for the greatest assassin
of our time!
[crowd gasps]
I know everything:
I put on a good show, didn't l?
You can keep all this money that I won,
if you just tell me
why you murdered my wife:
You're delirious, Joshua:
I'm dying, but you're sweating:
now why is that?
What's the matter,
you afraid to admit it?
Come on:
Come on, we're all killers here!
You need a doctor:
You're being absurd:
Why? Why did you murder my wife?
or are you too fucking gutless?
Because it was necessary:
You didn't want to come
back to the Tournament:
I wasn't going to accept that:
You're the reigning champion:
Look at you, Joshua!
You're a warrior, gladiator:
Men like you don't die
in your beds,
they fall on the field:
They give the crowd
a glorious death:
Because if I'd have just asked:::
you'd have said no:
You needed
a little motivation--
on that little
chink in the armor:
Close your eyes:
You and your wife
will be together soon:
I love you, baby:
Joshua, wait! Wait!
We'll see her together:
Jesus, he took her tracker out:
[alarm blaring]
It's gonna blow:
[beeping fast]
So, uh, I'm going to go home:
Yeah, me too:
[sirens blaring]
Terror stepped up a notch today.
Bombs are believed to have gone off
in both a city center church
and a popular strip bar on the outskirts...
our little town has been tested,
played witness to events
beyond comprehension,
besieged by darkness:
newscaster #2:
...many major road accidents,
the worst of which
a mile-long motorway pileup.
And yet, here we are again,
our spirits renewed:::
newscaster #3:
...the debilitating lack
of any CCTV footage...
newscaster #4: increase surveillance
to blanket proportions.
I'm reminded of the words
of the American writer
Robert nathan
when he said,
"We must give thanks to the sorrow
"that shows us pity,
"to the pain
that teaches us courage,
"and to the mystery
which is a mystery still:"
Let us pray:
[rock music plays]
[orchestral music plays]