Tous les soleils (2011) Movie Script

So? Reactions? Comments?
Go ahead.
- The rhythm is very monotonous.
As if only the text.
I do not agree with you.
The rhythm accelerates correct. This
the music gets a little carried away.
You both not wrong.
The rhythm of the tarantella is
heartbreak to eliminate.
The grief that the poison of the spider
has caused.
The rhythm, the patient
in a trance.
The song connects the human world
with dark, healing powers.
That sounds pompous.
But remember...
the music
an old folk tradition is...
and played in the street was charged.
The screams you hear now and then.
Those things.
Do you know the rest of the semester?
Lagarde takes them afterwards.
They should not be without a teacher
get caught.
When is Kriakine back?
- No idea.
He is not an expert in music,
but ill.
He goes from one sick
to another.
That is yours.
- Sorry.
We talk about it.
Do you speak it.
Not to say your daughter.
But I love it.
It is said that the youth
no longer involved.
On your 15th for EU parliament
demonstrate, is that great?
Not interested in Tibet?
Simply because it is far away?
- I do not say.
But throwing stones at police,
is that normal?
Mr. Regazzoni, one thing:
everyone is calling.
Protesters throw stones,
riot police who get to his head.
A brother of mine fed
if he does not get a stone on his helmet.
Like he is invisible, unnecessary.
As if nobody loves him.
Funny, huh?
On the 16th she puts her car on fire.
Quite common in Strasbourg.
And on her 20th she robs banks
for the poor.
Whether you blow the cathedral
because God does nothing.
- Give me a break, Dad.
- What do you mean stop it'? What you think?
What does she think? You and your
Beijing girlfriends get on your knees?
Irina, sit down.
Come back, damn it.
Maybe they are politically conscious.
Shut up. I know
from whom she has crazy ideas.
So keep on so.
Otherwise I will throw you out.
Then you can from under a bridge
improve the world.
You'll wake Mrs. Bisheim.
- Wander see.
I am not afraid
for your civil threats.
Yet you are happy with your marital
brother. Where were you different now?
What would you do now?
You've never worked one day.
I foster resistance.
Well, you do well.
What perseverance.
I am deeply impressed.
I told you? Here...
Just test.
Tasty. Irina, at the table.
I keep getting on my head.
- He's not easy.
Fathers are easily worried.
- But I'm not a kid anymore.
Joker. You're not old grandmother.
Give the handkerchief again.
The other one.
If he had a girlfriend,
He would tell us more alone.
It never lasts
between him and his friends.
We never see them at least.
- It begins to be urgent.
We can not be him
to help women.
You had the good cops tuk.
Got the stones thrown
like I said? So?
Good student.
There was something unbearable between them.
Stress first turned his gaze.
I regret that I must ask,
he said. But it's important.
Doruntina, it is important to you,
for your mom, for all of us.
Have you seen the face
the man who brought you back?
Not pretty?
All you read the phone book for,
Alessandro. You have such a beautiful voice.
Ismail Kadare is better
over the phone, right?
Tell me what it is outside,
in the city.
The city?
In the morning the smell hangs
of fog, fresh foliage of...
of the countryside.
But by noon it's hot.
As if the sun all streets
has taken possession.
People on terraces, children running
in the parks. Much merriment.
How long before you read me?
Nearly one year.
We have read a lot.
You're my first customer, Agathe.
Therefore I am a little tired.
It is time to go home.
You're an artist, Mr. Luigi.
A real artist.
It is not much.
- But it's so nicely done.
If our language was painting would
no boundaries and deceit more.
That's true.
- Of course.
Think about what's in your bag.
All these letters
hatred and destruction.
There are also love letters to.
- Make it now.
No dog still writes love letters.
Everything is sent by mail or SMS.
Why do I have besides the apple, the symbol
of original sin, depicted a mobile?
That means today's world,
for anonymous communication.
The continued blablabla.
In case you are not love letters.
Only accounts, discharge letters.
Mess that we must eradicate.
I never thought about it.
Some more coffee?
We need to replace boiler
by a gas or wood fired boiler.
But the price...
- Wood is environmentally friendly.
But expensive to buy.
- And then geothermal energy?
Malou, it costs a fortune.
For that you dig and drill.
A wood boiler is still deductible?
But the outer
belongs to us all. So...
Hi, guys.
I do not know if there is wine...
Ready to work with?
It is the sabbath. I act more than ever.
You know that?
- But you drink it.
Nonsense. What do you know
of the Jewish faith?
People, may I introduce you:
- She is from Lithuania.
They lived here only two months.
So be nice.
This is Jean-Paul.
Part-time surgeon, as you know.
Malou, who tolerates him for how long?
Nearly 21 years.
- Is she so unhappy?
Fran Cette, the wife of Dieter.
And Alessandro, single.
So if you have good friends...
How do you think this wine?
- Dieter, Egidija.
Pleasant. A glass?
I do not drink wine.
Do you drink no wine?
- No.
Okay... Who is coming Sunday
Essarts to teach?
I pass next weekend.
- Irina is with us.
You hear more.
- Drink no wine you really?
And where does that Noemie?
- Near Orangerie.
Okay then.
But you do not step.
The next day on time to school.
- Is good.
What is this?
- Paper towels.
Why does he not know the brand?
- He is against brands.
Pick up only four rolls.
And detergent.
And bleach.
What are you doing?
- You're new to panties.
These are nice.
Not vulgar, and of good quality.
You're kidding.
- Better with bangs?
Dad, I'm 15, not eight.
Wake up.
I buy my own underwear is.
I buy your underpants do not?
My mother bought them for my 30th.
- I am embarrassed.
Alessandro, again too late.
I know, sorry.
I'm sorry.
We break all of them.
Is there anything?
- No, no more than a little tired.
It's hard to Irina.
Raising a child on your own...
You want to do it alone.
She has no mother, I have to.
You may sometimes
think about yourself.
It has failed us,
but another might.
Do you know a good psychologist?
Will not you come here?
- Why? I have to leave yet free?
You can do as her mother
say hello?
Okay, then a minute.
There they are.
Come inside.
- No, I'm parked wrong.
There is never checked.
You have it a bit?
Want a drink?
- Not at this time.
What does time matter?
Softer, girls.
What a power they have.
What a life.
So you're the father of Irina.
Noemie loves your daughter.
It is the sister Irina, Irina so '.
You are a widower?
- That's right, yes.
Terrible. Since when?
Irina was five months,
a car accident.
That's a long time ago.
You are now probably...
That's rotauto.
I really through.
You give lessons?
- Yes, the history of the Baroque.
Sole, rock. Johnny Hallyday...
- No, baroque. That is a little earlier.
Oh, but I also love.
I like going out,
I like to eat with friends.
You play a sport?
- I jog occasionally. I have to go.
On asphalt? In nature?
In nature.
- I.
See you soon.
Please come visit us.
I did not.
No, I'm not.
- You're going to do. That's up to me.
I have an appointment.
If need be I drag you along.
It's for your own good.
- You need yourself a psychologist.
- Do you see you.
A father
with a dead woman alive.
An uncle who just
to look stupid chicks in soap operas.
Moderate your tone.
- I am embarrassed.
A different tone, yes.
My friends think
that you are queers.
That puts you paid me.
I've beaten her.
What a jerk. I've beaten her.
Are you that stupid broads not Sat?
What wrong with you?
You can fall for someone who is not
the same books or music.
Shut up. But someone who does not
of wine is, it simply can not.
The first sausages.
Lithuania has set no wine.
So what? An Icelandic colleague drinking
Every night Cotes du Rhone.
There is no grape grown in Iceland.
- I agree.
But wine or not,
Lithuanian is a piece of you.
What the hell, Dieter?
- That said, your Jean-Paul himself.
Did you know?
- What?
We go to the barn?
Whole or decompose?
I want two.
- You start with one.
Siddhartha, shut up at you.
Good name for a dog quiet.
He is in heat. Have you never?
Mom, Dad! The roof!
Everything collapses.
Do you have anything? Really?
Holy shit.
Keep your distance.
No, stay here.
Damn it.
I told the bar consumption
had to be replaced?
Gerhard he was still good.
- He's cook, not a bar expert.
You know that jerk a lot.
- You do it?
Calm down it.
They were dead.
- But they're not.
Shut up, Siddhartha. Now.
To burn the sausages.
- Oh...
The sausages?
Bunch of assholes.
You bastards.
Mr. Bertaud?
Alessandro Regazzoni
of 'Words Connect'.
Are you okay?
May I?
I'll read you some.
I have some books with me.
You can say what you want to hear.
Hot here. Do not you hot?
Would you like a glass of water?
A writer from my home region,
Northern Veneto.
Mario Rigoni Stern called him. He writes
about the war, memories...
and over the mountains.
Snow in January.
With his right arm
He relied on the sled.
His left arm was under his coat.
When he was hit
the ball...
he felt only a dry tap,
like a stone.
Have you nothing more erotic?
Not with me. I'm sorry.
She has just fallen asleep.
- Hello, Yasmina.
She has a tough night.
You say I've been?
I'm back Thursday.
You do not look happy.
Yesterday we signed.
I am now a free woman.
Or a woman dumped.
It depends.
Who does not.
Dust everywhere.
L'Express... July 5, 2006.
Le Point... November 13, 2008.
Free magazines, free magazines.
Marie Claire... in April 2000.
Irina Regazzoni?
- That's me.
That's us. That's it, my daughter.
There is increasing distance. In all
what I was trying to say...
fold them closed.
Although she has grown physically hard,
it is of course a child.
A child in a woman's body.
A woman's body?
- Yeah, look.
What do you think, Irina?
Would you give us a show?
I do not know
if your daughter needs me.
But perhaps you yourself
talking with a colleague.
Often, parents have more problems
of puberty than the children themselves.
You're not serious.
You will find that she has grown, but
she has the body of a 12-year-old.
And you treat her like a baby.
I guess they mentally
and emotionally right for feasibility.
You yourself problems. They do not.
What nonsense.
Your opinions are just as outdated
the sheets in your waiting room.
Day, beauty.
- What are you doing?
I hid them.
- You always paint the same.
Will not you sell?
- No.
A guy wants everything in Zurich
buy from me.
- I read his letters disagree.
There's your father.
Good weekend.
flute, whistle, flute
I challenge you, out, out
loud, loud, loud
I challenge you, out, out
life, love
as a kilo of fruit
press out, out, out
and drink the cup out, out, out
Not funny?
It is for your age.
I asked something.
Irina, answer.
- Because you love that stuff means?
Hi, sweetie.
Are you okay?
- You look beautiful.
Hi, sweetie.
Give it your bag.
- You eat with us?
No, I'm busy. I must return.
You got a bit?
How are you?
Irina whether you?
- Both a bit.
He means well. He is happy to
to see you, but thinking back to...
I thought the time...
Time does not change anything.
The time...
The time is always
as an excuse.
When do you get the little girl?
- Sunday.
Against seven well?
- I will make a delicious cake.
Yourself why so gloom?
I just found this band.
You find that tape every month.
Sandro... I also liked Louise.
But you can not continue until you die.
What do you mean, 'so'?
- Only.
You're alone.
- That's different. I'm in the resistance.
Warriors are always alone.
Che was never married.
Oh no?
- Never.
Are you sure?
- No.
What do you want?
That we, as Irina is out the door,
and two old bags behind?
What was she was little.
I want's somewhere else.
He sees his childhood friends there.
But I'm nobody.
They do not speak Italian, but
a dialect, just like here in Alsace.
It is important to him.
- Yes, but...
You have the same gestures.
- What do you mean?
What you just did with you hair.
Louise did too.
Do you hate it when I say that?
Would not you want me to talk about your mother?
I did not know, she's been around for centuries
death, and yet it takes a lot of space.
Do you realize what you're saying?
I want to live
and this is so oppressive.
Where I put that beast?
- You know that. At the sink.
Regazzoni, I must speak.
Try the exams
more strict assessment.
I try to be righteous.
- Yes, yes.
Your figures are always higher
than that of your colleagues.
It takes us days to agents.
I'm counting on you.
You betray anyone, Alessandro.
There is no question of betrayal,
But space.
Somewhere there is Louise.
Like she... Like she is waiting for me.
Do you like them waiting for you?
I think so.
You know, Agathe?
You may know.
There are occasional women in my life.
But I feel nothing.
So it makes no sense.
The dead are stronger than us.
They have a whole life ahead of her.
But absent is worse.
From them we have more problems
than the dead.
Why do you say?
Anyway, at your age is
immoral to love to give.
So you stop it.
See how he looks at you?
- He looks at you.
No, look.
- Moreover, he is ugly.
Ugly? You have to wear glasses to.
Is he new?
- Yes, since two weeks.
He is thick with Juju and Bouzou.
You know that Sonia
I swear it. She knows him
through a dating site.
You know, for old people.
- Jasses, it is as old as us.
She is also proud.
See that? I told you?
- Stop it.
He looks at you.
I think I smoke gnocchi.
What Aristotle cum suis also
say, there's nothing like tobacco.
Anyone who lives without tobacco,
it is not worth living.
What's wrong with him?
- What Aristotle c. s. say...
There is nothing like tobacco.
Sganarelle, the first company, scene 1.
Dom Juan of Molire.
What do you think?
- We have not had.
Have not had.
And this?
Have you had it?
- How do you get that?
From your room.
Nose you my stuff?
Do I have you on your 15th
lung direction already let go?
It is not mine,
but a friend.
They just take a run with me.
Her parents may not know
she smokes.
And I believe?
Why does he believe me ever?
I Sat
- Repent, rogue...
Mozart, Don Giovanni, final act.
- I know.
Irina, here are the gnocchi
your uncle who loves you.
His hands reached for her breasts.
He felt
how Jennifer leaned back.
Her two breasts,
with fleshy dark nipples...
who proudly founded,
swelled even more.
Her tongue region
along her wet lips...
and slowly she opened her thighs.
Her vision was blurred and on her forehead
beaded sweat.
Mr. Luigi Regazzoni?
Sylvaine Anspak.
I called you yesterday.
Am I interrupting you?
Were you in the bathroom?
Can I come?
- Of course.
How long you stay in France?
- Al years.
Years? And now you do just one application?
After 'original nationality'
fill 'stateless' in.
What is your country of origin?
- That no longer exists.
But which country is it?
- Italy.
Wait a minute. I thought this was a false
name was. Are you really Italian?
Seriously. If you Italian
No political asylum.
Why not?
- Italy is a democracy.
A democracy?
Headed by a lifted, formatted,
oversexed potentate...
the media and the economy dominated.
Listen. Hundreds of people are waiting
in really desperate situations.
Is my situation hopeless?
I live for many years as a monk.
Since his coup
Boycott my language.
I live on memories.
Is that so heavenly?
Goodbye, sir.
Be glad I no complaint
if against you.
Yes, go ahead.
But support dictators.
Beautiful work you do
Very nice.
Can I have a little of your reach?
I live in your area.
- Oh?
Are you in third grade?
- Yes. Do you?
What's your name?
- Aurelien.
What is this picture?
- Christmas, two years back.
Was he drunk?
- No, happily.
A little more centered. Yes, better.
Less upper body.
So good?
- Yes. And what text?
We say 'teacher' that inspires
trust. But not any subject.
Than 'free'. Then at least he
not married.
Shall we say 'sporty'?
- Very good.
And can dance well.
That is what women like.
I've never seen him dance.
- You do not know everything.
Let me.
How about that?
"Devoid" you say you love animals.
- You sure?
And the end is not...
You want all sluts
of Alsace to reply to the ad?
Let's see...
What do you know about church music
The church music...
Vivaldi was a priest.
He was spiritual.
He has a lot of music
composed for the church.
For the churches.
- Such as?
You do not know?
L'estro Armonico.
- Completely wrong.
Never heard of the masterpiece
Juditha triumfans?
Then we keep it at that.
Do not exaggerate.
Sorry, I've studied so hard.
But you know nothing.
You do not deny that?
I blacked out.
I work every night
in order to pay my studies.
My parents threw me out.
If I screwed up this year, I have to stop.
So dramatic it was not bad.
Not enough?
That it is not.
I can shake it. Order by
I go to a sufficient need.
It's messed up.
Thank you.
No, I believe my eyes.
He came to my room
and raped me every night.
What is this?
- Burn money.
But have you done?
- Yeah...
Where does it come from?
I can not see.
- Oh, no? Please.
Where does this money come from?
- The Swiss would like more spawn.
Ever? So it's not the first time?
How many envelopes have you burned?
Three or four.
Maybe eight.
- You're not crazy.
And I only show-off
for everyone.
And you burn money.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
It is Swiss money, money is contaminated.
Fuck with your preaching.
Themselves do nothing all day.
Burning money!
I had to let you record.
Do I not matter? Ask you never finish
who cooks here?
Who does the housework? Who you
iron shirts and wash your socks?
Do not shout.
- She can get the discount. Do you hear that?
The older you get, the gestoorder.
The money do not grow on the back.
Rotkunst sales anyway.
I have nothing left.
This is Irina, for later.
That stuff can it be stolen.
If one wants to buy Swiss...
I call him now.
If you do, I jump out the window.
Bring yourself ridiculous. Spring
but on second floor. I can laugh.
a garden in the snow
as a footstep covered with print
The hot breath of a beast
waiting at the Willow
The cherry blossom reaches for the moon
the girl whispers
Do you remember?
At first reading thick novels for you.
Then thinner novels.
When short stories,
long poems.
And now haiku.
Soon nothing.
I will not bore you.
I'll be thinking.
I will think of you.
I did not think
that it ever would come to that.
When he brings them back Sunday,
they exit the apartment.
He honks and I'll get them.
He did not even wait
until I'm down.
He goes off right away.
Just imagine...
Was it good?
- Yes.
What I wanted to ask...
If they ever...
As Agathe on...
Do you?
Would you warn me?
Of course.
- Thank you.
Quickly, it is now.
He often goes to choir practice.
Three reactions.
Hello, Gentiluomo. I'd like
to know. Just click on.
- Yes. Quickly.
No, do not look, you.
Now the second?
Do not look, you.
That is okay.
I read your profile.
If you do not smoke, are a Catholic and...
No, nothing.
And the last?
We are often contradictory, but 'see'
each other. Who sets the first step?
A well-known?
- Throw it in my bed.
In my hat.
- Go ahead.
She seems really interested.
We respond?
Sweet romantic...
What a mess.
Poor people, poor people.
What I said within, exactly right.
An enormous task.
This section should be demolished.
The broken tiles...
the remaining beams,
the lath-and zinc work.
The whole trade.
- Hello, sir Gatheim.
You have an accent.
You're not from here.
You have not paid too much?
- Why?
Just like that. For a chat.
See you, guys.
What a jerk.
Yet another.
There are the others.
Are you okay?
May I introduce: Eveline.
- Nice.
Jean-Paul, this is Eveline.
Eveline, something sweet?
I have been three pounds
Since I live here.
About two years we can roll.
- What?
Roles, as a barrel.
You think I'm too fat, eh?
No, you're so perfect.
You call that slices?
Do it yourself now.
My TV guide.
- If the fire to be...
I need him to read it.
Great house.
How long have you?
Eighteen years.
Here are the four unsuspecting buyers.
Even in this state is beautiful.
Always think positively.
- Cheers.
- On your roof.
Please, say.
- On our bad weekends.
To Eveline,
Fernando's new girlfriend.
New? Were there so many?
Of course not.
Protection from it.
We are simply transferred.
Much pressure.
Some features not. A colleague
has recently a suicide attempt.
The unions do nothing.
- Unions...
His death, like God.
You must do it yourself,
you have to throw sand in the wheels.
Remember, the Red Brigades?
- They killed people.
That was their big mistake.
No one cares. There are
every day thousands of people killed.
You should focus on material possessions
of people. That comes on.
You have great power. Suppose you
dispose of all official mail...
It seems nothing,
but the system will be on tilt.
Then only you exist.
Then you really exist.
You've probably been studied.
- Matter of using your brain.
I dare you not...
to touch.
I'm not afraid...
to your ear to bend...
and the words...
to speak...
on my lips...
on. So.
Dare then. I feel your warmth.
Me too, I smell...
your perfume...
that floats in here...
and intoxicates me.
Damn it.
Incredible to see you here.
I want to say goodbye.
Are you better?
I've always held the morning.
Do you remember that poem
once you've read?
sleep with all suns dawn
still light
lethargic, indifferent
they grind
that comes to light
the face of men,
Death and war
All suns are like big children
that is not the time to care
It's lovely weather.
I'll travel.
Become happy, Alessandro.
The International Criminal Court can not
respond to your request...
Silvio Berlusconi to sue
for crimes against humanity...
misappropriation of public money,
illegal medical practices...
Mistake. Turning
of minors to debauchery.
You mentioned the 'intellectual
genocide 'and' mental cruelty '...
are no legal issues...
I see you, idiot.
within our remit.
Sincerely blablabla.
And now?
- I'm going through.
I Sat Sat
No, you run a great battle, Luigi.
We women understand each other.
Knock before you enter.
- Why?
Maybe she's exposed.
- Why? What are you doing?
French essay.
- Would she do in her naked?
- Does it matter?
"The literature transcends life. "
this sense of James Joyce.
Joyce has said that?
- Apparently.
Shall I help you? Last time
you had a four Malou.
Thanks a lot.
I'm gone.
You understand Italian?
- Yes. Come, Siddhartha.
James Joyce,
The great Irish writer...
would have said...
Totally ridiculous, let's face it.
And then?
In the hospital I heard
she morning deceased.
They had called me,
but I had forgotten my phone.
I'm not dreaming.
I swear, I'm not dreaming.
Another ghost, Sandro.
Have you not a problem?
- Barely.
I am interested more for the living.
- Yes, the living...
Will you again, guys?
Work to be done.
You are our glory and hope.
We are but dust.
We slip in your hand
and return to Earth.
Get in your kingdom
peace and light...
Agathe, our sister who left us
has to be reunited with you.
We remember her
and pray to You, Lord.
My condolences.
Please, sir?
Pardon me.
May I know who you are?
Alessandro Regazzoni.
I read Agathe in the hospital.
Her daughter.
After a time too much hassle
I slammed the door.
Then the contact is limited
a single ticket.
It is sometimes difficult.
We never really talk.
Does she have suffered?
She was very brave.
She smiled rather.
Her smile, yes.
I gave a lot to your mother.
But I did not know how.
Sometimes you say the opposite
of what you feel.
Then creates a large gap,
us on both sides.
As a child I could never say
how much I loved her.
Pardon me.
Read long before people?
Some time, yes.
I assume you also to the people
talk. Even with my mother?
They talked about me?
- Sometimes, yes.
She was very discreet.
Its discretion...
I never knew...
or that a good or bad
feature was.
My god, quite forgotten.
I have an appointment with the notary.
Never mind, I pay.
And thanks a lot
for all you've done.
She seems to know him well.
- A woman from his choir?
Or from the hospital or university
or neighborhood.
What writes them all?
- It starts to become too intimate.
What do you write?
- But what I fantasize.
It is time they meet.
Who should meet whom?
Obama and Putin.
It will not agree on politics.
We are here.
What are you doing? Still?
You never grow up.
But it's so real, huh?
- Yes.
How do you print it off?
- An acquaintance with the newspaper.
Oh yes, the quotation for the roof inside.
Jerk who thinks we are crazy.
The bastard.
- Apparently we look like suckers.
No, not at all.
I know where it is. Number 27.
For three hours. Is fine.
You too. Until Tuesday.
See you later?
She is here because the children's ward
had no place. Are you ready?
How you doing, baby?
- Good.
This is Alessandro.
- Hi, Nina.
I leave you.
- Soon.
Beware, though.
Italians are great decorators.
Please, say.
Do you have too much pain?
My heart beats irregularly.
Sometimes too soon
and sometimes you think it will stop.
This is a bit annoying.
Normal adults are here.
These books are too difficult for you.
Do you like poetry?
Yes, but
stories of antiquity.
Then I take the next time.
Guess what.
With friends I'm studying a song...
of the Sicilian poet Alfio Antico.
Shall I read the translation?
It's called Silenzio d'Amuri
Silent or love.
I've always loved you
tenderness I gave you
little by little
secret love flowing through my veins,
you release it is impossible
You like it?
- Very nice.
do not cry, olive
love and tenderness come from far
sweetest, breath of my soul
give me your heart
I give you my life
Sorry I'm late.
It's changed so much.
I was lost. Is that your scooter?
- No, I am with the Solex.
Glad you wanted to come.
- Anytime.
Dear Flo, sweet girl.
When you read this letter,
I'm not.
If you're here,
I am nowhere.
We hurt each other too much.
I did not want you because of my illness
would return.
I have loved you dearly.
Even in all those years you were gone.
It's too late now, but I'm sorry
I can not keep with me.
Forgive me, please.
Think of me sometimes.
More than a place for me
in your heart and your memories.
I will not make noise.
I'm present, nothing more.
Lots of love, girl.
We came here often
bread for the swans to carry.
I threw a hand
I kept mum with the other fixed.
I feel the warmth of her hand.
Is it on yours?
It seems that it still
swans are the same...
if they do not age.
You hold him prisoner.
- No, he wants to not go outside.
Inside, he at least
not a disaster.
Does he live long with you?
- Since Berlusconi came to power.
I'd like to meet.
- Very risky. Be warned.
Have you're having in the South?
I live there because of one man.
You know what I'm mostly wrong?
The cold, the snow.
You'll find very strange.
- Oh no, not at all.
I come from northern Italy.
There's mountains, winter, snow.
Sometimes go back?
- Every year, however.
I have no immediate family more.
Well friends, cousins.
Very crazy maybe.
But my country, which is here now.
I love this country.
Your daughter speaks Italian?
- If we quarrel fluently.
And what does your partner?
He builds bridges.
But other things he destroyed.
The relationship is becoming penibeler.
The worst is the realization
that my mother was right.
Your daughter insists much.
- I know them well hidden.
Do you have children?
- No, he wanted to "free", he said.
Do you miss it?
I thought a long time not.
As I looked around me,
I praised myself lucky.
Until I realized
I was fooling myself.
I miss it very much.
Life goes on,
and it goes past me.
You can be my brother
and my daughter.
Take it.
He leads the fight on his own.
Sometimes he is insufferable.
But without him I sometimes
with hands in hair sat.
There should have something crazy.
Here I stay.
Thanks for the nice evening,
Thank you. I found it very nice to...
Will you come back?
Before I forget...
I got your number from the hospital.
But you do not mine.
Bye, Alessandro.
- What I wanted to say...
As Agathe...
it was about you...
her eyes sparkled.
A beautiful brilliance.
Pardon me.
- Hello, Mr. Luigi.
Cup of coffee?
- I have a lot to do.
Next time.
I took the plunge.
I'll strike.
Very good. But if things go wrong,
You should always deny everything.
All right, Mrs. Bisheim?
Can I help?
Let me through, macaroni.
Berlusconi on the run
He's gone.
He fled, the traitor.
Are you crazy?
The despot is gone.
Long live freedom.
Take a look.
He has nothing released.
He just said... I am looking for the keys.
That he does not cooperate with agents
dancing to the tune of imperialists.
That was all. Here they are.
Theft of a neighbor that her
bicycle show, knew who he was.
He has been hit by a
angry motorist. But nothing serious.
He's here.
That's him right?
- Yes.
- Are you okay?
Hello, everyone.
Are you okay?
- And you?
Almost too late.
- As always.
Are you okay?
- With you too?
You make a cheerful impression.
- Yes?
Have you met someone?
Why do you say? No.
Do I believe?
No, not really.
May I not know?
He felt Eurydice behind him.
He could not look back,
he wanted her from the underworld.
But the temptation was very intense.
Orpheus went faster and faster.
Sometimes he seemed to breath
of his beloved in his neck felt.
He is looking back.
- You know the story?
No, but I just know.
- Why do you think?
Because dead can not return
to the world of the living.
Do you think rightly or not?
- It just is.
Yes, it is.
I feel your warmth,
your gaze pierces me.
The thought of your body confuses me.
My nights are full of you.
I think your hard nipples,
the curve of your thighs.
Is that boy in your class?
- No, in a parallel class.
So you're in love?
I do not know.
- About your mother again...
I remember the first
time she was talking about Alessandro.
She knew him from the study?
- Yes, she was almost finished. And he was...
research assistant.
He was here just one year.
Were they fell in love?
- Yes we can.
It was for Sandro and Sandro post.
Your grandfather did not know her back.
He could not get it.
If you have the devil...
Other subject.
Men do not understand these things.
You would wait Koenig. Hi, honey.
- No, the Floriant.
You start to become senile.
You got a stapler?
- No.
Staple I too violent.
Who is that?
- You see the date of the date?
Do you know what he did?
- No idea.
Maybe the wife of the site.
- No, it was returned.
What she writes the way, sneak?
- Nothing.
It's not interesting.
Far too intellectual.
What do we do?
- Nothing. What can we do?
Did you see what's different?
What then?
The phone is now left of the apple.
A stronger image.
Much stronger.
Yes, much stronger.
You wanted to see me?
Close the door.
I want to die on your bare bosom.
We unleash
communism of love.
You write beautifully, Alessandro.
I write? What do I write?
But words...
Words are not enough.
- What are you doing?
Do not.
Stop it.
Are you crazy? Stop it.
You're crazy.
Only a little, say.
Who is that?
Is kissing your five tenths normal?
How old were you?
That is not the same.
An em, you.
What do we eat?
- A salad.
- Yes, it is no different.
Listen, Irina is not stupid
gosling. She knows what she's doing.
I remember that for the first time in
store came. She had two high peat.
They never let you go.
As if you are clinging to each other.
Let her alone.
Try to have faith.
You are like cat and dog. She talks
Camille and tells about it to me.
Oh yeah?
Leave her alone.
Be nice to her.
You're right.
- Of course.
Otherwise you chase her more
against you in the harness.
She's in love.
That's something beautiful?
Do not you think?
I'll talk to her calmly.
Nice to my daughter, it seems.
- You understand nothing.
What should I get? That you
middle of the city sits tongues?
You do not even remember what kissing is.
We do not live in the Middle Ages.
Listen, Irina.
You know that guy barely.
- It's been weeks.
That does not say anything.
- What do you want?
I still kiss year delay
and he it matter?
Shut up. I'm criticizing you Sat
Now you listen.
You get no nut.
Do you think I input the convent?
I never said.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Look at you,
to your own life.
What do you mean?
You give lessons in music
healing that would work.
But you do not heal themselves.
I want to live, to love.
I do not like you are.
Old and alone...
with a withered heart.
Do you realize what you're saying?
Treat me like a baby no longer
and make something better for yourself.
Good night.
But the execution is about two weeks.
Jerome may well sing my party.
Ridiculous. Is this a fad?
- No.
But I feel a few days
not good. I'm out of my doing.
Do you have personal problems?
- No, I have something solid under my members.
I feel weird, have no appetite.
I will my blood's examination.
I can not force you. But know that you
one year working the hell helps.
I'm sorry.
- Rightly so.
No, you.
You must do it.
A girl's voice awakens confidence.
But come on.
Sorry to interrupt.
I do not know you, but I wanted...
You know me either. But you know
My father, Alessandro Regazzoni.
Correct, yes.
I am his daughter.
Has he been talking about me?
Of course.
My uncle and I wanted...
You might find strange, but...
We have an idea.
Give it.
You call this eggplant?
- Where is Irina?
For Camille, homework.
Leaves her more alone.
I did not realize you lived here.
I'm not your brother or your daughter.
I'm close examination.
Do you know her?
That's the postman.
Did something happen?
She may have set fire
in the mailroom. Many post was burnt.
The preliminary assessments were
just sent. So a gang.
Have you noticed anything strange about her?
Some comments?
We look for a motive.
But she denies everything.
They have to contact my brother.
I'm never home when they come by.
- Your brother is also his mouth?
He is rather shy.
We can prove nothing.
Waste of paper.
In any case, thanks. By the way...
Does your brother is always the same clothes?
- No, no.
He has a pair of pajamas.
What now?
Luigi, come here, so gross.
Look how cute she looks.
Did your grandmother's album, given or loaned?
- Data. I hear it too, she said.
What does she look.
- That must have been at carnival.
She was beautiful, huh?
You too, you know.
How old was she here, do you think?
- Fifteen years.
Like me now.
Beatrice has a message was left.
Why do not you sing along
the implementation?
Maybe not.
- But you rehearse for months.
If you do not go,
I remain angry forever.
Forever? That's a lot.
The silence jouwerzijds concerns me.
Why do not I hear?
I dream of your perfect body,
your fiery eyes, your buttocks. Lets hear something.
Dear Mrs. Brass, the operation
is successful.
Your breasts are beautiful become
The invisible scars.
But if you
under my left breast looks...
An innocent allergic reaction.
With a few days that way.
Impotent macaroni
with your talk.
it is not easy to tempt you
to a night out
and if we're going to dance
The chances are
you're not with me
finally, we still drink
In a pub
and I'm so stupid
blurting out:
"I love you '
Until tonight.
The big night.
- It's a performance, not a revolution.
What's his name?
- Aurelien.
Nice name. And again
something other than Brandon, Kevin and Davy.
Ask if he once comes along.
If he is not too stupid.
I love you
With Florence. You can leave a message.
Hi, Florence. With Alessandro.
Alessandro Regazzoni. Hello.
I hope it goes well with you.
That, how shall I say...
That there is good weather.
With too much rain or wind.
It was Alessandro Regazzoni.
See you soon.
I hope the weather is nice there.
Alessandro Regazzoni.
What a jerk.
A very large bag.
Shoot, I do not want to be late.
- Almost done.
Where's my pants?
- There.
It's so good.
- You knot.
Hang it up, otherwise the crease.
Yes, Mom. Will you really not coming?
Come on...
I'm just out the door
if you-know-what has resigned.
Toi toi toi.
All right with you? Nice to see you.
Sinead, my Irish friend.
Guys, come over here.
Two or three things.
Instrument tuned? Voice warmed up?
Scores in order?
Then he.
I've always loved you
tenderness I gave you
little by little
secret love
flows through my veins
you release it is impossible
do not cry, olive
love and tenderness
come from afar
breath of my soul
give me your heart,
I give you my life
my mind is blank
and colorless
only when a mother
her child forgets
I will forget my love for you
I love you so much, dear little
I love to fly
and sing for her
of life and death
as the world's land
you are the queen
and I the King of Spain