Tout est parfait (Everything Is Fine) (2008) Movie Script

See you, man.
Light shines
Through darker days
Eyes close
And lose their way
Slip away the night
While the whole town's asleep
Caught between the space
Where you wanted to be
Death acts
And life reacts
Spent time
Looking back
Clues along the track
Leave the following kind
Over ground
that seems to be new
Winding up the same
Every time
Mr Dagenais?
Mr Dagenais?
What do you want?
Thomas must be downstairs.
There's been an accident.
What have you two done now?
You're always pulling dumb shit.
Rock-a-bye baby
In the tree top
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock
I called.
They didn't say anything?
Your friends, I mean.
I mean, you were always...
What do you know about friends?
Got any?
All we want to know is if...
The school psychologist says
you should talk to someone.
Can we please just
get through this day?
My condolences.
My condolences.
Maybe we should go back in.
Get me a drink,
Corporal Dagenais.
No, that's OK.
I wanted to ask you...
Did you know anything?
- If I'd known,
I would've done something.
He seemed OK.
Excuse me.
I don't understand.
Fly to Afghanistan for it?
That'll kill you.
Fuck you.
It's Mia, right?
Did you know?
That he'd...
Do like Sash?
I dunno.
You five always hung together.
Don't exaggerate.
Even when I was seeing Sasha
I couldn't chill with you.
It wasn't that bad.
They didn't leave anything either?
Not that I heard.
- Christ, they could've at least
left a letter!
Can I have one, Josh?
Yeah, sure.
Scram, it's my last one.
Fuck you.
Who's he?
- Alex's brother...
his half-brother.
Vincent, I think.
Want to go?
Ah, man...
I can't.
Get someone to buy it for you.
Look, I don't have time.
You don't. No.
I won't sell it to you.
Why you busting my balls?
You always let us.
What's the problem?
I'm assistant manager now.
Wow. That's cool, Ral.
So, you're up to,
what, $9 an hour?
About that.
So you can't buy it.
What if I give you the money
and you buy it?
We haven't come here in ages.
Since grade 6.
No, high school.
It was summer.
I was seeing Sasha
and you were with Melanie.
No, you and I came here again.
After Gobeil's party.
Christ, I got into shit that time.
Me too.
Look, I still have a scar.
Sasha did that to you?
Why'd they do it?
Huh, Josh?
I dunno.
No more than you.
Fuck, Sash!
- Ex's have always been
forbidden territory.
Fucking asshole!
You dumped her.
Makes no difference.
It's you who sets the rules, huh?
Did you smack Mia too?
Just follow the rules.
We're pals, OK?
Go fuck yourselves!
I hate you!
City full of bastards!
Why aren't you with us?
Josh, I'm not here...
to tell you what to do.
I'm here to listen.
So listen.
Did you hear anything?
I hear a lot of anger.
I hear sadness too.
So you're a kind of medium?
You hear voices and all?
Anyway, it's not what I hear,
it's what you have to say.
It's that I'm forced to be here.
I understand you don't...
want to talk about it yet.
To talk about what happened.
What happened?
- What happened to your friends.
To Sasha, first.
What about Sasha?
It's no coincidence.
You know, I know, everyone does.
To Sasha and then to...
Simon, Thomas...
Yeah, Alex.
Want to talk about Alex?
Why? You didn't know him.
No, but you knew him.
5, 6, 7, 8.
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8.
- The refractive index
gives the opacity of a substance.
Which is why light rays
crossing from air into water
abruptly change direction...
- Hey.
- So what's up?
Dude, about time.
Sorry, man.
OK, let's move.
No, seriously, where were you?
I waited 10 minutes.
- The crazy bitch
wouldn't let me go.
- Simple enough.
Tell her to fuck off.
- You nuts? Two days later
my dad gets a letter...
Don't you go through the mail?
No, I don't go through the mail.
- Slow!
You smoke too much weed.
Know how many letters I've chucked?
Not bad. Hold on a sec.
Good job, good job!
Go around it!
Fuck you, goddamn jock!
C'mon, let's go.
- Yeah.
- I was passing by.
Can I come in?
Do you play golf?
- Not really.
- Course not.
Want me to explain?
- Sure.
- Grab a beer.
What's a...?
What's what?
- Huh?
- Your question.
Oh, uh...
A birdie.
What's a birdie?
- When you get it in the hole
one stroke under.
Under what?
- Depends.
There's par 3, par 4, 5...
What's par?
That's the standard.
Who decides what standard is?
It depends on the course.
The distance, difficulty, obstacles...
- And wind?
- No, not the wind.
But the wind can make your...
- Not the wind, fuck.
In baseball or tennis
do they account for wind?
- I dunno.
- No, they don't.
OK, cool.
That's sick, man!
You're not in bed?
Start your front side indy sooner.
What? I was doing a 50-50.
Sure didn't look like it.
Gimme a smoke.
Fuck you, man.
- Jeez,
did you just run a marathon?
I had a practice.
What kind of practice?
Oh yeah? Taking dance?
Look, I saw you spying on me.
Spying? Don't exaggerate.
What're you up to?
Showering, then math.
I kinda thought...
Showering, then mall.
I'll shower and come meet you.
Yes, sir.
I didn't plan to go shopping.
What did you want to do?
I dunno, but definitely not shop!
Gonna buy them?
- No.
They're so not my style.
No, they're cute.
So, what, he asks you questions?
Yeah, but not really.
- So you ask him questions?
- No.
So you sit staring for two hours?
- Sort of. Except it lasts an hour.
He gets fed up.
I think he just graduated.
Great psychologist.
No, he's smart. He's OK.
- Did you swipe them?
- No.
I put 'em on my Platinum Visa.
What a jerk!
Thank you, Josh.
Hi, Mia.
You finished?
- Sure.
20 some years
is a long walk
Even if it's not in a straight line
You see a lot of things
in the distance
Y'know what they say
about great minds
You and I
think about the same things
Dream the same dreams
play the same games
We started out
in the same place
Believe it or not
we've got the same names
Everything happens
for a good cause
Whether it be victory or loss
And the road
may turn into a runway
But you don't know
what to do someday
Trust me I've seen it all before
I've climbed to the tops
Of the tallest trees
To get away from the deep water
To find a touch
of the smallest breeze
Go find the girl with a low voice
Who holds the world
in her bare hands
You'll fall in love
you'll have no choice
Once you are given
a fair chance
For the first time
you will sleep well
Take a deep breath
see the sun shine
Hold on to her for dear life
And then watch
the whole world unwind
Ask her to show you some magic
And I guarantee
that she'll say yes
Give it to me.
Give it!
Give it!
- What?
- I've a practice.
- When?
- Like, now.
It's no joke.
Hey, man.
Chucking his stuff?
Want anything?
No, that's OK.
So are you going back to Iraq soon?
- Afghanistan.
- Yeah, right.
In two days.
That must be pretty heavy.
Yeah, pretty.
Well, ciao.
How was school today?
Only one person here
goes to school.
Super cool.
Which classes did you have?
I don't remember.
- Make any new friends?
- No.
A girlfriend?
What are you doing?
Damn! I can't believe it.
You're just jealous.
- You bet I am.
Being paid to do graffiti.
I'm paid to make art.
What's the diff?
The difference is,
if I wasn't paid,
the cops'd be after me.
What's it called...
that thing you're in, the program?
Community Explorations
in Art as Leisure and...
Do you ever draw anything
besides cyclops
and sparrows and stuff?
- No, I like cyclops.
It's like they see better than us.
Where do you come up with that?
I dunno.
Wait, I'll try closing one eye.
It's true. It's true you see better.
With one eye
your painting is amazing.
Seen like this,
I'd even call it art.
Shut up!
C'mon, grab your cans.
I was wondering...
Do you think cyclops
have just one nut?
Are you shitting me?
Goddamn idiot!
What's the idea?
There's a guy who buys them.
He resells them.
- Scumbag!
- Stop!
I think I broke my ankle.
Would you give me a sip please?
Don't feel like it.
What's her name?
Hello, Lindsay.
- By the way,
next time you want to buy beer,
be more subtle.
There are cameras.
I made an exception for the funeral.
- Fine.
Want a club card?
I stamp it each time.
The tenth coffee...
- No, I don't want it, thanks.
Why not?
I dunno, I just don't.
A free coffee.
That's great, but no thanks.
- It's free. Just take it.
What's your problem?
Just put it in your pocket.
What a loser.
- First time a guy invites me
on a picnic.
Sure you've come here before?
But I wasn't always driving, so...
We passed here before.
We have not.
You're lost.
No, it's here.
Oh, yeah.
It's right here.
We're there.
- What do you mean?
We have to walk a bit.
If you were a flower, what kind?
Cut it out.
C'mon, just answer.
I dunno.
An iris.
If you were a gemstone?
- How do I know?
Next question.
There are lots more.
Who's your favorite movie hero?
- In The Matrix?
- Yeah.
Nice. Good choice.
Your favorite hero in real life?
Hubert Reeves.
The dude who plays Superman?
- What a jerk.
- I'm joking.
Do you have a poster
of a movie star in your room?
If so, who?
I can feel Brad Pitt here.
C'mon, spit it out. Who?
Bo Bice.
Bo Bice. From American Idol.
Did he win American Idol?
- No, he didn't win,
but he was on it.
- You chose the loser?
- Screw you!
The water's gross.
You're going to swim in it?
That's the idea.
Will you if it's warm?
No way.
What's he up to?
This isn't funny.
It's not funny!
Fuck you!
- Come on.
- Fuck you!
I didn't mean to scare you.
I do that in my bath.
Take me home.
Come on.
Take me home!
- OK, OK.
- Fuck you!
We drove by here before.
You're just like Sasha.
You screw up, then apologize
and think everything's OK.
I didn't apologize.
You've a pretty visitor.
I'll see you in the morning.
- Bye.
"Why?" Why does there
have to be a reason?
- People don't do things
without a reason.
Not serious things like that.
Don't you think it's serious?
Four of your friends
killed themselves.
- Is it that important,
in the big scheme?
Stop looking like you pity me.
They didn't want pity.
Me neither.
- No?
- No.
They did something they chose to do.
Think what you like.
I don't judge them.
Yeah, right.
They never spoke to you about...
their plan?
Pff... I don't remember.
Don't you want to understand?
- No, you want to!
Why don't you get it?
Huh? You want to understand.
- OK, let's say
I want to understand...
- Then it's your damn problem.
See a psychologist.
Y'know, Josh...
you're not being honest with me.
- No, I'm not honest with you
one bit.
Do you know where
your girlfriend is right now?
Your goddamn clock's wrong.
- I never understood them.
- What?
- Bugs. Why do they trip
on light like that?
Are you stoned?
- No, check it out.
The big one's going crazy.
It's not like it helps them.
They don't budge.
It warms them.
It's warm enough, shit.
No, it must be like a big party
for them, man.
Something like that.
A party?
- A huge fucking rave.
With a light show and everything.
The whole shebang.
- And when the rave's over
and the lights go out?
They fuck their brains out, duh!
A fucking bug group grope!
Well, it's fucking beautiful.
- Hi, Mia.
- Hi.
- I like your hair.
- Thanks.
The blonde was temporary.
It comes to $32.31.
Drop by the house for a coffee.
You must be busy with this,
school and all.
If you ever have time.
I may have stuff...
I can give you.
Bye, hon. Take care.
You too.
You OK?
I don't know why he left you.
You were great together.
He still loved you.
- Maybe.
Some people...
think Sasha talked
the others into it.
Nobody talked anyone into it.
I'm sure of that.
I should've seen something.
I didn't see a thing.
There's a dream that I see
I pray it can be
Look cross the land
shake this land...
- Did I ever tell you
about my dad?
I was 8.
He'd taken me bicycling
for the day.
He took me in his arms
and kissed me
and gave me five bucks.
He said to go buy candy
at the store.
When I came back...
he wasn't there.
My mom was standing outside,
bawling her eyes out.
She said not to go upstairs.
I understood.
So I went upstairs
and saw my father.
He'd hung himself in the closet.
He was already blue.
And me...
I've seen his face every day
since I was 8.
I can't hack it.
I can't hack it, man.
So we've got nothing to lose
We can all be free
Maybe not with words
Maybe not with a look
But with your mind
You've got to choose
a wish or command
At the turn of the tide
is withering thee...
Beats Kibble, huh?
Remember one thing
the dream you can see
Pray it to be
shake this land
We all do what we can
So we can do
Just one more thing
We can all be free
Maybe not with words
Maybe not
With a look
But with your mind
But with your mind
Not in school?
- No, it's a ped day.
- Are you sick?
No, I have a pedagogical day.
Do you ever...
like, play on a golf course?
- Too many people, like.
- OK.
Wanna try?
I dunno.
Yeah, I'd love to.
- It's a golf club, Gretzky,
not a hockey stick.
Hands closer together.
- Like this?
- Place your feet perpendicular
to the trajectory.
Bend your knees a bit. Good.
Your eyes always on the ball.
I'm sorry.
Are you making fun of me?
I smashed your window.
- So what?
Just get the driver - the club.
I'll show you how.
- Is your dad good at golf?
- Yeah, the basement's
full of trophies
from when he was like 30.
Did he teach you?
You crazy? No way I'd play.
Golf's a boring sport for old farts.
But my brother plays.
- Is he good?
- He's really good, goddamn jerk.
- What's he doing now? Isn't he...
far away, like in Iraq?
- Afghanistan.
- Right.
What's he doing there?
What's his job?
- I dunno,
something with terrorists.
They're protecting pipelines,
strategic interests.
I bet they have piles of hash.
For sure, man.
Johnson Poupart.
- For you, golf...
Nicely played!
is it chill?
Do you like it?
Is that what chill means?
What's it mean?
- It means...
- What?
Do you even know
what chill means?
Not really!
It means it's cool.
- Cool?
- Yeah, all those words.
- Great vocabulary.
- Yeah, it's chill. Not bad, man.
I have something for you.
At least they'll be used.
It's really nice, but...
I don't think I can accept.
They're brand new!
Know how much I paid?
That's not the point.
They weren't for me.
I can't.
What'll I do with them?
Bury 'em in the cemetery?
Beat it.
What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- Are you hanging in front
of my place by chance?
- No, it's just...
Where are you?
I'm on my way.
I wanted to apologize
for the other day.
- For the quarry, the diner,
or in the car?
Yeah, that too, but...
Seriously, I didn't mean
to make you freak, okay?
- Look, I just don't want to lose it
cause of someone.
I don't want that.
Come on.
Don't take it that way.
It's OK.
I deleted it yesterday.
Sasha, from my cell.
Did you delete them?
It's not funny.
Stop. Listen.
Christ, what a dummy.
Delete their numbers, Josh.
Hi, how's it going?
Hold on a sec.
Yeah, sorry.
Who'll be there?
Yeah, I'd like that.
I'll ask him and call you back.
See you later.
That was Cath.
She's having a party.
I'll be back, OK?
Fucking line for the can.
- That bad?
I had to go in the bushes.
You making a documentary?
The ravages of drugs.
- Admit you're making a film
about ducks.
Ducks are hot.
Yeah, right.
Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
- Not to bug you wimps,
but the party's there.
- Not to bug you wimps, but I came
to bug you with my attitude.
What's your problem?
- What's yours? Two beers
and you want to get smacked?
Rondeau, for YouTube!
Put that away!
Relax, man!
You've got a problem!
- Get your team
and we'll settle this.
The guy's a fucking idiot.
Grab me another one.
Don't get involved.
Sure I'll get involved.
- Just get me another beer.
- You're crazy, man.
I'll go get the beer.
I'll come with you.
If we can make it back.
Josh, keep an eye on Thomas.
Don't worry.
Check, dude.
I'm really starting to dig you!
Hey. Hi.
- What are you on?
- Me? Nothing.
So pretty, upside down.
- Hands off, man.
We just don't do that.
What? You're hallucinating.
Want to dance?
Un 23 go
Allez let's go
Amne ton cul
sur le dance floor
Amne tes seins sur le dance floor
Bring it on
Amne tes moves
sur le dance floor
Come on bad boy toutes
les femmes sont sur le dance floor
Let's go get up girl
and hit the dance floor
Don't you stop
I know you got ho
And yes this is what we came for
You want a hahaha
Toc toc on dbarque porte
fuck le lineup
Dress code mon cul
En dedans tu joues du hip-hop
Fouille comme tu veux
tu trouveras rien sur moi
On est pas l
pour faire le trouble
Mais toute la clique est l
Juste au cas you know
nous on est l pour le party
Ya pas de beef
ce soir on veut juste s'amuser
Abuser des femmes
et de l'alcool straight up
Tellement de femmes
ramener faudrait un pick-up
Let's go get up girl
and hit the dance floor
Don't you stop
I know you got ho
And yes this is...
You coming along?
... Get up girl
and hit the dance floor
Don't you stop
I know you got ho
And yes this is
what we came for
You want ha
And make me say
Show girl amne ton cul
Sur le dance floor
Say what
Amne tes seins sur le dance floor
Bring it on
Amne tes moves
sur le dance floor...
Oh, damn...
Excuse me.
For the fun of it,
why do I pay for your cell?
- Sorry, man, it was dead.
- Don't call me man.
Every house has a phone.
Your friends all have cells.
You're right.
Go see your mom.
Where were you?
My cell died.
Show me your phone.
Show me your phone!
Do you know how it feels
waiting up all night?
Do you have any idea
how worried I was?
Go to bed!
Who is it?
- It's me. I just dropped by.
I'm making coffee.
Why are you here?
- I dunno, I thought...
- What do you want?!
What do you want from me?!
I don't need another son, okay?!
I have one, that's enough! Go!
Yeah, life sucks.
What did you dumbasses think?!
You haven't seen anything!
Life sucks way more
than you think!
What do you lousy punks
know about anything?!
Ever hit a hole in one?
I did, a par 3, Christ. One shot.
Myrtle Beach in 86.
You don't know anything!
I just came for the clubs.
I'll put it away.
No, give it to me.
- Your parents can get it
from the principal.
- Pfft! Fuck you.
- Pardon?
Fuck you.
- Go see the principal!
- Hey!
Are you riding me,
you fucking bitch?
What do you want?
The other night...
I really messed up.
You left...
I don't know her name.
Annick Morin.
That's not what gets me, you know.
Settle your problems by sleeping
with Annick, I don't give a fuck.
Think you're the only one
those jerks walked out on?
The only one who hurts?
Have you seen Sasha's mom?
I see her every day at the store.
She's dying, get it?
And you think you're hurting?
Fuck, you're a jerk.
- Listen...
- I don't think you get it.
What happened between us...
I'm not up to it, OK?
Get out of my life.
I'm taking the car, OK?
Here, your crap.
- What is this shit?
- It was in the car.
Fuck, it's country.
- What do you want?
It's my dad's.
- Good shit, man.
I just love Gillian Welch.
- Heard it?
- Sort of. But yeah, I've heard it.
- Is there worse than country?
- Johnny Cash.
Are you saying Johnny Cash sucks?
Dwight Yoakam.
Lyle Lovett.
Willie Nelson.
- Willie Nelson?
I'm hallucinating!
He doesn't like the word.
Hey, Sasha, country!
- Country!
- OK, I like country.
Now floor it!
Caleb Meyer he lived alone
In them hollarin'pines
He made a little whiskey
For himself
Said it helped
to pass the time
Late one evening
in back of my house
Caleb came around
Then he called my name
'til I went out
With no one else around
- Whoo!
Caleb Meyer
Your ghost is gonna wear
them rattlin' chains
But when I go
To sleep at night
Don't you call my name
Where's your husband
Nellie Kane
Where's your husband gone
Did he go on down
The mountainside
and leave you all alone
Yes my husband's gone
to Bowling Green
To do some business there
Then Caleb threw that bottle down
and grabbed me by my hair
Caleb Meyer
Your ghost is gonna wear
them rattlin' chains
But when I go to sleep at night
Don't you call my name
He threw me on the needle bed
across my dress he lay
Then he pinned my hands
above my head
And I commenced to pray
I cried my god I am your child
Send your angels down
Then feelin' with my fingertips
The bottleneck I found
I drew that glass
across his neck
As fine as any blade
And I felt his blood
run fast and hot
Around me where I laid
Caleb Meyer your ghost is gonna
wear them rattlin'chains...
Let's go!
Writing to disc
It's cause of the moon.
For the bugs, I mean.
They tell themselves,
the moon is there.
So if I fly,
and the moon stays there,
it means I'm flying
in a straight line.
But now, let's say...
the fly confuses the lights,
and thinks the lightbulb
is the moon,
it'll always try to fly
so the light stays there.
Shit, just think about it.
I must be
One of the devil's daughters
They look at me with scorn
I'll never hear their horn
It's like chains
Sometimes I hang my head
In shame
When people see me
They scandalize my name
I'm going down
To the devil's water
I'm gonna drown
In that troubled water
It's coming 'round my soul
It's way beyond control
I must be one
I must be one
I must be
One of the devil's...
They look at me with scorn
I'll never hear their horn
It's like...
Being in chains
Sometimes I hang my head
In shame
When people see me
They scandalize
My name
I'm going down
To the devil's water
I'm gonna drown
In that troubled water
It's coming 'round my soul
It's way beyond control
I must be one
I must be one
I must be...
Remember to belly flop.
OK, go!
Is it what I think it is?
All five?
It didn't go like we planned.
Dearest Jane
I should've known better
But I couldn't say hello
I don't know why
But now I think
I think you were sad
Yes you were you were
You were
When we found misery
We watched her
Watched her spread her wings
And slowly
Slowly fly around our room
And she asked
for your gentle mind
Misery is a butterfly
Her heavy wings
Will warp your mind
With her small ugly face
And her long antenna
And her black-and-pink
heavy wings
When we found misery
We watched her
Watched her spread her wings
And slowly
Slowly fly around our room
And she asked
for your gentle mind
Gentle mind
Gentle mind
Misery is a butterfly
participation of Telefilm Canada
Translation: Robert Gray, Kinograph
Ces derniers temps ma vie
s'est dgrade en tons de gris
Monochromie monotonie
Beaucoup de nuits
Beaucoup d'ennui
Je sens queje flchis
et je rflchis
Quatorze ts dj jets
Qu'aurai-je t
Une bougie souffle trop tt
Comme mon ami mort en moto
Une statistique pathtique
dans une chronique ncrologique
Un Qubcois de plus en moins
a ferait-tu de quoi quelqu'un
Je sais pas ce qui se passe
Mais c'est pas rien
qu'une mauvaise passe
J'aimerais disparatre
Comme dans un tour
de passe-passe
En attendant je veux bien paratre
dans la parade de l'apparat
Mascara mascarade
de mes parents mes camarades
Mme si je suis maussade
j'ai rnov ma faade
La clture mtallique
est un sourire orthodontique
Dans les murs les fissures
ont t colmates
Les volets sont repeints
la toiture est refaite
L'imposture est parfaite
l'intrieur tout est dcrpit
La charpente est pourrie
les tapis sont finis
Et la tapisserie est moisie
Les lambris sont recouverts
de vert-de-gris
Les amisje vous le dis
Tout a c'est bon pour l'incendie
Avancer c'est vain
quand il y a pas d'horizon
mes pieds il y a un ravin
et j'en vois mme pas le fond
Si je lve mes 2 mains
je bute sur un plafond
quoi bon un lendemain
si c'est pour creuser plus profond
Avancer c'est vain
quand il y a pas d'horizon
mes pieds il y a un ravin
et j'en vois mme pas le fond
Si je lve mes 2 mains
je bute sur un plafond
quoi bon un lendemain
si c'est pour creuser plus profond
En attendant mon heure
Je tue les heures
devant mon ordinateur
Dire que ma mre pense
Que c'est pour
mes travaux scolaires
Pauvre maman
si tu tais au courant
Tu dboulerais dans la cave
en courant parce qu'en ce moment
Je suis sur un site
de noeuds coulants
Si je me souviens comme il faut
dans le garage il y a ce qu'il faut
Escabeau corde canot
et un anneau assez haut
Hissez haut hissez haut
Et si jamaisje m'accrochais
Ce serait la vie ou un crochet
Je viens de terminer le bouquin
d'un certain Hubert Aquin
C'est pas du Harlequin
il prvoit la fin des miens
Est-ce que son destin sera le mien
C'est pas certain
J'ai pas la rage de vivre
Ni le courage de mourir
Fatigu indcis
c'est mon rcit ces temps-ci
J'ai russi mon entre
maisje veux pas rater ma sortie
Avancer c'est vain
quand il y a pas d'horizon
mes pieds il y a un ravin
et j'en vois mme pas le fond
Si je lve mes 2 mains
je bute sur un plafond
quoi bon un lendemain
si c'est pour creuser plus profond
Avancer c'est vain
quand il y a pas d'horizon
mes pieds il y a un ravin
et j'en vois mme pas le fond
Si je lve mes 2 mains
je bute sur un plafond
quoi bon un lendemain
si c'est pour creuser plus profond
Avancer c'est vain
quand il y a pas d'horizon...