Tower of London (1962) Movie Script

The Tower of London.
A monument of the corruption
of the soul,
where in the shadowed past,
a man gained
the throne of England,
despite the insane ambition
that drove him to evil
and murder.
He escaped the headsman's block,
but he could never escape
the ghosts of his conscience.
It is the night of April 9th
in the year 1483.
The night that Edward IV,
King of England,
will die.
Rumors that the King
is on his death bed
have filled London,
and the people await the booming
of the cannon on the battlements,
for this will be the signal
that Edward IV is no more.
Buckingham, dear Buckingham.
My brother still lives?
Death is very close.
You'd best hurry.
My sons...
Where are they?
Your Majesty, you must not!
Where are they?
I must talk to them.
You bear my name, my son.
You will wear my crown.
- Father...
- No, let me speak while I can.
You are very young.
I leave you a land
filled with trouble.
England has been cursed
by wars, Richard.
And you have been my right arm.
What I have done, Edward,
I have done for you and England.
Now we must have peace, Richard,
not torment for this child,
who will soon sit in my throne.
You raced death and won.
- A good omen, is it not, Tyrus?
- Yes, Your Majesty.
Have I ever failed you
when you called?
This will be my final request,
My sons are now yours.
You will lead them
and guide them in the ways
that are best for England.
I name you Protector of the Realm.
Clarence, my dear brother.
It's been too long
since last I saw you.
It is good
we three are together again.
Nothing should be important enough
to separate brothers.
You chose well
for the Protector, Edward.
In all of England, there is
no wiser man than Clarence.
Not the strongest, Richard,
but the wisest.
I wanted you to approve.
The King must rest.
We will go, Tyrus.
We'll summon you
if there's any change.
Richard, do you really approve?
Clarence and I
are your sons, Mother,
as well as Edward.
What is honor for one Plantagenet
is honor for all of the family.
And why should I not approve?
Should we not have talked
in our own chambers, Richard?
Why down here?
Eh, the grieving of women
grates on my ears, Clarence.
I've been a soldier too long.
I've seen too many men die
and heard too many women weep.
Do you not want a woman
to weep for you?
One will.
One only, my wife Anne.
No others, man or woman,
will redden their eyes
for Richard Plantagenet.
You're wrong.
There are many who think you
the greatest man in England.
When we were children,
there was no such thing as death.
We were three brothers
who would exist forever.
If we could have known then
the roads we were to travel.
The years haven't changed you,
Even as a child,
you thrilled to the swords,
the lances, the heat of combat.
To you, a battlefield possessed
a grand-sounding name only.
It was not a field where men
had cruelly shed their blood.
And you, the child of wisdom.
Eh, we were so different.
And yet our love for each other
was the same.
Well, that, at least,
will never change.
As long as we both shall live.
To battlefields and wisdom.
And to George, Duke of Clarence,
Protector of the Realm.
My task will be difficult, Richard.
Will you give me your loyalty,
And your strength?
Ahh! Richard!
For the love of God!
Don't blame me, Clarence.
Blame Edward's choice.
Once I carried you like this
from a river
when I saved your life.
You see, Clarence?
The years have changed me.
My brother's blood.
Blood washes away.
You're sure he's dead?
He's dead.
It had to be done.
- The wine cellar!
- The Duke of Clarence!
Buckingham, this blade,
the crest of the Woodvilles!
Richard, your brother is dead.
Clarence was a man
without enemies.
The blade bears a crest
you know well.
The Woodville crest?
You accuse my name?
You accuse your Queen?
I accuse only this dagger
and the hand that wielded it,
Your Majesty.
This will be a bitter moment
for Edward to take to his grave.
Come, Anne.
Not yet dead,
and already the vultures strike.
Elizabeth, was power
for your family so important?
Please, my husband, believe me,
I am innocent.
Your family murdered Clarence
to usurp the power from my son.
Edward, no!
But Richard still lives
to be Protector.
But he will see that my son rules
as a Plantagenet, Elizabeth,
not as a Woodville.
Is it what men do
that darkens the sky?
Or do the skies blacken
the souls of men?
And do I laugh to myself because
I am ambitious and would be a king?
Or do I laugh at myself?
A misshapen thing that traffics
with evil to gain a throne?
Do you seek an answer, Richard?
Do you want the truth?
Or only words
to justify your evil?
Clarence, clear God, have you
come back from the grave?
Just long enough, Richard.
Clarence, you would have
ruined England!
A man of books
cannot fill a throne.
Nor can a murderer!
I had to do
what was right for England.
Right will be done, Richard,
or you will die.
All men die,
but not before I am king.
You will die in violence,
at the hand of a man already dead.
A ghost cannot kill me.
The King is dead.
And you would be king.
Is wine replacing blood
in your veins?
Anne! Clarence lives!
His body is already in the crypt!
His ghost, then, Anne!
My brother's ghost
was on the balcony!
He tried to kill me.
Is that what you want to believe?
Don't taunt me, Anne.
Don't taunt me. Not you!
A stone fell from the battlement.
It almost killed me!
Can you really believe
that a ghost could hurt you?
- It was an accident.
- No!
Clarence said
that I would die violently,
by the hands of a dead man!
A king makes his own destiny.
And you shall be king!
I will be king.
You will be queen.
Go, then.
Pay your respects to Edward.
My oldest son is no more.
My boy...
He fulfilled his promise,
and he died.
The dreams of Clarence
died with him.
For him, nothing was fulfilled.
Oh, yes, there was.
He knew your love, Mother.
Because he was capable
of loving in return.
And you think I am not?
You think my affection
is as warped as my back?
Do not keep Edward waiting.
Good-bye, my brother.
I envy you your peace.
Blood on his forehead!
See, there?
I see nothing.
What did appear, Richard?
Blood from your kiss?
The mark of Cain?
Blood? What blood?
If there is no blood,
then I do not see it.
Either a shadow, perhaps.
One brother dies...
One is murdered.
How did Clarence die?
As Cain slew Abel?
I brought this curse
upon our House
when my womb conceived you.
Better I should have died
at my labor
and never unleashed your evil
upon this earth.
You talk of evil?
You, who gave me deformity
in a twisted spine
and a withered arm?
Who possesses the greater evil,
my mother?
You, who made me this way,
or I, who have to bear it?
You seek a word of understanding,
The word, perhaps, is true.
Clarence, let me be!
You will find that truth...
At Bosworth.
What is it, Clarence?
The name Bosworth
means nothing to me.
He stood there,
the wine still dripping from him.
See, there, on the floor!
Your wine.
MY wine?
Richard, these nightmares
are not real.
I tell you, he was here!
He spoke to me of the truth.
I would know.
You were not seen?
I do not think so, Your Majesty.
These accusations
against me, Tyrus,
do you believe them?
No, Your Majesty.
A Woodville dagger
is easily obtained.
And Richard will do anything
to come to power.
Perhaps... murder a brother?
A brother's blood for the crown?
A fair trade to a warped mind.
Ambition in Richard is an ocean
which cannot be held back.
Then you are with us, Tyrus?
I am, milord.
But I fear that Richard is but
at the beginning of his plans.
Then you see how important it is
that we all stay together.
My few remaining friends,
I thank you.
Now guard yourselves carefully,
and observe.
We will meet again.
Your Majesty, Lady Margaret.
Good night, Your Majesty.
Margaret, you must go home
to your father in Scotland.
It's not safe here.
You know I can't go.
Yes, I know.
Oh, I wish you'd never left Scotland.
Then I never would have met you.
No fear can find me now.
Not with your eyes
to watch over me,
your hand to touch my face.
The day comes so brightly.
It seems there never was a night
at all.
A good beginning
for the new Protector, my Lord.
Yes, we must protect
the young princes well.
If something were to happen to them,
the country would be in turmoil.
And yet, I fear that unless
something happens to them,
the country will be in turmoil.
England needs a man to rule,
And yet, I am a modest man.
What could possibly happen
to the young princes?
My Lord?
Ah, Mistress Shore,
you may descend.
Mistress Shore?
I have something in mind
I think may interest you.
I trust that we did not
take you away
from your duties
to our mourning queen?
No, my Lord.
May I offer my sympathies
over the death of your brothers.
Thank you.
I suffer, but perhaps
England suffers more.
They were great men.
But history does not pause.
The pages keep... turning.
You could be of great service
to your country, Mistress Shore.
I? I am of no influence at court,
my Lord.
You underestimate your position.
Since the death of your mother,
you are the only person still alive
who was present at the birth
of the young princes.
That is true.
In the pain of birth,
a woman screams, cries out,
becomes confused in her mind.
She calls out the name
of the man dearest to her.
Often husband,
but sometimes, lover.
I don't understand.
With your help, Mistress Shore,
the birthright of the young princes
could be easily discredited.
Who would believe
such a monstrous lie?
- The Queen would...
- The Queen would do nothing!
You defend a woman
whose family stands accused
of murdering my brother?
- My Lord, if I may go.
- You may not!
You ask me to take away the legal
birthright of two innocent children!
escort Mistress Shore below.
Perhaps the great persuader Geldor
can convince her
where her loyalty lies?
Oh, no, my Lord!
I beg of you!
Don't! No!
If you change your mind,
Mistress Shore,
you may yet know,
I am a patient man.
Hurry, fool, let me in!
Despite all that we have done,
she still refuses to cooperate.
Mistress Shore,
are you content to die there,
or are you ready to grant
what I wish, huh?
Perhaps the taste of the rack would
be more to the lovely lady's liking.
It's not a pretty death,
Mistress Shore.
What manner of man are you
that you can live with such evil
on your conscience?
The children are
your flesh and blood,
the sons of your brother!
All you have to do is testify
that they are not my flesh and blood.
That would make it easier
on my conscience, then,
would it not, Mistress Shore?
I cannot do it!
Please have mercy!
Two more turns,
and you'll plead to do it!
Make it stop!
Why don't you ask him yourself,
Mistress Shore?
Geldor is an understanding man.
Is it worth it, Mistress Shore?
I'm afraid it's too late, milord.
She's dead.
It's a pity.
I'm going to be a tumbler
when I grow up.
Good, and I'll come watch you.
You'll be chief tumbler
of all England!
Do you hear that, Uncle Richard?
Tomorrow someone must teach me
how to be a tumbler.
Tomorrow you will help your brother
learn the formalities
of the coronation.
You're gonna be king.
Why can't you give orders?
When he is older, Richard.
But until then,
he will take orders.
That is why your father
named me his Protector.
Is something wrong, Uncle?
No. No, nothing, no.
Only my fears, my apprehensions.
Your father entrusted me
to see that you came to power
in an untroubled England, Edward.
That you had the loyalty
of all your subjects.
Well, don't I, Uncle?
There are certain armed forces
to the north,
that, as of now, have failed
to declare an oath of loyalty.
Do you speak of my father?
Yes, I do, Lady Margaret.
When the crown is securely
on Prince Edward's head,
that oath will be sworn and upheld.
Milord, you may rest assured
that the loyalty of Lord Stanley
is to the rightful heir
and none other.
That is all we require, Sir Justin,
For so young a king,
it has grown late.
I enjoyed the performance.
Thank you very much, Mother.
It's past bedtime
for young princes also.
Mistress Shore?
Mistress Shore?
Lady Margaret, will you tend them?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, I do not see
Mistress Shore here tonight.
Is she ill?
Mistress Shore is dead.
As Protector of the Realm, I cannot
tolerate treachery to the crown.
Mistress Shore has been executed
for such treachery.
There was no more faithful woman
in the castle.
I had always thought that myself,
Your Majesty,
but when she admitted her crime,
I had no choice.
Mistress Shore
has been spreading rumors
that the young princes
are illegitimate,
and, therefore,
not heirs to the throne.
This is a lie! She would have
no reason for doing such a thing.
Unless, of course,
our enemies to the north
are using weapons
other than armor.
You have executed
a most trusted woman of this court
without trial.
You say that your motives
are honorable?
Those who suspect treason
in others
should first look
into their own hearts for loyalty.
The rumors will fly on swift wings.
It was a brilliant stroke, my Lord.
Who will know now
what to believe?
Are the princes legitimate,
or are they not?
And the doubt must be created
over and over again.
It shall be done.
And what of Buckingham?
I couldn't read his face
when I made the announcement.
Does he follow in my shadow?
I only know he is a clever man
of much influence.
He is well-known
wanting to cast his own shadow.
Hm, well, I must know how he thinks
in order to trust him fully.
I will bring you a full report.
And one not colored
by your own desires, Ratcliffe, hmm?
Did I startle you, my Lord?
No! You're dead!
Why do you retreat, my Lord?
You were not afraid of me
while I lived.
You're dead! I saw you die!
By such a ghostly weapon,
you will die.
You left so suddenly, my Lord.
Wouldn't you rather look
at my back?
Is it not attractive
as a woman's back should be?
See, my Lord, it is not deformed
as is your own.
Do not mock me!
Why do you hate
the young princes so, my Lord?
Is it because they stand
in your way to the throne?
Or is it because you have
no children of your own
to bear your name?
You had your chance!
Get out! Leave me alone!
Is your crooked back
and your limping leg
so repulsive to your wife
that she cannot abide
your embraces?
Am I not graceful, my Lord?
Get out.
Get out!
Come, Richard.
Come to my embrace.
When I was summoned,
I found Richard
still holding his wife in his arms.
In his grief, his mind wandered.
He talked of ghosts and specters,
and of evil things that haunted him.
We have been seeking proof.
Perhaps that proof can be found
in Richard's mind.
Tyrus, in all your medicine,
have you no key to unlock
the closed doors of the mind?
Your Majesty,
there are herbs from the east
which bring peace,
and lower the brain's defenses.
And does it not seem, Tyrus,
that Richard sorely needs
such peace?
He must be convinced that he does.
What is it?
It is Tyrus, milord.
I must talk to you.
What do you want?
I fear for your health, milord.
My health?
Your cries were so loud
that I heard them
when I passed your room.
My cries?
What cries?
I was asleep.
Well, a nightmare, perhaps?
It seemed as if you were
struggling with someone,
as though to protect the Duchess.
My wife is dead!
What else did I cry out
in my sleep?
I heard nothing else, milord,
but others may have heard
something before I passed.
Tyrus, you are a learned man.
Versed in knowledge
denied other men.
If evil spirits did seek to own
a man's mind,
can they be destroyed?
There are rituals
to accomplish these things.
- You know them?
- I do, milord.
But to cast out an evil spirit,
I must first call it into being.
Are you willing to endure
such an ordeal?
If it must be, I am ready.
I cannot bear this grief.
I loved my wife.
Milord, come with me.
I summon you,
in the name of the Lord of Darkness,
the Prince of Evil,
and Master of the Lower Regions.
I summon you!
Quick, milord,
step within the pentacle!
Enter now, black spirits,
and give us sign.
Now, milord,
the moment you seek is here.
You will face your torment.
Ask what questions you will,
and the spirits will answer in flame.
When the fire rises up,
the answer is yes.
When it ebbs, no.
Speak, milord!
Tell me, will I be King?
Tell me now.
Did I kill my wife?
You lie!
You murdered your brother!
You murdered your wife!
And the innocent woman,
Mistress Shore!
Oh, Edward, stop this torment
or I lose my mind.
Help me, protect me!
I would protect
the sons of my seed
and all those who cross
your murderous path, Richard!
You don't understand, Edward.
I must be King.
I will be King.
Nothing on this earth can stop...
He tried to kill me.
You saw it,
he tried to take my life!
It was an accident, milord.
Who could be here to harm you?
You did not see my brother,
I saw nothing but the explosion,
All else was in your mind.
Hold your ground, Edward!
Hold your ground!
Very good. You try it.
- That was good, Edward.
- Great.
Sir Justin, it is most important
that we talk.
Continue till I return.
No, have them join their mother
and not leave her side.
Do as Tyrus says.
I'll return shortly.
There's no doubt, then.
These murders
all by Richard's hand.
A growing madness grips him.
He's caught up
in his own violent dreams.
But it is the young princes
I fear for.
How can we protect them?
Not here.
There's not a corner of the tower
safe now.
The Westminster!
The Abbey?
Of course! Sanctuary!
I'll make arrangements
and have the coach and Margaret
go to Scotland.
Lord Stanley must know
of this treachery.
Anne, without you, I cannot bear
the loneliness of my thoughts.
The torture of my dream
shrivels my courage.
Richard, hear me.
If you need me, I am here.
No, Richard.
Come to me where I sleep.
The grave?
Wake me, my husband.
Wake me from my sleep.
Wake me.
Wake me. Wake me.
Wait, Anne.
Anne, wait!
Richard, hear me!
Do you hear my voice, Richard?
Hurry, Richard.
Come to me
so that I can see you.
Hurry, Richard!
Hurry, before the darkness
separates us forever,
and I am but a shadowed memory.
You said if I needed you...
And I do!
I do, I do! I need you more now
than ever before.
You didn't die.
Yes, Richard, death is upon me.
But you said if I needed you...
Am I not here?
I need the warmth of your embrace...
I need your tenderness.
I cannot give you that,
my husband.
My arms are cold.
There is no tenderness
in their embrace.
Anne, only you gave me love.
Tell me that you still know that love.
I cannot go on in emptiness.
Then, come to me, Richard.
Yes... yes, Anne.
You must be outside
before the dawn.
- Please, hurry, Your Majesty.
- Yes.
- I'll pro...
- No.
Your Majesty.
Hold on.
I will go first.
Oh, Lord Buckingham!
Where are you going, old man?
At my age, milord,
one needs but little sleep,
so I often roam the tower
in the dark hours.
A taste of good wine helps sleep.
Oh, yes, it is true,
but one hates to drink
in solitude, milord.
However, if you would honor me.
With the greatest of pleasure.
In my chamber is a rare bottle
which I have been saving
for just such a worthy occasion.
You'll find no argument with me,
Our chance encounter
was most opportune.
Wait here, Your Majesty.
What is it?
The guard room.
Go back!
- Your Majesty.
- Edward.
Please, Your Majesty.
Who goes there?
Edward, the guards!
The tunnel leads right down
to the river bank.
Go straight to the abbey
at Westminster.
What with my son?
Do as Sir Justin says!
I'll be all right, Mother.
The coach is waiting
at the old park road.
Stop for nothing
till you reach your father.
Your Majesty,
I beg you, go quickly!
Your driver,
Lady Margaret. A pity.
I'm afraid the coach to Scotland
will be delayed.
I have no anger for you, Edward.
You are the victim of an older
and treasonous mind.
Are you certain the treason
lies with me, my Lord,
when our Queen has to seek
sanctuary at Westminster?
Is the church a fortress that
it cannot be breached, Sir Justin?
You wouldn't dare.
My nephew, I am responsible
for your safekeeping.
I cannot again have you put
in a position of danger.
But your action tonight
leaves me no alternative.
Take the young prince
to the garden tower.
You have lost your mind!
My mind, Sir Justin?
You think my mind
has lost its power?
Then perhaps you will have
more respect
for the power of my men.
Take the prince!
Take your hands off me!
I am your King!
Under ordinary circumstances,
I would have your head tonight.
But as it is, your head is
of more value to me where it is.
I wish you to take a message
to Lord Stanley in the north.
And that message is?
You will tell Lord Stanley
that Lady Margaret is my prisoner.
The old park road
is very pleasant at night, milord.
You will also tell Lord Stanley
that unless he swears
allegiance to me,
his daughter dies.
Well, Sir Justin,
when do you wish the horse?
I will leave in the morning.
And you, my friend.
In the morning,
you will notify the Archbishop
that I request his presence here
You choose your cloth well,
tailor. It pleases me.
Yes, my Lord.
Do not touch my back!
I must measure, my Lord.
I cannot construct
your garment correctly.
Why not? Because it is not
like the back of a normal man?
My Lord, I did not say.
Who knocks?
I come with the Archbishop, milord.
- Get out!
- Yes, my Lord.
Come in!
Good morning, my Lord.
Good morning, Eminence.
You look well today.
Entertaining guests
seems to agree with you.
I am sure you are aware
that the Queen
has asked for sanctuary.
The Queen, yes.
And young Prince Richard,
did he ask for sanctuary also?
The child?
The Queen speaks for him.
My clear Lord Archbishop, I alone
can speak for the young Prince.
The study of our laws will assure you
that those given sanctuary
must also ask for it.
If not, then it must be assumed
that that person
is being held prisoner.
My Lord!
Since the boy
did not ask for sanctuary,
then I must insist
that you release the prisoner
and put him in my custody
by noon today.
The Queen seeks protection
for the boy.
You will do as I ask!
Or Westminster will be surrounded
by my men
and the boy taken
from the Abbey by force.
Violence in the house of God?
You have the means
to prevent that violence, holy man.
You leave me no choice, my Lord.
The boy will be returned in peace.
I bear further instructions
from the Lord Protector.
Yes, Tyrus?
You will carry this document
to Lord Stanley.
Young Richard has been put
in the tower with Edward.
As I feared.
Only Lord Stanley
can stop Richard now.
He cannot move
until Margaret is freed.
There is one possibility.
And you will be wise
to forgo any further treachery.
Geldor guards Margaret
in the dungeon.
I promised him a potion
to restore his speech.
Is there such a potion?
After he takes it,
speech will mean little to him.
I'll arrange for the carriage
and return at noonday tomorrow.
Now, off with you, and quickly!
I tell you, Richard,
there will never be a better time
to seize the throne.
With Stanley unable to move,
there is no longer anyone
to stand in your way.
Is Buckingham with us?
Well, I believe he will blow
as the wind blows.
And if he doesn't...
Then let my coronation
be announced at once.
All remaining obstacles
must be removed tonight.
All remaining obstacles?
Yes. All of them.
Strange that they died so easily.
With their struggles
no more than sparrows
in the teeth of a fox.
So easily.
Not even blood to wash away.
Uncle Richard, you have it.
MY Puppet.
I've been searching
everywhere for it.
Bring it to me, please,
I beg of you.
Edward, lad, are you here?
I'm behind you.
I'm with Edward, Uncle Richard.
We're playing hide-and-seek.
And you can join us.
We found
the most wonderful places to hide,
places where we can
never be found.
Even in death, you still play
your childish games.
Why don't you
find us, Uncle Richard?
Then you will know.
Find you?
You have to.
It's part of the game.
Show yourselves, lads.
Where are you?
Search for us.
Come, Uncle Richard,
you must find us.
Then you can give us the puppet.
Come, Uncle Richard, this way.
He only smiles.
He knows where we are.
Do you remember our old chamber,
where Mistress Shore cared for us
when we were very little?
Mistress Shore
would rock us to sleep.
But you won't
find us there now, Uncle Richard.
You must keep looking.
When I was very small,
I told you that I would like to fly
in the air as a bird flies,
and now I can do anything I wish.
Are you in here, lads?
Why don't you
try the battlement, Uncle Richard?
Perhaps we are there.
Hurry, we are waiting for you!
Lads, show yourselves!
I have your puppet!
Uncle Richard?
Come this way.
This is such a nice place
to play our game.
Yes, we could...
We could have such a good time.
You see, other children
wouldn't allow me in their games
when I was your age.
I've brought your puppet,
little Richard.
I am glad that you can play
with us now, Uncle Richard,
for there'll be no time
after Bosworth.
Oh, what do you know of Bosworth?
Come with us,
and you'll have the answer.
Hurry, Uncle Richard.
Why did you stop me?
The boys wanted to play with me.
You could have been killed.
But... they wanted me to join them!
Now, they won't wait.
- Come, Richard.
- They...
They won't wait.
Tomorrow is the coronation,
and a madman
on our throne of England.
Madman, dear Buckingham?
I think you should take care
what you call him.
His madness
will bring about his downfall.
And when it does,
we fall with him.
What would you have me do?
There is a way to save our heads.
Free Lady Margaret
and the princes
and send them off to Stanley
as proof of our loyalty.
An excellent thought,
but a little late.
- There is sufficient time.
- I am afraid not, Buckingham.
The princes are dead.
Say what you mean, Ratcliffe.
Say they were murdered
by that madman.
I am sure Richard is sane enough
to be interested in your opinions.
Do you think England
will not hear of this evil?
Not from your lips.
Richard, you think you can destroy
everything that stands against you?
It was wine, too much wine
that brought me out
onto the battlement, Buckingham.
But you chose to think of me
as a madman.
- Listen to reason, Richard.
- Reason?
There comes reason.
And with it comes truth.
And what greater truth
is there than death?
Richard, have mercy!
Haven't I always given you
my full support?
You thought you were deserting
a sinking ship, eh?
Well, I find this quite appropriate.
- Yes.
- Richard!
- There.
- Richard!
Richard, I beg of you!
- There.
- Richard!
While you are being entertained
by your hungry guest,
I shall be crowned.
Were the invitations
to my coronation
accepted with... alacrity?
All within traveling distance
will be here, Your Majesty.
Perhaps you were a bit premature.
But only a moment.
Ah, milord Archbishop.
Did not the Queen accompany you?
She has this day
taken a vow of the cloister.
Well, then,
perhaps she will pray for me.
But are we ready?
All are not yet assembled,
my Lord.
They delay deliberately.
So they would show me
their displeasure?
Very well, then,
I will show them mine.
That does not have my blessing
in order to solemnify the coronation.
You must mumble phrases
over these and me to make me king.
It is for the church to confirm
and make holy your kingship.
I made myself King.
You may bless me if you will.
But I bless England
with my own hands.
Open the door, priest!
The people wish to see their King!
Your potion, as I promised!
This will bring back your speech.
Here. Drink!
Margaret! The keys!
Oh, Justin!
The coach is waiting.
There's no time to lose.
Tyrus! Tyrus!
- Tyrus.
- No, don't wait.
Go. Go while you can!
This was a day
I had always planned for you.
King Richard...
and Queen Anne.
Still, you live within me.
You are Queen.
Your Majesty,
Lady Margaret has escaped!
Speak, traitor!
How long have they been gone?
Long enough to be safe.
This is not your first betrayal,
Pretending to cure my grief,
you put evil spirits into my mind.
Dreams, you said they were!
Ghosts that came to haunt me
out of my own nightmares!
You tried to drive me to madness!
I am dead already.
You still breathe!
Only to tell you
I shall rest easy in my grave.
But you...
And you...
You die, physician.
And the specters
that bedeviled my brain die with you.
I am free at last.
I shall know peace now.
Our scouts tell us that Margaret
and Justin have reached Lord Stanley,
and that he is bringing his armies
into the field about here.
You know this place?
It's but a small village
in a remote area.
No, I've never heard of it!
How could dead men have known?
Ghosts with no more substance
than the shades of night.
It was not within their power
to know.
The future is not preordained.
I say that man
controls his own destiny!
Your Majesty.
Why do I cringe, Ratcliffe?
I have nothing to fear.
Did not those same ghosts tell me
no mortal hand would kill me?
If Bosworth is where he wants battle,
then Bosworth it is!
Stanley camps there.
His armies will be rested.
The long march will tire us.
Let England know
it has a king who would fight!
These are my orders!
We march at daybreak!
I will issue the orders immediately,
Your Majesty.
Please, get out!
The wind blows from Bosworth!
Can a ship sink on land, Richard?
Need the rats desert?
Do not mock me, Buckingham.
You will drown, Richard.
The land will turn to a sea of blood!
I can shut you out.
Do you hear me?
I can shut you!
There! Do you hear me?
I will prevail!
I am the King!
I will prevail!
I am the King!
Your Majesty, it is most urgent!
This just arrived by courier
from the north.
"We are out of Richmond."
"Cross the Channel from France
with a full army
and join Stanley at Bosworth."
Then the riddle is answered.
Now we know what Bosworth meant.
Your Majesty,
we cannot attack now.
Shall we run?
Shall the last thing England
sees of me be my crooked back?
Does not right lie with the crown?
Then right will triumph!
Stanley and Richmond will share
the same headsman's block.
I say, we march!
Your last march, Richard.
You prescribe from the grave?
Not my grave,
but the graves of those
you tortured and murdered.
Their spirits shall rise against you
and your own madness
will destroy you.
This has always won my battles,
And it will win them again!
Gaze at the dawn, Richard;
the same dawn that rises now
over Bosworth.
Its light shall fill your eyes
for the last time today.
Look long, milord.
Feel the warmth of day,
for after it
comes the long, cold, night.
The clay will break again
for me tomorrow,
and for many tomorrows to come!
Do you hear me?
I will live!
Is this defeat,
that I stand alone here?
Where are the sons of battle?
Where are the cowards
who carried my banners?
Is this defeat?
No, I say it is victory!
I am still alive!
I am alive!
And you, sun!
You were born this morning,
but you are dying now.
Richard still lives
to see you born again.
To win the final victory.
Where are my troops?
We are here, Richard.
We, your knights and men-at-arms.
Then rally to your King.
The day can still be won!
You're dead!
Damn you, stay dead!
Does death so appeal to you,
that you seek it twice?
He's come to his final madness.
What could he have seen
that drove him to his death?