Toxin (2015) Movie Script

(birds crowing)
(melancholy orchestral music)
- [Scientist #1] Exposure time?
- [Scientist #2] 24 hours since
subject's contact
with the spores.
- [Scientist #1] Symptoms?
- [Scientist #2]
Nosebleed at four hours,
internal hemorrhaging at eight,
psychotic break at twelve.
Let's test him again
for the immunity gene.
- [Scientist #1] I'll get a
look under the microscope.
(electronic beeping)
(suspenseful music)
(metallic bang)
(low scream)
(glass breaking)
(alarm blaring)
(alarm blaring)
- Jack, assume we
have a live one.
Secure that now.
Easy now, you.
Against the wall.
That's it.
Now let's see you slide
down to the floor.
(heavy breathing)
(ominous music)
(electronic beeping)
(inaudible speaking, buzzing)
- Doctor Locke,
headquarters on V-Link-One.
- [Female Computer
Voice] Standby.
- We're aware of the
Level One breach.
- A minor setback.
- This is a potential disaster.
- With all due respect,
the biological process
is as much art as it is science.
- The board doesn't
see it that way.
Majority votes to
kill the project.
- The antiserum is a success.
- It means nothing
without the vaccine.
We're pulling the plug.
- One week.
Give me one week.
I'll deliver.
- One week, Doctor Locke.
Or it all goes.
(ominous music)
- (radio crackle) Renner,
to the nerve center.
- Right here, sir.
- Activate patient zero.
Tonight, we go live.
- Perfect.
(radio crackle) Jackson,
load up my truck.
(dark brooding music)
(car door squeaking)
(door creaking)
(suspenseful music)
(steam hissing)
(jet engines rumbling)
(inaudible announcements)
- Oh god.
My soldier boy is finally home.
I felt like this day
would never come.
- Yeah, you and me both.
(car engine starts and runs)
- You must be exhausted.
- I'm okay.
- You still up for camping?
- Yeah.
- Cause I can have
Rhonda cancel, it's--
- No. No, I'm fine.
- I didn't hear from
you for two months.
- (sighs) Hard to find
the time, you know.
- It was hard for me, too.
I just hope that whatever
happened back there
can stay back there, you know?
- Me too.
- I learned some new moves.
- Yeah?
Like what?
- Oh, don't you worry.
You'll find out soon enough.
- Roger that.
- Surprise!
- Whoo! Welcome home, Dean.
- You really shouldn't have.
- Well, we wanted to do
something special for you,
so please try to enjoy it.
- [Dean] Wow.
- Get over here, get
over here. Come on.
Oh, G. I. Joe returns.
- (laughs) It's good
to see you, Rhonda.
Uh, thank you.
- [Rhonda] Let's party.
- [Partygoers] Whoo!
- Is that him? Is it?
- [Dean] It's me.
- Look at you--
- [Dean] Hey.
- you're like muscles
and stuff now.
- [Dean] How are you?
- I missed you, dude.
- [Dean] Yeah, I
missed you, too.
- Poker nights were not
the same without you.
- Oh, yea?
Did you manage to win a few?
- Maybe.
- (laughs) Yeah, Ricky
couldn't win with pocket aces.
- [Ricky] All right, well,
at least I use my money
and not my daddy's.
- Yeah, real clever germo-freak.
- Come on.
- I see nothing has
changed over here.
- Nothing.
- No.
- [Ricky] You need a beer?
- [Dean] Yeah.
- How about you?
- I guess you better
get a new one. (laughs)
- Now a bloody American hero.
- It wasn't like that, man.
- Well, tell us, Mister
Pierce, what was it like?
- Back off Travis.
Welcome home, Dean.
- [Dean] Izzy! (laughs) Hi.
- Hi.
I am so bummed.
I have to take off
but I will be back
for our big trip tomorrow.
- Wait, where are you going?
- I've got work.
(blows kiss) Sorry.
- [Mandy] Bye Izzy.
- [Dean] Bye.
- Bye.
- [Rhonda] Wait,
what's going on?
What are you guys talking about?
(inaudible dialog)
- What are you talking about?
You know what, I don't, okay.
How about we propose a toast
to the man of the hour?
- To the King of Mean.
- To the married couple.
- Here's to Dean.
- Oh! Oh!
- To Dean.
- Cheers.
- And I, at first, I was
going to be like turquoise
but then I saw these.
- Oh, so Rhonda.
- Thank you, I love it.
Has everyone seen
my beautiful nails?
- [Izzy] Yes.
- [Ricky] Blinding me.
- You think you're
Catwoman or something?
- What do you know
about Catwoman?
If I was Catwoman I would
take you out like that.
- And you'd be dead.
- [Dean] Watch out.
- [Travis] All right,
put the claws away.
- Guys, I hate to
be a party-pooper
but I think Dean and
I are pretty tired so,
- [Dean] Tired.
- [Mandy] we're
going to go to bed.
- [Dean] Tired.
(everyone laughs)
- Okay, so I'm just
letting you know.
- [Ricky] All right,
yeah, we know, we know.
- [Mandy] Goodnight.
- [Rhonda] Good
night, lovebirds.
- [Mandy] Thank you
all for coming.
- [Travis] When duty calls.
- [Ricky] If you need an
extra hand, let me know.
- [Rhonda] Don't forget
early tomorrow morning.
Bright and early.
(birds chirping)
- Ah!
(grunts) That's
pretty impressive.
- It is?
- I'm not gonna lie.
- Then thank you.
- Yeah, but you're
gonna regret it.
- (laughs) Oh, am I?
- Yeah.
- Oh!
Oh, wow, muscles. (laughs)
- That's right.
So you're not going
anywhere, got it?
- No.
- (grunts) Ow.
- Ooh.
- [Dean] (sighs)
- Checkmate.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
(both laugh)
- Why don't you start packing?
Your duffel bag's by the door
next to your mail
from last week.
- (sighs) Okay. (grunts)
What's this?
- When was the last
time you talked to her?
- Two years ago.
Maybe more.
(sighs) She doesn't have
a house phone, you know.
She doesn't have email.
She lives out in the
middle of nowhere.
The only way to contact
her is through snail mail.
- Dean, it's okay.
- Hey, you guys ready to go?
- No.
- Adjusting to civilian
life not going so well or?
- My grandmother's farm
needs a major overhaul
or else the Mentryville D.A.
is going to kick
her out on her ass.
- Well, why don't we
stop by on the way?
I'm sure the rest of
the group won't mind.
(car engine rumbling)
- We gotta get back there.
Next time, we'll
ditch the friends.
Hey guys, let's
stop for supplies.
(somber orchestral music)
- (sighs)
- How's the nest?
- Quiet.
- Good.
Make sure it stays that way.
- Got it.
- Dean, what the hell is that?
- [Dean] It's a mine.
Got tunnels running
underground all over the place.
- Cool.
- That's it up ahead.
- [Izzy] I'm not getting
any service out here.
I can't do anything.
- [Travis] It's called
romantics, sweetpea.
- [Izzy] What are you doing?
- [Travis] Checking
to see if (inaudible)
- Are you okay?
- I don't remember it this way.
- [Travis] What a dump.
- [Dean] It's worse
than I thought.
- It's not that bad.
- Seems like a lot of work.
- It's nothing we can't handle.
- Where, where's the towels?
Maybe she's not here.
- This is my house and I'll
do as I please with it.
- [Dean] Gram?
Grandma? Grandma?
Gram, it's Dean.
- Dean?
- [Dean] Remember?
- (gasps) You're a man, now.
Oh, my. (gasps)
Oh! Dean. (sighs)
- I brought some
friends to help.
- Oh, all that nonsense
with the health inspectors,
pish posh!
I'll... I'll just sweep
off the porch again
and they'll move on.
If I had known you were coming
I'd have tidied up a bit.
I'm something of a packrat,
but, um, please come in.
You all must be thirsty.
Dean, you remember
where the kitchen is?
- Yeah, yeah. I
sure do, Grandma.
(low somber music)
- Whoa, this is worse
than the hoarders on T.V.
- Izzy!
- I'm sorry, you know it's true.
- Come on, you guys.
With all of us we can get
this place clean in no time.
- Always a cheerleader, Rhonda.
I'm with Izzy, guys.
When can we jet?
- Travis, don't be a
douche, we just got here.
Okay, that's something.
You know what, not that I
have a preference for living--
- Can you guys please stop
complaining and be a friend?
(low brooding music)
- [Dr. Locke] Yeah.
- She's got company.
- How many?
- [Renner] Six.
- Uh, can we speed
up the harvest time?
- Negative, Doctor.
- Stay there.
You're on babysitter detail.
- All right.
What if they try and leave?
- Use your imagination.
- All right.
(car engine roars)
- I can barely remember
what he was like.
- (cries) It's not
like I'm unaware.
It isn't normal, I know that.
It's just I can't help myself.
Before your grandfather
passed I was a collector.
After he died it turned
into something else.
I... I can't let anything go.
Here I am dumping
my problems on you.
To tell the truth,
it's... it's embarrassing.
- Hey,
we're going to get through this.
- (cries)
- You and me, we are.
- (radio crackle)
Renner, update?
- Yeah, we're under control.
(Suspenseful music)
- [Dr. Locke] Increase the
amino acid concentrate.
- [Harvest Scientist]
Amino acids coming up.
- Pump the enzyme levels.
- [Harvest Scientist]
Enzyme levels coming up.
Enzyme levels are at max.
- Crap.
(foreboding music)
- [Dean] (sighs)
Good work today, guys.
What do you say we call it, huh?
- Yeah, big day tomorrow.
- [Travis] If that's
what you call it.
- Are you sure it's
safe to sleep in here?
- One night isn't
gonna kill anybody.
- [Ricky] It's true.
I'll be in the Tahoe.
Goodnight. (clears throat)
(sighs) Mmm.
(melancholy orchestral music)
- [Dean] No, why, are you?
- [PFC Thornhill] Oh yeah, boy.
You know why?
- Why?
- Because I have to be.
- (laughs) Oh, man.
- [PFC Thornhill] (grunts)
(rapid gunfire)
- [Mandy] Dean?
How long you been out here?
- Not long.
Old habits.
- New to me.
- You sleep okay?
- At some point you're
gonna have to talk to me.
- We are talking.
- You know what I mean.
You're not the same person.
I want to know where the version
of Dean before he left went.
(metal jingling)
(birds chirping)
(soft piano music)
(dark brooding music)
(steam hissing)
- (sniffs)
- Where's Rhonda?
- Still sleeping.
You sleep okay?
- No, you?
- [Ricky] (sighs)
- Is everything okay with you?
- We leave no later than 4pm.
- We leave when the job is done.
- Ooh, burn.
- Let's just see how
much progress we make
and then we can figure
it out from there. Cool?
- [Sara] Ah, Frank
loved that, keep.
Oh, keep.
- [Dean] All right. (sighs)
What about this Grandma?
What do you say?
- (gasps) Your grandfather
told me a story once
about two monks, one
old and one young
walking along together.
Did you know that monks are not
supposed to have any
contact with women?
- I didn't know that.
- Well, they see a woman
standing by a stream
and she seems stuck.
She seems to want to go across
but she's wearing a long skirt.
The old monk picks her up,
carries her across the
stream, puts her down.
And five hours later,
the young monk says,
"Why did you carry that woman?"
And the old monk says, "Ah,
I put her down hours ago.
"Why are you still
carrying her?"
(broom scraping floor)
- (sniffs)(gasps) Oh.
I don't feel so good.
- Whoa, I got you.
- Oh.
Oh, my god.
- Oh, keep your head back.
- Nosebleed, figures.
- Air's dry up here. (laughs)
- You know what, I
feel a little dizzy.
Can we sit down somewhere?
- Oh yeah, yeah. Come on, here.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
- [Dean] I can get headway here.
- [Sara] All right.
- [Dean] What about this one?
- [Sara] Oh, I'll keep him.
- [Dean] Keep.
(clears throat) And this?
- [Sara] Yeah, keep.
- [Dean] Keep.
- [Sara] Oh, keep. Yeah.
- [Dean] Okay.
- Sorry to interrupt.
Dean, I need you to take
a look at something.
- [Dean] Um, let's
take a break, okay?
- Okay.
- [Dean] Be right back.
- [Sara] All right.
- (gasps) (coughs violently)
- How long has she
been like this?
- 10 minutes.
- Rhonda, can you hear me?
- (gasps)
- [Izzy] (screams) Oh, my god.
- Hold her down.
Hold her down.
- [Izzy] (screaming)
Oh my god, oh my god.
- [Dean] Get her
feet, get her feet.
Get me something to
put in her mouth. Go.
- Make her stop.
- [Rhonda] (gasps)
- We need to her to
a hospital, Dean.
Where's the closest one?
- 30 miles
- (sighs)
- [Rhonda] No! No!
(screams) (grunts)
- So it begins.
(suspenseful music)
(engine stuttering)
- What's wrong?
- No gas.
- [Rhonda] (gasps)
Ah! (loud thud)
- Oh, my god.
- [Rhonda] (screams) (loud thud)
- [Dean] I got her.
- (thumping on floor)
- [Dean] Got any ideas
on what the hell this is?
- She doesn't have
any allergies.
- What about that disease
you get from mouse shit?
I've seen mice here.
Maybe it's... uh... Hantavirs
or whatever it is.
- That doesn't fit, Ricky.
- How do we know that we
don't have what she has?
- We don't.
- Wait, (sighs) good.
Yeah, that's real
reassuring, guys.
That's..(inaudible mumbling)
- I started tracking Rhonda's
symptoms when she got sick.
She was fine last night,
didn't say anything was wrong.
At eight this morning,
she gets a nosebleed.
By one, she couldn't even get
out of bed, that's five hours.
- When did she get the rash?
- 30 minutes later.
- (low whistle)
- Then the bleeding.
It sounds like a virus to me.
- [Rhonda] (pants) (gasps)
- Is she really--
- Ah!
- [Travis] Oh, shit. Ah!
She's gone mad.
- Rhonda, Rhonda!
Relax, Rhonda.
- [Rhonda] Ah!
- [Travis] Oh!
- [Rhonda] (gasps) (groans)
- [Izzy] Rhonda!
- [Dean] No!
- [Izzy] Rhonda.
- [Dean] Rhonda.
- [Mandy] Are you insane?
- You saw her come at me.
- [Rhonda] (gasps)
- [Izzy] Rhonda. Rhonda.
Travis, what did you do?
- [Travis] I did what I had to.
- It was under control.
- It didn't look that way.
- Travis, you're an idiot, man.
- [Dean] Oh, Rhonda.
- [Ricky] She's dead.
Is she dead?
- Get a sheet.
- Oh, don't dude.
Come on, man.
- Get a sheet.
- [Travis] It was self-defense.
- (cries)
- Give me your phones.
Give me your phones, come on.
- I don't have mine.
- Come on, Izz.
- Now you listen to me.
You run as fast as you can
until you get through to 9-1 -1,
do you hear me?
- Travis, please, just go.
- Go.
- (cries)
(rapid footsteps)
- Where are you going?
- Her sister's getting
married in June.
- I know this is hard.
- (cries)
- There is no
getting around that.
Rhonda's not the first
friend that I've lost.
And there will be time
for mourning later,
but right now we've
got to focus on
getting out of here, okay?
That's what she'd want.
(birds crowing)
- (coughs) (pants)
Come on.
Come on. Oh.
Yes! Yes.
- [Renner] 9-1-1 operator.
What is your emergency?
- We need help.
- Grandma, I need you to stay
put until I come and get you.
- Oh?
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Can you do that for me?
- Yes.
- Any sign of Travis yet?
- No, not yet.
- I'm going to have to go.
- [Ricky] Oh, wait, no,
no. Here he is, here he is.
Come on, what's the deal?
- [Travis] Help's on the way.
- [Ricky] Thank, god.
- [Travis] (sighs)
- [Dean] Nice job.
- Yeah.
How's about a little love?
- (sighs)
- [Ricky] Izzy, he's
just compensating.
- (cries)
(soft piano)
(moves to dramatic music)
I'm gonna end up
just like Rhonda.
- What happened?
Oh no, Izzy.
- You'll be fine, Izz.
- [Izzy] No, I won't.
- [Mandy] Izzy, you
got at least five hours
before it gets to
that point, okay?
Help is on the
way, right, Travis?
- What'd they say, Travis?
- An hour. Tops.
- Hey, you hear that, Izz?
It's going to be okay.
- Let's go for a walk.
- (cries)
- (sighs) I'm scared.
- Izz, look at me.
I'm not going to leave you.
I'm not going to let
anything happen to you.
- Promise?
- Promise.
- (sighs)
- [Mandy] Let's see, a
virus can spread through
the exchange of bodily
fluids or transfer of blood.
- What is that?
- [Mandy] What?
- [Dean] What the hell?
(suspenseful music)
- [Izzy] Where's the help?
You said they should be here.
Somebody should be here.
- [Travis] Izzy!
- Where is everybody?
- It'll be,
everything will be...
- What?
- Nothing.
You're, you're beautiful.
- Travis, now is not the time.
- (breathing heavily)
- Good, come on.
- (gasps)
- [Travis] Izzy!
Izzy, Izzy!
- [Ricky] Dean! Mandy!
- Izzy!
- [Dean] What happened?
- I don't know,
she just fell down.
- [Travis] Izzy?
- [Dean] What?
- I don't know,
she just fell down.
- [Dean] Okay, okay. Turn
her over, turn her over.
- [Travis] Oh!
- [Dean] Oh!
- Ah!
- [Dean] Turn around, Mandy.
- [Travis] Izzy!
- This isn't real,
this is not happening.
This is not happening.
- [Dean] Calm down.
- [Travis] Izzy!
- No, No, Dean, Dean!
All my friends are dead.
- [Travis] Izzy! Izzy.
(Mandy cries)
(grieving music)
Izzy's dead.
(Ricky cries)
- Anybody feeling any symptoms?
Shortness of breath?
Dizziness? Anything?
Nosebleeds? Everyone check.
- (sniffles)
- Help should be here by now.
(dramatic music)
- What to you want?
Get the hell out of here.
(engine cranking up)
- What's the rush?
- [Renner] Ah! (grunts)
(brooding music)
- [Mandy] Dean, are you okay?
- Dean] Not now, Mandy
- Stop, stop, please.
Can we just wait
for help, please?
- [Renner] That's precious.
We blocked all cellphone
communications for 50 miles.
- [Dean] Who's "we"?
You talked to somebody,
right, Travis?
- Yeah, of course.
- 9-1 -1, what is your emergency?
- It was you?
- Of course.
- We're all gonna die out here.
- No, we're not.
Travis, take her to
the schoolhouse, go.
- [Ricky] All right, Dean.
Who is this guy, huh?
Who the hell are you?
- [Dean] Go search
the car, Ricky.
- [Ricky] All right.
- [Dean] Search the car.
- [Ricky] All right.
- Who do you work for?
- Screw you, soldier boy.
- Who do you work for?
- Your Ma.
- [Ricky] I got something.
What do we have here, huh?
What the hell is this?
- [Dean] Give it here.
- [Ricky] Huh?
- [Dean] Give it here.
Level One Viral.
- Now you got it.
- It was you.
You good with knots, Ricky?
- Yeah, yeah, I'm
an Eagle Scout.
- [Dean] Get him,
get him inside.
- [Ricky] Don't you--
- [Dean] Turn around.
Turn around.
(brooding music)
- [Dean] Go stay in the
schoolhouse from now on.
And go check on
Mandy, I got this.
- [Ricky] All right]
- [Dean] All right,
no more wasting time.
Start talking.
- Pharmaceuticals, drug company.
- [Dean] What do they
want with my grandmother?
- (panting) The want
her DNA for the vaccine.
- [Dean] Vaccine for what?
- For the virus.
- What virus?
- I don't know,
I'm not the brains.
Apparently, it can
spread through spores.
- Where will I find it?
Where will I find it?
- They'll kill me.
- Oh yeah, So will I.
- You're all dead already.
- We'll see about that.
Come here.
- [Renner] Ah!
Hold it, hold it!
- [Dean] Tell me.
- The old mining building.
- [Dean] Where?
- The old mining building.
- (panting)
- [Renner] Ah!
- (radio crackle)
Renner, come in.
(crackle) Renner?
(dramatic orchestral music)
- Sir?
- Problem at the nest.
- [Dean] Come on.
All right.
Stop, turn around.
- [Ricky] Always
secure a big fellow
just a little bit more, huh.
- [Renner] What do you
think's going to happen
when I don't get on the Walkie?
- [Dean] Got any
tape in there, Ricky?
- [Ricky] Oh yeah,
we do have some tape.
- You're a dead man.
- Why don't you just
quiet up for a little bit.
- [Dean] All right,
get in the closet.
Come on, let's go
- [Ricky] Yo, Dean.
Check this out, man.
It's a spores detection unit.
- Dean, please do not
keep me in the dark.
What is going on?
- [Dean] You know how
to use one of these?
- [Ricky] Yeah, I
should be all right.
- Dean, your grandmother
is still inside.
- [Ricky] Okay,
think this through.
Come on, think this, Dean?
- [Dr. Locke] All
right, time's up.
We're moving forward.
- We need another 72 hours
to finish the concentrate.
- No, you don't.
- Grandma?
(weeping piano music)
- [Mandy] I am so sorry.
- [Dean] In the desert,
we had to put these
70 pound packs on our backs,
it was torture on a good day.
The thing is, is even though
I'm not wearing the pack
I still felt the weight of it.
But not anymore.
I feel a hell of a lot lighter.
- A satori.
- What?
- Satori.
It's a moment that
enlightened you.
- I guess I had a satori then.
- Where is he?
- We've traced the
GPS coordinates.
He's still at the nest.
- Get the extraction jeep ready.
- I don't feel so good.
- [Dean] Lean back, let me see.
See? Nothing, you're okay.
- I was worried.
(gasps) I'm going to
end up like the others.
- No. No, no you are not, Mandy.
Listen to me, I am not going
to let you die out here, okay?
Now there's a vaccine
about three miles away.
- Vaccine won't work.
- [Dean] What do
you mean, why not?
- I'm already infected,
I need an antiserum.
- What's that.
- It creates antibodies
in your bloodstream
and kills viruses.
- Okay, antiserum, got it.
- Even then, we
don't know for sure.
It all depends on how my
immune system reacts to it.
- [Dean] You're
going to be eating
P.B. and J's on the
beach, all right?
- [Mandy] (sighs)
(dramatic music)
- Third Gen is ready.
- Prep for inoculation trial.
- I must have been infected
when we checked Rhonda's room.
It affects everyone
the same way.
I've got less than an hour.
(dark brooding music)
- And if the kids
get in our way?
- [Travis] I love you, Izzy.
My last proclamation of my
undying love is now that
I ask for your hand
in holy matrimony.
So, Izzy, (sniffles)
will you marry me?
- Travis.
Why don't we take a walk?
- I'm off the
market now, ladies.
My heart beats
for one true love.
- Good news, man.
There's an antiserum,
you're gonna be all right.
- Hey, mister.
The lady and I are engaged now.
- Congrats, I'm happy for you.
- No, you're not.
- Just relax, big guy.
- You want her for
yourself, don't you?
- No, she's all yours.
- [Travis] I won't let
you take her from me.
- I don't want to
hurt you, Travis.
- No one threatens my Isabelle.
- [Dean] Hey, hey!
- [Travis] Izzy!
- [Dean] Sssh, come on.
- [Travis] (grunts) Izzy.
- [Dean] It's all right, hey.
- [Travis] Izzy.
- [Dean] It's all right, man.
(engine humming)
- [Sanchez] No, wait.
He's not in there,
he's in there.
- [Dean] (grunts) Mandy?
Mandy, I need you
to be brave, baby.
- [Mandy] Huh?
- [Dean] Come on.
Stand up, come on.
Okay, there you go.
Mandy. Mandy, listen to me.
I need you to look at this.
I want you to focus on it, okay?
I want you to see
the crashing waves
and I want you to hear
them wash over the sand.
I want you to smell
the ocean air.
Can you do that for me?
- [Thompson] Alpha, Bravo,
Charlie, take positions.
Exit now, we have
you surrounded.
Surrender peacefully and
no one will be harmed.
- It's a little late for that.
We're already infected in here.
- [Thompson] We're
not interested in you.
We only want our man
you're holding hostage
and Sara Pierce.
- Yeah, what do
you want her for?
- [Thompson] She's sick, Dean.
I think you know that.
We need to help her.
- On one condition, my
girl gets the antiserum.
- [Thompson] I can
authorize that.
You just need to
surrender yourself now.
- [Dean] Nobody gets hurt?
- [Thompson] You have my word.
- [Dean] All right, I hope
he's not lying for your sake.
Open the door on three.
One, two, three,
we're coming out.
- [Renner] (muffled screaming)
(rapid gunshots)
- Ceasefire.
(both panting)
- Gives a whole new
meaning to friendly fire.
- [Thompson] A big mistake.
- Move.
- [Ricky] Come on,
Dean, talk to me.
What now?
- [Dean] Okay.
All right, okay. All right.
Now, on my move I
want you to stand up
and make as much
noise as possible.
You let them know
we're in here, okay?
- [Ricky] Okay.
- All right, on my go.
- Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Oh, shit. (panting)
What are you waiting for, huh?
Come on in, it's
just us. Come on.
We're sick and tired of
this. Just come in. Come on.
What are you waiting for, huh?
(sickening squish)
We're just a bunch of kids,
right? Come on. (thumping)
Come on in.
(suspenseful orchestral music)
Nice, dude, we did it.
- [Dean] Ricky!
Oh, man, oh.
Okay, stay still man.
- Oh, shit.
- [Dean] It's okay.
- Oh, shit.
Did I get him?
- [Dean] Yeah.
- [Ricky] Yeah?
- Yeah, you got him.
- [Ricky] Good.
This might be a stupid
question, but do you think
I could get my hand sanitizer
on the bullet wound?
- [Mandy] Dean?
- [Ricky] Go, go get her.
Go get her.
- [Dean] Okay.
(Ricky groaning in pain)
- [Dean] What is it?
- [Mandy] It was an
airborne spore virus.
It's an airborne spore virus.
- [Dean] Hey, ssh.
- It's an airborne spore virus.
- [Dean] Come on.
- It's an, god, just go.
Just go please.
- [Dean] No.
- Just go.
- [Dean] No, I'm
not going anywhere.
I'm right here.
- [Dr. Locke] Hmm.
Hello, patient one.
(crackle) I know
you can hear me.
- Who's this?
- Doctor Locke.
- You're the one who needs
my grandmother's
DNA for the vaccine.
- That is correct.
- You give me your word
you treat us with it first,
I'll bring you what you need.
- [Dr. Locke] You have it.
- No, I want to hear you say it.
- You have my word,
just bring her to me.
- [Dean] All right,
all right, baby.
Come on, in the car,
in the car. Okay.
- [Mandy] (sighs)
- [Dean] All right, I just got
to do one more thing, honey.
Goodbye, grandma.
(melancholy music)
We're on our way,
you be ready for us.
- [Dr. Locke] Bring her to me.
(Ricky gasping)
- [Dean] Oh! Are you all
right, you all right?
- [Ricky] (coughs) I'm
good, I'm good, I'm good.
- I need your help.
- All right, what are we doing?
- I need you to go to
the schoolhouse, okay?
I need you to go down the hatch,
which leads to a tunnel,
which goes to the mine.
Are you listening to me?
- Yeah, I'm listening.
I'm listening.
- [Dean] Okay.
I'm going to take the
Hummer with Mandy.
You're going to meet
us there, all right?
It's three forks.
Left. Left. Right.
Three forks. Left.
Left. Right. Got it?
- Let's do this, all right.
(gun clicking)
(engine whirring)
(dramatic music)
Fuck it.
- Lead the way.
Stay with me, baby,
we're almost there.
- Where is she?
- She's right here.
- Pardon me?
- Sara's DNA, it's what
you wanted, isn't it?
- I want her alive.
- So did I.
- May I?
- No, not yet.
- So young, yet so much
blood on your hands.
What's your body
count up to now?
- Why her?
Why Sara?
- Every year we scour
the globe to identify
new and rare bacteria,
a viral strand.
We discovered an
abnormally potent species
growing in your
grandmother's basement.
Sara breathed contaminated
air for a decade
without suffering
a single symptom.
No human being can withstand
that kind of exposure.
- But she did.
So you figure she's immune.
- Mmm.
- [Dean] You manufacture a
virus and then you tap her DNA
and reverse-engineer a vaccine.
- I'm not expecting
you to understand.
- You gambled with my
grandmother's life.
- [Dr. Locke] You're
overlooking the beauty of it.
Discovering something lethal,
harnessing it and
then eradicating it.
As long as there's disease,
there will be a need
for people like me,
people who can go head to
head with nature's worse.
- [Dean] You are killing
innocent people here.
- [Dr. Locke] Well, you
got it all wrong, Dean.
I'm not taking lives,
I'm saving them.
(Mandy gasping)
- [Dean] Mandy!
Mandy, breathe.
Are you saving them?
- I was spared once.
I know about loss and
I'm aware of the extremes
it can cause a man to go to.
Beautiful, aren't they?
The spores started as a
simple delivery system
for the virus vector.
But they adapted and became
something much more complex.
- [Harvest Scientist] Sample?
- Moment of truth.
Commence chemical wash
and bio-deconstruction.
- Prepping sample.
(hopeful orchestral music)
- All right.
- Initiating bio-deconstruction.
The strand is
structurally protected.
- It's viable.
Transfer it from manufactory.
- [Dean] All right,
give it to her.
- [Scientist #1] Antiserum
entering bloodstream.
- [Dean] Hey.
- [Dr. Locke] Start
testing him immediately.
Vaccine is viable.
- Good work, we'll
take it from here.
- What?
- You fulfilled the
terms of your contract.
We'll transfer final
payment to your account.
You're free to leave.
- You, you can't take
me off the project.
This is just the beginning.
- I'm afraid it's already
done, Doctor Locke.
This wasn't your fight.
- [Dean] No, why, are you?
- [PFC Thornhill] Oh,
yeah, boy. You know why?
- Why?
- [PFC Thornhill]
Because I have to be.
(rapid gunfire)
- [Dean] I wasn't
there for you, man.
- [PFC Thornhill] Ain't
nothing you wouldn't have done.
Don't let them
kill us both, okay.
- [Dean] (gasps)
Mandy? (metallic bang)
Mandy! Where is she?
Where's Mandy?
Let me out of here.
- I'm heading out,
make sure you record
his time of expiration.
- [Scientist #4] Yes, sir.
- [Ricky] Sir, there's a
code blue in vaccination.
- [Scientist #3] I
didn't hear an alarm.
- [Ricky] You didn't
hear it at all?
It's crazy, there's an alarm.
It's like they're
evacuating...(loud thud)
You ready to get out of here?
- What took you so long?
- All right, it's
nice to see you, too.
- [Dean] My hand.
(suspenseful music)
- [Dean] We check every
room until we find her.
- [Ricky] Yeah.
- Commence mass production.
Start with nine hundred and
eighty-six million vials.
(suspense music)
Prep Gen-Three for
widespread contamination.
- Doctor Locke,
protocol is not--
- Do it.
- [Dean] Here.
Hey, hey, I'm here now.
Can you hear me?
I'm back.
I'm getting us out of here.
Let's go.
- [Ricky] I'll get the door.
- We stockpile.
Send all the vials to the
Midwest Distribution Center.
- Stockpile?
- Stockpile.
- All right.
We've already come
this far, why not?
- [Dean] Check it.
Get the door.
Hold up.
Take her.
- What?
- Take her.
- Take her? We are this
close to getting out of here.
- I'm going to meet you at the
third hatch entrance, okay?
- Come on.
- Go
- Dean, it's not, come on.
- [Dean] Come on, let's go.
- [Ricky] Jesus.
- Hey!
(bones cracking)
- [Dr. Locke] Initiate
Gen-Three outbreak.
(alarm blaring)
- Let's go, release.
- [Soldier #3] We got
lockdown, all clear.
- Ah!
(aggressive thumping)
- [Alarm System Voice]
Systems are set.
- [Dr. Locke] The world
will always need someone
to kill the masses, Dean.
- Game's over, Locke.
- You're not a
soldier anymore, Dean.
I told you this
is not your fight.
- You made it my fight.
- (laughs) You can't stop
this, I can't stop this.
It's much bigger
than both of us.
We're just cogs
in a giant wheel.
This is destiny.
- Not mine.
- Life is about results, Dean.
And it's something you
should now about me.
I always deliver.
- Consider yourself delivered.
(alarm blaring)
- [Alarm System
Voice] Code Nine.
Contamination has been
detected. Evacuate immediately.
- [Dr. Locke] (gasping)
- [Alarm System
Voice] Code Nine.
Contamination has been
detected. Evacuate immediately.
- [Ricky] Stay with us, come on.
He'll be here any second.
He's here.
- [Dean] (grunts)
- [Ricky] You all right?
- [Dean] How is she?
- [Ricky] In and out.
- [Dean] Mandy.
We made it.
Come on, we got to
get out of here.
(birds chirping)
Hi, grandma.
I tried.
I tried to save you.
And you ended up saving me.
Thank you.
(slow orchestral)
(enchanting orchestral music)