Toy Story That Time Forgot (2014) Movie Script

Ho, ho, howdy everyone.
That sure was a fun Christmas.
Hello, villagers. Whoo!
Excuse me, pardon me, thank you.
Hey, there, Baby Reindeer.
Let's spread some Christmas cheer.
I am the goblin fairy.
I'll make you the most beautiful of all.
Excuse me, miss.
There's a bug in my son's ice cream,
and he has a bug allergy.
There you go, sweetheart. Enjoy.
Oh, no! My dinosaur has escaped.
I'll find you.
- Did you hear that, Rex?
- I am a bit concerned.
No! For once, I'm finally going to
get played with as a dinosaur.
- Oh!
- Prepare yourself. Inhabit the part.
You must not play the dinosaur,
you must be the dinosaur.
But I am the dinosaur.
Exactly! Now get out there and sparkle.
There she is.
The terrifying Kittysaurus.
Oh, no. She laid millions of eggs.
Ploop, ploop, ploop.
Get ready to leave, okay, sweetie?
Coming! To be continued.
Whoo! That was fun.
The way Bonnie's mind works
is a mystery of science.
- You make a fantastic little dinosaur.
- Well done, Kitty.
- I was completely convinced.
- I didn't know you had it in you.
Oh! And, um, your portrayal of
the disgruntled lunch counter patron
was gripping.
Oh, don't worry, Trixie.
Next time you'll be a dinosaur for sure.
Andy used to play with me
like a dinosaur all the time.
Yeah, me too.
It's not all it's cracked up to be.
- How would I know?
- Good point.
Honey, why don't you
bring some toys to share with Mason?
I'll get my spaceship.
Santa Woody, Villager,
Daddy Reindeer, Baby Reindeer
and the terrifying Kittysaurus!
Greet the world with an open heart.
Remember to be polite, now.
Please and thank you.
Go on upstairs, Bonnie.
Mason's easy to find.
Whoa! Oh, duck.
Whoa, that was close!
You've got to be kidding me.
He got an Optimum X for Christmas.
- I never knew Mason liked video games.
- No! What?
Sadly, the controls are
beyond my limitations.
Limitations are the shackles
we bind to ourselves.
Oh. Hey, Bonnie. Whoa!
You have got to check this out.
- Come on.
- Oh.
- Mayday! Mayday!
- We're going in!
Everyone okay?
I guess we're not
getting played with, after all.
Well, who could blame her?
No one could resist an Optimum X.
Where is everybody?
Where's Sock Ape
and the little wrestlers
and the Eco Force gang?
Looks like we've got all afternoon
to find our old friends.
Or maybe some new ones.
Wow. Mason really hit the jackpot
this Christmas.
- Nobody's this good.
- We're gonna meet some new toys!
I'm both excited and panic-stricken.
I love it.
Here, boy. Here, little guy.
- Trixie!
- Come on, gang. Let's stay together.
- Hey. Slow down, buddy.
- Where are you going?
- Trixie!
- Hey! Trixie!
You guys, this play date
just got very interesting.
A complete set, fresh out of the box.
- Where is everybody?
- Hello?
Hey. Motion-activated room sentry.
Whoa! Look at 'em.
They're like dinosaurs plus.
With the armor,
and the little red spears.
Easy there, little doggy.
Speak swiftly, foolish outlanders,
or suffer my battle blade.
We are savage warriors,
eager to slake our endless thirst
for conquest.
Ooh, nice.
Everyone's so committed to their roles.
Who goes there?
Go talk to him, Sheriff.
Uh, well, hi there, sir.
My name is Woody and uh...
Nobody cares.
What fearsome dinosaurs are these?
- Oh.
- Oh.
Greetings. I am Reptillus Maximus.
And I am...
My name's Trixie. It's Trixie.
You're not like our females.
Oh, you're quite
a unique specimen yourself.
Now we know
where they keep the fossils.
From the unforgiving outlands.
We have traveled far.
From the distant Bonnie tribe.
Leave your offerings and be gone.
Are dinosaurs not welcome
in our great city, wise Cleric?
Fine, fine.
Have them made presentable.
I find their lack of armor disturbing.
To the armory!
- Well, I think I'm going to head back.
- I'll go with you.
I've had enough Shakespeare
in the park for one day.
Suit yourself. See you later.
Welcome to Battleopolis.
Oh, that's nice.
Excellent. A nudge here, a jog there.
Now go and be magnificent.
Ray-Gon. Indulge this
dinosaur goddess in your finest wear.
Mmm, I like where this is going.
Oh, look at you.
A ponderous monolithic canvas
to be adorned.
Keep talking.
The symmetry of a ceratopsid
and such strong anterior protuberi.
You are so discerning.
Oh, yes. I'm quite expert
in the enhancitizing
and accoutramization
of Battlesaurs large and small.
- Okay, I'll take that.
- Oh, yes, of course.
- And that.
- Plasma core warheads.
Well, you never know.
- Gauntlets.
- Check. Very nice.
Dorsal sensoid plates.
- For me?
- Oh, most certainly.
Do you have the battle gogs in "flame"?
- Do you have to ask?
- Dish 'em on over, little fella.
Have I mentioned
what a fantastic time I'm having?
It is as plain as the horn on your face.
Uh, when do I get a turn?
I haven't
forgotten you, brother.
It's perfect!
Ready for me?
Well? What do you think?
The Elders shall gaze
upon this Battlesaur
with full and rapturous pride.
That's exactly what I thought you'd say.
Hey, Trixie.
Trixie! Ha!
Who's a fierce dinosaur now?
The Ultimate Dinosaurs.
Battleopolis awaits.
This set is incredible.
I could really get used to this.
- Give us some muscle.
- You're a bruiser, aren't ya, lad?
Prehistoric buildings, dinosaur cars,
whatever that thing's meant to be.
What is it?
The Triassic Tower of the Dream Elders
through which distant beings
convey cosmic wisdom
from another dimension.
Ah, at our house, Bonnie just yells
across the room in a funny voice.
And here, the Volcano Command Base.
My domain.
Everyone needs an apartment
shaped like their own head.
Battle well, brother.
With strength and honor.
Pricklepants is right.
You just need to be the Battlesaur.
Your Prickly-pants is a wise prophet.
Battle is everything to us.
Our survival.
Our legacy.
From a kingdom long ago.
An enigma wrapped in mystery
We've battled every foe
Since before the dawn of history
Battlesaurs Battlesaurs
You even have a theme song?
You seem to have everything.
You are a puzzle, Trixie.
Well, technically,
I'm a poseable action figure.
Now tell me more of your world.
Oh, it's nothing like this.
I'll bet you have
the most amazing play times.
Play times?
I do not understand.
Oh, you know, play.
When you give yourself over to a kid.
Giving is surrender.
A Battlesaur would never surrender.
So serious.
Trixie, you cause me
to question all that I know.
Time for battle! Time for battle!
Time for battle! Time for battle!
Oh, what's that?
The great Dream Elder beckons us,
to the Arena of Woe.
Reptillus! Reptillus!
Yay, love you!
Well, this seems festive.
Let the battle begin.
Get on up there.
Sock Ape! Pengo! Fauntleroy!
Oh, this'll be good. I'll do a jab,
then you pretend to attack me, then...
You guys are so jumpy.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Why are you doing this?
It's doomsday.
- Trixie?
- Trixie?
- What?
- Trixie, the Battlesaurs are not playing.
They've never been played with.
They don't even know they're toys!
Incredible, isn't it?
You got a crayon?
Buzz-Buzz-Buzz Lightyear
to the rescue!
- Back off, you...
- What?
You bully!
Curse! Release the Goliathon.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Cough up my friends, you, you...
As I suspected.
She bears the mark of obedience.
What? This?
I thought I knew you.
I was thinking the same thing.
She is an enemy to the tribe.
Ray-Gon. The Supplicator.
The Supplicator?
Hardly a suitable nomenclature.
I will not stand for this sort of abuse.
Rex, have you completely lost it?
I'm sorry. I can't control myself.
There is no escape,
Trixie of the Bonn-Ye tribe.
- Run, Trixie!
- Get Bonnie!
Reptillus. Stop her.
Hmm! Robot. Obey.
Oh! Ah! Oh!
- Rex.
- Rex.
I can't help it!
- Woody.
- What?
Hey! Hey, that's Mason and Bonnie.
Oh, I get it.
You're glad Mason got the Optimum X.
He plays there.
While I rule here.
My Battlesaurs have no use for play.
They have everything they need,
content in their ignorance.
What's ignorance?
You've been a busy little tyrant.
And only two days since Christmas.
The joy that you give to others
is the joy that comes back to you.
- You will all be cast into the pit.
- Pit?
- Pit?
- Pit?
I've got to shut it down.
- Come on, buddy. Fight it off.
- Rex, resist the Supplicator.
Sorry. I'm sorry.
Oh, boy.
Your world is bigger than you know.
Let me show you who you really are.
But I am a Battlesaur.
You can be so much more.
And you know it.
Pipe down, you.
Reptillus, it's your kid who chooses
what you're going to be.
It could be a dinosaur,
a baby reindeer
or something you'd never even think of.
It's about being there for your kid.
It's about...
- This bus is out of gas.
- Dang it, the power's down.
Oh, hello. Are you lost?
Come see my igloo.
We can wait inside with the polar bears
and the salamanders until they find us.
Check the supplies.
We have hamburgers,
pasgetti, pancakes,
chocolate milk, gummy worms...
- Oh, what planet is he from?
- Neptune! Or maybe Florida.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
We crash-landed on the party planet.
Aliens everywhere.
Wait. Where's my baby reindeer?
There she is.
She says, "Put on your dance pants."
Look, Buzz, I'm a boneless chicken.
How about a dance, Uncle Wormy?
I don't know how.
He's adorable.
Boop! Boop! Beep! Bop!
Come on, Mega-Monster,
let's fight some crime.
That was glorious.
It was, wasn't it?
It's always so great
to have Bonnie around.
Let's have her back next week.
So, shall we say
Tuesday around 3:30?
- Dinner, sweetie.
- Bye, toys.
So, how was the play date?
Oh, you know, typical crash-landing.
Hostile lizard people,
hand-to-hand combat.
And I was a mindless,
lumbering automaton.
- Well, that part adds up.
- What about you, Trixie?
Have you finally found
a role that suits you?
- Goblin fairy, ghost clown...
- Hey, hey! Easy now!
...dancing queen, a baby reindeer.
You name it. I'm Bonnie's dinosaur.
And Bonnie's dinosaur
gets to be everything.
Be grateful for your gifts.
They are all around you.
Farewell, Trixie
of the Bonn-Ye tribe.
My heart will burn bright
at the moment of your return.
Tuesday, around 3:30.