Tracey Fragments, The (2007) Movie Script

created by vonHenneberg
One day you fall for this boy.
And he touches you with his fingers.
And he burns holes in your skin with his mouth.
But it hurts when you look at him.
And it hurts when you don't.
And it feels like someone's cut you open
with a jagged piece of glass.
The Tracey Fragments
Sonny was a dog...
God! God! God!
It's all about the pussy and the ass today...
Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you.
I love you, Tracey Berkowitz.
We can take a plane. Take a plane.
-You know...
-We can take a plane.
..It really isn't my fault..
I had a car but I fucking smashed it.
...I came from a hole, you know.
Raped. Murdered. Is that what you want?
Do we really have to do this now?
They can't ever know Promise me...
No one can...
Why would I lie? Huh? Why would I lie?
Promise me... Promise me...
I am so happy......
Why would I lie?
Why would I lie?
I know what you're doing,
you stupid ugly bitch dyke fuck ass!
I kind of like to ride a different bus every night
depending on my mood.
Like, if I'm depressed,
I-I enjoy being around other depressed people.
And happy people
they friggin' depress me, you know.
Look. The other day, something happened.
I came to certain realizations.
I can't tell you what.
Or you'll end up like me.
On this bus. Looking for someone.
Sonny, please!
My name is Tracey Berkowitz. Fifteen.
Just a normal girl who hates herself.
No, no, no...
Settle down. Just settle down.
Tracey, where exactly did you find the toque?
I just found it.
There's something you're not telling us.
Tracey is there anything you're not telling us?
I'm a very passionate person.
I was born to love.
-Mis-Mister Berkowitz-
-No, where is he!?! Where is he!?!
-Settle down.
-Where's my son!?!
I wish I just had one of those whistles.
Because he'd be here right now.
On the side of the road, barking.
It's not my fault.
Because if you knew them
-- if you really knew them --
you would know that
I'm not the one that needs a friggin' shrink.
Look. Look at what you've done to Mommy?
She's destroyed.
-We've got a fucking crisis here.
-Everything's a fucking crisis.
Shut up!
Why don't you join us?
I don't know what you...
We looked for Sonny for two days.
He never came back.
I gotta find him. I gotta find him.
No body can stop me.
Have you seen my brother Sonny?
Ha, ha, ha, ha...
Okay sweetie, see you later.
Okay? See you. Okay?
Sonny? Sonny! Sonny.
Stop. Please, please.
Please stop, it's an emergency, please.
Sonny! Sonny! Sonny! Sonny...!
Excuse me, I'm looking for my brother.
Sonny? He's nine. Blue coat.
I-I just saw him - I just saw him outside.
Mark Johnson is my friend. He's a very nice guy.
I know what people say about Mark Johnson,
but he's a regular guy.
And he likes you.
It doesn't have to be a heavy trip.
He just wants to be your friend.
Take you out for dinner,
maybe some drinks, something......
Fuck off.
Fuck off!
Well, look who it is: it's the tit-less wonder.
Awww, sorry about that.
That floor must be really hard.
That is tragic.
See you later. Have a nice day.
Now class, does anyone know
what Its tits look like?
Anybody? Here, allow me. Ready?
Voila. Isn't that...? That's...
This is the story of the girl with no tits.
Went to my school. No tits. Big dumb moon face.
Hey. Here you go.
It. It. It. It...
Shut the fuck up.
What's going on?
What is that piece of paper? Bring it to me!
Throw it out.
Before I left home,
I had this idea.
I was going to start this metal-core band
with my boyfriend, Billy Zero.
My boyfriend is so gorgeous.
And famous.
Billy Zero isn't exactly famous.
But he's a star to me, okay?
He is like the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen.
Anywhere. In any music video.
In the whole world, okay?
Oh, he wanted to touch me.
He stuck his cock in me and said I love you.
In that exact order.
Now I'm not afraid to die
because, like, birds and bees and bugs?
They all die after they fuck.
I love you, Tracey Berkowitz.
It. It. It. It. It...
It's the "Girl With No Tits"
Don't worry about it. You're a late developer.
It's natural.
Exhibit A. My father.
He had sex with my mom to make me but, you know,
I-I think he, like, freakin' fell on her or something
because he says that we're both accidents.
Anyway, like I was saying, I trade futures.
Anyone asks you, that's what you tell them.
Don't cry for Daddy.
He was never very good at stocks and bonds.
Daddy missed the boat. Daddy missed the boat.
Daddy missed the boat.
Exhibit B. My mother.
She's too busy to talk to me.
She smokes three packs a day.
And getting her away from the TV
is a surgical procedure.
So Daddy missed the boat, didn't he?
Ha. Ha.
You're the only one laughing.
Exhibit C. Sonny,
who I turned into a dog.
Why is he barking?
If somebody doesn't tell me
why my son is barking, everybody is grounded.
I, uh,
I hypnotized him.
I'm holding you personally responsible.
You know what, that is it.
That's the final piece of evidence that
we need to send you to a psychiatrist.
Are you on drugs?
No, of course not.
What do you mean, of course not?
W-w-what are you saying?
You don't believe me or something?
Tracey, my philosophy is to be brutally honest
with my patients,
even - and especially - my adolescent patients.
As a way to build trust.
I want you to trust me, Tracey.
Because I care about you.
Do you understand?
Your parents are concerned.
Your attitude is histrionic, delusional with
tendencies towards Borderline personality disorder.
-Borderline personality disorder. What the...?
-They think you're smoking crack.
My parents are lying. That's...
Come on, Tracey.
There's no reason for your parents to lie,
is there?
-How do I know what motives my parents?
-Tracey, as your psychiatrist,
I am of the opinion that
you might think you want to get better,
but you don't really want to get better.
No, no, no. I do, I do, I want to get better.
-Then why are you resisting me?
-No, no, I'm not, I'm not resisting you.
-You're doing it right now.
-Well then tell me what to do.
I can't do that.
Well then how am I supposed to stop resisting you?
I can't tell you that.
Well I can't have this conversation anymore.
-"Can't" is a choice.
-Okay, okay.
Am I resisting you now?
Are you?
Dr. Heker. My psychiatrist.
She only cares about the, like,
eighty bucks an hour she paid,
or whatever, to prevent me from
turning into a psycho.
Well, it's kind of too late for that.
When things happen to people,
they radiate a light.
Because they've got a picture caught inside them.
Because they were there and you weren't.
And because you've only got a piece
and because all you can do is shrink
and blow up that one tiny piece.
My name is Estuary Palomino.
That's my stage name.
Palomino is the color of the city where I'm from.
My name is Tracey Berkowitz.
Tracey Zero-witz.
Forty below Zero-witz.
What the fuck was that?
You warm enough?
I'm okay.
'Cause there's going to be a blizzard.
I'm fine.
See, I'm looking for my, uh,
my younger brother, Sonny. He's nine.
-Sonny...nine? Yeah I know him.
I'll give you a ride.
-You know Sonny?
Yeah. I mean, I've seen him around.
I'll give you a ride.
Hey what's your name?
I'm Lance. From Toronto.
Looking good.
Where's Sonny? I-I-I don't see Sonny.
You know a joint's high class when they've got entertainment.
-Hey. Hey.
-What the fuck are you lookin' at?
I'm going to stand on my head.
Because you're so beautiful.
You'd better be joking.
Fuck you.
Fuck you. We're just having a little fun.
I don't give a fuck.
I'm going to break your mouth so it's lying
on the fucking floor.Fuckin' cockroach.
-What do you want?
-I, um, a Cinzano.
-We only have beer. How many?
-Two bucks.
-He's paying. That guy. Right there.
What are you still doing here?
I want to.....
-You want to what?
-Stay, I guess.
It really isn't my fault.
I absolutely had to run away.
Like my dad, he's...he's always saying
that I exaggerate, you know.
He's always like, "Tracey, I don't know
what to believe and what not to believe."
I'm so fucking cold. I'm fucking...
But how do you know what's real and what's not
when the whole life is inside your head?
We got a whole night at home.
We got more. We got more than we need to, okay?
Thanks a lot, man. Have a nice evening.
Tracy Berkowitz.
Tracey Zero-witz.
Forty below Zero-witz...
Below Zero-witz. Forty below Zero-witz.
Forty below Zero-witz...
Check this out. Tracey Berkowitz.
Billy Zero. And Teenage Pussy.
My friends, we've got a brand new holy trinity here.
Ahem. Excuse me.
I'm a customer.
If you buy something.
You know what actually?
I don't want to spend my money here anymore.
Because I have a boyfriend.
Not some convenience store loser.
How come beauty burns everything away so the rest of the whole world,
even me, disappears?
Yeah, well, he's going to be mince meat
by the time I get through with him.
Go easy on him Debbie. He's new.
Oh, he is not new.
Where'd you get that top, Debbie?
Haney mall, bitches.
What you looking at, fag?
Okay, everyone: hold the show.
Is that a he or is that a she?
I don't know. But it got no tits.
Tits are crucial, okay?
Like, at our school,
girls wear them around like medals.
You know, they all walk around
with their chests out all over school.
These big fat tits just floating around...
Get the fuck out.
...separate from the girls who wear them.
I love you, Tracey Berkowitz.
He said it, like, a million trillion times.
And he bought me presents.
Like this necklace, you know?
It's, like, made of titanium.
A million carats or what... it was really expensive.
Must've gotten lost.
Men buy girls panties,
Myra Bernie told me.
Girls in school like me,
unpopular girls,
girls with big tits, girls with regular tits,
and girls with no tits at all -
the men don't even care.
The panties just come out of a machine
like a chocolate bar.
The men take them home
and cuddle them like a little kitten.
She told me.
Myra Bernie.
Because her parents heard it at a party.
I don't care - I don't even like panties.
The word sickens me.
You're in my class, right?
Do we have a test today or whatever?
Okay, what the fuck is this?
No. See this does not work for me here,
alright? Its?
Where'd you get that, It? Huh?
Where'd you get that?
Nice try --trying to dress like us,
but it doesn't work, Its. Its. Its.
God! God! God! Arghhhh...
Raped. Murdered. Is that what you want?
Yeah what?
Yeah to rape. Yeah to murder.
What kind of psychiatrist is she going to?
That's it, you're grounded. One month.
Oh, come on.
-That's not fair.
-Who says life's fair?
It wouldn't kill you to stay inside.
Yeah. Yeah, it would actually.
What do we do with her?
Look what you're doing to Mommy.
Two months. Grounded.
Come on, that's ridiculous.
You can't just do that.
We just did it.
Do you remember in the news
when two retards had a kid?
Well, that was me.
Just kidding.
You know, you've got a lot of work to do.
Is that the kind of crap your
psychiatrist is teaching you?
I want you to phone that bitch. That is over.
We're not paying for that shit anymore.
We don't even pay for it.
-The frickin' government pays for it.
-That's it.
Three months. Grounded.
Yeah. Go watch your brother.
They never should've grounded me.
Now I have nothing.
Oh, fucking hell. Look at the crow.
I'm gonna get him.
Don't touch it.
I can't stop this burning in my eyes.
And I-I can't stop this burning under my skin.
'Cause ever since I saw him everything
became this fiery blur that I can't put out.
You put a smell on it , it's going to be a freak.
Ah fuck, and all the other crows are going to kill it.
Okay, nobody's killing nobody.
Fuck you.
Leave me alone you horn dog.
-Fuck off, don't fucking touch me.
-Come on. Alright.
Don't fucking...
Fuck off. Don't fucking touch me...
Yeah, fuck you. Get the fuck outta here.
Hey, hey, hey.
Don't touch me. He's got my money.
He's got my money.
Don't fucking touch me.
He's got my fucking money. He's got my money.
-She didn't do anything...
-I've had a long day.
-It's this dirtbag...
-You know whay, man, go with her.
-She didn't even do anything...
-I'm just trying to help you out, man.
She didn't do anything.
Are you okay?
He took my money, man. He took my fucking money.
Thank you. Thank you.
I love you. Thank you. Thank you.
No, no, no, look. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, man.
Thank you so... I love you, man,
I love you thank you, thank you man......
Thank you! yes! Thank you......
When a horse falls, foam comes out of its mouth.
When it falls, the legs of the horse thrash
and the horse is no good, so somebody shoots it.
The horse turns into glue.
A machine puts the glue into bottles
and children squeeze the bottles to get
the glue out and stick bits of paper on to cards.
Glue gets on the children's hands
and the children eat the glue
and the children become the horse.
(...and her shitty mother.
Hmm, I betcha think it's pretty funny. )
(Yeah, betcha think it's really funny.)
(Betcha think it's funny. )
(Huh? Think it's funny? )
(God damn son of a - God damn...)
Sonny once had a mother
who loved him very much.
Where was his father?
That's not the point.
I went out with wild Eskimo hunters.
Shot a dog.
Did the dog die?
It died.
The mother of the baby died.
We rolled her over.
Found a baby underneath her body.
A baby?
A baby.
We didn't want to kill the baby,
so we-we strapped him onto the-
the bobsled and......
brought him home
to live with us.
Goodnight, sweetheart.
Sonny, wait!
Myra Bernie told me
if you swallow a boy's come
then a piece of the boy gets stuck inside of you.
And, if he's, like, totally smart,
then you get smarter.
And if he's dumb, well, nothing really changes.
What is that?
Where'd you get that necklace?
Where did you get that necklace?
Thank you.
I don't like the country.
Creeps me out.
In the country, dead bodies
live in swamps and ditches and shallow graves.
A man dumps the body of a girl in a ditch.
The body rots, melts into slime.
Flowers pop up where the body lies,
seeds fly out of the flowers,
and the bee sucks the flowers and makes honey.
And then the family of the girl
buys the honey from the store.
And the family eats the girl.
This is not some kind of, like, abuse story, okay?
I don't cry over spilt milk, you know?
I- I can't even drink milk
because I'm lactose intolerant.
I should've run away.
Like, forty gadrillion years ago,
but I wasn't abused.
The blizzard's coming.
I know and... can't I go outside for,
like a second?
-I need to relax.
-You're grounded.
-What am I supposed to do?
-You're going to lock that door
and watch your brother.
I might as well kill myself so I can fucking rest.
Hey! Mommy and I love you. Don't you know that?
We don't want you to go outside
because the blizzard's coming
and grounded is grounded.
Now promise us you'll stay inside.
Yeah, okay, I promise.
I'm just going to lock the door.
The door locked?
-Yeah. Yeah, I'm just locking it.
-Good girl.
Do you live in a condominium?
I live in a house.
How many people live in your house?
You know 'cause I was thinking.
Maybe I could rent a room.
You know, and then, when they find Sonny,
we-we can come live with you.
Tracey, you can't come home with me.
Why not?
Well, for one thing there are rules.
I'm not... I'm not going go tell on anybody.
Why don't you go home?
Go home.
Talk to your family.
Contrary to what you believe,
your feelings will be beneficial to your parents.
They need to know what you're feeling.
Fuck that!
What did you say?
I am just...I'm really worried
that I'm going insane.
Well, if you're worried,
go to the hospital.
Where they put the nut bars?
Where they put the nut bars?
What was that?
Nothing. Nothing. That was...
just kidding, you know. Just joking.
It's okay the express your anger.
What do you know about anger, you cunt!?!
You fucking, stupid, robot cunt.
Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
No, I'm really, really, really, really, really sorry.
Look I just...I can't leave until I know right now
that you're not going to send me to somebody else.
That was never my intention.
You're a liar.
You are a liar,
and why would I want to see a psychiatrist
who's a big fat liar anyway?
I gotta go. No, I gotta go.
-Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa...
-I've got to go.
I just don't like owing anybody, anything. Okay?
Alright look. You don't owe anybody anything
but there's going to be a blizzard out there,
alright? The weather channel says exposed skin
can be frost bitten in three minutes.
And that snow has this effect on people.
It's hypnotic. It's the white.
Too much whiteness, okay?
People fall asleep in the snow. Nobody finds them
'til the spring and they're fucking dead.
Don't you watch the weather channel?
People are dying out there.
I've got to find my brother.
Okay, okay, okay, look, look, look.
I'll...I will help you find your brother.
But you can't go out there now
because it is very dangerous and you will die.
But when the blizzard passes,
I'll find your brother, okay?
-He will be happy. The three of us
can go for dollar pancakes.
-What if he's dead, you know?
-He's not fucking dead.
-What if he's dead, you know?
-He's not fucking......
-I have looked all over for him.
-I have looked everywhere.
-Look, Your brother is not dead.
Maybe he's in a police station
or he's in a fucking donut shop
or some family picked him up.
But he is not dead.
How do you know?
Because I got a good feeling and
my feelings are always right. That's how I know.
How do you know?
Come on.
-Are we or are we not officially friends?
-I guess.
Okay. Come on.
Then just hang out 'til this blizzard passes
and I'll find your brother, alright? I swear.
I'm fucking Lance,
alright? I'm good for it. Ask anybody.
You could ask all these guys,
Scout's honor.
Come on.
Look at that. Look at this crow.
Oh. Fucking hell. Look at the crow.
-It kind of looks sad.
-How does this crow look sad?
I don't know. It's just, like, you know,
it's not like peeping or...or anything.
Oh, boo hoo. Stupid crow
doesn't have the fucking brains to fly south.
I'm gonna get him. Let's bring him in.
No! Don't touch it.
Now it's not going to be able to go back
to its natural habitat.
Oh sure it will.
No, it won't. Everybody knows that.
You put a fucking human smell on it,
it's going to be a freak,
and the other crows are going to kill it.
Crow is fine. Aren't you, big fella?
See, he was just lonely out there.
I like crow.
Chicken of the tree.
Don't say that. Crows are like people.
They're not like people. They have
a very different psyche as a matter of fact.
They've have a crow consciousness.
Well at least we don't have to
worry about the crow no more, allright?
Well that was very mature.
What the fuck I ever do to you?
You killed it.
-You killed it.
-The bird is dead, you asshole.
The bird is dead, asshole.
Oh, I see.
Because I killed a bird --
by accident --
I'm now a murderer.
I'd like to interject here.
I have never willingly inflicted pain or hurt anyone.
I happen to be incapable of it.
Y-you want me to leave now?
You know, wore me out,
I ca-- if you want to go,
I...think what you want about me.
It wasn't my fuckin' fault.
Sonny never should've followed me.
I mean, you can't control him.
Bad dog.
Bad dog.
Bad Sonny.
What are you still doing here?
-I want to.......
-You want to what?
Stay, I guess.
You can stay as long as you like.
It's your prerogative.
Yeah, I know.
I don't give a fuck either way,
you know.
Yeah, I know that.
We can take a plane.
I had a car. But I fucking smashed it.
But you know...
I've got friends there.
It'll be cool. It'll be super-cool.
You see that.
The water's blue like that all year round.
-Who is that?
Okay, ah...go behind the curtain.
Look, just be cool, man. Just be cool.
I don't want to be cool.
I don't want to be cool, at all.
What's wrong, Lance?
You forget about our little deal?
Listen, it was very dry out there.
-So what are you trying to say to me?
-I'm saying I don't have it
but I'll have it tomorrow.
Fuck that.
Look, it didn't work out. I'm sorry.
Fuck sorry.
What do you want from me, man?
I want what you owe me.
You know something, man?
End of the fucking day,
I just want my fucking piece.
You know, Lance,
you want to be one of my business associates,
but you're nothing but a fucking 'ho.
Nothing better than a fucking 'ho.
-Just back off.
-Fucking sit down.
-Fuck you.
What do you got to say to me now, Lance? Huh?
What do you got to say to me now, bitch?
You fucking...
Oh, yeah.
Please don't. Please......
Don't you...
-Please? Please? Please? Please?
Please take the fucking shirt off.
-Please don't...
Oh, come on... come on, man.
-Please don't......
-Don't make me hurt you.
-I'll just scream, okay?
-Oh, yeah?
-Somebody will call the police.
-Oh, they will?
Here, fucking take this shit off!
Nobody's calling nobody.
What the fuck? What the fuck is wrong with you?
I've got a condition. I'm just going to vomit.
I don't give a shit.
It's all about the pussy and the ass today,
isn't it? Huh?
Give Daddy these pants, baby.
Give Daddy these pants.
Please, please, please...
Come on, it's meat Lance. Choice fucking...
I love you, Tracey Berkowitz.
Fuck off.
Fuck! Fuck! ......
Fuck! My neck!
Fuck! My neck!
Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Fuck you.Fuck you. Fuck you.....
I'm not the one that needs a freakin' shrink...
You can never tell...
You'll never tell...
I don't know what to believe...
I have an amazing life...
and what not to believe...
He's a dog...
It was their fault.
They never should've grounded me.
Sonny is a dog. He's a dog...
I'm not what you think.
I'm not junk,
I'm not a dink.
I'm not garbage flowers you leave to rot
and stink and smell and curl up all dry and papery
so they crumble as crusty as the flowers
on this fucked-up shower curtain.
Come here so I can talk to you.
I can't talk to you from over there.
You need a drive or something?
No. No, it's okay.
-No. No, no, no, I should...
-See you.
You're in my class, right?
You're name's, uh...
-what's your name?
Tracey, right.
We can go someplace, Tracey.
Where would we go? Where would we go?
No, no, I-I-I can't. I......
Where would we go?
Drive around.
You know, I-I-I don't know. I-I-I heard, um,
on the news, there's like a, um,
this really crazy blizzard coming.
Like huge snowdrifts and um,
frostbite and um,
we might not have to go to school.
Like I would, anyway, you know.
I should go.
Sonny? Sonny?
Sonny, please!
My name is Tracey Berkowitz.
Just a normal girl.
My name is Tracey Berkowitz.
Just a normal girl.
My name is Tracey Berkowitz.
Fifteen. Just a normal girl.
I have an amazing life.
My name is Tracey Berkowitz.
Just a normal girl.
Just a normal girl.
Don't sleep.
Promise me.
Promise me. You won't sleep.
We have to find him.
No one can stop me.
No one can make me stand still.
No one can stop me.
No one can make me stand still.
Hey look, there it is.
What'd it get itself into?
Hey, Tracey.
No one can stop me.
No one can make me stand still.
created by vonHenneberg