Trade (2007) Movie Script

Happy Birthday, Princess!
Is this for me?
Certainly, Princess.
It's for you.
Congratulations... and Happy Birthday.
Thank you.
Where did you get it?
What a nice bicycle!
Yes it's fantastic,
And it has a basket, side pockets,
and it's 18 speed.
These friends of yours,
who are they?
They help me with stuff, mom.
Yeah? What stuff?
Answer me, what kind of stuff?
We take tourist on tours around the city,
I do it in english.
What else?
I got many brains!
Later, Princess.
All right, come with me,
and I'll show you around.
No, it's too dangerous,
with all these foreigners.
Why do you act like this?
Mom, I bought it, it's paid for.
Why can't you behave,
like your sister for an example..
You wouldn't talk to me like this,
if your father was here.
Well he's not here!
Be back later, mom.
Will you be back later today to spend the night?
You will be back later, no?
You can't use this bike, I forbid it.
Why not?
The Lord created bicycles for this purpose.
The Lord did not create bicycles,
and I wont let you ride it!
Time is money, my friends!
I got to run!
My name is Veronica.
How are you?
I am happy to be here.
That's real good, you're getting better.
Welcome to Mexico city.
Thanks you.
Attention please!
Passenger Ramona Lopez, please go
to the nearest pager phone...
Is this it?
Ok. Girls let's go.
This way
Girls, this is Vadim Yochenko
head of the Agency
And this is...
- Manuel
He will be escorting you to Los Angeles.
Welcome to Mexico.
What a pretty smile.
Let's go, we'll talk in the car.
Oh I forgot... can I get your passports please.
It's ok.
Thanks you.
Excuse me, but there's something wrong?
What's wrong?
The passports.
Forgive me, but why have you taken our passports?
But we already have visas.
Shut up, don't forget we know where your parents live,
and we also know about your little son.
Hey! What's up my friend?
You're alone?
I can show you around,
museum of fertility?
No thank's... I'm cool
Mui... cool... suave?
Hey! But you got to take a look Mr. Cool.
Look, just look.
Please, look... look... just a second.
Here... please
You want a true Mexican experience?
We got treasures that look better
than these fucking pyramids.
Your dollars will go a long long way down here.
The one on the left there
- Rosita, La Ra Rosita.
She's first class,
she gives real good head.
Come on!
We're close.
Forgive me my friend, you wont get
to taste today any Mexican pussy.
Don't kill me.
Yes sir you'll be giving us everything, ok.
You know what, if I was you?
I bet you hate all Mexicans right now.
Guys, what do we do to Gringos?
Who disrespect the Mexicans?
Show him!
Die bitch.
Down with Americans, America sucks!
To my brother with love, from Adriana.
No! No! No!
Look's like they're enjoying themselves.
You're not kidding!
This bicycle looks familiar.
Hey! Hey...
What's the matter?
What's going on?
What's the matter?
Hey you, son of a bitch,
you stole my sister bicycle.
No! I found it in the street!
Tell that to your mother!
I found it,
believe me!
I'll show you where I found it!
Let's go!
Hurry up move! Faster!
Show me where you found it?
Right there.
Where you going?
Jorge, what are you doing?
That was my sisters!
Why?, why?
Did you see the girl on the bicycle?
My son is a sleep, and I can't...
God help you.
Nobody saw a damn thing,
it's time to go and see Don Victor.
Let's go!
If she was taken in this part of city,
it means the Russian took her.
They're animals.
They buy and sell anything
they get there hands on.
A pretty girl, like your sister,
it's very possible,
And for them a virgin...
is solid gold.
She's only 13, Don Victor.
Please tell me, where I can find her!
Help me please!
With the Russian?
They're everywhere.
Heard about globalization?
It's ridiculous.
How about in Mexico City, Don Victor.
What are you gonna do?
Go there and knock on his door?
I am not afraid of them.
Besides, my friends will back me up.
These two blockheads?
Look at them!
You don't have any idea about the Russian!
You guys wont be a treat to them
They will go with me!
Why the long faces?
Are we not in fact brothers?
She is my sister, God Damn!
You chickenshits!
It's my sister, for Christ sake!
Kiss my ass, jerkoffs!
Calm down!
Calm down!
Calm down right now!
Stay calm!
Take it easy...
If they really taken her,
she's probably in route by now.
In route where?
After they kidnap the girls,
they get'm across the border
As soon as possible and there they sell them,
they do the same thing over and over again.
If it is who I think it is,
they always use the same routine.
They stay usually in a
place close by the airport.
And they get more money if
they sell them to... pedophiles.
Thanks you
In there
Don't touch me, please.
Come on, lay down and enjoy yourself.
We know, where your son is.
Mexico - The cheapest way there?
This here is the best choice.
I need to make some money,
so I can take my son to America.
Mom is back!
You'll be very happy with this travel package,
I agree it's the best way,
The names and the address of my parents,
is that really necessary?
Usual bureaucratic procedure.
It's here.
Why! Is it necessary for us to be here?
No it's not necessary.
Take this.
Vitamins... It'll help for the pain.
Take it,
Do you speak spanish?
A little.
Me too... a little.
I wish all this would end.
I want to go home, I miss my mother.
You believe in it?
You pray to it?
Very strong.
She's great,
she'll make my brother to find me.
You have a brother?
That's good.
Hey! Hello!
Did you see a girl,
about this tall, with long hair?
Dark hair, brown eyes, very pretty?
- Thanks.
This tall, long dark hair,
with a ribbon?
Did you see her?
Dark hair, dark eyes, like yours.
We got to go, hurry up, hurry...
Did you see a little girl?
Did you see a little girl, that tall?
No, no, no, I didn't see her.
With a ribbon.
Watch where you're going,
why don't you look?
Keep a look out and watch them
Let's get going, get a move on.
Come on sweety.
Here we go, get in there,
let's move it.
This guy has some fucking nerve!
That asshole!
Where the hell's he going, that bastard?
That motherfucker!
Where is this place wheelbarrow?
Thank you
thank you
You got to take these pills.
You understand me?
What flowers have you brought us today?
How you all doing?
Will they behave and not cause a problem?
Which one do you like?
The nice blonde.
She's very young.
You, you and you, get out.
You too.
Let's go! Hurry up! Let's move it!
Very well, they wont be any trouble.
Over here! Let's go!
Good morning, senorita.
Put this on.
Right here, let's go, hurry up!
The documents have to be
ready by tomorrow.
Forgive me, my friend,
but nothing get's done here without money.
Here are a lot of scoundrels.
Really, how about the officer?
Come here, stand right there.
Pose, like a cover girl for a magazine.
Pose, and smile damn it!
Do it right,
I understand!
I understand!
What the fuck?
Don't stop now! Shit...
Fucking shit!
It's good, yes?
You must to eat.
Mommy no eat.
Hey, mommy.
I don't know when, but one day you'll suffer
from the same cruelty, you've been giving us.
Fucking communists.
Sure it was hard, yes?
Devil's communists.
Can I use your phone please?
Sure, you can make a call.
Who is it?
Hello? Why?
Everybody down!
Stay down! Stay down!
We're on the border.
Be careful.
Good luck, let's go.
Well, we made it across
Shut your mouth or your
family will end up dead.
Hands up! Don't move!
Ray, is it you?
Hi, honey.
What's going on?
Where are you?
I'm in Juarez.
I'll be home tomorrow.
How is Ramona doing?
Not so good,
I had to take her to the Vet again.
What you're doing in Juarez?
Nothing really, get some sleep.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Delivering a speech from the oval office, the President
emphasized the importance of security at the border
Now it's a 1.9 billion dollar
campaign to tighten border security.
He hopes to win the backing from conservatives
to overhaul the immigration laws.
And plans to order thousands
of troups to the Mexican border.
Welcome back, sir.
Thank you
Open the gate.
As you can see.
Bring in the next - The following.
You, you and you!
Sir! Sir!
What you want?
We've been kidnapped!
We're kidnapped.
Yeah yeah right.
Sit back down.
Children, you're welcome to walk around,
you'll meet your teacher back here in 30 minutes.
So, we shall begin.
Everybody fallow me.
What will happen to them?
They'll send them back to Mexico,
and release them.
Most of them will cross
the border again tomorrow.
Hello, I'm a student from
El Paso High
I study spanish and my teacher is Mr. Perez,
And for four hours we do public service.
I'm also part Spanish.
Here, I hope you like it.
Vehicle 174, you should
make the border by 5:30.
Copy that, be there in three minutes.
Hey! Hey! Hold...
What are you doing in my trunk?
How did you get in?
When did you get in?
In Juarez!
I had to get across the border, man!
You took the wrong ride, dude.
Get in the car!
In the car!
Sit down!
Open it!
Open it!
Hey... hey...
Do not move.
Where are we going?
Going to the Police.
You broke the law, son.
And you got real unlucky, because I'm a cop.
Fuck that!
Watch your language in my car.
Fasten your seat belt.
Your belt!
Put it on!
All right!
Watch your language.
I did!
Look Mr... you can't take me to the police.
Well I have to.
They'll send me back,
I got to stay here!
I'm looking for my little sister!
She was kidnapped!
I'm not kidding, man!
My little sister she's just 13!
They took her in Mexico city, and I followed
them all the way up to that house in Juarez!
What house?
You know the house,
you were there.
Please, Mr... I need to get to New Jersey?
Why New Jersey?
To find her!
It's my fault she got taken!
If your a cop?
Why can't you help me?
I not that kind of cop.
And why should I believe you anyway.
If your telling the truth,
the police will help you.
Sure the will the fucking police!
This isn't Mexico.
Yeah right,
like the cops are so different here!
They'll do nothing but send me back,
then my sister will be here all alone!
Don't you understand?
They will do something terrible to her!
She is pure!
She never...
All right!
I get it!
So what you gonna do?
Go to the police.
I hate liars.
Forgive me, last time we had some problem.
This time I am more informed.
Stay back, let me take a look.
- Fine
Yes, yes okay!
Quiet... get down!
Get down, down!
Please god help me!
All right, they're gone.
Let's go! Move it.
Sacred Virgin, Sacred Maiden,
please hear my prayer...
The Lord be with you,
and blessed are thee...
Forgive me for what I have done...
Sacred Mary, Sacred Virgin,
pray for us sinners...
Can I help you ma'am?
Somebody broke in.
The back was door was locked.
My husband is out of town,
and we moved in recently.
Can somebody come out to the house...
Sure ma'am.
We'll get an officer out there right the way.
Your name ma'am?
Ms. Bjukenen, your address?
Do not move.
We'll try to get somebody
out there right the way
Sorry to interrupt.
I need to see your Commanding Officer.
I got a boy here,
he says his sister been kidnapped.
Which boy?
Come here.
Where're you going?
New Jersey, I told you.
If you're going to I
you're going the wrong direction.
It is that way.
You just gonna take me back to the cops.
No, I won't
Listen, if your sister is in New Jersey,
I know someone there,
who might be able to help us.
A guy I went to the academy
with he's a good man.
Come on we should try to see him.
Is it far away from here?
It's a little out of the way,
but... I'll take you.
Why should I trust you?
I don't think you a have choice.
Come on.
Please change the music.
You don't like that?
Put your seat belt on.
What for, it's stupid.
Middle of the damn day?
Don't do it again stupid.
You think the cops taking a nap?
Are you crazy?
That ain't bad.
We are here, aren't we?
And I'm not crazy.
Hurry, hurry, let's go!
Pick up a knot! Move!
You got a name?
I thought, even Mexicans have name's.
What's your problem?
Jorge, please to meet you Jorge.
I'm Ray.
How come you speak english so well?
I work in tourist industry.
Put your foot down!
My god!
What's the big deal!
The car can be cleaned!
That's yours now.
So... how come you there
in that house in Juarez?
Private investigation.
What kind of investigation Ray,
It's private.
That means I don't want to talk about it.
Why not?
Because I don't!
Oh, Jesus!
Why you getting so pissed off?
We got to find a rest stop.
When's the last time you took a shower?
If you haven't noticed it, you stink.
Stop here, we'll make some real
good pocket change off of this
They're not real busy yet.
You stay with the rest of them.
You, come here.
Take me!
Let her go.
Take me!
Hey! Let her go!
Take me!
She's really scared, don't take her,
let me go instead,
You will be called Princess,
that's your new name
But no fucking this one.
I have to keep her a real virgin.
How much?
I'm a virgin.
It's only 14 more kilometers.
Patty is something wrong?
How's Ramona?
The Vet had to put her to sleep.
This afternoon.
If you've taken your God-Damn cell phone
with you, I could have reached you.
I'm so sorry Patty.
It's good to hear that.
It's really good to hear that.
I can't talk anymore Ray.
Good night.
Let's eat.
Who's Ramona?
It's our cat.
You have a cat?
Yeah, people do have pets, you know.
I hate cats.
Any kids?
Kids? No.
So you guys live alone with a cat?
That's cool?
New T-shirt, pretty cool huh?
Listen, I only have pesos.
Are you going to pay?
Do I have a choice?
You order what you want.
Okay then.
Are you guys all ready to order?
Yes I'll have orange juice, coffee
an omelette with cheese and bacon.
Thank you.
I want a cup of coffee too, an orange juice, an
omelette with cheese, ham, mushrooms and onions.
A fruit salad with yogurt, and a New York
ribeye steak medium rare with fries,
Pancakes with blueberries and
a strawberry milk shake please.
You said I could order what ever I want.
I know that kid.
Hey! Stay away from my van,
you God-Damn little punk!
What's going on here?
I'm looking for somebody!
Let me see some I.D.
I left them at home sir.
Where do you live?
I live...
Allen, Texas.
This is my son, Officer.
Where the hell have you been?
Allen P.D.
I'm looking all over for you.
No problem.
Have a nice night.
Thank you,
you too.
What the hell is going on?
I knew that kid!
From where?
He was with my sister!
I saw him!
He's one of the kids that they took.
Excuse me sir,
can I talk to you for a second?
Hey, you! I wanna ask you a question,
is this boy your son?
I'm sorry?
I asked you if this boy is your son?
There's a misunderstanding.
Sure. Come on.
I'm trying to find the boys parents!
I didn't do anything!
Where did you get the boy?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You son of a bitch!
Where's my sister,
you son of a bitch!
You fucking bastard!
I hope, you'll die!
Calm down!
Calm down!
I want you to take the boy
outside and give him to the police.
Go with him outside...
I hope you'll die, motherfucker!
Okay we got two possibilities here?
There's cops out there.
If you like, we scan go out there
and let them handle this whole thing.
And you know,
they love guys like you.
Or we can handle this just between us?
What do you want from me?
All I want is information.
You okay?
Can you understand what I'm saying?
Can you tell what happened?
I'll be back in a second.
What we got?
Possibly child molester.
He doesn't know where
the other kids are.
Hands on your head!
Enough we gotta roll.
Yes, yes.
Okay don't cry.
Tell me.
I want to go home.
My mom don't love me no more.
Your mom always loves you.
It's party time.
Leave us alone,
we don't want.
It's no question about
volunteering, bitch.
You see?
Well, good gal.
Swallow now, swallow,
like a good girl.
Good gal.
Cyber cafe.
Enter password.
Enter password.
Just come to get you. I need your help.
Sir... that's my sister.
Her name is Adriana not Maria.
Bidding starts at $500.00 coming soon
Stay tuned!
I'm gonna kill the motherfucker
who does this. I kill them.
Yeah, yeah.
I tried the password, it checks out
Bidding starts.
Probably, in a day.
I leave it up to you.
So... what did your friend say?
Good news,
he's on the case.
I gave him all the information.
The password all that stuff.
He's gonna pass it on to his
friend at the Internet Crime Unit.
They'll take care of it.
Password? That's what the
guy gave you in the bathroom.
he bought that kid on the Internet.
He was the highest bidder,
he flew all the way from Thailand.
He paid $25,000.00,
that's how it works.
I am sorry I didn't tell you before.
I just wanted to make sure.
I'm just trying to protect you.
Jorge this is good news.
You don't trust anybody, do you?
Not everyone is your enemies, you know.
Try a little optimism sometime.
It wont kill you.
And be like you,
and end up with a cat?
Sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
When is the auction?
Soon, I like to be in New Jersey
when it happens, wouldn't you?
Do you drive?
You want me to drive?
I'm tired.
But if I drive,
we need to play another music.
What is your problem with my music?
It puts me to sleep,
you want us to get killed or something?
You can't stay here.
Two guys and three girls, that's to many!
It's gonna look suspicious!
It's only two girls.
Have you gone crazy?
Look, I know that, we leave tomorrow.
Hello? How you doing?
Listen, we've been on the
road day and night, simply...
Okay calm down, calm down.
All right, I've got it. Yeah.
Son of a bitch. They set up
the next auction for tomorrow.
You've got to be kidding me.
That's what they want, she's next.
We have to be in New Jersey by tomorrow.
That's unreal.
Get up.
Get up!
Good morning.
Good morning.
What kind of cop are you?
I'm in the Fraud Department.
What kind of fraud?
Insurance, mainly.
You work for insurance companies?
Well, yes.
I think, you work for the wrong side.
You have Mexicans friends?
I have Mexican friends.
A very good friend in fact.
He works in the office
right next to mine.
You only have one Mexican friend?
A good friend.
How can you live in Texas, and not
have hundreds of Mexican friends?
Okay wise ass do you have
a hundred American friends?
All my friends are Americans.
All Mexicans are Americans, and all my friends
are Mexicans, so, all my friends are Americans.
It's Northern America, Central
America and South America.
That's America. And not
just you, in one country?
What the fuck!
What did I tell you!
What did I tell you!
Stupid son of a bitch!
You idiot! Let's go,
move it, faster idiot!
Go... I call my family.
Look there, the police. Look.
Operator may I help you?
Yes... collect... collect to Poland.
Hold on, I'll give you international.
This is international can I help you?
Yes... collect to Poland.
And your name?
One moment please.
Veronica, where are you?
Mamma, I'm glad to hear your
voice. Listen, I have a problem.
Is everything alright?
Mamma! Mamma!
You need to leave there.
You and dad are in danger!
Have you made it to America yet?
What are you saying?
With what?
People from Agency came by.
They have shown me documents.
They've taken them from me.
Mamma they're gangsters.
Mamma they're holding me... help!
Get them in the van! Hurry!
Who did you call?
Who the fuck did you call?
Who do you think she called asshole?
She called the cops!
Who did you call?
Well you can forget it, you will now pay for this.
And your son.
Get your ass out there,
and keep it out of site.
You pay for this, I will show you.
No! No! No!
Come in.
You're late, Manuel.
Sit down.
You're, probably Adriana, yes?
What a beautiful name.
Is this what everyone calls you?
You have no idea,
how to deal with young girls, do you?
Where are the other girls?
You hear me?
Where are the other girls?
The Brazilians kept one of them,
and the other...
We lost on the way here,
She had an accident.
Which one?
Which one?
The one from Poland.
Another accident?
One more accident, and we wouldn't
have any business at all
Looks like you can't handle this job.
You have to deal with Vadim on this
and it's not going to be very pleasant.
What a loser.
You're an imbecile.
Let's go Adriana,
we got things to do.
I'm leaving got to take care of business.
Hello! Welcome to the Holiday Inn,
how may I help you?
I need two rooms if you got them.
Single or double, sir?
Let's see what you got..
It's fake.
You have internet here?
Sure, in the amusement center over there.
The passwords is (?), right?
Would you like to pay on a credit card?
Excuse me,
my wallet is here.
Be right out.
Hey... 2 pm
Here is your room key,
you go up and get some rest.
I'll be in his office,
I'm going over there now.
Detective Sheridan, how exactly
did you get involved in this case?
Ray not only investigates insurance fraud.
But in resent occasions he also get's involved with...
Detective Jefferson, no offense, but I like
to hear the story from Detective Sheridan himself.
The bottom line is, this girl
will be auctioned of in a few hours,
And I need to know what you
guys gonna do about that auction,
Look we've been monitoring this
group for quit some time.
We know where there Jersey operations are.
Ray, the real problem is
that this thing is global
Even though this group might be based in Mexico City,
they have operations all over the US..
And over every one of the continents.
Their server for example,
is located somewhere in Maldives.
Their banking is in South Africa.
There are many jurisdictions at work here
CIA, State Department, the
Interpol etc... etc...
So what we do is follow the money, connect
all the dots and we'll come up with the source.
I get all that, but you know
where the operation is in New Jersey.
But you can't be bothered and do
anything about this little Mexican girl,
You got bigger plans.
That's what you're saying,
or did I hear you wrong?
Well gentlemen, if you excuse me?
Thanks you
We are the fucking Gringos, aren't we?
I said we are the fucking Gringos!
Hi Patty, I'll be home in a few more days.
I want you to take out a big hunk
of money from our savings.
But I don't wanna do it unless
you say it's alright.
I guess I wont have to ask what it's for.
I'll tell you all about it when I get home,
and I promise no more secrets.
Have you found her?
Karla that's her name?
Ray... if you find your daughter,
I want you to bring her home.
If I do, I will.
Thanks you
You shouldn't thank me
for loving you, Ray.
Bye bye.
Hey, hey,
what's going on?
I got us some money,
you and me gonna do the auction.
And what about your friend?
Forget about him.
Sure you got tell to me something Gringo.
Why are you doing this?
Who is it?
It's my daughter.
Your daughter?
This is what you've been looking for?
That picture was taken 10 years ago,
I really don't know what I'm looking for.
I met her mother just after I was married
To Patty my wife,
and I was a happily married man
And then I met Eleanore,
and everything changed. She was...
Oh she was so... wild and alive.
I don't know what I was expecting
but I was ready to give up everything.
My marriage, everything,
so stupid! Stupid...
And then she met this other guy and...
He was everything I wasn't, I mean...
she found him exiting... and alive...
Anyway and then she told to me,
that she was pregnant with his child. And a...
That kind of did it, I left and a...
went back to Patty
Did Patty take you back?
Go figure.
That would never happen in Mexico.
Just a few days ago I get a knock at my door from a
couple of officers and they told me that Eleanore has died.
From an overdose.
And they found this letter
in her apartment with my name on it.
That she's written 10 years
before, but never sent.
And she says she needs money,
and that Karla is my daughter.
Which I always... wondered about.
You didn't know she had a daughter did you?
I did.
We had our ups and downs years
We helped her out all we could,
but she's always in trouble
And the daughter?
In foster homes mostly,
but I always managed to get her back.
After you.
She went over the border to
Juarez about ten years ago.
Probably at the time when she
wrote you that letter.
Was her daughter with her?
We have no idea.
We do know, that she got back here
two years later,
The girl was gone
And the house was still a mess.
Did you...
Did you ask her what happened to the daughter.
She told us that she left her with her daddy.
We didn't know what kind of daddy she was talking about?
We couldn't prove anything, what are you talking about?
We think, she sold the girl
I don't know, but with junkies that happens
She sold her.
If I... if I gotten that letter 10 years before,
everything would be different.
Me and Patty always wanted a child.
She's pretty, ain't she?
Yes, she has beautiful eyes.
Green.. Like her mothers.
So, that's what you where
doing in the house in Juarez.
Well, by the time you climbed in to my trunk,
I've pretty much givin' up on everything.
But now I realized I gave up to soon.
Which is something I do a lot of...
I guess.
Veronica, I hope, you are happy in heaven.
If you can talk to Virgin Mary for me,
And ask her to have a good and
kind person buy me at the auction.
I'm very scared. Please help me.
Be well.
It's started already.
We need a name. Write: World Traveler.
Alright we're in.
One bidder is on line, at $8,000.00,
Go $10,000.00
Little Buddha goes to twelve.
Try... try thirteen.
It's fifteen now
Go to eighteen.
A new one from South Africa went to...
All right. All right
Please, god help, I promise, no more tricks.
I shall not steal any more.
Go 25.
All right, all right go twenty
nine. No, go to 32,000.00.
But wait till there's only 2 seconds left
The auction is closed! The winner:
World Traveler.
Let's find out where she is
They wanna know where we are.
All right give them the address of the hotel
and tell them to ask for World Traveler
Thank you
You're a lucky guy,
we have your package real close by.
Why are you in hotel?
You're from out of town?
Yeah, I'm on the road a lot
What do you do?
I'm a sales rep.
Well you sure got a lot of dough for a sales rep.
You must really like virgins pussy ha?
Oh yeah.
You gonna get an address in your computer
we'll pick you up there.
You bring the money,
we bring the girl, it's that simple.
World Traveler?
You got the money?
Where's my girl?
Not far from here.
Leave your car here,
we'll pick her up.
No, I follow you.
No, no, no.
You get your ass over here in my car,
or there wont be virgin pussy for you today?
But you gotta bring me back.
Why sure. I'm your driver.
Fuck! Fuck man!
It's here.
Follow me.
How you doing?
Fine, how are and you?
Good, have a seat.
No, no, no, give him the money.
So? Do you like her?
Better in person, ha?
Adriana say hello to the Senor.
It's all there.
The money is all there
Come here.
She's a little shy.
Sit next to him.
Where you from?
Why you wanna know?
No reason.
No reason.
Look you remind me of someone
Who would that be?
Some one I knew a long time ago.
You're very nosey
Are you a cop?
No I'm not a cop.
What do you think Manuel?
I think he's a cop.
Get up!
Look why don't you just give me the girl,
I'm telling you I'm not a cop
Sit down.
You're gonna prove you're not a cop
Prove it how? How would I prove it?
Easy, first fuck is here.
You gonna fuck the little virgin right here.
That's not part of the deal.
I know. But let's say it's kind
of my insurance policy.
If you're not a cop, it means once
you've been with her you won't talk.
But if you're a cop you wont
fuck her and then you're fucking death.
You want some water?
So, what's it gonna be?
I think, for this amount of money
I deserved a little private.
you can get your very own room
No, no, no,
Go with him.
You go and be a nice little girl.
Oh and ah...
I wanna see blood on the sheets.
It's okay...
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I'm a friend of your brothers.
Jorge your brother, he's here with me.
We're gonna get you out.
I'm not sure how exactly
I don't trust this guy,
go check up them!
Let's go!
Remember, Veronica is watching,
it's not to late.
That son of a bitch has already justified
your so called insurance policy.
Just what I like to see a satisfied customer
Manuel is gonna take you back to your car.
Adios Adriana,
good bye World Traveler.
What a nice daddy.
Police! Police!
Drop your weapons!
Don't move!
On the ground now!
Don't move!
Stay on the ground!
Stay on the ground!
Show me your hands!
Please. Please.
Come on!
Get up!
All clear!
I knew I had to keep an eye on you.
Stop to resist!
Don't touch me,
you pig!
It'll be all right.
I got to get back to base.
Here we go.
Thank you all.
Good work.
Tell my guys.
All right.
Check the cellar!
Over here.
That lady and that gentleman there,
gonna take care of you
They'll make sure you get on the
plane so you'll get home all right
Your keys, sir.
They're good people,
trust them for once
Can you do that?
Okay, but you gotta come and visit us in
Mexico City, once in a while
I'll give you a tour.
For you.
Thanks you
Save that sir.
Take care of your sister.
You've got a good brother.
He'll look after you.
I'll be the best.
Take this.
Come on don't argue.
Ray, gracias,
thank you.
Good luck with everything.
When you get home,
put all this behind you all right?
Stay out of trouble. Don't make me worry
about you okay? Cabrone.
Ladies and gentlemen, please return to
your seats and fasten your seat belts
We're approaching Mexico City airport
and we'll be landing shortly thank you...
Virgin Mary pray for us, Mother of Jesus
give us strength, the Lord be with you.
You are our hope forgive us sinners
please help us in darkness to find the light
Go in,
everthing's gonna be fine, trust me
Adriana... Adriana
Where have you been my Angel!
I'm so happy to see you again
I'm meeting someone
We'll see you later Vadim.
Be quiet you mongrel.