Trade of Innocents (2012) Movie Script

My client is a very important businessman.
He knows what he wants.
Do you speak English?
For I have said, young girls.
These are young girls.
The older they get...
the more they are used.
Perhaps it is time that my business
anywhere else will do.
It's okay.
We will soon have fresh young girls...
from the mainland.
Quite good, okay?
Do you want another one?
Another drink.
If you lie to me...
I'll kill you both.
So you want a little girl?
A virgin. 4000.
She has not sewn up again anyway?
No, it's fresh and new.
Because I am a doctor and I can see it.
- 3000.
- 2000.
And I tell my friends that you girls
as virgin markets that are not.
Take him outside.
Not you, cabbie.
Only the white man.
What do you want?
A tip right?
Fuck off.
For this month.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Will be isolated and hard to reach
without being noticed.
A perfect place
for little girls to hide.
Here is the one that matters.
He calls himself the Duke. American
clothing, drives an American car.
That guy is fixated on Americans.
You wonder why it is so difficult
to catch.
Captain Than Lee is the right person
this right?
Stable? He is part
of anything we have done so far.
What we need is hard evidence
what a lawsuit by state.
I want these pedophiles condemned.
In the eight years that I am here,
we have 100 girls rescued.
The problem is hardly diminished.
The supply of children is inexhaustible
because he always get away.
Angkor Wat Temple attracts tourists and
Tourists spend money.
We need the power of
their weapons behind it.
Who is this harness.
Are the ex military? Maybe police?
Duke has a network.
Ours must be larger.
Okay, that's it for today.
We will move on tomorrow.
I see you think like an idiot?
Because if I say...
young virgins, I mean that.
Two, to be exact.
For one-month, real virgins.
Five or six years old and insured
of their virginity.
I accept that, but the seven-year-olds
are still preferred.
They monitor the trade in underage girls.
Is not that your specialty?
You ask me for dangerous things.
I'm asking you because you deliver.
Because you have supplied.
What you are asking is very expensive.
A real virgin once.
Two virgins, one-month?
Duke, you know I'm a man
of my word.
And you know that I am willing
to do business, right?
The deal is for two.
Freshly picked...
flowers. For a month.
So we can do business?
Good morning.
New feature but same old hours?
I know I promised
former home.
A new team.
We owe it to the setting.
I know.
I'm just happy to be next to you
wake up.
It is much better than all those weeks
apart and no form of communication.
You know the army.
- This is different, I promise.
- We'll see.
I wanted to come along with
the program in the village.
I thought you were a volunteer
in the shelter and not in the village.
I am an invitation.
And how did you do that?
New country, new culture.
- That is good.
- Is that so?
We need after four weeks, as
much unpacking boxes.
If you have not missed it
You also do not really need.
I believe so, yes.
You have not yet hung paintings.
Alex, every time I go to the girls
in the shelter, I see Abigail.
We never talk about her.
We even say her name
in here.
I would not lose her. I miss her.
I forget her scent.
I remember the feel of her hands
around my neck.
I have no more time
for her to cry.
And that scares me.
Girls, Claire has brought some goodies.
Most of our girls
come from villages.
Just like this, very poor.
With this work, they learn how they
positively to give their people back.
- That's great.
- This is the house of a widow.
A widow?
She's been a year with us.
I heard her say,
maybe writing?
The next step in her recovery process
is sharing her story.
Want to play?
I can not. I have to go to school today
of my mother.
I get it.
My mother is a teacher.
- My mother is the best teacher.
- Yeah, I know.
Eat your breakfast.
So you're big and strong
and grandpa can help in the shop right?
Got my red bird passing by?
- Why do you have socks on your hands?
- Do you work here?
I first lived in America but
when mom got sick...
- we came here to be with Grandpa.
- Have you seen my red bird or not?
- I love red birds.
- Me too.
- What's yours?
- What's wrong with you, man?
You know he's coming.
Go to the secret place.
Are you going to go home. Hurry up.
Make it your way.
Make it your way.
Good morning.
I have an appointment with Captain Sin Lei.
He was transferred.
I'm Captain Pakkadey.
The new captain here.
We have been told nothing about
the transfer. I'm Alex Becker.
- Welcome, Alex Becker.
- Thank you.
Apologies but my Cambodian is not so good.
If you forgive me my English.
Cute family.
Yes, a boy and a girl and a road.
You must be very happy that you
many children.
The karma of my family is very good.
I am here to speak for children
without such a father.
Has Captain Sin Lei you informed
cooperation with our organization?
We are here at the invitation
of your government.
We do work that no organization
alone can do...
because it requires some exchange
of information.
Our goal is every brothel in the city to
close that small children for the sex trade.
- Do you know this man?
- I've seen him before.
We have investigated complaints about
its activities.
But we could find no evidence.
That you're probably getting.
All these men are known pedophiles
from other countries.
We send these photos to Interpol.
This is about the fear exchanges...
so that women and girls
have to live with fear.
Those who pimp
which should properly be afraid.
Supply and demand. We stop the delivery
and prosecute those questions.
I'm still your support and
of the police in this neighborhood?
There's something in your western thought
which you do not understand.
I have rescued many children. Which
itself wanted to return to the patrons.
In the Asian culture...
it is the duty of the child
order for parents to worry.
Usually these families so poor
that they can not live.
A child is sacrificed for the rest.
Poverty is no excuse for a child
to prostitution to surrender.
In any culture.
And you think that if you
catch this criminal...
you can change that problem?
In Cambodia, we have a saying.
The tiger is dependent on the forest...
just as the forest depends on the tiger.
You Americans like to
a fight...
- that can not be won.
- And if this was your daughter?
The world takes on, Captain.
And will remember who
helped and who is not.
Mr. Becker, you have our full cooperation.
Sorry for the challenge
but this is not easy.
The more you do the more appropriate
easier it goes.
- Hello, Miss Claire.
- Good morning, Nha.
I hoped that my bike could deliver so
You can look at the pedal...
it makes a clicking sound.
Good tours, beautiful ladies.
Very good and cheap.
I'm sorry but we are already
Angkor Wat before. But thanks anyway.
One dollar please.
A dollar.
Now get out here please.
The lady has been there before.
Maybe a new bike?
I have very good quality bikes.
Specially made in Europe.
I'm afraid I do not so much
Bicycle knows about...
except what color I like.
Some want to sell you crap.
That's my granddaughter.
I found that red shawl you yesterday
wore very beautiful.
Yeah, I mean.
He has been my mother.
So the rumors are true.
A new resident in your home.
Go back and stay there.
Were you working on something old man?
Is everything okay Nha?
Then I'll come back another time for
that repair or a new bike.
- Pack your things again?
- What do you want?
I'll collect your debt.
I have money for you.
Not enough to compensate what you
With a girl like that...
you would have a lot of debts.
You owe me $ 3,000 owed.
Give me the girl and your fault
is waived.
It's a fair price.
There are no outstanding debts
not be gend.
The main part of this research
is this man...
He calls himself the Duke.
He has his work moved from Phnom Phen
to Siem Reap for tourists to use.
And like most pimps, he fills
are brothels with young Vietnamese girls.
The vulnerable.
In Cambodia without citizenship...
without rights and poverty...
they are vulnerable targets for
these traffickers.
I thought we were talking about
girls Kahmai.
- My people.
- He understands that term.
I understand enough to know when
someone hears me, but not listening.
Do not naef, each child is at risk.
Especially those who by ignorance...
think that having sex with a virgin
you cure the disease AIDS.
What kind of tourists we looking for?
The average income in Cambodia
is one U.S. dollar per day.
And those girls in bondage
sold for 300 U.S. dollars.
And then there are the pimps.
Who often earn U.S. $ 4,000.
- So who do you think we look?
- Foreigners.
Foreigners of all nationalities.
All shapes and sizes.
All backgrounds and
economic living standards.
The best thing you can do is go where
trouble and keep your eyes open.
It is not long before trouble arises.
Everything you say is very good...
but you come to our country
without our people understand.
Our history and our ways.
If an accident occurs on the streets
stop the people, out of fear...
that they are to blame for the accident.
Wisdom says...
We must Dangkorboom
grow in our garden.
Our work in Kmehr, for the same tree,
means silence.
To survive you the best
remain silent.
Captain, these are pictures of
the Angkor Wat temple, right?
My wife and I have made when
We first visited your country.
I am proud.
I let them magnify to 8 x 10...
so I could hang them in my office.
These temples are the proud
of the people of Cambodia.
In fact earn you money
with those photos, right?
What is the name of this tree again?
- Dangkorboom.
- Right, the Dangkorboom. Interesting.
Same tree
if you had to plant in your garden...
as a symbol of silence.
Do you find it not ironic that the roots
of this tree of silence...
Slowly the Ankor Wat temples swallow?
Your eyes stay shut for abuse
of children for sex trade will...
eventually your culture
residents and swallow.
I believe that this very
many good men...
who no longer want to remain silent.
Do you agree with that Captain?
- I stand for the group.
- Can I help you?
You must understand that the girls
not hear, because you are here.
Most western people take pictures
and leave nothing behind.
I know you're not like those other
Although I come from the USA...
we all share
a common grief.
One that is so deep that I almost
've forgotten how to cry.
When my husband in Afghanistan
was stationed with our army...
my daughter and I were home alone
in America.
And we lived in a nice neighborhood...
The kids played in the park and
went by bike to school.
I knew all my neighbors and they knew me.
Life seemed very good and safe
to see.
Abigail was seven.
She loved puppies and...
dressed like the pink.
And they drew like princesses
who walked hand in hand and...
then she said, this is you mom.
And this is me.
On that morning I
her ready for school and...
I opened the front door to
her to school.
Okay, listen baby.
If you're at school and Rosie wants
some of your snacks...
not give her the whole bag.
It's great that you want to share but
Mom has made for you.
I'll tell you a secret.
Mama has an extra snack
in done for Rosie.
That's probably Aunt Sarah.
If you wait a minute?
And she was gone.
Like she was wiped from the earth.
She was...
And every time I have this morning
repeated in my mind...
and was wondering what phone is so important
could be that I lost sight of her.
We found her body.
In a pasture, a year later.
I love my little girl
more than I can ever say.
I make drawings.
Would you make a drawing?
That's all right.
He's my grandfather.
He's very nice.
Where did you meet this girl?
Outside the funny houses nearby.
You can play here but behave nicely.
See, I told you he was nice.
- Hello, Sophea.
- Hello Miss Claire.
- I am here for Alex.
- Yes miss, he's in his office.
I know him.
I know him, I've just seen him.
- That little girl is in danger.
- We stop briefly.
Alex, I've seen that man today.
The bicycle shop under our apartment.
The little girl who lives
at risk is not it?
This man does not know yet
but we come close.
He does not escape me.
Is that all?
Should we not now directly behind him?
We are working on it.
It's just not that simple.
I came to ask if you wanted lunch.
If you come across him somewhere it is
important for you to behave normally...
he's just someone.
Tell me where and when you've seen him.
But do not go looking for him.
Please, promise me.
- Are you safe?
- I train here all my life for.
for tree-tree.
It is better for the business if you
The air here lets make.
Now you know why I put them in my hotel
delivered wants.
And I'll invite some friends.
These girls are a good start...
but we must have more.
Many more girls.
Yes, more girls.
You should here have sex with them.
I know that you are not lying.
You know Duke, I can guarantee
I'm not a trafficker.
But my taxi driver, I am not sure.
Now very sweet little girl.
It's okay.
I'll save you.
I know that taxi driver.
- Can I talk to you?
- Of course.
I was ten years old.
My little sister was five.
My mother died a few years earlier.
My father and brother worked
the whole day in the country.
Life was very hard.
We had little to eat.
One day, someone from our village
promise that he us...
to a special trade would help.
But instead he sold us
to a sex trafficker.
Far away to the south.
And we never came back.
We were locked in a dark room.
We were told that we can not
eat or drink would get...
unless we learned how we could please men.
They allowed us to watch porn.
And we were forced to
other children to look...
who have lived in this
brothel than we were.
So we knew
what to do and how.
My little sister did not survive...
but she suffers no more.
I sometimes have nightmares...
I'm scared, I wake up...
in my new house.
With my new family.
And I know I'm safe.
If a lot of flowers in a muddy
coming up to the surface
and be touched by sunlight.
White blossom,
We have lots of flowers.
And we have reached out to the sunlight.
Just like my little sister.
Abigail is now in a safe place.
Anyone ever tell the story of
princess Veraly?
I love princess stories.
Princess Veraly reigned over
the country of Cambodia.
She loved all Khmer people.
And they loved her.
And they lived in a large palace
with towers like this and...
which extended far to the sky.
But one day the prince
came from the east...
with his army across the ocean
to our country to conquer.
The people were very afraid.
But not the brave princess Veraly.
She stood on the highest
part of her palace...
grabbed her bow and arrow...
and with one shot...
the arrow flew through the country
ship and landed in front of the prince.
The prince was so impressed that he
to those brave person did search...
his mighty army had stopped.
Princess Veraly did the dance that
the story of its people portrayed.
The prince had never seen anyone
so beautiful...
and he was immediately in love with her.
And when she married the fourth
nationwide party.
And they lived happily ever after.
Thus ends every beautiful
fairy tale princesses.
Wash your face.
I need to talk to you.
I'll let you and your friends
the village continue...
because you have proven your loyalty.
Now you will all live here
because you have deceived me.
Please, I must return to the village.
I will not cheat.
Your mother needs you sold me.
I'm your only family.
I'm more than a good friend.
Imagine my disappointment...
when I found out that you
something for me hiding.
A little sister...
and not share.
While the whole family can thrive.
If your mother were alive
she would sell your little sister to me.
If you do not tell me where she is
will suffer.
She can not forever
for me to hide.
You do not hurt me.
What a man wants a girl
beat up?
My dear... You Lie
watch the men actually to you?
Bring them inside.
Tell me girls...
Lie You have a little sister
who lives in the village?
A child lives with her?
- She has a sister.
- Shut up.
Her name is Tuyen.
Everyone in the village knows.
This does not concern you.
I also know that she's friends with
the granddaughter of the bike dealer.
She's lying.
You know it's true bitch.
You want us all suffer through your lies.
Let this be a lesson for your entire home.
Will that little girl in your house
maybe go with me?
Hello dear, what a surprise.
No, that's my fault.
I've changed the whole schedule.
Things went wrong, I'm sorry.
I thought you were still in bed.
No, it is converted.
I have meetings all day.
Are you sure you have seen them?
Are you sure?
Alex, I was not thinking.
I wanted the same.
May Thank you
Two beers please.
Give the kids a hug.
I'm coming.
I gotta go.
Okay, I love you too.
You are discovered.
I do not like a member of my team
as discovered.
I have family in Bakh Pei.
Do you think it vellig to go?
Do you think it is safe for a while
Bakh Pei to go?
May, look there.
If we do not know the number
get your drink from the band.
I passed him when he came in and heard
his accent, he is an American.
Are there any requests?
Want a picture with my friend?
Our first raised with...
a lovable little girl.
Sir, come hither.
This is very good.
Do you know where this comes from?
Do you?
These are kopieren of kopieren of kopieren.
This is stolen.
It is a major organized crime here.
Here they earn millions of bucks
and several millions of human beings.
You're on the bottom of the food chain
and you feed it and continue feeding.
Do you like to support criminals?
Those little girls forced into sex slavery?
Because you're doing.
You are part of it.
Well, fortunately we have good photos
of that man.
I send them to Interpol.
Yes, you need to gather your belongings
and family and to Bakh Pei go.
I'll call you on your mobile.
I appreciate your friendship.
We did well in the village.
And now here we are.
Where are you?
Military tourists always come back home.
After Abbey you never came back.
Therefore we here?
We are here because someone has to do it.
- The courses, skills.
- I know.
But it is pretty good if you do
not always know what to do...
if you do not always have all the answers.
Even if you prefer not to talk about.
It's okay, I'll wait.
I do not know what you think
to wait.
I wait until we are a family again.
I do not mean a child.
I already accepted.
I mean a family
all share together...
the pleasure and pain.
It's not up to you to all my pain
and yours alone to bear.
- I lost her.
- What?
I lost her tonight.
I was not in the right place.
On the market.
I was not fast enough.
I had no accurate plan which worked.
I lost her.
A little girl again.
I'm so sorry.
Who is that?
They were my inspiration.
Amy Nha's granddaughter and the other girl
lived in the neighborhood
- What is going on?
- I got to the office, I have a lot to do.
Why, what did I say?
I made a mess of it.
Is that what you wanted to hear?
I did not volunteer for that second tour
but I would have done...
and I was in the wrong place.
I was in the wrong place for the girl
for you...
I was in the wrong place for Abbey.
Shantha, what is it?
What's wrong?
Kim-Ly, have you seen Kim-Ly?
- Today in the shelter.
- She's looking.
- We go to the village work.
- I'll go with you.
We are looking for a girl from our
shelter who helped with your roof.
Have you seen her?
She was here looking for her mother.
The blue house in the alley.
- Good evening.
- We are looking for our friend Kim-Ly.
Have you seen her here?
She cares for her family.
Kim-Ly is returned to the brothels?
What is it? Did something happen to her?
If the range is small,
they are worth that much.
But if supply increases
you they are still on the market.
As a mother being, would you be ashamed.
Ready to go.
Come on, guys. Please.
We focus today on the brothel Duke.
The identity of one of our men
Yesterday may have been in danger...
therefore we must act right now
our warrant.
Remember, these men will be armed.
As we speak is your captain and a few
of our men with either of the houses...
likely for child prostitution
is used.
This is it.
Come on.
All clear.
You and Sophea stood at the front,
two officers at the rear.
We saw him go in,
but nobody saw him leave.
No one on the street.
The trip there.
It is hollow.
There is good ice.
Then we go back to the hotel...
and then we're going to clean
because you're a dirty girl.
You said you were all that successful
missions have participated...
and you let go with Le
same taxi vest.
Is that your exit strategy
The books and run away?
- The agreement was to have him...
- You're just went inside.
They were not as challenged
if there are two agents in that room.
What are you trying to prove?
I want those lines to be figured out...
and I want a team in those neighborhoods
where he picks up the children.
We searched all the streets
and nobody knows anything.
You do know that the time frame
very short...
before he disappears with children
and we can not find him.
Perhaps you had rather to help
should ask.
I have a treaty
with the Cambodian National Police.
That allows me to do what I do.
And your generals oversee
on these operations.
In your country cops fired
if they bribed for 5,000 real.
What do you buy for 5,000 real?
Information about a police raid was
surely worth? What is it worth?
Thanh Le was beaten.
He is in the hospital.
You cordineren it here. Captain join.
I have my mobile. Stay in touch.
What happened?
The criminals in the brothel.
My family.
Nobody knows who I am or where they are.
That message is a warning.
I have the police reports
read on your service.
I know about your successful raids and
then suddenly the series of failed raids.
I ask nothing you do not want to answer.
You Americans fight in a war
that can not be won.
for this month.
To survive it is best
if you keep quiet.
Whether you survive depends on me.
Remember that, Captain.
And you think, if you have one criminal
arrested you can change the problem?
The karma of my family is very good.
Wherever you come from, you can not be here
visit and sexual abuse of children...
and get away with it.
Can East meets West
and agree on that?
Duke, I'm safe?
I arrived this morning at your premises
and swarming with police. Am I safe?
There is no problem, my friend.
I suggest my customers never disappoints.
It's good.
I had the girl or leave.
I liked her.
I liked her very much.
I'm not paying for it.
That's for my disappointment
and frustration.
We will call her a free appetizer.
New agreement.
If two girls so hard,
I pay you $ 30,000 for the right.
For one-month use.
Of a sweet, sweet flour.
Delivered before midnight tonight
in my hotel room.
They should be nice and young
and they must be fresh.
Your fresh cut flower ready
to be delivered.
You will not stop until you reach
the meeting in Phnom Phen are.
Thank you.
If you hear anything, let it be
the authorities know, please.
Wherever you are in the world,
you always meet the same people.
We have said nothing.
He is now very good.
Not as good as the Pucho would be.
How much you get for the repair?
You did so much for him.
You must let me pay.
- Now I buy the Pucho.
- Look, Grandpa.
The Royal Palace of Princess Veraly.
Can we go there?
One day we can go.
Grandpa has much work to do.
I have an idea.
To show my appreciation to...
if you do not mind, may I her
bring? I know it quite well there.
- I would like to take her.
- Grandpa, can I join? Please?
We are looking for a Vietnamese man
who calls himself Duke.
Do you or your family members seen this man
in the last 24 hours?
A while ago...
About 20 minutes ago,
I saw him and some of his men...
girls from the neighborhood
in a blue truck stop.
- Have you heard where they were going?
- Pnom Penh.
- That I understand.
- We are on his trail.
Truck to Pnom Penh rides.
Many girls back.
Then we meet
in the slum neighborhood.
Calm down.
I'm coming.
Princess Veraly palace
must be there somewhere.
- I'm sure.
- We find it.
- That's it. Can we go there?
- Is that it? Above?
Well we are going to go.
Listen, these are the rules.
Walk very slowly.
You shoot for me and I'm right behind you.
The shawl was very nice in my dream.
It is still beautiful.
It depends on how you look at it.
Do you think that there
is a red bird lives?
I think many birds and other animals
here their nest.
- Do you see one?
- Why? What is it?
We have to be very quiet.
We would not chase the red bird.
Alex, please take on.
Do not hang up.
I stay on the line.
- We went to the chapel.
- In the chapel are you?
- The one you see in photos.
- You think he's alone?
Can you take a picture? Just one.
Thank you.
One more, please.
I do not want you at risk.
Is there another way than the one
where he was?
No, we're trapped.
We'll save you.
Is anyone hurt?
Is she badly hurt?
She's not breathing.
I know you are here.
Come on, sweetheart.
We have hidden long enough.
- I'm tired of your kind seen.
- Stop.
Shoot me.
The noise will attract tourists.
Do it.
Shoot me.
Shoot me.
Chickens squawk.
I know how that screams
should be on hold.
You let chickens stop that screaming...
with his head cut off.
I leave my phone turned
so you can hear my conversation.
I'm at the Angkor Wat temple.
Duke has Claire and a little girl.
He is armed. I can not wait.
I'm going inside. He Claire.
Do not do anything stupid.
You can safely escape
if you do what I say.
You're not a doctor.
You know what I'm doing here.
Do not come closer.
I'll kill that woman and then you.
You want the girl anyway?
She is mine.
You know I can not let that happen.
You have no weapon.
You can not stop me.
That's right, I have no weapons.
But the men who work for me
now have their guns aimed at you.
I'll prove it to you.
Stan, are you there?
I'm ready to shoot.
Give the signal and they will shoot.
Let's see if you want to get out
of here alive. This is the plan.
Let them go and take me.
I'm your hostage.
Let them go.
Take me.
I look for weapons.
It's good.
I'm in the right place at the right time.
Go here.
White asshole, if you run too fast
I'll kill you.
Stand up slowly.
I got you.
I'm here now.
She will miss her sister.
We miss people we love.
But they are always with us.
I love you.
I love you too.
UNICEF estimates that there are 1.2 MILLION