Trading Christmas (2010) Movie Script

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas.
- Oh, you too.
- Hi!
- Merry Christmas!
- Good morning!
- Good morning!
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Hi, Stell!
- Hey!
- Hello.
Wow, that's quite a haul
you've got there.
Well, that time of year.
White flour, cinnamon, molasses,
brown sugar, gumdrops...
You know, Emily, you can
buy a kit to make these things.
You don't have to make one
from scratch every year.
A pre-fab gingerbread house?
Stell, please!
My daughter would disown me.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Hi, Mrs. Spengler!
- Hi, guys!
You need a bigger hill!
Got my Christmas present
from aunt Miriam today,
- A crate of pineapples.
- I got grapefruit.
Well, at least
she switched it up this year.
Why does that woman do that?
She lives in Wisconsin.
Maybe she thinks
the cheese will melt.
Who knows?
So, you make any sort of decision
about the company yet?
I don't know, Charles.
It's a nice deal.
They upped their offer.
- I think you should take it.
- No offense,
but you're the last person
I'm coming to, for business advice.
- That's probably wise.
- How's the book?
Final rewrite. I've missed
two deadlines. Publisher's not happy.
- Writer's block?
- Big time.
- What's the problem?
- I don't know. It's finished.
It's just not right.
And I've got to fix it over the break.
As soon as I finish grading finals.
If I only knew what was wrong with it.
- Maybe you should go away.
- Where?
I don't know.
Somewhere quiet, no distractions.
Yeah, that might be a good idea.
Yeah, get a little work done,
not have to deal with Christmas.
You shouldn't tell anybody where you're
going, especially your publisher.
You should go on one of those
house swap sites.
No, no, I'll just get a hotel.
No, you can't write in a hotel.
You pace too much. You need room.
- You're probably right.
- I usually am.
Wait, what are you
going to do for Christmas?
Same thing I'd do if you were here.
Chinese food and the Celtics.
- And pineapples.
- I hate pineapple. Wanna trade?
No, I hate pineapple.
I feel kind of bad leaving you.
Hey, you've got work to do.
So do I.
Not a very sentimental family, are we?
I've noticed that.
Yeah, Santa gets there
after dessert,
and then he distributes
the keychains, that's right.
Oh, he will be sober this year.
No, I promise.
What dancing elves?
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no. I've got
the invoice right here.
It doesn't say anything
about dancing elves.
Yeah, well, it's all listed.
I can resend it...
No. I am so sorry.
No, it's not you, it's my...
My ex-husband.
Okay, out of which orifice do you
suggest I start pulling dancing elves?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Can you give this to Todd for me?
- Whatcha doing?
- Looking for a quiet place to study.
- What are you doing?
- Just the opposite, actually.
So, have you told your mom yet?
Not yet.
- Are you sure you want to do this?
- Yes.
Because you make it seem like
she's gonna go all operatic on you.
- Christmas and everything.
- Look, it's not her fault.
The first couple Christmases without dad
were tough, I understand that,
But, Jason, I've never,
not once, been away.
- It's home or school.
- Yeah.
I've never even had a spring break
because she's alone, but this year,
I'm doin' it.
Sometimes, I swear she still thinks
I'm in the second grade.
She calls me, like, five times a day.
I've seen you call her,
like, 10 times a day, so...
- That's different.
- It's the same.
Perfect timing.
I'll call her later.
Well, study up.
I'll catch you later.
- All right.
- Okay, bye.
Are you avoiding me?
No, just busy.
Did you get my email?
And thank you,
But I'm not interested in
an "Over 40s singles" event.
Oh, it sounds like fun.
Come on, just take a chance.
I just don't feel...
"single," okay?
Look, I know
it's tough, mom, but...
How long's it gonna take?
I wish I knew, honey.
So, did you book your flight?
Mom, I'm totally stressed out here,
and making a cross-country flight
for a couple of days...
It just doesn't make any sense.
This is not just any couple of days,
it's Christmas!
I know it's Christmas, but...
I know what this is about.
This is because I didn't get you
that pony you wanted, isn't it?
You've got a million friends out there.
Somebody will invite you to dinner.
You know I bought everything
for the gingerbread house.
I'm 21, mom.
I got a new copy
of It's a Wonderful Life.
Look, I'm there every break.
Just this one time,
let me do something on my own?
Let me have a life.
What exactly will you be having
for Christmas dinner?
A microwave burrito?
I'm just going to stay here and relax.
I'll be fine.
You do what you feel
you have to do.
It's just this one year, mom.
I get it.
I'll talk to you later.
Good night.
Well, I told her.
- I told her.
- Yeah?
How'd she take it?
With a large dose of guilt.
Did you tell her
you were going with me?
Uh, not exactly.
You gotta stand up
for yourself, Heather.
I know.
Hey, do me a favor?
- Yes...
- Leave this thing at home.
All right.
- Hello?
- I didn't wake you, did I?
Hey! No, I'm still at the office.
You wouldn't happen to know
any dancing elves, would you?
- Afraid not.
- Hey, what's the matter?
Heather's not coming home
for Christmas.
Oh, you scared me.
I thought it was something serious.
- It is serious.
- Emily, she is 21 years old.
I'm aware of that.
You sure? 'Cause sometimes,
I'm not so sure.
You weren't planning on making
a gingerbread house with her, were you?
I was... just surprised.
Oh, honey, she's just got her own life.
Okay, that's exactly what she said.
You're not coaching her, are you?
You and I have had
this conversation before.
You know, you're the one friend
that I thought would understand.
Can't you just...
at least fake a little sympathy?
I'm sorry.
I'm just... I am a little stressed out,
you know, with the holidays.
I'll talk to you later.
- Hey, are you okay?
- Yeah.
I'm fine.
- Good night.
- Good night.
"Dear Emily,
Saw your ad. House looks great.
The dates work out perfectly for me."
"Dear Charles,
Thanks for responding so promptly.
"I think you'll find the house itself
very comfortable.
"There is a small studio
in the backyard
"that might be very good
for a writing place.
"My condo is centrally located,
"and since the students
will be on break,
"this end of town
should be quite peaceful.
"otherwise it can get
a little rowdy on the weekends."
"Your references
have been glowing...
"Hope you have been able
to contact some of mine.
"I've been a second grade teacher
for almost 20 years,
"so I'm really not in the habit
of throwing wild parties."
"I have overnighted a key to you.
Please confirm that you received it.
"I will email directions
on the burglar alarm.
"Just punch in the code,
and you should be fine."
"No burglar alarm
to worry about here.
"Key is under the mat
on the back porch,
"but to be honest, nobody in
South Woodbourne locks the door."
"You don't lock the doors?
"Wow, I thought
that only happened in movies.
"Old movies.
"Well, I'm glad this worked out.
"I hope your daughter
enjoys her surprise."
"I'm sure she will.
"The neighbors will be looking in
on you should you need anything.
"Best of luck with your book."
Hi. This is Faith, Kerrigan.
I need to book
a round-trip ticket to Seattle,
Coming home
the day after Christmas.
Oh, and I need a rental car.
No, no, I don't need a hotel.
I'm going to go surprise
an old friend.
Mom's calling.
We got a plane to catch.
Hey, Ray.
It's me, the unsentimental brother.
Your cell phone's off again.
Look, I hope you get this.
I took your advice.
I'm at the airport now,
getting away from everything,
especially Christmas.
I'll call you in a few days.
I'm in Whoville.
I should've done
more research.
Well... we'll have to do something
about this.
Why did we even bother to fly?
We could've just taken a stagecoach.
The pool's out back.
Come check it out!
- Mom?
- Surprise. I'm here.
- What?
- I'm here.
- Here where?
- Boston!
Well, I'm not there!
Where are you?
I'm kind of in Phoenix.
Why are you in Phoenix?
- Can I help you?
- I'm Sarah. This is Joey.
He doesn't talk to strangers.
That's a very good habit.
Maybe you should try it.
Nice to meet you.
Mrs. Spengler told us
to keep an eye on you
in case you need anything.
Well, that's very nice,
but I'm fine, thank you,
and I'm busy.
Very busy, so...
Good talk.
- Wanna build a snowman?
- Not today, thanks.
Does that mean you might
want to tomorrow?
Probably not.
Probably never.
Thank you.
- I don't want to...
- Hello!
Emily asked me to look in
and see if you needed anything.
I brought some cookies.
Come on.
- Oh, cookies. How nice.
- Merry Christmas.
Right, thank you. Merry...
You do know
I flew across the country.
You should have told me.
Then it wouldn't have been a surprise.
I hate surprises.
Well, if you'd been
honest with me...
Okay, mom, I'm sorry. I just...
I didn't want a ton of guilt.
Heather, it's Christmas!
And I wanted to do something different.
Just this one year,
something on my own.
- Can't you just go home?
- What home?
I did a house-swap thing with
a professor named Charles Johnson.
Charles Johnson. I know him.
We just read his book
in American Lit class.
Yeah, well, I think
his interior decorator
worked in a mental hospital,
or something, but... I'll cope.
Where are you in Phoenix anyway?
Jason's grandparents
lent us their house.
It's very... nice.
Jason. That's the young
man you've been seeing, right?
Don't start.
I'm not starting anything.
I'll call you tomorrow.
- Bye.
- I'll talk to you later, mom. Bye.
- Hello?
- Hello, sir. Is this Ray Johnson?
An alarm has been triggered
at 123 West Cordova.
An officer is on the way.
Um... okay, uh.
I'll be there in five minutes.
Uh... Ms. Kerrigan,
I'm afraid there's a problem.
Your driver's license
expired in November.
What? You're kidding?
Sorry. I'm afraid we can't
rent you a car without a valid license.
Oh, come on, can't you just, you know,
overlook this little technicality?
- I mean, I know how to drive.
- I'm sure you do.
Okay, then, so can you just
let this one slide through?
I'm sorry. No one will rent you a car
without a valid license.
Okay. Okay, look,
this is the problem.
I have to get to a town
that's 150 miles from here.
There's nothing that I can do.
I'm sorry.
Can I help you over here, please?
I understand,
I'm asking you to make an exception.
Look, I will send you
a photocopy of my driver's license
once I renew it. Please...
We're looking for a place
called Big Elk Lake.
Do you have any maps?
Hey, guys.
I can tell you how to get there.
- Great.
- As a matter of fact,
I was just on my way to a town
that's about 20 miles from there.
Tell you what,
how would you like a free tank of gas?
- Are you Mr. Johnson?
- Yes. Yes, I am.
My brother's out of town,
so they called me.
Up on the sixth floor.
An intruder was reported
at these premises.
- Identify yourself.
- No, no, no, I'm not an intruder.
I'm a tenant.
I'll prove it.
We're "Santa and Friends
Musical North Pole extravaganza."
- The other guy got a commercial.
- Oh, great.
- We do 12 malls in three days.
- Hey, do you dance?
Three years tap, two ballet.
I went to Juilliard.
Okay, you know what?
You need to call me,
because I may have
work for you next year.
- Cool, thanks.
- We're all set.
Okay, see?
Here are the emails.
And these are the keys
that he sent me.
Well, I just...
spoke with my brother,
and he confirms everything.
Well, good night, then.
And... I'm sorry to have startled you,
Mrs. Spengler.
No problem. Just doing your job.
Good night.
- I am very, very sorry.
- Your own brother didn't tell you?
No, I told him not to tell anybody.
I didn't think that included me.
Well, no harm done.
Well, that's very understanding of you.
Most people wouldn't be...
Did you...
- Did you decorate?
- Oh, yeah.
A couple of things.
I can leave them here
for your brother if he wants.
Oh, no.
I don't think that's a good idea.
Charles isn't especially into
Christmas stuff.
I didn't know that.
Again, I want to apologize.
Oh, please...
It was an adventure.
I have a story to tell
the folks back home.
It's good to see it that way, I guess.
Can I ask you a question
before you go?
Do you know
how to turn on the television?
Are you sure she won't mind us
using her bathroom?
Are you kidding? Knowing Emily
she'll send you home with cookies.
That's funny,
she never locks the door.
You know what, don't worry about it.
There's a key around back.
I will be right back.
What is it with this place?
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
- Where is Emily?
- Emily...
Daughter... Boston...
Emily's in daughter who there Boston...
- Hey, leave her alone!
- I can break this door down!
I'm fine, I'm fine!
Now I got a violent elf.
That's good...
What are you doing here?
What am I... What are...
I'm supposed to be here!
I'm supposed to be here.
Emily's in mine, and I'm in hers.
That didn't come out right.
A house swap...
We're doing a house swap!
Who are you? Wait, don't let those...
- Hey, you okay, Faith?
- He giving you trouble?
Back off, elf!
- Back off...
- Everybody settle down!
I can explain everything.
If you guys are going to rob the place,
Could you start with the decorations?
It's around the corner
to your right.
Come on, chop, chop.
Where are Santa and the elf going?
Who are you? What is going on here?!
They need to use the bathroom,
and then I am going to make them
a cup of coffee for the road,
and you don't have to worry,
because I know where everything is.
I'm sorry.
I am Faith Kerrigan.
Charles... Johnson.
- Nutcracker...
- Okay, Charles.
So, what do you like to go by?
Chuck? Charlie?
One of those.
Okay, I won't be a minute.
Do you want a cup of coffee?
No... What? No!
So you came across the country,
and she's in Phoenix?
Yeah. I wanted to surprise her.
Didn't quite work out, though.
Okay, I wrote it all down.
This is the TV.
You press these two buttons.
This is the DVD,
and this is the stereo.
Maybe I'll just read.
And this is the fireplace.
We do things the old-fashioned way
back home.
We use matches.
I won't be needing this.
Oh, okay.
Do you need anything else?
No, that's it. Thanks.
Okay, well, I left my card,
in case you have any questions,
or need anything.
What's that?
That's my company.
Software protection and security.
Sounds mysterious.
Actually, it's... very technical,
and a little dull.
Well, at least it sounds exciting.
That's something.
Do you... know anyone here?
Oh. No.
Well, uh,
tell you what...
Would you...?
Why don't...?
Why don't you let me take you out
for dinner tomorrow night?
- Dinner?
- Yeah.
Yeah, and I could write
down some places for you to go,
local tourist stuff?
- Unless you have plans...
- No, no.
No plans.
Dinner then.
Dinner then.
- 7:00?
- 7:00.
See you then.
Let me get this straight,
You just hopped on a plane,
and drove out here to the middle
of nowhere, to surprise your friend?
- Yes...
- Well, surprise.
She's not here.
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Oh, she made you cookies.
Yeah, everyone in this
burg made me cookies.
Do you mind? I am starving.
No, go right ahead,
please help yourself.
She makes the best cookies.
Well, good for her. So...
- What are we going to do about this?
- I think you should try a cookie.
No, I... No, thank you.
I'm fine.
So, what...
what are your plans? Are you...
- Tea's in the tin.
- In...
Above the stove.
- Well, I could take you to a hotel.
- There is no hotel in South Woodbourne.
- What about North Woodbourne?
- There is no North Woodbourne.
Then why do they call this
South Woodbourne?
Listen, just let me crash
in Heather's room tonight.
I will take a bus
back to Seattle tomorrow.
Cups are on the right.
No, my right, my right.
In the cupboard.
So you're saying... stay here?
Yeah, just till tomorrow.
Yeah, here's the thing.
I'm a writer.
And I'm here to write, okay?
So I'm on a very strict deadline,
and I need to work.
What do you write?
Well, it's... It's not...
I'm rewriting my novel
if you must know, Miss Nosey-Parker.
So what I'm trying...
- Oh, yeah? Anything I've heard of?
- tell you is I... Probably not.
I'm trying to tell you
I cannot have any distractions.
What distractions? I'm going to bed,
and I'm going to get up in the morning,
come downstairs,
have a cup of coffee...
Your water's boiling, by the way...
And get on a bus.
I just don't think
it's a very good idea.
- So...
- Are you afraid of me?
No, I'm not...
Because you know
you can lock your door.
- That's not what I'm worried about.
- Then what are you worried about?
I'm not... Who said
I was worried about anything?
- You just did just now.
- No, I... Fine.
Look, I am not gonna murder you
in the middle of the night
- and steal your cookies, okay?
- I didn't think that you were.
- Then what is the problem?
- There is no problem!
Good. Then I'm staying.
Seriously, these cookies
are so delicious.
- One night?
- One night.
- Then the first bus.
- First bus.
Close the drapes
and turn out the lights.
- Nighty-Night.
- Nighty...
He doesn't deserve these cookies.
You're kidding me?
Oh... I don't believe this.
I wanted to surprise you.
Okay, New Year's resolution
right now...
No more surprises.
They're just not working out
for us this year.
Yeah, tell me about it.
This Charles guy is a total jerk.
Yeah, well,
his brother seems very nice.
You met him?
In fact,
he's taking me to dinner tonight.
What, like, a date?
Like a real date?
I don't know about that.
I think he just feels guilty,
for almost having me arrested.
Long story.
Listen, I have to go.
Hemingway approaches.
- I'll give you a ride.
- No, really, it's fine.
- and I know the way.
- I can spare five minutes.
Do you need a hand? I can help.
No, I'm fine.
I think I figured it out.
What bothers me about the house,
besides, like, the skulls on the wall.
Yeah, what's that?
Well, there's no Christmas tree.
We have to have a Christmas tree!
Why is that?
Well, because it's Christmas,
that's why.
Yeah, but we're in the desert.
I mean, I guess we could
decorate a cactus or something.
All right, I'll get you a little one.
Okay, so I'll...
I'll just leave it
right by the door here.
- Okay, great. Thanks.
- Right.
- Okay. Good. Have a nice trip.
- You too.
Oh, you've got to be kidding me!
What's up?
There's only
one bus a week to Seattle.
Is that right?
And is that today?
No, not until Thursday.
That... That's...
Well, that's tough.
Tough break, tough break.
What are you going to do?
Let's go back to Emily's
and discuss it.
What? Discu...
Charles, can you open this, please?
Are you sure?
Okay, uh-huh.
All right, thank you.
All four inns within 50 miles
are booked for the holidays.
I don't believe this.
Hey, I know!
Lookit, you drive me to Seattle,
and I will pay you for the gas.
300-mile round trip,
let me think about that.
- No thanks, I have to work!
- What do you suggest I do?
- Hitchhike?
- Oh, come on,
- this is just until Christmas.
- Which is an eternity...
- That's it, I'm buying a gun.
- No, you know what,
I am gonna take care of this.
Those kids are trouble.
- Those kids are...
- Hey, guys!
I'm Sarah. This is Joey.
He doesn't talk to strangers.
Nice to meet you, Sarah and Joey.
- I'm Faith.
- Wanna build a snowman?
You know what,
that sounds like a ton of fun.
I would love to.
Is the grouchy man inside?
Does he want to help?
One second,
I'll be right back, okay?
Okay, so they're not
going to bother you again today
because I promised to help
with a snowman.
And Sarah mentioned
you were kind of grouchy yesterday.
I wasn't grouchy.
I think you probably were.
I think I probably wasn't.
I think you were. Anyway, look,
I'm going to run interference
with the neighbors.
No one will interrupt you,
including myself.
You will not even know that I'm here.
So, go. Write.
- You go.
- No, you go.
- No, you go.
- I am gonna go.
So am I.
- Fine.
- Fine.
It's a Wonderful Life
is playing tomorrow night!
What's that?
You've never seen
It's a Wonderful Life?
With Jimmy Stewart
and the angel, and...
- No.
- It's a great movie.
Mom and I watch it every year.
Yeah, but mom is not here.
Old habits.
- I'm glad we did this.
- Yeah, me too.
Hey, Jase! Hey, Heather!
I thought you guys
were in Las Vegas. Hey.
- Yeah, we got asked to leave.
- You got asked to leave Las Vegas?
Long story.
So Phoenix is, like, two hours away.
We thought we'd surprise you guys.
How did you find us?
It's your grandparents' place, dude.
The same last name.
We looked it up in the phone book.
Come here. Come here.
Dude, I don't know
if this is such a good idea.
I sort of promised Heather
that we would hang out
- together over...
- Dude, dude...
Look what I brought.
Come on.
It's only for a couple days, right?
- You spent how much?
- It was a Christmas present to myself.
Yeah, but you're not even sure
if this is an actual date.
I know.
But I just looked at
the women around here,
and I felt... frumpy.
Oh, yeah, and how do you look now?
I look kind of...
Good different or bad different?
Good different.
Oh, he's here.
Gotta go.
Okay, have fun.
- Hi...
- Hi.
You look great.
- Thank you.
- You ready?
- Sure.
- Okay.
I thought you said
you weren't going to interrupt...
You know, this is the first time
in my entire life
I'm not spending Christmas
in South Woodbourne.
- Every Christmas?
- Yeah, every one.
I was raised there,
went to college nearby, married Frank.
I teach in the same classroom
where I was a student in second grade.
Well, what's it like
being someplace else?
A little... weird.
My last Christmas, I was in...
The Piazza del Duomo
with the fountain,
and the San Ranieri lighthouse...
Did you see that?
Afraid not. When were you there?
Oh, I've never been there.
I mean...
I like to read about places.
See, Frank and I...
down the road, when we retired...
talked about, you know,
visiting all the places that
I had only seen pictures of,
and we had it all planned, too.
And then...
You know, Frank...
One phone call...
Your entire life...
All those plans...
Things change.
Last few Christmases
must have been tough.
They were.
How did you spend
Christmas growing up?
Well, actually,
Christmas wasn't a big deal for us.
We moved around a lot...
A lot and...
sometimes, we didn't even have
a Christmas tree.
- What? You're kidding.
- No.
That's terrible.
We got over it.
Wow, I don't know,
I have trouble even picturing Christmas
without the whole thing.
I mean, stockings,
the tree,
cookies laid out for Santa...
Although Frank used to say,
"Santa would prefer a beer."
But I mean, no tree?
I mean, for little kids,
that's pretty...
It's none of my business.
I'm just a traditionalist, I guess.
That's not a problem.
It's Heather.
I'll call her back.
She's not answering.
I don't know, maybe she's busy.
Come on, Jase, busy doing what?
Here's to Charles. Cheers.
Hey. There's another plate of cookies,
and fruitcake on the table for you.
This town.
I didn't hear anybody come by.
I intercepted them on the lawn.
Well, thank you for that.
And thank you for the snack,
but you didn't have to do that.
- I gotta earn my keep.
- Just be the doorman,
that's all I ask.
Hey, listen, do you happen
to know of a restaurant in town
where I wouldn't be besieged by happy
people wishing me "Merry Christmas?"
- Do you have a problem with that?
- Yeah, kind of.
Total strangers
waving at me on the street.
"Merry Christmas!" It's not normal.
Look, you don't have to go for dinner.
I made a chicken.
A chicken?
Oh, now, look, I wouldn't want to
I wouldn't want to burden you...
A whole chicken.
It's probably a little bit dry.
I am a terrible cook.
But I also made salad.
That way, you can,
you know, work and eat if you want.
Well, I...
Is that your aftershave?
It's not bad.
Whenever I have a serious
decision to make,
I make a list
of the pros and the cons.
Selling your business sounds like
a pretty full "pro" column to me.
No cons.
I wish it were that simple.
What's complicating it?
You'll consult.
The rest of the time is yours.
Well, that's what I'm scared of.
What will I do with that time?
What would you want to do?
You know what?
I never really thought about it.
You should try.
Go back to some of those places
you've already been to,
and see something besides
the corporate center,
or the gym.
That's easy for you to say.
Emily, you have summers off.
You read these books about places.
You should hop on a plane
and see them.
- I don't know...
- What's stopping you?
- There's Heather.
- She's 21.
And, well...
Okay, maybe I'm scared.
Scared of what?
I'm not sure.
You know what I think?
I think you should
go have some fun.
Take a chance,
go on an adventure.
This from a man
who was in India four times
before he left his hotel
and saw the Taj Mahal.
Ah, you know what?
I'm going to go back,
I'm going to play the tourist.
You know, there's no rush.
There's plenty of time for it.
That's what Frank used to say.
Ah, look.
Isn't that pretty?
Yes, you are.
Would you mind a little suggestion?
About what?
Well, I hope you don't mind,
but I read your first few chapters.
They were just laying out.
You... they... they were just...
"They were just laying out"?
If I left my wallet out,
would you rifle through that, too?
Well, I didn't think it was top secret.
It's a work-in-progress.
Which is why I have some thoughts
that may help. Okay?
What are you...
Ha, ha, ha! Ho!
I didn't want to ruin your pages.
- I really like the story.
- Oh, thank you.
I do, I'm totally caught up.
It's just...
Just what?
- Samantha. The girlfriend.
- What about Samantha the girlfriend?
She is a total witch. Please feel free
to respell that if you want.
She's the antagonist!
Yeah, but she's evil.
I keep expecting her to kick a puppy
or foreclose on an orphanage.
- Unbelievable...
- You know, and...
if Edward is in love
with a woman like that,
It just makes him
look like an idiot.
- Well, maybe that's what I want!
- A witch and an idiot?
Okay, you know what?
Who are you?
Do you have a job?
How do you make a living?
Yes, I do.
I'm in corporate event planning.
It's very fulfilling.
I want to be challenged.
- I am looking for a change...
- Yeah, don't care. Know why?
You're not a writer...
I'm a writer!
Yes, but I am a reader,
and if I bought this book
I would have thrown it out
after the third chapter
because, clearly, the author
does not understand women...
Well, who does?
Oh, excuse me?
Okay, you know what?
That is exactly the attitude
that all men have...
"All men!" Okay, "all men".
Great. Now I know
what I'm dealing with, okay.
- Excuse me?
- You heard me.
- Excuse me?!
- I'd love to see your notes
on some Shakespeare.
Yeah, Macbeth,
"Yeah, William,
the wife's a bit nasty, isn't she?
Could she please not suggest
any more murders?"
Oh, that is so ridiculous.
You know that is
not what I meant.
Samantha is exactly the way
I want her, okay?
And your prejudiced, gender-specific
female views aside, let me inform you
that she happens to be based on
someone that I know.
No. No, she's based
on someone you hate.
- Oh!
- Big difference!
Yeah, okay, you know what,
I am under a very serious, veryserious,
Gun-At-My-Head deadline here,
and the last thing I need
are some thoughts and notes
from some non-writing, man-loathing,
corporate event party planner!
- Thank you for dinner!
- You're welcome!
I have a question for you.
- Sure.
- Dinner tonight...
Did you ask me out
because you felt guilty
about almost having me arrested?
Honest man.
I thought if I was nice,
you wouldn't sue me or anything.
Well, you can relax.
I'm not going to sue you.
It was nice meeting you.
I had a lovely evening.
You're quite welcome.
Now that we got the lawsuit
out of the way...
You busy tomorrow?
Well, I'm glad it was a real date
after all the money you spent.
At first, I was scared to death,
but then...
I don't know, I just...
He was just easy to talk to.
He's pleasant, intelligent...
very good-looking.
- How's the brother?
- Opposite in every way.
Well, I mean, except for the looks.
You know, he's not bad to look at.
Plus, he smells good.
What, you were sniffing him?
So are you going to go out again?
Yup. Tomorrow.
I'm not sure
what we're doing yet, but...
Can you believe,
He didn't even have a Christmas tree
when he was younger.
- Emily, I...
- And you know, I know
it was just one dinner, but...
I just felt so...
comfortable with him.
- Good. Emily...
- I know, I know,
- I'm running on at the mouth.
- No, it's not that.
Can I give you a piece of advice?
Listen, I am really glad
that you're having a good time,
I just want you to protect yourself,
because you're not going to be there
very long.
You're coming home soon.
- And don't forget that.
- I won't.
- Good.
- Bye.
So, what do you know about her?
Her references were good.
No criminal record
if that's what you're wondering.
What's her place like?
Like a Hallmark store
without the cards.
- What do you care?
- I'm just curious.
No, something's going on.
You sound weird. What's going on?
Nothing is going on.
It's just...
We had dinner, and she's nice.
Everyone in this town is nice.
There must be something in the water.
She's different, I guess...
Most of the women I meet, they're
MBAs with a dagger between their teeth.
- That sounds like her friend.
- How's that going?
On the plus side,
she's good at running interference.
- And on the down side?
- Everything else.
- Is she attractive? Is she...
- She's obnoxious.
- Pushiest woman I ever met...
- Is she... Is she?
- Has an opinion on almost everything.
- Is she attractive?
In an obnoxious, pushy,
opinionated sort of way...
- She's... okay, I guess.
- Yeah.
Now you're the one
who's sounding weird.
I don't sound weird.
You sound weird.
- Gotta go.
- What? Ray!
I hope you're wearing
comfortable shoes.
So, what do you
want to see first?
- Everything.
- All right.
"Raise Our Voices Up"
by Adrienne Pierce
If I was a snowflake falling
I would follow you
the world so loud a big gray cloud
but we would drift right through
I would settle on your shoulder
to see how it felt
Listen to you singing softly
till I'd finally melt
Come on and string the lights up
Come on outside
Let's go and sing our promise
Raise our voices up
See, now, Boston is one of the finest
dining cities in the country.
I felt like a hot dog.
Well, we could go someplace warm,
and eat it if you want.
No, no, I'm fine.
I love it out here.
I hope this touristy thing
isn't boring you.
No, no, actually,
I haven't been to most of these places.
How long have you lived here?
20 years.
And you haven't been
the least bit curious?
Well, you know, look, it's what happens
when you live someplace.
It is a known fact
that most people who live in New York
have never been to the top
of the Empire State Building.
Well, that is, until relatives
come to visit them from out of town.
- What are you looking for?
- A tissue?
Why didn't you say something?
Let's see what I have
in my handy-dandy bag here...
So, uh,
If I were a tourist
in South Woodbourne,
where would you take me?
- North Woodbourne?
- Oh, there is no North Woodbourne.
Then why do they call it
South Woodbourne?
I don't know,
it never really came up.
We'd go hiking in the mountains,
canoeing definitely,
berry-picking in the summer,
apple-picking in the fall.
Oh, and Christmas...
It's huge there.
The concerts,
the parties, it's...
You miss it, huh?
A bit.
Oh, here you go.
So, it's...
That's quite an inventory
you have there.
Well, what can I say,
I'm a second grade teacher.
You'd be amazed
at what I have in this bag.
Oh, wait.
Check this one out.
- Boys' favorite.
- Yeah, that's fantastic.
I didn't want to bother you.
Here's the review.
Yay. I'm so glad
we get to watch this together.
Okay, maybe I don't want to know,
but how did you
get rid of your friends?
I gave them
two-for-one coupons to a bar
with a Christmas wet T-shirt contest.
Sounds festive.
I really hope you like this,
'cause mom and I watch it
every year, without fail.
And we turn off all the lights
except for the Christmas tree,
- and have popcorn and cocoa...
- Hey, Heather?
Do you want to go home?
'Cause, like, for the last few weeks,
you've been talking about how
you wanted to get away
from your mom for Christmas,
but ever since we got here...
It'd be one thing if she stayed home,
but she's all alone in a strange city.
I just...
I understand
if you want to go back.
- I don't want to go back.
- Okay.
- Yay!
- Yay.
Wait, it's
black and white?
You'll get over it.
That beginning
is so much better.
Thank you.
And I'm not just being nice.
I really mean it.
Trust me, that never
entered my thinking.
When we meet Samantha now,
she's smart and interesting,
and so much more complex.
Thank you.
- I would've thought a woman wrote it.
- What?
Oh, that's a compliment.
Well, excuse me for missing it.
- Is white okay? Because I have a red...
- What does that mean,
"I would've thought a woman wrote it"?
Oh, come on, Charles,
most men do not know
how to write strong female characters.
- Is that right?
- Yeah, it is right.
You guys don't know
how to deal with this stuff.
You either see women as sex objects
or mother figures.
- Whatever you say, mom.
- See, that's what I'm talking about.
- Total immaturity
- I love the way you generalize.
You just group us all together, right?
If you don't believe me,
I speak from experience.
Yes, I know, and that's why
you hate men...
I don't hate men! I love men.
I just don't like them all the time.
Yeah, good talk. I gotta work.
Did my notes help?
Because you did a complete 180,
and the book is better.
Is that a coincidence?
I don't think so.
I think my notes helped,
didn't they?
Are those the new pages?
I'll get back to you
when I'm finished.
What just...
- Hi.
- Hey, good morning.
So, what's on the agenda today?
Actually, I have a little
favor to ask you.
Yeah, yeah. All right.
Gotta go. Bye-Bye.
The business?
Yeah, yeah. They're a little anxious.
End of the fiscal year.
So, you find one you like?
I found mine 10 minutes ago.
I'm just wandering.
A little homesick, I guess.
Every year, my father and I,
we'd go out to the woods,
He'd cut down a fresh tree.
Your childhood was something
out of Norman Rockwell, wasn't it?
And then when Heather
was a little girl,
Frank decided he was going to
continue on with the tradition.
So, they got out to the woods,
and he starts to saw down the tree,
she begins to cry.
She thought he was hurting the tree.
From then on, we just picked one out,
had it delivered.
I don't see a lot of
writing going on.
- Well, I'm thinking.
- You blocked?
No, I'm not blocked.
I'm thinking.
- You look a little blocked.
- Okay, I don't look blocked
because I'm not blocked.
And how does one look blocked anyway?
- I just understand being blocked.
- Okay, I'm not blocked.
OK, you know what?
I'm going to tell you
- what I do when I'm blocked.
- I'm not blocked...
Sometimes, I will be doing, like,
five events for the same client,
So I want to do something
different, right?
And I get completely stumped.
The worst thing I can do
is walk around my office thinking,
So I go out.
I go to the gym, or I go shopping,
or you know, whatever.
Just to get my mind off it.
And then bang!
A great new idea happens.
Trust me, you should try it.
Just go, do something
to get your mind off it.
That's it.
I'm going to buy that gun.
- It's those kids
- I know. I'm on it.
Merry Christmas!
She forgot to cancel
the Christmas tree delivery.
You know what? I think
we should put it in the corner.
- No.
- I beg your pardon?
I'm not having
a Christmas tree in this house.
- Oh, no, do you have allergies?
- I don't have allergies.
- Is this a religious thing?
- It's not a religious thing, okay?
What on earth do you have
against Christmas trees?
Okay, look, blondie,
I'm not debating it with you, okay?
I'm the landlord here.
I have a contract, all right?
You're the... interloper.
- I prefer "guest."
- Okay, you know what,
Let me just move your Christmas tree.
Excuse me, thank you.
It's prickly.
It's really spiky...
but economical.
Trust me,
this is much easier
with grown-up scissors.
One week before Christmas,
are bouncing off the walls.
You have to do something
to keep them active.
Show me a second grade teacher
who can't decorate a tree
for under $3.00,
and I'll show you an amateur.
What? What's so funny?
In a good way.
In a good way.
So, how do you manage...
Just hook it on that branch,
and just wrap it around.
Funny how?
Well, look,
you got to understand that, well,
Christmas has always been
just another day.
I haven't decorated a tree since...
Since I was a little kid,
And that was at an aunt's house.
Most Christmases,
I'm in a hotel or something.
For a couple years, Charles and I
got together with his fiance,
- and we'd do a family sort of...
- Charles was engaged?
Yeah, for a couple years.
It didn't work out,
but it was fun for a while.
Turkey, presents, the whole nine yards.
But after they broke up,
it sort of went back
to the way it's always been.
Basketball and Chinese food?
Right. But this year...
I don't know, it's weird.
For the first time
in I don't know how long,
It feels like Christmas.
Okay. Start
your engines.
One, two, three!
Nice one!
Blocked, huh?
Let me have
one of them saucers.
Okay, he's there.
Give it your best shot.
What are you...
Oh, do you want a shot at the champ?
Go ahead, go ahead,
Go on, try it.
Ugh! That's right,
I come from a long line of...
mowing down children with snowball...
Come on, do your worst...
Okay. All right,
small humans, you'll see.
You'll get yours.
This arm is registered
With the American
snowball association.
Hey! Whoa!
That's it.
Yes, yes, yes! Yes!
What's wrong withhim?
He is a writer.
- So tell me something.
- Sure.
How have you managed it?
Managed what?
Well, successful
Very bright.
Pleasant company.
All those things,
and you don't mind
doing dishes.
How did you manage to avoid...
I know it's none of my business.
I'm just curious.
Oh, no, it's okay.
It's an old clich.
Married to the business.
I didn't think I was trying
to avoid it or anything.
There has been, well, say,
a woman I liked.
And then, bang,
I got to go to Asia
for a couple of months.
It's not exactly conducive
to sustaining a relationship.
Well, if you liked her,
why didn't you just take her with you?
Well, maybe...
I didn't like her as much as I thought.
- Heather?
- Hi, mom.
Hi, honey, listen,
I'm going to have to call you back.
I'm a little busy right now.
Love you. Bye.
Okay, something is really wrong.
Okay, look...
Listen, I got to slow down...
- You okay?
- Yeah, I am...
I just...
- I'm leaving in a couple of days.
- Wish you weren't.
I am.
Is that all that's bothering you?
Okay, look, this is going to sound
really crazy, but..
I feel a little guilty.
Makes no sense, right?
Frank's been gone for...
almost three years now.
But it's still very tough.
To get over something like that.
I mean, sure, we got
on each other's nerves...
That's marriage, you know, but...
but for the most part,
it was really great.
And we were very lucky,
And Christmas was just...
Well, it was special.
I'm sorry. I'm so...
I don't know.
Ray, meeting you...
I just wasn't expecting this.
I should be at home decorating
gingerbread houses right now...
- And here you are.
- Yeah.
I'm a little...
I'm a little confused.
Alittleconfused, what am I saying?
Hey... Emily,
I wish I could say that...
I know how you're feeling,
but I can't.
I've never felt like that
about anybody before.
Well, you should try.
because you're really missin' out
on somethin' special.
What I'm trying to say, Emily,
is that...
Well, I think I'm starting
to feel that way right now.
I should go.
- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be.
I'll see you tomorrow?
I hope so.
Okay, okay, calm down.
I can't calm down.
I feel...
I feel I...
I don't know how I feel.
Like a teenager or something.
- Did you get lucky?
- No. Stop that.
Okay... Oh, hold for a sec.
I have another call.
- Hello?
- Hey, Faith. It's Heather.
- Have you talked to mom?
- Hey, Heather. Hold for a sec.
Okay, it's Heather. She wants to know
if I've talked to you.
Okay, tell her no.
And tell her I'm fine.
Hey, Heather...
Oh, you know what? Hold for a sec.
- Okay, which is it? "No" or "I'm fine?"
- I'm fine!
Okay, you know, I really hate
being caught in the middle like this.
Okay, just tell her I'm fine.
- I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.
- Okay, bye.
Hi, Heather.
You know... You know what, honey?
I'm going to call you right back.
You. If you are stalking me,
I'm going to call the cops.
no post-its.
Well, isn't that better
than a Pulitzer.
I am dying to know how it ends.
He doesn't kill her painfully, does he?
No, that's the first draft.
Listen, can we just call a truce
for tonight?
Why don't you come and join me?
I was actually very happy living here.
You know, I thought it would be
a great place to raise a family.
Then, one day, my husband came home
and said that we were moving.
And he...
He just took me to this strange city.
And three months later,
he walked out.
- Men, huh?
- Yeah.
So, I want to know,
is Samantha based on your fiance?
How do you...
We said we weren't going to...
How do you know about that?
I know. Ray told Emily,
and then Emily told me.
You know, I think there's
something going on with those two.
- What have you heard?
- I've just heard things.
- What have you heard?
- Nothing specific.
But Ray... Ray's normally... He's a...
Very serious.
But now he's...
Now he sounds like...
He sounds like...
I don't know what he sounds like,
but he doesn't sound like Ray.
Okay, you know what?
That is the same with Emily.
- This is weird.
- I know, right?
You are avoiding the subject.
I want to know.
Was Samantha based on
your fiance?
Samantha is based on my fiance...
My ex- fiance.
And you used her
in "Long Weekend," too, right?
How do you know about "Long..."
I ordered a couple of your novels
the other night.
- Really?
- Really.
- Well... thank you.
- It's a beautiful book.
Was that when you guys first met?
Your honeymoon phase?
Yeah. I guess.
Honeymoon phase...
- I think they want us to leave.
- Okay.
Will you finish the book on time?
Maybe tomorrow.
- I can't wait to buy one.
- I can send you a copy.
- Autographed?
- Of course.
And I want something personal, too.
None of this "Best wishes" stuff.
You know,
I'd like to impress my friends.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
Look, I have to...
I have to tell you,
You have been extremely helpful.
And I don't just mean answering doors.
Well, it's a good story, Charles.
You just had to soften Samantha,
that's all.
That wasn't easy.
How long has it been since
you guys broke up?
It'll be two years tomorrow night.
Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve.
- Oh.
- Yeah, I...
I came home,
and I saw her decorating the tree.
And I thought, "Well, that's odd
because we've already
decorated the tree."
Then I realized she was
un-decorating the tree.
She was moving out and...
taking all the decorations with her.
She left me some tinsel.
Not the good kind either,
the cheap stringy stuff.
So is this why you hate Christmas?
I don't hate Christmas, Faith.
I just don't want to be reminded of...
things. That's all.
That is the problem with the holidays.
The good stuff is always,
so much better than it really is,
and the depressing stuff
is always so much worse.
Well, maybe it'll
get good one day soon.
We've got a flight this afternoon.
What do you mean?
Well, you are miserable
without your mom,
and I can't stand
seeing you miserable, so...
Jase, you don't have to.
I mean, it makes no sense
for both of us to go. You can stay.
I'm not staying here without you.
Okay? So just... don't give me
a hard time about this one.
I still can't figure you out.
Well, one minute,
you're this total fratboy clown,
and then the next,
you do something really sweet, and...
okay, I'll say it, mature.
Oh, "mature."
Well, uh...
Just don't expect it all the time.
- Let's get packing.
- Okay.
Hey, where were you?
I went to get stuff for dinner,
and I figured you being from Boston,
you might find this
kind of traditional.
- Finished?
- Finished.
It's like we're at a wedding.
Well, we are celebrating,
but not just Christmas.
I made a big decision today.
I am selling my company.
What made you decide that?
Well, I decided
I can't be scared about the future.
I've played it safe my whole life.
I'm going to take a chance,
and if I get bored,
I'll find something else to do.
And, in the meantime,
I'm going to have some fun.
Well, that sounds like
an excellent idea.
You want to see your present?
Wait, you didn't have to
get me anything.
Why do people always say that?
Of course, I had to get you something.
No, but, see,
I didn't get you anything.
I went to look a couple of times,
- but I...
- Do you want to see your present?
Not until Christmas.
After midnight.
You sure?
All right.
Doubly sure?
Very sure.
She paid the delivery, so...
Yeah, right.
Okay, well, the decorations
are under the stairs.
- Okay.
- Okay, good.
One hour until Christmas.
- Surprise!
- Honey!
How did you get in here?
The door was open.
You must be Heather.
- Ray, I am so sorry.
- No, Emily,
your daughter came across the country
to be with you.
I'd say you're a very lucky woman.
I know, I know, it's just...
It wasn't exactly what I had planned.
Well, maybe it's for the best.
What do you mean?
Your life is 3,000 miles
away from here,
and you're leaving in a couple of days.
Maybe it's better
if we don't make things
any more complicated than they are.
Yeah. Maybe...
Maybe you're right.
But... that doesn't mean
you couldn't spend tomorrow...
I'd... feel funny.
You should spend Christmas
with your daughter.
Your gift.
They're beautiful.
I left the receipt in there
in case you want to exchange them...
No, I don't want to exchange them.
I love them.
I just still feel kind of bad
that I didn't get you anything.
Hey, Emily,
You gave me the best Christmas I've had
in a very, very long time.
Thank you.
I know. I can't believe it's finished.
You just had to work on her character.
Everything else was good.
I've been banging my head
against the wall for months.
- You just needed a fresh set of eyes.
- Yup.
- Female eyes.
- To female eyes...
No, I... yup.
Look, Faith... I...
- What?
- I don't know.
I mean...
This is kind of...
- You leave tomorrow, and...
- And...
I don't know.
Well, look, okay, here we are...
I mean,
we're sharing this big house together,
and I just
don't want to make you feel...
- Charles?
- Yeah?
I think you should just
go ahead and kiss me.
I agree.
Why didn't you wake me?
Honey, you did
all that traveling yesterday.
I thought you'd want to sleep in.
I always help
with the Christmas pancakes.
No griddle.
I have cereal, though...
and fruit.
You love fruit.
...know, I know, I know, Jason,
but she's all alone.
I can't just...
I know. Okay. Okay.
Yeah. I'll call you later.
Better be. Bye
So, do you want to do something?
They decorate the trees in the ...
You might like that.
Yeah, we went there the other day.
Well, how about a movie?
On Christmas?
Yeah. Well, lots of people do.
You can go. Don't let me stop you.
No, it's okay.
What's Jason doing today?
Playing video games
and microwaving a burrito probably.
Would you like to invite him over?
I tried. He said he felt funny.
Didn't want to interrupt a family thing.
Ray said tha exact same thing.
So... I guess it's just us then.
What's he like?
He's... You know, kind of...
You like him, don't you?
Yeah, I do. I really, really...
I mean...
he's a little immature sometimes...
Yeah, they can all be that way
Honey, just run over there and see him.
- It's okay.
- No.
I came here to be with you.
It's Christmas.
Come here.
- Love you.
- I love you.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
Why didn't you wake me?
Oh, I... Well, I wanted...
I wanted to surprise you.
I'm... I'm maki...
I'm attempting
to make you breakfast.
Well, you better make it to go
'cause I have a bus to catch.
Did you forget?
I guess I did.
Okay, well, um...
Your bus.
Would you... Do you want to...
Are you sure can't stay,
have a few...
No, I think I'd better just go.
Okay. Right, yeah.
I'll get my keys.
I will get my bag.
I can't believe
you brought these.
Creature of habit.
I have pictures of the Christmas
we made these on my phone.
I scanned all the old Christmas pictures.
I gave you a disk, right?
Wait till you see these.
I was looking at them the other day.
- Yeah, I saw them back home.
- I love this picture.
And I remember when we took it,
you me and dad...
Honey... Honey, I...
I don't want to
look at them right now.
Oh, mom...
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to upset you.
No, no, no, no, no,
you didn't.
I love that you look at them.
It's important that...
It's important not to forget.
These last few days...
have made me realize
that as nice as it was,
it's just never
going to be the same again.
And when I look at
those pictures, honey...
I just feel alone.
Maybe this whole crazy Christmas thing
has been good for me, huh?
It's made me accept that things change,
and that I may have been
holding onto my past
a little too much.
It's time to take a chance.
Looks like you have
your choice of seats.
Yeah, I guess it's not
a very big travel day.
I guess not.
Thank you.
No problem.
Just don't forget
to send me a copy, okay?
Absolutely not.
Hey, excuse me?
Open up!
- Faith...
- Charles, what are you doing?
You don't really want
to spend Christmas on a bus, do you?
Of course not.
Then why are you getting on one?
Because I...
I thought you wanted me to.
No, I don't want you to.
Well, then,
why didn't you say something?
I was waiting for you to say something.
Well, I didn't really think that
it was my place to say something.
May I say somethin'?
I'd really like to
get home for Christmas.
You know what I want for Christmas,
more than anything else?
You're not angling
for that pony, are you?
- Because I can't get a pony...
- No.
What I want...
is for you to get dressed up.
I want you to put on
those earrings Ray gave you,
I want you to look fabulous,
and then...
I want you to go his place
for dinner.
Why not?
Well, because it's Christmas.
Yeah, and this one Christmas,
we're going to do something different.
Heather, I am not leaving you
alone for Christmas.
Then how about this... lie on the floor
by the light of the Christmas tree
and do you remember...
It just isn't Christmas
without a tree.
How right you are.
- And we brought Chinese food.
- "We?"
This is Jason.
Well, hey, come on in!
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
I'll get the tree.
- Got it?
- Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
making angels in the snow
sun goes down and the streetlights...
begin to glow
- Hey!
- Hi, guys!
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
You've made it.
- How are you feeling?
- I feel good.
The baby's been
kicking up a storm.
Let me look at it.
See, I told you we wouldn't be
in the house 30 seconds,
and she'd have her hand
on my stomach.
- Hey...
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas.
I was decorating the tree
if you can believe it.
I kind of can't believe it.
Doesn't really run in the family...
do you remember...
do you remember...
do you remember
how it used to be?