Tramontane (2016) Movie Script

Here's Rabih.
Send me an answer, an answer, an answer
and relieve me
Even if you wish to accuse me
accuse me
don't spare me.
Send me an answer
Send me an answer, an answer, an answer
and relieve me
I'll get it.
Uncle Hisham is the most beautiful to me
Glory to the One who created you
- Hello, Madam.
- Hello.
Sorry to bother you.
Can I speak with Hisham?
Hisham is not here.
Where is he? Can I see him?
I need him. It's urgent.
He had an appointment in Beirut.
I see.
- I'll tell him you asked for him.
- Yes, please tell him.
- What's your name?
- Omar.
- I'll tell him.
- I'd be most grateful.
- No problem.
- Thank you very much.
You're opening our wounds, Rabih.
That guy was here again asking for you.
That Omar. On a Sunday, no less.
I said you weren't here.
- Mom?
- Yes, sweetheart.
Red grapes.
- What? The concert's over?
- Let him eat and catch his breath.
- Good morning.
- Hi, Tarek.
- Hi Rabih.
- Hi Tarek.
- How are you?
- You're good?
We played foot hall yesterday.
- We won!
- Nice!
I scored three goals.
We really gave them a hard time.
Good morning.
I'd like to apply for a passport, please.
Do you want a new passport,
or renew an old one?
I want a new one.
I need two photos,
60,000 Liras for one year,
or 300,000 Liras for five years,
and your ID.
You can't see at all?
- I need it for one year, please.
- Sure.
- Thank you.
- How long will it take?
- About four days.
- No problem.
Rabih Malek.
That's your name, right?
OK, Rabih, wait for me here.
I'll be back.
Where did you get this ID?
My parents gave it to me.
Where are they?
My mother is at the hospital
for a checkup.
- And your father?
- He passed away.
What's his name?
It's on the ID, Adnan Malek.
- Your mother's?
- Samar Malek, is there a problem?
Why do you want a passport?
I need it to travel
with my choir to Europe.
What choir? You sing?
Yes, we're invited to Europe,
and I want to go.
- You can't go anywhere.
- Excuse me?
Is this boy your brother?
He's my neighbor.
What's the problem?
Stay calm.
This ID isn't legal.
You can't use it.
We can even arrest you.
Arrest me?
What have I done to be arrested?
Don't raise your voice.
I just need a passport.
I've used this ID for a long time.
Why arrest me?
- No one ever said anything?
- Never, because there's no problem.
Anyone in the village
can tell you who I am.
Call the school
and check for yourself.
They'll tell you I work there,
and I'm in the choir.
I'm not lying or anything.
It's the truth.
What's the name of the school?
Mount Lebanon School for the Blind.
Listen Rabih,
My colleague will keep your ID.
You must provide everything he asks.
Go to your mayor,
get your civil registry
and certificate of residence.
If you're telling the truth, no problem.
Bring them here,
and you'll be welcomed.
You're lucky the boss is kind.
He could have arrested you.
Please sit down.
Rabih Malek.
Rabih, I need your home address.
Are you going to call your mom?
She's still at the hospital.
I'll talk to her later.
Are you going to tell Mr. Fares?
I need to tell my mother first.
Don't you dare tell anyone.
If 1 find out you said anything,
I won't talk to you ever again.
What about Mr. Mounir?
No one.
Not even your mother, understood?
- Understood?
- Yes.
Go to class, and we'll study
for your geography test later.
It's Rabih.
You need a lift, beautiful?
- You're late.
- There was traffic.
- Are you with Wissam?
- Yes.
How are you, boss?
How was your day?
I'll tell you later.
How was your appointment?
Very good.
Rabih, can I have your ID?
He's lost it.
That's why we need the registry.
So he can get a new ID.
But Samar, my dear,
his name is not in our records.
- How can that be?
- He isn't registered here.
You and your late husband
are in the records,
but not Rabih.
You didn't register him.
There's no way his name
was erased by mistake.
We did register him.
How else did he get an ID?
Is it possible your husband and Rabih
were registered elsewhere?
Of course not.
Rabih, Adnan, and I are all from here.
We're all registered here.
There's something wrong.
It's impossible for this to happen.
So what do we do?
We need at least a registry
so he can apply for a passport.
Bring me Rabih': birth certificate
so I can register him.
I don't have his birth certificate.
What do you mean?
It was lost during the war,
we moved a lot,
it's one of the many things we lost.
Where was he born?
At the Saint John Hospital.
Very good.
Go to Saint John Hospital,
and up to records on the second floor,
ask for Rabih': birth certificate.
They'll issue a new one,
bring it to me so we start the procedure.
Does that sound good?
I'll also try to speed it up for you.
OK, I guess we should do that.
Let's go to the hospital.
I should talk to your uncle first.
He'll take care of it.
He just said they'd give it
to you straight away.
Yes, but it won't be easy.
I'm sure Hisham has a better way.
Let's go.
What's wrong?
Why didn't you tell him
that they confiscated my ID?
If he knows,
the whole village will know.
Then everyone will tell us what to do.
- Now General Security will tell him.
- They won't.
Maybe he has another way.
Didn't you hear him?
He doesn't. So let's go.
Too thin.
- Can I try another?
- It's the expensive range now.
- Why am I saving my money?
- I'm just telling you.
There's this violin.
A woman brought it last week.
She wants to sell it.
It's an old violin.
It sounds like silk.
Her grandfather brought it from Egypt.
We don't know its exact origin.
- How much is this one?
- It's expensive.
- How much?
- You can't afford it.
I can ask the woman
if she'd let you borrow it or rent it.
Ask her now, tell her we need it
for a concert in Europe.
If she agrees,
you'll really have to take care of it.
I feel like the sound is embracing me.
What are you eating?
I brought meat for today.
I'll eat it tomorrow.
It took forever at the store.
Did you talk with Hisham?
Yes. He'll take care of it.
What's he going to do?
I told you, he'll handle it.
He knows people. He only needs time.
So no need to go to the hospital?
No, no need.
- Hello, young man.
- Who are you?
- I'm your uncle's friend.
- What's your name?
- Omar.
- How can I help you?
- I came to see if you need help.
- Thank you, I don't.
- Are you meeting your uncle?
- Yes, but I can walk alone!
What's going on?
I came to see you.
- What do you want from the boy?
- I wanted to help.
He doesn't need help.
Hisham, I'm sick, very sick.
I was on some medicine
but now I need surgery.
- What sickness?
- Look.
- Pull down your sweater.
- See?
Pull down your sweater.
They cut me open once.
Now they want to again.
The first doctor made a big mistake.
This is all I can help you with
right now.
You're a prince, Hisham. A prince.
God give you strength.
- You came from Enfeh for this?
- I moved.
I live at the rehab center.
Ten minutes away, we're neighbors.
How is Aziz?
We don't work together anymore.
He's still in Enfeh.
He's still harvesting salt.
And Nabil's in Africa. I heard...
- I heard he's someone important now...
- Give my best to Aziz.
- Is this your nephew?
- Yes. Say hi to Aziz.
I knew him when he was a baby.
Thank you, Hisham.
- I said thank you.
- I heard you.
God help you.
Who is that?
No one.
The last phrase shouldn't be that long.
Let's repeat it
and end it straight away.
Hello, boys.
Hi, Ms. Zeina.
Rabih, can I talk to you for a minute?
- Here or in your office?
- Can I talk to you here?
One minute, guys.
The police called asking about you.
Is anything wrong?
There is no problem.
What did they want?
They wanted to check
if you studied and work here.
They said they may come.
I told them you studied
and now work here, It's the truth.
I told them to come whenever they want.
- Did they ask anything else?
- No, just that.
But we never get calls
from the police.
Rabih, is there a problem?
Why are they asking about you?
I don't know.
If there's anything wrong,
you must tell me.
Let's go.
Rayan? Your sister's on her way.
Have you packed?
Yes, I have.
Great, let's go.
See you later, guys.
Guys, play it again.
Rabih, neither your name
nor your mother's are in our records.
- Can't issue a birth certificate.
- How can that be?
They might have been destroyed,
as often happened prior to the 90s.
Or they were lost
when we digitized our archives.
What do you do in these cases?
A blood test.
That would prove she's your mother.
- Does it take time?
- No, it's not complicated.
What are you doing?
I'm balancing the accounts.
How was work today?
I went to the hospital today.
- I would've gone with you.
- It wouldn't have made a difference.
What did they tell you?
There's no record of you or me.
And there's no record of my birth.
They said they need a blood test
to issue a new birth certificate.
- Wouldn't it take longer?
- No, only a few days.
If we had done this from the start,
I would've had a new ID by now.
But Uncle Hisham is busy as usual.
He doesn't have time.
It's better this way.
I said we'll go tomorrow morning
and do the blood test.
What's wrong?
I can't do a blood test.
What's the matter?
I have to tell you something.
It's very important.
But you should know that
I love you very much.
I don't have your birth certificate.
I don't have it because
they gave you to me.
God gave you to me.
What do you mean?
You weren't born in the hospital.
Where was I born?
In another village,
to another family.
They brought you to me
when you were three months old.
Who are my parents?
They died.
I don't know.
So I'm an orphan
and you adopted me.
But this doesn't change anything.
I'm still your mother, you're my son.
I still love you, I raised you.
Your late father loved you as his own.
Why didn't you tell me this before?
Why didn't you tell me
before I went to the hospital?
I thought we could solve this
without all this trouble.
How did you find me?
My brother Hisham found you.
Uncle Hisham?
He and his platoon were ordered
to protect a village in the South.
But they were late.
When they arrived
the village was in ruins.
Not a stone left upon stone,
and not a person left alive.
You were found in a burnt house.
Which village?
Why did he bring me to you?
He pitied you.
You were a baby.
What would have happened
if he hadn't found you?
Besides, I always wanted a baby.
He brought you so we could raise you.
If I hadn't asked about the blood test,
you would've hidden it all my life?
You were a child, it would've hurt you.
You were a special case,
the doctors advised us not to tell you.
But now you're a grown man
and you can understand.
The ID worked until now.
You'd never need a birth certificate.
So my ID is fake.
That's why they took it from me.
Your Uncle Hisham
arranged all your papers,
we had no other way back then.
It was chaos.
So my name is fake too
and everything around me is fake.
That's what we named you.
That's your name.
You have no other name.
What's wrong?
I want to leave.
- Stay.
- No, I need to breathe.
- I'll come with you.
- I'd rather be alone.
Uncle Hisham?
Uncle Hisham?
Uncle Hisham?
Uncle Hisham?
You have mud on your shoes.
Your uncle will fix all your papers.
He keeps his word.
When you get back from work,
we'll talk with your uncle.
- We'll see what he says.
- Fine.
Good night.
I found it,
but it seems very far.
Where is Beirut?
This is Beirut.
And this is Kfarlaya.
Circle it with this.
Why are we going to the South?
No particular reason.
Nobody asks to go
too far these days.
At most they ask me
to take them to Beirut.
It's nice to go on trips.
When we were kids
my father would take us to the South,
to my grandmother's house.
- Is the house still yours?
- Yes.
But nobody lives there anymore.
The family started fighting over it
after my grandmother died.
And in the end, everybody left.
Nobody wanted it.
The house is in ruins.
Just stones without people.
- Don't you want to go there?
- Why?
It's your family house.
I want no ties to that place.
Besides, why would I go to the South?
1 live here and work here,
my children go to school here...
- Is that your mother?
- Yes, I'll call her later.
Is it nice there?
Even if it were the best place
in the world,
I want nothing to do with it.
Nobody lives there anymore.
Everyone left.
I'm telling you:
stones without people.
- Do you want a cigarette?
- Give me one.
Give me your hand.
- Hello, sir.
- Hello.
I want to ask you.
- Where is Kfarlaya?
- This is Kfarlaya.
We're in Kfarlaya.
Where is the mayor's office?
- There is no mayor here.
- How's that possible?
I don't know.
- How come?
- That's how it is.
Is there anyone we can talk to?
There's only this quarry.
What do you need?
I'm looking for people from this village.
Who can I talk to?
Which family?
Please, sir, who can we talk to?
Only the sheikh.
He knows everything.
Where is his house?
I'll tell you.
Turn around. Go straight.
On the left you'll see a cement house.
- The only house. He'll be there.
- Thank you.
Here you go, father.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Thank you for receiving me, sheikh.
I'm here to ask you
about my parents' records
or my birth certificate
so I can apply for legitimate papers.
I found out that I was born here.
Where did you come from?
From the North.
What's your name?
Rabih Malek.
We don't have any Malek family here.
But this isn't my real name,
my adoptive parents gave me that name.
I don't know my real name,
or even my parents' names.
So you're an orphan?
Orphan and blind?
May God show you mercy, son.
If you don't know your own name,
how do you intend to know who you are?
And how could I help you?
I wanted to see
the mayor of the village
and ask him about the deaths and births
that took place in 1988
because they must be few
since this is a small village.
That is true,
it's a very small village
but we don't have a mayor here.
The mayor of the neighboring town
usually helps us.
And if you go there now,
you won't be back before nightfall.
- They told you you're from here?
- Yes, Kfarlaya.
A soldier found me here
after the village was destroyed.
In Kfarlaya?
Kfarlaya has never been destroyed
in its history.
There is nothing in it to be destroyed.
Don't believe what you hear, son.
The people who told you this
are surely mistaken
or they are lying.
- There must have been battles here.
- What battles?
There is nothing here to fight over.
This land has always been
a quarry with a few fig trees.
When I was a child
my father would hunt pheasants.
It was abandoned then
and it's still abandoned.
Maybe they confused Kfarlaya
with a neighboring village.
Listen, son,
I have lived here since I was born.
I know the area better than any mayor.
No one knows it better than me.
Many armies came and went.
This is true.
But thank God
our village was never destroyed.
And thank God a hundred times
that all the children
of our village are registered
and no child was ever taken from here.
God spared our village.
Let me ask you a question.
They say the blind can see
sevenfold more than the sighted.
Do you feel that you know this land?
Do you feel you are from here?
I cannot see or feel more
than any other person.
All I want is proof.
I want to know what happened.
I cannot give you proof
of something that never happened.
I can give you my word,
and God will be my witness, not people.
This land testifies
to its own history.
There are no ruins here.
There are no new buildings.
There is nothing.
Let no one mislead you
about what happened.
Only God knows what happened,
and He will show you your way.
Drink your tea, son.
I've never laid a hand on you in my life
but now you're killing me.
My heart was about to stop
worrying about you.
I was in the South.
I know, Tarek told me.
I was about to call the police.
Sit down.
On top of it all,
you don't answer your phone.
I really thought my heart would stop.
First my brother disappears, then you.
What am I here? Nothing?
What am I supposed to do?
Where is Uncle Hisham?
I don't know,
I don't have any idea where he is.
His phone is off as if he were kidnapped
and the same happens with you.
So, tell me,
what did you find out?
That I wasn't born in Kfarlaya.
How's that?
I met a sheikh in that area,
he told me that nobody lives there.
And everyone
from the village is registered,
and he said the village
was never destroyed.
He must mean another village.
There's only one Kfarlaya in the South,
and I'm sure I wasn't born there.
How can you be so sure?
What if this sheikh was lying to you?
It's not only him,
no one's heard of this story.
I asked others in the area,
and no one's ever heard that story.
If the village had been destroyed,
do you think people would hide it?
Of course not. They'd tell the world.
- We know what happened.
- You? How do you know?
Have you ever been there?
Have you lived there?
You know nothing.
No one knows anything.
Uncle Hisham didn't find me there.
He lied to you.
Or you're lying to me.
Why would I lie to you?
Why would Uncle Hisham lie to you?
- Where are you going?
- To the school, to stay with Anis.
- Wissam is waiting for me outside.
- Do whatever you want!
What's this?
- Omar?
- Yes?
I'm here to see you.
- You're alone?
- Yes.
How did you find me?
You told my uncle where you live
last time we met.
You forgot?
How can I help you?
Have you seen my uncle lately?
Last time I saw him, he was with you.
He won't answer his phone.
He's not home, and he's not at work.
I thought maybe he came
to see you.
I wish he did.
I'm asking because I felt
you've known each other for a long time.
That's right.
Since when?
He was the leader of my platoon,
he didn't tell you?
No, he never told me.
Were you with him
when he found me?
You said you knew me as a baby.
Were you with my uncle when he found me?
- Hisham told you he found you?
- My mother did.
I know nothing about your uncle.
I was just a soldier in his platoon.
What about Nabil and Aziz?
How do you know Nabil and Aziz?
You talked about them
with my uncle last time.
- Nabil is in Africa.
- I heard. And Aziz works in Enfeh.
Right, we used to harvest salt together.
Was Aziz with my uncle
when he found me?
I don't know.
Keep me out of this.
Ask him whatever you want.
- Can you give me Aziz's number?
- He doesn't have a phone.
Do you know
where we can find a man named Aziz?
- In the salt fields.
- Where exactly?
The salt fields.
Rashid, take these men to Aziz.
- Who do you mean?
- The one who harvests salt!
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Mr. Aziz!
- Hello.
- Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Aziz.
I'm Aziz. How can I help you?
- Nice to meet you.
- Same here.
- I'll wait in the church.
- I'll call you when I'm done.
Who cares about Nabil?
He's an animal.
He's no longer with us.
But your uncle was a noble man.
We were always together.
I was with him when he found you.
You're right,
he didn't find you in the South.
I don't know why he lied to you.
Where did he find me?
We were in Beirut.
A taxi came under fire on the Ring Road.
We thought everyone had died.
he heard you crying.
He ran to the car
and pulled you out of the flames.
Your parents and the driver
had died instantly.
The fire blinded you.
But at least he saved your life.
In the burnt car,
we found your parents' IDs.
They were Armenian.
He took you to the Armenian
orphanage in Jbeil.
But after being with you for a week,
he grew attached to you.
A month later,
he went back to adopt you.
The orphanage gave me
to him that easily?
You think anyone dared
to refuse Captain Hisham?
He would've razed the building.
They gave you to Hisham,
and he gave you to his sister.
She raised you,
so you were by his side.
Had he married his fiance,
I'm sure he would have raised you.
He loved you.
Nobody does what Captain Hisham did.
He risked his life to save a child.
- My uncle was engaged?
- Yes.
Who was his fiance?
I forgot her name.
It's not important.
Can we make another stop
before going back?
Please take a seat.
My friend,
we have no record
of a child brought to us
matching the information you gave me.
You said the year was 1988, right?
I even searched in 1987 and 1989,
but I didn't find anything.
Maybe he wasn't registered
since he was adopted after a month?
Even if he'd stayed for only one day,
we'd have a record.
Besides, we didn't take in
many children in 1988.
I know each one personally.
One of them is even a teacher here.
We're a small community.
- Excuse me.
- Just a minute.
Rabih, I'm sorry, we have work.
Who is it?
Hey brother.
Now K.
Rabih': mother got in an accident!
She was in the middle of the street.
- What happened?
- I just glanced away...
And you hit her!
You weren't looking!
Whether [ hit her or not,
I don't know why she froze
in the middle of the street.
I tried to steer away,
but she hit the mirror.
She fell. I put her in the car
and brought her here.
How long will she stay?
- The doctor will say.
- Let me talk to him.
Wait here.
I'll tell you when you can go in.
- I swear...
- Let's go.
Is there a chair?
Do you remember what happened?
A car hit me and I fell to the ground.
- Why were you in the middle of the road?
- I wasn't.
Everyone says you were.
They're lying.
Where were you?
I was walking.
How do you feel now?
I'm fine, we can go home.
First they want to make sure
that you're better.
- The driver wants to apologize.
- Don't want to see him.
- Did you eat anything?
- Yes.
The house is so dirty.
We'll clean it together.
I'll go get some food.
Wait, Can you get me cigarettes?
- Rabih, do you need anything?
- No.
It's fine, I won't be long.
- Do you have work today?
- Yes, of course.
I'll clean the house
and take a shower.
- But you should rest.
- I'll rest later.
Can I ask you a question?
What do you want to ask me?
Is it true that Uncle Hisham
was engaged?
Where did you get this from?
- I'm only asking. Is it true?
- Yes, so what?
- Who was she?
- Why would you care, Rabih?
I'm not blaming you.
I just want to know if it's true
and who she is.
This is completely insignificant.
Help me.
Hisham was engaged a long time ago
to a girl called May.
He doesn't like to talk about it.
She was his friend's sister.
Who was his friend?
A man called Nabil.
I heard he lives in Africa now.
Why didn't they get married?
Hisham and Nabil fought
and they didn't reconcile.
It's a shame.
Hisham': children
would've been adults by now.
Do you know where May lives?
Good evening.
I'm sorry for bothering, madam.
What do you want?
Are you Nabil Abdel Sater's sister?
Who wants to know?
I'm Rabih Malek,
Hisham Jabr's nephew.
You're Samar's son?
What do you want?
I'm looking for my uncle.
He's been gone for a week,
and I have no idea where he is.
I recently found out
that you were engaged,
I thought maybe he came to see you.
I wish you could help me
if you know anything.
How could I help you?
I haven't seen him in ages.
And he hasn't asked
about me or my brother in ages.
I know that your brother is in Africa.
Yes, Africa. That big lie.
Excuse me?
Enough lies and hiding. What do you mean?
You don't know anything?
I really don't understand anything.
Believe me, I hadn't heard about you
or your brother, Mr. Nabil, until now.
Nabil's been at the Wardieh
Psychiatric Hospital for over 20 years.
They put him there
because my brother spoke too much.
It would've been easier
for everyone if they killed him.
Who are "they"?
How is your mother?
Your mother is good,
but she knows nothing.
These men have no conscience.
They do whatever they want and hide.
They're all liars.
They all think they're God.
The pride!
Look where they are now.
Who are "they"?
Nabil is here, son.
Thank you.
Hello, young man.
- You are Hisham': nephew.
- Yes.
My sister told me
you were looking for him.
I haven't seen him or talked to him
and I have no idea where he could be.
What else can I do for you?
Mr. Nabil,
I know that you and my uncle
have had your differences
and you don't talk to each other.
I know you were
in the same platoon.
I forgave him.
I forgave everybody.
It's all in the past.
How else can I help you?
Mr. Nabil,
were you with my uncle
when he found me?
How old are you?
I'm 24.
What do you want from me?
Can you tell me
how my uncle found me?
What did Hisham tell you?
Hisham didn't say anything.
He disappeared before I could ask him.
Who told you they found you?
My mother told me.
What did she tell you?
All she knows
is that Hisham found me
while on patrol with his platoon.
What else?
That's all.
Why are you interested in this
after all this time?
Mr. Nabil,
I can't find my name anywhere
and I need to know where I'm from
so I can get new papers.
I need a new ID.
My old one was confiscated
because it was fake.
Hisham forged it.
He's the one who forged my ID.
I need official papers to get a passport.
Besides that,
I might get caught at any time.
I may be arrested.
Everyone is lying,
They're all lying.
Nobody will tell me the truth.
Nobody will tell me anything.
I can't prove anything.
I can't even prove
that I'm a citizen of this country.
We were your age or slightly older
when Hisham found you.
We had an operation in a small village
called Wadi El Tin,
on the other side of the mountain.
We were stationed on one side,
and this village was on the other side.
A very small village.
After the operation,
Hisham found you
and decided to let you live.
That's all.
He decided to let me live?
Why didn't he tell me?
What was the operation?
All you need to know
is that your father's name was Rafik,
and Hisham knew him from before.
Pleased to meet you.
Good evening.
Welcome everyone.
We hope you'll enjoy
a wonderful night with us.
First of all, let's hear a great
round of applause for the newly weds.
Let's wish them
a beautiful life together.
I hope you'll enjoy this evening with us.
A warm welcome to everyone.
Play, play
Play, play
Play, play, oh rababa
Play on rababa
Play on, for my beloved have departed
Play, play, oh rababa
They left and never returned
They left my heart in pieces
Play on, play on
My eyes loved only them
My heart never forgot them
My eyes loved only them
My heart never forgot them
I grew old with their love
in the prime of my youth
Play, play
Play, play
Come on!
Where is everyone?
They left and never returned
and left my heart shattered
The night is on fire!
Let's hear the best round of applause
for the newly weds!
Rabih, come here.
We're here in the living room.
How are you, Uncle Hisham?
I am fine, how are you?
Where were you?
Uncle Hisham got
your birth certificate.
You told me.
- Where is it?
- In my hand.
Read it to me.
Rabih Adnan Malek,
born May 10, 1988
9:45 in the morning,
at the Saint John Hospital...
How did you get this paper?
It doesn't matter how.
He got it.
He got it, just like he got my ID.
Rabih, enough.
So I should use this document,
and they may arrest me
because it's forged like my ID?
This is genuine, not forged.
I understand.
The document is genuine,
but the information is fake.
What kind of ID do you want?
My ID was also burned in the war.
- Be grateful.
- Why won't you listen?
I didn't get arrested
because I didn't know.
But if I give them a forged document,
they'll think I'm out to trick them
and they may arrest me.
What will you do then?
Nobody's going to arrest you.
Why don't you tell me the story?
What story?
How did you find me, and where?
What are you talking about?
Everyone tells me a different story
but I want to hear it from you.
Who did you speak with?
I spoke with all your old friends.
Aziz, Omar, Nabil, and May.
I met them and know them one by one.
So you're talking
with delinquents and lunatics
and you believe them and not me.
What did you do during the war?
Did you attack a village?
Did you kill people?
- Are you accusing me?
- Tell me what happened in Wadi El Tin.
I don't know.
What did they tell you?
How did you find me?
Did you save my life
or did you spare me and not kill me?
I have nothing to hide.
Not true.
Everything you ever told me was a lie.
Tell me I'm wrong!
You disappoint me.
But tell me I'm wrong!
I raised you
I sent you to school.
I took care of you and your mother.
She's not my mother!
I want the truth now!
There is no truth!
There is me.
There is you,
and there is your mother.
We're a family.
And nothing can change that fact.
And now, you have your papers.
You decide what to do.
- Aren't you cold?
- The weather's nice.
I'm thinking of taking
my children for a ride.
To the village,
to see their grandmother's house.
What changed your mind?
I just want them to see the house.
My past has nothing to do with theirs.
What are we left with in the end
except a few memories that bind us?
Where can I find the mayor's house?
Go down this road
take your first left
the second house on the left
is the mayor's house.
- Rabih, I'm here.
- I'll be right back.
- How are you, Um Rafik?
- Welcome.
- How are you?
- I'm fine, and you?
- How is Abu Rafik?
- Hello.
- Hello, mayor.
- How are you, Abu Rafik?
Please come in.
- Who is this young man?
- Rabih. He wants to talk to you.
He's blind?
You are most welcome.
Um Rafik, please make us some tea.
You are all welcome.
Abu Rafik, we're here because
this man is searching for his relatives.
Relatives here?
Do you remember Rafik had a boy?
Of course.
He disappeared,
and you couldn't find him?
This boy believes
that he may be your grandson.
He was told he was taken from the village
when he was little.
But my grandson wasn't blind.
The doctors told me that I was blinded
by an accident when I was a child.
What accident?
I don't know.
What's your name, son?
My name is Rabih.
How old are you?
- 24?
- Yes.
Abu Rafik?
If you please.
- What do you want?
- I need you, come.
If you'll excuse me.
What happened to his son?
He was killed in the war.
Please excuse us.
God help you, son.
I feel your pain.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let me tell you
what happened to
my grandson after his parents died.
We found two bodies
in their house,
but we couldn't find
my grandson's body anywhere.
Their house was one of the houses
set on fire by the attackers.
We searched for him everywhere.
He was very small,
he could neither talk nor walk.
So there is no way
he could have left the village.
We searched everywhere for a trace.
In the valley, in the well,
in the stable, in the alcove,
in every corner.
We did not leave
a stone unturned in this village.
After weeks of searching,
we surrendered to fate,
and accepted God's will.
They say "What is written,
you will see with your eyes."
This is the only truth in life.
We held his funeral
with an empty coffin,
which we buried next to his parents.
We fulfilled God's will.
- Abu Rafik?
- Yes?
Is it possible
he may still be alive?
The boy died.
And if he's still alive
then he has another family now.
In either case,
God did not find us worthy of the boy.
We pray God shows us His peace
and has mercy on the child.
In the end,
whether in heaven or on earth,
the child is in God's hands.
What did you do today?
I'm sorry.
How are you, Rabih?
Help him print his finger here.
God be with you.
Tarek, read me the first page.
Passport, Republic of Lebanon.
Number RL0426766.
Place of Birth: Ein Our a ya.
Date of Birth: May 10, 1988.
Name: Rabih, Last Name: Malek.
Father: Adnan, Mother: Samar.
Here you go.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
First, I'd like to thank you
for joining us tonight.
I'm also happy to tell you
that our modest band
with its modest means
has been invited on a tour of Europe.
It is an honor
and a testament
to the dedication and hard work
of our musicians and choristers,
who are your children,
your sons and daughters.
The sons and daughters of this land.
We will end tonight's program
with Rabih Malek
who will perform a classical piece
with a new arrangement.
Send me an answer
Send me an answer
an answer
and relieve me
Even if you wish to accuse me
accuse me
don't spare me
don't spare me
don't spare me
Oh night
Oh night
Oh dear night
Send me an answer
an answer
an answer
and relieve me
Even if you wish to accuse me
accuse me
don't spare me
If you have given away your love
and forgotten me
if you have betrayed me
and abandoned me
If you have given away your love
and forgotten me
if you have betrayed me
and abandoned me
Send me an answer
Send me an answer
an answer
an answer
and relieve me
I have a God
Who knows me
in this cruel world
He will bring me justice
I cannot say you are guilty
I will be patient in my sorrow
I cannot say you are guilty
I will be patient in my sorrow
I cannot say
I cannot say
I cannot say
Oh my sorrow!