Transfer (2010) Movie Script

What do you think, Mr. Goldbeck?
Isn't she perfect, Mrs. Goldbeck?
Where's she from?
Oh, yes.
You're not allowed to tell us.
Blacks have an advantage.
Our earth is getting hotter.
We're vulnerable, they're resistant.
He seems so...
Does he know what awaits him?
Sure! He read the same documents as you.
He knows what he's doing.
Those are beautiful sculptures,
Dr. Menzel.
Thank you.
Yes. I buy them whenever I'm there.
Do you collect as well?
I was only in Africa once.
In Cairo.
With me. A cello concert.
My wife was a cellist.
A long time ago.
Take off your clothes, please.
Please take off your tracksuit.
Both passed all somatic
and psychosomatic tests.
Cognitive and emotional world: Excellent.
Regenerative abilities: Excellent.
Blood values, libido: Excellent.
Isn't he rather...
Is that a problem for you?
No, no...
Do you have any other...
None with synaptic connections
that fit yours so perfectly.
And the price is fixed?
I can't do this...
Mrs. Goldbeck,
try to look at it another way.
With all the money those two earn,
their families back home can survive.
The younger brothers and sisters can go to
school, perhaps even attend university.
They surely both have large families,
And keep in mind:
The decisive cerebral characteristics
are impressively compatible to yours.
What do you mean?
Their brains show a potentially existing
physiological force of attraction.
They're a couple?
In spirit only, Mrs. Goldbeck.
The Roman philosopher Juvenal said:
Pray to the gods
for a sound mind and healthy body.
"Mens sana in corpore sano."
Let's talk to people who have fulfilled
their dream for an extraordinary life.
Thanks to Menzana, I have the chance
to start all over again.
It's totally insane...
Don't you think so, too?
Let's take a trip, Anna.
Somewhere we've never been.
Far away from here...
We'll rent a boat, with crew and captain.
Like in the old days.
Two, three months in paradise.
Hello, captain.
Hello. Pay, please.
For a car and two adults.
That's rather expensive, my friend.
Keep the change...
The rest can go into the treasure chest.
But you have to give me your nose for it.
Hey! Give it back! That's my nose!
Now you have it.
My paradise is here, Hermann.
Together with you,
sitting in the sun...
Drinking coffee...
And when you do it alone?
You know what I mean...
not the trip.
Hey, Babou.
Where is it?! Where is it?!
Yes, there it is.
When we were young,
time was unimportant.
We knew we would grow old together.
Dying was for other people.
When we got old and our time on earth
became shorter,
we wished that
we would go down together...
My butterfly! a plane.
We thought, then neither one of us
would have to suffer alone on earth.
That was out, big man!
How's Anna doing?
We were there...
At Menzana.
Otto, please! Keep your mouth shut.
I was against it.
Tomorrow, I'll probably be interested.
Have you looked at their stocks?
And. Do you ever consider it?
Buying stocks?
To do it.
Are you still all there?
- Hello, Hermann.
- Gerald.
You'll remember Friday, right?
Do you really think people do something
like that by choice?
Hey, Babou. What is it? Babou?
What's wrong?
Anna! My darling, I'm here. It's okay,
my butterfly, everything's fine...
Your wife has another two months.
Maybe even three.
We can no longer operate.
The metastases have spread everywhere.
That bad?
I don't want to live without you...
When you go, I'm coming with you.
What do you want to do?
Kill yourself?
Right after your funeral.
That's blackmail.
No, it's a declaration of love.
Congratulations, Mr. And Mrs. Goldbeck.
You have made the right decision.
After the transfer,
you take this medication nightly.
So you remain in charge of your bodies.
At night, while you sleep,
the host wakes up for about four hours.
This control watch monitors
your blood pressure and heart rate.
A trial run!
And if we don't like it, then...
I can assure you:
You're going to be delighted.
And if we never wake up?
Don't be afraid, butterfly.
Everything will be fine.
What if
we no longer recognize each other?
Hold my hand, Hermann.
Just for a moment.
This way, Mr. Goldbeck.
Anna... the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Is it really you?
They'll be gone soon, Anna.
Everything is exactly as you wanted,
Mr. Goldbeck.
My pleasure, Mrs. Goldbeck.
My name is Laurin.
I'll be tending to you the next 3 months.
With all these people?
No. Only me, Mrs. Goldbeck.
And only at night.
You'll never even notice me.
Babou! Come here!
Where is it? Where is it?
Where is it? Where is it?
Heel, Babou!
I was old and deathly ill.
I am young, beautiful and healthy.
And black.
Whose hand is this,
that writes my thoughts?
Who's that handsome stranger
that approaches me?
Whose voice doesn't sound like Hermann's?
Come to me.
Do you recognize the music?
We really did it, Anna.
Look at me.
I'm a young, African stud!
Feel these!
Aren't you afraid at all?
Afraid of what, Anna?
This is the gentleman's bedroom...
And you, Mrs. Goldbeck.
This room is for you.
The doors have been reinforced.
Swiss locks.
In 50 years,
we've never slept in separate beds.
And now this in our own home?
You can't let strangers have free run
of your villa, Mrs. Goldbeck.
Oh, no?
Who says?
What if they hurt themselves outside?
We paid good money for them!
They survived Africa,
they will also survive our garden.
I'm sleeping upstairs.
In my own bed.
Good night, Hermann.
Good night, Hermann.
Sleep well, Mr. Goldbeck.
In 50 years,
we've never slept in separate beds.
How do I know that the African girl
won't suddenly wake up inside me?
As you fall asleep, your body will twitch,
steered by the medication.
It guarantees optimal relaxation
in the shortest time.
Mr. Goldbeck, what are you afraid of?
I bought stocks, Hermann. Buy stocks,
too, but don't have it done to you.
Test our offer.
In Africa,
There's civil war, expulsion, drought,
disease, water shortages...
You made the right decision.
What if I'm stuck inside a cannibal?
No, don't do it.
They did it to me.
Let me out.
Let me out of here.
Can't anyone hear me?
Where am I?
In the house of your clients.
No contract!
I'm backing out!
You can't get that watch off, Mr. Diarra.
We can find you anywhere.
My contract says
four hours a day of life!
A life...
You have locked me in!
It is in order, Mr. Diarra.
We know what we are doing.
Babou, come!
You'll notice how the routine
of your daily life begins to return.
Take advantage of the possibilities
of your new life.
I feel great.
Are the water gymnastics today?
Aqua Fitness. For seniors.
The public area is over there.
Your toes are dolphins
surfacing from the ocean!
Dolphins! What baloney!
You wouldn't believe it
if you didn't hear it.
At your age,
no one is a dolphin anymore.
By the way, I'm Hermann.
An unusual name for,
well, uh...
For what? A black man?
Well, my last name is even more unusual.
Hey, big man.
What did you... what did you do?
What do you think, huh?
That I don't believe it.
How old are you?
- Seventy-eight.
The same as you.
Ouch. Idiot.
How high was my consultation fee...
when you sold your mineral water firm?
Two Havanas.
One for you, and one for me.
My God, you are black!
What happens to your old body...
And Anna's?
If it all goes well,
they'll be cremated after three months.
That's the warranty length.
Warranty length!
What a thing to say
when talking about a human.
What is her name again?
- Sarah.
Yesterday I fell asleep in my bed,
and I awoke sitting in an armchair.
And my dreams, they are so...
different than before.
I can feel this girl inside of me.
That's normal at first.
Your subconscious must first learn
to isolate itself from Sarah.
You take the medicine punctually?
Grass smells so different than normal.
Perhaps because of my young nose?
Young nose or old nose,
to me you have the prettiest nose.
Who are you complimenting?
Me? Or her?
You must be joking.
In the 50 years of our marriage,
I've never cheated on you!
You smell great.
Is everything going well
at the villa, Laurin?
I can see everything.
Then you feel comfortable?
Do you like your job?
I like it here.
I like how the African girl sings.
She is pretty.
You like Sarah, don't you?
I have to stop. He's waking up.
Good evening.
Good evening, madam.
You sleep long.
It's taken from your time.
We've met.
You remember? At the sanatorium.
You touched me.
I can speak their language.
I can speak their language.
During the day, you're called Hermann.
I read it in Anna's diary.
That's my name during the day!
So you're my wife? In the day?
Why can we speak their language?
I don't know.
I can suddenly swim, too.
Bizarre, isn't it?
I think it's time to go to bed.
That guard is strange, somehow.
He looks crazy.
I like Anna.
She loves music, just like me.
How can you say that?
Those white people
will never be our friends.
We live for the community.
We have faith, ideals.
They have nothing.
Their god is the euro.
You see things too black and white.
Black and white?
I think black and white?
They're using us.
They're using us like clothes!
In the morning, they put us on;
at night, they take us off.
They lock us in.
A man and a woman,
like animals in a cage to copulate.
That's not what friends do.
You knew all that in advance!
You signed the contract.
You let yourself get paid!
They use our love for our family.
They bought our bodies.
But they must never own our souls!
I don't want you in my bedroom.
It is my bedroom too.
Hello, Alexander.
Hello, Margit. You look well.
Is that them?
Hello, Werner.
How's the stomach?
I think they look fabulous!
There's Otto.
Hey, big man!
Oh beautiful, strange man...
Here: Otto, my oldest friend,
and he's still not sure that I'm me.
Come on,
ask me something private.
The long-legged professor in
Economic Law, second semester.
What was her name?
Don't keep the truth from our guests.
The lady in question,
Professor Samantha Van der Feldt,
flunked you because
instead of studying like the rest of us,
you sent her love letters.
To the future!
To friendship.
A million?
How much do the Africans get?
Ten percent.
The money goes to their families.
My boy, you don't really believe
that those poor devils actually get
a hundred-thousand euro, do you?
Calm down.
Let me give you some advice, Otto.
Get in line soon.
The way you've treated your body,
you don't have much time left.
Heads up, it's starting.
Thank you all for coming.
Nothing is more important to us
than friends and our life together,
even if some friends
couldn't make it today.
I would like to thank my husband.
Without Hermann, I wouldn't be here.
Come on, let's have a drink.
And what should we toast to?
To us?
To the four of us.
To the four of us.
My mouth...
I have terrible taste.
Why are you following me?
May I?
What do you call yourself?
Sarah. I'm from Ethiopia.
Sarah, I am Apolain.
I come out of Mali.
Not "out of". "From".
Why did you leave your homeland?
We are the poorest of the poor.
I sold my body to help my family.
Is that what you want to hear?
We are very, very poor
and I hate poverty.
Flatbread for breakfast,
nothing for lunch, flatbread for dinner...
Is that what you wanted to hear?
With Hermann, everything has its place.
We even have separate toothbrushes.
You two are crazy.
You think I'm going to brush my teeth
with Hermann's toothbrush?
Where are you going?
Will you behave yourself?
The two of them must really
love each other very, very much.
My mom. My brothers.
My sister. My little sister.
I want them to have a better life.
They deserve it.
I don't have a photo.
Why not?
I didn't want to take one with me.
I thought that maybe
I wouldn't miss them that much.
Oh, no!
God damn it!
What's wrong?
- They're sleeping together!
So? We do, too.
- We have to sleep separately again.
Stop acting like a child. These bodies
are just as much theirs as ours.
They like each other.
Imagine what it would be like
if they hated each other.
While we're deep in sleep,
the two negroes screw each other.
Here, take it. Delicious...
Guess how many negroes
arrived last week.
I don't want you to say that.
Sorry. Refugees. From Africa.
No idea. Four hundred?
Hermann! Sweetheart!
To separate them is barbaric.
And unnecessary.
I have a different opinion.
It's too late now, anyways.
We're going to be a family soon.
A gift from God.
Are you sure?
Of course.
That's impossible.
The child, it's from that white devil!
We'll abort it.
All children come from God.
Please calm down, Mr. Apolain.
Your cardiovascular system is stressed.
Get lost! This is private!
All the children come from God.
And for what?
So they can die like animals from hunger?
We always wanted a child.
Why not?
Because you don't even know
who the father is!
Dear Sarah,
I feel the colours of your soul in me.
Your strong vitality that flows to me.
I, already with one foot in the grave,
for whom the death bell tolled,
am alive once more.
Thanks to you, Sarah.
Wonderful, is the little thing
sleeping within us.
It will soon be among the elements,
and no one can prevent it...
If we stand together, Sarah.
I made tea.
Butterfly, the weather is wonderful.
Why don't we take the boat out?
Please forgive me.
Sometimes I can really be a stupid ass.
We had a life without children, too.
We have a full life, don't we?
I'm not Anna. I'm Sarah.
Your wife, Anna, skipped her medication.
I asked her to,
because I have to speak with you.
Your wife also wanted
that you get to know me.
You are a very brave woman, Sarah.
Very brave,
to simply pop up here like this.
Actually, I'm here all the time.
He's not a monster like you think.
Our child will have everything
that we never had.
Everything we could never give it.
When it grows up, it'll help our people.
When it grows up,
it'll be black outside and white inside.
It'll be just like them, and buy itself
a new body when it's old and ugly.
Please, you must trust me.
I'll make sure that your body
belongs to you again.
We're going to burn in hell!
We are in hell.
Where are you taking us?
Wherever you want. It's a present.
Mr. And Mrs. Goldbeck want you to go out
and have a pleasant evening.
If we had their money,
what we couldn't do for our families,
and for our villages.
We've already done a lot.
We have the right to a little happiness, too.
The happiness of buying a baby stroller.
For a baby that belongs to them.
What do you want to do? Run away?
I had a dream, Sarah.
I dreamt I was Hermann.
My hands opened his safe,
I reached inside.
Thousands of bugs and ants crawled out,
covering my hands and arms...
He hides the transfer pills in the safe.
I could see the code in the dream.
- Sarah.
We have four hours with our child.
That's more time than most parents
spend with their children.
Wake up!
Do you always want to live
like a night animal?
A worm that never sees the sun?
You'll never get to see your baby, Sarah.
Are you afraid we'll jump?
No. Please don't do that, Apolain.
We only wanted some fresh air.
And when we get back,
we're going to take the boat out.
Let go of me!
Then he let them sleep in the boat.
He doesn't have the situation
under control. Laurin's overextended.
Send me a status report.
The boy is ill.
He can't see things the way we do.
Please, you expect too much of him.
He needs a meaningful task.
Something he can grow into.
I won't desert him.
I'm cold. Give me my things.
Nice that you're talking to me again.
I'm not talking to you.
I only asked you for my clothes.
And please, send your babysitter away.
Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. Goldbeck.
Good morning, Laurin.
Is everything in order?
Nice here.
It's only missing a few palm trees.
The trip of your guests
was scheduled a bit too early.
I'm sorry for any inconveniences.
I don't tolerate anything
that endangers your safety.
I wish you a pleasant day.
The man has everything in control,
believe me.
I would say, just like you do.
Are you still angry with me,
my butterfly?
Sometimes I hate you like poison.
I'd always hoped you were happy with me.
Even without a child.
I was, Hermann.
And I still am.
You never gave me the blame?
Stupid guy!
You're the love of my life.
I hope it's a girl.
We're going to have a daughter.
A little Anna.
Now don't be shy.
Tell me what you want.
Is it already too late?
No, Mrs. Goldbeck. We can improve the child
throughout the entire pregnancy.
My wife, has a very strong will...
It would be very nice if...
- Sure.
And her wonderful eyes?
And from you, Mr. Goldbeck?
What are your wishes?
Dear Sarah,
our daughter will unite
the four of us just like nature,
which knows no difference
between summer and winter,
day and night,
birth and death,
being asleep and being awake.
You can experience nature's contrasts
as struggle and dissent,
or as unity and harmony.
While you sleep, Sarah,
I'll make sure our daughter is happy.
I will give her the best.
Material goods are of no matter.
When it grows up,
it'll be black outside and white inside.
Sarah! Our daughter will have
everything that you never had.
And when she's grown,
she'll help the people of your homeland.
She'll be just like them, and buy a new body
when hers is old and ugly.
She'll go to the best schools.
Yes, she'll have everything.
Just no time for us, her parents.
Is it a sin to want the best
for our daughter?
I'll be responsible for her, Sarah.
I want to thank you for letting us see
all the people, buy all the nice things.
You know,
I've often wondered
what kind of person you are.
Come Sarah, you can do it.
Would you...
Would you walk with me to the lake?
Two, seven, five, zero...
Two, seven, five, zero...
Our contracts say that if we run away
our families lose the money...
Apolain didn't want to run away,
he only wanted to be alone with me.
Do you understand?
- I have to go back.
May... Anna's birthday. Okay.
May 27th.
Did you tell the firm about it?
Please, I have to know.
I didn't report it.
Was that it, big man?
Werner, what is it?
You know that we don't accept
any young people here.
I'm ten years older than you,
and a club member longer than any of you.
But you don't look 78.
There are other clubs that would
surely happy to take on people like you.
"People like you!"
What's that crap about?
It's nothing against him personally.
But some members are bothered by it.
Guys, have you gone crazy?
Here, my ID card.
- Look.
Kiss my ass, Werner.
Nice that you came.
Anna recently discovered a weakness
for a small black congregation.
Do they know who you were before?
Of course not.
I hope they won't be coming
every weekend.
Recognize him?
The old Dr. Menzel,
the inventor of the personality transfer.
He just died.
Strange guy, huh, Hermann?
He wants to extend our lives,
and his own?
Here's Apolain at age nine.
When he was eleven, here,
his father died.
His mother.
A tragic death.
Stepped on a mine.
Are all of them here his siblings?
The 10% really does go to Africa,
to a subsidiary corporation.
The family actually gets
only one percent.
For selling their lives?
Is there another beer there?
Say, big man.
What can we do for his family?
What's wrong, Hermann?
You were never a philanthropist.
The noises here are so different
from back home.
It smells different than in Ethiopia,
doesn't it?
Oh, very different.
What's your name?
Why do you do that here,
nights, all alone?
When I was younger,
I had no feelings.
And now...
I'm overwhelmed with them.
Are you always alone?
My father is dead.
My sister...
she takes care of me.
Laurin, I'm sorry. Please!
Central, security here.
Is something wrong, Laurin?
And when she grows up,
I'll found a firm with her.
What if she wants to be a musician?
A musician?
I'm on my way.
Everything's in order here, yes.
Come with me out into the sun.
Sarah, it's so wonderful.
Just take a look.
Hey, good dog!
You're just hungry, huh?
Hey, here... Be quiet, my little lady.
Hello, you've reached
Anna and Hermann Goldbeck.
We're not home right now...
We're happy that you called
and will be happy to call back.
- Bye.
Menzana Corporation.
You had an appointment today at 9 a.m.
Since each day is important
in regard to the child,
we urgently request
that you still come in today.
What's wrong with our child?
Didn't Anna write anything to you?
Good morning, Mr. Goldbeck.
The route has been calculated.
Good that you've come.
Please, follow me.
Mr. Goldbeck...
Imagine that at the end of your life,
you could start all over again...
in a young, beautiful and healthy body!
Test our offer.
We offer more
than just a three month guarantee.
We can do everything you requested.
The genetic material is taken
from the parents
and put into the embryo
to meet your desires.
Mr. And Mrs. Goldbeck,
your daughter, at two.
She has your eyes, Mrs. Goldbeck.
Age ten.
At twenty.
An interesting idea.
Your idea, Mrs. Goldbeck.
What about Sarah and the African?
Will they be asked? It's their child, too!
But I thought our main concern
is that it becomes your child,
or... did I misunderstand something?
You have nothing to worry about.
All tests we made were positive.
Anna! My darling.
The young people signed a contract.
You need more time?
One decision you really must make.
Tomorrow, the three months are over.
Excuse me...
What decision?
- Mr. Goldbeck,
whether you keep your new bodies!
If so, then we cremate your old ones.
Hello! Hello!
Your visit is a pleasure for me.
Tomorrow is the day.
I wrote it down.
Tomorrow, the fate of my oldest
and best friend will be decided.
Would you like some water, too?
Thank you, Hermann.
You know what? You're not them.
You're not Hermann, and you're not Anna.
What do you mean?
I think I know
how Menzel's technology works.
Your memories were scanned
and reconstructed in the host's brain.
You "woke up" inside the two blacks
convinced that you're really yourselves.
In truth, you're a copy.
You can't sign away your bodies;
let yourself be cremated.
Don't let it happen.
Don't tell us what to do!
Excuse me...
I still have to feed the dog.
One more thing, Hermann.
Take a look... here.
We have to help these people.
It's already happening.
You just have to sign.
Apolain, come to bed. Have you gone crazy?
What are you doing there?
I never thought that the white devil
would do anything for us.
For our families.
We can't turn back anymore.
It's too late.
We would lose everything.
We have to see Dr. Menzel tomorrow,
or we'll never be free.
Even if a piece of wood floats in water
for a hundred years,
it'll never become a crocodile...
Your past bodies will be cremated today.
I would not recommend being present.
Dr. Menzel, what happens
with the security guard now?
I don't think we need the guard
and cameras anymore.
By the way,
those are wonderful sculptures.
Thank you.
From Africa?
I wish you both the best.
If you ever have any questions,
just call me. You know, nightmares...
We thank you.
I'm a passionate collector.
I buy them when I'm there on business.
These are from Egypt.
Were you ever in Egypt, Mrs. Goldbeck?
- Good...
One last thing.
It's not her fault. Let Sarah go.
Sarah's property of the corporation.
Her body will soon be perfect again.
It is my child. My baby!
Nobody may kill it!
No! No! Let Sarah go!
It's not her fault! No!
No! No! Apolain! No!
No! No! Murderers!
That's fraud, Dr. Menzel!
And you know it.
Mr. Goldbeck, you two wanted
to be young.
And I gave you that.
You failed, Dr. Menzel!
Your system doesn't work.
It is perfect, Mr. Goldbeck.
Thanks to Apolain's treachery,
we learned the weak link.
Now it is perfect.
In exchange for Sarah and Apolain,
I'm offering two new bodies.
These two have the highest ratings
in moral competency.
What'll happen to Sarah and Apolain?
And to the child?
we can't stop the child.
Sarah and Apolain stay in the program,
after a probation period.
We want to buy them free.
How much do you want?
We don't sell people.
We are not slave traders.
Naturally you're slave traders.
Like God, you allot us new bodies
from an inexhaustible stock of young people.
Let Sarah and Apolain free.
Or we'll go public.
I have influential friends...
Your offer is ridiculous.
We reject it. Even your father is dead.
He didn't even believe in your transfers.
Mr. Goldbeck,
do you really think my father
would give mankind something like this
and not take advantage of it himself?
What's that mean?
What are you saying?
Perhaps there would be no love
without death, Mrs. Menzel,
but you wouldn't understand that.
I'm tired.
I want to go home.
Everything will turn out fine, butterfly.
Everything will turn out fine.
But not the way you think.
You'll soon have to continue without me.
You know my old, sick body
doesn't have much time left.
How should I continue without you?
You must continue, Hermann.
You have to free Sarah and Apolain
from this prison.
We owe them that.
Do you still remember
what we always used to wish?
To die together.
That was our dream.
I'll be waiting for you.
But don't take too long, you hear?
You're beautiful, Anna.
The only one for me, my butterfly.
My condolences, Mrs. Goldbeck.
His body was weak.
The personal transfer is enjoying
ever-increasing popularity.
Over 400 people have taken advantage
of this wonderful opportunity to date.
The couples among them have given birth
to 21 healthy children.
All the children grow up loved
and cared for.
Don't delay.
You have more than just the past.
You have a future.