Transformers One (2024) Movie Script

Okay, let's see what we got here.
See, let's see.
What's this enough?
It's the love!
Go on the other hand, go on the other
hand, go on the other hand.
Get on, go on the other hand.
Ah... Here we go.
At the dawn of time, there was our
gracious and powerful Creator.
Primus... to protect our
universe, he sacrificed his
life force, transforming
himself into our planet.
Cybertron... ...the point to lead
and protect future generations.
To assist them, Primus created an entity
of great power.
The matrix of leadership, the matrix there
Okay, good.
Come on, keep going.
With the matrix in the Primus position,
Cybertron's natural power source,
Energon, flowed in abundance.
Sustaining life...
For generations, there was
peace and prosperity until
the matrix of leadership
was lost causing Energon.
To no longer flow.
Why is every legend about the matrix and
right there?
One of these has to say what happened.
Help, give it on, prepare to be detained.
Give it on, prepare to be detained.
How about this?
I run away, you chase me, we play that
Come on, you're bigger, faster,
that'd be fun.
He doesn't have a cog.
Let's give him a head start.
Why not?
It's not like you can transform.
Oh yeah?
Well, watch this.
Get him!
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Go on, Cybertron.
Ooh, Energon.
Evening everyone, pardon me.
Hey, fellas, thanks for the head start.
You want to give me another one?
You're dead!
I'll take that as enough.
Hey, watch what you're going, though.
What did you say, no cog?
Sorry, sir.
I didn't mean you.
I was referring to the bot who was behind
Where'd he go?
The filthy red and blue
bot has a big mouth,
squeaky joints, gives off
a corroded metallic punch.
Where is he?
He went that way.
When I get my hair.
Alright, all clear.
Okay, D16, I may be a little dusty,
but corroded that is too far.
Let me guess.
Checked out of the archives.
I had to jump out of a window this time.
Almost died.
That's wild.
And digging through ancient data is worth
dying for.
Yes, it is.
The new best friend.
If there are clues and are
recorded to history that can
help locate the Matrix
leadership, they're in the archives.
Trust Sentinel Prime.
The Sentinel Prime is up on the surface.
Right now.
Risking his life for us in search of the
That's exactly what I'm doing.
I'm trying to help him.
The sooner energy on flows again,
the sooner we won't have to mind for it.
Don't you want to choose your own path,
do whatever you want?
Where mine is.
The mine?
That's all.
Oh, there's got to be something more I can
I can feel it.
Oh, yeah?
Like the time that you had a fee.
You could transform without a call.
You said you were never going to mention
that again.
Took me three days to pry you over.
Your feelings give you a trouble.
Yeah, yeah.
Just trust Sentinel Prime.
I do trust in him.
Hey, if we did have cogs.
I'd transform into a shovel and beat you.
I don't like how fast your answer to that.
But listen, if you did beat
me, I couldn't give you
this awesome megatronus
prime thing I have here.
Let's go.
I'll give you to someone else.
What megatronus prime thing?
There's nothing.
There's a, you know, the mint condition.
megatronus prime decal first edition.
I mean, if you don't want it, I can just
throw it away.
That's not funny.
Let me see.
Don't grab your increases.
Sentinel says megatronus was the strongest
prime to ever live.
I know, buddy.
Looks good on you.
It's really cool.
Always got your back.
No matter what.
I'm approaching some level station instead
of their doors.
Mining takes a better angle.
I don't think
they're under my leadership.
How perfect is my mining record?
We are near 30 units of megatronus waiting
for my promotion to supervisor.
Oh, you're happy to meet.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that I somehow gave you the
impression that we're friends.
Oh, gee, accept me.
What up, that wall?
Let's go.
10 seconds.
I can take the lead today.
Captain, I feel like having a power in me
to drill down and touch prime as myself.
You don't have to touch or the power.
Freddie positions for us about having a
She's in a good mood today.
You ready?
Always ready.
Let's punch in.
Here we go.
This one won't be over.
I'll bring it up.
Here we go.
Oh, our channel is open.
It's not stable.
It's not stable.
They're not doing anything.
They're not doing everything.
This one is strong.
I'm on this.
With me, Dave.
One is big.
They're going.
They're back.
They're gone.
Yeah, it's a stuck.
They're not trapped.
I'm falling back for the system.
The negative does not bring protocol.
They're back.
We're gonna leave more left.
It's closing.
Just grab your back and go.
Good idea.
Let's go!
I didn't mean it!
It's coming!
Nothing much, just normal protocol
following stuff.
It's all good.
Oh, that's not good.
Orion Pax, could you please exit the
tunnel of death?
It's about to get messy out there!
What the hell, Pax?
I told you to evacuate.
I did, eventually.
If I get fired, because of you.
Oh, please.
They're not gonna fire you.
A little one, you're fired.
I followed protocol to the letter.
Well, that is true.
I was the one who broke the rules now.
You're gonna ask you, Darkwing,
I have worked too hard for you.
You are no card bots with limited options.
Report the waste management immediately.
Waste management.
Next time, why are you stopping the heat
before you ruin someone's life?
I'm sorry.
Hey, Darkwing.
I may not have a cod, but my finger can
Guess which one.
I'll give you a limited option.
Excuse me, sir.
Allow me.
I apologize on his behalf for the dispute.
Oh, my God.
Really hurt.
What did you expect his metal?
You know you were out of line talking back
to a superior like that.
If Darkwing was out of line, you deserve
Aren't you tired of being treated like
we're nothing?
He had every right to hit me.
I interfered.
Hey, and I appreciate you having my back.
I'm glad you're there with me to get
punched in the face.
That was fun.
Attention all sectors stand by for a live
transmission from Sentinel Prime.
He's back.
He's back already?
Maybe you found the Matrix.
Is it on?
Thank you.
Hello, my friends.
Hello, Iacon City.
Hello to our saviors, the
industrious miners who
toil selflessly to maintain
our energy on reserves.
I celebrate you.
Humanity and presence.
That's leadership.
Oh, nobody does it better.
Once again, I have narrowly returned with
my fleet.
After another treacherous
expedition across
the desolate, dangerous
surface of our planet.
I departed with hopes
of finding the matrix of
leadership, the key to
bringing balance to Cybertron.
I regret to inform you that we've returned
This is a setback.
But not a failure.
Rest assured, I will find the matrix of
leadership so that energon can flow again.
But that's in the future.
Right now, I think we all deserve a little
Tomorrow there will be no work.
All shifts off because tomorrow is the
Iacon 5,000.
My favorite event.
A high-octane race all across Iacon City.
Let's all see which competitor can prove
they are truly more than meets the I.
Hey, Dee.
Oh, good.
You're up.
Come on.
I have an idea.
Whatever this is, it's better be good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, listen.
What if tomorrow we ran in the Iacon 5
What if I kill you for waking up?
No, no, hear me out.
We don't even have to win.
No, that's good because we wouldn't,
but if we be just one transformer,
it proves we're just as good as they are.
Not only would we go down in history,
the mining boss that did be impossible.
But we would show everyone that we're
capable of so much more.
Oh, we get publicly humiliated and then
busted back to Tier 1.
Yeah, but at least we would have done
something, you know.
Come on, Dee.
We're mining bots who can't transform.
We can't fly.
We can't roll.
We can't race.
Come on, let's go.
Oh, no, I find.
Yeah, maybe you're right.
The Iacon 5,000 is finally here.
Where are you going?
It stayed in that way.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
We're gonna be late now.
I want a good scene.
We came out this way to miss the opening
This is one trash man, I know what I'm
Hold up.
Get caught in one of those in a launch of
halfway across the city.
Okay, where are you taking... Don't
be a glitch, this will be totally worth it.
Trust me.
Hey, you don't be a glitch.
I know this is like one for you.
You don't run around, but you can miss in
part the Iacon 5,000.
That's where I will smoke your face.
Welcome to the Iacon 5,000.
There they are.
What you have together is today's
competitors are taking the field.
Look, look, there's Thunder Live and
Bahamut, this is unbelievable.
I feel like I'm in the race.
You did this for me?
I did this for us.
And now, the moment you've all been
waiting for, the Iacon of Iacon.
The savior of Cybertron.
It's his own spirit, but we love it.
Our leader, the one, not only Sentinel
Oh, my God!
You feel so good to be here with you all
My friends, my Cybertronian family.
It has been precisely 50 cycles since the
quintessons attacked our home.
50 cycles since we lost the matrix of
And our energon supply dried up.
50 cycles since the battle that killed the
other primes.
My brothers and sisters in arms.
Today, we honor the primes who gave their
lives for ours.
We showed them that the strength of
Cybertron will never be diminished.
Racers, on your arms.
I can't believe we get to watch from the
starting line.
The best seat of the house.
Why do you bring up eggs?
It's time to show them.
We are more than meets the eye.
Oh, no.
And they're off!
Oh, my God!
Why say, sure, feel like there's things.
I have gone 5,000 hours before...
Sorry, are those minors in the race?
My brothers!
Those are minors with us!
I can't believe let's see here.
They're on minors as I can run and plan on
finding them.
This is insane!
There's minors in the race!
I'm going to say, I'm going to try to
follow the right past 2016.
Please survive this!
I'm going to kill you!
I accept those turns.
We still live in the lead, down the main
Followed my strength and skylire!
Now, take this out!
Oh, my 10,000!
I can't believe we're not in the race!
I'm tired!
I'm tired!
My military's a devastating blow!
We're not best enough!
Hey, come on!
Get off!
Get off!
It's the second one!
Get off!
have to destroy!
And the minors have fallen way behind.
We can now focus on the real contenders in
this race.
The minors turn down the hard way!
Right after Darkling!
Now, work!
It actually won!
It's just the dumbest thing we've ever
Oh, yeah, it's up there!
Go, go, go!
More blood pile up in the magnetic top!
And then the two minors are now in first
That's it!
Leave me!
We do this together!
One minor is now carrying the other!
Here's steps from the finish line!
They're the most amazing sensational
dramatic part!
They decided to really finish the finish
We have a win!
From the attempts of kind of take the
As for ages!
Well, second place is still pretty good!
You're not worried you will be fixed up in
no time.
Did I win?
You participated!
So... How long do
you think we'll be here?
I'm not talking to you.
You know what?
I can't believe you made me do that.
We are so screwed!
I thought you weren't talking to me.
Hey, look, I know it's all a big joke to
you, but not me!
I was paying my dues!
I was going places!
And now they're gonna bust me down!
I don't even know how many tears.
Sorry, Dee.
Come on, didn't you feel it?
Even for just a second, didn't you feel
Didn't you feel like you
were something else like
you could be more than
what they say you are?
Yeah, I felt it.
I did.
But it doesn't matter!
We're going to get punished and demoted!
Oh, I said to the prime saw the whole
This is so embarrassing!
It's clear!
Orion Pax!
Dee Sixteen.
What you two did today was one of the
craziest things I've ever seen.
Sir, this is all my idea and we're so
sorry about it.
I loved it!
You did?
How could anyone not love it?
You gave my best tracers a real run for
their money!
So, we're not getting demoted.
The fact of the matter is, we're halfway
into the first shift since the race ended.
And that mining crew has already reached
150% quota.
You inspired them to work harder!
With Sentinel Prime, Sir, we joined the
race to show everyone our potential.
That weak bots can do more than just
I love a bot that can think for himself.
Perhaps you took a tour
of the mines, speak to
your brethren, and help
them see their potential.
That sounds incredible!
It's time!
I'm sorry, friends!
We're preparing our next travel to the
But in the meantime, I've got a treat for
Hang tight.
Have someone escort these heroes to my
personal service facilities?
Best care in Iacon.
Until next time, legends!
Sentinel Prime!
Ah, these!
Sentinel Prime!
You're still mad at me?
I am less mad at you.
I'm telling you, Dee, I got a feeling that
everything's going to change.
And we're, we're going to go...
You don't understand!
We were supposed to go to Sentinel Prime's
service pie!
You two don'ts!
I'm going to see anyone ever again!
I'll make sure of that!
You're making them a big ass seminal!
Er... Hate that guy!
That's enough!
It's enough!
It's enough!
You're real!
You're... You're...
You're... Not me!
You're here!
And you're not me!
I am so sorry, that must have been weird
for you.
I just haven't had a lot of companies since
they put me down here in sub-level 50.
But they're only 40 sub-levels.
That's what I thought!
Turns out they're 10 more and they are not
Probably why nobody ever really talks
about them.
I think how long have you been down here?
How long have I been here?
Let's say, somewhere between a long time
and forever.
I mean, I had other
jobs, but I kept getting
reassigned because
I'm so good at what I do.
I'm B127, by the way.
But you can call me B.
I'm actually working on some nicknames.
The one I'm floating right now is Bad
Acetron, which is actually pronounced.
Bad Acetron.
But if you have any critiques...
How do we get out of here?
Great question!
You don't!
We don't!
We have limited access to the
waste management area, but
the new shift manager there
does not like distractions.
No, they prefer we stay here on the task
at hand.
Which is...
The scrap comes in from the chute there
onto the conveyor belt.
Our job is to look for
anything that might be worth
salvaging before it hits
the furnace and gets melted.
So you watch garbage burn?
It is so great that you're here now.
I can't wait to learn everything about
And then tell you everything about me.
I have a lot of hopes
and dreams that I am just
dying to share with one
or two new best friends.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, where are my manners?
Come on.
I'll introduce you to the rest of the
Hey guys!
We've got company!
This is EP 508.
This is A.A.
And this fella here is Steve.
Yeah, he's for it.
Question, do they talk back to you?
Um, they're not real.
Oh, what?
You think I'm that crazy?
Oh, no, it's just you've been down here.
I was talking to Steve.
Classic Steve.
What is that?
What is that?
What is that?
What is that?
Oh, Steve!
I'm so sorry.
We need to fix the door, he doesn't need
Hey, Steve!
Put this on ambush.
Holding the high card.
We're immediate support.
Immediate support.
That's how for try-on.
One of the primes?
Single prime has fallen!
S-O-S message.
Check the matrix.
Sending location coordinate.
Sending location coordinates.
Holy primus.
Those are coordinates to a location on the
This could be where the primes died in the
Quintessan War.
Which means this is where we could find
the matrix of leadership.
What are you talking about?
It's an old beacon inside a statue made of
Or to clue of how we can find the matrix
of leaders.
No way!
Absolutely not!
Come on, this could be our chance to show
You already tried to show everyone in the
You tricked me into
running, which got us
stuck down here in this
waste hole with this...
Really cool guy.
Who thank you?
I just said... There's a reason
no one goes to the surface.
It's dangerous!
I'm waiting right here until the primes
finds us.
Okay, yeah.
Well, we'll just stay here forever.
And cool with you, Bee.
This is great!
I have you co-workers and roommates.
There's plenty of room now that Steve is
I usually sleep on the conveyor belt,
but you can totally have it.
I'll sleep in the corner next to AATron.
Plenty of room for you guys to stretch
Because you're taller than I am.
You know what I mean?
You know what I mean?
What do you think Samuel's
reaction would be if you
personally handed him the
matrix of leadership that you found?
Okay, stop.
I know what you're trying to do.
And it's definitely working.
I'm in.
Ah, yeah, buddy.
How do we get to the surface?
You kidding me?
The surface?
I know away.
But it won't be easy.
Why is there so much stress?
To warn you next time, please,
my mouth was over.
Only 49 sub-levels ago.
Waste disposal trains are the only vehicles
that go all the way to the surface.
Yeah, but they don't have passengers to
the trains or autonomous.
Yeah, that's the won't be easy part.
It's perfect.
We'll be safe inside the train.
That's the last one.
One more.
I'll lock it down.
Thanks for being an idiot, whoever you
Turning you in will definitely get me
promoted back up a rank or two.
Got him.
No, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Oh, I'm leaving.
Hold on, I'm leaving.
Security, stand me alone.
You should cut it to the engine.
Don't worry, I got this.
Only to wait.
We found a message.
You know what I mean.
This fuck is crazy.
Who is she?
That end of Linda.
There's no way.
Yeah, well, she's gone.
The surface.
It's beautiful.
It's speechless.
Alita, listen to me.
We know where the matrix of leadership is.
Oh, sure.
And I'm really a prime.
I just prefer loading crates of chocolate.
Where did you get this?
From my friend, Steve.
Orion killed him.
He did not kill Steve.
He was never alive.
Look, the Sentinel told us he was going to
this surface.
And then we found this message.
We figured that we can hand delivered to
him or scout the locations ourselves.
Whichever comes first.
This was too important to wait.
It will change all of our lives.
No, no, no, no.
I'm not going to get demoted again because
of you.
I'm turning this rig around and I'm new to
find the problem.
Hey guys, guys.
What is that?
Is it getting bigger?
All right.
Close, sir.
Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
No one close to the surface.
You okay?
Please stop punching me in the face.
The trick.
Where's the train?
Here it comes.
There it goes.
I was wrong about that.
It was going the other way.
So, uh... This is us.
And if we follow this path...
Now, you listen to me, Mr. and Sturo
seconds since my last accident.
I'll go under the little quest because I
don't have a choice.
But I carry the map.
I navigate.
And if this leads to nothing, then I'm
dragging you to any go-bots back to icon
city and to the first supervisor depot we
see, at which point you will explain
everything that's happened using words
that reflect me in a very positive light.
Got it!
Yeah, okay, do you?
Let's go!
She's joining us?
Hi there.
Alina, right?
Am I saying that right?
Wanted to formally introduce myself.
I'm B127.
You need me in the face earlier.
Back there.
You can call me B.
Or Badaasatron.
It's a nickname some of the guys gave me.
I don't know.
I didn't give it to myself or anything.
Actually, it's pronounced Badaasatron.
In case you were wondering.
You like that, right?
I'm gonna need you to talk less.
No, yeah, no problem.
What am I talking less about?
My nickname?
That's fine with me.
Hey, you're thinking about what you'll say
when you hand the matrix to settle,
aren't you?
I can't open.
We're really doing this.
So glad I'm out here with you.
This was a great idea.
I'm just not even good.
How much Christmas the matrix on the map?
They can educate a guest.
This is the coolest thing that's ever
happened to anyone anywhere.
I'm telling you.
Not two, not three, but four.
Four best friends who were walking through
the door.
There's no doors.
We're outside.
Hey, look, there's more of it over here.
It's not metal.
Like some kind of weird nature.
It's weird.
So are they.
What was that?
Well, I think this is not right.
We should go.
Good idea.
Why don't we run it from?
What do we do?
What do we do?
It's scanning for life forms.
Move, move.
No, no, go.
What were they searching for?
Someone to hug me.
How should I know?
I'm not waiting around to find out.
This way, we're close.
The crunish-ons haven't been here for 50
It doesn't make sense.
There's nothing out here.
A cave with teeth.
Nothing scary about that.
Coming out of the ceiling.
Everyone, do we have to go.
We'll set them.
Okay, yep.
We're going in.
I should read just walking into the scariest
place I've ever seen in my entire life.
That's ridiculous.
I don't believe it.
The primes.
We're here.
the Tronus Prime.
Data Prime.
The Matrix.
It's gone.
Let's keep looking.
Hey, guys.
It's Alpha Trillion.
He's powered down.
But he's spark.
He's still lit.
Oh, it's okay.
Hey, it's so hard, boys.
Guys, you're the side.
I have to get it started.
This is the war.
Whoa, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
You're safe now.
The war is over.
I failed your old friend.
You deserve so much better than this.
And, though you didn't fail.
We heard your message.
We've come to find the major...
Transformation cards.
What happened to you?
Who are you?
We're countless miners.
From my account.
Well, we've had to drill for Energon ever
since it stopped flowing.
That's why we came.
To fix things.
If we find the Matrix of Leadership and
get it to Central O'Brien, he's sent to me.
Is no bribe.
He's broken.
What are you talking about?
Why would you say that?
Sentinel Prime is our protector.
He's been saving us from the Quintessans
ever since.
You have not been saved.
You've been living a lie.
I saw the truth with my own eyes.
I will show you.
For thousands of cycles, the war with the
Quintessans had been a brutal conflict.
Until Sentinel, the principal E to the
prize, intercepted an enemy transmission.
It was going to be a secret gathering of
Quintessans commanders.
There in the mission could end the war.
It was a mission so important.
We primes took it on ourselves.
We agreed to meet Sentinel for his
sensitive intel in secret.
In this game.
But we were not alone.
My son!
We're here!
Our outnumbered but stood as one.
Our victory was needed.
Until we were betrayed.
We're all the power of Cybertron.
But Sentinel never understood the true
power of what it is I.
The matrix of leadership can only be wielded
by one that primus himself deems worthy.
And Sentinel most certainly was not.
Wait, hold on, do you hear saying that the
matrix of leadership?
Just vanished?
No, no, no, no.
That is impossible.
I don't believe it.
Why would Sentinel do that?
To make a bargain.
A bargain.
With who?
With the new rulers of Cybertron.
Criticities... You're so many.
This is here.
Sentinel prime is here!
Keep your eyes open.
They always are.
I load those crates.
Those are filled with contaminated metal.
I don't understand.
What do the quid is always on with toxic
Our energy.
When I promise you, with our minds,
they're running out.
There's barely enough energy on for us.
I swear, I will catch you the rest of the
Triple time, every mining shift.
No minor gets a break until I get my
All of it.
Let's go!
Now you have seen the truth.
Every day.
Every single day of my life has been a
I knew it.
Deep down, I always felt something was
He deceived.
Sentinel bought himself power and then put
us to work, paying off his debt.
I can't believe it.
Well, obviously, I can't believe
it, but I just saw it, but I still...
I can't believe it.
Sentinel lied to my face.
With all the share, how could we have been
so gullible?
Oh, this.
Who's going to change everything?
You just had to do it, didn't you?
What did I do?
You just had to go to the surface,
had to enter the Iacon 5000.
You just had to break protocol.
Who cares about protocol?
I do.
I care.
Because nothing bad happens when you stay
on protocol.
Sentinel Prime has been forcing us to work
in the mines until our gear is back.
And all the while, he's been giving the
energon away to our greatest enemies.
And what do you think he's
going to do to us when he finds
out that we know I'm not thinking
about what he's going to do.
I'm thinking about what we're going to do.
Well, that's the whole thing.
You're never thinking about anything else.
Just yourself.
Another Orion packs master plan.
I can't wait to hear this.
I don't you want to stop him?
No, I want to kill him.
I want to put Sentinel in
chains and march him through
the mines so everyone can
see him for the false prime.
That he is.
I want him to suffer and then to die in
But we all know that it doesn't matter
what I want.
Right, packs?
The fact is we're just coggling spots.
He had limited options.
And now we have none.
No son or daughter of Cybertron is born
without a cog.
Oh, yeah.
I've been with myself since I came online
and this slot's always been empty.
What are you saying?
Are you saying?
No way.
Nobody could be that evil.
Not even Sentinel.
He removed your cogs before you came
We were born with transformation cogs.
But he took them from us.
What defines a transformer is not the cog
in his chest.
But the spark that resides in their core.
A spark that gives you the will to make
your world better.
My fellow primes had that spark.
And I see their strength in you.
Take their cogs and access your full
They were one.
You are one.
All are one.
Where we have you gave us the ability to
change your world.
How you choose to use that power is up to
They found us.
Oh, yes.
Turn the fight back.
You must return to Iacam City and alert
Embedded in this are the records I assure
Use it to reveal the truth.
We will.
This tunnel leads to the mountains.
Cybertron's future is in your hands.
We're at a time.
We got to move.
Wait, wait.
We can't just leave you here.
Your fight will come, my friend.
Primus has a purpose for us all.
But this fight...
This fight is mine.
I'll go.
All do you say?
Not too old for you.
We need to hurry.
I still think we have better odds fighting
than outrunning him.
We have cogs.
We can transform now.
That's right.
Everyone ready?
I was born ready.
On three.
On five.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
The wheels.
Oh, wow.
We're alive.
Oh, my God.
Oh, buddy.
You okay?
I'm great.
Are you kidding me?
We can transform.
We transform.
I know.
We'll wait some time.
We have to get back to Iowa.
It looks like the fastest way back to
What are you doing?
Don't worry about it.
I've got to improve his insight and you're
spilling it everywhere.
It... Follow me.
Alpha Triumph... Or still alive.
Did you look at that?
You look horrible.
You are a disgrace.
Primus will surely...
Yes, shut up.
I seized an opportunity to take control of
my future.
Anything you'd out of working for you and
then boring council of elders.
I would watch you prime spent half the day
losing a war and the other have sitting
around waxing poetic about loyalty and
But now look to you.
Hear my words.
You will fall.
And a new prime will rise.
You go again.
I don't want to listen to any more
There were others in the cave with you.
Who are they?
They ought to be your undoing.
You've lost Sentinel.
Oh, didn't I just say no speeches?
You heard me, right?
This is what I'm talking about.
All of them were like that.
So disrespectful.
Hunt down the others.
What a pleasure.
Hey, buddy.
Oh, hey.
You've been a little quiet.
You are right.
All I can think about is Sentinel's
smirking face.
He must pay for what he's done.
Someone has to do something.
We are.
Without his proof inside that device,
we will show everyone the truth.
You honestly believe it'll be that easy?
Iacond doesn't want to hear the truth.
They worship Sentinel.
There's got to be a better way to bring
them down.
We just have to trust that everyone will
believe what we show.
I trust it.
With everything.
I will never trust a so-called leader ever
There's only one but I know it.
All right.
Wake them up.
Are you spies?
Or just incompetent lackeys?
We're not spies.
But he isn't competent.
Scanning illegal languages, he speaks the
That just means he believes himself.
Like any spy would.
Why is he gagged?
He wouldn't stop talking.
Even when he was unconscious?
Especially when he was unconscious.
Two options for you.
We slowly dismantle each of you.
One bolt and screw at a time.
And really make sure you feel it.
Or two.
In exchange for a quick death,
you give us intel on the energon trains.
Access to the mines.
Or anything else that can hurt your boss
Sentinel Prime.
Who exactly are you guys?
The Cybertronian High Guard.
I told you it wasn't high enough.
prestigious defenders of Iacon.
He's right.
I read all about you in the archives.
You're the most legendary warriors in all
of Cybertron.
That's Starscream.
And your shockwave.
And soundwave.
Gus, raise your hand if wave is in your
There's a lot of waves.
The yellow annoying one is correct.
We were once the high guard.
We witnessed Sentinel's betrayal.
Saw the primes fall.
Since that day, we've been fighting from
the shadows.
Doing whatever we can to sabotage
That's great.
We're holding it.
Okay, okay.
We're good.
Everyone relax.
I'm just saying we're allies.
We were on our way back to Iacon.
And now with your help, we can unify
Cybertron against Sentinel Prime.
The idea of a unified Cybertron is a myth.
All that counts is the strength of one bot
over another.
Okay, so these guys are a little intense.
Just a little.
What are you doing?
I tell you what I'm not doing.
I'm not cowering in some busted ship
playing king of the throne.
I'm not pretending like I'm making a
By throwing one punch
and then running away to
hide, I found out that
Sentinel is rotten today.
And I'm gonna make him pay for it.
Two day!
You think you can insult me and just walk
No one leaves here unless I say so.
Is that right?
Well, how can you say so?
With my head and your teeth.
Go, get it!
You want to see the strength of one bot
over another!
I'm making a mistake.
He's not the enemy.
Bear witness!
This is the last time I show mercy.
Right now, you can stay here in hiding.
Bowing before your pathetic leader,
or follow me as we march on Iacon,
and I take down Sentinel once and for all!
I got the bridge!
I feel like someone dropped a cliff on me,
or... where are the others?
Sentinel's troops took his mission.
Many prisoners as they could carry.
They got D-16 and B.
Oh, no!
And half of those high garden-nut jobs.
Our proof.
It's gone.
So, what do we do now?
D was right.
About what?
Look at it, look around.
This is a disaster.
It's all my fault.
I should have stayed on protocol.
Listen to me.
I really want you to hear this.
Are you listening?
I'm better than you.
Yeah, okay.
I'm hearing you.
I'm better than you.
In every way, except you have hope.
You always have.
You went back into the mind to rescue
You snuck up to the surface to find the
matrix of leadership.
Yeah, how that work out.
My point is that your instincts tell you
to break protocol for a reason.
This blind optimism that you have is why
you make such bold and courageous choices
that are also extremely stupid.
First time giving a pep talk.
You're inspiring.
You can envision a better future that no
one else can see.
And if we ever want
to see B and D16 again,
that is the Orion Pax
that we need right now.
Listen to me.
We can do this.
Those energy on trains will be heading
back to Iacon.
If we intercepted one.
Hell yes, I can re-brought it.
What else do we need?
Well, my bold instincts tell me we have to
recruit some nut jobs.
And I was afraid you'd say that.
That jock wave sound wave view in the
In order to save our captured friends,
we have to act now.
I blast you back to Iacon!
Everyone, shut up!
All of you!
What's an end?
Most likely our friends are being held
captive at the top of Sentinel's Tower.
A surprise attack would give us a chance
to rescue them.
Impossible, we do not have enough soldiers
all the way inside.
A leader will get us in, and I will get
more troops.
Why should we follow you?
We will follow you!
Attention, High Lord.
Be careful battle.
What is our first move?
We roll out.
Transform and roll out!
I don't understand.
Why are we still alive?
Look at this rowdy bunch!
The high guard!
You guys have been tough to find.
Every trip to the surface, I'm searching
for you.
I'm tracking the bots in the cave.
Let me write to them.
Oh, you captured Starscream!
It was too easy.
I know you rip you apart!
Please, please, see if I can get this
No equipment!
You're ridiculous!
It's weird.
Oh, D16, what a tragic story you'll be.
A top-the-leader board in your sector?
And secretly, a traitor.
I'm not a traitor.
You're the traitor.
You, all of you, are traitors.
You've been working with the quintessons
to sabotage my expeditions.
You're the reason why I haven't found the
matrix of leadership yet.
None of that is true.
Oh, trust me, it'll be very true when I'm
executing you in front of all of Iacon.
Because down here, the truth is what I
make it.
Well, well, what's this about?
I'm not kneeling in front of you.
Feeling confident, are we?
You don't scare me.
You want to know why.
Because I don't have anything left to
You took it all.
I sure did.
Oh, Megatron is prime.
Of course you were a fan.
Megatronus was the coolest prime,
the biggest, the baddest, the toughest.
That's why, after I killed him,
I took his cog for myself.
He was greater than you'll ever be.
I don't know, I'm pretty great.
But I can understand why you'd want to
wear his face over mine.
Let's make sure it doesn't come off.
You can do this.
You can't be serious.
We just weren't twenty-two shifts without
a break.
These miners need rest and time to repair.
Something will prime once more in a job.
So get back in the mines.
Before I make you get back in.
Who's that one?
Is that?
It can't be.
Oh, Brian?
Is it really you?
Yeah, I know I look a little different.
There's nothing little about you.
How is this possible?
Sentinel told us you died from your race
Sentinel is a liar.
Look, I know how this will sound coming
from me.
I was never the most focused miner.
But as you can see, everything is
different now.
I went to the surface and I learned the
My friends, we were all born with
transformation cogs.
And then Sentinel, he stole them from us.
He took away our ability to make our own
He stole our freedom.
But now, I'm offering you your first real
You can work a twenty-third shift in mine
yourself to death.
Or fight back against Sentinel with me.
Right now.
How are we supposed to do that?
We can't fight.
We don't have cogs.
What defines a transformer is not the cog
in its chest.
But the spark that resides in their core.
A spark that gives you the will to make
your world better.
And that spark, Sentinel can never take
from us.
There's not enough of us.
We need an army.
And we have one.
A leader is bringing troops.
We are not alone in this.
If we want to be in control of our own
destiny, we will have to fight for it.
Now is the time for us to stand up for
Stand up for this injustice.
I promise you, this fight will be worth
Follow me.
Nothing stops when we stand together.
Together as one.
I am the Ryan man.
Oh, leader, it's time.
You got it.
Buckle up, Linkie.
We're going in.
Not a good idea.
Do you stay down?
Well, that's a shame.
You really were a great minor.
We've got a breach.
Protect Sentinel.
What they spotted us.
It's about to get bumpy.
I could, Egypt.
We're not going to make it.
Let's break some problems.
That's the moment of fact.
You can't win minor.
I see everything.
That's right.
You do.
Accept the tower we're about to crash
This is nothing compared to what I'm going
to do to settle.
I'm going to break the prisoners.
I know how to stop you.
Erachnet is the answer.
I'm doing this my way.
I got a battle mass.
A leader!
Battle mass.
Get up here with this guy.
My fans?
I have my fans.
No, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Where's Sentinel?
You pathetic little tights.
Did you really think it's a good
Everything I've built.
It's over Sentinel.
You can't escape the truth.
What truth?
Then I plucked the cons from your newborn
Forced you to mine so that I could pay off
the quits of sons and live like a king?
None of that matters.
Because the truth is...
What... I... Make it!
In trouble!
He's too strong.
I have a plan.
We need Erachnet.
You need her memory.
Where is she?
Do not break her.
Bring her to the broadcast station.
We'll need you there.
He's here.
I said don't break her.
Bring her!
I have my pen!
I can see that.
I'm gonna cut these guys watch.
Come in!
Jab them later.
You gotta go.
Excuse me.
You can't be.
Excuse me.
You can't be.
These are not the bad guys.
Why did you cut the door?
I didn't...
That wasn't... It
was already like that.
Yes, that's right.
It was... Yeah, it was already
like... Yeah, it was already like...
I am sitting.
Stand by for a live transmission from
Sentinel climb.
What's wrong, D-16?
Rise up!
That's why after I
killed him, that's why
after I killed him, I
took his cock for myself.
The cock for myself.
What truth?
That I put the cock from your newborn
chest, forced you to mind so that I can
pay off the with the sound to live like a
king, but truth.
And I put the cock from your newborn
chest, forced you to mind so that I can
pay off the quick sound to live like a
If I'm working, my mind is as hard as I
I swear, I will catch you to the rest.
If I'm working, my mind is as hard as I
I swear, I will catch you to the vessel.
If I'm working, my mind is as hard as I
I want you to rest.
I'm in trust.
I'm in trust.
Pray, no!
Pax, he didn't.
Dec 60, we can lead Silent jump together.
Don't do this.
What are you doing?
It's over,orety.
Everyone in Iacon knows the truth.
So do I!
He took everything from us.
I have to do this.
No, you don't.
Re-building Iacon cannot begin with an
He throws to die!
Can't you see that?
We're better than this.
Don't be like Sentinel.
You'll need to move out of my way.
Before I move you myself, do you listen to
No, no, no, no.
Why did you do that?
I'm done saving you.
Hello, please!
And you will never again hear me!
Please, follow me!
And you will never again hear me to see!
Your noble sacrifice for the greater good
has proven you worthy in the eyes of
primus, he entrusts in you, the future of
Cybertron, and the matrix of leadership.
I will let us all into the future!
Optimus Prime!
Run it down!
All of it!
He's gonna kill everyone!
We have to stop, come on!
every last one of his followers!
Prime Miss gave you the matrix.
We could have built the future together.
I'll build it myself after I tear down
everyone in my way!
We were given the power to change our
world, and you chose to destroy it.
Just like Sentinel, you have betrayed
Cybertron and its citizens.
And you betrayed me.
Take the high guard and leave.
You are banished from Iacon.
It didn't have to end this way.
This is an over.
I'm gone!
Follow me!
The line between friend and enemy is not
as clear as I once believed.
Once it's crossed, there's no going back.
Because some transformations are
Hey, Megatron is prime, nice!
Oh, yeah, well, he's my hero.
The greatest prime ever lived!
I'm D-16.
Orion packs.
You, ever mind, energon before?
No, you.
I hear it's dangerous.
I'll tell you what.
He walks my back, promised to watch yours.
All right.
A new beginning for Cybertron.
And a new leader.
Yes, about that.
I could use some help from the bot who is
better than me in every way.
Who me?
Oh, no.
I have a pretty sweet gig working in ways
Well, Captain, I do owe you a promotion.
How's Major Alita sound?
How about Commander?
Even better.
And I'm sorry, B, but I cannot let you go
back to sub-level 50.
I may be a prime now, but I'm gonna need
you by my side.
Are you serious?
This is the greatest day of my life!
I get to work for the government!
So that's new.
I'm sorry, what is happening?
And now you stand here together as one.
Proving we all have the power to transform,
to become who we were destined to be.
To write wrongs, to make our world better.
Because here, freedom and autonomy are the
rights of all sentient beings.
Here, all are truly auto-lots.
This message is awarding to all
If you dare return to Cybertron,
the auto-lots will be waiting.
I will be waiting.
I am Optimus Prime.
Hey guys!
Great news, the energon's back.
And I have a cog, and I can transform.
It's a long story.
I'll fill you in later.
Oh, and here's the best part.
My hands are straight up knives.
Watch this.
Knife hands!
Sentinel, the betrayer is dead.
But his death has given life to a new
A stronger enemy.
A personal enemy.
We will not be blinded by his deception.
We are the ones who are...
Rise up!
Rise up!
Rise up!
Rise up!