Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023) Movie Script

There's a legend that precedes
the dawn of our civilization.
A vile god,
so large and so powerful
that it consumed
entire planets as fuel.
Few believed such a thing
could be true,
until the day we saw Unicron
with our own eyes.
[mechanical roaring]
[mechanical whirring]
But he didn't just come
for our planet.
He wanted
our greatest technology,
the Transwarp Key.
And he sent his most powerful
henchman to collect it,
[Transwarp Key rings]
[Transwarp Key rings]
[creature trilling]
[mechanical whirring]
More enemies are landing.
We won't be safe
for long.
Do we have the key?
You must take it.
Keep it hidden,
so that it never falls
into the hands of Unicron.
But, Apelinq, we can fight.
Protecting our Transwarp Key
is all that matters!
Go. Use it to escape.
What will you do?
I'll hold him off.
Buy you some time.
Then I'm staying
with you.
This is my fight.
Listen, if Unicron
were to get the key,
he could open a portal
through time and space
with no end to the worlds
he could destroy.
It is now your time
to lead the Maximals,
Optimus Primal.
[mechanical whirring]
[Scourge] So you're
this planet's great warrior.
Mmm. You have
such a beautiful world
filled with
an abundance of life.
My master grows hungry.
Give me the Transwarp Key,
and he will spare your home.
We'd rather die
than let him reach
other planets.
[sighs] So be it.
[mechanical whirring]
[mechanical whirring]
[mechanical whirring]
Benefits of serving
the almighty Unicron.
They never learn.
[Apelinq] You're too late,
Scourge. [groans]
Your master will be trapped
in this galaxy forever.
[Scourge] No!
His sacrifice will be our oath.
To preserve the key,
no matter the cost.
You let them slip away
with the Transwarp Key.
Scour the universe
and find where
the Maximals have gone.
When you acquire the key,
use it to bring me to you.
Yes, my lord.
[Unicron] Once I have the key,
I alone will reign supreme.
[mechanical humming]
[mechanical whirring]
["C.R.E.A.M." playing]
Two for fives
Over here, baby
Word up, two for fives
...Got garbage down the way
Word up
Cash rules
Everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get...
Check this ol' fly shit out
Word up
Cash rules
Everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the money
Dollar dollar bill, y'all
I grew up on the crime side
The New York Times side
[electricity sizzling]
Mom's bounced on old man
So then we moved
To Shaolin land
A young youth, yo
Rockin' the gold tooth
'Lo goose
Only way I begin the G off...
All right, baby, come on.
Show me the money.
Show me the money.
[static on TV]
[chattering on TV]
Here we go. There we go.
[child over radio]
Yo, Sonic. Breakfast ready yet?
[static on radio, beeps]
I ain't your butler, Kris.
[Kris] Come on, man.
No names over the airwaves.
It's Tails.
Oh, my bad,
Kristopher Diaz
from 974 Wilson Avenue,
Apartment 2-C, Brooklyn.
[food sizzling]
No real names.
They're listening.
Ain't no secret
government agencies
worried about us, Tails.
Now get your behind out here
while it's hot.
At least they got that
going for 'em.
Here, I ironed this for you.
I already ironed it. What...
Like you cooked those eggs?
What you mean?
They're just...
[Kris] Aw, come on.
[video game music plays]
Come eat, bro.
I can't get past Bowser.
Well, good morning
to you too.
Drink this
and take your medicine.
All of it.
[Kris] Okay.
Are you sure you can take him?
Yeah, uh, hospital's
on the way. I got time.
[mother] And, if that lady,
that administrator, is there
and she mentions a bill,
tell her we're handling it.
I will. And after today,
I'll be able to help out more.
Good luck on the interview.
Don't forget to laugh
at all their jokes.
White people love that shit.
Ma, language.
Okay! [kisses] Remember,
I have class tonight,
so I'll be home late.
Los quiero.
I love you.
Hurry up, man.
We gotta get into the city.
[door closes]
Hey. Hold up. Hold up.
Your hand's hurting again?
No, it's nothing.
Yo, let me see.
It's swollen.
The sickle cells
must be blocking
the blood flow again.
How long has this
been going on?
Couple days.
Hey, yo, look, I told you,
you gotta tell me
these things.
You fighting this alone,
or we fighting it together?
Home team?
Home team.
["Check the Rhime" playing]
Two for ten. Two for...
Stop touching everything.
Oh, hell, no.
Kris, what'd I tell you
about letting your mans
come out the crib looking
like a whole square?
Only so much I can do.
[zipper zips]
Yeah, whatever, bro.
Look. Here.
Ooh! My dawg!
When you gonna let me
put your skills to work
and get you some real money?
Yeah. Says the dude
who can't even afford cable.
"Says the guy who..."
[in normal voice] I choose
not to purchase cable.
It's my own personal way
to protest the vampiric nature
of modern-day capitalism!
Hey, good luck
with that interview
in that dusty suit!
["Anything" playing]
I like that, y'all
I like that ya like
[tires screech]
I like that, y'all
I like that, check it out
I like that, y'all...
Of what's to come
I'm so happy
That I'm the lucky one
[pager beeping]
Ugh! I'm coming.
Hey, guys. That's a good one,
but the Ankylosaurus
was an armored dinosaur.
[door beeps]
Where I am weak, baby
You make me strong
Thank you, thank you...
...for being patient.
Intern? Intern?
I paged you three times.
Why didn't you call me?
Okay, well, I figured
if I stopped to call,
that would make me later.
[sighs] The police are here.
They busted an art auction.
The owner claims
that everything is authentic,
but they want
a second opinion.
All right.
The da Vinci sketch is legit.
The painting's a copy.
Real one's at
the National Gallery
in London.
Roman vase.
Valuable, but you are not
gonna retire off of them.
This Greek curse tablet,
it would be expensive,
but it's a fake.
How can you tell?
See the spelling? Roman.
Doesn't even show up
in that era.
[chuckles] Got it.
[sighs] Officers,
I figured it out. So...
The da Vinci,
that is real.
[box opens]
[intern] Hmm.
Now, where did you come from?
[quiet growling]
[whispers] What are you?
It's pretty neat, right?
Where is it from?
They just discovered it
in Sudan.
The boys say it's Horus,
fifth millennia BC, Nubian?
This symbol is definitely
not hieroglyphic.
Well, if it's as exotic
as it looks,
I'm gonna get a feature
in Minerva.
Uh, Jillian?
[door closes]
[lock beeps]
Okay, team, let's do it.
[phone ringing]
[PA chimes]
[chattering on PA, faint]
Okay, what are the rules?
[pen scratching]
Bros before hos.
[scratching stops]
"Don't be a problem.
Don't go looking
for a problem."
Or else we're gonna...
[both] Have a problem.
I know, I know.
Okay, I'll be back
in a little bit.
[chattering on PA]
[phone rings]
Mr. Diaz?
Hey, I know we're
a little behind on the bill.
Three months behind.
Until your account is current,
you can't bring your brother.
I've told you that.
I'm gonna fix it.
I need a little more time.
Take him to the ER.
Well, they won't
see him in the ER
unless he's critical.
Mr. Diaz.
He's 11!
He's 11 years old.
Come on, Kris,
we gotta go.
What happened?
I'll tell you later, man.
All right?
Come on.
Let's get out of here.
[car horns honking]
Hey, yo. Sit here.
And don't move!
[reporter on TV] After
a conference with Simpson's
attorney, Howard Weitzman...
Can I help you?
Hey, I'm here for an interview
with the head of security,
Mr. Bishop.
I'm Noah Diaz.
It's been canceled.
No. No, that has
to be a mistake.
Came right from Mr. Bishop.
[elevator bell dinging]
Just need your authorization...
Mr. Bishop! Hey! Hey!
It's okay, Walker.
It's me, Noah Diaz.
Sir, I think your boy
back there is confused.
He said our interview
was canceled.
Because it is.
Wait, why?
On the phone you said
I was perfect for the job.
You said this
was just a formality.
It was until
your old commanding officer
called me back.
Said you were brave,
an expert comtech,
but unreliable.
Couldn't trust you.
Your head was always
somewhere else.
Sir, I can explain
all of that.
I had some
responsibilities at home.
My brother, he's sick...
You had a responsibility
to the United States Army.
Mr. Bishop! Sir.
I'm a hard worker, okay?
I just...
I just really
need a break.
I can't have someone like you
mess up what I've built.
Someone like me?
You don't know anything
about me!
I know you don't know
how to be part of a team.
Hey, look.
Superman went
on a bunch of interviews
before he got his job
on the Daily Planet.
But he never gave up.
I'm not Superman, Kris.
Life ain't a comic book.
I'm just saying.
You'll get the next one.
Yo, there is no next one.
No one's coming to save us.
We're alone in this.
Yo, man, I'm sorry.
It's all right.
No, it's not.
None of this is.
You know what?
Come on.
Yo, here, bro.
Just head upstairs.
I'll be right there,
all right?
["Represent" playing]
So what was you
talking about earlier?
Any day could be
Your last in the jungle
Get murdered on a humble
Guns'll blast, tumble
The corners is the hot spot
Full of mad criminals
Who don't care
Guzzling beers
We all stare
At the out-of-towners
They better break north
Before we get
The four pounders
And take their face off
The streets
Is filled with undercovers
Homicide chasing brothers
The D's on the roof
Tryin' to watch us...
Hey, yo, you want one?
No. I don't want any candy.
You gotta relax, man.
Your energy
is really affecting my chi.
And I get it.
I was nervous
my first time too.
But you might want to do
some breathing exercises,
or something. Look at me.
[inhales, exhales]
[inhales, exhales]
My man, my man,
my man, my man.
It's just
I ain't done this before.
I know that.
But them rich cats in there,
they give a ton of paper
to charities every year
to make themselves
feel better.
If you look at it
from a holistic perspective,
we doing them a favor.
[shouting] Hey, yo!
You're welcome!
Will you stop?
What are you doing?
This ain't about to affect
they pockets at all.
And it's about
to be easy as hell.
So why you ain't the one
going in there and doing it?
Because, papito,
I'm the mastermind.
Now come on,
put this in your ear.
My man, you serious?
Yo, is that even clean?
It's the fourth quarter,
we got about ten seconds
left on the clock,
and you got the rock.
Get rid of this.
Hey, man!
Don't slam the...
[door slams shut]
[footsteps approaching]
Okay. I am off
to my fundraiser.
What do you think?
It's nice.
Um, can I...
Can I run something by you?
So I've been doing
some research,
and I don't think
that the statuette is Horus.
As a matter of fact,
I'm sure it's not.
The boys dated it
around 5000 BC, right?
But the Nubians,
they never even had contact
with the Egyptians
until 600 years after that.
The symbol's
not hieroglyphic.
I don't even think
it's from that part
of the world.
I think it might
be Aztec or Inca.
It's not some Egyptian god.
It's something else.
Get those pressed, okay?
[door closes]
[truck door closes]
[friend through earpiece]
There you go.
Let that breath fill you up.
In... out.
Please stop talking.
Okay, all right, I get it,
you don't like to chitchat
back and forth.
But I got something for you.
[cassette player clicks]
["Rebirth of Slick" playing]
[truck door closes]
You got a robbing mixtape?
[on earbuds] Uh, no.
I got a liberating mixtape.
[door buzzes]
[fingers snapping]
You feeling that, huh?
Yeah, whatever.
[lock beeps]
[door buzzes]
[friend] All right,
there shouldn't be nobody
in this part of the building.
You should be able
to just waltz right on in.
Strike one, mastermind.
This place is packed.
Hey, well,
to error is divine.
Just act like you own
the place.
Hey, wassup, brother?
Good to see you again.
Try not to look suspicious.
[switch buzzes]
[mechanism whirring]
Here you go. Here you go.
Sorry. Sorry. That's you, bro.
Nice glasses. I didn't know...
I didn't know you had glasses.
[friend] What are you doing,
making friends?
Everything good?
We're in the mix.
Hey. Let's see
what you really are.
We, like the breeze
Flow straight out of our lids
Them, they got moved
By these hard-rock
Brooklyn kids
Us, floor rush when
the DJ's booming classics
You dig the crew on
The fattest hip-hop record
[friend] Now, my man said
it's tucked in the back.
Been there a couple weeks.
It's like a grayish car
with like a...
Blue stripe. like that
I'm cool like that
I'm cool like that
I'm cool like that
I'm cool like that
I'm cool like that
I'm cool like that
I'm cool, cool...
["Rebirth of Slick"
continues playing]
[friend] All right, now just
like brother Reek showed you.
Down the window...
...a little wiggle...
...feel that snag and...
[clicks, clunks]
Now we making money.
And I'm peace like that
I'm peace like that
I'm peace like that
I'm peace like that
I'm peace like that
I'm peace like that
I'm peace like that
Hey, check it out
I funk like that
I'm phat like that
I'm in like that
'Cause I swing like that
We jazz like that
We zoom like that
All right.
Talk to me, homey.
[Noah] I'm in.
This won't hurt a bit.
[switch clicks]
[machine whirring]
Stop, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm gonna lose my job.
[breathing heavily]
I'm gonna go to jail.
[breathing heavily]
[Transwarp Key humming]
It's definitely not Nubian.
[thunder rumbling]
[engine rattling]
[mechanical whirring]
This cannot be.
Calling all Autobots!
Calling all Autobots!
Yippee-ki-yay, mother...
[tires screech]
[engine revs]
[mechanical whirring]
Prime, this is Arcee.
I have a visual.
What am I looking at?
A way home.
[Prime on radio]
Calling all Autobots!
Calling all Autobots!
[breathing heavily]
What am I doing?
[Reek] Well, the coast
is clear out here,
so whenever you want to slide
that thing on out, you good.
I can't. I can't.
[Reek] Like you can't
drive stick or something?
No, it's just...
I ain't no thief.
[Reek] Are you having
an existential crisis now?
The deadline for that was
when I offered you Twizzlers.
[Prime] This is an emergency.
Can you hear me, Mirage?
Roll out!
Who the hell was that?
That's the radio, bro.
This car is buggin'. I'm out.
[security guard] Hey!
Oh, shit.
Hey, you!
[engine starts]
[gun clicks]
Get out of the car!
I'm trying!
The car started by itself,
I promise!
Look, it's not working!
Get out now!
[engine revs]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
No! Wait! What you doing?
Noah, what's...
[engine accelerating]
Reek! Reek! Reek!
Now, that's top-tier
[tires screech]
Yo, the car's driving
by itself!
Noah, you good?
I don't know
what's going on!
It won't stop!
Yo, stop! Stop!
Why aren't you listening?
You might wanna slow down.
It's not me, it's the car!
It's possessed!
[Reek] No, no, no.
You're just
on an adrenaline high.
Let's do some of them
breathing exercises.
[breathes deeply]
Yo, I don't need
no breathing exercises!
The car's driving by itself!
[tires screech]
[siren wailing]
Oh, snap.
Yo, Reek, what do we do?
Noah, I cannot hear you.
[Noah] Reek!
Noah, I can't...
[tires screech]
[shouts] No, he did not!
No, he did not just leave me!
[siren blaring]
Pull over!
Help me!
[engine accelerating]
[car horns honking]
[tires screech]
[breathing heavily]
[engine accelerates]
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
[siren blaring]
[truck horn blares]
Oh! Are you ok...
[breathing heavily]
[sirens wailing]
["The Choice is Yours
(Revisited)" playing]
Drive. Drive, drive,
drive, drive, drive!
[engine accelerates]
[engine accelerating]
Know not who I am or when
I'm coming, so you sleep
Wasn't in my realm
Or wasn't in your sphere
Knew not who I was
But listen here
Dres, D-R-E-S
Yes, I guess I can start
The bridge.
The bridge, the bridge...
Take the Williamsburg!
[tires squealing]
Can I hear a hey?
Can I get a yo?
You got a hat?
[engine revs]
I got a 10-37 in progress.
Silver Porsche.
[siren wailing]
You serious, man?
[tires screeching]
Oh, nah. Oh, nah.
[engine revs]
Hell, do something, please!
[mechanical whirring]
Engine, engine, number nine
On the New York transit line
If my train
Goes off the track
Pick it up, pick it up
Pick it up
Yo, nah. Nah, nah, nah.
[engine revs]
[siren continues]
[tires squealing]
[Prime] Come in, come in.
Can you hear me, Mirage?
[electricity hums]
We can make it hip to be
What we are 'cause what we be
Be the epitome
Oh, Mirage.
[siren wailing]
You can get with this
Or you can get with that
You can get with this
Or you can get with that
You can get with this
Or you can get with that
[electricity hums]
[tires screech]
[breathing heavily]
Yo, yo, yo, slow down!
Slow down!
[engine revs, stops]
[mechanical whirring]
[Mirage] Whoo-hoo-hoo!
That felt good!
Get some oil pumping,
you know? Damn!
I've been cooped up
forever, dude.
I can't tell you
how old it gets!
[as Prime]
"Mirage, stay hidden.
Mirage, don't draw
any attention to yourself.
Mirage, Big is just a movie.
You'll never be a real boy."
[normal voice]
But that was fun, man.
You're fun, dude.
Oh, right. This is probably
a lot for you, huh?
Back up!
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's with the aggression?
I thought
after the car chase,
we were boys.
Are you gonna hit me?
It's like that?
[mechanical whirring]
Hmm. Tough guy.
I like that.
I like it a lot.
What are you?
Some sort of possessed car
or something?
[scoffs] Nah.
That's not real, man.
I'm an alien.
Like... Like E.T.?
E.T.? The little ugly guy
in the basket?
Look at this face!
The name's Mirage.
Come on. Give me a little,
give me a little.
Give me a little.
Give a little tap.
Give me a little tap.
There you go.
Now we're friends!
[tires screeching]
Oh, great. The gang's here.
There are more like you?
Like me? Nah.
But be cool
so they don't crush you.
Yeah, I'd put that pipe down
if I were you.
[tires squealing]
[engines revving]
[mechanical whirring]
[pipe clangs]
[mechanical whirring]
Well, well,
who have we got here?
[engine revs]
[mechanical whirring]
Mirage, what have you done?
You brought a human here?
[Mirage] Optimus!
Hey! Looking good, man!
Wait a second.
Are those new rims?
You were told
to stay hidden.
Right, right.
Crazy coincidence.
When you called,
all Optimus-like...
[as Prime]
"Autobots, roll out!"...
[normal voice] ...this guy
was already in the car.
But he's cool,
so it's cool. Cool?
[Prime] Not cool.
[mechanical hissing]
Who are you, human?
I'm nobody.
I ain't even seen nothing.
I'm not even seeing
anything right now.
[electronic whirring]
Private Noah Diaz,
US Army.
Multiple commendations.
A wizard with electronics.
Huh. He's a soldier.
He does not look
like a soldier.
I mean, you looking
pretty rough yourself.
[chuckles, clears throat]
Sorry, sir.
I will deal
with your mistake later.
Okay, the energy surge
we felt was in the 4,000
yottahertz range,
which is undetectable
to humans.
I've reconstructed the source
from the energy echoes.
[Prime] I cannot believe it.
It exists and it is here.
What the hell am I looking at?
The Transwarp Key.
It was thought to be lost
thousands of years ago.
It was once used
to open space-time portals
to Energon-rich planets
throughout the universe.
You mean Energon-rich
planets like...
After seven long years
stranded on Earth,
we've finally found
a way home.
Wait till I catch you, Reek.
Okay, so where
is this t-tran, t-trun...
Transwarp Key?
Thank you.
It's in the new museum
on Ellis Island.
Let's blow it up
and get the hell out of Dodge!
[Arcee] No, we can't just go in
blasting and steal it, Bee.
The humans
will hunt us down.
What we need
is a quiet way in.
[Noah grunts]
[metal clanging]
Ooh, how about him?
[Prime] No.
[Mirage] What? Come on, man.
He could slip in right through
one of them little doors,
grab the key,
leave a nice IOU
and peace out.
He's perfect.
No, it is a bad idea.
I agree with Big Man.
So, it's been real, y'all.
Uh, time-out.
I know. I know. Just relax.
Let me just talk to my guy
real quick.
[whispers] Yo, don't leave me
with these tight-asses, bro.
We make a great team.
This is a waste of time.
Look, I'm not
breaking into a museum
for some space robots.
But what about for friendship?
Uh, uh... Or, or, or
what about for cash?
You help us get this key,
so we can get off this rock--
No offense.
Love the neighborhood and all.
And then I let you sell me.
[mechanical whirring]
Look, you get paid
and then I'll split.
So all I gotta do
is walk in and out?
[Mirage] All you gotta do.
We'll take care of the rest.
Cross my spark
and hope to die.
Wow! That was corny
when I said it out loud.
[Noah] What about the big man?
Optimal, or whatever.
You let me worry about him.
Ah! Got him!
He's in, baby! Whoo!
[Transwarp Key humming]
[Noah] Y'all are robots
that transform into cars,
even though
you're from way out in space.
But now there's this key
that opens a portal
back to your home?
Oh, and you know this
because there's a beacon light
in the sky
that I can't see
because I'm human.
You say that like it's weird.
It's super weird.
You know what's weird?
Marky Mark is leaving
the Funky Bunch!
I heard he's just gonna pursue
acting now. That's crazy!
How does that...
[Mirage] What a world.
Whatever, man.
I'm just trying
to collect this money
and get your
angry-ass boss off of Earth
before he blows a gasket.
Don't take it personal.
He just misses home.
And I think he blames himself
for us getting stuck here.
Earth was supposed
to be a pit stop, you know,
a place for us to regroup
and rejoin the war back home.
Prime feels like it's his fault
we've been stranded here,
like he has to fix it
all on his own.
[Arcee on radio]
All right, team, heads up.
There's security up ahead.
[Mirage] Nice!
This is gonna be fun, man.
No, no, no. No, bro.
You need to switch it up.
You need to turn
into a helicopter
or a speedboat or something.
[Mirage] I got something
way better than that.
[truck screeches]
[gate buzzes]
[Noah] Good call.
I do not like this plan.
[Arcee] Yeah, Mirage isn't
really known for being quiet.
At least Mirage is one of us.
We should not be relying
on a human.
They are my friends.
I know one
was good to you, Bee,
but this is not our world.
The humans will always
protect what is theirs.
We can only trust
our own kind.
You can't handle
the truth!
I do not want you going
to that drive-in theater
[whirring, distant]
[lights buzzing]
[brakes squeaking]
[engine idles, turns off]
[Transwarp Key humming]
search the island.
Finally, the hunt
draws to a close.
[electricity humming]
[electricity powers down]
[switch clicking]
[objects clattering]
Shh, shh, shh, shh.
[screams, grunts]
Hey, are you okay?
Back up!
Yo, are you okay?
Back up! Back up! Back up!
I didn't think anyone
was in here.
That's it.
Who are you? Hmm?
I'm, uh...
the janitor.
No, no, no!
You don't have to do that!
It's not what it looks like.
It looks like you're trying
to steal museum property.
Okay, it's a little
what it looks like.
[shoes squeaking]
Oh, shit.
Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, yo, yo! It doesn't
belong to you anyway.
No, no, no!
[Noah] Just stop! Just...
Hey, hey! Relax, relax,
and let me explain.
It belongs to...
[breathing heavily] these...
these giant robots
from space.
Look, I'm gonna need that.
[both grunting, groaning]
[door opens]
[security guard] Hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
What's going on here?
Don't move.
Man, it's about time
you showed up!
[Noah grunts]
[glass shattering]
The key.
[objects clatter]
[glass pieces scatter]
[breathes heavily]
You were telling the truth.
[Noah] Yeah.
But those ones aren't with me.
[mechanical whirring]
Rip the flesh from their bones
and bring me the key.
It's yours.
[weapon hums]
Guys, we got company!
[mechanical whirring]
Autobots, protect the key!
[Bumblebee] Not so fast!
Oh, they're flying now?
Who the hell are these guys?
[grunts] Impossible!
I enjoy
that look of confusion
when an inferior being
meets a higher power.
[both breathing heavily]
What the hell
are those things?
Are you okay?
[door closes]
Hey! Stop following me!
I'm not following you!
I'm just escaping
in the same direction.
[objects shatter]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
We're moving on
Keeping strong
Don't you let them
Steer you wrong
It's a groove thang
Gonna give you what you want
Just as long...
[metal clangs]
[breathing heavily]
[Noah] Run!
Go, go!
[Noah grunts]
[Noah] Run!
Go, go, go, go, go!
[Noah shouts]
Watch out!
I have eyes on the key.
[Mirage] Prime, I don't think
we can hold these guys...
Oh, no!
My God! Put me down!
Whoa, that was so scary.
Oh, cool.
You're still alive.
Get the key!
Noah, get out of here!
Get off me! I hate spiders!
Go, go, go!
Don't die, don't die,
don't die, don't die!
Go! Get out of here!
[Nightbird] Uh-uh-uh.
Leaving so soon?
Yo! Look out!
[both grunting]
The key!
[car alarm blaring]
Enough of these games.
I'll get it myself.
[Bumblebee] Not on my watch.
[mechanical whirring]
Aw, don't be frightened, humans.
This'll all be over soon.
[Prime groans]
And you call yourself a Prime.
Primus would be ashamed.
[Bumblebee powers down]
[metal clangs]
I'm tired of little things
getting in my way.
[mechanical whirring]
O Captain! My Captain!
[electricity crackles]
[powering down]
Now to add a Prime
to my collection.
[Nightbird] Good.
Maybe we'll get a real fight.
No. We got what we came for.
[breathes heavily] No.
This cannot be.
[screeching in distance]
We must go now. Come with me.
[sirens wailing in distance]
This is my fault.
It should've been me.
I'm sorry for your loss.
[Mirage] No offense, lady,
but who are you again?
My name is Airazor.
I am a Maximal.
A warrior from both
your past and future.
Oh, right. That--
That tracks. Yeah.
We fled our home planet
on the eve of its destruction.
We sought refuge
and hid here on Earth.
So you're a Maximal.
Y'all are Autobots.
What was those things
that attacked us earlier?
Terrorcons. Servants
of a dark, hungry god
who feeds on entire worlds
to sustain himself.
So you're saying
this thing Unicron
eats planets to survive?
Yes. And he imbues
his servants, like Scourge,
with dark energy,
which makes him
all but invincible.
He is entirely beholden
to Unicron.
Through his power,
he possesses Scourge's soul.
Awaken, my dark master.
[Unicron growling]
My hunger is killing me.
What have you found?
The galaxy will once again
be yours to feast on,
my master.
I should've gotten
the key myself.
I should've known better
than to rely on humans.
Yo, hold up.
What, you blaming me?
After you conveniently
left out the part
about a planet-eating monster?
Because of you,
Unicron will now use the key
to consume every planet
in the universe!
Including my home world.
He doesn't have the key.
At least not all of it.
[Unicron] You fool!
[Scourge groans]
This is only half the key.
The Maximals...
They must have split it.
[Unicron] Excuses!
Complete the key,
or else you will wish
you had died
with the rest of your planet.
We broke the key
into two pieces
for safekeeping,
then splintered
and went into hiding.
I do not know
where the other half is.
[sighs] For all I know,
I am the last of our kind.
It's in Peru.
How you know that?
It's the symbols
on the stone.
They were only ever recorded
in one other place
in the world.
The Inca Temple of the Sun
in Cusco.
It's one of the oldest buildings
in the western hemisphere.
I'm guessing that
that can't be a coincidence.
If you can track
those symbols to Peru,
so can the Terrorcons.
We need to get there
before they do.
And then kill Scourge
and take his piece
to complete the key.
Yo. Hold up. Hold up.
You want to find
this other key
and deliver it to the guy
that just kicked your asses.
The Transwarp Key
is our only way home.
If this dude
gets ahold of that thing,
it's game over for Earth!
Our families, everybody!
I'm going.
Out of the question.
No offense,
but I'm not trusting
my home to a guy
who couldn't even protect his.
This is my planet.
I'm going.
What about you?
What is your name?
will you lead us
to this temple?
Chance to stop
the end of the world.
[Arcee] Actually,
you'll be saving two worlds.
[door unlocks]
[chattering on TV]
[Kris on radio]
Yo, is that you, Sonic?
What are you doing up, Tails?
I can't sleep.
[engine revs]
This too hot?
You playing
that game too much.
Give it a rest,
so your hand can take a break.
I'm gonna beat it.
My money's on you, bro.
We don't quit.
Come on, get some sleep,
all right?
[mechanical whirring]
Yo, listen, um,
I gotta--
I gotta head out for a while.
And I don't know
when I'm gonna be back.
Oh, shit.
[car alarm blaring]
What the...
[Mirage] No, no, no!
No! Stop, please!
Turn off! Turn off!
Yo, won't you--
I told you to sit tight.
Stop it.
I can't turn it off.
I'm sorry.
Is that a robot?
No, no, no.
Go-- Go back to bed.
Yo, shut it off!
I think your bad hot-wiring
messed up my lights.
I got the bat.
Yo, chill. Give me that.
[Mirage] Did he say "bat"?
[Noah] You're gonna wake up Ma!
[chattering on TV]
I know you're a robot.
[mechanical whirring]
Yo! You scratched my paint!
What are you doing?
Man, they didn't
treat E.T. like this.
You know this thing?
We're just work friends.
"Work friends"?
You've been inside me.
Look, that thing I told you
I have to go do?
It's for him and his crew.
We're trying to stop
the end of the world.
The world's ending?
Maybe. Sixty-forty.
You know I'm not gonna
let that happen.
But that's why
I have to leave.
I'll go get my things.
Tough kid.
What? No. Whoa, whoa.
Hold up. Hold up.
You're not coming.
Why? You need someone
to watch your back.
It's too dangerous, Kris.
And I need you to stay here
and take care of Mom.
'Cause you might not
come back.
Hey, robot.
Me? 'Sup?
Watch out for my brother.
You got it, little man.
Nah, I'm serious.
If he gets hurt,
I'm coming after you.
[chuckles] Don't worry.
I got Noah's back. I promise.
Home team?
Home team.
Kid's got heart.
Cojones muy grande.
["Hypnotize" playing]
Come on
[mechanical whirring]
Wu-Tang is
in the building, baby!
Way to be incognito.
Aw, come on, Prime.
Smile a little bit.
It won't hurt.
Let me see that underbite.
All right.
So what kind of jet
we taking to Peru?
Or is it a plane?
Either one's fine.
I just need first class, okay?
'Cause I got long-ass legs.
Uh, well, he is a plane.
No. No, no. Don't...
[plane roaring]
Don't tell me
we're flying on...
Oh, no.
[mechanical whirring]
My lads! I am Stratosphere,
lord of the skies!
I'm walking to Peru.
[Airazor screeches]
Chasing waterfalls
Oh, my gosh.
Gonna have it your way
Or nothing at all
But I think
You're moving too fast
I sing when I get nervous.
It usually calms me down.
First time flying?
Man, this is my first time
leaving New York.
Oh, my God. Oh, God.
So the Bronx, huh?
Brooklyn, all right?
East New York all day.
I'm from Bushwick.
Um, me and my dad,
we used to go to this--
this pizza spot down
on Knickerbocker and Greene.
Tony's Pizza? Wow.
[Elena grunts, exhales]
So, uh, tell me about him,
your pops.
What-- What was he like?
He was a--
He was a cabbie for 40 years.
Smartest guy you ever met.
He could talk to you
about anything.
History, science, cricket.
[both chuckle]
And he ain't never
even go to college either.
He used to always say,
"If you keep your eyes
and your ears open,
life will show you
everything you need to know."
So that's why you said yes
to all of this.
I figured if
he is somewhere watching,
then seeing his daughter
do something crazy like this
would definitely
make him proud.
You really think
this key thing's in Peru?
I-- I think so.
The evidence lines up.
Well, if it is,
and we get our hands on it,
then we gotta destroy it.
They can't unite the key
without both pieces.
No key, no Unicron,
no Earth getting eaten.
Yeah, but then
they can't get home.
We gotta think about us.
Look, all you gotta do
is find it.
And I'll take care
of the rest.
[Arcee] Do you think
an Energon infusion
could bring him back?
[Prime] Perhaps.
If we could get him
back to Cybertron.
I never should have taken us
so far from home.
[engine roaring]
[Airazor screeches]
[car horn honking]
[tires screeching]
Wow! Wheeljack needs to fix
that power steering.
[mechanical whirring]
[Hispanic accent]
Sorry I'm late.
I was taking in
a harmonious moment
between a serene butterfly
and an unruffled caterpillar.
Such tranquility.
Oye, papo, where you from?
So where'd you
get that accent?
Accent? What accent?
You know what I'm saying?
I'm just saying it's cool.
I was about to be like,
"Yo, mira, papi,
de dnde eres?"
Pero I didn't want to assume
that you speak Spanish too,
because then... Right?
A little racist, hermano.
I'm not trying to be,
you know... Yo.
But anyway... The mission.
Follow me.
But he's a robot,
like, so,
how's that racist?
[Airazor screeches]
Okay, you guys,
check this out.
The coordinates you gave me
correspond to an old church.
Take a look.
[whirring, chittering]
That's Santo Domingo.
The Spanish built it on top
of an old Inca temple.
Correcto. I picked up
some residual energy readings
around the courtyard,
so I'm guessing
the key's somewhere close by.
But we may have some trouble
getting there.
Inti Raymi.
It's a festival that
shuts down the whole city.
Guess it's
a night mission then.
[Prime] No.
Scourge could already be here.
We must retrieve
the other half before he does.
Me and Elena will do it.
Y'all would never
make it two blocks.
There's human security
all around the church.
You'll never get through.
Then we'll have to take
a play out of your book.
We'll hide in plain sight.
We'll blend in
with the parade.
It is not a bad idea.
We will keep an eye out
for the Terrorcons.
On first sign of trouble,
we are going in.
Yo, Noah, think fast.
[mechanical whirring]
And if you need help,
just holler.
[crowd cheering]
[up-tempo music playing]
[Prime hisses]
I am in position.
All right, coast is clear.
Noah, Elena, it's go time.
Blend in. Act natural.
[crowd applauding]
[crowd cheering]
Autobots must be using
their new pets
to reach the temple.
They're doing our work
for us.
Go fetch.
[Noah] The key's gotta be
in here somewhere.
[distant cheering, drumming]
That stonework is 17th century.
What we're looking for
is something
much, much older.
What is it?
It's the same insignia
on Airazor.
But it's not lined up right.
Wait, you see that?
I think there's something
under here. [grunts]
There's another one.
There is.
Now what?
I thought it would've--
That's some
Indiana Jones-type shit.
You sure about this?
[Prime buzzes]
Any sign of Scourge?
Nope, all clear here.
[Mirage] Uh, yeah.
It's just groupies
over here.
[camera shutter clicks]
[Prime] Stay on task, Mirage.
Prime, you gotta learn
how to relax, my man.
[both breathing heavily]
You know, we must be
the first people to walk here
in half a millennium.
[glove buzzes]
Yo, Sonic. You dead yet?
[glove buzzing]
Wait, did you just
call me Sonic?
I think that's a temple.
What are we looking for?
You see the symbols
on that temple?
They match the ones
in the courtyard.
I think it's up there.
I think we found
what we came here for.
[quiet growling]
I always wondered
what it would feel like
to be there when artifacts
were actually found.
All right. Now come on, push.
Are you even pushing?
[grunts] Yeah, I'm pushing.
[both grunting]
[exclaims, grunts]
Wait, what?
Just-- Just let me think.
Oh, no, no. Where is it?
Sometimes there's, like, a--
like a false bottom
or something.
[blows] Look.
I think I found something.
You see these symbols?
I've seen markings like this--
the Airazor statue
at my museum.
They're new.
They're not
on the Transwarp Key.
There's two of them.
[rubble thudding]
[whispering] Mirage?
Let's keep moving.
Just give me a second.
[both shouting]
Go, go, go, go, go!
Mirage! We got trouble!
One of those things
is down here!
Where are you guys?
[Mirage] Hang tight!
I'm on the way.
[tires screech]
The Autobots are moving.
They must have found the key.
[Elena shouts, grunts]
Come on!
Airazor, where are the humans?
They're underground,
heading towards the jungle.
[engine accelerates]
[mechanical whirring]
[tires screech]
[Mirage] Aw, man,
they're tailing us!
[breathing heavily]
Do something!
What do you want me to do?
[glove fires]
[Elena yelps]
[powers down]
You had a gun
this whole time?
[engine revving]
[engine accelerating]
[tires screeching]
[mechanical whirring]
Prime, what the hell
are you doing?
I'm going to take back
Scourge's key
and then take off his head.
[Scourge growling]
[Mirage] Guys! [shouts]
I could use a little help!
Did someone call
for backup?
Brake, brake, brake!
[Wheeljack] What?
[no audible dialogue]
[tires screech]
Yay! [laughing]
[Prime] This is for Bee!
[Battletrap] Come here.
[tires screech]
Hold on!
[Arcee grunting]
[mechanical whirring]
[Prime groans]
I love your fire, Prime.
But you're going to die
on this speck of dust.
I can think of no better place
to bury you.
[both grunting]
[blades clank]
[mechanical whirring]
[mechanical whirring]
I will end you, Scourge.
That is a promise.
They're getting away.
Not this time.
[Airazor screeches]
[water burbling]
I hear water.
Where are we?
[roaring, grunting]
What was that?
[roaring, grunting continues]
[Elena shouts]
Who are you?
And why are you hunting
for the key?
Yo, Donkey Kong!
Stay away from my friends!
Uh, Mirage?
Don't worry.
Your boy's got this.
[Mirage squeals]
Stranger danger!
Stranger danger!
[Wheeljack] Hey, hey, hey!
Not so fa--
Ay, ay, ay.
Hey! Over here,
kitty, kitty.
Stand down!
[mechanical whirring]
I won't ask a second time.
No! All of you, stop!
I thought you were lost.
All of you.
The others... Are they...
I am all that is left.
[exhales deeply]
Prime, these are
my fellow Maximals.
[Airazor] Cheetor.
Sorry about scaring you,
[Mirage] Scared?
[scoffs] Please.
I'm not scared.
[liquid drips]
That's just engine oil.
[Airazor] And our leader,
Optimus Primal.
Optimus Primal?
Named after you,
the legendary warrior
of Cybertron.
It's an honor.
I'm happy to see you,
old friend.
But bringing others here
was not part of our plan.
I fear you bring dark tidings.
Scourge has come to Earth.
He's found us.
And he has half of the key.
We must find
the second piece
before he does.
But it wasn't
in the cave.
It was.
But we moved it long ago
to keep it safe.
Where is it now?
Come with me.
That doesn't look so good.
When Scourge touches you,
he leaves a mark.
But I'll be all right.
[Noah] Hey, back there
you called me Sonic.
Yeah. Your little bro's
got this thing
about using real names
over the airwaves, so...
Wait, you been talking
to Kris?
[machine beeping]
He gave me this
to keep tabs on you,
make sure I'm keeping
my promise.
Oh, here.
Next time,
include warning labels.
Nah, go ahead, keep it.
I guess it does
look better on me.
Just don't ask
what part of my body
it came from.
So, who are you?
[Primal] We Maximals
are an advanced race
dedicated to
the expansion of life
throughout the universe.
We use the Transwarp Key
to visit young worlds.
The Nazca Lines,
the Temple at Tikal--
That was you guys,
[chuckles] Not us.
We cannot claim credit
for human ingenuity.
But you had the key.
Why stay on this world?
When Unicron destroyed
our world,
we took an oath dedicated
to the preservation of life,
no matter the cost.
And Earth
has been a safe refuge.
Peruvian language]
Peruvian language]
Peruvian language]
[Primal] This is Amaru.
He and his family
are the last descendants
of a tribe
that has watched over us
for hundreds of years.
When we arrived,
they shared their world
with us.
And together
we protected its people
and our secret.
You allied with humans.
[Primal] We did.
If you give us this key,
tomorrow I will light the beacon
and bring Scourge to us.
The Maximals have
already sacrificed one home
to protect the universe.
I won't risk losing another.
As a leader,
I know you understand.
[electrical humming]
He is not the Optimus Prime
I imagined.
Well, he has lost so much.
Many more will perish
if the key falls
into the wrong hands.
If you had another chance
to save our home,
would you act any differently?
[growls quietly]
Optimus, come.
I want to show you something.
[Primal] Your friend
will find peace here.
This is raw Energon.
The valley is rich with it.
Could this revive Bee?
I'm sorry,
but in this state,
it is inert.
It would take a great power
to ignite it.
Greater than anything
we have here.
[speaking Peruvian language]
I see that you are surprised
we entrust the key to them.
Yes, I am.
I've been amongst them
a long time now.
There is more to them
than meets the eye.
They are worth saving.
[animal squawking]
What if we didn't
destroy it?
Maybe there's another way
to-- to save both our homes.
Elena, I made a lot
of mistakes in my life.
This is different.
I can't fail at this.
I can't let my family down.
You're just like him.
You know that?
I'm serious.
He feels it too.
Feels what?
Like a beast of burden
just trying to carry
the weight of the world
on his shoulders.
You think he's some--
some general barking orders,
but when I look at him,
all I see is a big brother
trying to protect his family.
[animal chittering]
[chittering continues]
[chittering continues]
[Elena] Are you okay?
I can feel Scourge!
[distorted] my mind.
[groaning continues]
[horn blowing]
[Prime] Run, Elena!
[Primal] No!
[Airazor screeches]
[Prime] They found us.
defensive positions!
Noah, guard the key.
Take Elena
and find someplace safe
to hide.
We must protect
the humans.
Miss me?
[Mirage] Noah, Elena,
get out of here!
We have to destroy it.
[Prime] No!
I know you want
to protect your people,
but if you destroy that key,
our home will be lost forever.
We do not have to choose.
[weapon humming]
Please, Noah.
[humming stops]
[weapon beeps]
[Airazor screeches]
[Noah, Elena grunt]
[Airazor screeches]
[Elena screaming]
[grunting continues]
[Primal] Elena!
Wait, wait.
Didn't I kill you already?
[roars] No!
I'm the Maximal that's going
to rip out your spark.
We'll see about that.
Kill them!
[Primal groaning]
Airazor, no!
I can't hold it back...
[normal voice] ...much longer.
[groans] Fight it, Airazor.
Remember our oath, Primal.
No matter the cost.
I can't hold it back!
Airazor, no!
[grunting, groaning]
[breathing heavily]
[grunting, groaning continue]
It's okay.
[Airazor] Do it.
[electrical humming]
[humming slows]
[humming stops]
No matter the cost.
Elena, look at me.
Are you okay?
Scourge has the key.
[electrical humming]
Awaken, almighty Unicron.
Your time has come.
[rumbling continues]
[key ringing]
[key humming]
I am sorry, Noah.
You were looking out
for your own.
I can't even be angry
at you for that.
On my home world,
we believe that the battle
with darkness will continue
till all are one.
I lost sight of that.
You fought for yours
as I fought for mine
when we should
have been fighting
the darkness together.
Well, I ain't done
fighting yet.
All right, everybody,
squad up!
Bring it in.
There's got to be a way
to stop this dude.
It's too late.
The Transwarp has already
been activated.
It has more energy
than a supernova.
Any interruption
will ignite it like a bomb.
The only way
to stop this process
is an access code
installed long ago
as a safeguard.
Okay, what's the code then?
The code was split
along with the key.
Sadly, the second half
of that code died
with Airazor.
No, wait, wait, wait.
I got it.
The one hiding
her half of the key--
that had markings in it
just like the ones
I found in the cave
where you hid yours.
Together, they must complete
the access code.
So we got a chance now, right?
A slim chance.
That is all we need
if you will show us the way,
All right.
We need to move quickly.
We have a small window
before the portal opens
large enough
for Unicron to enter.
The bridge is girded
by a series of tunnels.
They are too small
for Maximals, but...
But not for humans.
[Optimal] If Noah and Elena
reach the central antenna,
they can use the code
to shut it down,
remove the Transwarp Key...
...and close the portal
before Unicron enters
our atmosphere.
But Scourge
will be watching
our every move.
He'll do anything to stop us
from getting the key.
Then we bring
the fight to him.
Autobots and Maximals
will charge the bridge
and lure Scourge
onto the battlefield.
While me and Elena sneak in
through the back way.
It sounds like
we're all going to die.
If we are to die,
then we will die fighting
all as one.
This world is yours,
they're back.
[growls] Prime.
Protect the key.
Don't let them get
to the bridge.
[both] Roll out!
Rhinox, Cheetor, maximize!
[mechanical whirring]
[Noah] At least
the foot soldiers took the bait.
Yeah, but Scourge didn't.
He's guarding the key.
All right. [groans]
This should lead to the bottom
of the Transwarp control panel.
Get the key,
get the hell out of there.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go distract Scourge.
No, you can't take on
Scourge alone.
I'm Mirage, remember?
[Noah] Hey.
[grunting, groaning]
[grunting, groaning continues]
[Mirage] One, two, three!
Whoomp! There it is! Pow!
[Scourge groans]
We gotta hurry up.
[Prime] Take cover!
Someone give me a real fight!
It's a fight you want?
You got one.
[Prime grunts]
He was mine.
Missed me!
[groans] Noah, get to the key.
[Scourge] What do we have here?
Elena, go!
[breathing heavily]
Brave, but futile.
[grunts, groans]
Hey! Don't mess with my boy!
[mechanical whirring]
[grunting, coughing]
No one will remember
this pathetic planet.
And no one
will remember you.
[mechanical whirring]
Mirage, what are you doing?
Keeping my promise. [grunts]
Mirage, no!
Come on, you gotta get up!
It's okay, Noah.
Home-- Home team.
Home team.
[mechanical whirring]
[metal clangs]
[Noah breathing heavily]
[hammers on metal]
Kill the other human.
[growls, chitters]
[breathing heavily]
[Unicron pulsing]
[Unicron] You fought bravely.
But this world is already mine.
We're too late.
[people chattering, gasping]
Hey! Look!
[electricity crackles]
[breathing shakily]
[radio beeps]
[Kris on radio] Hey, Knuckles.
You there? Over.
[static on radio]
Yo, Sonic.
What's going on?
Where's Mirage?
[breathing shakily]
He-- He's gone.
[radio beeps]
[grunts] No.
[Noah] I'm sorry, Kris.
I'm not gonna win this one.
But you don't lose,
I wish that were true,
but I can't.
[Kris] Yes, you can.
[crying] No.
No, man, I'm not you.
I hate being sick.
Whenever I wanna give up,
you're always there
telling me to keep going.
But now it's my turn.
Keep going, Noah.
You think you're a nobody,
but you're the strongest guy
I know.
[mechanical whirring]
You guys are so cute.
[Noah] Mirage?
You're alive!
[chuckles] Uh, yeah, but...
I'm gonna need you
to take the wheel.
[mechanical whirring]
[Kris] You can do this.
'Cause you're my brother.
Noah Diaz
from Wilson Avenue,
Apartment 2-C,
Brooklyn, New York.
No names over the airwaves.
Forget that.
Let 'em know who you are.
Yo, Scourge!
[mechanical whirring]
Remember me?
You think
you can take me on alone?
He is not alone.
[Noah shouting]
[blade clangs]
[screams, grunts]
[breathing heavily]
I'm never
leaving Brooklyn again.
Ah! Energon.
[Scourge groans]
[Noah shouts]
I'm getting really tired
of you humans.
[breathing shakily]
[Prime grunting]
[engine roaring]
Don't call it a comeback
I been here for years
I'm rockin' my peers
Puttin' suckers in fear
Making the tears rain down
Like a monsoon
Listen to the bass go boom
Explosions, overpowering
Over the competition
I'm towering
Wrecking shop...
These lyrics that'll
Make you call the cops
Don't you dare stare
You better move
[Nightbird] You again.
You should've stayed dead!
Competition's paying
The price
I'm gonna knock you out
Mama said knock you out
[Nightbird shouts]
Mama said knock you out
I'm gonna knock you out
Mama said knock you out
I'm gonna knock you out
I have come here to kick ass.
Glad to have you back.
Everyone guard the bridge!
Elena, shut it down!
We gotta give her
some cover!
We'll clear the way.
That's what
I'm talkin' about.
Punch in an access code...
How hard could that be?
Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.
Just you and me, Scourge.
Let's end this
once and for all.
Master, the reinforcements!
On guard
It's about to go down
On guard
It's about to go down
On guard
It's about to go down
On guard
It's about to go... down
Bring me the smoke
And I'll build you a fire
All right, I got this.
Let's go, Bee!
Burn my desire
On my soul, everybody
In the clique strapped
And they all on go
Oh, my mama, can't nobody
Out here play me for no ho
Say hello to my little friend!
It's about to go down
[Noah grunts]
On guard
It's about to go down
On guard
We gotta hurry!
Last one.
Die, you ugly mother--
I'm about to kill anything
I'm about to kill anything
I'm about to kill anything
[chitters, screeches]
You will never see Unicron
take this world.
[Noah] You did it!
Brooklyn, baby!
Unicron will prevail!
[Elena shouts]
I've had enough!
Time to show you
the real power of the Prime!
[chain rattles]
This belongs
to a friend of mine!
[Unicron whirring]
The panel,
it's destroyed.
I can't stop it.
Autobots, Maximals,
retreat to safety.
I will destroy the key
Prime! No!
There's gotta be another way.
Bee, protect them.
[metal hums]
[metallic whining]
Your sacrifice becomes our oath.
Thank you, my friends.
[chittering, screeches]
[Noah] Bee!
We can't leave him!
[mechanical whirring]
Everyone, on me!
[Unicron] Don't, Prime.
I can give you
everything you want.
Then die.
I got you!
Let me go, Noah.
Save yourself.
Till all are one.
[Noah grunts]
Till all are one.
[mechanical whirring]
Punch it, Prime.
Yeah, baby!
[mechanical whirring]
Is he dead?
Trapped, but not dead.
Evil can never
be vanquished completely.
He could return.
Let him come.
United, we will destroy him,
once and for all.
I am Optimus Prime,
leader of the Autobots.
We have lost the Transwarp Key
and with it
our ability to go home.
But we have gained an ally
in our battle against
the forces of evil.
Forces too powerful
for any of us
to defeat on our own.
But together,
we might just have a chance.
I am Noah Diaz.
What is there to know about me?
I was raised out in Brooklyn.
I got a little bro
who calls me Sonic.
And if I gotta help
save the universe in order
to save the people I love,
well, then that's what
I'm gonna do.
How you doing, sir?
Um, I'm here
for the job interview?
Noah Diaz.
I'll tell 'em you're here.
[newscaster on TV]
This Sunday on 60 Minutes,
I sit down to talk
with Elena Wallace.
She recently discovered
an underground temple
with a network of catacombs...
[volume increases] back to 5000 BC.
I never could've imagined
making a discovery
of this significance.
So it's definitely
a dream come true.
Brooklyn, baby.
[clears throat]
They're ready for you.
Thank you, sir.
Elevator in the back.
Why don't you tell me
about your strengths?
In addition
to my experience
with electronics,
I've also been really developing
my team-building skills too.
Is that so?
Look, I'm gonna
be honest with you.
[clears throat]
Rsum's a little thin.
Yeah, well,
I just recently had a job
working internationally.
Oh, was that...
No, I don't think
it's on here.
No, it was...
it was a short-term contract.
Oh, well, that's cool.
Why don't you tell me
about that?
It was in South America.
So I got to work on my Spanish.
My mom was real happy
about that.
You know what I'm saying?
You know moms. [chuckles]
She's just really--
But while I was out there,
honestly, man,
it was really just like
work, work, work, you know?
Ah. That's a shame,
because I hear the food
is really good in Peru.
Wait, I didn't-- I didn't
mention anything about Peru.
Well, that's where
you were, right?
I was--
Down in Cusco?
With you and, uh, Elena
and your, um,
I don't know,
call 'em friends?
What's going on in here?
We know a lot
about you, Mr. Diaz.
Who are you?
The CIA or FBI or...
We are a secret
government organization.
Strictly off the books.
We specialize
in global threats.
Planetary loss prevention,
that kind of thing.
We're in the middle
of an ongoing war,
and we'd love
to have you join the fight.
You and your whole team.
You know,
the big guys.
No idea what
you're talking about.
That's a good answer.
All right.
Either way,
I want you to know,
in lieu of the thanks
of a grateful nation,
we will be taking care
of your brother Kris's
health care.
All of it.
From now on,
he will have 24/7 access
to the greatest doctors
in the world.
And these are doctors
who don't ask their patients
about account balances.
Are you serious?
You saved the world, kid.
It's the least we can do.
I don't know what to say.
We'll work on that.
Your brother's
gonna be just fine.
Kris was right, by the way.
[metallic clanging]
No names over the airwaves.
[mechanism clangs]
We could really use
someone like you, Noah.
Why don't you think about it?
[platform humming]
"G.I. Joe"?
["Hypnotize" playing]
Come on
Ha, sicker than your average
Poppa twist cabbage
Off instinct
Just don't think, stink
Pink gators
My Detroit players
Timbs for my hooligans
In Brooklyn
Dead right
If the head right
Biggie there e'ry night
Poppa been smooth
Since days of Underoos
Never lose, never choose
To bruise crews who
Do somethin' to us
Come on
Talk go through us
Do it
Girls walk to us
Wanna do us, screw us
Who, us?
Yeah, Poppa and Puff...
["Hypnotize" continues playing
on radio]
[Noah] Come on, baby,
show me some. Show me some.
That oughta do it.
[laughs] This?
This is a complete waste of
your skills and my expertise.
Think it came out pretty good.
Well, I guess
we could call it modern art
and sell it
to some cats in SoHo.
Nah, I'm not selling.
Is this about the 5-0 thing?
No. I told you,
I did not ditch you!
I was running the give-and-go.
I thought you knew the play!
All right,
let's say I did ditch you,
even though I didn't.
For your sake--
I see your face--
let's just say I did.
I think all the blood,
sweat and dead presidents
I put into getting
these car parts for you
make us even steven.
It's not that.
This car is special.
This car is a jigsaw puzzle
made of garbage!
Hey, I bet the joint
don't even start.
Yo, Mirage.
[mechanical whirring]
Your boy is back!
This dude said
I wasn't even gonna start!
["On My Soul" playing]
On my soul, everybody
In the clique strapped
And they all on go
Keep a stick just like branch
Papi, but I ain't a troll
On my mama, can't nobody
Out here play me for no ho
Let's get it
Don't slander all the banter
Just one answer
I'm an animal
I'm just one man
Outstandin' though
Part wolf, part king
Part Hannibal
I'm built like I'm mechanical
On the mic, I'm a cannibal
You don't know
Who I'm family to
You don't know my team
What my mans'll do
Turn it up to the maximum
Gorillas in the trap
But them got millions
Watchin' every move I make
'Cause I'm what's happenin'
Got jaws droppin', autopsies
Drive hard tops, got hard body
'Cause Nas told me
"Y'all problem"
This high-powered
High-profit, yo
On my soul, everybody
In the clique strapped
And they all on go
Keep a stick like branch
Papi, but I ain't a troll
Can't nobody
Out here play me for no ho
On my soul, everybody
In the clique strapped
And they all on go
Keep a stick like branch
Papi, but I ain't a troll
On my mama, can't nobody
Out here play me for no ho
What up, thun? Let's get it
Yeah, yeah
[song ends]