Transfusion (2023) Movie Script

[soft tense music]
[radio chatter]
[mournful music]
[hisses and crackles]
[radio beeps]
[radio static]
[soft tense music]
[radio beeps]
[tense music builds]
[radio beeps]
[tense music continues]
[indistinct voices]
[indistinct voices]
[radio static and beeps]
[tense music]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[tense music builds]
- Friendly friendly.
- Friendly.
[panting breaths]
This is you, yeah? Ali Abdul?
Yeah, yeah. [chuckles]
This is you.
This is you.
No more war for you.
Got my jackpot, brother.
[man on radio] Zero alpha
this is one-three.
Who the fuck is this person?
Who is this person?
Where's this fucking person?
[speaks foreign language]
Where is this man?
[speaks foreign language]
Get down. Get down.
[radio beeps]
[mournful music]
Hey. Son, son, son, son.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You silly fucker, you've gone
and got yourself shot.
You're alright. You're alright.
Might need a medic. Logan's hit.
You're alright, mate.
Look at me, look at me.
You're alright, they're coming,
they're coming. Look at me.
You're 'right, you're 'right.
You're not gunna die here son.
[soft mournful music]
[birds chirp]
Take it.
And take the shot.
I don't want to.
[birds squawk]
Come here.
Here. Sit there.
Oi, hold this.
OK. Flat to the stone.
And you're gonna pull it back.
Come here. Try again.
Put the pressure on.
Just guide it.
There you are. OK.
[knife metal rings]
All good.
It's OK.
Don't want to lose any
of the golden blood, yeah?
[solemn music]
[bird calls]
[dog panting]
[growls and barks]
[gunshot] [dog whines]
[solemn music]
You want to steer us
out of here?
[soft piano music]
Oh! [laughs]
You have a good time today?
- The best.
- Yeah?
Did you eat some fish?
No. Deer.
So good.
[whirring noise]
What happened to his finger?
[motor stops]
What was that?
What happened to his finger?
Oh, it's just a nick.
He'll be fine.
How are you feeling?
- Fat.
- Yeah?
Want me to sand it
a little back?
How are you doing in there?
Doing OK? She's not moving.
She's asleep.
That's a wonderful thought.
Sleep inside of you.
How's it coming along?
Yeah, it's good. Be finished
by the time she's 16.
Gotta go to bed.
Did you have a good time
with me camping?
Yeah, I did too.
What is it?
Will I be brave like you
one day?
Like me?
There's many ways to be brave.
like remember when I told you
to shoot the deer, you said no?
And when you said that,
you were kind of scared that
you were gonna disappoint me.
But you said it anyway.
That's being brave.
Get some sleep.
Get some sleep.
Ah, get in.
Tuck you in like a burrito!
[laughs] Ouch.
It's hot.
I heated it up a bit.
Are you trying to cook me?
- Like this?
- Yeah.
And what is this meant to do
supposed to prevent
stretch marks.
Yeah, not working.
Fuck you.
OK here.
[talks softly]
[talks softly]
[kissing noise]
[birds chirp softly]
[soft music]
Is it time to get up?
[whispers] Shsh
Mummy's asleep.
OK. Come here. Come here.
[whispers softly]
Yeah. Cool. OK.
Don't look.
What's in your sandwich?
[makes a chicken noise]
- Chicken?
- Yes!
Remember what to do?
Got to do it nice and gentle.
Nice and gentle.
Squeeze it tight. Tight.
There you go! That's the one.
[laughs softly]
- Kelly?
- Nup.
- Kelly, that's nice.
- Nup.
- Um
- Ah
- Kiana?
- Yeah.
- That's not a name.
- Yes it is.
- You made it up.
- That's your friend...
No, it's your friend
from netball.
The tall one. Goalgoalkeeper.
Goal attack. GA.
Not Kiana, Kiani.
I've been calling her Kiana.
Oh, that's her
that's the wrong name.
- Why hasn't she said anything?
- [laughs]
Who calls themself Kiani?
What does that mean?
Honey, you're such an asshole.
Why am I an asshole?
She's the one
- This whole time?
- You'd think
My name Sorry, you've
been calling me the wrong name.
My name is Kiani.
[soft tender music]
[indistinct talking]
[instructor shouting]
[instructor shouting]
You got any idea what you're
gonna say to these kids?
I got no idea.
Probably the same shit
you dribbled to me.
Just be honest, son.
No, we're all just men.
None of us is Superman.
We're not made of steel.
We're not invincible.
Just trying to walk a line
between courage and fear.
Pure courage is
taking on a task
that you're ill equipped to do.
The job of the instructors here
is to equip you
for any situation
you find yourself
in the field of duty.
[indicator clicks]
We minimise the fear
by the repetition of training.
Pure courage is minimised
because it needs to be.
Because in the face of fear
your actions and decisions
can be compromised.
[soft eerie music]
And you're in near the end?
- Right?
- [men] Yeah.
That's good.
But we're still gonna push you
physically and mentally
harder than you ever thought
You just gotta keep your line.
You just gotta keep the line.
[tyres screech]
[car horn drones]
Just gotta try
and keep your line.
That's it.
[scattered applause]
Mate, are you right?
Ambulance. Yeah.
[tense music]
[breathes heavily]
[exhales] [music stops]
[solemn music]
Just please don't go.
When then?
[solemn music continues]
[woman] And just as a final
thought, Your Honour,
I'd ask you to take into
the upheaval this young man has
faced over the past seven years.
He's been to six schools.
Lived in Brisbane, Adelaide,
Perth and now here.
And what are the reasons
for that?
His father, Your Honour,
has had trouble finding
fulfilling employment
since leaving the army.
- Is your father here, son?
- Yes, Your Honour.
Mr Logan?
Yes, Your Honour?
So did you see active service,
Mr Logan?
Yes, Your Honour.
Well, I had an uncle in the
Army, served in Vietnam
Hewell, he struggled in
the years after.
I'm fine, Your Honour.
Now, hear me out, Mr Logan.
Now, look, I have read over
your son's offences.
Now this is the third time
that he's appeared here.
It was stealing, drug possession
and now destruction of property.
And all occasions he's been
picked up by the police
after some days away
from your care,
that being, he's run away.
And I also read here
that his mother passed away
eight years ago,
so it's only you?
Yes, Your Honour.
Mr Logan, I sympathise with your
I've seen your struggle
You're also a single parent,
but the situation with your son
is dire.
And by that, I mean, if he
appears before this court again,
he'll either be sent away
or taken from your care.
Now that's the process.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Yes, Your Honour.
And son, do you understand this?
Yes, Your Honour.
Good. You're free to go
Mr Logan.
Thank you.
- Bow, bow.
[door closes]
[solemn music]
[soft pensive music]
[eerie music]
[solemn music]
[school bell rings]
[man] Missed 10 days
over one term.
Does that sound right?
could you wait outside
for a moment?
Thank you.
[floorboards creak]
Mr Logan,
paying the amount of money
that one does for school
like this
doesn't guarantee anything.
What do you mean?
What I'm saying is
Billy could be just as well
suited to a good public school.
You don't want him.
It's not about what I want.
He doesn't seem
to want to be here. Does he?
Mr Logan
you haven't paid
last term's fees.
All I'm saying is
there are good alternatives.
He might be happier
at a public school.
It might be better for him
and easier for you.
I'll make sure that I pay
what's outstanding.
And he won't miss
anymore school.
[waves break]
[solemn music]
Hey, here he is!
You look thin.
- Do I?
- Yeah.
What have you done
to your fucking hair?
What you don't like this?
Well, it's good on you.
But I did try that, mate,
I looked like a fuckwit.
So you came home, eh, mate?
Yeah. Better job.
See her and, you know,
kid's in school.
They're buried here.
Well, it's really good to see
you, son.
Billy good?
How's Layla?
Na, she sort of cut me off.
She ended up fucking some bloke
she worked with.
Big fat cunt.
I followed him,
he's one of those guys
that gets all dressed up
in lycra to ride his bike
on a weekend.
I nearly run the fucker over.
- But you didn't?
- No I didn't, Corporal.
Your daughters
you had two of them?
How are they doing?
Ah, they don't talk to me.
Sorry to hear that.
No, what can you do?
You know, I thought about
going back bush
there for a little while,
you know, going home.
Good idea. Why didn't ya?
Me mum and dad died and then
there's no work.
Me brother and me sister,
you know, them they
they fucked off, there's just
no one there I knew.
What about your boy?
How old's he now?
He's a teenager.
Fuck. What's he like?
Like a teenager.
Does he listen to you?
Nup, it's hard being a soldier,
when you're not a soldier.
No cunt will listen to you.
What are you doing for work?
What do you do?
I'm a sales rep.
[both laugh]
what about you? You
still doing the same thing?
It's what we're good at,
And I haven't got enough room in
my brain to learn other things.
One of the reasons
I want to see you, son.
Wanted to know
if you'd be interested
in doing something with me.
I need your help, son.
So we can stop talking
this kind of shit now
and talk about stuff
that really matters?
Look, I need help.
One night, right?
In and out. Zero rounds.
That's it.
Just fucking think about it.
[solemn music]
[monitor beeps]
[woman] Stay with me, mate.
Mate, you gotta stay awake.
Hey buddy. You're doing well.
Yeah, his pressure's 80 over 30.
His pulse's thready.
- We need to move quickly.
[monitor beeps]
[woman] You can start
the transfusion.
What's the status of the baby?
[static whines]
[solemn music]
You got shit in the corner of
your mouth.
What's that?
[softly] 2009
It is for drinkers who enjoy
rich, mouth-fill
It's for drinkers who enjoy
a rich mouth-filling wine
with plenty of fruit
and flavour.
[car alarm beeps]
[bottles clank]
Hey mate. Hi, I'm Ryan Logan,
I work for Playfords.
I'm the new rep.
Just thought I'd come by
introduce myself
and get you to check out
some of the specials
we've got this month.
What happened
to the other bloke?
Um I dunno. Um
So we've got a sauvignon blanc,
earthy tones,
real leathery on the palate.
Mate, you want to tell me about
the specials,
you call in make an appointment,
it's how we do it.
What's a good day that I can
make an appointment?
You make a phone call,
make an appointment.
And then we get there.
Is there someone else
I could talk to maybe?
Because, you know, we've got
some great tempranillos,
have you ever heard of them...
Just fuck off.
I'll just leave you with this.
Thank you for your time.
[car doors unlock]
[tense music builds]
Now, you ever talk to me
that way again
I'll cut you so deep and so much
you'll need a fucking team
of dress makers
to put you back together,
do you understand?
This one time,
we had this Afghan,
we were interrogating him.
He wasTaliban.
You know what that is?
Anyway, we had to
transport him
to another province,
so the Afghan interpreter,
he fucks off.
And I take the cuffs off
this fella
so I can take him
to the helicopter.
And gets his arms free
and first thing he does
he goes for my rifle.
Fuck was I supposed to do?
Did he die?
Did my dad ever kill anyone?
Your dad was a sniper, son.
Your dad's a fucking hero.
You understand?
Do you ever think about
the guy you killed?
it's strange, you know, you
you kill someone and
after you wonder just how
the fuck your paths crossed,
you know?
How people get into situations
where someone's gonna die.
It's always someone
you've never known,
someone you don't know
a fucking thing about.
And that poor cunt had never
seen me before that day,
and I'm the one
that turned out his light.
Just like that.
Johnny. Corporal.
Talking to your young fella,
mate. He's all grown up.
How'd you know where I lived?
I had you under surveillance.
You didn't give him a beer
did you?
- No.
- Good.
What do you want, Johnny?
You know what I want, mate.
[soft tense music]
Just want to have a chat.
He's a growing boy,
he's gotta eat.
How about I meet you
down the pub?
Yeah, yeah.
really good to see you again,
Should be proud, mate.
[bottles clink]
See you down there, brother.
What was he talking to you
He's just
just telling me stories.
[mournful music]
Yo. You alright?
Yeah, I'm good, son.
John, I'm gonna pass.
I'm not interested in this.
Whatever it is, you know,
it's not for me.
Yeah OK. No Drama.
to be honest, I didn't expect
to hear that, Corporal.
You forgotten about
Tony McManus?
And I did that
'cause I love you.
Because you're my brother
and you'd done
the same thing for me.
Wouldn't ya?
[soft tense music]
[Justine] That felt good at
the bottle shop today, didn't it?
[snorts softly]
Who the fuck
did he think he was talking to?
He doesn't know you.
[solemn music]
None of them do.
Every party he went to.
Rooting at 14.
- Your dad? What? No way.
- Yes.
- That's a lie. It's bullshit.
- You're full of shit.
No mate. Swear. Swear to god.
What the fuck do you want,
My dad was in the SAS.
Sure. Bit of a badass is he?
He go to war and shit?
He kill people?
He was a sniper.
He's like a hero.
Says who?
The other soldiers.
Do you reckon you're some type
of hero as well?
Lay off it, Jesse.
Do you wanna sit down?
Sit down.
[Jesse] Fuck alright.
You going to the party Friday?
- [Brad] Yeah.
- [Jesse] Are you?
[Jesse] Yeah, let's go.
Anyone else coming you know?
[Brad] Hmm few of those chicks
from friend group over the side
of the back of the hall there
are going.
[Jesse] Oh yeah, yeah.
They're alright.
[boy] You asked him.
[gun clicks]
And what do you do when you
don't have this?
Not much, just ride dirtbikes.
Same as always, Corporal.
Yes sir.
[tense music]
[door clicks]
[door closes]
[tense music continues]
[soft television sounds]
[yells] Ah fuck!
Stay there.
[panting breaths]
[muffled noises]
Sh sh. Hey hey.
You listen to me, you will
give me the fucking code.
You see these?
I don't get the code the next
one I'm not gonna fucking break,
mate, I'll cut that fucker off.
- OK. OK. OK. OK.
- Quietly cunt.
What's the code?
[breathes heavily]
[beeping sound]
[tense music]
[phone vibrates]
[tense music]
[breathes heavily]
[door closes]
Sorry, Johnny.
Fuck, Ray.
[man breathes heavily]
[knock on door]
[tense music]
[knock on door]
[silenced gunshot]
Fuck. Bring him in.
Corporal, bring him in.
Corporal we don't have
fucking time, bring him in.
We have to go right fucking now,
so bring him inside.
[tense music builds]
[tense music fades]
[door closes]
Tell me that didn't feel good?
You must miss that, son?
Being a soldier.
Fucking IED.
That's it, you're out.
Now you said no rounds?
Fuck him. It was in his knee.
I heard two pops.
You're hearing things, Corporal.
Yeah, I don't really want to
know what it's all about, so
Yeah, right.
When have you ever really known?
Missed you at Jacko's funeral.
I missed ya.
You ever thought about
doing that?
Thank you for tonight, son.
Thank you.
[solemn music]
[cocks gun]
[solemn music]
[muffled voices]
[man] He said you threatened to
cut him. Is that right?
Mate, you cannot be talking to
customers like that.
Can't be talking to anyone
like that.
Do you understand that?
Can I ask exactly what prompted
you to say something like that?
It was just the way
that he spoke to me.
[sighs] Like what?
Like, I was
just a
Yeah, I get it.
Yeah mate, I've gotta be honest,
I just didn't see this coming.
I mean, you haven't
you haven't set the world
on fire with your numbers,
but your effort, mate,
your effort's been brilliant.
Now, look, the shop owner
the shop owner will accept
an apology, right?
Can you do that? We apologise.
We put it down to having
a bad day and we move on.
Can you do that?
Yeah, I can apologise.
But what I can't do is promise
you that I won't do it again
if someone speaks to me
that way.
You can't speak to people
like that
with so fucking little respect.
I'm sorry, Ryan, I can't.
Can't risk it, mate.
Not after I've just warned you,
I'll end up without a job.
It's cool, man.
[soft music]
It's cool.
Thank you for the opportunity.
- [Brad] What a bitch, bro.
- Shut up, Brad.
It's good, eh?
[pensive music]
Want some?
I can't.
- Why can't you?
- 'Cause he's a fucking pussy.
Just do it.
Doesn't have to do it
if he doesn't want to, boys.
Shit, I'm sorry. Chill out.
Fuck, sorry, Brad.
Thank you.
For before.
Yeah, all good.
It's fine.
They can be dickheads sometimes.
You know, I've had it before.
Been to court for it.
For real?
Yeah. Some other shit.
One more time
and I get taken away.
Taken away where?
Juvie, I guess.
Doesn't that scare ya?
Isn't juvie likejail?
I don't know.
Isn't your dad SAS?
Wouldn't he be really strict?
He's pretty useless now.
Not like he used to be.
- Fuck.
What happened there?
Car accident.
That's gnarly.
- Sorry.
- Ohyou can touch it
if you want.
Fucking weird eh?
Having a party at my old man's
house on Friday night.
He's away for the weekend.
You want to come?
Yeah, it'll be fun.
Bunch of drinks.
Different people. Girls.
It'll be mad.
[soft solemn music]
[Justine] What are you gonna do?
You're failing him.
[solemn music continues]
[race caller murmurs]
- [Johnny] So how many is that?
- [Ryan] 8 or 9, I think.
Well mate, you're a better man
than me.
'Cause the last proper job I had
was selling fucking power tools.
It was fucking great.
Boss was a fuckwit
wouldn't look me in the eye.
Told me I had to wear
an eye patch.
Like a fucking pirate.
Yeah, like a fucking pirate.
So I knocked that cunt out
at Christmas party
and was fucking dismissed.
You know, if you've got anything
that I can help you with, sir,
it'd be great.
I got some money,
that's Billy's for his school,
I can't touch it,
but I just need a little bit
for the normal civilian shit.
And I don't think my pension's
gonna cut it
and I'm certainly not gonna
win it
off a 10 to 1 beef rocket, am I?
Son, you don't have to explain
anything to me.
Yeah, but I
it's a bit embarrassing asking.
I got something for you.
I've got something you can
keep an eye on for me.
- Twitchy fucker I don 't trust.
- You don't trust many people.
I trust you, son.
So yeah, if you want it,
it's yours.
[cocks rifle]
[Billy] You going hunting?
Do you want to go hunting?
You know, with me, like before.
Do you remember
how to sight a rifle?
Kind of.
Go on then.
[cocks rifle]
- Dad?
- Mm-hm?
Can I go out tonight?
A house.
Who with?
Friends from school.
You gonna come back?
Yeah, I promise.
But thank you for asking me.
[solemn music]
[upbeat hip hop music]
[people chattering]
[overlapping conversation]
[boy] Oi Jesse,
skull it you dog!
Go on.
Go Jesse.
[all shout]
[girl] Logan and Brad.
[all shout]
[boy] Logan's got a squirter!
[all shout]
- You cheated, bro.
- Fuck off.
That's what I do cunt. Fuck off.
Good on you brother.
[tense music]
I'm just saying, whoever
done this were trained like you.
I mean, boys said it was like
two fucking ninjas
come through the joint.
And you know, Ray.
No. You know fucking Ray.
Alright, if you say so.
Right, well he copped it. Dead.
That's no fucking good is it
Boys said the door were locked
too, so someone's picked that.
Look, I'm just wondering
if you know anyone else
out there in the game,
that's got the same skill set
as you?
[laughs softly]
I mean, it could have been you.
You've been there before,
you know what's in there.
Maybe you swiped the keys.
We're not saying that, John.
Man, that's exactly what
I'm fucking saying.
I didn't fucking take anything.
I didn't go into
your fucking apartment,
I didn't open any fucking safe,
I didn't pick any fucking lock.
I work for you.
Last I checked.
Come on, Ned, are you gonna
trust this cunt?
Fucking look at him!
Mate, I am telling you.
Mate, I'm having a chat, right?
I never liked Johnny.
I never fucking liked ya Johnny.
- Fuck...
- We're having a beer.
We're having a chat, alright?
Just relax.
Fucking relaxed.
This is me relaxed.
[Ryan] What are you doing?
[Justine] This is how
you're taking care of it?
[exhales slowly]
[boy] Oh!
[all exclaim]
[Jesse] I'm driving.
Bullshit, Jesse,
you had your turn.
Why the fuck do you get
to decide?
It's my dad's car.
Are you up for it, Logan?
Don't be a soft cock now, Logan.
- Get the fuck in the car.
- What are you scared of mate?
- Come on.
- Everyone's had their go.
Get in the car.
- Yeah, come on mate.
- Don't be a pussy.
Get in there, mate!
[hydraulic noises]
[upbeat hip hop music]
[boys chant Logan]
[solemn music]
Please don't say anything.
[phone ringing]
Oh Billy.
Slow down. Where are you?
[soft tense music]
[handbrake clicks]
[car door closes]
You OK?
[solemn music]
What are you gonna do?
Are you gonna go to the cops?
Dad's fucking gonna kill me.
Look at it, it's fucked.
I'm sorry.
[boy] We're in so much shit.
It's fine, we were
just passengers.
Billy was driving.
[solemn music]
Sit down.
- Did anyone see you?
- No.
No one came by?
- No.
- No? Whose car is it?
- It's my dad's car.
Anyone know you got it?
Who was drinking?
Were you drinking?
[solemn music]
I was drinking, Dad.
[tense music]
Get in the car.
[tense music builds]
[engine roars]
[handbrake clicks]
[tense music]
[Ryan] Billy! Unlock the door!
Open the door!
- No!
- Open the door now!
Fuck off!
[solemn music]
[softly] Hey.
Hey. Look at me. Look at me.
[solemn music]
[engine idles]
[solemn music continues]
[mournful music]
[man] Yeah, mate, yeah.
About seven.
- Can I help you?
- I'm Ryan Logan, Billy's dad.
You better come in then.
[solemn music]
[glass clinks]
You were in the army
my son tells me?
- Yeah.
- You serve in Iraq?
Well, we shouldn't have fucking
been there, should we?
So, where's my car?
I burned it.
I beg your pardon?
I burned it, it was a write-off.
Figured you'd have insurance.
So you want me to say
it was stolen and then torched?
Do you know what I do
for a living, soldier?
I'm a solicitor.
Principal at a law firm.
Very fucking prestigious one.
Do you have any idea
what would happen
if I made a false
insurance claim
like the one you've set me up
to make?
And upon the mandatory
investigation of the claim,
it was found to be fraudulent
I could go to jail.
At the very least I wouldn't be
practicing law ever again.
My son said your boy's
a fucking ratbag.
He's already been in trouble
with the cops.
Your boy
he was pissed.
They were all drinking.
Yeah, they might have been
but they didn't get behind
the fucking wheel of a car,
did they?
My car.
You need this to go away?
Sorry, I can't help you.
To claim on my insurance,
I need to be honest.
But here's some free counsel.
As far as the fire goes,
I'd let that fall on
your son's shoulders.
Sounds like he's in
enough trouble already.
And there's no upside
in you admitting to that.
OK, so the police
are gonna be involved?
Of course.
What if I pay for the car?
Do you know what a car like that
is worth?
[chuckles softly]
I'll get you the money and then
you just leave it alone.
You get me the money,
we'll see what we'll see.
In the meantime, tell your boy
to find some new friends.
I don't need my son
hanging around with trouble.
Just give me a couple of days.
Thank you for your time.
[solemn music]
[monitor beeps]
[solemn music continues]
Hey. Hey, come here, son.
Alright, just take a breath.
Look at me. Just take a breath,
you'll be alright.
- OK?
- Yep.
I got you. You understand?
Mr Logan.
Mr Logan, your wife and your son
are both in
the RH null blood group.
There's no RH antigens.
Yeah, that's right.
So you're aware of what
the problems with that are?
Yeah, they give blood
all the time.
They have to. It's here.
So there's not enough blood.
There's some on the way,
but we don't have enough time.
They're both bleeding internally
and your son has ruptured
his spleen.
Your wife
she's lost the baby.
And she has severe
head injuries.
She's bleeding from her liver
from her entire gut.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?
Yeah, well, give them the blood.
How is the baby?
The baby's died. OK?
So there's not enough blood
for both of them.
Do you understand
what I'm saying to you?
[music builds and stops]
Yeah. [sniffs]
- I'm finished.
- Good to go?
It's Mum who you talk to,
isn't it?
Wish I could talk to her.
[solemn music]
I miss her.
[seagull squawks] [waves rush]
I gotta find another place
to drink,
every fucker looking at me
like I've got three heads.
I need more money, John.
Alright, son,
whatever I can help you with.
It's not a small amount.
- How much?
- Couple hundred thousand.
I don't even know
if I can pay you back.
It was something Billy did
and I need to
Sh sh sh.
Hey, I don't need to know.
there's a way to get this done.
But you have to engage.
You understand?
So you let me know, son.
I'm here.
[tense music pulses]
Let's get it done.
There he is.
[soft tense music]
[car door opens]
[tense music pulses]
[car tyres on gravel]
[breathes deeply]
[indistinct voices]
[soft tense music]
[Ned] Search him.
- Let me.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Mate, I haven't got anything.
Look, nothing.
Nothing here.
Johnny, can you do us a favour
Please explain to us, please,
why the fuck?!
Are you stupid, man?
Are you slow in the head?
Because I could.
That's it.
That's your fucking answer?
'Cause you could?
[tense music builds]
What do you want me to say?
Because it's dirty money?
'Cause you're drug dealers?
I don't give a fuck about
any of that.
See, I don't have
a moral compass left.
Like I said
I did it because I could.
Because I am very capable.
Because it was fun.
And 'cause you're both
fucking useless.
[cocks gun]
Whoa, whoa.
We're not that fucking useless,
We figured it out it was you.
Mm genius.
Yeah, I fucking am.
Now where is it?
- Johnny, where is it?
- It's in the back.
[tense music builds]
Done it this time,
didn't you Johnny? Hm?
We good?
Ned, we good?!
No, we're not fucking good.
It's not here!
[rifle shot]
You fucking dog cunt!
[rifle shot]
[cocks rifle]
[sniffs and exhales]
[soft tense music]
Come on then!
[rifle shot] Oh shit!
- Go! Sniper on the hill!
- What?
[rifle shot] Sniper. Fuck!
[tense music]
[gagging and groaning]
Please. Please.
[solemn music]
[music fades]
[Johnny breathes heavily]
You can go home, Corporal.
I'll complete here.
You did good, son.
You're a soldier.
You did what you had to do,
you mopped up.
Just go home, mate.
[breathes heavily]
[Justine] It's not safe anymore.
It's time to go.
[Ryan] We have to move away
from here.
[Billy] I won't do anything like
that again, I promise.
It's not that.
I'm sorry.
I won't run away ever again.
I just want to stay here.
These boys,
they're not your friends.
Dad, they're the only friends
I've had.
I'm sorry, Billy.
- Yeah, you're sorry?
- Yeah.
No, you're not. You think this
is my fault don't you?
Yeah, yeah, my fault
you left the Army,
my fault you can't hold down
a fucking job!
You had to leave the Army
to look after me!
Who else was gonna take care of
me? Mum was gone!
Please don't
And that's my fault, too.
And you wish she was still here
and not me!
You want to know why I run away?
Because you don't fucking
want me, Dad!
[yells] Don't say that!
Don't you say that!
[breathes deeply]
[whispers] I'm sorry.
Get out!
Get out of my fucking room, Dad!
[monitor beeps]
Her brain?
We can't possibly tell
the outcome of her injuries.
My boy?
His head is fine.
But he's bleeding internally.
Mr Logan?
You need to make a decision.
[Ryan breathes heavily]
[soft tense music]
[car alarm beeps]
[engine starts]
Turn the car off.
What the fuck
do you think you're doing?
Turn off the car.
In the glove box
It's all there.
Don't think this is a tab
that keeps on running.
It stops now.
You have a son.
Just think what
you would do for him.
[tense music pulses]
Don't test me.
[softly] Jesus fucking Christ.
[man] We've reviewed the CCTV
footage from a traffic lights
and run diagnostics
at the scene.
The other driver, he crossed
through an intersection
on a red light and the impact
was at high speed.
The driver, we tested
his blood alcohol level.
He was over the limit.
I'm sorry.
[monitor beeps]
[tense music builds]
[anguished cries]
I'm sorry!
[anguished cries continue]
['You Weren't in Love With Me'
by Billy Field plays]
Standing on the outside
I don't know where
I'm going to
But I do know just one thing
And that is it's over
With you
I've been very lonely
I did not think
I could go on
I was caught in memories
And dreams I should have won
Blind Freddy knew that
A blind man could see
I was in love with you
But you weren't in love
with me
Suppose I'll have to keep it
Keep it inside
I don't know why
Well I know
But baby it helps if I cry
[knock on door]
[knock on door]
I was in love with you
[grunting and yelling]
Come on cunt.
[gurgling cry]
I was in love with you
Who the fuck are you?
So now I'm standing
on the outside
I don't know where
I'm going to
But I do know
Just one thing
[squelching sounds]
And that is it's over
With you
Blind Freddy knew that
A blind man could see
I was in love with you
(in love with you)
But you weren't in...
Where's your dad, mate?
I just need to talk to your dad.
Where's your dad?
Where'd he fucking go?
- He was here.
- Where's your dad!
Son, where is he?
I just need to talk to your dad.
Where is he?
Billy! Billy!
Billy, you OK?
He's OK. He's alright.
Get in the room.
What's going on?
They sent a merc for me.
- Close the door, Billy.
Some merc.
He'she's alright. He's alright.
That's a problem.
What exactly have you got me
- You didn't want to know.
- Well, now I fucking do!
The fucking safe job, right?
The money we took, alright?
And now, for whatever fucking
reason, more people know.
They know. How many people know?
I don't know, Corporal.
More than we took care of.
More than we took care of.
Took care of them?
I took care of them.
You told me
that you had the money.
I did have the money.
You came to me.
You came to me for money.
Right, I had the money.
I gave you the money.
Alright, I take them out
and it all goes away.
That's what happened.
That's what happened.
Alright, it's not
a fucking problem.
We do the same as we've always
done, mate,
We lure them in and we shoot.
I'll get rid of all of them.
We get rid of all of them.
[solemn music]
Corporal, there's no other way,
mate, there's no other way.
They sent Look at me!
I got fucking stabbed!
I had to fucking kill someone.
Some cunts fucking dead
in my fucking house, please?
There's no other way.
Sh sh sh.
Get out, you're on your own.
You owe me!
For what I did!
- You owe me!
- Fucking what?
I don't owe you shit.
I never asked you to do that!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, brother.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.
Alright. Alright. Shh.
[solemn music]
Come on. Come here.
It's gonna be OK.
It's gonna be OK.
I'm sorry.
[tense music builds]
[dramatic music]
[grunting and groaning]
Get back in the room!
What are we doing?
[gagging] Johnny
Stop it Johnny.
[groaning and panting]
[soft static whine]
[static whine fades and stops]
[mournful music]
[breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[breathes heavily]
[solemn music]
[Justine] You're finished.
It looks beautiful.
[solemn music]
[birds chirp]
Thank you, Dad.
For what?
The sandwich.
[solemn music continues]
Come on.
- Alright, you good?
- Yeah.
You want to sit between my legs?
Come on. Come on.
[seat belt clicks]
Check your mirror.
[engine starts]
Easy on the clutch.
[solemn music continues]
Go on.
[solemn music continues]