Transmorphers: Mech Beasts (2023) Movie Script

The war between
the Z-Bots and humans
raged 300 years ago.
Their firepower overwhelmed
the unprepared human race.
These robots were programmed
to erase all the living things
on Earth.
Slowly we began to find
ways to fight back.
Our scientists
developed a scramble drive
that could be jammed
into the Z-Bots
and make them immobile.
The Z-Bot central command
figured out our tactics
and began to concentrate their
attack on our science center.
We had to adjust our plans
and figure out
another way to fight back.
The human race
moved underground
to survive
the robotic genocide.
We did what we needed to do
to make it to another day.
And somehow the hope
of life continued.
Our soldiers fought bravely,
but we were outgunned,
so we had to come up
with a solution
to stop them once and for all.
We created a mega-EMP bomb,
the magnitude of which
we could never imagine,
but it would mean
that we would erase
everything we've ever known
and that we would have to
start from the very beginning.
And on Liberation Day,
we put our plan into action.
The Z-Bots ceased to operate,
and we were free
to build our world back,
back to a time where we could
be free to live our lives.
Little did we know that
the Z-Bot central command
was infected by alien nanobot
technology which lay dormant
in the scattered ruins
of their destroyed carcasses,
where they waited
for their time to strike back.
Why is the alarm sounding?
Diagnostic alpha.
Control Team...
I'm showing a major
firewall breach at the plant.
We have a code Z at the plant.
Do you copy?
Alpha negate.
Apex Predator Function.
I repeat--
We have a code Z! Code Z!
Do you copy?! Control Team!
Juniper! This is
the Los Angeles City
Power Control Team!
We have confirmed
a firewall breach
and have already alerted HQ,
but this is not
a standard breach!
We need any details
you can provide!
Mila, run diagnostics check.
Running now.
HQ, do you come in?!
Is this another Z-Bot attack
ripping through
the power station?
HQ, do you copy?!
This isn't a Z-Bot code.
This is something new.
Oh, my God.
It's heading straight
for the plant turbines.
I'm implementing
an ad hoc defense code ASAP.
Ask for HQ protocol.
If we cannot
get ahold of them,
we have to stop this attack.
Per protocol,
we need a sliding base
and alternate
between quinary and hex.
The default should be
a malware function,
full attack.
It's already rerouting power.
Send the ad hoc code through...
If it reroutes the power
station to the entire grid,
we and HQ will be
totally powerless
against another robot attack.
Per protocol,
we're gonna have to implement
a full code attack
just to contain it.
Well, do it! Send it now!
We have to stop this thing!
If it gets out of the plant,
it'll be at the city
in a manner of minutes,
maybe less.
This buys HQ maybe
five minutes to respond
if we're lucky.
Oh, no.
It's aimed right at us.
We're under attack!
Code Z! Code Z!
Juniper! This is
Kensley at Command!
You need to evacuate
the plant immediately!
Juniper, get out
of the plant now!
It's fully overriding
the system.
It's breached everything!
There's nothing we can do
to stop this!
HQ! HQ! Come in, HQ!
We've confirmed
a full firewall breach!
The robots are back.
The robots are back!
Well, well, well.
Look what we have here.
Man, I've not shot a Z-Bot
with one of these things
in a long time.
It's been almost 20 years.
I just can't believe we found
another fully stocked bunker.
Hey, I told you
we could have fought the war
for another decade the way
we kept this place stocked.
Just imagine what we're
gonna have in a few years.
Like what?
Aboveground farms?
Yes, and the city
is gonna be active
with the...
People out just enjoying food,
not rationing it.
Music concerts. Sports.
And we could do
one of those, um...
What's the old-world term?
Night on the town.
Things from before the war.
We're not gonna have
a night out on the town
if we don't keep working.
Besides, my pen's
almost out of ink.
I should have brought a backup.
Maybe you should try
going digital instead.
You might get
an accurate count this time.
Maybe you should spend
less time on your tablet.
Isn't that contraband?
Yeah, and the war's been over
since, what,
before you were born?
Looks like we got
another Z-Bot brain here
from the very last war.
Found this up on level three.
And check this out.
Still got a makeshift
scramble drive jammed in there
to fry its brain.
Must be an inside joke.
Man, I have not seen
one of these in a long time.
Bag it, and tag it.
What's your name,
Yeah, I joined the Council
a long time ago.
I'm a retired sergeant.
Electromagnetic pulse
specialist Agnes Oros.
- This is my son Trevor.
- Sir.
My daughter Reena.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Colonel Evander Wilks.
You, too, huh?
Sergeant Mark Oros...
Hey, Trev...
you know Reena doesn't
like using the tech, either.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I got it.
Safety over efficiency.
Okay, listen.
When we're done here,
why don't you answer
the Council's
recruitment letter?
Join the Coding Defense Team.
You can code on your tablet
all day, every day.
Thanks, Mom.
You know, Lieutenant May
said the code I sent in
got a perfect score.
Yeah. I'm proud of you.
You know,
Reena's not the only one
who doesn't like using tech.
Beginning of the war,
people used to find
whatever nontech they could
that was undetectable.
They made metal clubs?
Yeah, they're called...
What are they called?
Baseball bat.
I didn't snag this
'cause I like antiques.
A lot of us vets don't like
using digital tech at all.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We need a medic.
Ah, no. Don't bother.
Division's short on doctors.
They're still getting
everything staffed up.
This is just an old war wound.
- I'm in no hurry.
- Okay.
This thing goes up
at least four levels, anyway.
Come on.
Appreciate that.
You guys got
that light in your eyes.
Aboveground generation.
You don't get scared every time
something turns on around you.
You don't have to think
about all those tech myths
the parents of my generation
had to think about.
Like what?
Myths my grandparents
used to talk about.
Bots that could do anything.
Bots as big as this planet.
Bots like gods...
evil gods.
Like a T.C.
What's a T.C.?
It's just another one
of those myths.
But a little fear
can be healthy, right?
Agnes, you look familiar.
Formerly Sergeant Agnes Gura.
Ah, yes, of course.
My condolences.
I heard about David Gura.
I'm grateful for everything
you and he did during the war.
Saved thousands of us.
Large-scale EMP bombs, huh?
- That's correct.
- Hmm.
Well, with all the things
we'll be working on together,
I guess it makes us
family now, huh?
And we certainly have
our work cut out for us.
I know the Council
wants to preserve
these old Z-Bots for research.
I want to destroy them.
The technology's
so old, anyway.
We can't repurpose them.
And half of this stuff
was useless
even when we
were hiding underground.
Rocket launchers
from the 2000s.
I let it slide this morning.
You know better.
No computerized tech.
Well, Mark, I seem to remember
a couple years ago,
when our actual dad
was still alive--
That almost
sounded like ordnance.
No, that was ordnance.
I'm getting an alert
from the Council.
It says the four generators
downtown by the headquarters,
they turned into robots.
Yeah, robots!
Is it another Z attack?
It doesn't say.
- Power it down.
- What?
You know the rules.
If we're ever under attack...
- No more digital.
- Yeah, Mom. I got it. I know.
But I could use it
to hack what's attacking us.
Power it down, son.
This could be a lot worse
than you think it is.
That came
from inside the building!
Let me try and hack 'em.
There's no time. We have
to get to Council Headquarters.
Turn that tablet off now!
What the hell is that?!
Run! Get out!
Grab the weapons!
Get out of the building!
There's no charge!
You gotta hack it,
like we did in the war.
Be careful, or it'll
go up in a fireball.
Mom, no!
We're completely sealed off!
What about Mom?!
We'll have to find
another way.
Where are we going?
These new bots
might be able to hear us.
They might even
have heat detection,
like the ones we fought
during the war.
Why isn't it leaving?
Maybe it's following us.
Go. Go.
Reena, go.
Hurry! It's getting closer!
- Go! Go!
- Colonel.
Colonel, come on! Let's go!
Colonel! Colonel, no!
Come on!
Come on!
Trevor, help.
My coat is stuck.
Go. Go. Go.
Down to the right here.
This way. This way. Go.
Hey, stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.
It's following us.
Go quietly. Go quietly.
It's still following us.
The colonel said
it could have heat detection.
The hot steam
should give us some cover!
Go! Go!
Here's the situation.
Prime Minister, we have
transmorphed technology here,
here, and right here.
Our Z-Bot alert systems
already gave me
a full report, General.
We're gonna put down
this attack quickly.
Our strike force is already
getting 'em from the air.
Prime Minister, I think
it's gonna take more than that.
I mean, this isn't
Z-Bot technology.
Our defense coding
and our tech teams
don't even know what this is.
They're taking the form
of robotic lions.
Lions went extinct
over 100 years ago.
Well, I think maybe
they're mimicking our logo?
Or maybe it's something else.
We don't know.
But we do know this.
- They're not just in the city.
- Mm-hmm.
They're all around
the southwestern territory.
- Southwestern territory?
- Yes, sir.
That's thousands
of square miles.
You need to make this
make sense to me.
Last time I checked, we have
the only semistate data cloud
in the world.
I mean, a Z-Bot
trying to break in
would be like an infant
trying to break into
a carbon-fiber prison.
Prime Minister--
This headquarters was designed
specifically to run
a post-algorithmic signal
to shield our entire planet.
Sir, it's because
this is hybrid technology.
We don't know.
The power plant's computer
has designated it an A.P.F.
It's an apex predator function.
We haven't been able
to get deep enough
into the programming to
understand its prime directive,
but whenever
one of these things
comes in contact
with a mechanical device,
turn into
a hunt-and-kill robot.
Yeah, this is way more advanced
than any Z-Bot
we fought in the war.
This--This sort of A.P.F.,
it operates under 4 terahertz.
Now, that's nanobot technology.
Tech guys have managed
to get a rendering
of this image after doing
an element profile.
- This object...
- Yeah.
is nanotech scale?
Yes, sir.
Does this mean our
global server is vulnerable?
It's possible, sir.
If Defense Coding can't
figure out what the program is,
we could have a breach
in the firewall.
As it is now, they tell me
our firewall is 100% secure.
Issue the Anthracite Protocol.
Nothing digital is safe.
Nothing with
computerized language.
Nothing with a processor.
And have the bunker retrofitted
with an analog radio,
analog data lines.
But keep the server online
until I tell you differently.
- You understand?
- Yes, sir.
I'm gonna try
calling them again.
Oh, no. If you keep calling,
it's just gonna
draw the bots to us.
Those bots are coming
for us either way.
I gotta try.
Reena. Come in.
Trevor, Reena, this is Mom!
Come in!
It's no use.
I'm gonna call Brady
at Global Headquarters.
Are you sure?
I mean, he's probably
been evaced out of HQ
to a bunker in the desert.
He said if I ever
needed a favor, call him.
This is that favor.
We'll need it to direct
the Global Military Divisions.
And have the bunker
have analog weapons,
antiques, like those,
uh, automatic rifles,
fully loaded.
Prime Minister.
Sir, you're getting
a priority-one
radio transmission
from the Van Ryberg Center.
Who's calling?
It's Sergeant Agnes Oros, sir.
Agnes Oros?
From the Liberation Day Battle.
Oros specializes
in this kind of warfare.
She and David Gura
defeated the Z-Bots
using electromagnetic bombs.
We'll evacuate at 1405
to Bunker Theta.
Sir, that's
inside headquarters.
We have a 10-story bunker
in the eastern desert.
With this threat,
we aren't gonna do anything
that exposes us to danger
outside of these walls.
We gotta be
getting closer.
Cut the city power grid.
Get me regular updates
from Coding Defense
on how to kill these things.
And have them read
over the radio.
Nothing electronic.
Then I want you to call in
a major airstrike
to L.A. City everywhere...
once we know people
are back underground.
No nukes.
Uh, sir, are you suggesting
that we take the people
back underground?
We've just spent
the last 20 years
bringing them aboveground.
Yes, they're going
back underground.
I know
everybody's gonna be mad
'cause they got a taste
of life aboveground,
but you reassure them,
by the end of the day,
it's gonna be safe
to go back aboveground.
Also tell 'em this attack
will not be tolerated.
Yes, sir.
I'm calling in that favor.
I figured as much.
I'm sending in
an immediate evac
and advance warships.
That's not it. It's my kids.
My two kids, Reena and Trevor,
they're trapped inside
the Van Ryberg Center.
Prime Minister...
the other Council members
have demanded an airstrike,
Spear Fighter Craft.
That's a suicide mission.
An airstrike?
They could transmorph
the planes.
The attack
is already under way.
The outposts insisted that we
stop these Z-Bots immediately.
there's an airstrike
on the way there,
and the Van Ryberg Center...
is a hot spot.
David went back for you.
20 years ago, those Z-Bots
launched an attack
on a chemical plant,
and you couldn't get out.
Now, it took years
to show effects, but if he...
if he hadn't gone in,
he'd still be here.
If you're gonna launch
a massive attack
on this compound,
we've got 65 minutes to prep.
Send in the elite rescue team,
the primary S&R unit.
We're gonna need
all the help we can get.
If we fail to contain
this threat quickly,
your expertise
in electromagnetic bombs
is gonna be crucial
to our defense.
I'll help you
with whatever you want
soon as I know
my kids are safe.
I'll have you and your family
brought back here
after the rescue.
I know.
It's war again.
Move it!
Come on!
Heading around.
Reload! Reload!
Someone cover me!
Someone cover me!
Watch out!
Attention. Attention.
All strike force pilots,
code Z.
Code Z. Report
to flight deck immediately.
- Sir.
- At ease.
Have you been briefed yet?
Right before I entered.
Good. We need
to get this right, or--
We will.
The Van Ryberg Center?
That place
isn't even built yet.
Like I said,
we need to get this right.
What if this is only a drill?
How many of these skirmishes
have we done
in the past 10 months?
It's always a false alarm.
Not this time.
We have confirmed sightings
in New Los Angeles City.
Look, you're a good pilot,
Private Connor.
Do you know why the Council
never rejects a recruit
to our flight team?
Sir, I'm sorry.
Because we lost
tens of thousands
of men and women
on Liberation Day, and now
we're constantly scrambling
to find enough pilots.
Sir, I'm not trying
to make excuses.
Normally we have time
to run a preflight diagnostic.
You're right.
We need to know exactly
what we're dealing with.
And I have one of these
for backup.
A scramble drive?
Won't that wipe
the jet's operating system?
It's an old trick
we used during the war.
Sir, it's been a long time
since the war.
We've been
using tech constantly
since I've been here.
Do you really think we'll need
to use something like that?
Trust me, it's better
to have it and not need it.
Copy that, sir.
Do you hear that?
That's a warm-up.
Pilots your age.
They always seem to have
the same complaint.
Too many drills.
Never seen a robot.
Well, that is why
we run so many drills.
We've been preparing you for
exactly what's happening today.
Let's go.
Listen, all this,
everything aboveground,
it was all smoke and rubble
during the war.
The sky was black.
It rained round the clock.
Anyone aboveground
was almost instantly
killed by Z-Bots.
I've never seen a Z-Bot
in real life.
Well, today's your lucky day.
Although I'd like to think
we're better prepared
to handle them now
than we were 20 years ago.
Can they really
disguise themselves
as any piece of tech?
My squad leader told me
they were in the hell sector.
My squad leader thought that he
could hack into an old tank,
not to turn it on,
but to try and steal
the pulse cannon on the front.
I'm assuming it didn't go well.
No, it did not.
We were trying to get
to a collapsed supply depot,
about 100 men and women.
The ammunition charger
transmorphed first.
25 people were shredded
in seconds.
Everyone surged forward
The tank transmorphed next,
and all of a sudden,
the entire place lit up,
everyone shooting
in all directions.
But it was too late.
I woke up in a triage
with half my insides missing.
I'm sorry, sir.
Six generations fighting
a war from underground.
You have no idea
how good you've had it.
I was 25 years old
when I saw the sun
for the first time.
Sir, what about the jets?
Won't they transmorph?
that's why we run
the pre-flight check.
We planned for that exactly.
And if all else fails,
we've got the scramble drive.
Look, the firewalls
we use on the jets,
the tech we've developed,
it's all Z-Bot-proof.
I tested it myself personally.
Then why do we need
the scramble drive?
Stopping destructive code
is a technique
we had to learn to survive.
Tech synced.
Good. Let's move.
Q-Bots spotted.
Prepare to engage.
Copy that, Captain. Weapons
armed and ready on your signal.
We need to get
directly over them first.
We can't afford
to miss any shots.
Copy that, Captain.
Q-Bots on the attack! Engage!
Copy that, Captain!
We'll take care of them
just like we took care
of the ones in the city.
Can you still hear it?
Come on, Reena. Let's go.
It spotted us.
Is it able to network
with the others,
let them know where we are?
I don't know.
But I don't want to find out.
Let's go. There's a door
at the end of the tunnel.
We can seal this one shut, too.
"Apex predator function"?
What kind of program's that?
- Run!
- Go down!
Go down!
We need to find weapons!
We need to escape this place!
Can you still hear it?
It's still down here.
It sounds like it might be
two or three levels above.
Should we keep going down?
Mom is probably
up there right now
with the rescue team
looking for us.
Mom, this is Trevor. Come in.
Mom, Mark,
this is Trevor and Reena.
We're here inside the tunnels.
Come in.
Mom, Mark,
it's Reena and Trevor.
- Come in.
- Nothing.
That attack destroyed
a huge section of the building.
And it's not like
these things just stopped
once we got inside.
Mom and Mark could
be miles away now,
just to stay safe
while the military fights them.
We could be down here
for a while.
We don't know how far down
these tunnels go.
Or how sensitive
the bots' heat detection is.
I know. I know.
Or if we're
gonna hit a dead end.
Hey, hey. Hey. Hey.
Hey, what's wrong?
Are you having a panic attack?
- Yeah.
- Hey, hey, it's okay. Come on.
- Yeah.
- Hey, hey.
I can't--I can't think.
- Shh. Breathe.
- Can't breathe.
Do you remember this?
We used to do this
when you were a kid.
Yeah. Yeah, I remember.
I'm sorry.
I know this isn't helping.
- Shh. Look at me.
- I'm sorry.
Look at me.
It's okay.
We're gonna be okay, all right?
- Okay. Okay.
- The human race
was down here for 300 years
and managed to make it.
Mom and Dad fought down here
their whole lives
and won the war.
- Okay. Okay.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
And you know Mom's
not gonna stop
until we're rescued.
And with
all the lions attacking,
there's no way the military
isn't focusing on this place.
All right? Plus Mom and Mark
work for the Council.
All right? They've gotta be
trying to rescue people.
Listen, I think our best bet
is to get as many doorways,
hatches, and steam pipes
between us and that lion
as possible.
But what if we
hit a dead end?
What if there's
more tech down here
that can turn itself on
and transmorph?
Mom said they used
these tunnels during the war.
All right? We'll find
some weapons we can use.
Weapons we can't use.
Reena, we can't fight them
with a baseball bat.
Yeah, but a baseball bat
can't turn itself into
something that can hunt you
and rip you to pieces.
Damn it.
That lion just keeps coming.
We need to go. Let's go.
Let's go. Go! Go!
Shit. It found us.
Now what?
Trevor, wait!
It's totally computerized!
We need to shut the door!
Let's go!
Welcome to the command center,
Prime Minister.
We have
carbon-reinforced concrete
to protect against
any mechanical lions coming in.
Analog weaponry.
Yes, it's not a laser rifle,
but at least
it can't be transmorphed.
I want you to meet
our elite lieutenants,
Lieutenant May,
Lieutenant Ryan.
At ease.
Do we know if there's nanobots
inside the wiring
in these devices?
We're running
a resistance tracker
along our circuits now, sir.
And while our platoons
are out there defending us,
have you found a way
to hack 'em?
Negative, sir.
Both Tech and Coding Defense
have sent a barrage
of covert hellfire code,
but the Q-Bots
receiving the signals
spit it right back at us.
They fried one of the servers
on the side of the HQ.
Yes, sir.
Tech Team designated them
as Quadrupedal Robots,
or Q-Bots for short.
These Q-Bots
attacking downtown,
they were transmorphed
because of nanobots
hidden inside of digital tech
throughout the city.
What's our Tech Team doing?
As of 1439, the Q-Bots
have killed all members
of the Tech at the power plant
and destroyed
all their equipment.
Can you give me
an ad hoc diagnosis?
Prime Minister,
an ad hoc diagnosis
won't detect anything
in the metal in our circuits.
Without the Tech to run an element profile
directly, physically
on our circuits,
we have no way of knowing
if there are nanobots
lying dormant
in our headquarters.
So these Q-Bots
could be in this bunker.
They could even be
in this room. Is that right?
The attacking Q-Bots are now
within two miles
of our location.
Should I send out
a phalanx order, sir?
Troops are to maintain
their search-and-destroy
formation, please.
General, we have
a malevolent programming alarm
along wireless transmission
and network cables.
They're bombarding
our system, sir.
Firewall's at 98%.
So the Q-Bots have made
progress against our firewall.
out of an abundance of caution,
I think we should power down
our global server immediately.
That's a negative. We need
to keep the server active
to the very last minute.
But, sir, we can't risk--
Stand down, Lieutenant.
In case you've forgotten,
the Council's primary function
isn't just
to protect the planet
from malevolent spyware.
It's also to coordinate
our Global Armies for defense.
Prime Minister.
I have new intel
from our manual diagnostics.
These transmissions...
they have realigned
in a radial pattern
directed straight
at headquarters.
So the Q-Bots are directed
at headquarters?
Once it breached the cursory
layers of our firewall,
it was able to detect
the nature of our operations.
So they now know
how powerful our server is.
- That's correct, General.
- Oh, my God.
And it's utilizing
all of its hacking resources
to try and seize control of it.
And if it does?
It could transmit
a signal around the world
using our server.
Firewall's at 97% now, sir.
This isn't just
a random viral signal.
It shows a defined sequence
set to turn every piece of tech
into a Q-Bot within 12 hours.
Lieutenant Ryan, I need you
to go to the server room.
Power down
each server manually.
Take analog weapons,
and take backup support.
I need this fire put out now.
Yes, sir.
Lieutenant May,
I need you to run a program
at 4 terahertz.
Scramble it through our system.
That should prevent them
from reactivating
any of those Q-Bots.
My guess is
they're trying to...
damage our defense system.
That search and rescue
at the Van Ryberg Center,
it can't fail, okay?
Because right now,
Agnes and her EMP expertise
is the only arrow
in our quiver
that can pierce their defense.
These Q-Bots are relentless.
If we can't shake 'em,
Search and Rescue's
gonna have a real hard time
clearing off the landing zone,
and they're not gonna
be able to pick us up.
Well, they're
not gonna retreat.
You're right.
But we have to find
Trevor and Reena.
We're not leaving
without my kids.
And after we find them,
we have to find a way
out of this zone.
I have an idea.
Open up the sensor
on the back of your rifle.
I'm gonna make an EMP bomb.
What, you're gonna overload
the generator on the rifle?
I'm gonna create
a feedback loop.
it's gonna fry your rifle,
but it's also
gonna send a pulse
that'll fry every lion
within a 100-yard radius
on the ground.
It shouldn't interfere
with Search and Rescue,
and it should give us some time
to get to a landing zone.
After we find the kids.
And then...
we could find
Prime Minister Grady
and make him
the EMP bomb he wants.
Go! Run!
What was that?!
They fired
our electromagnetic pulse
right back at us.
Mark, an EMP
doesn't affect these things.
Search and Rescue, come in.
We need immediate evac.
Search and Rescue, do you copy?
If they disabled our weapons,
they most likely disabled
Search and Rescue's, too.
I hope Trevor and Reena
are okay.
if anything happens to them...
I know.
We will find them.
Let's move.
Captain Watts,
the weapons aren't releasing!
Affirmative on my end as well!
I'm engaging
the scramble drive.
That will give all nearby jets
a five-second hard reboot
and should get
those bots out of our jets.
Agnes, the airstrike
is closing in.
There'll be there
in less than four minutes.
You gotta hurry.
The reboot didn't work!
We have to warn
the Prime Minister.
Get down!
Twelve hours...
until they seize
the most powerful
computer system on Earth.
Hey, Mark...
I'm not leaving
without Trevor and Reena.
I'd rather get ripped apart
before I leave them.
Then we find them,
and we get 'em out of here,
or we both get ripped apart.
I do not care
how long it takes.
I will fight this damn war
until all of us are safe.
We need
some conventional weapons.
No circuits. No nothing.
Those are ancient artifacts.
I mean, are they even
still gonna be functional?
There has to be
something we can use.
We don't have any choice.
Over there.
They don't have
a single computer chip in 'em.
Might as well have
been made by cavemen.
You know how to use
one of these?
Load it. Safety off.
That's the girl I married.
Let's go get my kids.
Do they think they moved
this part of the tunnel
so it'd make it hard
for unwanted bots?
I assume so.
But with all the tech
able to transmorph,
I doubt it'll do us much good.
Wait a second.
What is it?
Wait. Is that
a hard-wire code junction?
It is.
If there's any more tech
down here that can kill us...
if we can cross
the code patch...
we can scramble
their directives.
Not with these Q-Bots, Trevor.
The people at HQ
spent all day and night
generating code to prevent tech
from transmorphing.
No, I know, but there's
a ton of tech down here,
including from the war.
The Z-Bots...
if we come across one
and it activates,
we're not gonna
be able to fight it.
We'll need it
to see us as an ally,
even if it's just for a minute.
If it's a Z-Bot,
it'll have to be wired in.
You've seen the work
that Mom did.
When they shut those things
down, they put them
in a containment unit
plugged in.
If we find one...
this ought to do it.
Then the Z-Bots
won't see us as a threat.
All right?
All right? Come on.
Dead end.
We have to go back.
Go back? Reena, if we go back,
we're gonna run right
into 'em. No. We're trapped.
No! This can't be it.
At least we can open
one of those panels
down there and hide inside.
It's better than nothing.
Plus there might be
one more air shaft
or something inside
so we can climb through.
I don't see how we're
gonna get these open.
I bet that'll do it, though.
Have you lost your mind?!
When is it gonna sink into you
that this technology
is dangerous?
Every time you've tried
to hack something,
we've almost died.
Besides, it might
turn into a lion.
You don't think I realize that?
I mean, what other choice
do we have?
But--But you
don't think I know?
Know what?
Reena, the only reason that
we're still alive right now
is because of you.
If you wouldn't have
used the baseball bat
to collapse the ceiling,
we wouldn't even be here
right now, all right?
I wouldn't have had anything
to stab into the lock
to get us into the tunnel,
and I wouldn't
have had anything
to bash that pipe with.
Trevor, look, using zero tech
is not a right or wrong choice.
- I'm saying--
- I know what you're saying.
Reena, I know what
you're saying. I get it now.
I do, but by the time
we even make a dent
in one of these panels
with this baseball bat,
the lion'll be here.
Look, my way definitely
is not the right way...
but it's the only way
right now.
You ready?
- Whoa. Slow, slow, slow.
- Trevor, look out.
- Slow.
- Slow doesn't matter.
They can detect heat.
It doesn't even look
like they're activated.
But look at that section there.
The Resistance must have sent
a power surge through them,
shutting them down,
and then ripped
the connection out
so the Z-Bots couldn't
power themselves back up.
But that lion
just keeps coming.
Okay, what if--
I know this sounds
totally insane,
but what if we
turn the Z-Bots back on?
What? Reena, what are
you talking about?
Did we not
just get done saying
that activating tech
was dangerous?
Yeah, but their
programming language
is decades outdated, remember?
Even that colonel
said it was worthless.
What if the lions
can't take them on?
They might start
attacking the Z-Bots,
and then the Z-Bots
will fire back.
That touch screen was a robot.
We gotta turn 'em on.
Look, if this goes badly,
I'm sorry.
Here goes nothing.
Scanning area
for imminent threats.
Just--Just stay still.
Apex Predator attack: imminent.
What is your objective?
Apex Predator attack: imminent.
Objective: world domination.
Primary resistance:
eliminate A.P.F.
It's giving us
its basic programming.
Z-Bot, do you have
an Apex Predator function?
Negative. Baseline: Z-Bot.
artificial intelligence
and military strategy.
Targeted for elimination:
lion robot hybrid.
Status: Quadrupedal robots
will attack
Global Council Headquarters.
It's giving us the Quadrupeds'
basic programming.
The Z-Bots would scan humans
to determine
their objective, strategies,
and where they're heading next.
It just told us where the lions
are planning their attack,
so it must have scanned
the lions' neural network.
Do you think the Z-Bots
are on our side?
If they are on our side...
if we have them on our side,
then they can help us
destroy the remaining lions.
Until they come for us.
Sir, I got a priority message
from the soldiers in the field.
They're almost completely
overrun by the Q-Bots.
They'll pulling every available
soldier they can find
to protect the perimeter to
within two square blocks, sir.
Lieutenant Ryan,
I need the status update.
Please tell me you
and the Tech have powered down
these servers.
Sir, the Q-Bots' assault
on our firewall
managed to reroute
some of the flow of power
to other sections
of the system.
It's tough to keep up
with their hack,
but I'm working on it.
As far as a total
tech takeover worldwide...
we now have
seven hours remaining.
Where's the rest
of the Tech Team, Lieutenant?
This is full
Anthracite Protocol.
K.I.A., sir.
Defending the HQ
at the outer perimeter.
Oh, God.
I came across
a piece of alien code
while deactivating some
of the systems on the server,
and I was able
to translate some of it.
Seems the code
is directing these Q-Bots
toward something
called Total Convergence,
but I don't know
what they're converging
or how to counteract it.
They sure as hell aren't
using our server to do it.
Do not let the Q-Bots
prevent us
from shutting down
this server.
All right, General,
how big a security detail
can you put together to get us
up in the server room?
All of our personnel
is in the field
defending HQ.
Well, then we're gonna go,
and we all
are gonna shut it down.
We also can't have 'em access
anything in this bunker.
- Lieutenant May.
- Yes, sir.
Continue monitoring this room.
- Make sure nothing reactivates.
- Yes, sir.
This is the Resistance War
all over.
Private, grab a weapon.
It's all hands on deck.
Yes, sir.
We're outside the door!
General, the nanobots
have taken over the technology!
You can't use it!
Gonna have
to open this manually.
- It's not gonna be easy.
- You're right.
Lana! A little help.
Lieutenant, we've taken out
the magnetic lock!
We need your help
from the inside!
Copy that, sir!
This way.
All right, Lieutenant,
I want all of this to go dark.
I don't want to hear
- so much as a cooling fan.
- Yes, sir.
Tell us what to do,
and we'll do it.
Well, first we need to go
over here to the secondary hub.
We have to work backward,
like fighting a fire.
Our meta-linguistic scans
are constantly regenerating,
but if we unplug
the secondary backup hub,
they've got nowhere to go.
Now, this cube
is a semistate conduit.
If unplugged, it cuts off
all wireless signal
from around the world, going
into and out of the server.
If I take this cube, and I plug
it into the semistate port,
it'll redirect our entire
quantum A.I. sequence
onto this external drive.
What's happening?
Holy moley.
Get out now!
Lana, get behind me!
Everything is
completely destroyed.
If anyone can hear us,
this is Trevor and Reena Gura.
Main Council, come in.
I repeat--
Main Council, come in.
It sounds like
anybody that could help us
is either under attack
or dead by now.
Listen, we need to get
to the headquarters.
All right? If Mom and Mark
are gonna be anywhere,
it's gonna be there.
All right? Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go.
There might be some weapons
inside that Council
patrol car we can use.
If there are,
we can't use them.
They run
on at least some tech.
There's that alarm.
It's everywhere.
It's gotta be a signal
coming from the Q-Bots.
If that's the case,
then right now,
we're totally surrounded.
We're at least a mile
from the headquarters.
If we call, they might be able
to send some troops to help us.
- Is that a car?
- Let's go.
We'll have to be quiet.
I don't know this for sure,
but I'm guessing the lion-bots
have more than just--
Whoa. Whoa.
Go. Run! Run!
- Up here! Up here!
- Go! Go! Go!
Get down. Get down. Get down.
Damn it!
I don't understand.
The Z-Bots scanned the neural
network of the Quadrupeds.
They knew
where they were going.
They should have seen
this attack coming, right?!
We've got to get ahold
of the Council!
Global Council,
this is Trevor Gura.
We need immediate rescue
outside the headquarters.
I think the radio is dead.
These things run
on old-world batteries.
- We're pinned down.
- Z-Bot!
Record my voice,
and transmit the message
to all audio speakers in range!
But that will--that will
draw the Q-Bots' attention.
At this point, we've already
got their attention.
Mom, Mark, Global Council,
this is Trevor and Reena Gura!
We're heading in
to the headquarters
with friendly Z-Bots.
Do not open fire on us!
I repeat--
do not fire on us!
Z-Bot, transmit audio.
Mom, Mark, Global Council,
this is Trevor and Reena Gura!
We're heading in
to the headquarters
with friendly Z-Bots.
Do not open fire on us!
I repeat--
do not fire on us!
You ready?
Thank God.
They're alive.
They're alive,
but they're not safe.
There's no such thing
as a Z-Bot allied with a human.
Then we will go in,
and we will separate them
from whatever
Z-Bot platoon there is.
How did Trevor get a message
through the loudspeaker system?
Couldn't this just
be a trap set up by the Z-bots?
Or even the Q-Bots?
I mean, there's--there's no way
he hacked a Z-Bot, right?
I don't know.
During the war,
the Z-Bots could record
and transmit messages,
but they were recordings,
not simulations.
And the Council
recruited Trevor
for the Coding Defense team
for a reason.
I think he used
that bot to communicate.
Even if the Z-Bots
would work with the humans
- against the Q-Bots--
- It's just a matter of time
before the Q-Bots
use their pulse
to seize the Z-Bots.
And we have no way
of stopping them.
Not even an EMP?
You saw what the Q-Bots did
when we detonated our rifles.
They bounced our EMP
right back at us.
I gotta warn the Council.
Sergeant Oros
to Global Headquarters.
This is Sergeant Oros
to Global Headquarters,
Priority Theta.
Trevor, Reena, come in.
We gotta get there.
And if the Z-Bots gain access
and they're seized,
they could turn on us.
Let's go.
Get down.
Those things are everywhere.
They're airborne.
They're roaming the buildings.
Okay, go. Get to
something that's burning.
We are surrounded
above and below.
Okay, we keep moving.
If we just stick
to things that are burning,
I think we'll make progress.
We're only a few blocks out,
but that next section
of street, it's buckled,
and not to mention
the wreckage around it.
A few more blocks.
Come on.
The firewalls in headquarters,
they can't have much left.
Even at 90%,
we can't produce an EMP
that's gonna do us any good.
How about a nuclear option?
No. We'd wipe out
all the humans
along with the Q-Bots.
We gotta find another way.
We're almost to HQ.
But that is
way too much open space
between us
and the main entrance.
Yeah, it's over 100 yards.
And we don't know
how many lions
are circling the building...
even around the next corner.
If we make a run for the HQ,
I think their heat detection'll
spot us immediately.
But if we can make
a big enough fire,
I think it'll obscure it.
At least they won't be able
to get a lock on us.
Yeah. The smoke might obscure
their visual sensors as well.
You know,
there's probably a tool kit
inside the cab
of one of those transports.
I can puncture
an auxiliary fuel line,
start an electric spark.
Whole thing'd go up
like a fireball.
Let's do it.
Torque dowel and hammer.
Okay, that's all we need.
I'm gonna keep watch.
Just try to get it in one go
so we don't draw
any lions to us.
One more ought to do it.
Let's light it up.
Keep going! Don't stop!
That one.
Down! Get down!
Come on. Come on.
Oh, all the digital locks
are decommissioned.
The soldiers inside
must have done that.
Oh, damn it.
We're too exposed out here.
You think they detected us?
If they haven't,
they will soon.
They're starting to swarm.
What is that?
Where'd you get that?
It's a pin
from the safety latch
of the rocket launcher.
You're gonna pick the lock?
We've been fighting
the Resistance all our lives,
and I have never seen you
go all 21st century before.
Ah. Old soldier taught me this.
Told him I never
wanted to get trapped
behind an old-world door.
We brought Trevor and Reena
here enough.
They should be smart enough
to know to go to HQ's bunker.
We can't go
outside the building
into the open again.
The air in this hallway,
it's--it's stale.
The entire air circulation
system's been shut down.
Of course.
The sensors inside that system,
they can't transmorph anymore.
It'll buy us some time inside.
I'll give you a leg up.
We're on level D, midlevel.
Almost to the bunker, then.
My kids, are they here?
I haven't had word
from anybody about anything.
I'm sorry.
Trevor, Reena, come in!
I'm sorry we couldn't do more
to find your family.
No, they said those Z-Bots
we're actively guarding them.
We don't know for sure
that's changed.
They're not safe, Mark.
I'm gonna
go out in the HQ
floor by floor
until I find them.
That--That should be physically
impossible, though, right?
The server
just turned into a Q-Bot.
It's acquiring every piece
of technology it can
and turning it into a Q-Bot.
What is this new Q-Bot?
I don't know.
I was too busy firing
to see it.
But it's bigger
than anything else,
and it keeps growing.
It's acquiring
everything it can.
General Palmer, sir,
we need an extradition force
to get you and
the prime minister out of here.
All of our
extradition forces are dead.
The Q-Bots are taking over.
We have one last chance
to make a stand.
Take it easy, General.
Our sole objective is
to destroy the new Q-Bot
by any means necessary.
We're gonna need
an EMP blast
orders of magnitude greater
than anything
you've ever wired up before.
But you're gonna have
to do it without me.
I'm sorry.
Prime Minister.
Prime Minister.
There are new variables
that are a grave threat
to the mission.
When we were fighting
the Q-Bots,
Agnes trigged an improvised EMP
to fry their circuits,
but the Q-Bots bounced
the signal right back at us
and kept fighting
like it was nothing.
- Oh, God.
- An EMP is not going
to stop these lions,
not even on a large scale.
General. Sergeant.
I was able to decipher
some of the viral nanobot code.
I know
what Total Convergence is.
This new Q-Bot
isn't just going
to transmorph
every piece of tech.
It wants to connect itself
physically, not just digitally,
to every piece
of machinery everywhere
to form
a new weaponized organism.
That's why they wanted
control of our server,
to transmit its signal
around the world,
not only turning every piece
of tech into a weaponized bot,
but to lay the groundwork
for this new entity.
What? And our server
is so powerful
that this Q-Bot can, what,
break lesser firewalls
on other continents?
That's correct.
This new organism
will be all-seeing,
all-sensing, omnipresent,
easily able to kill
every living thing on Earth.
It'll almost be godlike.
Oh, my God.
That is Total Convergence.
Almost like a...
like a T.C.
A Total Convergence Robot.
It won't need to manufacture
circuits or chips.
It'd just combine everything
into one entity.
Wait, you said that the signal
is being transmitted
virally by nanobots?
Wait a minute. That--
The wiring for that circuit
is across from the armory.
It's directly
across from the armory.
There's a locker
down the hall on the right.
Take that key.
It has all antique weaponry.
It's all analog weaponry.
There's no wires, no nothing.
- Oh, God.
- Ohh.
It's worse than it looks,
trust me.
Come on. Come on.
I'm not gonna make it.
Come on, General.
He was my commanding officer
when I first joined.
Let's go flip that circuit.
Low and slow.
Eyes sharp.
Come on.
the signal isn't
being passed by the Q-Bots.
It's being passed by
the nanobots inside of them!
So that's why the Q-Bots
can keep fighting
as if nothing happened.
And it's why they can fire
our electromagnetic pulses
back at us.
That should be
physically impossible, right?
Not on an atomic scale,
it's not.
The wavelength frequency
of an EMP
is between 100 megahertz
and 100 gigahertz.
It's wider
than the nanoscopic scale.
Get down!
These analog
Z-Bot-era laser cannons
and some handheld grenades
are a good start.
Those are power banks
just above us,
probably transmorphing
as we speak.
I mean, isn't that where
Agnes said she was going?
She said she's
going floor by floor.
I gotta go back her up.
Go. I'll stay here.
We're not done just yet.
Mark, they need you down there.
No. Ryan's keeping watch,
all right?
We heard transmorphing
machinery above us
right in this area.
I couldn't let you
face it alone.
I've haven't seen anything yet.
There are power banks
feeding the server rooms.
They need technicians
to maintain them,
so they should be
easy to find and destroy.
Unless they've recessed
back into the walls.
We doing this?!
Yes, we are.
Okay, well, we did
nice demo on the wall.
You okay?
Still here.
We finally made it inside.
We can thank the Z-Bots
for destroying those Q-Bots,
or we would have
never made it in.
I don't know how much safer
we are in here.
At least there's some
more places we can hide in.
Hopefully some weapons
we can use, all right?
Let's go. Let's go.
- Wait.
- What?
When is the last time
you've seen
someone print
this much material...
on paper?
If they were
relaying info analog.
Has to be related
to the attack, right?
It's just pages
and pages of code.
This is my code.
This is my code.
The data report shows
they tried to use it
to send a distress signal
to the other territories
around the world,
but they were
overrun by Q-Bots.
They were overrun?
They must have been
real desperate
if they tried to fire up
a tech hub one last time.
Look, this is a scramble drive.
They tried to use this
to defend the attack
against the main server.
They were too late.
The Council's last transmission
came from the main server
here in the headquarters.
They underwent
a major code disruption.
They're using the main server
to transmorph
all the remaining tech
throughout the world
into Q-Bots.
Reena, they're attacking
all over.
And they're running
a countdown program...
called Total Convergence.
It's gonna run out
when it takes down
all the remaining firewalls
throughout the world.
Reena, we gotta
shut this thing down.
What if the Z-Bots turn on us?
Right now,
they're our only viable weapon
against Total Convergence,
all right?
Until they stop listening,
we can use them.
We'll go down,
have them disguise themselves
as computer banks...
and then maybe can beat
this thing ourselves.
- All right?
- Okay.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Man, it's burning hot
down here.
There must have
been a huge firefight.
Some of the areas
are still smoldering.
There is zero air
coming through.
I'm burning up.
Yeah, me, too.
Where's the safety
on this thing?
Does this even work?
Yeah, it's right here.
Did you think
there would be instructions
taped to the wall
in the armory?
Yeah, you know what?
There should be.
There is zero military
down here.
We need Mom, Mark,
and about 500 troops.
Like, 12 Q-Bots
just marched inside.
I thought we were done
that time.
The fires must have obscured
their heat detection.
Either way...
something's wrong.
This isn't right.
Are the Z-Bots in position?
Yeah. Their disguise
as random computer banks
must have worked,
because the Q-Bots
didn't fire on them, either.
Then I guess
it's all or nothing.
It better be a hell of a lot
more than that.
Z-Bots, storm the server room!
Trevor, Reena, stay down.
Listen to me! That server
is not an ordinary server!
It has been transmorphed!
It is extremely dangerous!
drill and kill formation.
We can't just leave them.
We need to fight.
I'm with you.
Let's go.
We got you, guys!
I'm out!
Get down!
What the hell was that?!
We need to pull back!
The Q-Bots just used an EMP
to disable our Z-Bots!
Oh, no.
- Mom, come on.
- Move! Move!
I knew you guys would make it.
Okay, we need to build
a bomb, scorched earth.
There's no time.
Those Z-Bots
you brought with you,
they--they attacked
the Q-Bot server.
Their coding is so old
the Q-Bots
can't seize control of them.
We have an army of Z-Bots.
They're in storage
in the armory.
We can't activate
an army of Z-Bots here.
- It's suicide.
- We're out of time.
We have 19 minutes until every
firewall on Earth goes down.
Then after that...
After that...
it's still a Convergence.
If we fail,
we go back underground,
and this time, for good.
Now you two stay down
when I tell you
this time, okay?
Do you understand me?
I love you.
We're--We're gonna
come back for you
as soon
as everything's clear, okay?
You're brave as hell...
both of you.
We got this.
It's okay.
What's that sound?
It's malevolent code.
It's trying to take them over.
- Mark.
- Total Convergence achieved.
Kill all organics.
It's reached Total Convergence.
We can't just leave them
in there to die.
Well, shooting at it
doesn't do anything,
other than piss it off.
If we can get above it...
there's a walkway
still intact above the T.C.
What are you
gonna do with that?
The T.C.'s already fused itself
with all the tech on Earth.
I don't know, Reena!
Might be a weapon
I can still use!
I can still use it!
It hasn't been seized
by anything yet.
No, it hasn't.
The T.C. hasn't fused itself
with all the tech.
It's trying to fuse itself
with all the tech.
Of course.
It's not a digital process.
It's a physical process.
It doesn't happen
Do we know that for sure?
It would go against
the laws of physics.
The T.C.'s been reaching,
probing, capturing all over,
but--but that takes time.
So how do we
get up to that walkway?
Look, there's a way.
All right. Okay.
Reena! Reena!
Reena. Come on. Come on.
I got you.
I got you. I got you.
I got you. I got you.
Come on. Come on.
- Reena, get down!
- Grab her!
Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! I'll cover you!
Come on! Come on!
Mark, come on!
- Go now!
- We need to go!
- Mom, Mom, Mom, we gotta go!
- Mark!
- Mom, right here. Mom, Mom...
- Mom.
You have to get down.
Shield yourself.
We have nothing left
to shield ourselves with,
except for the Z-Bots, and
they're connected to the T.C.
Can we shield ourselves
inside of the Z-Bots,
you and me?
They're only connected
by a thin set of wires,
not like the lions.
Even if we get close enough,
we have nothing left
to hack them with,
nothing left
to blow them up with. We--
Yeah, we do!
We show them with our minds.
They scan
human neural networks, right?
So let's give them
something to scan.
So, what?
What, we bombard them
with whatever directive
we can think of,
and then what? And then what?
We--What if--
What if we die?
Then we go down swinging.
You really are my sister, huh?
I love you two...
so much.
I am so, so proud of you.
We throw these
straight at the Z-Bots.
It'll stun 'em, right?
It definitely
won't destroy 'em,
not with the T.C. in control.
But yeah. Yeah.
I love you.
Let's go.
Come on, Reena.
You ready?
Throw 'em at the Z-Bots!
Blow a hole in their back!
Get down! Get down! Get down!
Now's our chance!
Let's go! Let's go!
Z-Bot, provide voice radio
function to adjacent Z-Bot.
Z-Bot, provide voice radio
function to adjacent Z-Bot.
Reena, can you hear me?
Reena, can you hear me?
Trevor? I can hear you.
Find those electrodes,
the one on the Z-Bot circuit
the colonel showed us.
I'm looking.
I think I found 'em.
Ohh. That's so weird.
Reena, what's wrong?
What is it?
Reena, what?!
I-I can feel, like, this...
flow of information
going through my brain.
It's--It's inside of my head.
I'm seeing what it sees.
Trevor, you have
to fight against it.
I'm trying.
I think I can control it.
I'm unable to get through
to the others.
The whole system's
rejecting it. Ohh!
It's trying
to take over my mind!
Me, too.
Just keep thinking
of the whole army
turning against the T.C., okay?
I'm gonna try again.
It's trying to shock me
into unconsciousness.
It's no use.
Trevor, I can sense them.
The rest of the lion-bots
are headed our way.
They're coming from everywhere.
They know what we're doing.
I can read
the T.C.'s directives.
It knows we're in here, Reena.
It knows we're hiding
inside the--
the Z-Bots.
It's trying to kill me.
Come on, you son of a bitch!
Take me! Take me!
Reena, we need to create
a feedback loop.
We could loop the circuit
back in on itself,
like Mom's EMPs.
We need to touch
the Z-Bots' heads together.
- What?
- Reena, we need to touch
the Z-Bots' heads together,
like we did when we were kids.
Human thought and emotion
flowing in a loop.
It's a process the T.C.
can't possibly understand.
Think about Mom, all right?
Think about us.
The pain is too much.
Just breathe.
Reena, breathe.
Focus on my voice.
Think about us
when we were kids.
Just breathe.
Reena, breathe.
Focus on my voice.
Okay, I'm breathing.
I'm thinking about Mom.
I'm thinking about when Mom
used to play with us
in the backyard.
I'm thinking about Dad.
Think about Dad, Trev.
The T.C. can't under--
understand this process.
It can't understand
this directive.
It doesn't understand
pain or fear.
Or love.
I love you, Mom.
I love you, Dad.
Reena. Reena!
Is it gone?
Is it dead?
The whole place is gone.
There isn't a single connection
left to the main server.
It just kept cycling
our emotions over and over.
Until it melted
the whole system.
- Reena.
- Mom!
- Mom!
- Mom!
Mom! Come here!
I got--I got you. I got you.
We won. We did it.
We won. We destroyed it.
Aw, I love you.
I am so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you.
It's the voice interface.
Z-Bot, baseline directive?
Baseline: world repair.
Function: protect human race.
We won.
It's over.
Where's Mark?
Last time I saw him, he was
pushing us away to safety.
- Mark!
- Mark!
- Mark!
- Mark!
There's a rifle!
Hey, this is his.
This is his!
He wouldn't just lay down
and die. He'd fight.
Hey, hey, here!
He's right here!
Careful. He's still alive!
Oh, my--Where are the--
Easy. Easy, sweetheart.
Where are they? Where are--
There are no more of them.
We got them...
all of them.
We won.
For Mom.
For Mark Oros.
For you.
Come here. Come here.