Transmutators (2023) Movie Script


(dramatic music)
(explosions rumbling)
(soft dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(lightning striking)
(soft dramatic music)
- [Patricia] Is Daddy
going to help, too?
- [Christos] Okay, we are
recording this, Patricia.
- [Melissa] He sure is.
- All set, here I come!
- Come on, Christos.
- On your position.
- Okay, get ready.
- All right.
- Here we go.
- One, two, three, and blow!
- [Parents] Yay!
Happy birthday!
- [Patricia] Thanks,
Mommy. Thanks, Daddy.
(Melissa chuckling)
- [Christos] You're
welcome, baby girl.
- Can we cut the cake now?
- Of course we can.
(soft dramatic music)
(planes whooshing)
- Patricia.
Sweetie, come over here.
(planes whooshing)
Melissa, take her inside.
- Come on, sweetie.
(planes whooshing)
- What are they?
(soft dramatic music)
- Don't you worry.
I'll be back for you.
- Just be safe, okay?
(soft dramatic music)
- Daddy (cries).
Please don't go. Don't leave us.
- Daddy has to work, sweetie.
I'll be back. Don't worry.
I'll be back.
- Okay, Daddy (cries).
(Melissa crying)
(soft dramatic music)
- Eyron, where on Earth are we?
You got us lost, didn't you?
- Did not.
I know how to get us
back to the compound,
but I can't find the
path we usually take.
- I knew this
wasn't the way back.
Eyron, it's nighttime. They're
gonna start patrolling.
(soft dramatic music)
Eyron, they're already here!
- Come on, let's get outta here!
(dramatic music)
(ship whooshing)
(both screaming)
- Don't be scared, kids.
We mean you no harm.
What are you doing out here?
- My name is Eyron,
and her name is Kiara.
We both live in Paradise.
- Paradise? That's the place
we've been looking for.
- Oh, look, it's a ship!
- They must have seen
us. Let's go, hurry!
Let's hide!
- Where can we hide around here?
(dramatic music)
- Hide behind this
rubble. Hurry!
(dramatic music)
(aliens growling)
(children screaming)
Run for it!
(Bianca straining)
(Bianca groaning)
(children screaming)
- Quiet! You'll be sorry!
- Hey, over here, flea face!
Leave those kids
alone and face me.
(machines whirring)
- It's Christos!
(dramatic music)
(alien growling)
(dramatic music)
(metal crashing)
(guns firing)
(alien growling)
(dramatic music)
- You're tough, huh?
(Christos groaning)
- Yes!
- Yes!
(dramatic music)
- Eyron!
(alien growling)
(Christos groaning)
(gun firing rapidly)
- Come on!
(dramatic music)
I knew you'd beat
them, Christos.
- Did they hurt you guys?
Eyron, you both got
lucky that I found you.
Why aren't you in
Paradise right now?
(Bianca moaning)
(crickets chirping)
- We know, we know. You
don't have to yell at us.
- We didn't mean to.
We just wanted to help
scavenge and got lost.
- Oh.
And where did you
scavenge this pretty girl?
- BamBam.
Get your hands off my
sister, you filthy mutant!
You mutants are a
bunch of freaks!
Leave her alone or I'll--
- I'm not a mutant.
(soft piano music)
(soft piano music)
Who is she?
- Her name is Bianca, and this
is her baby sister, BamBam.
They both just got here.
Sorry, Bianca. I'd like
you to meet Christos.
He's our head military
commander at Paradise.
(crickets chirping)
- Ow!
That hurts.
Don't be so rough. Some
head commander you are!
- Look, Miss,
listen, for starters,
I saved your little sister
from those local soldiers.
And second, don't
go accusing someone
of being a mutant around here.
Frankly, it's you
who stinks like one.
(children giggling)
- You know, you're a real
jerk and you're mean to women!
- Only to the stuck-up
ones who smell bad.
- Come on! I can't
help that, all right?
(children giggling)
Did you know that we've
been walking for two weeks
through all the
sun and the heat?
So I'm sorry if we smell
bad, Your Highness.
You know, you talk as if
you are perfect in every way
when you're wearing
that stupid get-up!
You're mean and
arrogant! And ...
And, oh my, you're bleeding.
- It was pretty bold
of you to travel.
Especially with a kid with you.
- I had no choice.
Nobody else wanted to join
me in my search for Paradise.
- Oh, come on, Kiara, we
could be back at Paradise
right now if you just use your--
- Sh, will you be quiet?
We can't talk about that when
there are other people around.
- They all said Paradise
didn't even exist.
- Paradise does exist,
but don't expect it to
be a heaven on Earth.
It's called Paradise, but
it's just a simple compound.
- I don't mind if it's simple.
I'm sure it would still be
a far better place to live
than where my sister
and I used to be.
(crickets chirping)
- Was your sister born mute?
- She wasn't.
She only stopped speaking
after seeing our mother
and our other sibling get taken
down right in front of her.
It traumatized her.
- Oh, let's eat.
- I'm so hungry.
- Good morning, Mayor.
The food's almost ready.
Just about, sir, almost done.
- All right, take
it easy over there.
Get what you can finish.
(diners chattering)
- Eat up, everybody.
- This is pretty good.
- Here, Doctor, let
me help you with that.
- Well that's refreshing.
First time I've ever
seen you help out before.
- Come on, Doc, he's simply
trying to impress you.
That's all.
Gosh, you must feel
like a goddess, huh?
All the guys are
going nuts about you,
like Angelo, this piece of work.
I'm the only one who's not--
Don't pick him. He'll just
keep smacking you around.
- Gina, Gina, what's the matter?
- Are you dizzy?
- Gina.
- You're so pale.
(Gina groaning)
- Dens, the kids are in
really serious trouble!
(soft dramatic music)
- The mutants are here!
- Just stay right here.
(engines fading)
(soft piano music)
- Looks like it's
my lucky day today.
(soft dramatic music)
I'll meet my quota
and then some.
(soft piano music)
- They're of no use to
you. Just let them go.
And take me as
your sole captive.
- Too late for that.
Where were you coming from?
And where were you heading?
(Christos grunting)
- No, Christos! Don't hurt him!
We came from
Paradise, all right?
- Kiara.
- From Paradise?
I've heard of that place before.
I thought it was only a
made-up story. So it's true?
I'm sure Father will be
pleased to know that.
(dramatic music)
Bring all of them!
Even the children.
You two come with me.
(group chattering)
- [Kiara] Let go!
(dramatic music)
- [Soldier] Christos!
(guns firing rapidly)
(men groaning)
- Glad you showed up.
We were getting worried
about Eyron and Kiara.
- They're safe in here.
- We've been ambushed
by the captive's allies.
Better watch yourself (groans)!
(dramatic music)
- Christos, he just alerted
the others. What now?
- You guys deal
with things here.
I have to go save Bianca.
- Got it.
Bianca? Who's Bianca?
(dramatic music)
(engines revving)
(dramatic music)
(lasers firing)
(bikers shouting)
(dramatic music)
- Guys, we're outnumbered!
- And they're better
equipped than we are.
- We're still a lot
smarter, though.
- Here they come!
(lasers firing)
(dramatic music)
(laser firing)
(lasers firing)
(metal crashing)
- Whoa!
Yikes! That'll hurt!
(lasers firing)
(biker groaning)
(lasers firing)
(dramatic music)
- Eyron, you know
how to drive, right?
- Of course.
- Then take over here.
Kiara, handle the gun.
- Christos!
(Christos groaning)
(soldier groaning)
Christos! Christos,
don't let go!
(lasers firing)
(engines revving)
(dramatic music)
(soldier groaning)
(lasers firing)
- Over here!
(laser firing)
(both groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(laser firing)
(biker groaning)
- Who's your daddy?
(both groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(both groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
- [Bianca] We're going to
hit them! Do something!
(dramatic music)
(engines roaring)
(biker groaning)
(dramatic music)
(lasers firing)
(soldier groaning)
(dramatic music)
(music stops)
(Bianca moaning)
(both grunting)
- Christos!
(Abo roaning)
(dramatic music)
- You should have
seen me in action.
I crushed it on my
bike and skateboard.
- Back comes a real man!
We're the best
team ever, woo-hoo!
- Hey, Angelo, we found
some new toys. Check it out.
Get the engine
parts for recycling.
- Copy. What about you,
where are you going?
- To check on the kids.
(engine revving)
(Bianca moaning)
- Did he hurt you?
- No, he didn't.
(engine revving)
- [Eyron] Oh no, Kiara!
I can't stop it! The
brakes must be out!
- [Kiara] Hold on, Eyron!
(both screaming)
(vehicle exploding)
(engine fading)
(soft dramatic music)
- Eyron! Kiara!
Eyron! Kiara!
- We're here, Angelo!
- We're all right.
- Weren't you both in there?
- We were.
- That's right.
- But how'd you get out of it?
(children giggling)
- Who's gonna break the
news to him about Abo?
- You do it. You
were closer to Abo.
(dramatic music)
(glasses whirring)
- I've checked the
other side. It's clear.
There's nothing to worry about.
- Good.
But I'm still feeling nervous.
I'm sure that the
mutants will retaliate.
- Well they don't know
what our location is.
- No secret stays
hidden forever.
They're bound to find
us sooner or later.
The question is, when
they will show up.
- I just came from the
operations center today.
And according to our radar,
no one's coming so
we're still safe.
Although I'm not sure if
the radar still works,
since it's outdated (chuckles).
- How's our project
coming along?
- Hm, after working on
it for a long time now,
it's all done.
So you wanna take a test drive?
- I'll bet the mayor and
the council are just gonna
oppose that project again.
- It's best to be prepared.
(soft dramatic music)
(lightning striking)
(ship whooshing)
- Master Hades.
- Master.
- Doss, did you meet your quota?
- We couldn't, Master.
The humans have become
more elusive these days.
- You incompetent fools.
I just came from the West.
Which is barely
inhabited by humans now.
Yet I succeeded with my mission.
Why didn't you?
(exhales) Where's Abo?
Why isn't my son here?
(soft dramatic music)
- Master,
I'm afraid Doss has bad news.
- What is it?
What happened to my son, Doss?
(soft dramatic music)
- I'm afraid (whispers).
(dramatic music)
(steam hissing)
(soft dramatic music)
- Who murdered my son?
- According to Abo's
soldiers who reported it
before they were killed,
the human's name is Christos.
- Christos?
- We suspect that
he also murdered
some of your alien allies.
(steam hissing)
- He dared to kill
the locust warriors?
- Yes, Master.
We've heard that he's
a very adept fighter.
(soft dramatic music)
- And he's not alone, either.
He has a group of
humans with him.
(steam hissing)
- Just who are these humans?
And where have they
been hiding undetected?
- They live in a place
that they call Paradise.
- Paradise.
(birds clucking)
(egg rattling)
(eggs sizzling)
- We're also running short
on fuel for our
generators around here.
We're also about to lose
whatever stored
energy we have left.
That's why we have to
ask Angelo and his group
to set out again
in order to search for gasoline.
And to salvage
more recyclable items.
- Mayor, I know a place
at the town's border.
There's a gas station there
that still has a lot
of gasoline left.
- [Woman] Is that true?
- And the mutants
aren't aware of it.
- The town's border, huh?
Oh, and we also need to
find medicine and supplies
to restock the clinic
run by Dr. Miles.
- Oh wow, still
trying to impress her.
(crowd laughing)
- Why don't you come along
and find him yourself?
You know, Jason, if you really
want to impress Dr. Miles,
do something instead of
just talking about it.
(crowd laughing)
- That's enough, Angelo!
You're being a real bully!
Christos, it's getting
more dangerous out there
for Angelo and his group to
move around on their own.
Would you accompany them?
- Why yes, of course, Mayor.
(ships whooshing)
(soft music)
(Jason grunting)
- Master, his name's Jason.
He claims he's from Paradise.
He said he's been
looking for us.
Why that is, I have no idea.
- I am pleased that
a human would dare
seek out mutants like ourselves.
Does this mean that you wish
to take part in our army?
- I just want to strike a
deal with any mutant here.
(steam hissing)
Since there's some
guys I want to capture.
And besides, I have
no wish to turn
into a monster like yourself.
(Jason groaning)
- Show our master some respect!
(Jason grunting)
- And just who are the humans
you want captured
by my soldiers then?
- They are Christos
Sarmiento and Angelo Arsega.
Both of them will be
leaving Paradise tonight.
I'll tell you where they'll be
hunting salvageable material.
- That's great.
- But I'll only tell you
where they're going if you'll
give me your word to
leave Paradise alone.
- You have some nerve.
What makes you
think you can tell
our master what to do, huh?
- You're quite sharp, my friend.
You have my word. I'll
leave Paradise alone.
- But, Master.
- Stop, Allura. Our master
knows what he's doing.
(dramatic music)
- Oh, hello, Christos.
If you can hear me, you
should have left already.
It's late enough as it is, dude.
Before you know it,
the sun'll be up.
So move your butt. Hurry up!
Do you hear me
soldier? Answer me.
Hey, I said--
(child laughing)
- Will you shut up? Stop
bothering me, all right?
I'm still trying to fix
this truck's engine.
- All right. Take
care, you hear?
- All right, enough, Patricia.
Please, baby girl, Daddy's busy.
Plus I'm all sweaty,
so stay back.
(engines revving)
(suspenseful music)
- Bullet, hurry,
go guard the front.
(soft dramatic music)
Timmy, what do you see?
- Just a lot of
mosquitoes, Christos,
but not a locust craft in sight.
- Strike, you know
what to do, go.
- Got it, Christos.
- Ice, Angelo, start
pumping out the gasoline.
(soft dramatic music)
- It's so lovely here.
Like daytime with all
the lights around.
Boy, have I ever missed
seeing real trees and plants.
- That's one reason why
I insisted on raising
a garden here in our compound.
Apart from providing
fruits and vegetables--
- Oh, thank you.
- We also have medicinal
trees and plants.
And the garden has therapeutic
benefits for everyone.
(soft dramatic music)
- Doctor? Doctor, I
can see something!
- Does that mean
she can see again?
- I'm afraid that's
not what she meant.
She's having a
vision in her mind.
- I don't think I understand.
- Well, Gina may be blind,
but she has a unique
gift of sight.
She can perceive
something bad is about
to happen to any of us.
- It's Christos. The
boys are in danger!
Timmy, no, watch out!
There's a traitor!
(soft dramatic music)
- Bullet, help me out.
(crickets chirping)
Why do you keep leaving
white hand marks everywhere?
- It's the symbol
of humans, dude,
to remind the locust creatures
that we're still around
and that they can't
defeat us that easily.
- Fine, just tell Christos
we're almost done.
(crickets chirping)
(soft dramatic music)
(fly unzipping)
(soft dramatic music)
- We are ready to pull out now.
- Bullet, call Strike
and Timmy over.
(soft dramatic music)
(Timmy grunting)
(alien growling)
(wings whirring)
(gun firing)
(guns firing rapidly)
- Mutant soldiers!
(lasers firing)
(guns firing)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(lasers firing)
- Angelo, bring the others.
Take the truck and go.
(lasers firing)
- We're not going
to leave you here.
- Someone has to cover
for you. Get going!
(guns firing rapidly)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(lasers firing)
(guns firing)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(lasers firing)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(guns firing)
(both groaning)
(attacker groaning)
(attacker groaning)
(guns firing)
(lasers firing)
Get out of here!
(lasers firing)
(gun firing rapidly)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(devices beeping)
(devices exploding)
- Christos!
(gun thudding)
(Christos grunting)
(soft dramatic music)
- Hold on.
(soft dramatic music)
And who's this?
- That's Christos.
(steam hissing)
(soft dramatic music)
(electricity zapping)
(Christos groaning)
(soft dramatic music)
- I see you're awake, my friend.
(soft dramatic music)
- You're no friend of mine.
And I don't befriend monsters.
- (laughs) Very impressive.
As bold as ever.
Even when you're
now our captive.
(Christos groaning)
I am Hades.
I'm the leader of the
mutants in this region.
- Hades, huh?
- It was you who
killed my son Abo.
It wouldn't be good enough
to just take your
life right away.
(electricity zapping)
So I've been thinking
of the best way to
make sure you suffer.
(soft dramatic music)
I'll inject you
with locust blood.
Soon, you will feel its poison
coursing through your veins.
And you'll know pain.
Eventually, you
will die in agony.
(steam hissing)
(Christos groaning)
But before you
breathe your last,
I am pleased to inform you
that we already
know the location
of that beloved place
that you call Paradise.
(electricity zapping)
That's why we're preparing
to launch an attack
against that place you
consider your home.
- [Jason] I won't allow it!
- Jason.
(soft dramatic music)
- You gave me your word.
- Jason, my dear friend,
why don't you say hi
to this other
friend you betrayed?
- Jason. What's the
meaning of this?
What are you doing here?
- You promised me that if
I gave you what you wanted
you'd leave Paradise alone!
- So you helped them to get
to us. How could you do that?
(Christos groaning)
- You wouldn't
understand, Christos.
Why didn't you kill Angelo?
- Is this because
you're still resentful
because you couldn't
take charge of Paradise?
- You gave me your word, Hades.
- You're a fool.
Do you really believe I'd
keep my promise to you?
Doss, turn that
traitor into a mutant.
(soft dramatic music)
- Let me deal with him.
- Hades, you're a
worthless piece of scum!
(soft dramatic music)
(Christos groaning)
- Allura.
The poison.
(soft dramatic music)
(electricity zapping)
Start saying your prayers,
to whatever god you believe in,
because you are on
your way to hell.
(soft dramatic music)
(Christos screaming)
- So, none of you know
if Christos is dead?
How could you all
leave him there?
- It's what he wanted. Those
were his last words to me.
- His last words?
So are you assuming then that
Christos is already dead?
- Let's not get
ahead of ourselves.
We're still not sure of that.
- What I'm sure of
is that our enemies
were expecting us there.
They knew exactly where
they would find us.
- Gina, you mentioned
a traitor, right?
- What? A traitor?
- That's true, but I
couldn't see who it was.
- Aren't we going
to rescue Christos?
Angelo, can't we do
something to help him?
Or are you afraid?
- If Christos is still alive,
he'd most likely
be a mutant by now.
- And he'd be controlled
by the locust creatures.
(soft dramatic music)
- Master, is this really
going to be enough troops
to send over to Paradise?
- The humans living there
have no real military force,
so it'll be easy for
you to destroy Paradise
and harvest its people.
Doss, as soon as the sun's
up, launch the attack.
- As you wish, Master.
(soft dramatic music)
(fan whirring)
- They're launching an attack.
We have to warn everyone!
(laser firing)
(Jason groaning)
(soft dramatic music)
- Christos, Christos, come on.
We have to get out of here.
Come on, let's go.
Christos, what are
you waiting for?
(Jason groaning)
(dramatic music)
- Because of you,
Timmy got killed,
and I got injected with locust
creatures' poisonous blood.
(Christos groaning)
- Christos,
I'll make up for what
I've done to all of you.
- Do you think I'll even
trust you after this?
And you had to bring this
mutant along with you?
- On the outside, I might
appear to be a mutant.
- Please don't, I'm begging you!
- But I still have human blood
coursing through my veins.
I was just turned into
a mutant by force.
(Deacon screaming)
I suffered the most agonizing
pain as they slowly tore out
everything in me that was human.
(soft dramatic music)
At first, I felt nothing
towards our human captives.
But as time went on,
I strangely began
to regain my old human emotions.
Until the locust creatures'
influence on my mind
and body was completely gone.
Something has
changed in my blood.
Thanks to this miracle,
I knew that God had
other plans for me.
So I knew I had to help you out.
(steam hissing)
And now you know my truth.
- Christos, there's
something you have
to know about the
locust creatures.
And Deacon has all
the information we
need to defeat them.
- You're trying to
trick me, aren't you?
This is just another trap.
- I'm not lying
to you, Christos.
Paradise matters to me
too. My family lives there.
Listen, if we don't move now,
we'll never get out of here
and Paradise will
be in grave danger.
Come on. Please, we have to go.
(Christos groaning)
(soft dramatic music)
- What I am about to
show you right now,
will prove why I've decided
to work alongside with you.
(soft dramatic music)
(steam hissing)
(doors sliding)
(soft dramatic music)
- So this is the cota that
Abo was talking about?
They've been collecting people.
- Collecting them?
But why? For what?
- Being in the army, I knew
when the locust creatures
first arrived here.
We didn't expect them
to stay this long.
They kept destroying crops
and other food sources.
Now I know why.
And why they are so intent
in taking over our planet.
They've been harvesting people
to eat.
(soft dramatic music)
(door sliding)
(alarm blaring)
- They must have already
found out about your escape.
Let's take the ship.
- Just go and be careful.
- Wait, Jason, what about you?
- I'll stay and cover for you
to pay for the harm I
caused you and everyone.
Tell my parents
goodbye. Now leave!
Get out while you still can! Go!
(alarm blaring)
(dramatic music)
(ship whooshing)
(laser firing)
(gun firing rapidly)
(both groaning)
(both groaning)
(both groaning)
(dramatic music)
(Jason groaning)
- You're going to
regret what you've done.
(alarm blaring)
- I'm all done with regrets.
Whatever I owe is
already paid for.
(alarm blaring)
- Dens, Dens, wake up, Dens!
- Honey, come on. Let's
sleep a bit longer.
- No, Dens, just stop that!
- Gina, goodness, you minx.
You were taking advantage of me?
- Quit it. You must
have been dreaming.
There's something
coming towards us.
Can you check your
radar right now?
- Good grief. You're
being paranoid again.
(wind blowing)
(radar beeping)
Look, not a dot. Just one.
I mean two.
(dramatic music)
- Angelo! Locust craft!
- My God! No way!
(alarm blaring)
Gina, let's go.
(dramatic music)
- You have come to
attack us. Inside!
(dramatic music)
- Christos! Hold on! We're
about to reach your people!
(dramatic music)
I can see Paradise,
and it's under attack.
(guns firing)
(people screaming)
- Take cover!
(guns firing)
- Where are the kids?
Have you seen the kids?
- Come on, come on!
(guns firing)
(lasers firing)
- Get out of here.
Get to safety!
(lasers firing)
- Where's Bam?
- Where are we?
- We're in my motor shop.
- Just what are we
going to do here?
- We are going to hide.
(dramatic music)
- Dens, better open
the machine shop door.
- What? Are you insane?
- Someone's coming to help us.
Christos is coming,
Dens, open it!
- All right!
(dramatic music)
(door opening)
Who could that be?
It is Christos.
(soft dramatic music)
- Don't worry, Dens. I
know he's on our side.
- Get him.
Christos? What happened to you?
- Dens, time to use it.
- The mutants are here!
(women screaming)
- Locust creatures!
- Run!
- Run, run!
- Head for the lower
chambers, quickly!
Come on!
(alarm blaring)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(guns and lasers firing)
They're coming!
Let's go! Run!
- BamBam! BamBam!
BamBam! Wait!
(dramatic music)
(both groaning)
(alarm blaring)
(dramatic music)
(both groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
- Quiet down, everyone!
Don't make a move, please!
- Where is she? Where is BamBam?
- I don't know. We
haven't seen her!
- Stop, stop stop stop!
Why are you going back?
- We have to find
Bam-Bam. She's back there.
- We can't go back.
It's dangerous.
- We have to help
Bam-Bam. Let's get her.
- Hey, where are you going?
(both groaning)
(punches striking)
(upbeat dramatic music)
- BamBam!
- Hey, stay back.
(upbeat dramatic music)
(both groaning)
(saw turning)
- Hey you!
(upbeat dramatic music)
(both groaning)
(Doss screaming)
- Did you see that,
Mayor? What is that?
- Where did that come from?
(dramatic music)
- You'll have to
get past me first,
before you lay a
hand on the kid.
- Ha ha.
- Ice, Strike, go get BamBam.
- Let's go get her!
- BamBam, come on.
(dramatic music)
(lasers firing)
(dramatic music)
(people screaming)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(metal crashing)
(Christos groaning)
(Christos groaning)
(gun firing)
(people cheering)
- Yeah.
- Yay!
(Christos groaning)
(veins crackling)
(people chattering excitedly)
- We've underestimated
the humans' defense force.
Let's all move out!
(soft dramatic music)
(Christos groaning)
- Christos, I'm
glad you're okay.
What's happening to Christos?
- What is it?
(Christos groaning)
- There's a mutant!
- Kill the bastard!
- No, wait, don't do that!
- Don't! He's been helping us.
- Just relax, guys.
- His condition
is getting worse.
- Miles, it's
Christos. He's sick.
- Christos.
(dramatic music)
(soldier screaming)
- Stop whining. You're
not supposed to feel pain.
- But it really hurts (screams)!
(breathing hard)
- They've created a robot
from recycled materials?
- Yes, Master. It has
strength and durability.
And the weapons they've
made can match ours as well.
- Master, let me take
charge of dealing with them.
- Are you saying
that I'm useless?
- Now that you only
have one hand, you are.
- [Hades] Doss.
(Allura breathing hard)
- Master, allow me
to go back there.
I have a human to confront
and a score to settle.
- None of you will be
going back down there.
We shouldn't have
misjudged them,
and you know very well
what our real situation is.
It's time for me to seek
assistance of the head locust.
- He's been injected
with a serum,
not for mutant conversion
but for slow death from
the fatal locust blood.
It was the punishment that
Hades bestowed on him.
- I don't know how I'll
be able to save him then.
- According to what
I've researched,
only a locust's fresh blood
will be able to save his life.
- [Gina] A locust's fresh blood?
- [Miles] Gina.
- So you and Dens have kept
this matter from the council
and from all the citizens
of Paradise, huh?
- How many resources did you
waste to make this robot?
- We did not waste a thing.
We only used recycled scraps
to create it, all right.
And besides,
look, here's the thing,
Christos believes we
need this defense.
Our enemies aren't going
to stop hunting us down
unless we take
the fight to them.
We can't just keep deluding
ourselves with the idea
that if we continue hiding
and avoiding them all
we'd be safe and
able to survive.
Christos is a soldier, and
we agree with what he said.
If this robot hadn't been
here, we'd be goners.
- Are you feeling dizzy?
- No, I'm fine.
- Doctor Miles, did
you call for us?
- Okay, Kiara and I
are here, so what's up?
- Christos needed a locust
creature's fresh blood
to balance out his blood
with that of the creature's.
That way, the poison
can be countered.
- But where did
you get the blood?
- There's the secret that
we wish to share with you.
We just hope it
doesn't scare you.
We're all aware that
Gina has a unique gift.
That's because she, along
with some of the children
living here with us, have
locust blood in them.
- Really?
- When I was a young girl,
some locust creatures caught me
and several kids and
took us to their hive.
There, they did various
medical experiments on us.
After we were rescued by the
army troops led by Christos,
we discovered that we all
possessed extraordinary powers.
- What other kids are
you talking about?
- Kiara is one of the younger
kids saved by Christos.
Go on, show them all
what you can do, Kiara.
(group gasping)
- Where did she go?
- Where'd she go?
- Where?
(Dens gasping)
(Kiara giggling)
- So you can teleport?
- Uh-huh.
(Dens moaning)
- Whoa, hey, dude!
- So that's how you and Eyron
got out of the Jeep then?
- Dens, you all right.
- Help him up.
- Miles, he's awake!
- Come on, help him.
- Let's go see him.
(soft dramatic music)
(steam hissing)
(dramatic music)
(steam hissing)
(dramatic music)
(machine whirring)
(electricity buzzing)
(dramatic music)
(alien growling)
(dramatic music)
- My lord, please accept
my sincerest apologies
for interrupting you
while you were sleeping.
(creature breathing)
My lord, I need some help
and guidance from you.
The humans are getting
bolder and stronger.
They could easily
strike back at us.
(creature roaring)
- Hm.
- The locust creatures
are now on edge.
- Yeah, they're getting alarmed.
They've already faced losses
in battle in America,
Europe and China,
and only a few countries are
still under their control.
- They've also been
losing their weapons,
energy and defense force.
That also means they'll
have to create more mutants.
- But why send only
a few soldiers?
Maybe their armed
force is dwindling.
- Mayor, this would
be the best time
for us to counterattack them.
- Have you lost your mind?
And what would you use
to attack them with?
Just that one robot, Christos?
- Sir, whoever told you that we
only have one robot.
(door sliding)
- Wow, look at them.
They're awesome.
Hey, Angelo, your robot rocks.
- We've been preparing for
this for five years now.
As you can see for yourselves,
Angelo has already trained
most of our young fighters
on operating these robots.
- I still can't believe you've
kept this from the council.
- There's something
else you have to know.
They're about to leave.
They're preparing
to leave our world
since they're
getting overpowered.
- Well then if that's the case,
we don't have to do a thing.
I'm glad they'll be gone soon.
- Just let them leave?
After all the harm and
grief they've caused us?
That is not okay.
- Hey, Dens.
Gather all the information
from Deacon about their hive.
- What do you plan to do?
- We're going to
bomb every last part
of their hive with them inside.
(soft dramatic music)
(device beeping and whirring)
- Dad?
(upbeat dramatic music)
(guns clicking)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(gun clicking)
- Hey, hands off.
(upbeat dramatic music)
(guns clicking)
(upbeat dramatic music)
- Get out of here, will
you? Stay over there.
Quit being pesky.
(device beeping)
(Eyron gasping)
(dramatic music)
(Eyron sighing)
(dramatic music)
- Angelo.
I know I haven't always
been there for you.
I was too absorbed in
performing my duties
as Paradise's leader
that I completely forgot
that my first and foremost
duty is to be a father
to my only son.
(soft music)
Please forgive me, Son.
- I already have, Dad.
(soft music)
(upbeat dramatic music)
- May I have your attention?
Christos has
something to tell us.
(dramatic music)
- Paradisans!
Many of us here
have shed our own blood
and have lost the
people we love.
We've lost our parents.
Our siblings.
Spouses and kids.
But still once the sun rises,
and tomorrow morning comes,
every one of us will
reclaim our dignity.
We will all be reclaiming
our independence!
And we will be
bringing back hope
to our new generation.
For the liberation
of the world we call our own!
We will fight to conquer!
(crowd cheering and shouting)
- Angelo, why must
you drag me down here?
I still have to fix the clinic.
(soft music)
- That's just so you'd know
how I really feel about you.
Since I know you only
see me as a friend.
- You know,
forget it.
Just promise me that
you'll be coming back,
best friend, all right?
- Mm.
As long as you welcome me
back with a big hug, okay?
(soft music)
I have to go now.
(soft music)
- Okay, all locations where
you should leave the bombs
that will completely destroy
the locust creatures' hive
are already programmed in here.
Once you've set them all,
just press this button here
and in five minutes the whole
hive, boom, they're all gone.
- The bombs.
- Right here.
- Okay, where's Angelo?
- Angelo?
Right here.
- Hey, you sure?
- That's a cartoon!
- There you go.
- Hey, Dens, Christos.
- Angelo, I'm going ahead to
the locust creatures' hive,
so you'll lead the Paradise
attack troops from here on.
I have full faith
in you. Be safe.
- I won't let you down,
Christos. Be safe as well.
(upbeat dramatic music)
- Who is that?
- A human who just
came here on her own.
- Where are you from,
and what are you after?
- I came from Paradise,
and I wish to speak
to your leader Hades.
I brought some information
that he needs to know about.
(soft dramatic music)
- (laughs) Doss,
where is our master?
- He's resting in his
chamber right now.
(steam hissing)
- Christos?
BamBam couldn't find
her sister anywhere.
- Oh, where is Bianca?
- I have no idea, but I can
sense something's wrong.
- What do you mean by that?
- Ice?
- Now don't you worry.
We'll go find your sister.
- Kiara.
(soft music)
- Are you sure you'll
be able to do this?
- I'm sure, but first
you'll have to think
about the place
where we're going.
Once we get there,
I can go back again.
(soft music)
- All right.
- Are you ready to go?
- I am.
- You're amazing, Kiara.
Now go back to Paradise and
I'll take care of the rest here.
- Be careful while you're
here, Christos. I'll see you.
- All right.
(soft dramatic music)
(door hissing)
(steam hissing)
(soft music)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(tongue clicking)
(footsteps pounding)
- [Dens] Oh what the hell?
There's too many of them.
And they're ready for us.
(dramatic music)
(crowd murmuring)
- The locusts are coming.
- I don't see anything yet.
- Gina, are you sure of that?
- I really wish I
was wrong, Mayor.
- But a lot of blood
will be shed in this war.
(steam hissing)
(dramatic music)
- Better be ready, dudes.
- Dens.
(gun firing rapidly)
- Don't do that.
- Hold it!
- Angelo, there's
too many of them.
Let's wait till tomorrow
when there's fewer, okay?
- Don't let them scare you!
Don't let them scare you!
No one's retreating!
- I am retreating.
- We're going to fight them all!
(soldiers cheering)
- Yeah, you go fight them all.
All right, you can do it, dudes.
(soldiers cheering)
- Let's head back to our robots.
- For what?
- Let's do this.
- Oh, shoot.
(upbeat dramatic music)
- We'll have to get ready then.
- You all know
what to do, folks.
Get moving, all of you!
- Close the gate.
Raise the barricades.
(crowd chattering)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(lasers firing)
(gun firing)
(attackers groaning)
(suspenseful music)
- All right, boys,
let's get them!
(soldiers shouting)
(footsteps pounding)
(lasers firing)
(soldiers shouting)
- Retreat!
(gun firing rapidly)
(attackers groaning)
(upbeat rock music)
(soldiers shouting)
- Back inside, hurry!
(upbeat rock music)
(guns firing rapidly)
(upbeat rock music)
(gun firing rapidly)
(upbeat rock music)
(soldiers shouting and groaning)
(lasers firing)
(soldiers groaning)
(lasers firing)
(guns firing rapidly)
- Hurry up,
everyone. Get inside!
Please take pity on us.
Don't hurt us.
- Get rid of her.
(Gina grunting)
(attackers groaning)
(laser firing)
(attackers groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(soldiers groaning)
(lasers firing)
(upbeat rock music)
- Angelo, these
enemies are too strong.
Let's just go home. I quit!
- Dens, don't give up.
We have to keep fighting!
(lasers firing)
(upbeat rock music)
- Angelo!
(lasers firing)
- Come on! Run!
(both groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(fist smacking)
(steam hissing)
(Christos groaning)
(Christos screaming)
- Our battle's still not done.
Let's stop hiding
behind these robots.
And fight to the
finish one on one.
Come face me!
(upbeat dramatic music)
- Oh!
(Christos groaning)
(attacker groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(both groaning)
- Hurry, kids, get in!
- Hurry! Faster!
(lasers firing)
(upbeat rock music)
Let's go!
(both groaning)
(Angelo groaning)
(punches thudding)
(Angelo groaning)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(blows striking)
- Step on it,
guys! Hurry, hurry!
(Eyron groaning)
(laser firing)
- Come on. Stay
next to me, hurry!
Is everyone here?
All right, all right!
Now put your hand on me!
- Why?
- Stop asking questions.
Just hold on to me.
(upbeat dramatic music)
(children gasping)
- [Group] Kiara!
Kiara! Kiara!
(both grunting)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(laser firing)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(Eyron screaming)
(alien growling)
- [Eyron] Eat that.
(device beeping)
(alien growling)
(Eyron screaming)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(both groaning)
(both straining)
- Christos!
You already have
a unique strength.
All you need is to
believe in yourself.
You already possess the
lethal blood of the locust.
(Christos screaming)
(dramatic music)
(Christos groaning)
(upbeat rock music)
(both groaning)
(upbeat rock music)
(both straining)
(punches thudding)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(Christos screaming)
(dramatic music)
- What sort of
weird move is that?
Hey, stop dancing!
Let's finish this fight!
(upbeat music)
(Angelo groaning)
(footsteps pounding)
- Hey, Grouchie, are you happy
now? The fight's finished.
(door sliding)
- Stop! Don't kill him, please!
- Bianca, what are
you doing here?
- She came over here in
search of her father.
- (indistinct) I found
a list of human captives
that became mutants, and
one of them is my dad.
But I found him here,
Christos. My dad's still alive.
Hades is my father!
(dramatic music)
(Christos screaming)
- Christos! No!
- Come along.
- Christos!
(soft dramatic music)
(Christos grunting)
- Christos, you all right?
- Angelo, what took you so long?
- The battle took a while,
but we came like you told us to.
- Have you planted
all the bombs?
- Every place you said. I
just need to detonate them.
- Then let's get
the heck outta here.
- We can't go. It's Bianca.
Hades still has her.
- Bianca? What is
she even doing here?
- We'll discuss that later.
Is my robot with you?
- Out there, where we came in.
- You better just head back
there. I'll finish this myself.
- Come on.
(soft dramatic music)
(metal rattling)
- But, Dad, Christos could
still be alive down there!
- Just forget about Christos.
We have to leave here right now.
- Let's go!
- [Dens] Christos, don't
forget to detonate the bombs.
Stay safe!
(guns firing)
(dramatic music)
(soldier groaning)
(dramatic music)
- Bianca!
(upbeat dramatic music)
(creature growling)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(creature hissing)
(Christos groaning)
(gun firing rapidly)
(dramatic music)
- This one is for Melissa.
For Patricia.
And for all the lives
that you've took!
(footsteps thudding)
You've overstayed your welcome.
Time to deport you
from this world.
Goodbye, hive.
(device beeping)
- What's that?
- What's that?
- [Man] What a big explosion.
- Are you nuts? It's
already too late.
(dramatic music and vocalizing)
It's Christos. He made it!
(soldiers cheering)
All right!
(soldiers cheering)
- Christos!
- Hurray!
(crowd cheering)
- Long live our liberty!
- Long live our liberty!
- Long live the Philippines!
- Long live the Philippines!
(crowd cheering)
(soft piano music)
- [Miles] December 25, 2021.
After our victorious battle
against the locust creatures,
the spirit of Christmas
came alive for us again.
Much was lost
during the last war,
but a lot was also
found because of it.
Freedom, hope,
and a brighter future ahead.
But then there's still questions
that have remained unanswered.
And those taken from us
who still haven't returned.
This is just the first
wave of a long battle.
And we must all be ready
for the next cycle.
(singing in foreign language)
(soft piano music)
(upbeat dramatic music)
(soft dramatic music)
- It's you. You're alive.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat rock music)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat rock music)
(singing in foreign language)
(upbeat rock music)
[Music fades]