Transporter 3 (2008) Movie Script

- And if they catch us?
There's a million bottle of booze in there .
Do you think they gonna miss one bottle?
The weather is with us, sir.
We arrive in port in couple of hours.
Very good.
- You're welcome, sir.
Oh man, I've never smelled anything like this.
Not even when you're in the crapper.
Or what?
Your shit smells like rose?
Come here.
I thought you said it was booze?
- It was at the papers.
Captain, we have breach in lower level.
Which section?
- 101
Take the wheel!
- Yes, sir.Fuck!
Guns and load!.
- Get the mask.
Holy shits.
- Take care of 'em.
- Passport, please.
Rough sea?
- The sea was smooth,
the party was a bit rough,
If you know what I mean.
- Yeah,thanks.
When I was a kid, my father used to take
me fishing.
Never could figure out how he knew
where the fish were.
They were always exactly
where he said they would be.
Security check.
Do we look like a security risk?
Please step out of the car and bring your documents to the office.
My documents right here, sir.
- The computer "is" in the office.
Her too.
- She's sleeping.
With her documents.
- Okay, sure.
I think I bite.
Come on, you're gonna lose it.
Little closer, inspector,
little closer.
That's a big one!
go left, go left.
Don't let him go,
don't let him get away.
Getting closer!
Go left, go left, go right!.
[Speaking foreign language]
do you need some help?
No, thank you.
I have been fishing in this water
since before you were born.
You're close inspector,
you're close.
You're gonna thing that we French had set
such a highly developed sense of humour.
With all due respect, the French
think Jerry Lewis is a genius.
Jerry Lewis is a genius.
Dean was a genius.
- No.
Dean just stood there with a drink
and a cigarette.
My point exactly, everyone
can fall down and get a laugh.
But how many people can do it, standing still
with a drink and a cigarette?
I'm afraid our there pleasure is
cut short.
There's a big mess in Marseille, some madman
driving an Audi at impossible speed.
Don't look at me.
This is the first place
chief told me to look.
But I will tell him you're
the perfect alibi.
As usual.
- I'm sorry.
This is my first bite!.
- Yeah,yeah.
- Yeah.
Stop the boat, come on!.
- No.
Come on,
What is the purpose of your visit,
Mr. Johnson?
- What kind of business?
Environmental protection.
- Thank you!
Mr Minister, the giving the opportunity dressed at the EU
of environmental impact of on distribute
out of such mobile.
What is top in your list of priorities?
It is a short list with only one item:
'the environment and how to protect it. "
In the phase of increasing pressure for industries
to compete successful in global economy,
is that goal can sometimes come up
against some very harsh realities?
Not as harsh as a polluted
and inhabitable planet.
But gentlemen, if you'll excuse me now,
I have trees to save,
and industrialists to disappoint.
Your speech for tomorrow.
- Any good?
It's going to piss off a lot of people.
- Excellent.
Mr. Minister.
Who is this?
My name is not important.
I have been put in charge with the negotiations
you are engage in with EGO Corp,
They should've a license
to do business in Ukraine.
You must be misinform mister,
of whatever your name is.
I've terminated the negotiations,
I think you will reconsider that position once you have a
chance to study the documents in the envelope.
I'll be in touch.
Yes, there's been an accident.
Send an ambulance.
Track this phone.
I asked you for a price.
What is this?
I might not be interested
in taking the job.
This not well.
My boss said you're
the man for the job.
Your boss gets his facts wrong.
Two things
you should know about my boss.
He never gets his facts wrong,
He never takes 'no' for an answer.
Well, there's a first time for everything.
Well, not this time.
You don't wanna do this.
I don't think you're in a position
to tell me what I do, and what I don't wanna do.
You have ten seconds
to change your mind.
I give you five seconds
to remove your hand.
Malcolm!, can you hear me?
I said drop in anytime,
but I don't mean..
I had nowhere else to go.
- Just take it easy okay.
Get me away from the car.
Just to make you to be comfortable until the end of this..
- I don't want any ambulance.
You're gonna need a doctor.
You've been shot.
Not far from car!.
Just stay calm.
You'll be fix up in no time.
He's inside.
Quick, it's serious.
You wanna be careful removing him.
- Sir, we know our job, okay?
Sir, can you hear me?
The car ... No ...
If you hear me,
press my hand.
The car.
Am I in heaven?
Actually, you're in the bit of a shit.
You help me out of it?
That depends on how deep you're in.
Don't trust anyone.
Couldn't agree with you more.
Come on.
- No, don't leave the car.
What's so special
about the car?
Not the car ...
I told you.
Don't trust anyone.
I told you.
I took the liberty
of bringing you the suit.
Especially when you're working, correct?
but I'm not working.
You see boss, I told you.
Please Josh, your purchase is not very effective in
presenting our proposal for the first time.
Thank you.
As I were saying.
We came to you in good faith.
You said you were unavailable.
We contacted with the man whose the number
you gave us, and it proved to be uneffective,
And now, I'm left with unfinished business.
The way I see it,
your responsible.
I understand your point of view.
But I'm still unavailable.
Boss, can I say something?
Anyone else wanna say something?
Find me a smarter one.
You have three seconds to change your mind or
you're gonna be permanently unavailable.
two ...
One condition.
I'm listening.
I drive my own car.
In anticipation of your answer, we took the liberty
of bringing you a car lock.
Changed the oil, give it a tune up and
took out all the non-essential material.
Left the switch over licence plate, of them.
Replaced the GPS with one of
our own,pre-programme.
It's more efficient that way.
I was so insisted of using the best man
for this assignment.
We're playing a much larger game here.
Don't think of this as just another job,
think of it as a mission.
I'm so please to find we share the same
approach to our..
I make a deal
and that's the deal, just like you.
You don't like names, neither do I,
besides ...
Neither one of us has any interest
in what we paid to do,
beyond what we are paid to do.
Those are your rules, right?
You forgot one.
I work alone.
I thought you
might like the company.
I thought you wanted
me to complete the mission?
You're right, I do.
You wanna change the rules?
Every rule has an exception.
Let's make one for today.
You're the boss.
Anything else?
The jewellery,
anything I should know?
Remember those joggers you're trying to blow up
in the airliners
by sneaking liquids through security and combining them onboard?
Same principle,
just refined.
yellow light comes on,
Signal the first liquid
is ready.
flows into the chamber.
Time to go.
This phone is programmed
to call only one number, Mine!
When you pass the first toll on the road going north,
Call me,
All right?
Money, for gas and food.
Any other questions?
Would you mind buckling your seat belt?
I suppose you want to tell me
what's this all about.
Ocean Blue requesting cargo clearance.
The papers of the environmental agency.
Drop anchor and wait to dock.
We'll inform you when they are signed.
- Okay.
I know what has happened to you
but what happened to Frank?
Colonel Medved All of Intelligence,
has been given all of the information's.
He knows it is his priority.
He wanted you to know
he hires his best man in it.
He'll keep in touch for such short notice.
He suggests you buy him as much time
as you can.
Inspector, they ask if the car
can go through investigations?
Tell them to start.
I'll be there when I'm ready.
You can start.
Come on.
I am the police.
Look, I don't know whether you're part of this
or isn't..
and I don't really care.
But since you're here first,
you know more than I do,
So how about you telling me what you know?
I know nothing.
- How did you know Malcolm?
I didn't.
Just happen to be in a car
with a man you don't know?
I'm now in a car
with a man I don't know.
Aren't you suppose to make a call?
Nice to hear from you.
Skip the pleasant please and just
give me the code.
One, one, two, six.
Call me when you arrive.
What's in Budapest?.
Goulash, beer.
Let's be reminded to the beginning,
start with a proper introduction.
What happened to the rule
'no names'?
I suspending that rule for the moment.
I'm Frank Martin.
And your name is?
What matters my name?
Well, we are in the situation together.
We sitting here in a car with two exploding bracelets on our wrist
under the same place,
I'll call that being in the same situation.
It's not,
they're going to kill you.
I'm aware of that.
And no probability, after they killed me,
you're next on the list.
Now, if you're gonna keep that from happening,
I'm gonna need a little help.
From the top ...
We have this problem.
You think I don't know
what's the problem?
I look stupid to you.
I didn't say you're stupid.
But we have a problem,
and it gonna be very helpful
in participating for the solution of it.
I don't want to talk more.
What did you say your name was?
Frank Martin.
My turn.
Pleased to meet ya.
There is no GPS anymore.
- Yes, there is no GPS anymore. I know.
The gentlemen from EGO Corp, are here.
Show them in.
Mr. Minister, we like to thank you for reconsidering our proposal
on such short notice.
You make it very hard not to.
- Well, yes,
We do have a reputation of not taking 'no'
as an answer.
Here are the contracts.
All in order.
We were told the ship cannot be cleared unless
you personally sign off on that.
unless you personally those documents
I thought there was only one.
Oh well, here's the thing.
In order to make the venture more profitable,
we need to be able to process the material in a
volume that makes sense.
How many ships are we talking about?
Less in the port waiting for clearance, eight.
This year.
Protecting the environment is long-term commitment,
You said so yourself, haven't you?
And I will do again tomorrow in Odessa,
where I will sign this.
We were really hoping
to settle this today.
I want to review them,
now there are some redundancy.
for such a long-term commitment, will it?
No, of course not.
And I will see you tomorrow, in Odessa.
Let say 09.00 A.M
-Okay, I'll stay.
but the materials are leaking everywhere.
- And?
We won't be able to hide them.
-I'll take care of that,
Just give me some time.
- If ever they check ...
Easy, the deal will be closed very soon.
- 24 hours, no more.
- I've bought you another 24 hours.
You have until tomorrow, 09:00 AM.
That should be more than enough time.
Did you have a lead?
- Even better than a lead,
A location.
- Yes.
Interpol has your answer to the plate questioned.
This was flashed by the radar
towards the north.
Show them immediately
to our friends in Germany.
Yes, but what should I say?
What do you think?
What they expect from us?
I'm hungry.
We 100 kilometres from beers and sausage.
I don't like sausage.
What'd you like?
Chicken, roast with carrots
and bits.
and gravy with Mediterranean stock.
Under the stock?
A salad,
Rinced,toast with balsamiek from Medina.
Of course aged.
And for dessert?
Chocolate cake.
With whipped cream or without?
To drink?
Torquase perhaps?
Iced wine.
Of course.
Wrong direction.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna see a man about
some jewellery.
He's get off the reservation.
Send someone to get him back on,
Don't kill him.
Frank, it's so good
to see you, my friend.
Good to see you too, Otto.
Oh,you didn't mention you bring company.
It's not really company.
It's ...
- With you it's always complicated.
But you can tell me about it,
over a nice schnitzel with cut off salad I've prepared.
Hey Otto, you know
I love your schnitzel but ...
I'm gonna need to get rid of this fast.
Wonder Good.
Binary Freeform Magnetic Resolution Technology.
English please, Otto.
There's a program that Pentagon has funded
through one of their subsidiary front companies
They has been experimenting with this
new kind of weaponry.
Based on the theory
of magnetic attraction.
Very 'hash' 'hash' stuff.
I realize you can give a loop on that
Pentagon 'hash' 'hash'.
You wouldn't believe what you can discover when you let your
fingers do the walking through the Internet.
You want to see the invasion plans for Iran?
- Maybe some other time.
But now I need to figure it out how to take this thing
off without blowing myself to Iran.
I don't wanna bother you
with the details..
But usually there's
a transmitted plate close by.
You should not be doing this.
First, you don't talk.
and now you offering an advice.
Not advice,
A warning.
A little late for one of those,
you think?
I'm agree with you.
You, of course.
Should I?
- Yes, you should.
Look, fellas ...
Somethings in the car were a bit off,
need a check in.
In my profession, the man is only as good
as the car he drives.
If you take care of the car,
the car takes care of you.
The boss says;
'back on the road. "
Keep at it.
Back in the car, Frank.
Find it?
Not yet.
Are you the small one?
No, I'm the big one.
You should be getting more, are you?
Found it.
The transmitter.
- Can you remove it?
It's wired.
If I do that, 'kaboom'.
You fight good.
But your tie bad.
Where are you going?
- I'm tired.
That's why I prefer to deal with cars.
Makes two of us.
What do you want me to do,
when they wake up?
It'll be best to tell the rest,
the day's off.
I'm not amuse.
You'll be less amuse if you end up dead,
If you want me dead, I'll be dead,
if you need me alive..
but if you want me to stay alive and
play the job,
i'm gonna need some clarifications.
I'm listening.
In person.
- We've already done in person.
Not to my satisfaction, apparently.
Right now my satisfaction should
be your main concern.
Same place, one hour.
Wait for my call.
You've disappointed me.
It won't be the first and it
won't be the last.
I told you I wanna do this in person.
That won't be necessary, you see...
Since we had a little chat at the beginning of the mission..
I've been thinking,
We don't need the best man
for this demanding assignment.
Any idiot with a driver's license
would do.
So, in the words of great American, Donald Trump:
"Im sorry,
but you're fired. "
Who are you?
- The new driver.
I liked the other better.
- He had to agree.
I tell you to stop!
You're fired.
How was your nap?
- Restful.
How was your phone call?
- Reefed
Fasten your seat belt.
- It's me.
I was wondering when you'll call.
- I've been busy.
Let me guess.
In Budapest?
You've been busy too.
Never underestimate your old friend, Frank.
So you don't have to be redundant,
Tell me what you know.
There is a black Mercedes with some Budapest
probably not your cheap driver's friend of furious.
That is what I know
Now tell me what you know.
I have 2 bags in the back
and a girl on the front.
Russian, I think.
I don't know whether she has to do with anything.
Have you tried
asking her?
Why didn't I think of that?
Sorry, of course you've asked.
And she say?
I'm going to die.
Typical, Russians.
They are so dark.
I remember at school
reading Dostoyevsky and thinking..
"When do this people love?"
One page after the other, misery and suffering.
Like you won't believe, Frank.
Inspector, skip the literature lesson for another time,
I'm blank in here.
- Is that good?
No, it's some bracelet I may access or rises with.
They'll explode it if we get too far from the car.
- Some American.
Can you be more specific?
A name or number?
- Why couldn't you always make it so easy, Frank?
It's my nature.
Where are you? I'll come there.
That is not a good idea.
They have run a short list.
I can't be much help if you don't
give me something.
How close you to a computer?
Yes, Frank?
- That was very nice.
You're the one that broke the rules, not me.
Point well taken.
That makes us even.
So we start with a clean slate.
So this call is about kiss and make up thing?
More or less.
You have all I need to get the bracelet left.
And the packages you need delivered.
Here are the new coordinates,
two, six, twelve.
That will take you to a new meeting place where we'll
have satisfactory conclusion to this business.
I'll look forward to it.
Did you get it?
Get the signal, Frank.
Give us a little time
and you should have his number and location.
Here you are.
Anything else?
Frank, do you know where the signal
is taking you?
I know restaurant there.
Fish like you never had.
Roasted with small carrots
and black pepper.
Romanian wine not so good.
But for the last milk ,
It could be worst.
You should really begin to think more positive.
I'm realist.
My friend was right when he said
you were all doom and gloom.
What means
"doom and gloom"?
You know..
You'll only see the horrible and the terrible.
Your friend, where does he get this?
He doesn't know me.
She told about you in general.
Russians, as in people.
I'm not Russian.
I'm Ukrainian.
Excuse me.
- Not excuse.
We're different people.
We're different 'here' and 'here'.
Personally I think there's
a little bit of an optimist in you.
How can you make such a statement?
You don't know me.
I see you putting makeup on.
You were so convinced you're gonna die,
why bother?
What does looking good
has to do with dying?
What's that?
- Souvenirs from Ibiza.
Do you want one?
- No, thank you.
I had a deal.
We need to stay sharp
You stay sharp, I'll still
have you say,
Give me that!
Let me go.
Give me that!
Let me go!
Just great.
- Come on, Frank Martin, let it knock.
I should be lighting up?
How about those pills?
You'll be lighting up like a
goddamn Christmas tree.
That would be nice.
You should stay in the car.
Want me to pee in the car?
Okay, go on.
You remember.
- Why? I don't drive.
I want to have fun.
I want to be happy.
You should try to be happy
instead of so serious.
It is important to stay positive
like you say,yeah?
Drink with me, Frankie.
- I don't want to drink.
And now who is all gloomy and doomy?
I say try it? Let me do that?
Come on, get in the car.
I'm free like a bird.
The girl!
Come on! faster!
I have lost my friend!
- Buy you a new one.
Have you any idea why we
have a car on our ass?
I don't know, I don't care..I..
First you say I'm doom and gloom
and now you tell me do not be happy?
Decide once.
Yes, Frank?
- I thought we had an agreement?
We do.
Tell me more that it had nothing to do with
a car on my ass.
I don't know anything to do with that, Frank.
Is it possible that someone else
has issues with you?
I think is that other forces at work here.
Let me check into it
and see what I can find out.
And what you suppose I do
in the meantime?
Drive faster.
What the hell is he doing?
He's down there!
I'm hungry.
You should thought about buying a sandwich
instead a bottle of vodka.
I wasn't hungry then.
I was thirsty.
Why are you so mean to me?
I'm not being mean, I'm being pre-occupied.
- What means pre-occupied?
That means pre-occupied!
Shoot the tires!
Come on! Get it!
Get down!
Shoot him!
Watch out!
Stop the car!
Holy shit!
What are you doing?
- You're so tense.
Like you'll say.
I make you relax, okay?
- I'm good at this.
I get tense go away.
What are you doing?
I want to feel sex, one more time,
before I die, won't you?
What is it with you with dying?
Is there something wrong with me?
Do I'm not sexy?
Yes, you're sexy.
You're the gay?
Nope, I am not the gay.
I don't mine.
I'm not, okay?
Then, what's the problem?
Didn't it ever occur to you that maybe
I'm not in the mood?
I thought rules is
not to open package?
It is.
- Why you have rules, if you break them?
I'm asking myself the same thing.
Phone books!
You're the package.
- Yes.
You could've said something.
Would that make a difference?
- Yes.
Now what you're doing?
You know, back in garage,
saw your sweaty body is good.
Take off your clothes.
I was trying to keep five cretins from
craving my heads in.
I don't see what time on is, in it..
I think it's only man, it's soon or noon, my striptease..
I don't like where this is going, Valentina.
- Just striptease for me again.
Give me the keys.
This is not funny.
- Do you want the keys?
I want you to stop playing around,
that's what I want.
Maybe this is the last chance to play around,
for you and for me.
This is not the time, the place,
for playing.
Why do I get feeling with you it's
never the time or place.
If I wanna get out of the lies,
I would see a psychiatrist. Now,give me the keys.
Come on, Frank Martin.
Make play time for me.
All right?
Fair enough?
- Not enough. That is not a striptease, Frank.
Striptease is sexy, you know.
Move your ass a little.
Come on, Frank Martin.
You want keys?.
I want striptease.
You know what I'm going to do to you
for making me do this?
Spank me.
- Tie me up?
You like that, wouldn't you?
- I like the rough stock.
But not too rough.
There was the striptease with the keys.
You did.
Kiss me for the keys.
You can't mean it.
Do you ever kissed and look at me, Frank?
I think you maybe not.
I'm thinking, you live alone.
Inside and outside.
There's no time you were afraid of,
to live in.
Live with me.
Just this once.
Just this one minute.
Live with me.
What's his position?
- We lost him.
He headed into the mountains.
I can't get reception on there
and they could moving out of place.
Hack into one of the military satellites.
Do you think we're playing games here,
Mr. Minister?
I do not know what you're talking about.
I talking about a black car,
full with your incompetent operatives.
One more foolish like that anymore,
and you'll never see your daughter again.
I want to hear her voice.
When the contract is signed
and delivered.
I would not sign until
I hear her voice.
You're in no position to play hard bomb,
Mr Minister.
Well neither are you,
Mr Johnson.
Listen, I know who you are.
And I can assure you,
if anything happens to my daughter,
I will use all the power I have
and I will hunt you down
and I'll make you pay
in the most heist way for this.
We have to move now.
Pick up, Frank.
Pick up.
I'm in Ibiza, making holiday.
Someone has me a glass of champagne.
I drink.
Then I don't feel so good.
I go to bathroom
and next thing I'm awake in the car.
I asked him what is this.
He tells me he was just a transporter.
He's pretty good driver.
Not like you good.
I told him,
Please, my father were really powerful man,
with influence.
There was a lot of people.
Let me call him.
He's afraid.
He's never done this before.
It suppose to be simple.
Pick up, drop off.
Easy money.
He's been told no calls,
never leave cars.
But I convinced him.
I called.
But before I said to my father
where we were.
Come on!
We gonna wait, but ...
These people shooting at us.
Why? Why they shooting at us?
He says they shoot
because we didn't adhere the plan.
He said :
"Okay, That's the old plan"
"What's the new plan? "
He says he has a friend.
And then I met you.
And then I felt it's going to be OK.
But you don't know me.
Of course I don't know you.
Talk about feelings. Not knowing
Well, if you has feeling that way,
you should've know a way of showing it.
Better for a woman
to have a little misfortune for her, you know?
Just a little.
They're back on the radar, sir.
- Where the hell are you?
On the way to Bucharest.
- Not any longer.
New coordinates,
three, seven, thirteen.
Excuse me, Mr. Minister.
Say, just a minute.
Inspector Tarconi, from Marseille.
Well, not exactly in Marseille
but a small town.
What do you like inspector?
- A word with you.
I've no time.
It's about your daughter.
Odessa, Frank, my country.
You take me home.
Thank you.
What happened to Bucharest?
They changed the plan.
It's a good change.
I prefer Odessa.
I was looking for to that fish with
the carrots to myself.
It's much better here.
Do you know
I do.
I know restaurant here.
Best in the world.
The chicken so fresh
and the butter when it's coming out.
Like you cannot believe that it's
so nice.
You know what I feel now right know?
It's going to end up like more like this is.
Happily ever after?.
Well tonight this is all gonna be
a faded memory.
It's gonna be you and me laughing over
a chienkiev.
Mr. Minister,
an update, please.
I'm ready to sign the contract.
I want to speak to my daughter.
Keep that pen ready.
I'll call you back.
We are closing the news, Frank.
Yeah, well let it close, just make sure no one tries to drag
me out of the car with it.
You know what this is about yet?
The girl, her father,
large amount of toxic waste.
It's a trade,
a signature of life.
I have a reputation
to repoll them, inspector.
Hear what I have doubts about you?
That's not the Frank I know,
with its rules, no names.
Why is everyone so concern
about my rules?
Well Frank, I've always suspected,
you're romantic, a heart
Anything else?
For now, no.
- I'll call you back.
- We're almost to do end, Frank.
Just give me the coordinates.
- No more coordinates.
The road you're on,
make your first left.
I like to know where I'm going.
You'll know when you get there.
Don't worry
I've got them, right where we want them.
My compliments, Frank.
Our trust in your abilities
is well-deserved.
Now if you could please send
the girl out.
She's coming.
I'm not coming.
They need you.
They won't kill you.
But they will kill you.
Do I look like a man who came off from Europe
to die on a bridge?
We don't have all day, Frank.
Look how many of them.
They have all the guns.
How's that gonna be OK?
Tell at you over dinner.
Go now.
Kiss me.
You're gonna get me kill,
now go!
Go to hell,
you bastard.
Better now,
Finish him.
Frank, no!
His beloved car will be his grave.
He leaves, he blows,
He stays, he's drowns.
Let's get out of here.
- They have the girl.
Frank? We are trying to track him.
Where are you?
In a lake!
- Lake?
Can you be more specific?.
- It's a dam.
A dam?
- I know the place, sir.
How far?
- 10 minutes, at least.
Frank, we'll be there in ten minutes.
Make it a bit faster.
- We'll do our best.
Thank you.
Buy tickets for all of us.
- Where to?
Anywhere this train is going,
we need to keep moving for half an hour.
Why don't we, you see..
driving around?
Another day.
Get out!
Mr. Minister?
- Yes.
Someone wants to talk to you.
- Are you alright?
Don't sign.
What you have is 15 minutes.
Have you found out
what this is all about?
- How much garbage are we talking about?
Enough to pollute half the country
for 100 years.
Try it again.
For a modern woman
you're very unformed.
This is the 'new world'.
There are no more countries,
That's old think.
There's economic reality.
Profit and loss.
Efficiency and waste.
Think global, not local.
Think this.
- Where are we?
We're almost there.
Here, he's on train.
And where are we?
- Here.
You can get units there.
That's a good idea, do that.
Oh Frank, come on!.
Mr. Minister, I assure you
everything is in order.
I'm sure it is.
If there are any problems ...
- I know, you will solve them.
If you don't mind.
You may not believe this,
but I'm at heart a pacifist.
I hate violence.
It creates more problems,
than it solves.
You know,
I never want to do any of this.
A client asked me to obtain
the results, so ...
I'm about creating an environment with that result could be
obtain with the least amount of blood being shed.
But nobody wanted to cooperate, not you,
not the first driver, not your father ...
nor the recently deceased, Frank Martin.
Everybody wanted to fight.
What's so funny?
You're hearing that man talking.
One more step, Frank.
Come on.
It's over.
Two minutes to nine.
He signed.
Oh, my God.
No, Frank. No.
It's over, Frank.
It's over.
Mission accomplished.
You and the girls free to go.
As a matter fact, I'm so impressed by your talent
I like to offer you a position.
I like to offer you one.
Permanently disable.
I hate to waste time Frank, but at this point
I really don't think we make a good fit.
You're right.
You make a good fit.
You and the bracelet were made for each other.
You're doing the right thing.
Am I in heaven?
It's more like in hell.
I don 't care,
as long as we're there together.
Mr. Minister,
your daughter is in good hands.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
- What you said, the right thing.
And now gentlemen,
if you'll excuse me.
I have a conference to address on the dangerous
of doing business with people like you.
Thank you very much.
Is the boat ready?
It's on the water sir, waiting for us!
- Time to leave!.
Ride along!.
- Okay.
I just don't understand it.
When I was a kid, my father and I used to pull fish
out of this very spot all day long.
Times change inspector.
- As the people.
You refer to me?
I don't think that's a very
accurate statement.
Ride the same car,
live in the same house.
I was not referring to
your car or your house.
It's seems restful.
Is lunch ready yet?
Miss, there is a certain
progression to seem.
In order to eat a lunch,
you must first have to catch the lunch.
And if we keep talking instead of
concentrating, we're gonna catch nothing.
I have better idea.
Why wouldn't skip catching the lunch?
And go right to eating the lunch?
I know wonderful place,
just up coast from here.
Where they make fish soup incredible.
They use tomatoes and onions
and little amount of white lavender.
What kind of wine?
Pink, from south.
It should be enough, perhaps.
- Chilled?
Of course chilled.
- And for dessert?