Trap (2024) Movie Script

["Don't Wanna Be Yours"
by Lady Raven playing]
[girl singing along]
[singing off-key]
-[brakes squealing]
-Go, go, go, Dad.
We're not gonna break
any laws, Riley.
We'll get there when
you wanted to get there.
I promise.
Trust me.
[volume increases]
[resumes singing]
Maybe I'll be a singer.
Yeah, maybe.
[song ends]
Hurry. Come on, come on.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
I gotta tie my shoe.
No dad jokes.
This is serious. Come on.
I'm sorry.
[shouts playfully] I'm sorry!
-[dad] Nope. Nope. Nope.
-[Riley] Yes. Yes.
[dad] Nope, nope, nope...
[Riley laughs]
That's unfair. I'm twelve.
-[dad] Champion!
-[Riley] Oh, whatever.
We're late.
This is frustrating, Dad.
We should have come earlier.
Yeah, this was the earliest
I could get off work, Riley.
Come here, come here.
-[excited chatter]
-[muffled music playing]
-[Riley] Yeah.
[chatter continues]
[crowd cheering]
[all cheering loudly]
[scattered booing]
[girl in crowd]
Is she coming or what?
[indistinct chatter]
[girl in crowd]
Come out! Come out!
-[door opens]
-[crowd cheers]
[Riley] Whoo!
[cheering intensifies]
[Riley] Put me down.
[cheering continues]
[girl in crowd] Yes, queen!
[girl] Lady Raven!
Oh, my God!
[girls together]
She waved at me.
I think I got a good photo.
That was kind of exciting.
[Riley] I'm so happy she added
this afternoon concert
after she sold out.
I got tenth row tickets.
-No thank you.
-Tenth row?
They wouldn't be real, honey.
Don't let people fool you.
-Our seats are good enough.
-We're row 44.
-On the floor! Bam!
[indistinct chatter]
[dad] So, give me the update.
What's going on
with those girls at school?
It's fine.
It's fine?
I don't really
wanna talk about it.
Okay. Come here.
[fans chattering]
["Save Me" by Lady Raven
playing over speakers]
[excited, overlapping chatter]
Dad, look.
["Save Me"
by Lady Raven continues]
[dad laughs]
Yeah, baby. Go!
They aren't mean anymore.
They just don't include me.
They keep posting
stuff together.
[dad] I see.
It must be hard seeing what
everyone's doing all the time.
You guys are so connected
even when you're not that close.
Why don't you and I
take a picture together
when we go inside?
You and your dad.
Jody will be so jelly.
That would be
like the worst idea.
And don't say jelly, Dad.
[stammers, sighs]
[up-tempo music
playing over speakers]
[hip-hop music
playing over speakers]
[Riley] These seats slap, Dad.
Thank you. Thank you.
This is literally
the best day of my life!
You did this. Four A's and a B.
I told you I'd get it for you.
I never got grades like that.
[Riley exhales happily]
A deal's a deal.
I did get lucky with these
seats though, didn't I?
I know, I know.
Meant to be.
We are Papa's Boots.
-[scattered cheers]
-[upbeat R&B music playing]
[music continues]
[people cheering]
So, what does "crispy" mean?
It means something is good.
Use it in a sentence.
Dude, your house is crispy.
I see.
So if I were to come
to somebody's house and say,
"Yo, your house is extra fried."
Don't ever say that.
Why? Extra fried is better
than crispy.
Stop. I'm not teaching you
any more words.
[crowd cheering]
Whoo-hoo! Whoo!
[cheering continues]
[girls screaming]
[Lady Raven] How y'all doing,
my queens and kings?
[cheers and applause]
Oh, my God!
[cheering continues]
[melodic keyboard
and bass playing]
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
[Lady Raven performing
"Care for You"]
Oh, my God. Oh, my God! Yes!
[crowd singing along]
[crowd cheering]
[thunder booms]
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Care for You"]
[crowd singing along]
Hey, I gotta go to the bathroom.
You can either stay in the seat
or you can come with me
and wait outside the men's room.
I'm good, Dad.
I don't wanna leave.
You stay in the seat.
-I promise.
Riley, I mean it.
I'm good, Dad.
I don't want to leave.
[song continues, muffled]
[toilet flushes]
[lock clicks]
[man panting, frightened]
[frightened panting continues]
[tires screeching]
[water running]
[indistinct chatter]
[woman] Oh, hey! Cooper!
Hi. You're here with Riley?
[singsong] I'm here with Jody.
-[dry chuckle]
-I haven't, uh...
haven't seen you since
that whole parent-teacher...
...thing. [awkward laugh]
It's good to see you.
Listen, I just really do hope
that they can be friends still,
you know?
You know how girls are
at this age.
[gags, laughs]
And I talked to Jody
and she's gonna work real hard
to include Riley
in things, so...
Riley was really hurt
by all this.
As a dad, it's hard to see that.
I gotta get back to the seat.
Okay. Well, just tell her
that Jody and Sarah and Sarah C.
are sitting right there
in section 107,
and they'd love to see her.
I'll see you soon.
Yeah, good to see you.
[engines revving]
[tires screeching]
[crowd cheering]
Jody and her mom are here.
Not near us.
Forget about them.
[Lady Raven]
My father left when I was seven.
I held that anger
for a long time.
It was who I was.
And then one day,
I decided I had to forgive him,
or I would never move on.
I pretended like
he was in front of me,
and I said,
"You are not responsible
for hurting me.
I release you."
Everything got better
after that.
[cheers and applause]
I want you to picture
someone who hurt you.
I want you to try
to forgive them.
Say to yourself,
"I release you."
And if you feel you have,
I want you to turn on the light
on your phones.
[playing gentle melody on piano]
by Lady Raven playing]
[crowd singing along]
[song continues]
[crowd singing along]
[Riley] We have to hurry
while they set up
the stage for the next song.
-[vendor] Hi.
Um, can I get that
in a small, please?
Uh, I want that too.
Umm... [clicks tongue]
I only have one left, ladies.
I was standing here before her.
Like, forever.
It's okay, Riley,
let her have it.
She really wants it.
We can find another one later.
-Sure, Dad.
You guys are good family.
Good values and stuff.
Trust me, you don't see that.
Listen. I'll get more soon.
I'll put one for you aside.
Just come see me in like...
ten minutes. All right?
-All right.
[crowd cheers in distance]
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, what's with
all the police trucks outside
and the cameras everywhere,
Something happening?
I'm not supposed to tell.
Don't rat me out.
I won't.
You know the Butcher? Hmm?
That frickin' nutjob
that goes around
just chopping people up?
Well, the feds or whatever heard
that he's gonna be here today.
So they set up a trap for him.
This whole concert, it's a trap.
Wow. Here?
Yeah. Yeah, they're
watching all the exits.
They're checking everyone
that leaves.
There's no way
to get out of here,
except backstage, I guess.
But no one can get backstage.
[both chuckle]
Yeah. See?
It's kinda dope, right?
Don't tell anyone. I'll get--
I'll get in deep crap.
Okay... Uh, I gotta get back.
But come see me
for that T-shirt.
-For sure, Jamie.
-[Jamie chuckles]
[Cooper] I just heard
about this funnel cake stand.
I think it's down here.
I'm kinda craving it.
Hold on.
Let me think about where it is
for a second.
[electronic beep]
Come on, Dad.
It's not good for you anyway.
Actually, you know what?
I think it was further back
where we were.
Do you mind?
She started the next song.
Let's get back to our seats.
[Cooper] Ugh...
I thought this was it.
Dad, come on.
[woman grunts, gasps]
[scattered screams]
We got a patron injury.
-[Riley] What happened?
-[Cooper sighs]
I think that woman drank
too much, lost her balance.
Let's clear out
and give her some space.
Hey. Why don't we go outside
for a second?
Then we can go back in.
Why? What's going on, Dad?
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Lady Raven singing, muffled]
Wait, isn't this
one of the songs
you always play?
Well, let's stop
messing around out here
and get back to our seats.
[indistinct radio chatter]
-[laughs] Okay.
-Come on.
[Lady Raven performs "Liar"]
[crowd cheering]
[Riley] Whoo!
[song ends]
[cheers and applause]
How you all doing?
You having fun?
-[crowd cheers]
-Whoo! Yeah!
This next song I wrote
with a friend of mine,
Parker Wayne.
[crowd cheers]
Wish I could just
scream his name,
and he'd join me for this song.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Hey, maybe if we all scream
his name,
he might hear us.
On three,
everybody scream "Parker!"
One, two, three.
[crowd screaming] Parker!
[crowd cheers]
[mechanism clunks, whirs]
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
[echoing thuds]
[crowd cheers]
Oh, my God.
[music begins]
Lady Raven's "Hiding"]
[crowd singing along]
[Lady Raven singing
with Parker Wayne]
["Hiding" continues]
Look in the stage
where that guy came out.
I wonder what's down there.
Hey, we should climb down
and see where it leads.
It looks really cool.
Wouldn't it be unbelievable
to see what's down there?
See how they put on the show?
There might be costumes
and things.
That's crazy,
we can't go down there.
You're acting strange.
Is something wrong, Dad?
I'm just excited for you,
is all.
[Parker Wayne rapping]
You're right, it's crazy.
Forget your stupid dad.
This concert... crispy.
["Hiding" continues]
[trapdoor mechanism clattering]
I'm gonna go see if
they have that T-shirt for you
back at the stand.
Oh, okay. Thanks, Dad.
Oh, hey! Dad of the year!
Hold one sec. Um... [laughs]
Right. I gotta get you a, uh,
small concert tour tee.
I was about to go down
to the storage closet
to get more merch.
I can walk with you.
Sure, sure, sure.
Um, I'll be right back, Dawn.
You got this, girl.
Just hold it down. All right?
-[electronic beep]
-[lock clicks]
[Jamie] What do you do, Cooper?
Fire department.
[chuckles] No shit!
[sighs] Of course it's
all the way up there.
[Jamie grunting]
Here. Let me help you with that.
Bro! You're strong. [laughs]
They ever find that guy?
The Butcher?
No, no.
I haven't heard anything lately.
You know,
I'm kind of obsessed with him.
I've been following him
for all 12 victims.
-Oh, yeah?
[music playing in distance]
You're not squeamish, are you?
Not too bad.
Remember when they found
that woman on the bridge?
Well, one of my boys
was jogging on the bridge
before they covered it up.
That's pieces, dawg.
She's deli-prepped.
Like, this dude
is next-level insane.
I didn't mean to upset you.
We cool?
[chuckling] Yeah.
[laughs] Would be dope
if they caught him today.
We had a training thing.
All the employees of the arena.
They gave us a code to say
in each section of the arena
in case we got stopped
by the police.
Real undercover stuff.
That's kinda cool.
What's your code? I mean...
If you can say. I don't want
you to get into trouble.
I mean, you're fire department,
Cooper. You're on our side.
[whispers] "Hamilton."
[box cutter clicks]
Can you hold this?
[music continues in distance]
Oh, yeah. Ooh. There you go.
Here, take the top one.
-What do I owe you?
-Ah, don't worry about it.
Pass it forward, as they say.
-Don't forget this.
-[box cutter clicks]
Don't want you to get cut.
Thanks, bro.
[Jamie laughs]
[indistinct chatter]
[music plays in distance]
[muffled chatter]
[male officer]
White, north side.
Red, east side.
Black, south side
and green for the west side.
Our situation:
Let's keep it clear
who we're dealing with.
He is a danger to everyone.
This is a photo
of one of his victims,
a young man who went
to the state university.
He studied to become a teacher.
Had a two-year-old son.
Took care of his parents.
He was awarded
the "Most Liked Teacher"
at his school where he works.
These are the people
who should win.
Remember what the profiler said.
If we get into a confrontation
with our unsub,
our job is to get him alone,
away from civilians
as quickly as possible.
I will personally take
the team member who brings
this freak down out to dinner.
-Let's go. Get to work.
-[electronic beep]
-[man] There was no trouble?
-No, no.
[male officer]
Let's run down our SMEAC.
Situation, blind spot
on northeast corner
of the stadium...
Sorry, guys.
Just gotta...
check the coffee, okay?
just gonna squeeze through here.
Jeez. You guys are big. [laughs]
So many of you.
Sorry. [chuckles] Excuse me.
[officer] ...lower two thirds
of the concourse.
[Cooper sighs]
We think our unsub was spotted
on the top concourse.
There is a stairwell
in the southwest corner.
We can use that.
Now, this is my concern.
The safety
of the general public,
the staff...
[continues, indistinct]
[man whispering] Hey. Hey.
[officer] the side, so there is
a service elevator...
Where do you guys keep
the sugar?
Barrett was supposed
to refill that. One second.
Here, you can use my stash.
-You guys want donuts?
I'll leave them out.
[indistinct chatter]
Sorry. Sorry.
Sorry, guys. Sorry. Sorry, guys.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[woman] Cooper! Cooper.
Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey...
I'm really glad I saw you again.
I can tell that you're upset.
I amupset.
My daughter was hurt.
-We can talk about it later.
-No, no, no.
These girls just need
to be able to work things out
for themselves.
-You know what I'm saying?
-To an extent, I do.
But it's delicate.
Let's discuss it later.
No. Hey!
Don't mess with me, Cooper.
I'm not someone to be provoked.
I have a dark side.
You don't want to see it.
Look... This is their day.
Riley's been looking forward
to this for six months.
-Let's just have fun, okay?
Don't patronize me, Cooper.
[man] Get him!
[indistinct shouting]
[crowd screaming]
[officer] Don't move!
Hands behind your head!
[clamoring continues]
Get him out of here, quickly.
[suspect grunts]
What was that? A scalper?
[Cooper] How about this?
Why don't we get
the girls to get
a slice of pizza together?
One p.m., Saturday at Carmine's?
[stammers] Wait, what?
Just so they have
a positive experience.
We don't need them
to be best friends.
They just need to coexist.
Not see each other as threats.
-Sound like a plan?
-I'll ask Jody.
Thank you.
I'm gonna get back to Riley.
Enjoy the rest of the concert.
You too.
[Lady Raven performing
[woman over radio]
...taken into custody.
He was not our unsub.
this is Dr. Josephine Grant.
The man apprehended
in Concourse B
on west side of stadium
is not our unsub.
He's wanted
for a history of B and E's.
He thought all this was for him
and he panicked.
Our person won't panic.
He's here and he's trying
to figure out a way out.
I'm gonna give you back
to the unit commander.
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Empathize"]
[commander over radio]
Okay, I'm being told
we have a potential match
in section 417, seat 12.
[radio beeps]
Reminding everyone,
visual markers.
Surveillance footage
from area where
victims' bodies were found,
recorded men of various builds.
A redheaded male,
two African-American males
above average height.
A male with white hair
in his 60s.
A white male in his 30s
with a tattoo of a rabbit
or animal on his right arm.
A white male with a scar
on his lower jaw.
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Empathize"]
[crowd cheering]
[commander over radio]
Uh, there's a male near the ramp
on the south side of stadium
wearing a yellow sweatshirt.
Engage with caution.
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Empathize"]
Oh, shoot.
I forgot my credit card
at the T-shirt stand.
I'll be right back.
Dad, you keep leaving.
I know.
After this, I won't leave you.
You want me to come? I feel bad.
No, you enjoy.
Tell me everything I miss.
Just in case we get separated,
meet me at
the orange drink stand
right outside the tunnel.
Just in case.
[commander over radio] FBI tents
are set up on the perimeter.
Barricades are set up along
Market Street and Ninth Street.
Ground personnel are stationed
at every exit.
Open communication is essential.
Continue check-ins
at five minute intervals.
[over radio] Dr. Grant here.
All sections be ready
for contingency four.
I've told you
how this is going to work.
He's realized he can't get out.
He's going to try
to cause a panic.
He's going to use the chaos
of 20,000 people to get by us.
He's going to make
a bomb call to police
or set off a fire alarm.
When that happens,
only women and children
are let through.
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[oil bubbling]
[indistinct chatter continues]
[oil bubbling vigorously]
[woman gasps]
[glass explodes]
-[crowd screaming]
-[urgent radio chatter]
[officer] Move! Move!
[screaming continues]
[screaming continues]
[indistinct radio chatter]
The hell are you doing out here?
[voice wavering] Oh, sorry.
I just needed some air.
There was
an accident in the kitchen.
Uh... [sighs]
I freaked out.
A friend got burned.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[radio beeps]
Some sort of kitchen accident.
It was very upsetting.
I think she's gonna be scarred.
What's the code?
Well, I'll get back.
Let's see your card.
The one you were given
at the presentation.
Oh, yeah.
[indistinct radio chatter]
Don't tell my boss
I took a break, okay?
By the way,
who was the older woman
who gave the presentation?
She looked like
she was running the show.
She's a profiler.
She's taken down
ten of these guys.
She's thought of everything.
Well, that's a relief.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[crying, hyperventilating]
[cries echoing]
[crying continues]
[Riley] Dad.
Dad, what are you doing?
Got it.
You're acting weird.
Is something wrong?
-Do you wanna go home?
Listen, I'll be honest with you.
I just ran into
Jody's mom again,
and she started...
You know how she is.
I made friends
with the girls next to us.
Everything's already better.
You're amazing.
Let's just be together.
I want you to see
the rest of the concert.
[Cooper imitates explosion]
[crowd cheering]
Hello, guys!
How do y'all like my outfit?
Do you like it?
[Riley, faint] Hope I get picked
for the "Dreamer Girl" song.
[Lady Raven speaking
I'm sorry, Riley. What was that?
I said I hope I get picked
for the "Dreamer Girl" song.
They pick a girl out of
the audience and she gets to go
on stage with Lady Raven.
Well, you never know.
We'll keep our fingers crossed.
Yeah, she even gets
to go backstage and everything.
Backstage, huh?
Well, that is something.
[funky guitar riff playing]
[Lady Raven performing
"Love You"]
[crowd singing along]
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Love You"]
I assume you work for her.
Every teenager in here
is devoted to her.
She could start a cult.
And they're hanging
on her every word.
Must be something
to be that loved, right?
I'm actually her uncle,
her mother's brother.
And she's really great.
Okay, listen.
We're so excited to be here.
I'm Cooper.
How you doing, man?
That's my daughter, Riley.
Over there.
The one losing her mind
even more than the other girls
losing their minds.
[Riley cheering]
She just recovered
from having leukemia.
Oh, no, it's okay now.
It's just...
tough road for that little one.
She doesn't want
anybody to know about it.
She felt cursed.
Like, she was chosen
to be cursed.
But she's getting
over that feeling, so...
Hey, I'm sorry
to dump that on you, it's just--
-No, no.
I'm really happy we're here,
and I know we're nobodies,
but please,
thank Lady Raven for us.
Hey, what seats you guys in?
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Love You"]
[crowd singing along]
[spotter] Excuse me.
Sorry to bother you.
Could I talk to her
for a second?
Of course.
Thank you for coming
to the concert.
What's your name?
Hey, Riley. We were wondering
if you would like to be
Lady Raven's Dreamer Girl
at today's show.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
[Riley giggling]
Is that a yes or a no?
Yes! Yes. Dad!
[Lady Raven performing
"Dead End"]
-[song continues]
-[crowd cheering]
Here, put these on.
They're with us.
We should talk with him.
It's all good. He's with us.
[whispering, indistinct]
[spotter] You're all good.
[Cooper] Yeah!
Yeah, baby!
[Lady Raven continues singing]
Thank you.
Hey, sweetie. Are you excited?
Um, so, I'm sure you know
how this works, right?
When Lady Raven tells the crowd
she's doing "Dreamer Girl,"
she's gonna ask
for you to come out.
Okay, you're gonna walk
to that spot
on stage right there.
You guys are gonna dance
back and forth.
You just have
to follow her lead, okay?
It's not about being good,
it's about goofing around.
You good?
You good, Riley?
I'm scared.
Hmm, you know what?
When she takes your hand,
you're not gonna be, I promise.
[song ends]
It's gonna be so good.
Okay, I'll be back.
Mmm. You're good.
[crowd cheering]
[cheering continues]
[cheering intensifies]
[Lady Raven] This is my favorite
part of the concert.
Looks like our Dreamer Girl
is a Riley?
[crowd cheers intensify]
[Lady Raven] Where's Riley?
Riley, you wanna
come dance with me?
[crowd cheering]
["Dreamer Girl"
by Lady Raven begins]
[Lady Raven performing
"Dreamer Girl"]
Don't tell me to breathe!
[song continues]
[both shrieking]
You little beast!
[Lady Raven continues
performing "Dreamer Girl"]
[music fades]
[crowd cheering]
[tour manager chuckles]
Your daughter's
never gonna forget today.
["Dreamer Girl" continues]
[crowd cheering]
[song ends]
[Dr. Grant] If anyone tries
to get backstage, let me know.
[crowd cheering]
[Cooper] Whoo!
-What? What?
-[Riley laughing]
I'm just gonna check and see
if there's space.
She was about to collapse.
Where should I put her?
Right through there.
You're gonna be okay.
Don't try and stand up.
[girl cries]
I could have been
a Dreamer Girl!
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, we're gonna
get you some juice.
You haven't eaten
anything all day, I bet.
You're safe now.
You're gonna be fine
in about 30 minutes, okay?
Hey, there you are.
He's a gem. Can we keep him?
He's really good with them.
Oh! You helped this girl?
Anyone would have done the same.
Wow. Thank you.
[crowd cheering]
Okay. Come on up.
Okay, so you guys can watch
from the side here.
This is gonna be her last song.
It's the encore,
so you just enjoy, okay?
-Okay, thank you.
[crowd roaring]
[crowd chanting] Lady Raven!
Lady Raven! Lady Raven!
[inhaling deeply]
[man] I don't understand.
I don't understand it.
I said Lactaid milk.
Lactaid milk, not whole milk.
You won't stop until I doo-doo
on myself, now, will you?
Will you?
Everyone needs a break
when they're starting out.
[loud cheering]
And I got mine
from the dopest person ever.
I owe a lot to The Thinker.
[melodic guitar riff playing]
[Lady Raven performing "Divine"]
[The Thinker joins in]
Hey, when this is over,
can we go out the back here
to get to our car?
Oh, yeah.
That's fine. No worries.
[Lady Raven continues performing
[indistinct chatter, laughter]
I'll see you tonight, yeah?
All right.
How you doin'?
[laughter and chatter]
[Cooper laughs]
[indistinct radio chatter]
Oh, my God.
[fans exclaiming]
[indistinct radio chatter]
Dad, look, look!
[woman] Mr. The Thinker,
I got that kombucha
just like you asked.
No, that's feral fig.
I specifically said I wanted
honeysuckle sour kombucha,
[stammering] Of course you did.
I can fix that.
-Knock on the door.
Knock harder. Damn!
-You killed it.
-Thank you. Great show.
Thank you. You too, you too.
Going back to LA?
Yeah. See you there.
-Yeah. DM me. Bye.
-All right. Bye.
[indistinct chatter]
[Riley gasps]
[The Thinker] Hot zaddy!
[laughs] Oww!
[Dr. Grant over radio]
All male stadium employees
should be run
through the system again.
We will stop every male
in attendance at this concert.
One of you is going
to be talking to the Butcher
in the next 20 minutes.
You may count on it.
[radio beeps]
[excited chatter, cheers]
Hey. All right,
she wants to say bye
and thank you to you guys.
She's just got to get done
some radio
meet and greets, okay?
-All right.
-This is some concert gear
-for you guys.
-Thank you.
[chuckles] You're welcome.
And thank you again
for all of your help.
Of course.
All right, so you guys are
gonna go out the back way.
Yeah. Okay,
so you're gonna go through
a police inspection there.
They'll ask you some questions.
It's nothing.
We just have
some extra security tonight.
It's a pain in the butt,
but we've all gotta do it.
Only Lady Raven and her
very close group are excluded.
And you were
so great tonight, angel.
She'll be out soon, okay?
[Riley] Oh, my gosh, Dad,
there's so much stuff in here.
Oh, my gosh, Dad,
there's so much in here.
Dad, there's tattoos.
Dad, there's
three drink bottles.
Oh, there's two white ones.
We'd be matching.
Do you want one?
We could be matching, Dad.
Yeah. Great.
[Riley] Oh, this is so cool.
There's no sign of him at all?
He's playing his hand very well.
But this is an inevitability.
There were 20,642
in attendance today.
There were 3,000 men here.
We will have photos and data
on all of them.
We're questioning everyone
as they leave.
He is one of those 3,000.
We will catch him.
He's out of moves.
I'll give you an update soon.
[tense music playing]
-Did you have fun up there?
That's so amazing.
[Riley laughs nervously]
Thank you. My dad got it for me.
It's an antique.
Hey. I think you heard
about my daughter's condition?
Can I talk to you alone
for a moment?
Just for like one minute?
Of course.
I'm gonna talk
to your dad for a second.
We'll leave soon, honey.
[Lady Raven] Wait outside.
Just give me a second.
I'll leave right after.
[Cooper laughs]
Thank you for everything
you've done for Riley.
She's an angel.
I feel so close to her.
I don't know why.
She really is special.
[Cooper inhales deeply]
I don't know if you know
anything about carbon monoxide.
Your body wants the poison.
It wants it more than oxygen.
That's why it can be
so very lethal in small spaces.
You need to know about these
sort of things as a firefighter.
-I'm sorry?
Well... the reason I wanted
to talk to you...
...I think you're
looking for me.
I mean, all of you.
Hold on.
Oh, wait, I gotta press mute
so he doesn't hear us.
[shaky breaths, groaning]
[Cooper] Yep.
You see that little box?
That is going to release
carbon monoxide...
Help me!
...and kill him
within five minutes.
He is going to die
if I am caught.
That's just an absolute fact.
I can do it from here,
from this device,
like... [chuckles]
...calling an Uber.
You caught me. I admit it.
But... you can save him.
I'll let him go
if you do one thing.
What you're going to do
in front of everybody
is you're going to ask
me and my daughter
if we want a ride
in your limousine.
And then you're gonna
drive us out of here.
I will press it right now
if you signal them.
Save him. Catch me.
Save him. Catch me.
By the way, it was a great show.
His name is Spencer.
He's 22 years old.
He's into
sustainable agriculture.
Somebody help me, please!
Please help me!
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Cooper laughs]
Right through here.
Right this way.
Move along.
-Through here.
-All right.
[Riley gasps excitedly]
These three are cleared.
[indistinct chatter]
[limousine engine starts]
[officer] To your left.
Everybody forward.
Right through here, sir.
Through here. Exit through here.
-Get out, let's go.
-[officer 2] Let's just
move along.
Limo's clear.
You can just drop us off
on the near corner.
We're parked nearby.
[Riley sighs happily]
-Um, can I...?
-Hey, Riley.
Can I visit your home?
How about right now?
I could drop you there.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God,
this isn't happening.
Is this happening?
Oh, my God, that would be,
like, so incredible.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Mom. Mom, you won't believe it.
You will not believe it.
Me and Dad are in a limousine,
and we're here with Lady Raven.
No, I'm not making it up.
I'm not making it up.
I got picked
to be the Dreamer Girl onstage,
and then she asked
to drop us off and now she wants
to see our house.
Yeah, I know, I know.
Dad can't believe it either.
He's just sitting there.
Can she come? Mom, come on.
She doesn't care
about the carpet.
Mom, please. Please? Say yes.
Mom said yes. Mom said yes!
-Thank you.
Jeremiah. We're gonna be
visiting a friend's house.
What's the address, sweetheart?
108 Monk Road.
[Riley giggles]
[all laughing excitedly]
-Dad's acting strange.
Oh, I'll tell you later.
Just wait here.
[door shuts]
[Riley] Um...
This is Lady Raven.
She's... my friend.
-Pleasure to meet you.
-It's an honor to meet you.
We feel like
we already know you. [laughs]
My name is Rachel.
Thank you for letting me visit.
I just got to know
your daughter.
I think she's wonderful.
She is.
And this is Logan.
Hi, Logan.
I saw you on TV.
-You did?
Well, let's not stay out here.
Come in, if you can.
Have a bite.
-That sounds great.
[Rachel] Lady R-Raven?
Um... [laughs]
I just made a couple things.
Nothing fancy
like you're used to.
I would have made more
if I had more things.
I love everything. I can't wait.
-Can I show you my room?
-Of course.
Logan, help me clean!
I'll kill young Spencer if you
say anything in front of them.
If you send a text
or if the police show up,
I'll kill him.
I think you know
I'm not bluffing.
I'm in control.
I don't know
what you think you're doing.
[Lady Raven]
I won't do anything.
[Cooper] Okay.
[Rachel] I made the pie
to celebrate Riley.
She got a wonderful report card.
Is it fluffy?
It's a Martha Stewart recipe.
Perfect. Just the right amount.
I love your necklace.
Cooper got it for me on sale.
He's good at finding bargains.
Always comes home
with something special.
What's it like to do a concert?
I'm a theater teacher
for the fifth graders.
It must be so much work,
I can't even imagine.
It was actually
very strange today.
Not like a normal concert day.
Oh, really? Why is that?
[sets down plate]
Do you know
who the Butcher is, Rachel?
The Butcher?
Um... [stammers]
You mean, crazy person
who does that to people? I--
Yes, I've heard of him. Uh...
He's a monster.
That's all I can say.
My friends
and I have had nightmares.
Well, apparently,
he made a mistake.
About two weeks ago,
the FBI and police came to me
and they told me
they had found out
he was gonna be
at my concert today.
They found a portion
of a receipt for a ticket.
They found it
in one of his fake houses,
they're fairly certain are his.
For some reason,
he bought tickets to my concert.
We had no idea why.
Most of my fans
are teenage girls.
My God. Well, did you catch him?
Not yet.
Did they tell you
anything about him?
They did.
They said he was probably a man
in his 30s or early 40s.
Who probably has
a position of authority.
So interesting.
They even know
he drives a dark-colored car.
They have photos of his car?
No. You know, from the precision
of the crime scenes
and fake houses,
he's what's called
an organized offender.
Probably OCD.
Those individuals
always drive dark cars
because they appear cleaner.
Wow. [laughs]
They're so smart.
They've sure learned a lot
about him.
[Rachel] Yeah, I had no idea
they knew all this.
He was a man who had
a scarring relationship
with his mother.
She was probably
the first person to sense
he was different.
What a stressful day
you must have had.
-You must be tired.
-[Rachel] Oh, that's true.
Don't feel like you have
to stay here to be polite.
You've been
so incredibly kind to Riley.
Let me walk you to the door.
I could play a quick song.
-Oh, my God.
-On our piano?
[Riley moans excitedly]
[excited chatter]
[Riley] She's not gonna do it.
[excited laughter]
[laughter continues]
You've all been so kind to me.
One last song before I go.
Riley, come sit with me.
Riley, come on, baby.
[plays lilting piano melody]
[Rachel gasps]
Riley plays this one
all the time.
I used to be
Brave like the storm
On a sea
Picking up strength
As I leave
Across land I'd never seen
Somewhere beyond
These Faustian trades
A bird belongs
Anywhere but caged
Then come the dawn
After their war was waged
And she was gone
What a mess we made
There's a ghost in my house
And she's wearing my clothes
She looks like someone
That I used to know
She sings in the night
Melodies that I wrote
There's tears in her eyes
But behind them, hollow
Oh, no, where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Oh, no, where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
Where did she go?
[all clapping]
Shall we take a selfie?
-Yeah. Um...
-[Rachel laughing]
Has anyone seen my phone?
Use your dad's phone.
[camera shutter clicking]
Can I have
my phone back, please?
I have to go to the bathroom.
Where is it?
Oh, right back here.
I need my phone back now.
-[Rachel] Cooper?
-I need my phone.
[Riley] Dad.
What are you doing, Cooper?
[Cooper] Give me my phone.
Dad, why are you so upset?
[Rachel] Cooper, I need you
to step away from the door.
[sniffles] Hello?
[indistinct arguing]
-[banging on door]
[Rachel] Stop it!
Cooper, you're scaring the kids.
[Cooper] Sit down.
Dad, why are you so angry?
-[banging on door]
-[Logan] You're acting weird.
Kids, go up to your room. Now!
-Can you hear me?
-Where are you?
-I don't know.
Are you in a house?
Yes, he had my head covered.
I could only peek out
through a hole.
[banging on door]
-[Cooper] Open the door, please.
-[Riley] Dad.
He asked me
to help jump his car.
-[Cooper] Right now.
-[banging on door]
[Rachel] Cooper!
There's a table, with knives
and cleavers and things.
-Is your name Spencer?
-It is.
We don't have much time.
Tell me anything you remember
to help me find you.
Anything distinct.
There was a broken lion.
We stopped at a light,
and I saw the shape of a lion.
-Something was broken off of it.
-Like a statue?
Less than a minute
before we pulled into the house.
And the door was blue.
The door of the house was blue.
I saw it in the rearview mirror
as he backed up.
[Cooper] Where is the master key
for the bathroom?
Have you lost your mind?
-[Riley] Dad, stop it.
-[banging on door]
You shouldn't have done this.
[Rachel] Done what?
I'm gonna be right back.
I'm gonna try to get you help.
[Cooper] Who are you talking to?
[Rachel] Please step away from--
[Riley] You're acting weird.
Please, Dad. Please.
[Rachel] You're scaring Riley.
[breathes deeply]
[voice wavering] Hey guys,
I need help here.
I need it right now.
There's a young man
named Spencer, in a basement.
He needs us to find him.
This is not a joke.
We only have seconds.
I know you can do this.
-[indistinct shouting]
-Does anyone in Philadelphia,
or nearby New Jersey
live near a statue
of a broken lion?
It must be an entrance
to a building or a park.
[Cooper] Go upstairs.
-[Riley] Dad, please. Stop!
-[Cooper] Go upstairs.
[breathes deeply]
Of those people who answered,
does anyone live
on a street nearby
where there is
a blue door on a house
somewhere in your neighborhood?
[indistinct shouting]
[Riley] Dad, stop it.
The kids are terrified
right now.
[Riley crying] I'm so sorry.
[Cooper] Goddamn it!
Open the door!
Step away from the door, please!
[indistinct shouting]
To the girl who just answered,
there's only a few minutes.
Get your family and other adults
and go there right now.
There is a young man
in a basement.
[indistinct shouting continues]
Go now, go now. Hurry!
[muffled thudding]
[indistinct arguing]
[Rachel] Cooper, please.
Please, just take
a breath with me.
[banging on door]
-[Cooper] Open the goddamn door!
-[Riley] Dad, stop it!
Cooper, would you please
just step away from the door?
-[indistinct arguing]
-[Cooper] Sit down, Rachel.
Cooper, slow down, okay?
Rachel, listen to me.
Your husband is the Butcher.
Cooper is the Butcher.
[banging, glass shattering]
[indistinct shouting]
What's happening?
[Cooper] Go upstairs!
[indistinct shouting]
[distant heavy footsteps]
[footsteps approach]
-[thudding, footsteps nearing]
-[keys jingling]
[door rattling]
[lock clicks]
[door thuds]
[sighs angrily]
[inhales, exhales slowly]
May I have my phone?
And the rest
of the phones you have?
Yours, Riley's, I assume.
What did you do
with your family?
Who were you talking to?
What'd you say to him?
[tense music playing]
How did you do that?
[tense music continues]
We're leaving.
We're leaving.
It is important that my hand
stays on your shoulder
at all times.
Go to the far wall, please.
You're doing great.
I'm sensing very little
resistance in your shoulder.
Let's go to the car.
[Lady Raven breathes shakily]
This is Rachel's car.
They were right about my car.
It's aurora black.
I'm sensing
something in your shoulder.
I would not consider that.
[bag unzipping]
Put these on, please.
I'd really appreciate it.
[firmly] Cooper...
you listen to me now.
Enough of this foolishness.
You're gonna sit in your seat
or you're gonna be punished.
[tense music playing]
Come on.
I know what you're doing.
Did I tell you you could
talk back to me, Cooper?
That profiler told you things.
You never listen
when you're told.
I know what you're doing.
There's a way
to be a good boy, Cooper.
There's a way
to turn yourself good.
Well, that's just not true.
You can choose
to be good, Cooper,
and make everyone proud.
The way you did
when you were little.
You sometimes did good things.
I used to be punished a lot.
I didn't know how else
to deal with you.
I'll just do this one last one.
And then I'll kill myself.
It's the only way
to stop the monster.
Stop telling stories!
Monsters aren't real.
Yes, they are...
[sarcastically] Mom.
Put on the fucking ties.
I have a GPS on my phone.
They know where we are.
I know. We'll throw it
out the window in a mile or two.
[garage door rattling]
[speaking softly]
I locked them in Riley's room.
There's a window
and a nearby tree.
Never looked at this place
through that lens.
Never let the two lives touch.
What's going on, Daddy?
What are you doing?
[Riley cries]
[car door opens]
We are leaving in my car.
Riley, everything
is gonna work out
with those girls at school.
Rachel, the water heater guy
is coming on Tuesday.
Don't let him trick you
into buying a new one,
-it works fine.
-[Rachel whimpers]
Logan, don't forget to hand
in that science project, buddy.
[distant sirens wailing]
[tires screeching]
Go! Go, go, go, go, go.
[sirens wailing]
[tires screeching]
[sirens continue]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[glass clattering]
[water running]
[indistinct chatter]
[radio chatter]
[radio chatter continues]
[indistinct shouting]
Get the family and non-personnel
out of here, please.
[officer] Delta team, move!
[officer over radio]
Neighbor spotted him
through back kitchen window.
He's in back.
Make sure the men have
a clear line of sight
into back of house and kitchen.
Keep eyes on him.
Move! Move! Move!
-[door bangs]
-Go! Go!
[man with southern accent]
Thank you for standing by, sir.
I'mma drive her on out of here.
[Jeremiah] Yes, sir.
-[limo starts]
-Extracting civilian asset.
-Support. Support.
-Eyes open. Watch corners.
What's happening?
[officer] There's something
in the kitchen closet.
A tunnel. It appears to lead
to the neighbor's yard.
[officer] Tell 'em to move out,
right now.
[officer 2]
Perimeter SWAT member down.
SWAT member
in neighbor's yard down.
-[engine shuts off]
-[car door opens]
[footsteps approaching]
[cries out]
Sorry, we got interrupted.
-[handcuffs rattling]
-[car door slams]
[car door opens]
-[engine starts]
I have a safe place
about ten minutes from here.
Luckily, it has a garage.
A lot of places
have fire code violations
and stay vacant for years.
Wasted space, I always thought.
[indistinct chatter]
[Cooper] When I saw you waiting
behind the curtain on stage,
I got the urge.
It's strange
when I get the urge.
I think it's when I see someone
who thinks they're whole.
[car horns honking]
That could never be true.
Everyone's in pieces.
[window clicks and whirs]
Oh shit! It's Lady Raven.
-[Lady Raven] Help me.
-[woman] Why?
Wait, what's going on?
Call the police.
[people clamoring]
-[woman] Is that actually
Lady Raven?
-[man] No way!
[limousine horn honks]
[handcuffs rattling]
[handcuffs continue rattling]
[pedestrians chattering]
[excited chatter]
[handcuffs rattling]
[excited chatter]
[all shouting, screaming]
Can you see her?
[sirens blaring]
[rapid footsteps approaching]
[indistinct chatter]
[officer] He's in the car.
Move civilians away
from the vehicle.
Move, move! Back, back, back.
[chaotic chatter]
[air hissing]
[SWAT officer]
We assume you are armed.
We will not come closer.
Get out of the vehicle.
I will not ask again.
-[crowd screaming]
[glass clinking]
[indistinct shouting]
It's only a SWAT helmet
and gear propped up.
He must have been
with the crowd
when we pulled them
away from the limo.
Check all the stores.
Do not let the crowd leave.
[sirens blare]
[speech not audible]
[indistinct radio chatter]
They say you lecture on this.
What would I hear
at one of your lectures?
This individual is not
a projection of our fears.
He is real,
comfortable and thriving.
He doesn't set off
warning signals
in our nervous system,
but he is profoundly different.
A parent might have sensed this
at the beginning,
but no one else after could.
Your children
are with your sister.
It's not too late
to take up our offer.
We can put you
all together somewhere.
No. [clears throat]
I don't want
to be around people.
There are two cruisers
outside, all night.
Thank you.
[keyboard clattering]
[igniter clicking]
-[Cooper] You always do that.
-[Rachel screams, gasps]
You always stand
with your left hand on your hip
like it's holding you up.
[Rachel gasps]
It's funny how we knew
each other so well.
I guess we know things
without knowing them.
I'm sure they've
made a mistake, Cooper.
I'm sure
it's a misunderstanding.
I'm not great
at a lot of things Rachel,
but keeping
my two lives separate
is not one of them.
It's a big mix-up.
I'll tell them.
[laughs nervously]
When I had
a second to think about it,
it kinda dawned on me
how this might have happened.
Maybe the trap
wasn't set there at the concert.
Maybe it was set here.
I'm not following you.
Well, maybe it kind of
dawned on you, too.
The late nights, the jewelry.
Maybe you thought
I was having an affair.
[breathes shakily]
I did.
But that didn't feel right.
What was it about it
that didn't feel right, Rachel?
The smell of cleaning fluid
on your clothes.
Not the type at the firehouse,
the type you smell at hospitals.
Nothing I could have done
about that, I'm afraid.
I saw you make up a lie once.
To our neighbor.
About why we couldn't
come to his party.
He sort of surprised us
at our car.
You lied so convincingly...
so honestly
off the top of your head
right in front of me.
No one would ever know
you were lying.
It gave me chills.
I thought...
"Where did he learn to do that?"
Can I take it from here?
Just to see if I got this right.
A small consolation prize.
[metallic scrape and ring]
You follow me one day...
to the safe house on Brewster.
The one I go to
when I just want to think, plan,
not to do anything.
I find it just
as comforting as the doing.
And then,
if I'm guessing correctly,
you went back on your own.
And I broke in.
But there's nothing in there,
Just a chair and a table.
And then the thought
just came to me.
[breathing shakily]
I couldn't get rid of it,
the feeling just kept
coming back to me.
I had a receipt from your wallet
when I went through it
from before.
A receipt from the concert,
and I left it there.
And then I found a payphone
and called the police
to say that it might...
that it might be...
...the Butcher.
I tore it so it would look
like a mistake.
Your mistake.
I didn't know what would happen.
I just thought it would
get them closer to you.
And maybe I was wrong.
Maybe they would prove that.
When I went back, I saw officers
interviewing the neighbors.
I didn't know how they found it
or what happened,
but I never went
back there again.
You're not okay, Cooper.
I know that.
We could have managed.
Let's finish this, at least.
Riley's pie.
It was supposed to be
a celebration.
Sit back down.
Just for a last moment.
No knives, please.
[dishes clattering]
[Rachel breathing shakily]
This won't delay it much,
I'm afraid. [sighs]
I'll eat this in five bites.
I know.
I feel such rage
toward you, Rachel.
I've never felt this before.
That's different. That's...
...about being seen by them.
At the end,
the way they look at me... strangely gives me peace.
There's almost no darkness
in it at all.
[fork scraping against plate]
This is pure anger.
It's so unfamiliar.
It's like it's eating me
from the inside.
I feel out of control.
[fork scrapes against plate]
But it's why I'm angry
that's amazing.
It's because I won't see
Riley and Logan again.
Because of you...
I won't get to see them grow up.
[voice wavering]
And that's overwhelming me.
it's gonna end in... [sniffles]
...the average way.
A headline of murder-suicide.
[breathes shakily]
[kettle whistling]
You found my bag.
[whistling continues]
[Rachel] You left it in the car.
The police were too busy
trying to track you down.
Is that what you used on them?
Just to calm them.
[whistling continues]
[breathing heavily]
[Cooper's mom] It's amazing
that you are angry, son.
I thought I was pretending.
But I wasn't.
[Cooper's mom]
Not all of you is a monster.
Not all.
You're my son.
And this is who you are.
End of story.
[knife scrapes]
It's good it's over.
It's good you're...'re stopping the monster.
Let see me you one last time.
I accept you.
Come closer.
[breathing rapidly]
[kettle whistling]
[electricity crackling]
[Cooper grunts]
[Cooper roars]
[Cooper growling]
[electricity crackles]
[straining, grunting]
[stun gun whines]
-[electricity crackling]
-[Cooper screaming]
[screaming, straining]
[kettle whistling]
[whistling stops]
We'll get your kids
back to you soon.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[rifle cocks]
-[distant sirens]
-[helicopter whirring overhead]
Please, give me a second.
[indistinct radio chatter
[Rachel] Don't shoot him!
[radio chatter continues]
-Oh, my God.
-[Dr. Grant] Let her go!
[Riley gasps]
[Riley sobbing]
[Rachel] Riley.
[Riley continues sobbing]
[shackles jingling]
-[sirens wailing]
-[engines starting]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[exhales forcefully]
[engine starts]
[sirens blaring]
[helicopter blades whirring]
[lock clicks open]
["Pieces" by Lady Raven playing]
[lock clicks open]
[chains clatter]
[laughs, exhales]
by Lady Raven continues]
[suspenseful music sting on tv]
Breaking news tonight
out of Malvern, Pennsylvania.
After a seven year long manhunt,
the identity of the Butcher
has finally been revealed.
Cooper Abbott,
a local fireman and family man,
has been arrested.
Here is a picture
of him at a local event.
[astonished stammering]
That's Cooper!
I helped him! I helped him!
I ain't talking to nobody
at work no more!
I ain't talking to nobody!
Nobody! Kadesia!
["Pieces" by Lady Raven resumes]
["Liar" by Lady Raven playing]