Trapped (2002) Movie Script

Good, good
You can hold it?
Yeah, I just spoke to her
Let's go.
Where is Peter?
You killed him, didn't you?
You killed him
and you're going to kill me.
Wow, you are making an offer.
It's tempting.
now l want you to know this.
I really enjoyed the last 24 hours.
and then all cool parties.
Marvin, are you in place?
All right.
Just wait a minute,
and then do it.
You said, "Do it!"
No, no, wait
If you don't, I won't do it.
We've come so far together.
Do you want me to talk about?
l remember I won't tell.
I promised I won't.
Okay, okay.
Guess what?
He's in the playground.
Right behind me.
Where is he?!
Goodbye, Mary.
Peter, Peter!
Come here.
Yes, you did good,
Do we have to do this again?
Wondered if I'd miss
or bring this family together.
Got it.
Oh Will, don't go.
Ann, this is about us, okay?
And for Abby.
She seems she's growing up so fast.
l don't want you to miss
any more important moments.
I know, I know.
It's almost over.
Last time.
When are you going to take me for a ride?
l can have secrets from my wife.
Well, as a matter of fact,
I've bought the cavern of
Whistler this weekend.
How about that?
You did?
I did.
Abby? Abby, are you all right?
Yes, I was just looking at crabs.
Daddy, don't worry so much.
don't worry so much.
We will be fine.
Look after you, okay?
Will you wiggle your wings
after you take off?
You'd better watch and see.
Wiggle your wings?
Yes, wiggle your wings!
Wiggle your wings!
He did. He wiggled his wings.
I want to do it.
Take all that trash mail out for me.
All junk.
All Junk.
Do you want some icecream?
Yeah. l need to tinkle first.
Abby, pour me the clothes all you have in there.
Karen, are you in?
It's Joan. Hello?
Ok, you're not there.
Listen, I got a free night tonight.
Lilly's going to sleep over.
Call me now.
Abby, I'm ready for the clothes.
Here you are.
What are you doing?
Karen, where is the medicine?
When she is nervous,
I'll just have something from home.
Call us 30 from now.
Let's go, go, go.
Are you okay? Need help?
Abby, what happened to you
for having me with the laundry?
Why so loud?
Stay calm. Abby's not here.
She's fine.
She's absolutely fine.
My name is Joe.
And I'm going to help you though this thing.
Abby, where are you?
Bad Idea
Good evening.
Dr. Jennings.
Oh, yes, Doctor.
May I say that several
of our guests have mentioned
they are much looking forward to
see your presentation tonight.
Oh, it's nice to hear.
Where is my baby?
Wow, you don't want to shoot me,
Mrs. Jennings.
Shut up! Where is she?
Abby is with my cousin.
My cousin has a celll phone.
If l don't call him every 30 minutes,
he is going to kill her,
as if you would want him to do
I'd just say that you definitely
look prettier than this.
Sit down!!
Look, Mrs. Jennings.
Nothing's going to happen to Abby
as long as nothing happens to me.
You can count on Marvin.
He always does what exactly what he's told.
And it's always that's me to tell him.
What do you want?
You are a smart lady.
You pick up things really quickly.
You do.
You see what we have here
is a kidnapping for ransom.
But see, it's not just any kidnapping.
It's a perfect kidnapping.
And I know that perfect,
because I've done it 4 times before I caught you.
Take me to her, you son of a bitch!
l know, I know exactly what you're thinking.
I'll tell you what happened to the other 4 kids.
I want you to know every single one of those kids
is right at this moment,
watching barney, swimming in the pools,
or riding the ponys, or whatever the fuck you have
for your rich little kids do.
It's all because I give the parents
the power to keep them alive.
If you follow the rules
and let me make my cost tomorrow
to keep him safe
Now, Karen. It's Okay.
I'll call him, Karen.
You keep that gun if you want.
If it makes you feel any better
but I just going to tell you
something about the gun, Okay?
You'll kill 2 people one for one.
Me and Abby.
May I?
It's a quite a place you got here.
Thank you.
We're previleged to have with us tonight
a young physician I first met
when he was a young Irish
medical student doing research
on disadaptive properties of Guiness,
If I remember correctly.
Since then, I have watched him progress
from intern to resident, to research scientist and
finally the best of all I think you'd agree.
"Paten holder"
Ladies and gentlmen,
Dr. William Jennings.
Why won't you let me empty our accounts
and give you the money now?
I don't think you have a backseat closet.
Another thing, it will look
a little suspicious, don't you think?
You see, unlike me,
most kidnappers are morons.
They all get busted the minute
they try to go for the ransom money.
They try all kinds of comlicated shit
but you know,
the fact the matter is,
no ransom pickup is safe from the FBI.
You see the statistics from this country.
Damn, zero kidnappings for ransom was successful.
and you know why?
It's because of the ransom pickup.
That's why I can't go to pick up any ransom.
Is that beautiful or what?
Why can't Abby be here right now?
Because this is a machine. Okay?
This is a machine that runs on fear.
Your fear for Abby.
Tell me the truth.
That's the only thing that kept you
from pulling the trigger.
And you're ready to go. Am l right?
Am I right?
Until now, position has been unable
to use paralyzing alexins
of that fear of fatal outcomes,
all costly losses.
That day is over.
l am now adjusting the patients
for the rest arrays.
Developed by myself and
Bryan Adams's pharmaceutical company,
and tested in my own clinical trials
at Storium Memorial Hospital in Portland,
Within seconds,
this 3rd generation varied into atropine
counteracts the effect of the succinic aconite
restoring full nerve combatively
and muscle function.
Don't you have any feeling
for the children you're hurting?
If you can't stand anything for 24 hours,
l won't be still alive for years.
What are you talking about 24 hours?
All shows take exactly 24 hours.
Day's work for day's pay.
Oh my god, listen to me.
If you wait till tomorrow
Abby could die.
No, no, no. You listen to me Okay?
We're on a timetable here.
Let's get something straight.
There are no DVAs,
since no exceptions and no surprises.
She is asthmatic.
She's severly asthmatic.
She could have attack anytime.
Let's try.
Open the drawer you're sitting on.
Open it!!
Anything could bring an attack on.
Allegy, smoke, stress
Please tell me your cousin
doesn't smoke.
Does he smoke?
Shit! Shut up!
Hey, where are you?
Hey, we're almost there.
You're early. What's the matter?
Hey listen, listen.
Take a look at the kid.
-Give me the phone!
We got a situation here, Marvin.
You want me to
take care of her?
- Not yet.
Well, it's been over 30 seconds.
We'd better Hang up.
This is what I want you to do.
I want you to take a look at the kid
and put your hand on her chest.
Is she breathing?
Hold on.
It's a kind of like... shallow.
All right. This is what I want you to do.
I want you to get her inside.
And I want you to close the window,
let her wander around, Okay?
She has a trouble breathing.
Give her strong coffee decaf
and open her airways.
Joe, you want me to do that?
Just call me if there's a problem, Okay?
You would be grateful
if I helped your little girl, right?
How would you show me?
You take me to her first.
And then I'll show you.
How does every woman know that?
How to be a hooker.
Get the payment upfront!
Is that what you're teaching
at the awkward workshop?
Nobody is to teach
how to protect your child.
You'd know that if you're behind one.
Hey Marvin, it's me.
We're almost there.
She is still sleeping.
Yeah, Okay, I'll call you.
They are not there yet.
I'd like to see the bedroom.
Come on.
Hey, Dr. Jennings.
Can l help you?
Listen, my keycard doesn't work.
I was wondering if I could use
your phone to call the frontdesk.
You know that there's
a phone right by the elevator.
You're right.
That must be such a rush, huh?
Just standing up there,
having everybody want to be you.
A young guy with big idea and a big future
l got hot just as watching you.
I am flattered.
l am... well, I'm so ...married.
Then we can do things to talk out.
Because it's something I'll do it...Not you.
Oh, I'm sorry, darling, but...
I don't think it's going to happen.
You will find some other things.You'll find 50.
Just not me. Good night.
'Cause Abby doesn't have 50, daddy's.
What did you say?
Your daughter has been kidnapped for 3 hours.
And she's not going to live thru the night
if you don't let me in your room right now.
I'm calling to police.
Don't fucking use that phone.
If you call the cops or house,
whatever you may have,
it's going to be the bullet into Abby's brain.
All right.
I have to make a phonecall in the next 5 minutes.
If anything stops me making that phonecall,
your kid is dead.
What do I have to do get my little girl back?
You know whole new world, Dr. Jennings.
Right now my partner has your wife at your house.
The little girl is being held in 3rd location.
When you calm down
I'm going to make a phonecall.
After that, this phone is
going to ring every 30 minutes
and if I don't say things are cool
You may as well pick out of 3 book-cascade.
Where is my little girl?
l don't know.
I don't know where your little girl is.
I only know she's being held in some place
the police can't possibly get to in there
That's not going to happen.
Sit down.
You skip the part of at us getting,
then I'll be back.
Tomorrow morning, your wife
is going to wire $250,000 to a local bank.
You're going to go pick up that money.
After you give it to me, your wifeand your child
will be let go with inside of each other.
How would she going to explain them?
Oh, please.
She's going to call your broker.
She's going to say that you stumbled
onto another painting.
That you simply had to add
your crappy little art collection.
You got this whole thing covered, Doctor.
It's really fucking easy.
You follow the rules
and get Abby back. It's that simple.
You think I'd believe that
after I've seen your face?
This is the 5th time we've done this.
All the other parents saw our faces.
Not one them reported the police.
You know why?
'Cause if you go to the police,
to look at them, we'll know.
My partner will come back
and he'll kill your child.
Marvin, is everything all right?
Fine, she's sleeping.
l will call you.
Your mom is not here
right now, Abby.
l am Marvin.
She asked me to keep you for a while.
Where is she?
-No, I mean
Just for tonight.
Where is she?
She had to go to a party.
I want my mom.
No, it's Okay.
It's Okay.
We're going to be fine here tonight.
It's going to go by really fast.
No, it's going to go by really fast.
Wait, wait,
Can you say "Marvin"?
Stop that!
l don't like one little girl's cry.
Hey, if you could, and you promise
to not run away,
you can play with her.
Hey honey, where are you?
l got him in a role.
What took you so long?
He's difficult.
He's not like the other boys.
He didn't get it.
Okay, Okay.
Put him on this right now.
Phonecall for you, Dr. Jennings.
Dr. Will Jennings.
This is Dr. Jennings. Who is this?
You can call me Joe.
Is my wife there?
Yes, she's right here, actually
Right here with me.
You should see her face.
She is now starting to get the picture.
Would you like to talk to her?
Keep it short and sweet, all right?
This is actually my favorite part.
Happy couple talk to each other.
Karen, are you all right?
They took her out somewhere.
I'm going to follow them and work this out.
Where are you?
You got a beautiful bedroom, Doc.
I've got to tell you that
the view is unbelievable.
Inside, and you know
I'm looking at a picture of Abby right now.
l don't want to see you, man.
I don't see you at all.
She is a spitting image
of your wife, you know.
It's kind of... makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Listen, Joe.
It's clear that we got a difficult situation.
Let me know what you need
and I'll make it happen quickly and quietly.
Anything you say, Okay?
Oh, Okay, Okay,
so this is your bedside, man, right?
You talk to people like the fucking idiots
and then you just go on
whatever fuck you want
well, let me tell you something
l am not your fucking patient, all right?
l don't want to upset you, Joe.
But I need you to listen.
My daughter has asthma.
Don't need it, "my daughter".
Abby's brain starts to die.
That's what you're dealing with.
Look, Abby needs to be with Karen.
if not that, she needs medicine.
That is going to put control back
in your hands.
Back in my hands?
and put my partner back on.
Hey, I'm the doctor tonight.
I'm the one who decides whether or not
your girl lives or dies.
Please don't make me prove,
And put my partner back on.
Hey, how come we didn't know
about this asthma thing?
How could you miss that, Joey?
I don't like it.
I give a shit what you'd like.
Just keep an eye on him, all right?
All right.
Who is that guy?
That's my husband.
l wonder if he knows
what is good.
Get your car keys.
Time to go.
You keep this wrap,
and we'll go outside, Okay?
Here we go as fast.
And we'll get back from the ride,
you're going to watch TV.
'Cause you've been good.
Hey, what's the matter?
This is uh...
Who does it...
l get... thirsty.
That's ...gone. chest...I can't breathe.
My puffer.
Your what?
My medicine...I want it immediately. They say coffee...will help?
Okay, there's some for you.
Okay, time to put this on.
Go on, put it on your eyes.
It's almost 9 o'clock.
Hang on, please.
Help me...whatever
Help me...mommy...
So talk to me. I'd like to hear
the sound of your voice.
What do you want to talk about?
Why don't you tell me
how you met Dr. Will?
You don't want to talk about that.
Sort of subject.
Let's see if I can guess.
You were a nurse.
and you put him through med school,
and you quit and had the baby, right?
How did you know that?
l'm just an excellent judge of character.
We're here?
Marvin will be here soon.
You are not going to be emotional.
and you will not freak out.
Give the kid the medicine,
and then we're going to go.
l understand.
You'd better make sure to do
because I'm going to have
a gun on you every seconds.
Abby's going to go,
a little crazy when you leave.
It's going to be tough for her to act
just like the first day you go to school.
Remember that, all right?
If you freak out
and if you try to run,
l will shoot you.
And I will shoot her.
I will shoot you with her daddy's gone.
And she'll left embarrassed
for the rest of her life.
Are you Okay?
Mama's here.
You see.
I had an attack.
-You did?
I didn't have any medicine.
-I know.
I brought the medicine right here.
Where were you?
One more time
There you go.
You're going to be fine, Okay?
Let me see, Okay.
Are you Okay?
She nearly died.
She scared me to death.
She's got a medicine.
She's fine.
She's just a kid.
No, she is not.
She is not.
She's another little girl.
She's some lucky little doctor's kid.
And we gave her a pill too.
Everything is fine, you understand me?
It sounds as the same.
It's not the same, Marvin.
Did he hurt you?
No? He hasn't hurt you?
l know, baby.
l know you want to go home.
Just a little bit longer, Okay?
And I'm going to come and get you.
Put the clothes on.
Is he nice, Abby?
Where is he keeping you?
In a cabin.
A cabin?
Is it far from here?
No, not that far.
Does he have a gun?
Listen to me.
Do everything he says.
But only if he's nice to you.
If you go to the bathroom,
go by yourself, Okay?
Don't let him go with you.
Listen to me.
We had a little vehicle,
and we're back on track now.
just like the other 4 times, is that clear?
It is different
the medicine is...
It's not different.
We've gone over this 100,000 times.
Back to the plan
We talk to every half an hour.
and you're still there.
Are you Okay?
Are you leaving me?
We have to, baby.
Okay, time to go, Marvin.
I'm begging you just let me
see Abby till the morning.
You had some nice talking with her
and that's good for her.
You don't want that to change, do you?
Honey, you're going to be safe
You're going to be fine
It's Okay, baby.
I love you, honey!
Her medicine! Her medicine!
Fuck, fuck!!
You want to fuck this up?
You think you'll live in the world
when your little girl's get killed?
Put this on.
You're one lousy,
motherfucking lady.
I give you that.
Everybody is entitled as their one mistake.
You just made yours.
It's me.
Hey, dear, put the doc on.
What are you going to do?
She got the medicine,
and everything's cool.
Where are you?
We're going back.
Would you put the fucking doc on?
It is for you.
Hey, Will, how are you doing?
I got a little news updated for you.
Here's the little lady.
-Oh, baby
Are you Okay? What's happening?
I saw Abby, she had an attack.
Did you treat her... is she all right?
Just fine for now, I left her medicinea little bit.
She's miles away from a hospital.
Karen? Karen?
Oh, hey, calm down, college boy.
They keep the girl a little uptset,that's all.
All mommy fix it up.
Tears and scream,you know how it is.
Everything's fine now.
So listen, have fun, Okay?
You need a hanky, baby.
You, fuck!!
Jesus, what happened to you?
I'd like to wrestle with him
to look after for a fun.
You didn't get that from the fun.
That's a beating.
And not just one.
-Oh, really? It is?
Wow, you drive me to the
battered women's shelter?
Put it on.
l need to ask you a question.
Fuck you.
Are you really
committed to this kidnapping?
I have a funny feeling that you're not.
Joe just kicks out of this, but not you.
What makes you think
l would ever sell him out?
Why don't you stop pressing
your smart buttons?
l just let this happen way it has
just like every other times.
This is not like every other time.
'Cause Abby is sick
and you're mixed up
Joe's fucked up.
What are you going to do
if my little daughter dies?
Haven't you thought about that?
Because that's all
I'm thinking about right now.
You want me to tell you
you're going to go with me with the cost?
Who is Katie?
That's what you called me when I was sick.
She was a little girl
just like you
She is in heaven now.
Abby's kitten in heaven.
Are you her daddy?
She was my family
and my friend.
She died 2 years ago.
You know, when you die
you stay the same age.
She will be 6 forever.
Hey, maybe she knows your cat.
That would be kind of a coincidence.
Hey baby, we're almost back to the house.
Is everything cool?
No, it's not.
The doctor fucked up.
-What did he do?
He hit me.
Put him on.
I'm sorry, I lost my head.
But it won't happen again, Okay?
What did you hit her with?
The phone. Not hard.
You need to listen now.
What are you doing?
Jesus, Karen!
Oh shit, now I got blood on my phone.
Are we clear?
Do you understand how this works?
Please don't hurt my wife.
Likewise, asshole!
Hey, I did my good deed for the day.
And how about you?
But I'm blemished.
Hey, l got a idea.
Why don't you go sit down?
l will make you some dinner,
how does that sound?
Let's see what we got here.
Oh, no messages?
You know what's great about
You don't have to deal with
pesky patients.
Most doctors come home,
You got a millon phone calls.
and that mails have all worked out, doesn't it?
When he comes home,
He's got plenty of time and kickback.
for a nice, romantic dinner.
and this trophic wife.
l am really sorry.
I'm sorry that had to happen.
l got an idea
You got any makeup in here?
l will get you fixed up.
There you go.
Pretty as new.
It's almost midnight.
Who the fuck is that?
My neighbor...
Reach the door and act.
You got it?
Don't do anything crazy.
It's up to you.
Joan, it is very late.
You should have called.
I saw the light. I know it's late.
But I'm on my way pick up Billy.
You know when I sleep over
and Bill's back, honey. You know what I mean.
I took the chance and pick up the disc,
you know, for the auction.
Hey, Will.
Sorry. l thought you were Will.
This is...
l am Joe. A friend of Will's.
Nice to meet you.
Where's Will?
Another conference.
I'm going to get you the disc.
I guess you should have told Joe
that you have saved from the trap.
Karen and I can struggle along, I will.
How do you know Will?
We worked together
in Northside General.
He means that Storium Memorial, downtown.
I was about to say Williams worked
in Northside for over a year now.
No, that's what I meant it.
Joan, Joe is my friend.
Not Will's.
So, I would appreciate it
if you didn't mention this to anyone,
you know.
Of course not, I wouldn't.
Hey, I'm going to open some wine.
God, Karen, do you know what you're doing?
Abby's not here? Where is she?
She's upstairs. She's sleeping now.
Don't tell anybody, Okay?
-I won't.
I had no idea that you guys having problems.
Are you all right?
Yeah I'm fine.
You look a little frizzled.
-No, I'm fine.
I can't talk right now. Sometime later, Okay?
l'm here for you.
Bye Will.
l mean, bye, Joe.
-Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Good night.
He's kind of scary... I like that.
She's still watching us
through the window.
She finds it now.
Don't fight me.
It's going to look wrong.
Come on, keep going again.
You did good. But you could be better.
l can swear that she was watching out there.
So you have a kid.
What are you talking about?
C-section scar.
I had an overtaking all.
Wrong kind of scar from the doctor, Sheryl.
I know what I'm looking at.
How can you do this with a child of your own.
I mean, for god's sake, bring this to an end.
Oh, baby.
That was good.
If I should say something by myself,
You should eat.
You need strength.
Oh, god it stinks.
Let's see what big Will has in the laundry room.
So this is sexy shirt.
This is out in the morning.
Let's get down to business.
Make me feel like I'm 21 again.
Let me guess.
You guys do it and then
you end up where you're at.
Am I right?
How does it look on me?
How do you pick the families you go after?
They got to be rich.
They got to have kids of right age.
And moms have to be pretty.
And they have to be doctors, right?
So where did you get your names from?
Where did you get your names from?
How did you know about Northside General?
Did you work there?
Is that how you know Will?
Where are you going?
What are you doing?
Come here.
Take a look.
This is why I'm not going to have
any troubles tonight.
Come here.
Does your wife know
it does this part of your plan?
I can have secrets from my wife.
Let me do it
in the bathroom.
You're shy?
How could a woman
looks like you be shy?
Are you Okay?
Yeah. Just a minute.
Aren't you tired yet?
My pills keep me up.
I'm kind of hungry.
Yeah, me too.
Let's see.
There's soup and a microwave.
Oh, there's popcorn.
We should have that to watch the movie.
You scared me.
You are beautiful.
What do you want to do?
Why don't you tell me what Will do?
I will do the opposite.
Mind if we don't talk about him?
Hey you know, no offense, but
From the looks at him,
I'd be surprised to what to do with you.
You think you do.
I'll tell you what.
I know that you would be a judge there.
You are not like the other moms.
Close your eyes
I like to watch.
Don't move. Not an inch.
What's that?
It's a scalp puncher.
It will take your grip in and out so easy,
you'd barely even feel it.
Jesus Christ...
Then pick up that phone,
and call Marvin.
How the fuck you got the guts?
I work as to treat you.
There's no more signs.
and slicing your chicken sick.
Do it!!
Take it easy, take it easy.
There's the number.
What do you want me to say?
Tell Marvin you already have the money.
Tell him to take Abby
and drive over here right now.
Is it ringing?
-Hang on.
Is it ringing?
He's not answering.
Don't run away from me.
Don't do it away!
No, no I swear the god.
You don't ring the fucking number.
Where the fuck is he picking up?
I told you that not run away!
Why isn't he answering?
How the fuck do I know?
It is with the fucking voice mail. Hey, listen.
Oh, my god.
Where's my daughter?
Where is my daughter, you..., Argh!
You cut me.
You fucking cut me.
Your kid is dead, bitch.
Hey! You missed!
You fucking missed!
Abby! Where are you?
I don't know.
In the wood, I'm way outside.
Mommy, come here.
Abby, Listen to me.
Abby, listen to your mom.
Run, run as fast as you can.
Find the road, stop the car.
and call 911, Okay?
Just get out of there.
Don't let him catch you.
Mommy, I'm scared.
You're going to be fine, Abby.
I'm coming in, just run, Okay?
Open the door!
Open the fucking door!
I'm sorry lady, she shift the runaway.
Open the fucking door!
My baby back on the phone.
You tell him to not hurt my daughter.
Tell him.
Marvin, if you hear a shot,
kill the kid.
You just made a second mistake.
I need to use the bath.
Something's wrong. He knows you
from Northside. This is personal.
He's going to kill Abby.
Read that.
That's the message from my wife.
Where is Abby, Sheryl?
You do know.
You've done this 4 times before.
I don't fucking know.
It means that I know it's a part of the plan.
This is succinic aconite, Sheryl.
If I inject this to your body,
you will be paralyzed.
You will be able to see, hear, and think,
but you won't able to move,
and you won't be able to breathe.
What the fuck are you doing, man?
Sheryl, I have seen murderers turning
to a whimpering babies by this stuff.
You have a choice
You can tell me where you're holding Abby
Or you can find out what it feels like to die.
If I pull this trigger, you will be dead.
Pull it.
Don't fight it, Sheryl
l know you can hear me.
You're struggling, aren't you?
Telling your arms to move, but they won't.
You want to breathe, but you can't.
Unless I give you the antidope.
It's like living death, isn't it, Sheryl?
Maybe your feeling's almost as
my little girl's right now.
We are going to do this over and over
until you tell me where Abby is.
Or until I can bring her back.
Now, you remember what I told you.
your brain is dying.
Now you're almost there.
Remember what this feels like.
Now, where is Abby?
Where's she?
She's where my baby found.
She's where my baby found.
Will, you killed her.
What're you talking about?
Give my wallet.
Turn it over.
Oh, God.
Katie Yakky
You think that I killed Katie?
Yeah, Katie Yakky
I know you did. This is what he told me.
Told you what?
You know you saturated her, right?
You looked after her breathing.
You didn't monitor her pressure.
l remember every details of Katie's case.
She had grumes in tumor, the sergeon
had difficulty trying to remove,
but he couldn't control her major argon
he couldn't control her bleeding.
He said she was barbiturated and covered
He said his operation was well.
Then he lied to you, Sheryl.
He told you Katie was recovering
to protect himself
'Cause you wouldn't think it is his fault.
This is why you chill us all.
'Cause you want a revenge.
Oh, no, you can't get that hard.
Sheryl, you have to tell where my daughter is.
There's an cabin
at the eastern hold in Caskey.
Okay, lt's time to make the call.
You think you're smarter than
all the other moms?
No, you are not.
'Cause they didn't hurt me.
And now you get your daughter alive?
I want you to think about Marvin now.
Sitting there, watching the clock.
It's time.
It's time to play the game.
First, you have to close your eyes.
Joe, she is my daughter.
She is my little girl.
Okay now, what you have to do
... is you have to think nice thoughts.
Pretty thoughts.
I'm thinking about my mommy.
Yeah, that's it.
She's pretty.
She's pretty and she loves you very much.
Now I want you to stay very still.
It's me. Who the fuck else it will be?
You're late, Joey.
You can't be late.
l know, I'm sorry, I know.
Things are cool.
It's going to be over soon.
Just like the other times. Right?
Yes. Just like the other times.
I'm going to follow your plan.
You don't have to worry about me.
And you will get your money.
Did you ever think that...
maybe it wasn't about the money
I mean...that ever crossed your mind?
That a guy like me could be motivated
by something other than grip.
Hank, wake up, it's emergency.
What happened?
My child is in danger but you can help her.
Before I tell you anything,
You got to promise me not to call the police.
I don't understand.
My daughter's kidnapped last night
I can't go to the police,
'cause if I do,
The kidnappers will kill her. Understand?
And that you sync the phone,
you wires on network, I am hoping,
I am praying the vice president of wire source
can trace us the calls for me.
Can l go home now?
Pretty soon.
Go home and see your mommy.
We have to wait for a phonecall.
And then we can go.
Those are the rules.
It's fine that they always do it the same with
clouds and sun for hours.
She doesn't have good hands, you know.
They have travelled with that,
but she is good.
It's a bad day, isn't it?
I know.
l know you have kids, Joe.
Don't think that you know me.
Come on. Pretty smile. It's showtime.
My daughter is on a moving truck, an I5. The main kidnapper is
close behind her, straight to kill her.
You have to set down on the highway.
Negative, that's not an option.
We're behind you at a chopper.
Ground unit is only 20 minutes away.
That's too long. You have to set down now.
Tighten your seat belt.
There's the road.
Then they're down there somewhere.
Now keep your eyes peered for Marvin's pickup truck.
What the fuck is this guy doing?
Wait a minute...
That's Will, isn't it?
That's the fucking doc, isn't it?
Answer me.
There's Marvin.
I think it's Marvin. It must be Marvin.
Are you sure?
Brown truck.
What are you doing?
Joey, what's wrong? It's not time yet.
You see this fucking guy? You see a plane?
Fucking bitch.
Watch out!
What are you gonna do?
Jump. Jump. Jump.
Abby, get out. Get out...
Run fast... run...
Daddy... daddy....
Where's my little girl?
Where's Abby?
I don't know...
What do you mean you don't know.
Because I don't know.
Sir, I need you to drop that gun.
Joey! Joey!
Guess what, doc...
You won't get to die today.
Because I want you to spend the rest of
your fucking life...
... feeling like I feel...
You're wrong about how Katie died.
I didn't kill her!
Get a car.
Don't do it!
Please don't hurt me.
Abby? Abby...
Where are you honey?
Daddy's okay, now honey... he...
... he said to come find you.
There you are.
There's my girl...
I got the money, Joey, I got the money.
Baby... remember when I told you I had
a surprise for you...
She's it.
What does that mean?
We're family again...
You, and me, and her...
No, baby. We'll leave her right here,
with her parents..
No, no...
No, we're taking her with us.
Joey, we can have our own kid...
... fucking stupid...
Joey, Joey, we'll leave this baby here...
No, she's just as innocent as Kathie was...
Hey, listen to me. Are you coming with me?
Or not?
I need you. I fucking need you.
You're the mom.
Now, get the fuck in the truck.
Get in...
What? What?
It's another attack.
Fuck. Fuck. Where the fuck is the medicine?
In the truck.
Medicine.. in the truck...
In the truck...
God damn it. Where the fuck are you going?
In the truck. The medicine is in the truck.
Marvin, wait...
No, Joey...
Get back.
Put her down. Put her down.
Marvin, give her to me...
She's sick.
Marvin, you have to put her down so
I can give her medicine.
She's sick...
You have to give her to me...
Where's her medicine?
... to me back...
Marvin, please... Please...
Abby, Abby...
No, Abby, breathe...
Once more, baby... Inhale, inhale...
Breathe... breathe...
You need more? Once more.
Come on, baby...