Trapped in the Farmhouse (2023) Movie Script

A storm system is expected
To hit west of austin
within the next hour.
As supercell conditions
continue to develop,
Please be advised
there is a possibility
Of a tornado warning
Being issued
for much of edwards county.
[singer] [on radio]
here comes the sandman
here comes the sandman
take me to dreamland
please, mr. Sandman
I wanna dream
about you and me
just close my eyes
and let me see
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
[car engine starts]
[ominous music]
[announcer] meanwhile,
the national weather service
In madison has issued
a severe thunderstorm warning
For edwards, sutton,
and kimball counties,
And advised
that tornado conditions
Are possible and residents
are urged to stay indoors.
[birds cawing]
footage you may remember
From last may's
massive funnel cloud
That touched down
outside of junction.
Keep in mind
that the storms we're expecting
Over the next 24 hours
could be even larger
And more destructive
than those of last year.
Right now,
there's a thunderstorm watch
In effect
for kimball county.
But the front
is fast moving and have...
Um, excuse me, sorry.
Do you mind telling me
exactly where we are on here?
You're gonna die today.
Excuse me?
The storm.
Best be getting back on the road
If you don't wanna get
stuck out here.
Uh, right. Yes, storm.
You know,
one of these things took out
My entire neighborhood
down to the foundation.
Like, three-foot piece of rebar.
Six months of surgeries
to get it fixed.
-Well, thank you.
[newscaster] make sure
that you have fresh batteries
For flashlights
and portable radio
And make sure you have
an emergency plan in place.
Call elena.
[elena] hi, it's elena.
Leave a message.
Hey, sis. It's me.
I really need to talk to you.
Can you call me back?
Call bryan.
[phone ringing]
[car beeping]
No. Oh, come on.
No, no, no, no, no.
[car beeping]
[birds cawing]
No tools.
Thanks, bryan.
[siren wailing]
[knocks on door]
[tense music]
Is anyone home?
Come on.
[tense music]
You can come or not.
Either way,
I'm closing this door.
Make up your mind.
This farmhouse was built
during the first world war.
It's as sturdy as they get.
Brick, mortar, and oak,
no cheap plywood or drywall.
[announcer] [on radio]
...Has issued a tornado warning
For portions of edwards,
kimball, sutton counties.
At this hour, radar indicates
one or more tornadoes
Already on the ground as part
of a large storm complex.
The national weather service
urges anyone
Within the affected area
to [indistinct] precautions.
You'll feel
better if you breathe.
[announcer] [on radio]
this is a severe weather alert.
Good thing
I happened to be home.
Hey, let's focus on us
in here, okay?
Don't worry
about what's going on out there.
It's all gonna be fine,
I promise.
I'm jack.
[glass shatters]
Oh, my god.
Hey, breathe. Breathe.
[indistinct chatter
on the radio]
You're not from around here,
are you?
Uh-uh. Austin.
It's gonna be okay.
This farmhouse has been
in the family a long time, okay?
She's seen her share of storms.
You're gonna be all right.
Hey. Hey. Look at me.
Look at me.
Remember what I told you, okay?
You're gonna be fine.
I promise.
Is it over?
Better go top and have a look.
Wait, are you sure
that's a good idea?
I won't be long.
You can come on out.
Got lucky.
Looks like
it passed us a few miles south.
Suppose, uh, you'll be wanting
to get on your way?
Um, yeah.
Uh, actually, do you have
a landline that I could use?
I got a flat tire
and I really need to call aaa.
Out here in this weather,
Hell, probably waiting hours.
You know, uh...
I could fix
that tire for you if you want.
I got a jack
and some tools in the garage.
-[man] sure.
Thank you.
Say, uh...
You're in a hurry?
-Well, I was gonna put on
A pot of coffee
before the storm hit.
You wanna join me?
Well, um...
I wouldn't mind
cleaning up actually.
Follow me.
[dramatic music]
[man] [on tv]
weather information
From the central texas region
[indistinct] and the best
forecasting in the business.
The storm watch team
has your back.
Welcome back to our ongoing
storm watch coverage.
I'm meteorologist dr. Bill
with the storm watch team...
Everything okay up there?
Yeah. Yeah.
Just got so many precious things
up there,
I get nervous.
How's it looking?
Hmm, not great.
Well, like they say,
Everything's bigger in texas.
[dr. Bill] the unseasonably
warm water in the gulf
Has been creating
a significant onshore float,
High waves along the coast
and a moisture flow
Working its way right up
to the middle of the state.
The intense rain
and high winds
Have caused power outages
In many of the rural areas.
Didn't know how you take it,
So I just put a little cream
and sugar in it.
Oh, no. That's great.
Thank you.
Hey, um, thank you again.
I mean, I don't know
how or if I would've held
Out back there, so...
Happy to help. Yeah.
Must've been really scared
out there on that road.
So you-you live here alone?
Uh-hmm. And my, uh,
16-year-old daughter kylie.
-[jack] yeah.
She's in florida right now,
with the ex-mother-in-law
Over spring break.
So you're divorced?
Oh, uh...
I'm sorry.
That was really rude.
I just...
When I get stressed,
My mouth just starts moving
way faster than my brain.
It's okay. I get it.
Um, but to answer your question,
My wife passed
a year ago in may.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you.
This place, house, orchard...
It's all her.
I know I should get it back up
and running
But...Just haven't
got around to it yet.
So you two,
you ran it all yourselves?
Me? Hell, no.
I can't even keep
a house plant alive.
No, we, uh,
we had a few hired hands.
I let them go
while I figured out what to do.
Well, uh, I guess I better go
have a look at that car, huh?
Oh, okay. Sure.
I got it.
Oh, it's okay.
You can--you can stay here.
Oh. I should grab my phone
in case my sister
-Tries to call me.
Well, it's just
that I don't want you to have go
Dodge any flying cows...
-You know, because the movie.
-The movie.
-Yeah. All right.
You know,
you remind me a lot of her.
My wife.
[dr. Bill] [on tv] protect
yourself and your loved ones.
If you can safely continue
monitoring our broadcast
Or our [indistinct]
radio broadcast,
Please stay abreast
of this fast-developing
automated weather information
Is also available
from [indistinct]
Let's move over here
to the storm watch board
And take a look at the current
satellite imagery.
You can see [indistinct]
South wind [indistinct]
Indicating lightning
and thunderstorm activity.
Let's move over
to the radar image
Have access to a number
of places to park your car.
You may wanna think
about getting...
[car alarm wailing]
[dr. Bill] [on tv] look outside
and if it looks calm,
Know that it may change
You are not
out of the woods yet.
Our storm watch team
Several homes
in the middle of austin
[suspenseful music]
[dr. Bill] you can see how
the metal roof of this mall
Was just stripped right off
and was 50 yards away.
Luckily [indistinct]
[object clatters]
[dr. Bill] jeff, can you pan
to the right
And show us
where the windows were broken?
That's it.
Oh, the entire frame...
[ominous music]
[jack] everything all right?
Yeah, sorry.
I-I thought I was hearing noises
and I just then checking on it
And got, um, turned
around up here, it's...
Right this way.
[suspenseful music]
[birds chirping]
These old houses,
They can feel a little creepy.
Kylie was convinced
that it was haunted.
Oh, um, did you grab my phone?
I'm such an idiot.
I got a little bit flustered
-When I tripped your car alarm.
Um, no big deal.
I can just grab it.
Well, wind's, uh,
actually picking up.
Um, why don't
you just make yourself at home
And I'll go get it for you.
Don't expect much
of a signal though, okay?
Okay. Thank you.
[dr. Bill] [on tv]
smaller county [indistinct]
[door opens]
-This is really good.
I haven't eaten anything
since breakfast.
It was my wife's recipe.
Cooking like this,
how could I say no?
You know,
I can't imagine how hard
That must have been
on you and your daughter.
I'd say the worst part
was the suddenness.
Never having a chance
to say goodbye.
Can I ask what happened?
It was just a car accident.
It was over quickly.
No pain, they said.
It's been really hard on kylie,
-She's a trooper.
Just like her mother.
Listen to me blathering,
It's just...
I don't get a lot of people
to talk to.
Besides your daughter.
Um...These old houses.
They say they don't make 'em
like they used to.
Well, I say there's
probably a reason for that.
Ready for seconds?
No, I couldn't.
Um, besides, I don't feel like
Having to run an extra
five miles tomorrow.
Why do you have to do that?
It's just something that my-my
boyfriend bryan would say
Anytime I splurged and be like,
"that's a five-miler."
Sounds like a real charmer.
Yeah, that's one word for him.
So, uh...
How long you two been together?
Um, we were together
for three years.
Like you said, charmer.
Better late than never,
I suppose.
What do you mean?
You know what I think?
I think you were with him
because it was safe.
I bet deep down, you knew
he wasn't right for you.
You just weren't ready
to admit it to yourself.
Am I right?
-Actually, it's--
-[noises upstairs]
Would you excuse me?
-I'll just be a sec.
-Yeah, sure.
Wind's really did a number
on the roof.
I have to patch it up
in the morning.
-All done?
Stuffed. Thank you.
Why don't you, uh,
go to the living room
And see if there's an update
on the weather.
Okay. Um, but are you sure
You don't want any help
with the dishes?
My wife certainly didn't
keep me around for my cooking.
Okay. Well, thank you.
[jack] yeah.
appears to be a cell
Forming close to the ground.
It's difficult to see
what's going on,
If there's definitely
A possibility of this forming
into a strong funnel cloud.
We will continue to monitor
this and other spots
Where we are concerned about
additional tornadoes forming.
As you know,
central and southern texas
Is no stranger
to extreme weather.
From earthquakes, tornadoes,
and floods to ice storms.
So what can you do to prepare?
First, it's important
to stay informed.
Watch the news,
listen to the radio,
Follow your local emergency
On social media [indistinct]
by following
[jack] got anything?
Oh, um...Uh-uh.
[newscaster] ...Between
hurricanes and tornadoes.
Hurricanes and tornadoes
are both types
Of severe weather,
but they are very different
In terms of their size,
And how they form.
Hurricanes occur
fairly often in late summer--
I never could bring
myself to take them down.
I guess it seems
like having them up...
Somehow makes me feel
less far away.
-It's silly, isn't it?
No, not really.
It's ironic.
So many of us are willing
to believe
The most incredible fairy tales
Just because somebody
at some point
Labeled them a "religion."
Is it any crazier
to think that...
Having these pictures
of my wife up,
In some small way
keeps her spirit alive?
I take it you're
not very religious.
I refuse to believe
any benevolent god
Would let her die
the way she did.
My mom used to call me a easter
And christmas lutheran.
Oh, in other words,
you go to church
'cause you think you should.
Not 'cause
it's important to you?
Something like that.
Seems like a waste of time.
-Towers must be down.
Last time a storm
like this came through,
Phones were out for a week.
...The tornado caused
Extensive damage to homes...
You know what?
Maybe even if I leave now,
I can get ahead of it.
I'd feel responsible
if anything happened to you.
Oh. You know, my sister's
probably worried sick.
She doesn't know you're here?
Uh, no.
She knows I'm on the road.
But not here.
No, she does.
-Did you tell her?
You haven't had your phone
this whole time.
I'd really like my keys now.
I'm just curious.
Of course.
-Well, thank you again for--
For everything.
[door opens]
[bird squawking]
[dramatic music]
[announcer] [on radio]
the local weather authority
Has issued a tornado warning
For edwards, kimball,
and sutton counties
A large and pre-tornado
Five miles northeast
of rocksprings.
-Again [indistinct]
-[thunder rumbling]
[announcer] doppler radar
indicated a large
And pre-tornado five miles
northeast of rocksprings.
So if you are near
or in roosevelt,
Telegraph, or junction,
Please stick to your basement
or shelter and stay put.
[suspenseful music]
Inside! Hurry!
Come on!
It just came over the radio.
An f4 not five miles from here.
That gives us three,
maybe five minutes max.
You made the right decision.
Oh, come on!
What's wrong?
Old hinges.
[wind howling]
I've never seen
anything like it.
[jack] come on, you son of a...
-Come on! Let's go!
[emma] jack?
[jack] behind the shelf!
Grab a lantern.
Hold on!
It will only be a minute.
-Hold on!
-[jack] one more second.
I told you you'd be okay.
Come on.
Open the door.
Jack, what-what are you
waiting for? Open the door.
You're gonna leave.
Jack, open the door.
Generator must be out.
[announcer] [on radio]
...Wind gusts up to 150 knots,
Severe thunderstorm warnings
continue into the evening hours
With a strong chance of tornados
in the edwards county area.
The national weather--
Generator's motor
probably just stalled.
One of the many joys of living
"off-the-grid adjacent".
I have to give the real estate
agent credit for that one.
My wife and I used to joke
that the only people who wanna
Live out here...
Are either misanthropes
Or in hiding.
Which one are you?
Former city dwellers
Looking for inexpensive
real estate.
Kylie, she hates it, of course.
But...Thanks to zoom,
Her social life
doesn't seem to suffer much.
It's funny,
The more connected we are...
The less attached we are.
It's gotten even lonelier
since the workers quit.
I thought you said
you let them go.
-Did I?
-[emma] yeah.
You said you let them go
While you were figuring
things out.
Well, it was mutual.
That's all.
You know what I used to do for
kylie whenever she'd get scared?
-[upbeat music playing on radio]
Come on. Dance with me, emma.
-[jack] come on.
-Jack, I--
-[jack] come on, dance with me.
-Come on.
-I really should go. I--
Come on. It's perfectly
natural to be scared.
-Just come on, dance with me.
Emma, dance with me.
[button clicks]
I'll be honest, I really don't
know how I feel about you
Going out there right now, not
with everything that's going on.
Okay. Uh, look,
I really appreciate everything
You've done,
I do, but I have to go.
All right? My sister,
she's gonna be worried sick.
So I need to call her.
It's just the storms
aren't over.
It's too dangerous.
I'm gonna take my chances.
You...Will you do me
one favor before you go?
I'm gonna go
restart the generator.
Can you just let me know
if the power comes back on?
It'll only be a moment.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
[tense music]
[jack] emma.
[metal clangs]
You're awake.
What happened? I...
-[jack] shh.
-I can't move.
try not to exert yourself.
Don't wanna overdo it.
Why can't I move, jack?
To keep you from trying
to hurt yourself again.
And the gun?
Here. Let's get this cleaned up.
-Something wrong?
-It hurts.
Of course it does, silly.
You got yourself a nasty bruise.
But I can't bandage it up
until it's clean.
Please, I really just wanna go.
Can you please untie me?
I will, okay?
Once I'm sure you're not
gonna do anything rash.
It's lucky I found you
when I did.
Another storm system
came through
When you were out.
Wait. I have to call my sister.
Uh, where is my phone?
It's over there.
I figured you won't
be needing it.
Don't worry.
I told her where you were.
-You did?
-The funniest thing.
I happened to be
writing her a text
When she called.
Why do you keeping looking
over there?
I just...
Is that really necessary?
Like I said,
"off-the-grid adjacent".
No. I know that,
but it just feels like--
A man has a right
to protect his home,
Doesn't he, his daughter?
I thought you said
it was just us.
I'm talking figuratively.
Why are you looking at me
like I'm crazy?
-Uh, sorry, I wasn't--
You wanna know
what I think is crazy,
Really crazy?
Taking a road trip
during a tornado.
Staying with someone
who hurts you...
And I'm not just talking
about your heart.
I saw them bruises on your arm.
I'm guessing they're not
from a loving embrace?
I haven't done anything
But try to help you.
I swear, I'll never
understand you women.
[sighs] you're right.
I guess I would just feel better
if you untied me.
I will.
Once I know
you won't hurt yourself.
You know, my sister,
she's gonna call the police.
And then they're gonna
track my phone.
They're gonna know I'm here.
And then they're gonna
come here and...
I think the police
have more important things
To worry about tonight,
don't you?
Now, where were we?
There we go. There we go.
All better.
So you'll untie me now?
How do I know
you won't try and leave?
I won't. I...
'cause you won't get very far,
Not with the other storms
coming through.
No, you're...
You're much better off
Staying right where you are.
-[jack] yeah.
-[emma chuckles]
I know you just
wanna protect me.
-That's all.
Can I get you anything,
water, root beer?
Actually, there is one thing.
-[door opens]
-[door creaking]
Can I have some privacy?
Oh, of course.
Be right outside.
[door creaking]
Didn't fall in, did ya?
everything all right in there?
Emma, open the door.
[knocking on door]
Open the door, emma.
I'm not kidding.
[knocking on door]
Emma, open the door.
I'm serious.
[knocking on door]
Emma, open the damn door!
[suspenseful music]
[insects chirping]
[shakily breathing]
You're only gonna
get yourself killed!
[door creaking]
[tense music]
[jack] emma?
[suspense music]
I'm just trying
to help you, emma.
Why can't you see that?
-[keys jingles]
[jack] emma?
[car sputtering]
No. Come on.
Okay. Come on.
[line ringing]
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
[phone beeping]
[line ringing]
[operator] edwards county
sheriff's department.
Due to an unusually
high call volume,
No officers are available
to take your call.
Please enter a callback number
And we will have someone
return your call
-As quickly--
-[phone beeping]
-[jack] emma?
-[phone beeps]
[phone vibrating]
[sighs] that was fast.
What was fast?
Oh, thank god.
Okay, listen to me.
Listen to me, I'm-I'm stuck
at this guy's house.
He won't let me leave.
He's crazy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait.
Slow down. What?
I...My car broke down
and then the storm was coming.
I needed somewhere to stay.
He has a gun.
[elena] are you safe?
I-I don't know. I don't know.
I, um...
I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know.
I think I'm somewhere
off of highway 55.
[jack] emma?
What the hell?
-[elena] emma?
-I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I-I-I don't know, okay?
I'm in some
sort of storage shed.
It's the only place
I could find any signal.
[line beeping]
Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.
No network, no.
Come on. Come on. Come on. No.
[generator whirring]
The generator.
[door creaking]
[suspenseful music]
[both grunts]
You think you're safer
out here, emma?
Come on, emma, face it.
You need me.
Where the hell are you?
[suspense music]
[siren wailing]
[thunder rumbling]
[emma panting]
[thunder rumbling]
[wind howling]
[jack] emma!
Come on. Come on.
You're hurting me.
You have to trust me
when I tell you
I'm doing this
for your own safety, emma.
Is that for my safety, too?
[jack] you dropped it. Not me.
You're welcome by the way.
[emma] what the hell
is your problem?
-I just don't understand--
-I said quiet.
[announcer] [on radio]
multiple funnel clouds
Are reported 170 miles
Due west of the metropolitan
austin area
And moving quickly
in a southeasterly direction.
Wind gusts reported up to 200--
Sounds like it's moving away.
[jack] if this is gonna work,
You and I...
We're gonna have to have
A serious conversation
about trust.
[jack] yes, trust.
Trusting me when I tell you
I have no desire to harm you.
You have a funny way
of showing that.
Excuse me?
[emma] I don't know.
Tying me up,
Chasing me around your farm
with a gun?
You're right.
I should have just left you
out there.
See how long you'd last
with a twister coming through.
Two hundred
and twenty miles an hour.
Two hundred and twenty.
Do you have any idea
what kind of damage
Wind like that can cause?
Maybe next time you pull
a little stunt like this,
I'll let you find out.
Why do you care
what happens to me?
Because, unlike bryan,
I actually appreciate you.
Appreciate me?
You know what I think?
I think that
you've been treated like crap
For so long,
You've forgotten what it's like
To be with someone
who actually cares.
Look...I don't know
What kind of sick game
you're playing,
-But I just--
-is that what you think of me?
Well, it just seems like
there's still
A whole lot of secrets
around here.
-Like what?
-Like, what's in the attic?
what are you talking about?
I saw a light in the window.
Is there someone up there?
It's been a long day.
You're not being rational, okay?
If I was sick,
would I really go out
Into the middle of a storm,
risking my own life to save you?
Your daughter would be so proud.
[suspenseful music]
[thunder rumbles]
I didn't mean to do that.
Why would you make me do that?
-please don't touch me.
Look, I know
you might not appreciate me
Very much right now,
But you have to trust me
when I tell you
I know a few things
that you don't.
Like whenever you were
about to leave.
A storm system blew through
And took out a neighborhood
not five miles from here.
Dozens of people
lost their lives,
Emma, including
an entire family.
Not to mention a hundred more
that lost their homes.
Now, I know
you don't believe it,
But you're lucky.
I mean,
you've got a place to go,
A strong shelter,
And someone to look after you.
And I'm grateful.
Radio says another storm
system's coming through.
I really don't think
it's a good idea
For you to be on the roads
until morning.
[jack] and who knows, by then,
Maybe you...
You decide to stay longer?
Look, I-I know how it sounds,
But I mean, think about it.
You need someone.
I need someone.
And here we are.
It's perfect.
Okay, do you really think
-That this is perfect?
-I told you.
-It's for your own protection.
-[emma] for my protection.
I know, but
think about kylie.
How are you gonna
explain me to her
When she gets home
from her grandma's?
Kylie's gonna love you.
She will.
And you're gonna like her, too.
I promise.
I can't just stay here
And pretend
to be part of your family.
We're not gonna pretend.
Okay. Okay.
I-I-I realize that you think
that you want this,
But you don't know me.
-I do.
-No. You think you do.
This...This could work.
Let me go.
This is for your own protection.
I will be fine.
That's, uh...
That's what my wife said.
Uh, could you...
You just give me a minute.
Um, I just got to...
I just--I just need a minute.
Um, just don't go anywhere.
Wait, what?
[jack] uh, just a minute,
that's all.
Jack, where are you going?
Jack, don't leave me down here.
Ungrateful bitch.
[suspenseful music]
[dramatic music]
[tense music]
[police radio chatter]
[knocking on door]
Sheriff's department.
Anyone home?
[knocking on door]
This is the sheriff's
department, open up!
Hi, officer.
How can I help you?
Deputy, actually.
Schultz. Easy mistake.
[jack] of course. Deputy.
I'm sorry to disturb you
so late, mister--
-Mr. Hendricks.
[jack] it's all right.
Not like I could sleep, anyway.
You know, not with all
those sirens going off.
Yeah. Sure has been
a wild night.
Anyways, I'm here
because we got a call
About a woman who disappeared
out this way tonight.
All the way out here, huh?
[deputy schultz] yeah.
Called her sister.
Something about there
being danger,
Some kind of man after her?
Turns out,
she made an emergency call
Which pinged on a cell tower
somewhere in the vicinity.
[jack] oh.
What, uh...What kind
of danger, exactly?
I'm afraid
I can't disclose that.
[jack] right.
Anything unusual happened
around here tonight?
Other than tornado warnings?
There aren't too many homes
that are serviced
By that cell tower.
Do you have a wife,
mr. Hendricks?
I do.
And a daughter, uh, kayla?
Kylie. That's right.
I was out here last summer.
We were collecting
for the sheriff's fund.
Oh, right. The sheriff's fund.
They wouldn't happen
to be here now,
Maybe I could talk to them?
My wife, uh, she passed.
Car accident.
-Uh, not too far, no.
I don't recall there being
any fatal wrecks
In the area recently.
And kylie, well, uh,
she's staying
With her grandmother
over spring break.
Anyway, we got a report
That the car the missing woman
was driving
Was a, uh, silver 2017 suv.
-Don't suppose that
Rings any bells?
Nothing out here but my pickup.
And you wouldn't mind if I took
a look around?
Oh, no. Go right ahead.
I'll even help you.
It's pretty dark out.
That's quite all right.
I got my own flashlight.
Of course.
Well, uh...
You can get to it,
and if you need anything,
Just come get me.
I'll be right in here.
-[jack] no problem.
[dramatic music]
[reporter] on highway 377,
near the kimball county airport,
Where our storm watch field team
is traveling right now.
The wind intensity is...
[knocking on door]
Anything, deputy?
Got some fresh tire tracks.
Looks like an suv.
Well, it's a farm.
Lots of vehicles.
Look, you said
it was just your pickup.
Hmm. Right.
Well, must have been my...
My daughter's car.
She's got a 4runner.
And where is that car now?
My mother-in-law's house.
Which would be?
Your daughter drove to florida?
Yeah, she hates flying.
-Kids, right?
Do you mind giving me
her grandmother's name
And phone number
so I can follow up?
[dramatic music]
I'm just gonna take
a look around before I go,
If that's okay with you?
Of course.
[dramatic music]
[reporter] ...Require
multiple days to repair.
If you're watching this now,
this is dangerous, folks.
You need to stay inside.
You could risk your life.
[dramatic music]
[storm siren blares]
[thunder rumbling]
-[storm siren blares]
-[dramatic music]
I'm down here!
Is someone down there?
Is there someone down here?
Yes! I'm here!
I am right down, down here!
-[emma] hello?
-I'm right here, ma'am!
[thunder rumbling]
[dramatic music]
I know tonight
hasn't gone perfectly.
Okay? And-and-and part of that,
that's my fault.
So, what I'm thinking,
We need is to start over.
Start fresh.
Where are my manners?
You need fluids.
Come on.
Have some more.
So, I'm thinking...
Once these storms pass
and make it through the night,
I'll make us
a nice big breakfast.
You're in luck
because I just so happen
To be a world-class omelet guru.
And we'll just relax,
Start thinking
of our new life together.
we both need to be there
When we tell kylie.
Uh, she's...
She's a great girl, really.
She just...
[sighs] she's-she's been through
a lot this year.
You know,
we just gotta be careful.
She's still fragile.
You understand, right?
Oh, and, uh,
you're a teacher, right?
I wasn't--I wasn't snooping.
I just...I saw textbooks
On the backseat of your car
and so I assumed.
Um, but that works out too
Because I'm already
homeschooling kylie,
And so, you can help with that.
You know, two birds, one stone.
I just have one request.
Oh, yeah, of course.
It's kind of a big one.
But it's also
kind of a dealbreaker.
I'm all ears.
If we're gonna be a family...
I can't be tied up anymore.
I know.
-It's awkward.
In my defense...
You have been sending me
mixed signals tonight.
And I know you got
that boyfriend, bryan.
I get worked up sometimes.
Okay, look.
I know it hurts. Okay?
We all lose people,
-Wait, something is not right.
-[jack] yeah.
Must be kicking in.
It's been a long day.
I know I certainly
can use a rest.
Just something
to help you sleep.
Don't worry. It's only one dose.
Just sleep on what I said, okay?
all around the mulberry bush
the monkey chased the weasel
the monkey stopped
to pull up his sock
pop goes the weasel
half a pound
of tuppenny rice
half a pound of treacle
mix it up and make it nice
pop goes the weasel
[female teenager] you guys
always do this to me.
-[woman] yes. Yes.
-[female teenager] okay. Really?
[woman] your father is a--
[female teenager]
why can't I just open it up?
[woman laughs] okay.
-You can open it.
-[man] okay. Yeah.
[woman] okay. Open your last
present, sweetheart.
Hey, I'm 15.
You guys can't call me
sweetheart anymore. It's weird.
Dad, I'm never gonna take you
out of my [indistinct]
[woman] oh, finally! [laughs]
I love that picture of you.
[female teenager] mom.
open your last present, baby.
-[man laughs]
-Dad, come on.
-[man] good one.
[female teenager] okay, dad.
I will let you keep filming,
But I swear if this ends up
on facebook
Like that picture of me
at three years old
Sitting on the toilet,
I will kill you.
[woman] aw.
[female teenager]
wait, another present?
[woman] [indistinct] kylie.
[kylie] oh, my gosh. Stop!
[man] it's also gonna be
on tiktok.
I got, like, eight
followers there, so it's good.
-[woman laughs]
-[man] okay.
[woman] okay.
[kylie] wait, no way.
[man] okay, okay [indistinct]
-Okay, open it, open it.
-Okay. Yeah.
Can I just open
the present, please?
[man] come on.
[woman] now,
this could be a wrong time
But if you want,
We could exchange it
for [indistinct]
[kylie] it's definitely
a great color.
Okay. It's not bad.
[woman] I'm glad you like it.
[laughs] so, you think
that's gonna fit?
[kylie] um, yeah.
[woman] okay, honey.
[man] that's because
it's really on fleek.
[kylie] dad, promise me
You won't ever say that again,
like, ever.
[man] come on, girl.
Chill out. We're good.
[woman] okay [indistinct]
Honey [indistinct]
coming on and [indistinct]
[kylie] uh, stop.
Uh, dad.
Stop. Dad!
[woman] okay. [laughs]
[kylie] I can just--
I can just wear it with jeans,
It's actually pretty great.
Thanks, mom and dad.
[woman laughs] you're so cute.
[kylie] okay, please.
-[woman laughs]
-[kylie] dad, ridiculous.
[man laughs]
Thank you.
I'm here all week.
-[chris] oh, what you get?
-What you get?
-[kylie] yes, I love it.
[indistinct tv chatter]
[ominous music]
[indistinct chatter on tv]
[thunder rumbles]
[woman] [on tv] honey.
You in here?
Emma? You in here?
[ominous music]
[suspenseful music]
[jack] emma?
[suspenseful music]
where are you going, emma?
No, no, no, no!
Open the door, emma!
Come on, enough fussing around!
Open the damn door!
Open the damn door!
[suspenseful music]
All right. Fine.
You wanna stay up there?
Stay up there.
You can stay up there
as long as you like.
Now, you're not getting out
Till the next storm blows us
And the house away!
Have fun, emma!
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[dramatic music]
[dramatic music]
[knocks on door]
Oh, thanks.
Say, uh, can I use
your telephone?
It's just...I don't have
a signal out here
And I think they gave me
the wrong address
For my next delivery.
-[woman] sure.
The phone is in the kitchen.
[scoffs] thanks.
I won't be long. I promise.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Are you the police?
No. Sorry.
Who are you then?
Just a stranger
that needed shelter
From the storm and came
to the wrong house.
How'd you know my name?
He told me.
He said you were visiting
your grandmother's.
Of course he did.
How long have you been up here?
A few months.
Uh, I lost track.
And you've been alone
this whole time?
He comes up
and talks sometimes.
We play games.
Usually monopoly.
Although I think he lets me win.
And no one's come looking
for you?
Who would notice?
When my dad left,
It was just me and my mom.
I was homeschooled
and she was here
Working on the farm.
Jack keeps talking
about it, like...
That my mom needed
someone like him, that...
This was all for my protection
Until I understand.
[emma] uh, hey.
Are you hurt?
Uh-hmm. Can I...
Can I take a look?
[tense music]
All right.
[thunder rumbling]
[tense music]
He did this?
It's my fault.
No, kylie.
I made him do it.
He is a monster, okay?
He's an abusive monster.
I'm not gonna let him do this
to you anymore.
I'm gonna get us out of here.
[tense music]
[kylie] you shouldn't do that.
Do what?
Make promises you can't keep.
My mom did that a lot.
You said your dad left?
What happened to your mom?
See what she made me do?
Do you?
-Mom, what's going on?
-[jack] kylie,
It's not what it looks like.
You gotta listen to me, okay?
I need you to run.
She's not going anywhere, okay?
Let her go!
Kylie, we're gonna be happy.
The three of us.
Don't listen to him.
Just go, please.
-I don't wanna leave you.
-[jack] kylie, please.
-Kylie, sweetheart. I--
Don't you touch my daughter!
-[jack] kylie!
[tense music]
Kylie, honey!
Come back!
Kylie, honey!
I'm not gonna hurt you.
We're gonna have
a good time, you and me.
Come on out, you'll see.
Kylie, come on!
Quit playing around.
Come on out!
[chickens clucking]
[suspenseful music]
the yellow bands indicating
More intense rainfall
Along the center of the system.
What you don't see
are the rotational air movements
That can cause [indistinct]
-[emergency alert blaring]
-[weatherman] okay.
Uh, I'm being told
that we have eyewitness reports
Of a new funnel cloud
touching down now.
Hang on while we find out
exactly where this is occurring.
[emma breathes heavily]
-[wind howling]
-so what's your story?
What? What do you mean?
Did...You said
you were traveling.
Do you have a family?
A husband?
Do you really wanna
be distracting the woman
Holding the large hammer
about to take a swing
-At your wrist?
Maybe I'm trying to distract
myself from the woman
With the large hammer trying
to take a swing at my wrist.
I have a sister in sonora
And I had a boyfriend.
We broke up recently.
-I'm sorry to hear that.
-Don't be.
It may be the only good thing
that's happened to me this week.
Okay. Just don't look,
all right?
[breathing heavily]
Did you get it?
Not yet. Okay.
Anyway, I was on my way
to my sister's
When I got stuck
in the storm.
You know, I probably should have
just waited the storm out.
But I just had to get out
of there.
I'm scared.
I know.
Me, too.
[suspenseful music]
[siren wailing]
[emma] all right.
Come on. Come on.
It's not gonna work, is it?
No, it has to.
[siren wailing]
Listen to me.
If there's a storm--
What? No. Kylie. No, no.
If there's a really big one...
You have to get out of here.
Just don't even think
like that, okay?
[thunder clapping]
[emma] you're coming with me.
I'm not giving up.
We already tried that.
I'm not giving up, okay?
All right. Ready?
One, two, three.
[tense music]
Come on!
-[chains rattling]
[chainsaw whirring]
What are we supposed to do?
It's too high.
[kylie] how long
until the tornado gets here?
[emma] minutes.
[chainsaw whirring]
-All right.
-He's gonna kill us.
No. I'm gonna figure something.
[suspenseful music]
[chainsaw turns off]
[tense music]
Tell me, how exactly
are you planning
On getting down from here?
We're three stories up.
[siren wailing]
[jack] all around
the mulberry bush
the monkey chased the weasel
the monkey stopped,
to pull up his sock
pop goes the weasel
[thunder rumbling]
[suspenseful music]
[jack] half a pound
of tuppenny rice
half a pound of treacle
mix it up and make it nice
pop goes the weasel
[tense music]
Come on. Come on.
[thunder clapping]
[emma] kylie, let's go!
Come on!
You wouldn't be trying
the window in there now,
Would you?
[tense music]
All right.
You wanna go outside
in the storm?
Why not?
Let's go outside!
[suspenseful music]
[tornado rumbling]
Come on! Come on!
We need to get back to safety!
Let's get back in the shelter!
I know you're upset
But we have our daughter
to think about!
[tornado rumbling]
Our daughter is all I have left
in this world, emma!
And you turned her against me!
A father can only take so much!
You should know that, emma!
Come out!
Before someone gets
seriously hurt!
[wind howling]
[jack] emma!
[emma] come on! Come on!
Go! Go, go, go!
Come on!
Go, go, go, go!
Come on! Let's go!
[suspenseful music]
[emma] go, go, go!
Behind the shelf! Go!
Let me in!
Please! Emma!
Let me in!
[tornado rumbling]
[emma] hold on and don't let go.
[breathing heavily]
I can't [indistinct]
-Hold on!
-[tornado rumbling]
[both breathing heavily]
[birds chirping]
[melancholy music]
[kylie sniffles]
Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay.
[breathing heavily]
Do you think...Jack?
Um, yeah, and when we came out,
He was already--
he was already gone.
You didn't--you didn't happen
to find his body, did you?
No. But that's not surprising
After a storm of that magnitude.
We did find his identification
inside the house, though.
Jack trainor.
And his phone was full
of pictures of the family.
Looks like he'd been
watching them for some time.
Apparently, he used
to deliver groceries
From the local store.
I'm just glad kylie made it.
That's thanks to you.
We're trying to track down
her nearest relatives now.
[emma] okay. That's great.
If it's okay,
Can I stay with you for now?
Yeah. Of course.
Oh, my sister.
Oh, yeah.
We've already called her.
She said she's on her way.
Thank you.
I think we've located
deputy schultz's body.
If you'll excuse me.
Have you ever been to austin?
It's okay.
You're gonna love it.
[melancholy music]
[dramatic music]