Trapped in the Rocky Mountains (2024) Movie Script

No, no, no, no. No.
Ah, no.
No, yeah. Absolutely.
Catering needs to be done
by Sunday.
And you have to start
the marinade.
He knows, Jared.
Carrie, come on.
Are you being serious right now?
No, I'm not serious at all.
I'm light and carefree,
because I'm on vacation.
Greg? Hello?
This place really is
in the middle of nowhere.
Looks like somewhere to me.
A very beautiful somewhere.
Oh, I can't get a single bar.
Guess you'll just have to
enjoy yourself
for a little while.
What a terrible fate.
Jared, come on.
You promised you would
give me this weekend.
I know. It's just-- it's not--
it's not
a good time right now.
"Best of the City" critics,
they could show up any day.
Please don't talk to me
like I don't care
about the restaurant.
It's my livelihood, too.
No, no, no.
I'm not saying that.
I just mean that
it's not the best time
to insist on a weekend away.
To insist on doing something
for our marriage, you mean?
Besides, I told you,
it has to be this weekend
to get the free stay.
You and your contests.
My persistence finally paid off,
didn't it?
I used to love being out
in the mountains.
Since when?
I've asked you to go camping
a thousand times.
You've always said no.
I think this is it.
Is this where
we're supposed to park?
Where are all the other cars?
I don't know.
I bet they move them for us
once we check in.
I'm sure they park them around
back to preserve the vibe.
What, are we carrying
our own bags?
There's no bellhop at this
supposed four-star retreat?
Somehow I think you'll survive.
No doorman either.
After you, sir.
- At least it's quiet.
- Hmm.
Maybe they gave me
the wrong arrival time.
Hmm. Self-check in.
And again I question your
supposed four-star service.
It is different.
How about room three?
It really is quiet.
Is this whole thing
not extremely weird to you?
I admit, it's a little weird.
- But, hey.
- Hmm?
Just think of
the comped services
we'll get when you complain.
Oh, I am--
I'm definitely complaining.
Good. I look forward
to a free massage.
Hmm. Why don't we, uh,
take a look around the place
we got all to ourselves?
Swanky, yet cozy.
Doesn't look like
we're expected to dine alone.
- Huh.
- Hmm.
This kitchen is gorgeous.
I don't think
we should be in here.
I'm sure guests aren't allowed.
Well, maybe they should have
some staff here to stop us.
Good point.
It's very clean.
Which means
they didn't have breakfast.
Everything looks fresh,
which means this place
isn't totally abandoned.
- See? The staff
will be here soon.
- Hmm.
There's someone now.
- Oh, no.
- What is it?
- You know them?
- College.
Oh, my God!
- What are you doing here?
- Um...
Yes, great question.
I have the same for you, too.
- Hi, I'm Carrie.
- Carrie Clark.
- My wife.
- Oh!
Wes Wong.
And this is my sister Lizzie.
Nice to meet you.
So you all went
to college together?
Oh, has Jared told you about us?
Seriously though.
Seriously, what--
what brings you here?
Well, I'm writing a review for
a new luxury travel magazine.
I invited Lizzie to join.
- So, you're a travel writer?
- Yep.
Bit of a dying profession,
but there's still
a few of us around.
Very cool. Hey, would
the magazine happen to know
who owns this place
or anything like that?
- Why do you ask?
- It's a dead zone.
Oh, it can't be that bad.
No, he means there's
literally no one here.
- Really?
- Yeah, go ahead.
See for yourself.
Oh, wait.
I'm just
as confused as you are.
My editor told me this place
was under new management,
but it should definitely be
up and running by now.
And the door was unlocked
when you got here?
Yes, it was open.
Everything seems ready to go,
only no one's here.
Yeah, we didn't get
cell reception.
Yeah, looks like
I don't either.
- Have you tried the landline?
- No.
Not yet.
So how long has it been
since you saw each other last?
Since end of senior year.
Nearly ten years.
Ugh. Can't get an outside line.
I think this is
only set up to take calls
from the guest rooms.
There's gotta be wi-fi though.
This isn't the dark ages.
No, I'm not getting
any networks popping up.
If I can find their equipment,
I can get their stuff working.
- Really?
- She's a wiz at
that kind of thing.
- On it!
- Should one of us go with her?
- Hey, there, Lizards.
- Sorry for the tape delay.
- Not unless you want to be
recorded for posterity.
- The reason I'm not
coming at you live like usual
is because
I am currently going through
a real life mystery.
So, my first mission
is to find the server
and get this place
back on the network
so I can bring you all
updates in real time.
Ooh! Basement.
We've already had
some great reviews
in smaller news outlets.
Jared's menu is very innovative.
Innovative but approachable.
I was getting to that part.
I heard that we're actually
being considered for the paper's
"Best of the City"
list this year,
I mean, which could
absolutely boost our profile.
It sounds like a great spot.
Probably not the kind of place
that you'd even write about
in a luxury magazine.
- Lizzie? Where are you?
- Here!
Good Lord, I thought someone
was axe-murdering you
the way you screamed like that.
I'm sorry. It scared me.
Look at it. Boop!
- You're ridiculous.
- Help me find my phone.
I dropped it when that thing
came out of nowhere.
Oh, here it is.
Oh! Thank you.
My viewers will love this.
Oh, no! I can't believe it!
Can I use you phone to record?
Absolutely not.
Hello? Anybody here?
- Wow.
- Rayanne? Harrison?
Wow. The gang's all here.
Let me guess.
More friends from college?
Good guess.
- Jared's wife?
- Good guess.
Harrison. Long time.
Yeah. So what's going on?
Wait. Why are you two
arriving together?
We ran into each other
at the airport
and decided
to share a rental car.
I was invited
to a launch party for
a winter fashion line.
I don't suppose
that's why you're all here?
We won a vacation.
I'm writing a travel review.
Lizzie came along for fun.
I'm-- I'm meeting someone.
- A woman.
- What woman?
A woman he met online.
So I guess we've all been
lied to one way or another.
No. No, I don't know
what's going on,
but I just know that Laura's
gonna be here soon, so...
I hate to be
the one to break it to you,
but your girl probably
doesn't exist.
My guess you have
a very ambitious online troll
and we've all
been pulled into the prank.
Maybe there's
someone else from college
you were all friends with?
What do you mean?
Well, maybe there's gonna be
a surprise wedding
or something like that.
Who else were you all friends
with who hasn't arrived yet?
Did I say something wrong?
- Babe?
- No. No.
Yeah, somebody from
the dorms maybe?
Tommy Watson? He was fun.
Or Gina Sanders? I liked her.
Is anyone even still in touch
with either of them?
So what are we supposed to do?
Just wait around
and see what happens next?
It seems like we're all
free to leave if we want to.
Um, baby,
maybe we should go home.
Oh, no. I still want my weekend
of relaxation in nature.
I had a long trip,
and my flight back to New York
isn't until
the day after tomorrow,
so I'm not going
anywhere either.
- Wes?
- I'm already writing my article
about this whole
debacle in my head,
and it's gonna get
a lot more clicks than
some standard review.
Then we stay?
My vote is we change into
some comfy clothes
and find the wine cellar.
- Works for me.
- It's settled then.
Any thoughts you want to share
now that we're alone?
One of those four
knows something
they're not telling us,
that's all I can be sure of.
And what about you?
Do you know something
you're not telling me?
Like what?
I don't know.
You know these people.
I don't.
After almost ten years?
I don't assume I know anything.
- Come on.
- Okay.
Oh, hey. Again.
How's your room?
It's fine. Yeah.
Um, I just wanted to say
it's really good to see you.
Oh, uh, yeah, definitely.
I do see your videos sometimes.
They pop up on my feed.
You should've commented
or reached out.
Yeah, I guess I should have.
I just feel like
I'm the only one
who's actually happy
to see anyone else.
Lizzie, does that
really surprise you,
given what happened the last
time we were all together?
No. But I just thought
if we ever...
Let's just find that wine
you were talking about.
Good idea.
- How's your wine?
- Same as yours.
I changed my mind.
I'm not staying.
Wait, you're leaving already?
This whole situation is insane.
Hey, it's dark
and the nearest town
is two hours away.
Why don't you
wait till morning?
Exactly. It's dark.
And we're
in the middle of nowhere
with no idea
of what's going on.
And whatever is going on,
I don't wanna be a part of.
So, goodbye, everyone.
It's been a great reunion.
Harrison, wait!
Hey, that's my coat.
I've, um--
I've tried to contact you
over the years.
Yeah, I know.
Why haven't you responded?
It's just what's best, okay?
I mean, we're supposed
to be moving on, right?
Just let the past be the past?
But we're still friends,
aren't we?
No, Lizzie.
I'm sorry.
Can you stop pouting?
No, I can't.
Is Lizzie really
the only one who's upset?
I mean, Harrison was one
of your best friends, right?
Kind of sounds like
you may never see him again.
Well, he was a good friend
a long time ago.
What was that?
Oh, you're back.
What happened? Are you okay?
- Someone locked the gate.
- Wait, the big iron gate?
What other gate
could I mean, Jared?
So we can't drive our cars out?
Not unless you got
a big wrecking ball
you haven't told me about.
Why would someone do that,
trap us here on purpose?
Let's not jump
to sinister conclusions.
Um, maybe it was
just the groundskeeper
who didn't get memo
the guests had arrived.
- Yeah?
- And they didn't see
any lights on up here?
Look, we were already planning
to stay the night.
- What's the big deal?
- The big deal is that
we weren't trapped before.
Hey, Harrison?
Let's not be so dramatic.
Okay, Jared.
I don't know what else to do.
So tell us,
how should we react?
- Um...
- Wait a second.
I saw a map in the basement.
It showed the whole area.
Maybe there's another way out.
This is the road we came in on,
and here's the lodge.
But is that another road out?
I bet that's
an old service road
that leads through the hills.
Yep, and there's
the highway right there.
Please just wait
till morning, okay?
'Cause that road
could be totally overgrown,
and then you could get stuck
out in the dark and cold.
All right.
But I'm leaving first thing
the morning.
Well, now that that's settled,
dare I ask about dinner?
Will the chef
grace us with the meal?
Yeah, babe. Make us something.
- All right. I'll see
what I can whip up.
- Mmm.
- Jared?
- Hey.
- Are you good?
- Are you okay?
No, no. I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm okay.
- I'll get the first aid kit.
- Are you sure?
No, no, no, no.
I'm okay, I'm okay.
What happened?
Did you smell gas?
No, nothing.
I didn't smell anything.
How the hell
did you not get hurt?
Do realize how incredibly lucky
that you are?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm lucky.
- Okay, but what caused that?
Probably a damaged
gas line or something.
It's dangerous to cut corners
in a kitchen.
I cannot wait to sue someone
for all this.
Look, can we all speak honestly?
What do you mean?
It seems very possible to me
that this explosion
wasn't an accident.
Yeah, like that gate
being locked.
Exactly. Can we be real
about the situation?
Carrie's right.
We should be honest.
Let's talk about her.
Talk about who?
Who's Ashley?
She was my girlfriend.
Ex-girlfriend by then.
Ashley was our friend.
And she died.
It was an accident.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Hey, what was it?
Our last big trip
before graduation, right?
We rented a cabin
up in the mountains.
And, uh, one morning,
Ashley woke up,
went in the woods for a hike--
and this was before
any of us were awake.
And, uh, just like that,
she never came back.
Oh, my God.
And they never found her body.
She was eventually
presumed dead.
A lot of people
who go missing while hiking
are never recovered.
It must have been
so horrible for you all.
But I still don't understand--
How that brought us all here?
Because someone could blame us
for Ashley's death.
But why would anyone blame you?
Maybe we didn't look
hard enough.
If someone's blaming us,
I'd put my bet
on Ashley's mother
as the mastermind.
She was always so nice to us.
More than that. She was like
a second mother to me.
But after Ashley was gone,
she stopped answering my calls.
Holiday cards
returned to sender.
It was like
she disappeared, too.
I never understood why.
But why would she wait
so long to confront you?
Today is the ten year
anniversary of Ashley's death.
What do you think
about all this?
I really don't-- I don't know.
I really don't know.
Babe, I really feel
like there's something
you're not telling me.
No. It's fine.
No, it's okay.
This is all too much.
Carrie. Carrie, come on.
Carrie, come on.
Hey. What are you doing?
I'm switching rooms.
If you don't
wanna tell me the truth,
you don't have to.
- I'll just--
- Look. Stop.
Yes, there's more
to the story, okay?
I'll tell you. Can you just--
can you give me a chance?
Ashley didn't just-- she didn't
just disappear on a hike, okay?
That's just
what we told everyone.
So what really happened?
Well, we, um--
we used to play this game.
- What game?
- It was-- it was, uh--
it was all
a single never-ending game
we all called One Loser.
I mean, it could be--
it could be any
sort of game really,
but the main point was
there could only be one loser.
And each day's loser
would have to do something,
you know,
crazy that we all decided.
- Like what?
- Flash somebody.
Steal something.
Dumb-- dumb kid stuff.
But the challenges,
they got bigger
as they went along.
And then they got
out of hand.
Ashley and Rayanne!
Ashley and Rayanne!
Settle down, settle down!
He wants to do a speech.
- He wants to do a speech.
- Speech! Speech!
Settle down, settle down,
settle down.
He's gonna make a speech.
He's gonna make a speech.
- Speech! Speech!
- Settle down.
- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
- Tonight is the last night
that we are gonna spend
with each other for a long time.
- No.
- Boo!
- Sentimental over here.
- No, but seriously,
it has been an absolute pleasure
spending the last four years
bumming around with all of you.
Yeah, encouraging each other
to be such fine young scholars.
- And upstanding young citizens.
- Yes, everyone in this room
a prince amongst men.
Everyone except...
- The loser!
- The loser.
We need something
significantly challenging
for tonight's game.
Agreed. Something fitting
for the grand finale.
I might have an idea,
but I don't know if certain
delicate souls
are gonna like it.
- Is that a dig at me?
- Or me?
- Or me?
- Yeah, definitely you.
Okay, here it is.
The loser spends
the night alone in the woods.
- No! No, no, no!
I'd be so scared!
- No, no, no, no, no.
- You better not lose then.
- I'm in.
I'll pretend I'm a forest nymph
worshipped by
the woodland creatures.
Ah, screw it. I'm in!
In. I hate you all!
'Tis the game?
- Death poker.
- Oof.
- Mm-hmm.
- Ashley's not messing around.
Wait, how do you
play that one again?
Each hand, you either fold
or you're all in.
No other option.
Last person standing each round
goes into
the winner's circle in triumph.
Last two left
face off for the loser title.
- Ruthless.
- There's no other way
to be in life.
No peeking!
- All right, Harrison,
you're mine.
- Did you just--
- You scared?
- I'm never scared.
- Yes!
- Oh!
First winner of the night!
I knew it!
See you losers later.
Okay, broski, only one Wong
can go in the woods.
- Ready?
- Ready.
Three, two one!
It's fine.
You need to beat me sometimes
- for your self-esteem.
- Okay, shut it.
All right, Harrison.
- Would you look at that?
- Let's go, dude!
- Golden boy. On three?
- Come on. Yeah.
One, two, three.
- Oh!
- Yes! Yes, yes, yes.
- All right.
- You ready?
- You sure you want this?
- Mm-hmm.
- Here we go.
- Loser takes all.
- I'll take two.
- And I will take one.
All in or fold?
- I'm all in.
- Me, too.
- The loser!
- Ah, loser!
I'm bested at my own game.
- Whoo!
- Oh!
- No, Ashley!
- No!
- All right, guys.
- Be safe.
Hey, come here for,
like, a quick second.
Um, this is dangerous, right?
You could be eaten
by a bear or something.
- There are
no bears out there.
- I know, but...
you can just
sneak back to my room.
Nobody's gonna know.
I can't go back
on my own challenge.
But I'll keep that in mind.
See all you winners
in my dreams.
- So sweet.
- You're beautiful!
You left her out there
all night by herself?
we were young and stupid.
The idea of anything bad
actually happening
from the things we did,
I mean, it never occurred to us.
And then you all lied.
I knew we shouldn't let her go.
We just have to wait
for the search and rescue team.
What are we gonna tell them
when they get here?
What do you mean?
We can't tell them
the whole truth
about why
she was out there, can we?
No, no, no, no, no.
We'll get blamed, right?
We'll get charged with
negligent endangerment
or something like that.
But it was Ashley's idea
in the first place.
I don't think that would matter.
We all participated.
I think that
we should stop talking
like we're not
gonna find her, okay?
She's gonna be just fine.
Look, we're just
trying to consider
the worst case scenario, okay?
She's-- she's my best friend
and this is--
we have to be smart.
I-- I can't do it.
You want us to lie?
Lie like that to the police?
- No, no.
- You wanna throw away
our futures?
No one's heading to grad school
across the country
or that fancy New York
magazine job like you planned
if we're caught
in a criminal case.
So what would we say instead?
She got up early, right?
On a hike?
- That's it.
- Her campsite.
I'll clean it up, right?
Gotta be fast.
Before they get here.
Are we in agreement then?
I don't know what to say.
Why didn't you tell me
about any of this?
I guess-- look,
there's never been a great
opportunity for me to tell you
that my college friends and I,
you know, we got somebody killed
and we lied to cops about it.
I'm just trying to understand
how we could be married
for five years,
run a business together,
and you still don't trust me?
No, I do. I do trust you.
Don't say that I don't.
Right, that doesn't mean
that I wanna discuss
all the things about me
that are shameful.
But we're in this
for the good and the bad, Jared.
This is where the bad
has brought us, Carrie.
And what's your theory
on all that?
Because after hearing
this whole story,
I'm starting to wonder--
If somebody out there
wants revenge?
Maybe the breaker box
is over there.
Maybe that's it.
A phone.
There it is.
Hey, Lizzie!
I found the problem!
Got it! A bunch of
breakers had tripped.
Yeah, I think we could...
Do you think the power
is gonna stay on?
I don't know.
It looks like a bunch
of switches
tripped all up at once.
It's weird.
Carrie, are you okay?
Yeah, she's okay.
I told her everything.
The real story about Ashley.
Okay, no offense intended,
but can she be trusted?
Yes, I can.
Besides, you have
bigger problems than me.
Right, like what now?
Do we just wait
for whoever Ashley's mom
sent to assassinate us
one by one?
No, I don't think
we can dismiss other theories.
- What other theories?
- Wes thinks it's one of us.
It merits discussion at least.
- I agree with that.
- Fine, fine.
Let's discuss.
Personally, if we're limiting
our investigation to this room,
I'd call Harrison
our main suspect.
Please do tell why that is.
You and Ashley dated
for three years.
We all know
you never got over her
after she broke up with you.
We wanted different things
after college, okay?
The break-up was mutual.
Something caught
in your throat, Jared?
No, I'm just wondering
if you've actually dated
anyone else in the last decade.
I'm literally here
to meet a woman.
An online stranger
who might not even exist
doesn't count.
Jared, don't be cruel.
No, I'm just telling the truth.
Come on, Rayanne's right.
Harrison never did get over her.
And then he tried
to blame the rest of us
for what happened to her.
How exactly would I set up
all this on my own?
I'm a freelance
graphic designer!
I don't have the money
to rent out a place like this
just to screw with all of you.
What about Wes, huh?
He's the one
with all the hospitality
industry connections.
He's probably owed
a few favors, right?
- You're accusing me?
- Interesting.
Wasn't your last boyfriend
a hotel mogul, Wes?
This is insane.
Wes is the one who wanted
to tell the truth back then.
You all outvoted him.
Wait, you made it sound
like it was unanimous.
Yeah, because in the end,
that's what it was.
I never denied
my responsibility.
I went along with the lie.
But maybe you set this up
to get us to finally tell
the truth after all these years
so that you could be noble Wes.
Okay, don't talk to him
like that.
You haven't changed at all,
Lizzie, have you?
What is that supposed to mean?
You're still the same
tag-along you always were.
The girl who skipped a grade
and never got out from
under her brother's shadow.
You hung out with us
because you had a crush
on his best friend.
It killed you how in love
with Ashley he was,
and that he stayed
in love with her
even after she died.
- Okay, shut up.
- Would you set all this up
just to get him
back into your life after
he cut us off all these years?
Hey, Rayanne, how about
you leave her alone?
You're having an awful lot
of fun accusing everyone else.
Why doesn't someone accuse me?
I'm missing out on all the fun.
Hey, maybe, I rented this place
as a social experiment.
- With what money?
- Excuse me?
Yeah. No, please, tell us
all about your glamorous life
getting invited to
fashion parties and all that.
- Tell us.
- Just say what
you wanna say, Wes.
I follow your circles
for my career.
Trust fund
must be pretty dried up
what with all your
father's investments collapsing.
You know I hate my father.
I don't care about his money.
But you do care about how
it made people feel about you.
The way it made people like you
even when you were terrible?
Maybe this whole thing
is nothing but a desperate
grab for attention
charged to your last credit card
that isn't maxed out.
I wouldn't put that
past you at all.
Screw you.
Screw all of you.
I really don't think anyone
should be alone right now
when these kinds of
accusations are being made.
What do you want?
I just don't think anyone
should be alone right now.
Not until we figure out
what's going on.
Fine. Come in.
Observe my nefarious deeds.
How does all this
nonsense seem to you
as the outsider?
I can only imagine.
It's a lot to take in.
I'm sure you think
I'm being very flip about
all that's happening.
No, I don't know you
well enough to judge.
That's admirable of you.
Everyone else seems to
judge me as much as they'd like.
She was my closest friend,
you know? Ashley.
We were the first
to become friends.
- I didn't realize.
- Yeah.
That's how
our little group formed.
Ashley and I
were freshman roommates
and became
best friends instantly.
She started dating Harrison
when they took
an art class together.
Wes was Harrison's best friend
who lived down the hall
and Lizzie was Wes's sister.
It all came together
quite easily.
And where did Jared come in?
Where did Jared come in?
Well, he was sort of the guy
no one would ever complain
about having around, right?
The golden boy.
If he wanted to spend his time
with us, then that was fine.
So handsome and charming.
Did you two ever...
Jared and me?
No, no, he's--
he's not my type.
Much too male.
He's really never
talked to you about us?
Is there something else
you want to tell me, Rayanne?
I think you've
already figured out that you
don't know your husband
as well as you thought you did.
Just say it.
You and Ashley
were sleeping together?
Damn it, Rayanne.
No! Don't put that on her.
You said you told me
the full story.
Yeah, I did, about what
happened on that trip.
Our relationship
had nothing to do with it.
And the others,
they don't know about it.
Oh! The others don't
know about it.
Of course not.
More secrets, more lies!
It was to protect Harrison.
After he and Ashley
broke up senior year,
then we got together.
Harrison was still
in love with her,
and that's
when me and Ashley figured,
you know,
it was almost graduation
and we were all gonna go
our separate ways anyway.
He would have found out
- People always do.
- Well, no, it felt
crueler at that time
to tell the truth than to wait.
And then we never got a chance
to tell the truth
because she was gone.
These are major experiences
you're hiding from me.
You do you get that, right?
Yeah, I-- Carrie, I don't want
to dwell in the past.
Look, I still-- I still don't.
I'm not asking you
to dwell on the past!
I'm asking you to be
fully honest with me,
your wife, in the present.
I, um--
Where are you going?
I'm gonna, um, make sure
all the doors are locked
and we're all secure
for the night.
Oh, so we're done
with this conversation?
I just need a minute
to think, okay?
This is-- this is all
a lot for me, too.
I thought we weren't
supposed to be wandering
about on our own.
- Don't start with me, Rayanne.
- What did I do?
You got no right
messing with my marriage.
Oh, if me telling the truth
messes with your marriage,
that sounds like your doing.
But we've all made
bad decisions, right?
Come on, there's no need
to dredge up every single detail
making the present harder.
Who are you to decide
what makes things harder
for other people?
Maybe burying the past
is actually more difficult
for some of us.
You act like
you weren't the first one
to suggest all the lies.
I never said
I didn't have regrets.
Regardless, Carrie has nothing
to do with any of this.
Doesn't she?
What are you doing?
What are you doing, Jared?
What is really going on here?
You know just as much as I do.
Oh, unless you're the one
who brought us all here.
So we're circling back
to that, are we?
I think I'll take this as my cue
to end this truly bizarre day.
Good night, Jared.
Who's there?
What are you doing?
- Who was that?
- I'm not sure.
Rayanne? Oh, my God.
Rayanne, wake up. Rayanne?
- Rayanne?
- Is she alive?
Yes, just unconscious.
Oh, thank God.
Why was she out of her room?
- Does that matter?
- Maybe. Did she fall?
- Or was she pushed?
- Hey, where's Jared?
Oh, he wasn't in our room
when I woke up.
- Okay, but where is he?
- I don't know.
He doesn't sleep well. He--
You don't actually
think he had something
to do with this?
- No one said that.
- No one's not saying it either.
Guys, can we just focus on
Rayanne for a second?
Help me move her.
Oh, no, no, no.
We shouldn't move her body.
We can't just leave her here.
Okay, okay.
But be very careful.
- Okay, keep her neck still.
- The dining room table.
It had an extra leaf
in the middle of it.
We can use it as stretcher
and move her there.
I'll go get it then.
Hey, after we move her,
do you want me to help you
look for Jared?
Yes, thank you.
I hope she's okay.
What is taking them so long?
Are you actually hoping
that they find him safe?
Of course.
I know I've been
pretty abrasive.
Very abrasive, and I'm sorry.
Okay? This whole situation
has just got me on edge.
I mean, Rayanne's over there.
She's just helpless and...
- Well?
- We looked everywhere.
You didn't find anything?
He couldn't have
just disappeared.
- What if something
happened to him?
- He'll be fine.
Or he's hiding
something from us.
Look, I don't believe that Jared
would do anything
to hurt Rayanne.
- Where the hell have you been?
- Hey.
- What happened to Rayanne?
- Rayanne fell down the stairs.
- Or she was pushed.
- Is she okay?
- See for yourself.
- Seriously, Jared.
Where were you?
I-- I couldn't sleep.
I wanted to see if I could find
that service road
you were talking about.
- And?
- It's there.
It's rough,
but it seems passable.
- Okay, someone has to go.
- I know. I did.
And when I went
to go start our car,
it wouldn't turn over.
We probably just need a jump.
We have cables.
- Yeah. I'll get the car keys.
- Okay.
- Try it now.
- Yeah.
Come on, come on.
Damn it.
Wes's car isn't working either.
What? You gotta be kidding me.
- I know.
- All right, well,
I'm gonna try mine.
- No?
- Nothing.
- What the hell is going on?
- I don't know.
What's the plan now?
We need to get help for Rayanne.
Lizzie's right. If Rayanne
has a serious head injury,
she needs help fast.
Okay, but all
our cars are sabotaged,
so what do you suggest next?
- Jared, let's try that
service road you found.
- Hmm.
Um, no offense, Carrie,
but I don't know you.
And for all I know,
you and your husband
are behind this whole thing,
leaving us behind
as sitting ducks.
- Seriously, man?
- Yeah, seriously.
Okay, Jared will stay here
so Harrison
can keep an eye on him
and I will go.
No, you're not going alone.
Wes! Wes will go with me.
- Wes isn't much of a hiker.
- Hey.
- No, you're right.
I'm useless.
- Oh, my gosh, Wes.
We all gotta pitch in, man.
Do something.
You know what? Whatever.
- Yeah, I'd rather go
than stay here anyway.
- Wes.
Be careful.
You know,
I really am useless
at this outdoor stuff.
Don't worry, Wes.
I grew up backpacking.
I've got us covered.
You must be wondering
what you did to deserve getting
caught up in all this.
Do you think
you deserve all of this?
I think the past
catches up with you.
The bigger question
is what is the motivation
for doing something like this?
To force a confrontation
with the truth
after all these years?
Okay, she's an adventurer
and a psychologist.
I'm just trying to make sure
we get out of here alive.
Hey, what's that?
Looks like
there's no one here.
I wouldn't be
too sure about that.
It looks like someone
was here recently.
Okay, can we get out
of here please?
Hang on. It's a landline.
I'll look for some keys.
There's a dial tone.
What's your emergency?
Oh, I'm so glad
to hear your voice.
We need some help over
at the lodge on Skyview Road.
What's the problem?
Yes, there's someone
with a severe head injury.
Okay, ma'am. Stay calm.
- Someone's on the way.
- Thank you.
- Please hurry,
- We will.
- No keys.
- It's okay. Help is on the way.
I can't wait
for this to be over.
Oh, I've had better weekends,
I'll give you that.
What was that?
- Wait!
- No, Carrie, wait!
Damn it!
Carrie, wait. Hold on.
Carrie, where are you going?
Hey, Carrie, wait.
Wait, please!
Carrie, help!
- Wes.
- Yeah?
- What happened?
- No! Don't.
- I think I sprained it.
- We need to get you
back to the lodge.
I don't think I can walk.
I'll help you.
We'll go slow, okay?
- Okay. Yeah.
- Ready?
- Who was that?
- You know as much as I do.
- Right?
- Right.
Harrison's been gone
for a long time.
He said he wanted to change.
He also said he wanted
to keep an eye on me.
So why has he been gone so long?
You okay?
I'm coming in.
Harrison, come on. Wake up.
Harrison, wake up!
- Harrison!
- What--
What's going on?
I don't know.
You were unconscious.
My head.
Oh, my God.
Here. Sit right here.
What happened to him?
Can we get some ice?
I'm okay, thanks.
What happened to you?
I'm okay. I just tweaked
my ankle a little bit.
- I'm good, I'm good.
- Hold on, I'll go get the ice.
- Here, let's get his foot up.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- Guys, there's
some kind of tank
stashed in Harrison's room.
- It was leaking.
- What?
- Yeah, carbon dioxide, I think.
- Oh, my God.
Wait. We saw someone.
- Maybe they put
the tank in his room.
- Wait.
- What'd they look like?
- I don't know. Slim, ski mask.
I couldn't get
a good look at them,
but before that
we called for help.
- Wait. How'd you do that?
- There was an old barn
a few miles out
that wasn't on the map.
I think whoever we saw
was living there.
But more importantly,
there was a working landline.
- Someone's coming for us?
- Someone's coming.
Oh! Oh, my...
Wait, what are you doing?
Um, well, I just can't sit here
and do nothing.
I wanna see
if I can find that creep.
Jared, help is on the way.
We should wait here
for them to arrive.
I'll see what else we can eat
without using a stove.
Shouldn't an ambulance
be here by now?
Are you sure Lizzie
didn't want anything?
I don't think she'll eat
until she knows Rayanne is okay.
Hey, I'm gonna try
and get some rest
'cause who knows how long
we're gonna be stuck here for.
if anything happens...
We're low on logs for the fire.
I'm gonna go find the woodpile.
Wait, are you sure
that's a good idea?
I'm-- I'm not going far.
I just-- I just need
to keep my mind busy.
Looks like the swelling
has gone down.
- You just keep
getting some rest, okay?
- Okay, thanks.
Okay, Wes, let's see
if you're hiding anything.
Any clue. Help a girl out.
What you did?
Where are you?
I thought it was you
that they saw out here.
I've been trying to get
a moment alone with you,
but, God, I panicked
when they spotted me,
and I just ran,
and then I got turned around.
- Is Wes okay?
- Yeah, he's gonna be fine.
I just--
I can't figure it all out.
At first I thought it was you
that brought us all here.
- Wait. Why would I do that?
- I don't know.
Maybe you changed your mind,
that you wanted to tell
everybody that you were alive.
And maybe force your hand
to tell your wife
that you're leaving her?
- Wow.
- Hey, obviously,
I knew it couldn't be you.
- You're not gonna
try to hurt us.
- You know, I don't know
why I should tell everyone
that I'm alive when you can't
- even tell your wife
that your marriage is over.
- No, I'm going to tell her.
You know, I'm just having
a really good time right now.
- It's-- you wouldn't
understand, you know? It--
- I wouldn't understand?
What it's like
to leave your whole life
for something more important?
Hey. No, no.
Of course you do.
It's just with Carrie,
it's complicated.
Maybe not as complicated
as you might think.
Because someone in there
is leaving me
text messages like this.
Which means someone must know
about my mom and her plan.
A jealous wife
can be very dangerous.
You think--
you think that's Carrie?
No way. Even if somehow
she found out about you and me,
that's not her style
with that message,
this whole entire setup.
- And you're sure about that?
- Yes.
She's a very practical person.
She's a normal person.
She's not capable
of this supervillain stuff.
- Not like you think I can be.
- No, hey.
I didn't mean it like that.
Look, I have to
get you out of here.
My car is just at the end
of the service road.
No. You're coming with me.
- What's the plan?
- Help is on the way.
Once the others are gone,
I'm gonna come back for you,
and I'm gonna get you
the hell out of here, okay?
Okay, but what if whoever
is sending those text messages
strikes before that?
Hey, hey, hey.
I'll cross that bridge
if we get to it.
I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.
Okay, look, I gotta go--
Look, I gotta go
back upstairs before anyone
notices that I'm gone.
If you hear anyone
coming at all, hide.
Hey, I thought you were
trying to sleep.
Yeah, kind of hard to relax
with everything going on,
right, man?
- Yeah, yeah.
- So, um, where were you?
- None of your business.
- Yeah, but everything
you do here
is kind of my business
until we get out of here.
Hmm. I was going to my room
to use the bathroom,
if that's okay with you.
Yeah, but, um,
I just really wanna
ask you again though.
- Where were you?
- Look, I just wanted
to find out
whoever was out there.
I didn't want Carrie to worry,
that's all.
Big man just keeping us
all safe, right?
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
I take it
you weren't successful?
You gonna get out
of my way or not?
- Hey, what's going on?
- She's waking up.
Rayanne, can you hear me?
- Lizzie?
- Oh, thank God.
Oh, my head.
Don't try to get up too fast.
- What happened?
- We found you at the bottom
of the stairs last night.
The stairs? I don't remember.
Don't worry. Don't worry.
What matters most
is that you're gonna be okay.
- It's so bright in here.
- Hey, Rayanne, come on.
I'm gonna get you to your room.
You'll be more
comfortable there. Come on.
She really
can't remember anything.
I think it's common
with concussions.
Do you think it'll
come back to her?
I certainly hope so.
Time keeps passing,
and we're still stuck here.
If I never get to post
these updates, I swear...
You know what? Screw that.
I'm gonna look
for the server box again
because it's gotta
be here somewhere.
And then when I find it,
I'm gonna post
everything that's happened.
No more secrets.
And then I'm gonna keep
calling for help
until someone comes for us,
whether that's
to get us out of here
or try to kill us all.
I can't believe
that somebody...
You have no idea
who it might be?
I don't know, but I--
I mean, we'll work it out.
We'll find out.
- Ash?
- Lizzie.
Wes! Harrison!
Wes! Harrison!
Wes! Wes!
Wes? Harrison?
Wes? Wes!
- Was that Lizzie?
- I think so.
- Wes! Harrison!
- Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.
- Wes!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What's going on?
What's going on?
- Lizzie, calm down.
- It's her!
- She's here!
- What are you saying?
- Who's here?
- I saw...
She saw me.
Oh, my God.
- It's really you.
- Ashley.
- Jared, what are you doing?
- I'm sorry, Carrie.
You knew she was alive.
Did you know all this time?
- Did you know for ten years?
- No.
Not for sure.
How could I know?
You're in this together.
You're the ones
who brought us here!
- No.
- No, Wes, I promise--
No, don't deny it now.
You got what you wanted,
tormenting us all weekend.
Yeah, let's just
get it out in the open.
I'm tired of telling lies!
What do you mean telling lies?
What did you do, Wes?
Weeks ago, I got an email.
Someone was threatening me.
Threatening to expose things
I've been involved in.
What things?
Financial arrangements
for my ex-boyfriend's company.
Wait, the hotel mogul
that Rayanne mentioned?
This is one
of the places he owns.
And it's been sitting empty,
making more money
as a tax write-off.
The email told me
to get the access info
and to show up this weekend
with the story I was given,
to just play along,
or else they'd turn me in.
Lizzie, I had to do
what they said
or I would have gone to jail
for a really long time.
Tell us, what did
you think was happening
when you saw all of us?
We all went
through the theories.
I didn't know
who sent the email.
All it proved was
what we already knew,
that someone tricked us
to get us here.
I didn't know was her.
You didn't think you needed
to tell us any of this
when dangerous things
started to happen?
When someone could have died?
I was too scared
to tell the truth.
Okay, look, stop this.
I did not send the email to Wes,
and I did not bring
all of you here.
- Hmph.
- And I would never
hurt Rayanne.
Oh, really?
Because your death
completely destroyed her!
Yeah, it destroyed all of us.
How can we believe anything
that's coming out
of your mouth, huh?
You must be
a complete sociopath
to let us all think
you've been dead for ten years!
Everyone but one person.
Right, Jared?
Please, just let me explain.
Don't you mean "us"?
Shouldn't she say,
"Let us explain?"
Carrie, I didn't mean for it
to go like this.
Let's hear the story then.
I just feel so helpless.
I would do anything
to get her that treatment.
Okay. What did
the insurance company say
when you tried them again?
The same thing.
No experimental treatments
are covered.
It's her last chance.
I wish I was dying
instead of her.
Hey, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't say something like that.
I mean it.
We have insurances policies
out on each other...
...because we have no one else.
You have me now.
Do you love me enough
to help me?
Yes, of course I do.
Even if I had
to fake my own death?
You're gonna fake
your own death?
She'd get the insurance money,
and she could pay
for the treatment.
With an imagination like that,
we'll come up
with a different plan.
I thought
it was all a dark joke,
but then when she disappeared,
that's when I remembered.
That she was out there
with her mom, right?
And she was gonna come back
for me when she had the chance.
You only married me
when you thought she was never
coming for you again.
Carrie, my God, I--
I didn't mean it
for it to go like this.
Obviously not.
I loved you. I really did.
I tried to stay away,
to let him live his own life
and not be tied
to someone in hiding.
To not be burdened by a lie.
Yeah, but you know what?
We all got burdened by your lie.
All of us.
What changed? Why did you
finally approach him?
My mother's cancer
came back last year.
And this time,
they couldn't help her.
When she passed,
I just was so alone.
And I couldn't help it.
I still loved him.
I can't listen
to any more of this sob story,
like you're some victim.
- Lizzie, I'm so sorry.
- No!
Do you understand
what you put us through?
We went to your funeral!
We watched them put
an empty box into the ground
thinking it was our fault!
I never wanted to hurt
any of you.
I loved you, Lizzie.
You're insane!
Harrison, I'm sorry.
I agree with Lizzie.
If you can come up
with a plan like that, I mean,
who's to say you wouldn't do
something else crazy?
No. She's not crazy, okay?
And she didn't bring us
all here.
He's actually right about that.
What are you saying, Carrie?
I know who pushed Rayanne
down the stairs.
- It wasn't Ashley.
- Who was it then?
You already know.
It was you.
You got any evidence
to prove that theory?
What if I prove it?
Carrie's right.
Harrison's the one
that tried to kill me.
I caught him sneaking around
after we'd all gone to bed.
I went to confront him,
but then I saw
the look in his eyes.
Okay. Just listen, okay?
I wasn't trying to kill you.
I was just trying to stop you
from ruining everything.
That's it.
But how did you figure it out?
The bedroom doors.
They're firesafe.
They're heavy,
but they close slowly.
Last night,
you acted like you'd run out
just like the rest of us.
Who was that?
I didn't put it together
until we ran out again tonight
after Lizzie.
- Was that Lizzie?
- I think so.
Wes? Harrison? Wes!
You were lying
this entire time?
You faked the whole thing
with the CO2 canister
and disabled our cars?
You did all of it?
And those
text messages you sent
threatening me
if I didn't come here?
- You're sick, Harrison.
- You of all people
have no right
to call someone sick, Ashley.
If not for what you started,
I wouldn't have done
any of this.
- But how did you know?
- How did I know?
You two thought
you were so sneaky.
I saw the looks
between you two.
I just wanna know,
just please tell me
why couldn't
you have just waited
till you'd broken up with me?
And you.
No, man, you knew
that I loved her, man!
Just stop.
Harrison, we were just
trying to protect you.
Jared, do not act
righteous right now.
But the thing is,
you're not the only one
who got close
to Sandra, Rayanne.
After Ashley's death,
I visited her often.
I still loved Ashley
so, so much,
and I knew her mother
meant everything to her.
But it just didn't make sense
because she wasn't mourning
the way that I was.
And then just like that,
she was gone without a warning.
But it's kind of hard
to fall off the grid
when you need experimental
treatments, right?
And that's how I found you.
And I just--
I just started watching you.
I was just trying
to understand. That's all
I was trying to do.
I was trying to understand.
And then you came back
into the picture.
You did all this
because you couldn't stand
seeing us together?
No, no. No!
No! No!
It's not because of that!
What I couldn't stand
was the fact that Ashley
never intended
on telling the rest of us
that she was still alive
even after her mother was dead.
- That's true, isn't it?
- Lizzie, I faked my death.
That's not just something
you can take back!
- You didn't trust us.
- You'd be complicit.
- It's fraud!
- I could've helped you.
We could've
figured it out together.
I thought I was doing
the right thing at the time.
And I would do it again
for these ten extra years
I got with my mom.
And there it is.
You were never, ever the person
that we all thought you were.
Ashley, I want you
to look in my eyes
when I tell you
that you are so selfish.
Wait a second.
This just isn't adding up.
You must have suspected
when we saw someone
that it was Ashley,
that your plan to force her
out into the open had worked.
But you didn't want to
just expose Ashley.
You wanted to frame her
for everything you did to us.
And you did want to kill Jared.
You hated him.
You knew that he was a chef
and he would try
to use the stove
before any of us did.
What about the rest of us?
Look, with Jared
out of the picture,
nobody would believe
any of her lies anymore.
I mean, it would just look like
she just came back for revenge
for us
just leaving her out there.
I never intended on hurting
the rest of you.
But you did hurt me.
I know. I...
Sorry, it was
just collateral damage.
- Let her go!
- I will, once I get back
to my car,
which works just fine,
by the way.
What's your endgame, Harrison?
You confessed everything!
It's over!
I learned how
to disappear from you.
- So I'll be just fine.
- Let go of her!
Harrison, stop!
This has gone too far!
Come on! Aah!
- Lizzie, are you okay?
- Harrison? Harrison?
- Harrison, Harrison.
- Wait, wait. Jared?
- Jared!
- There is nothing here
that can't be undone.
- Just relax.
- Jared!
- Get the hell out of my way.
- Guys, stop!
- Guys, stop!
- Stop it!
I got you, I got you.
Come on, it's okay.
It's all right.
No, no, no,
no, no, no, no!
I'm sorry.
I'll be back.
Jared, Jared.
Jared, stay with me.
- Carrie,
where are you going?
- Carrie, don't.
- Carrie, stop!
- Carrie!
I can't let you get in this car.
Jared betrayed you, okay?
You should be thanking me
for bringing that
to light for you.
I'll send you
a fruit basket in prison.
How's that?
You still think
the police are coming?
You are smarter than that.
That is a closed line circuit
from the front desk of the lodge
and all calls
are currently forwarded
directly to my room.
- I was talking to you?
- Yeah.
I actually like you, Carrie.
I'm so sorry that you
got caught up in all this.
You were too good for him.
But right now, I need you
to get the hell out of my way.
- Aah!
- Harrison, stop!
Keys! Key, keys, keys!
Carrie, give me my keys!
Carrie, come on!
I'll chase you
all night if I have to.
I changed my mind, Carrie.
I don't think
I like you anymore.
Carrie, Carrie, Carrie.
You just had
to get involved, didn't you?
Didn't you? And after all
I've done for you?
Showing you the truth
of who your husband really is?
You should be thanking me!
Come on out right now.
Right now!
Don't leave me here, please.
I'll send help when they come.
He's alive for now.
As long as he gets help soon,
he'll be okay.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I'll be fine.
I'm not leaving him.
I can't.
I don't think you should.
Ashley, there's nothing
you can do for him now.
If you're going, just go!
Come on.
It's over.
An update
on this week's bizarre story
of a scorned lover's revenge.
Harrison McKenzie
was taken into custody
for the murder
of local chef Jared Clark
at a private mountain lodge.
Meanwhile, Ashley Conrad,
the woman found
with Clark's body,
faces charges for fraud
for faking her own death
ten years ago.
Thus far, no one
in the group of witnesses
to the murder
has made public comment.
We can only speculate about
what they all went through
that weekend
in the mountains.