Trapped with My Husband (2022) Movie Script

Hey, Cameron.
I'm heading home.
See you in the morning.
I just wanna check in with
Melissa before I head home.
See you tomorrow.
See ya.
I just wanted to check in and
see if you need anything else
before I head home.
Thank you. You're the best.
I'm OK. I'll lock up here.
I could... wait
around for a bit.
Maybe we could grab a bite
at that new Mexican
place next door.
I'm good. I just
wanna focus on this.
Yeah, OK.
I'll, um, see you
in the morning.
See you.
Gimme everything you've
got! Cash, keys, phone!
Help me!
Cash, keys, phone.
Help me!
You'll pay for that!
I don't think so, dude!
911. What's your emergency?
You were very lucky that, uh...
Yes, uh, Kevin showed
up when he did.
Please just promise me
you'll be extra careful
walking through
here at night, OK?
And please call me if
you have any questions.
Thank you.
Bono: You two have
a good night.
Well, I can't thank you enough.
I don't even wanna imagine
what might have happened
if you hadn't shown up.
I'm just glad I
was here to help.
How can I ever thank you?
Maybe you might join
me for a glass of wine
or a meal sometime?
I know this was a really
intense way to meet, but...
Well, I...
Look, no pressure.
Why don't I just give you my
phone number and then you can
call me after you've had
time to think about it?
Sure. Why not?
Is the coast clear?
It's all there.
Nice doing business.
Come on!
Where have you been?
You're gonna be late for your
first day, really, seriously?
Move it!
Lay off, Mom! I've got
plenty of time. It's fine.
I am so tired... of
your... Every single time.
Sweetie! I'm home!
Didn't you hear me calling out?
Uh, sorry. Just my
mind's preoccupied.
You're home early.
Yeah. I thought we could
cook dinner together
like we used to.
I miss how we'd do that,
talk about our day.
I do too. Really, I do.
I've just had a lot on
my mind lately, you know?
Did you get much
work done today?
Heard anything about the
wine bar proposal
plan being completed?
Everything's coming along
with the wine bar, babe.
Don't worry. Trust me. I
got this under control.
Yeah, well, I've heard
that before, Kevin
Well, this time's
different. Trust me, OK?
I don't wanna argue, Kevin.
All we do is argue lately.
I miss how things used to be.
Why don't I
open a bottle of that
new white burgundy
that you brought home
and we can cook ourselves
something special
with the groceries I bought.
Just gonna grab a shower, OK?
Look, I told you I
was good for it.
I just need a little more time.
You'll get your money. It's
not gonna be a problem.
Hello? Are you there?
I just told you I...
Oh, hi, Loni. Um, tonight?
Uh, OK. Just, just
gimme an hour.
Where are you going?
So sorry, babe. Work called.
Clark's out tonight and
they want me to fill in.
But I just made dinner.
Well, weren't you
the one that told me
I need to make the most of this
job cause of who the chef is?
Well, yeah. I just, I...
Don't wait up.
I probably have to help with
inventory tonight too.
Oh, hi, Lauren.
How are you?
I just want to say I'm
sorry for that whole
scene earlier today.
I mean, Grace is,
she's all grown up,
but I swear I don't think my
mothering's ever gonna end
where she's concerned.
No worries. You
have a good night.
Oh, and I am grateful and all
for what Kevin did for Grace.
What are you talking about?
Well, he put in a
good word for her
at the new tapas restaurant.
Now she's a hostess there.
So you're saying Kevin got
your daughter Grace a job
where he works?
Yeah. He didn't
tell you?
Uh, no.
Happy he could help.
You have a good night.
Here. Smell
this red.
See if you can tell me what
aromas you can identify.
Is uh, that a bit
of cherry I smell?
Very good.
How do you know all this?
I worked at my uncle's
restaurant after college,
and he trained me
to be a sommelier.
A sommelier's an expert of
wine. I'm even certified.
Oh! Maybe you'd give me a
private lesson sometime.
For you, that could be arranged.
Hey, um, between us,
I'm really close to
opening my own wine bar.
And, uh, maybe you
could come work for me.
Really? Yeah.
I would love to help you
in any way that I can!
Grace, we have guests
who need to be seated.
Sorry, Loni.
Quinn! What a nice surprise!
Is it?
Yeah, of course! I
haven't seen you since...
Vegas, two years ago.
Do you have a few minutes
to talk? In private?
I don't think you
wanna do this here.
Follow me out back.
I don't have much time. I
need to get back to work.
How refreshing to see
you actually working.
How'd you find me?
Well, I had to do
quite a bit of digging
with the help of a
PI and a tech nerd,
but it was all worth it
just to see the look
on your face in there.
I see you didn't take long to
find your next mark after me,
a successful fashion
designer no less.
And you even charmed your
way into a marriage. Wow!
Why can't we say what
happened between us
is just water under the bridge?
Hm. Because you
swindled me out of
a hundred thousand
dollars for your wine bar
that never happened and
then skipped town on me!
Some businesses don't work out.
What do you want from me?
My money, all of it.
Yeah. I don't
have that kind of cash.
Oh, but I'm sure your wife must.
I'm pretty sure you can use
your, uh, masculine wiles
to, um, convince her
to give you cash.
And if I don't?
I have some proof of your,
uh, illegal activities.
Yeah. You wouldn't
like jail.
You have seventy-two
hours to figure it out.
And don't worry. I'll
text you my number.
Have fun... babe.
All right.
It's stunning.
Thank you.
Oh, I was stuck on the
design for so long,
but it finally came together.
This could be our
biggest season yet,
the collection that really
takes us to the next level.
Well, fingers and toes crossed.
I could not have
done it without the support
of you and Cameron.
Well, what can I say?
We are the dream team!
I wholeheartedly agree.
Kevin? Again? Things haven't
gotten any better, have they?
No, they haven't.
I think back to that first night
when he swooped in
and rescued me.
Yeah, he did make quite a first
impression that night, for sure.
But, since...
Oh, honey, uh, I'm so sorry.
I just...
You deserve so much more than
how Kevin's treating you.
Thank you.
You said he started a new
job in the meantime, right?
Yes, another new job,
which is good because
he spends money faster
than I can make it.
Could you make sure this goes
out in the mail, Mary Ann?
Sure thing!
Um, do you have
a moment to talk?
Hey there!
Well, hey there back!
I had no idea that you
hiked along this route too!
You sure you weren't
just following me?
Wanna finish the trail together?
Let's go.
As a friend, I'm concerned.
Melissa has been so
distracted lately.
And she's even made a
mistake on a couple of orders
and she never does that!
I'm just... I'm worried
that the great momentum
we've been building for the
company is gonna take a hit
if it continues.
It's Kevin, isn't it?
He keeps her on edge sometimes.
I will never understand what
she sees in that lousy...
You have feelings for
her, don't you, Cameron?
Am I that apparent?
Maybe, just a little.
I should head back in.
I'll be back up in a minute.
Guess what?
An old friend of
mine just called,
said he might be
interested in investing.
Just waiting on that
proposal to send him.
Consultant said he might
need a couple more weeks
to make sure everything's
And it's gonna cost
a bit more, too.
How much?
Five thousand.
I just need a little
more help from you, OK?
I thought you'd be pleased.
Aren't the more investors
I can get, the better?
I am. It's just... look, I'm
happy for you. I just...
Why don't you sound
like it? You're my wife.
It's gonna be a late one for
me so, uh, just go ahead,
go to bed without me, OK?
Hey, you OK?
Yeah. Just, uh...
Need to clear my head.
Just a little bump in the
road setting up my wine bar.
Well, you're such a smart
guy. It'll come together.
You really think so?
Mm-hm. Yeah, I do.
I could just listen to you
talk about wines all night.
It's kinda sexy.
Think so, huh?
So, how you like working here?
Uh, it's good.
I'm not sure Loni likes me
yet though but...
Oh, yeah, yeah. She can
be a tough nut to crack.
Just smile and nod and do
whatever she tells you.
You're beautiful, you know that?
I'm really glad we're getting to
spend this extra time together.
Me, too.
Uh, Kevin...
You're so amazing.
I've had a crush on you
since you moved next door.
You should really invest
in a better alarm system.
I wouldn't scream if
I were you...
Who are you and how
do you know my name?
I... work with your husband's
business associates.
And what does that mean exactly?
Let's just say my bosses help
facilitate wagers for clients
when it comes to, uh,
sports teams and the like.
So you're a bookie?
I hate that term.
You still haven't told me what
you're doing in my house.
Hm. Your husband
recently placed a
$30,000 bet on... well,
what he thought
was a sure thing.
Now, he has paid me
fifteen thousand of it,
but he keeps making
unfortunate excuses
as to why he cannot
pay the rest.
Hm. And then there's the issue
of the other money he owes.
How much?
Three hundred... thousand.
Ah, you, you seem
like a nice lady,
but either your husband or
you will pay what is owed.
I hope we're clear on this.
Great apple by the way.
That was amazing, beautiful.
You were... incredible.
But, um...
what about Melissa?
Yeah. She doesn't get
me or what I need.
It's been that way
for a while now.
We have to keep this
between ourselves, OK?
For now.
Hi. Why aren't you in bed?
Someone who knows you paid
me a little visit earlier.
He said he was a business
associate of yours.
OK. I, I don't know
what he told you...
A bookie, Kevin? What in
God's name were you thinking?
It's not a big deal.
Not a big deal?
He threatened me.
He told me you owe him
three hundred thousand!
Is this true?
He said you already gave
him fifteen thousand.
Is that the same
money that I gave you
for the wine bar
business proposal?
We will somehow sort
the rest of this out
in the morning.
In the meantime, I need a break.
What do you
mean "a break?"
I mean don't even think about
coming into the bedroom tonight.
Smart move not trying
to dodge me anymore.
Just how many people you
owe money, my friend?
Look, I told you not
to worry. I got this.
Why'd you go scare my wife
like that? Now everything's
more complicated
than it needs to be!
I told you I would get
what you owe my associates
one way or another.
If I have to go through
your wife to get the money,
so be it.
I've got a plan to get
a big chunk of the money
by selling some pricey
artwork I've got.
I just need the
time to work it out.
Your wife is a successful
Surely, you can do
better than that.
I'll get my share.
You can bet on that.
Call on line three for you.
She said she was with
one of the boutiques.
This is Melissa.
Melissa, it's
about your husband.
Meet me downstairs outside
in front of the building.
I think you need to hear this.
I'm just gonna run
a quick errand.
That was amazing.
But I gotta get ready for work.
Leave these for me?
You're a naughty boy!
Ah, you have no idea, babe.
Ah! You have no idea.
Who are you? Do you work
for my husband's bookie?
Bookie? Oh, yeah. Probably
someone else he's in debt to.
Your husband owes
me money, big time.
Look, I don't know what to tell you.
That's on him. Listen...
OK. I feel bad about this. I
really do. I used to be you.
What do you mean?
Can we sit down for
a second? Please?
My name is Quinn.
I was one of Kevin's
marks before you.
He practically cleaned me out.
What do you mean before me?
A couple of years ago in Vegas,
I met him when he saved me
one night from a mugger.
I had a successful interior
design firm in Nevada.
He had been studying me
for weeks before we met
after he read an interview,
I did in a local paper.
And I fell for it.
Look, I know what it's like
to have him sweep
you off your feet,
both in and out of the bedroom.
But he ruined my entire life
and then just disappeared.
And he'll do that to you, too.
What do you want from me though?
I honestly debated speaking
to you about this at all,
but I just figured
I should warn you.
I have proof of some
of his illegal dealings
and he's worked with
some shady people.
Well, that part I do know.
Probably not to the extent I do.
Look, I need
my money. OK?
He owes me a hundred
thousand dollars.
I deserve to start
over after all of this.
Well, I can tell you right
now he does not have it.
No! Absolutely not.
I am no longer going to be
Kevin's personal ATM machine.
Let the chips fall where
they may with this mess
that he has gotten himself into.
Look, I really appreciate
you coming to me,
confirming some things for me.
For what it's worth,
I am sorry for what
he's done to you...
to both of us.
I doubt we're the
only ones. Melissa?
Just be careful ridding
yourself of him.
It can, it can get dangerous.
Unfortunately, I'm
starting to realize that.
Where have you been?
Just went for a night hike.
I felt this burst
of energy earlier.
Can you pour me a
glass, too, babe?
Of course.
It's been a day.
Thanks, babe.
My pleasure.
Not mine!
What the hell?
You crazy?
After being married to
you, it's a wonder I'm not!
In our bedroom?
So? It's not
like you've been up to
doing your wifely duties lately.
My wifely duties?
You're illegal gambling, you're
cheating, not to mention
I met your friend Quinn today.
She says you owe her money.
Well, she's just...
She told me that she met
you the same way I did,
that you studied her life
before you met, that, uh,
she was your mark.
So you were only interested
in my money, is that right?
This whole marriage
has been a sham?
You played me just like you
did her. Who knows who else?
Well, sounds like
this Quinn woman
might just bring you down.
Yeah. I'm not
worried about that.
This, um, relationship,
this marriage,
whatever you wanna call it...
It's over.
Really? You think you can
get rid of me that easily?
I'm warning you, Melissa.
Do not underestimate me.
I will get what I'm due.
It's better if you just
give me what I need
to pay these people off,
or else things could
get dangerous for you.
I'm only gonna say this once
so you better listen carefully
I want you gone by
the time I leave
for my meetings in
Harrisburg tomorrow morning!
The rest of this mess
will be sorted out later.
I don't wanna look at
you for another minute.
By the way, I have cancelled
our joint credit cards.
This is far from over.
Why aren't you packed?
What do you mean?
I told you to get out of
my house by this morning.
Ah! Well, need I remind
you that this is our house?
Don't test me!
I'm heading out for
my hike now. Bye.
Kevin! We're not done
hashing this out!
Kevin: Hey, don't worry.
I'll be back soon!
While I'm gone, why don't
you think about how much
you'd be willing to spend
to really get rid of me?
Oh! Yeah, I just remembered!
You have to go to Harrisburg
for your special
meetings, don't you?
Looks like I'm gonna have
the house all to myself.
Well, when you come home,
maybe you'll have calmed down
enough to realize the
reality of the situation:
that I'm not going anywhere
until I get what I deserve.
What you deserve?
Are you being serious right now?
Need I remind you that
I paid for this house?
I'm the one who says
who stays and who goes!
And I'm your husband and I've
got every right to be here.
You lost your rights
after doing what you did!
The lies, the cheating,
the gambling, All of it!
I have reached my
limit with you, Kevin!
To my detriment, all that
I've tried to do is be
supportive of you
through this marriage,
if you could even call it that!
Hi. I would like to report
a domestic disturbance
next door.
Oh, look! Your work husband's
here to save you, I guess.
Melissa, are you OK?
I would be better
if he would leave.
I've asked him to leave...
and he hasn't done it yet.
This is our marriage
home, Melissa!
I'm not going anywhere.
Our marriage home?
Don't make me laugh!
Laugh? So our marriage
is a joke to you?
Don't flip this on me!
Till death do us part, babe!
Isn't that what we
promised each other?
You couldn't keep a
promise if you tried to.
Melissa told you to get out.
So you should do that, now.
Chill, dude.
No need to put on
a show for Melissa.
I am leaving, to go for a
hike. I'll be back later, OK?
don't! Cameron!
Well, that was humiliating.
I finally convinced
the police that no one
was going to get murdered today.
Well, at least Kevin
is gone for now.
He's cheating on me.
Oh, God.
Melissa, I am so sorry.
I've been trying to make
this marriage work for so long
that I've purposefully
overlooked so many things.
Now I'm paying the price.
You know, he's insisting that
he won't leave, even though
I'm the one who purchased
and paid for this house.
Not him. He had
no part in it.
My first marriage, already
headed for divorce.
Look, I have a friend, Erin,
who is a divorce lawyer,
and she owes me a
favor. If you like,
I can give her a call and see
how soon she can see you...
if that is what you want.
It is. I am so done with this.
Oh, God! We have the
three-hour drive to Harrisburg
to make the cocktail meeting
with the governor's wife.
And then the breakfast
meeting's tomorrow.
Do you wanna cancel?
No. I'm not gonna cancel on
such an important client.
You, you are so
strong, tough, Melissa.
You, you'll be OK;
I'll be right
by your side the whole time.
Let's go.
OK, Erin. Thanks
so much. Talk soon.
She can squeeze you in tomorrow.
Thank you for setting
up the appointment
and for driving
us to Harrisburg.
I uh, really
appreciate the support.
Yeah, no problem.
Yeah, the sooner I get
the ball rolling on this,
the better.
This piece is very interesting.
It's worth over fifteen
thousand dollars actually.
Are you being serious?
Are you sure Melissa's
not gonna come back
at any moment?
Positive. She's
out of town.
Which means...
we don't have to rush.
Why do you want me
to leave already?
I just don't wanna
take any chances.
But you, uh, you told me
that we don't have to rush.
Yeah, but you never know.
Melissa's plans
might have changed.
See you tomorrow?
You bet.
You're still up?
I tried phoning you on your
cell earlier, and when you
never answered, I got worried
and called the restaurant.
Seriously? I'm
an adult, Mom!
And we both know you haven't
always acted like one.
I've got the frown
lines to prove it.
Your boss told me the
place was closed tonight
because of plumbing issues.
Where have you been?
Why the third degree?
Are you sleeping with him?
What are you talking...
Our neighbour? With the guy
you keep going on and on
about how wonderful he is?
With the man who had an
argument in the front yard
with his wife this morning
who screamed out he'd
been cheating on her?
I'm going to bed!
Are you sleeping with
another married man?
I don't have to
listen to any of this!
Quinn! Look, I don't have
exactly have what you need
but I will soon.
Meet me at Le Garnier
Restaurant at nine o'clock.
It's at Third and Main.
Kevin! I thought we were
meeting at the restaurant.
Changed my mind. Thought
here would be better.
It's gonna take me some time
to get the money, but I will.
I'm divorcing Melissa and
she's not getting rid of me
without a big payday
and a settlement.
And how is that
helping me right now?
You know, I thought about that.
You see, Quinn...
If you think I'm
gonna be sharing
my ultimate jackpot with you...
You're dead wrong.
You should never have
talked to Melissa.
Thank you...
for fitting me in today, Erin.
No worries.
Cameron and I go way
back to our college days.
Anything for him.
I need to get my husband
out of my house, like today.
I can't stand to be around
him for another minute.
What can I do legally?
I hate to be
the bearer of bad news.
I have some good
news for you though!
She can't throw me out, right?
Why do you
say... bad news?
You can't just kick your
husband out of the house,
even though you paid
for it, as you said.
Exactly. She can't
just kick you out,
not until the settlement, not
with your name on the deed.
But, uh, why?
It's state law.
He still has rights and
that is the marriage home.
I suggest that you try
to reason with him,
see if you can get him
to leave on his own.
I suggest you don't go
anywhere, no matter what,
and hold out for the best
settlement possible.
And what if I can't?
You may be looking
at a year or two
before the divorce is final,
depending on how
hard he fights you.
A year or two? What if
I can't last that long?
Look, I know that
he's just hanging on
for a huge chunk of cash.
Can you give the money to
him if it makes him go away?
I have reinvested
most of my profits
back into my business.
My other money is
tied up in a trust
that my parents left for
me when I turn forty-five.
I'm not gonna let
that man blackmail me
into giving up my life's work.
Oh, you're here!
Well, it is my house.
Look, this situation
with you staying here,
it's not gonna work.
I mean, I understand
why you're upset, babe.
Don't call me babe. That part
of our relationship is over.
Well, there's an
easy way out of this
if you just think about it.
I will give you
money for a hotel.
I'll even give you money
for an apartment deposit.
But I can stay here. I
talked with a lawyer.
You did?
Yep. He said I've got
every right to stay here,
until an appropriate
settlement's reached.
It's only fair, after all.
So what are you really
holding out for?
Well... you had the best
year ever for your company
and I was right there by
your side the whole time.
You want a piece of my company?
That, or didn't I
hear your company
valued at ten million?
So, twenty percent
of that seems fair.
Twenty percent!
You're insane if you
think I'm gonna give you
two million dollars.
Besides, that's not how
businesses work, Kevin.
I'm not liquid for
that kind of money.
Well, then I suggest you
find a way to get liquid.
You know, I met
with my own lawyer.
I'm gonna fight you on this
every step of the way.
Well, we'll see what happens
then, won't we, babe?
I should go to work.
Grace: I tried
calling you earlier
but you never got back to me.
Yeah, well, I just had some
thing to take care of, OK?
Yeah. I, I just...
Look, I just need a
few minutes to myself!
Can you go back inside?
Loni's probably looking for you.
Yeah, what? Oh, hi.
Yeah, yeah, the painting's
still available.
Yeah. Just give me an hour
to get off of work. OK.
What is he doing now?
What is going on?
Why'd you do that?
Who were those guys?
Mm... Just some friends
helping me celebrate.
Where is the Ordway painting?
Well, you see...
The one I gave you
as a wedding present.
I sold it.
Of course you did.
Yeah, I did, to a collector
who just had to have it.
And now I've got the
money to buy some time
on the money I owe,
which gives you more time
to meet my demands. So
you see, I solve problems.
I bought you that painting
'cause you went on and on
and on about how he was
your favorite artist,
and you just sold it
to pay your bookie?
When you say it like
that, it sounds bad!
OK. You need to
listen to me.
You know what, Melissa?
I don't think your heart has
been in this relationship
for a long time.
Don't flip this back on me!
Have you ever thought about
just selling your company
to give me the money I need?
I mean, it's a pretty
obvious solution.
I can make you just as
uncomfortable being here.
OK. G'night.
What are you doing?
Oh, my God! Kevin!
I thought I heard
someone downstairs.
Put that thing away!
I didn't even know
you had a gun.
Sorry. Must have been
nothing. G'night.
Lou, thank you for coming
by last minute like this
and thank you for
recommending the gardener.
Anything for my
number one customer!
Just something
going on with the pipes.
I don't know what it is.
Hey! What the hell?
If you could start on the
plumbing issue next, Lou?
That would be great.
OK. I'm gonna have to
shut off the water
for a couple of hours
and it's gonna
be a little noisy.
No problem.
Take your time.
I haven't even
had my shower yet!
Hey! You can't
do this.
I most certainly can.
You think you can
make me uncomfortable
by trying to terrify me in
the middle of the night?
I don't buy that you were
investigating the sounds.
You were trying to freak me out.
So I thought about it,
and I can make you
just as unhappy, Kevin.
You underestimate me.
Grace, please tell me
you're not still seeing him.
Messing with a married
man is not gonna end well,
and you know this!
You don't know anything
about the situation
with Kevin and me!
Besides, if it weren't for
affairs with married men,
I wouldn't even have
been born, right, Mom?
It's the truth though, right?
Like mother, like
daughter, I guess!
And there he was
with a gun in his hand,
saying that he was
checking out a sound.
You need to get away
from this man, Melissa.
This is getting dangerous.
No. I am not backing down.
He's not driving me
out of the dream home
that I worked so hard to buy.
Can you do me
a favor? Name it.
Can you reschedule
my lunch meeting?
I want you to stay away from
my daughter. Do you hear me?
Look, I don't know
what Grace told you...
Don't talk to me
like I'm stupid!
I know you're
sleeping with Grace.
You are gonna break her heart.
Just what men like you do, huh?
Your daughter's an adult
and she can spend time
with anyone she wishes.
Have a great day.
Why are you following me?
Melissa, I promise to love you
and protect you from
this day forward.
My heart will always be
true to you and only you.
You're my dream come true.
Will you do me the
honour... of being my wife?
But we've only been together
for... Are you sure?
I've never been more certain
of anything in my life.
Say yes, Melissa.
Yes. Yes, I will
marry you!
Oh, Lou!
Hey. Ready to get going
on that hot water heater?
Great! Yeah. Come on in.
Are we gonna be waking up
the mister again today?
He's, uh, actually not here.
I just have to, uh, grab a
file. I'll be right back.
Hey. I just wanted to
check that you had the file
with those contracts
I needed you to sign.
Thank you for the reminder.
I'm actually getting them
from the car right now.
Is something wrong?
Kevin never came
home last night,
but his car is still here.
Hm. Maybe he stayed
with friends.
Maybe. Look, I
have the contract.
I will bring it with me
when I come in today.
Sounds good.
I don't know, Mary Ann.
I find it a little odd
that he's still not home.
Maybe you'll get lucky,
and he'll never come back.
It's too easy.
Easy has never been part
of Kevin's personality.
I will see you in a bit.
I need to talk to Kevin.
Well, I don't know
where he is. Sorry.
Look, it's important though.
It's regarding Grace.
Grace? Whatever. I don't
know what to tell you.
You know, that was
some fight you two had
in front of the
whole neighborhood.
I was sure things were
gonna get violent.
You know what? It's
none of your business.
Why don't you focus
on your own family?
I can't believe it.
They found her body two
days ago. Murdered it says.
But are you certain
it's the same woman
who confronted you about Kevin?
I am. Could Kevin have...?
Melissa? A detective
is here to see you.
Melissa Crawford?
Yes, I'm Melissa Crawford.
I'm Detective Holloway
from the Philadelphia PD.
Uh, well, how can I help you?
If you wouldn't mind.
I regret to inform you
that your husband, Kevin,
was found deceased this morning.
His body was found
along a hiking trail.
I realize that, that
this is difficult,
but we'd like you to come
downtown to ID the body
and answer some
questions at the station.
Of course!
Do I need a lawyer?
Do you?
Well, I haven't done anything.
Then you should
be fine, correct?
Cancel all my meetings.
What's going on?
They found Kevin.
He's dead.
Ms. Crawford, this is my
partner, Detective Wilson.
Are you OK, Mrs. Crawford?
I'm just still shaken up from
identifying Kevin's body.
It's all just so
hard to believe.
Ms. Crawford, from
the examination
of your husband's body, there
was a sharp blow to the head.
We believe our medical
examiner will determine that
what caused your husband's death
was inflicted by another person.
We're still working
out the time of death.
When was the last time
you saw your husband?
I, uh... Yesterday
morning before work.
He never came home last night.
Where were you all of yesterday?
I, uh, was at work,
and then I came home.
Do you have people who
can corroborate that?
Well, sure, most of it.
How would you
describe your relationship
with your husband?
We were in the
middle of, uh, separating.
When you say separating,
what do you mean exactly?
Had you begun
divorce proceedings?
I had met with a lawyer.
I was planning on filing.
I had found out he'd
been cheating.
I never would have hurt him!
But your relationship
was strained, right?
And you said this woman we
found recently deceased, a uh,
Quinn Spencer was an
associate of your husband
he owed money
to. Correct?
Anyone else you can think of
that may have had a conflict
with your husband?
Well, there's the bookie he
owed money to, for one thing.
He broke into our
house the other night.
He threatened me.
What was this bookie's name?
He didn't tell me.
All he said was
that Kevin owed him
hundreds of thousands of
dollars in gambling debts.
I will never forget his face.
Oh, we have photos of
individuals involved
in illegal gaming in the area.
We'll get you to
review some of those.
Kevin had a knack for making
people angry it seemed.
Including you?
Well, yeah, sure. I
was mad at him but...
Does this this look familiar?
No. Why?
This button was found next
to your husband's body.
Doesn't match any
of his clothes.
Well, it could have come
from anywhere, right?
It's just a plain black button.
Can you think of anything else
that might help us?
No. I, uh...
There was a domestic disturbance
reported at your house
not long ago, right?
That was just a spat
between me and my husband.
Am I free to leave?
For now. But don't leave town.
We'll call soon to
have you come back
and look at some pictures,
see if you can ID
the man you spoke of.
We'll also reach out once
we get more information
from the medical examiner.
How are ya?
I feel numb. I can't wrap
my head around all this.
They think that
somebody murdered Kevin
and I know they're looking
at me. Everyone knows
that the spouse is always
the number one suspect.
What am I going to do?
Erin is contacting
her friend who is
one of the best criminal
lawyers in the state.
What a nightmare.
Come on. Let's take you home.
It's official. Just got the
report on Kevin Davrow.
It was murder, wasn't it?
We need to move
fast on these leads.
I'm gonna need
something stronger
than a glass of chardonnay.
It's gonna be OK, sweetie.
Is it? They think someone
murdered Kevin. Murdered!
And it's apparent from
their line of questions
that they are looking at me.
But I think we should
just stay calm.
Calm? How
am I supposed to do that?
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm just, uh...
It's, it's OK.
We get it.
I just, I can't wrap my
head around all this.
If he was murdered...
Who did it? Who
did it? Who did it?
Well, what about all those
people he owed money to?
What about the guy
who was in your house?
Well, supposedly, he
bought himself some time
with the sale of the painting.
But you don't know what else may
have happened there. Right?
I really grew to hate Kevin,
but I did not want him dead.
Is there anything else
we can do for you?
I just need some time right now.
Thank you. Thanks
Quiet! Don't let your
friends hear you.
What do you want from me?
Hm. I know Kevin's
been found dead.
And what I need to know
now is what did you say
to the police about me?
I just told them that
you broke in my house
and that I didn't
know your name.
Did you, did you murder Kevin?
Would've made it much
more difficult for me
to collect my money,
don't you think?
I can't afford to
be on their radar...
so, I'll cut you a deal.
A deal?
Mm. You make sure
you don't ID me
and I'll make sure that
Kevin's debt, the money
I would collect from you
if I had to, disappears.
You'll never see me again.
Why should I trust you?
Oh, because... I am
a man of my word.
Mom! Mom, you need to see this.
They, uh...
they found Kevin dead.
Oh, and I am grateful and all...
for what Kevin did for Grace.
He put in a good word for her
at the new tapas restaurant.
Now she's a hostess there.
I need to talk to Kevin.
Well, I don't know
where he is. Sorry.
Look, it's important though.
It's regarding Grace.
Can I help you? I'm
Loni, the manager.
I'm, uh, Kevin's wife, Melissa.
Do you have a second to talk?
I need to know.
Do you think that
something was happening
between Kevin and Grace?
Loni, please?
Woman to woman.
I've seen a lot in my
years of management.
So if I had to guess,
based on what I observed,
I'd say they were most
definitely involved somehow.
Grace, I need to speak with you.
When was the last time
that you saw Kevin?
What are you talking about?
What? Why do you
wanna speak to Grace?
Grace, do you know anything
at all that might help?
Grace has nothing to say to you!
Does this look familiar?
This button was found next
to your husband's body.
Go back inside, Grace.
And you! Get off my property
now or I'll call the police!
She will speak to me!
You cannot speak to
her, Grace. Do you understand?
No! No! I'm calling
the shots now!
Are you gonna answer that, Mom?
Ms. Jenkins?
It's Detective Holloway
down at Parkside Station.
We spoke on the phone regarding
the domestic disturbance
you witnessed at
your neighbors'?
Oh, yes. Hi.
Could you please come
down to the station?
We'd like you to make
a formal statement.
Uh, now? Could,
could it wait?
I'm sort of in the
middle of something.
If you could come down now,
it would be most helpful.
Yes, uh, of course.
I, I understand.
I'll be right there.
Thanks. See you soon.
Grace, I need you to
listen to me carefully, OK?
You have to stay here.
Do you understand?
Everything depends on it.
I have to run down
to the police station
and give a statement, OK?
Everything depends on it.
Oh, baby...
I'm wondering about
the girl next door...
Kevin's boss is
sure she's the girl
he was having an affair with.
And I could tell that the
mother was freaked out
when I went over to
confront Grace
about when the last time
she saw Kevin was.
Also, she's missing a black
button on her sweater,
and I think it might be the
ones a detective showed me.
Look, I don't think that
you should be running off
to be doing your own
investigation right now, OK?
It could make things
more complicated for you
than they already are.
I know. I'm gonna bring my
suspicions to the police.
It's the wholesaler.
Let me grab that.
I'll check on you later, OK?
Lauren's not home...
Grace! I need to talk to you!
It's important.
Grace? Are you home?
If you are, I'm coming in.
I just wanna ask
you a few questions.
It's important, Grace.
Look, I'm not mad about
you and Kevin, OK?
He was not a very nice man.
You're another one
of his victims.
It's not your fault, OK?
Thank you for speaking to us.
If you think of something
else, please contact me.
You really think it
was murder though?
It maybe was an accident, right?
I've always thought that
running trail was dangerous.
You mentioned your
daughter lives with you.
Was she acquainted
with Mr. Davrow?
Um, they worked together.
We'll need to speak
to her soon too.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. I understand.
Anything to help.
If there's anything
else, please let us know.
Come on. Pick up, Grace!
Mom? Mom, you need
to come home quick.
Melissa's here.
She snuck inside and,
and, and I, I, I hit her.
What have I done?
Mom, what do I do?
OK, Grace. I need you to
pull yourself together
and listen to me very closely.
Get the gun.
You heard me, Grace.
Get the gun. I'll be
there as soon as I can.
Where's the gun? Where's
the gun?
Don't... move!
Hey. Have you
talked to Melissa
in the past couple of hours?
I tried a bit ago
but no response.
OK. Well, maybe I'll stop
by on the way home then,
just to make sure she's OK
and that nothing
else has happened.
OK. I'll join you
on my way home too.
OK. I'll see you
over there.
See you.
What are we gonna do?
OK. OK. Get the tape in
the basket behind me.
What is going on? Why
are you doing this?
We're just taking you
home, Melissa. Now get up!
Come on. Let's go.
Come on. Let's go. Move!
Move it!
Why are we going to my house?
Shut up!
Just get her inside.
What are you going
to do with me?
Shut up, Melissa, and sit down!
I don't understand, Lauren.
Why are you doing this?
Don't talk!
We need a plan, Grace!
Are you listening to me?
I just wanted him to
tell me that he loved me.
Why are you following me?
Why won't you return any
of my calls and texts?
Look, there just can't
be anything long-term
between us, OK?
We're just too different.
But you said that
we would be together
after you left your wife.
OK. I never
said that.
That sounds like wishful
thinking on your part, babe.
Yes, you did!
Look, Grace. What we had
was a little bit of fun.
That's it. OK?
You're just a kid.
You can't do this
to me... to us!
Kevin, you said that we
would be happy together,
that you would protect me!
Focus, Grace.
But he, he promised me.
It could be... It was just,
just, just a robbery.
That's it, Grace, a robbery.
Grace! Listen! Go upstairs.
Find a jewelry box,
anything, anything valuable!
Oh, God. Someone's here.
Melissa? You OK?
What are we gonna do?
You didn't answer the
phone and I got worried.
I'm coming inside!
Is Melissa here?
Hold it right there!
Make another move and I
swear to God I'll shoot her.
It's the girl Kevin was having
an affair with and her mother!
The girl killed Kevin!
If Kevin had loved me
like he said he would,
none of this would be happening.
Grace, pull yourself together!
Tie him to the rail! Tie him
tight, Grace. Tight!
We're gonna do her next.
There's no way you're
gonna get away with this.
Look, you need to call the
police and turn yourselves in
and ask the court
for mercy and...
Shut up!
Nothing matters more
to me than my daughter.
I'm gonna find a
way to fix this.
It's what a mother does.
A good mother would call the
police and put an end...
I'm thinking!
You don't have to
do this, Lauren. Please!
I didn't mean to kill him.
I can't
get up. Grace!
Get down here and help me.
Help you? You just said
that I meant nothing to you!
Get down here and help me, now!
Grace, move it, you bitch!
Hurry up!
You promised me. You promised
me and gave me nothing!
Ah, you crazy psycho! I
wish I'd never met you.
It just happened.
Grace, you need to stop talking!
Think about it.
Just think about it, Lauren.
No one even liked Kevin
in the end, right?
What are you saying?
Maybe no one has to go to jail.
You don't want Grace's life
ruined because of Kevin, do you?
She's right! Why would we
let Kevin ruin Grace...
your daughter's life?
I swear...
We won't say anything.
We will get our
stories straight.
We'll give each other
alibis. Just think about it.
This may be the best way
to truly protect Grace!
No! What, do you
think I'm an idiot?
I can't trust you. No! This
is gonna end here and now.
But if I can make it look
like he killed you...
Wait! Wait! Lauren, you
don't have to do this!
In a jealous rage, if, if, if
he, he was in love with you!
Ah, Grace. And this could
work. This could work.
Ah, damn!
Melissa! It's Mary Ann!
Mary Ann! Get out! Call
the police! There's a gun!
No! NO!
Grace, shoot her! Grace!
Shoot her! Shoot her!
Kill her!
Mom! Mom? No.
No, no, no, no, no. Mom?
Grace? Give me the gun.
No, no, no. No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no!
I'm sorry.
It's over.
OK. This is the last
one from the bedroom.
Is there space for that?
Yeah, there should be. I
think she only has one left.
This is the last of it, finally.
I could not get out of
that house fast enough!
I think you're gonna
love your new condo.
Thank you.
I could not have made it
through to the other side
without the two of you.
Thank you for being there
for me through all of this.
You don't have to thank us.
We just want you to have some
well-deserved happiness.
Well, now that we know
that Kevin's bookie
has been busted by the cops,
I feel much more relieved.
Why don't we drop these
boxes over at your place
and then head over
to my apartment
for some pasta and wine?
That sounds amazing!
Captions sassonique