Trauma (1993) Movie Script

- Hello.
Hi, sweetheart. When
am I going to see you?
Uh-uh. I won't be ready by then.
I've got one last patient.
I know it's late, but this is someone new.
I couldn't say no.
They were really insistent.
What could I do?
I got healing powers
in my hands.
For you too, babe. But with
you, I'm rough.
Hi. Welcome. Please come in.
Well, before we begin, I like
to get a thorough history
of all new patients.
So if you'll just fill
out this questionnaire,
put your coat over there,
fill out this questionnaire
for me, we can get started.
So, from what you said on the phone,
it sounds like you have a herniated disk.
I know you're in a lot of pain.
I haven't treated you before, have I?
You look familiar.
I almost never forget a face.
- Give me your hand!
- Leave me alone!
- Come on, I can help you.
Come on, what do you want to do?
Kill yourself?
- No, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Yeah, that's it.
- I don't want your help.
Let me go, let me go.
- No, no, no, no.
- Let me go, please.
Oh my God!
- Stay with me, stay with me!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Come on, stop struggling.
Come on, stop struggling, I can help you.
You don't want to do this.
- Yes, yes I want to.
- Everything's going to be okay.
Come on, just give me your hand.
Come over here.
- I...I want to.
- That's it, that's it.
Come on.
Oh, you --
Oh my God.
Oh, god.
- What are you looking at?
- I was looking at this
beautiful bracelet you got there.
Hey, you want to get something to eat?
- I had lunch.
- Or we could get some
ice cream or something.
- No, I got to go away.
- What's your hurry? Come on.
- What's it to you?
What's it to you?
- Well, I thought we maybe we'd get
some coffee or something, huh?
Hey, why don't you just mind
your own business, all right?
Everything's all right.
Hey, everything's okay, huh?
Come on, don't worry.
Get in the car, and
everything's going to be okay.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
You want this one?
- No, thank you.
- Well, then, which one do I eat first?
They both look so good, don't they?
- No, not to me.
- You give this much
grief to your parents?
- I don't see my parents.
- You mean you don't live at home?
- No, I live on my own.
I've got my own money.
- How old are you, 14 or 15?
- 16.
- Still go to school?
- Stop grilling me.
Stop, okay?
- I'm sorry.
It's just that I...
I used to have some track
marks like that myself.
- You don't know anything about me.
- Yes, I do.
- Oh, no you don't.
- If you got a drug problem,
I could help you out.
- Look, I don't have a problem with drugs.
Are you happy? Hmm?
Are you happy that I'm eating, hmm?
- Yeah.
- Okay, fine.
I'm going to the bathroom.
- Hold it, miss. We want to talk to you.
- Me?
- Yeah.
- I haven't done anything.
You're making a mistake.
I'm a visiting student from Romania.
- Looks like we got the winning ticket.
- I haven't committed any crime.
- We just want to take you
back to the Farraday Clinic.
- No.
- Aura Petrescu.
- Come on.
- No, please.
No, don't take me back, sir.
I got lots of money.
I can give you thousands
of dollars. Please!
- No, no, don't worry,
we're not going to take you.
- No, I don't want to go back!
- The law says we gotta bring
you back to your parents.
- No!
- We'll take you to the
clinic, you're okay.
- The law says we have to
take you back to your parents.
- No!
Fuck you!
- You can't do this.
- That's enough.
- Break it up, everything's under control.
Break it up, guys. Come on, let's move on.
- Bitch.
- Home sweet home, huh?
- Yes, what do you want?
- Good afternoon,
we're from Metro Youth Service.
- Yes?
- We have Aura.
- Aura? You have Aura?
Oh, my poor little baby.
I am the mother of this difficult
but very beautiful little girl.
My thanks to both of you gentlemen
for bringing my baby back home.
Very kind, thank you.
It's for your own good that
we put you in the clinic,
and that's where you stay, you
understand, until we decide.
- Mamica, Mamica, I hate the cell.
Please don't make me go back.
I'll die.
- Look who's come back to us.
Two policemen brought her
- What a surprise.
Always making trouble for your mother.
- I'm sorry, Dada, but they're
horrible at the clinic.
They're trying to kill me.
- Take her upstairs.
Bring her some tea.
- This is too much shouting for her.
Your mother's very angry.
- I know, Dada, but
please let me stay here.
- Aura, enough.
- I swear I'll be better.
- Your mother has
a lot to think about today.
- Another seance?
- A big one.
I'll bring you some dinner later, huh?
Try to eat.
Make your mother happy.
- I'm not hungry.
- Aura, you have to eat.
That's why you're going
back to the clinic.
- No.
Good evening, Steve, it's Stephanie.
- Hello.
- So good to see you.
Let me take your umbrella.
- It's a foul night, Stefan,
but maybe the spirits will like it.
- She's very good.
When Nicholas starts
talking, watch my hands.
- I'm the one who telephoned.
- Ah,
- Oh my god.
- Am I late?
- Aura?
- Questions?
- Will we be able to contact my mother?
- Shh.
- We have so many questions,
we who have gathered here.
Nicholas, my precious,
will you help us?
Nicholas, are you here with us tonight?
I am searching for you.
- Let me in.
This is not Nicholas.
Some other soul is here with us tonight,
trying to break through.
Some...some soul.
One of those who follow the recent dead,
who follow their Killers.
My head.
- My head.
- Took my head.
- Took my head.
- Murdered me.
- Murdered me.
- A monster with a noose.
- A monster with a noose.
I wasn't the first.
- I wasn't the first.
- And I won't be the last.
- And I won't be the last.
- I know who the Killer is.
- I know who the Killer is.
- I'm the only one who knows.
- I'm the only one who knows.
- The killer is present!
- The killer is present!
- Don't break the chain!
Don't move, don't move!
- I see you!
- I see you.
- You cannot hide from me!
- You can't hide from me.
- I know who you are.
- I know you.
- Mama!
- What?
- Dada!
- What did you see? You have to tell me!
You must have seen something.
Who was it?
- ...I didn't see anything.
He had...he had their
heads in front of his face.
- Check these weird
things out on the wall.
They may be something from the occult.
- It is getting late.
Take me home.
- There was something wrong
tonight from the beginning.
I could feel it in the room.
- So neither of you heard anything?
- Did she have any other
relatives besides her parents?
- No one.
You know, Captain,
until her recent escape,
she was under my care.
- Is that so?
- She was a patient of
mine at the Faraday Clinic.
It was her parents' wish.
- What was wrong with her?
- I'm afraid I'm not at
liberty to say, Captain,
but it has nothing to do with this case.
We're prepared to take her back.
Sh-sh-she needs our help.
- Well, tomorrow you go downtown
and you file papers
with the Youth Services.
I'm sure they'll hand her over to you
after we're done questioning her.
- A bizarre double murder
brings a madman's total to four.
- Striking steel workers go
back to the bargaining table.
- Warm weather price hikes
put a dent in your pocketbook.
- Tonight on the --
- It sounds like you could
have some fun with that one.
They say they're calling
him The Headhunter.
- So I've heard.
- I suppose Grace told you, huh?
- Yeah, we communicate now and then.
- I suppose she told you
what the guy looks like?
- Don't worry about it,
nobody saw you, Mark.
- Oh, very funny.
You're a laugh riot.
Now, could we do some actual
work around here, please?
Arnie, what are you doing,
besides putting on pounds?
- Ha ha.
We got a leading composite
using last night's KKK rally,
and the space shuttle landing,
and the president's trip to Belgrade.
- Hmm, any sex?
- Hmm.
Probably. The first lady's not going.
- Ah, forget it.
I think there was some sex
on that Tour de France item.
Go with that.
- God, I am not going on in front of this.
- Welcome back, Grace.
- Can't we go with something
a little more stylized?
- Well, I did do this,
but it's not finished yet.
- Oh, much better.
- No, that is not better.
I prefer just plain type,
maybe something like "Head Hunter."
- Oh, perfect, great idea.
- Keep it tasteful.
- Well, I have to get back.
Ben needs me to rehearse
some of his ad libs.
- Hey, Grace, that
is a fabulous outfit on you.
- I know what he'll give her.
- What?
- Big, blood red letters.
- Three feet high.
Yes, it is.
Of course I want it back,
where the hell are you?
- I only took $6.00.
...needed some food.
I've been wandering
around since last night.
- How'd you find me?
- Your ID card.
I tried your home first.
- You haven't got any place to go?
- No.
- So you're looking for a place to stay?
- No, I need something else.
You kept trying to help
me, so I thought...
- Okay, so you need some more money.
- No.
- What?
- I want to go home.
- You want to go home?
I'll take you home.
Come up to my office
and call your parents.
It's gonna be okay.
You don't want to come
upstairs and call your parents?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
it's okay, it's okay.
Look, I'm gonna go upstairs
and get my keys, all right?
Are you okay?
- Two more decapitation
victims were claimed last night
at a home adjacent to Inverness Park
in the city's northwest side.
The victims are believed
to be professional mediums
Stefan and Adriana Petrescu.
- Captain Travis, do you know
if the victims were randomly
chosen or part of a pattern?
- All we know is
the victims were paralyzed
by a blow to the spine
and were probably conscious
during their murder.
- See, they never get anything
out of these assholes.
- Guys, I'm gonna take off for a while.
- Immigrated from Romania 10 years ago
and are survived by their
only daughter, Aura, age 16.
- Tell Grace I had to leave.
I got a lead on a real good story.
- Their daughter has also been
missing since last evening.
- I don't know why you
want to go home, Aura.
- I need to get some clothes.
How do you know my name?
- I saw it on the news.
Hey, I'm really sorry.
I can't imagine how
you're feeling right now.
Don't you have some relatives
or family you could go stay with?
- Look, it's none of your business.
- I'm just trying to help you out.
- I don't need your help.
- I don't think we should
be going to this house here.
I think you should be
going to see a doctor.
- Doctors?
Look, look, I don't need more doctors.
...I just got out of the Farraday Clinic.
I really don't need more doctors.
I need answers.
I want to know who killed my parents.
Stop here, don't park too near.
- The power's out.
It must have been that storm last night.
Are you sure you want to do this?
- Yes.
- All right, show
me where the basement is.
- It's down here.
It's in here, I think.
- Perfect.
I'll be right back.
- Mama.
And I won't be the last.
- I know who the Killer is.
- I know who the Killer is.
- I'm the only one who knows.
- I'm the only one who knows.
- The killer is present!
- The killer is present!
- I...I barely recognize...
- Recognize who?
- Mother.
- It's the first time I've heard this.
- It's okay.
Hey, it's okay.
Come on, come on.
- What happened?
- Someone broke my fucking window.
It must have been a warning.
- The police!
- Okay, just stay down, stay down.
- Hi.
I hear you've got a big story for me.
Trying to muscle in on my turf, huh?
Listen, call me at the
station if you're back by 10,
then I'm on the air again.
- Gabriel, what are you doing?
Go to bed.
- Mom, some lady in that
house keeps looking at me.
She doesn't move.
- Go to bed.
There's no lady there.
Yes there is.
She keeps looking at me.
A black lady.
- Well, I'm sorry to call
so late, Mr. Farraday,
but you've been out.
- Well, we had
a board meeting tonight.
One subject I need hardly tell you
was that young woman who escaped.
- Aura Petrescu.
- Dr. Judd,
the clinic doesn't need
this kind of publicity.
- Leave it to me, Mr. Farraday.
I'll find her.
- My head.
- My head.
- Took my head.
- Took my head.
- Hello?
- I was, um, thinking
about coming over tonight.
- Well, not tonight, Grace.
- You don't want to see me?
- Well, actually, there's, uh...
there's someone else here.
She's asleep in the other room.
- Someone I know?
- No.
This girl I met. She
had no place else to go.
- Well, goodbye then.
- Grace.
She told me she's anorexic.
I don't know why I didn't
figure it out myself.
- Well, look, don't
beat yourself up about it.
Anorexics are always secretive.
They're good little girls,
they hide their problems.
- Really?
What else?
- Well, let's see.
Um, deeply attached to an unstable mother.
Upper middle class girls.
Boys, too, actually.
Usually the brighter, artistic ones.
Um, let's see. What else? Oh, yeah.
How can I forget? Sex.
- What about sex?
- Well, did you get in her pants?
- Arnie, she's just a kid.
- Okay, did you
get in her play clothes?
- No.
- Didn't think so.
Anorexics are afraid of sex.
They want to get back to their childhood,
before all the scary stuff started.
There's something like eight
million of them out there.
- How do you know all this?
- 'Cause I watch Oprah and Donahue.
Doesn't everybody?
- No, I don't watch those shows.
- Ah, well, see, there's your problem.
- This is television!
This is a big deal.
This is not something you can
just kind of walk in and --
- See, you should be watching that thing
and eating this stuff.
- You know, that's one
way to fend off anorexia.
- Look, seriously, your
friend may be in real danger.
A lot of anorexics die.
A lot of them commit suicide.
The worst part is, she
won't let you help her.
I mean, she wants you to
help her, but she won't.
- How did she end up that way?
- Trouble with her parents.
It's said these girls will
even have like a classic dream.
She'll dream her father's
leaning over her,
about to kiss her.
- Catocala Promethea.
Telea Polyphemus.
- Can you hear me?
- That guest of yours still here?
- Yeah.
- You don't sound so sure.
- Believe me, Grace,
I got nothing to hide.
If you wanna come over tonight, feel free.
- Maybe I will.
- Aura,
how you doin'?
- Oh, David, I keep
replaying that night in my mind.
- Well, I'll be off soon, should
I bring us home some food?
- Oh, I just ate.
- Really?
- I made a huge mess
of your kitchen, actually.
I cooked some chicken
pot pie, french fries,
but now I'm just tired
and I want to go to sleep.
- Aura, I'm worried about you.
- It's okay, I'll just see you later.
But she just cooked herself a meal, Arnie,
she's gotta be making progress.
- No.
She was probably lying, David.
They're not easy to cure,
that's why a lot of 'em end up dead.
- A lot of anorexics die.
There's something like eight
million of them out there.
Deeply attached to an unstable mother.
She'll dream her father
is leaning over her,
about to kiss her.
- What was that?
- I didn't hear anything.
- No, I heard something.
- What was it?
- She's gone.
- So?
- So, I'm going after her.
- Don't be ridiculous, she's
not that easily shocked.
- Look, Grace, come on, she's just a kid.
- She's exploiting
you like everybody else.
- Believe me, Grace, she needs help.
She's suicidal.
She's been in that goddamn Farraday Clinic
for the past month.
- The Farraday Clinic?
No kidding.
- Yeah, they abused her, so she ran away.
- She's a manipulative little psycho.
Let her go.
- Fuck you, Grace.
- David.
- No.
I'm sorry about last night.
I wanted to, but I couldn't.
Are you angry with me?
- No.
Are you angry with me?
- No, I'm not angry at you.
- Okay, good, 'cause I have to go to work.
- Why?
- Why? Because I have to pretend
like I'm a regular person, you know.
Hey, why don't you go over
to the farmer's market
and find some vegetables and
fruit that looks good to you
and buy it.
- Okay.
I'll try to make you a dinner.
- Aura!
You better talk to me!
I'm gonna help you!
I - No!
gonna help you!
- No!
- Aural
- Do you see it?
I told you, you get everything
you need from watching TV.
The 18th, the 23rd, and the 29th.
Don't you get it?
- My god.
He only kills when it's raining.
- So stay out of the rain.
Yeah, he's here, hang on.
It's for you.
It's your new girlfriend.
- David, I went to that market
and there I saw Dr. Judd.
He chased me, I ran away, and
Oh no!
No, let me go!
- Aura?
Aura, are you back there?
- Aura?
- She's not here.
- What do you mean she's not here?
Where the hell is she?
- Well, I was concerned.
Concerned about you.
Concerned about her.
You told me yourself
the child was suicidal.
So, I did what any normal,
responsible person would do.
I called the Farraday Clinic.
They just came and took her away.
- You called the Farraday Clinic?
You should be ashamed of yourself.
- Who'd have thought
we'd meet again so soon?
Shall I attribute it to my
charming personality?
You can go.
Miss Petrescu is an old friend.
Aura, you're all alone now
and I must take care of you.
But everything depends upon you,
on whether you're willing
to look inside yourself
and confront the past.
- No, you're not interested in me.
There is something you want.
- I want you to get well.
That's all I want.
But the secret lies in there.
Don't be afraid.
You see, each human being's head
contains the soul, the one
remaining riddle of the universe.
Look inside the head, unlock the memory,
and the universe lies open like a map.
you see this?
This will help you remember everything.
- What is it?
- A very rare berry.
A potent psychotropic.
- It's a drug.
I don't want any drug.
- It's not a drug!
It works on the memory.
It removes all obstacles.
Don't be afraid.
Come on.
Take it.
- Mm-mmm.
- Crush the berry with your
teeth and swallow the liquid.
- No.
- Here.
- No.
- Come on, come on!
That's it, that's it.
Now crush it, crush it.
The power of your brain and imagination
is stronger than a Vulcan.
- I remember now.
It was you.
- Go on.
Go on.
- I don't want to see it.
His face.. his face was hidden
behind Mama's and Papa's head.
- Whose face?
You saw him.
Tell me.
Whose face, Aura?
- I didn't see anything.
- I don't believe you.
- It's the truth.
- Dammit!
Take her to her room and put
her back on the feeding tubes.
- Where am I?
- But don't hurt her!
- Please, please, let me go.
Oh no, no!
- You get it.
- No, miss, please.
- Come on, honey.
Hold still or I'm just gonna
have to stick it in again.
- No.
- The more you fight, the
longer you're gonna be in here.
Now, come on.
- Evening.
- Come on.
- Please.
- Come on.
Come on, honey, hold still.
That's got it.
- Hi.
- I'm looking for Aura Petrescu.
Her room number, please.
- Okay.
I can't give out that information.
And besides, visiting hours are over.
- Right.
- Hi.
Where were you?
Okay, I don't even want
to hear any excuses.
- Oh.
- Shh, shh, shh, it's me.
Are you okay?
- They drugged me.
- They drugged you?
Where'd you get these?
- I...I stole them.
- You stole them?
You wait right here, okay?
Wait right here.
You gonna be okay?
Stay right here.
- You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
We need to get out of here.
- You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
You did it.
- Tonight, the prestigious
Farraday Clinic was the scene
of the latest in a series
of gruesome decapitations
which have terrorized the city for weeks.
- Aura!
Aura, come here.
- -- are not saying much.
- Someone from the
Farraday Clinic was killed.
I knew it!
- She...she was...she was my nurse.
- She was your nurse?
- Volkmann was
apparently attacked and beheaded
while on night duty --
- She worked with Dr. Judd,
she put the needles in my arms.
- Well, did you see anything?
Huh? Did you hear anything?
- No.
Wherever I go, people get killed.
- Oh, come on.
I mean, you're not
responsible for her death.
- Their Chief Executive, Dr. Leopold Judd,
could not be reached for comment.
- You're not a murderer.
You''re a thief.
- On the local scene,
the weather is now clearing,
but the rain was the cause
of a major traffic tie-up.
- These are her keys.
It's all my fault, David.
- About half a mile
south of the parkway exit.
Witnesses say that the
large truck and trailer,
which were delivering new cars --
- Marigold? I know this
place, it's a storage place.
- -- then jackknifed
and overturned at that --
- Now, it's
time to shut off the TV
and go on up to bed.
I want you asleep by the time I come home.
- Mm-hmm.
- You're not scared
to go to bed alone, are you?
- No, Mom.
- Bye-bye.
I love you.
- Bye.
- He had her head
in front of his face.
I couldn't see him.
That's the truth.
- The cops might have been here already.
- No way, 'cause they don't
know about this place.
- Yeah, well, they're
gonna find out about it.
They're gonna find something
in Hilda's apartment,
a key or a receipt.
Come on, we can't stay here all day.
- The broad who rents this space,
she's been here seven, maybe eight years.
- I could count the number
of times she showed up
on one hand.
- Hey, the cops! Come on, let's go!
Come on, come on, now! Let's go!
- Wait, wait, the key, the key!
- Just leave it for the cops, come on!
- Look, this is strange.
All these people are dead.
- Oh my god.
She's dead, she's dead, and she's dead.
- "Dear Hilda, in
memory of the crazy times
we used to have. Love, Linda."
That must be her.
- L. Quirk.
Linda Quirk, 992 Benton Road.
She lives like a mile from here.
At least, she did when
this picture was taken.
- What do you think this is?
- Some sort of insignia,
or a crest or something.
- I think he's
the Killer, the doctor.
- Well, how do you know that?
She could be the Killer.
- She doesn't look like a killer.
- You don't know what a Killer looks like.
Anybody could be a killer.
I'm gonna send this to the
cops tomorrow. Anonymously.
- Tomorrow could be too late.
- I knew her, Alice.
I knew Georgia and Catherine, too.
That's what's so damn scary about this.
- We were all involved in it.
- In what?
- An accident.
- Before you met me?
- Electroconvulsive therapy.
That was my specialty.
- You mean, shock treatment?
- I thought I knew all
there was to know about it,
including how to make people forget.
- Quirk, Quirk.
There it is.
Yeah, there's an L. Quirk,
but it's on Sunset Lane.
I don't know.
- But why?
What did you do?
- Something awful.
I don't know how we thought
we'd get away with it.
- Hello?
- Linda Quirk?
- Just a second.
It's a guy, he's asking for you.
- Hello?
- I'm looking for a Linda Quirk.
Why? Who's this?
- Would you happen to
know a Hilda Volkmann?
She hung up.
- Try again.
That's her, all right.
We'd better head out there.
There they are.
It's them.
Come here!
Come here!
- What?
What? What the fu --
- I just want to talk to you.
- David!
- Goddammit!
I don't see her.
- I think we should turn left.
- Ah.
I'm gonna make a right.
We lost her.
- Turn around.
There it is.
It's there.
- Right, that's it.
- Okay.
- I knew it.
- Okay.
- How can I help you?
- Yeah, I'm looking for a
guest. Woman, short brown hair,
blue gym bag, checked
in a little while ago.
- And her name?
- Here's the problem,
I don't know her name.
- I'm sorry,
sir, unless you have a name...
- I'm supposed to meet her here.
- I'm afraid
I can't help you, sir.
Would you like to register?
- Yeah, I'd like to
register. My sister and I.
Mark Leneer, 140 Westview
Crescent, Oak Park.
And I'd like to overlook the parking lot.
- The parking lot?
- Yeah, the parking lot.
- Okay, room 201.
The bellman will take your bags.
- I don't have any bags.
I can see her car perfectly.
- Do you think it's gonna rain?
- It was a beautiful day, it's
definitely not gonna rain.
- Hello? Linda, is that you?
- Oh, thank God you're okay.
I checked into a hotel and I
want you to get out of there
and over here right now.
- Whoa, slow down.
I think you overreacted earlier.
It was just a couple of kids.
They didn't look dangerous at all.
You're jumping at shadows.
- Look, I don't
know who those two were.
All I know is that I'm in danger,
and so are you if you're in my house.
Please, just get over here.
- Jesus, maybe we should call the police.
- We'll talk about
it when you get here.
- Okay.
Where are you?
- The Hopkins House, Room 301.
Right by the airport.
- I'm on my way.
- Be careful.
- Bye.
- David?
- What is it?
- Nothing,
I just wanted to know
if you were still here.
- Of course I'm still here.
- Go away.
- Why?
- Because I don't want
you to get rained on.
- Hello.
Yes, send her right up.
- Mrs. Bailey!
That's my wife. Here, I'll take it here.
Hello, listen dear, I'm sorry.
- What is this about?
- Lloyd.
- Dr. Kravitz, you have
a visitor in the main lobby.
- That's Dr. Lloyd.
- Dr. Lloyd?
Does he still work here?
- No, he left a long time ago.
But, uh, he showed up
again a few years back.
He looks terrible.
He tried to sneak away with some stuff
out of the dispensary,
if you catch my drift.
- Yeah, I catch your drift.
Do you know where I could find him?
Last I heard, he was living
down at the warehouse district.
You might look into
some of the bars there.
- Okay, thanks.
- That's Hilda Volkmann.
She used to work here.
Uh, Linda Quirk --
- Harry, I know who the women are.
I'm interested in who the man is.
- Oh, Dr. Lloyd.
Funny, young fellow by
here a little while ago
had the same picture.
- What did you tell him?
- I sent him over to
the warehouse district.
- Hey!
- You want something?
- Are you Dr. Lloyd?
- Yeah, maybe in another lifetime.
Hey, you got any money, man?
- No, I ain't got no money. But
Linda Quirk, Hilda Volkmann.
Do those names sound familiar to you?
Come on, Catherine
Duran, Georgia Jackson --
- Leave me alone, man.
- They're dead, you know that?
- So, people die.
It happens every day.
- They were decapitated.
- What?
- I said, they were decapitated.
- Oh, man.
Man, that wasn't my fault.
- I know, but if you're
Dr. Lloyd, come on,
you've got to tell me something.
- Look, man,
it's already too late.
- Come on, please, you've
got to know something.
- I don't!
Now, leave me the fuck alone!
- Listen, I wrote my number down.
If you change your mind, please, call me.
- This used to be the nice neighborhood.
- This is all we found
on him. A phone number.
- What's that?
- Aura.
Come with me.
Wake up.
Aura, come with me.
Come, come!
- No!
Stop right now!
- Come.
- Stop!
- Stop, police!
- I loved her.
I loved her.
- Guys, come take a look at this.
- Whoa, buddy, stop right here.
It's off limits.
Come on, move out of
here. Restricted area.
- All right.
- Go all the way around.
- I got another one over here.
- He's sick.
- Jesus, look over there.
- No, don't look.
Don't look at it.
- I got two in the trunk.
- The smell.
- Don't touch anything.
- Aura.
Ruby rain
- Aura!
Aura, come back!
Aura, where are you?
I miss you so badly.
- Aura?
Too late now
Ruby rain
- Save her.
- What did he say?
- I think he said, "save her."
- Hmm, a little late for that.
- Save her.
Save her.
Save her.
- The Headhunter terror,
which has gripped the city
for the last several weeks,
ended early this morning
when a late model Cadillac
burst through a police barrier
and slammed into a guardrail
near Lake Veronica.
The driver, Dr. Leopold
Judd, was killed instantly.
The severed heads of all
seven Headhunter victims
were found in the trunk of his car.
Ben Aldridge was on the scene and spoke
with police authorities.
- Captain Travis, was Dr. Judd the killer?
- Well, with the evidence we found here,
it definitely connects
him to these murders.
- And what was his motive?
- Well, apparently, he had this
ghoulish obsession with the occult.
Besides that, I see no other motive.
- Are you going to continue
your investigation, Captain?
- As far as I'm
concerned, this case is closed.
- What drove the
esteemed Leopold Judd,
a brilliant psychiatrist,
specialist in the treatment of anorexia,
and long-time Chief
Executive at Farraday Clinic,
to commit these crimes?
What did the victims have in common?
Did they share a secret or a past
which finally reunited them
through their grisly fates?
These and many other
questions will be the subject
of our upcoming special report.
But one thing is clear:
the nightmare is over.
- Grace Harrington, please.
Grace, it's me, David.
I need some of those forms.
Come on, Grace.
Just a couple of them, please?
Okay, okay.
Fine, yeah.
Yeah, fine.
- It was a real surprise to me
that she got divorced.
- Well, what if she didn't?
- Oh, I was so shocked.
Who's that?
- Out of 19.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Mike, come here.
This prescription's phony.
That guy, there.
- Hey, buddy!
Hey, that prescription was a fake.
- Hey, man.
- Just give it back.
- Give it back.
- Hey, fuck you, all right.
- Look at this poor slob.
- You're a bum!
- Serves you
right, goddamn drug addict.
- Hi.
Have you seen a girl in
a dark coat go by here?
Are you sure?
I'll be your best friend.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought you were somebody else.
Someone who wore a bracelet --
My god.
- Nicholas.
- You thought I was Aura?
It was only me.
You wanted to see Aura.
- Aura.
I knew I would see you again.
- I knew I would see you again, too.
- Where are we?
- In my mother's house.
- Oh.
That was her up there?
- Yes, it was.
- She's alive?
Well, Christ, where is she now?
- She's upstairs.
Quick, quick, quick.
There isn't much time.
I'm trying to keep her out.
At least we try.
Are you okay?
- But I still don't get it.
I thought your mother was dead, huh?
You said you saw her, didn't you?
- I saw a corpse.
But it was not hers, it
was a neighbor woman.
- Oh my god.
- She faked her own death.
I should have seen the truth.
It was right in front of my face.
In the dark, it looked as if someone
was holding up two severed
heads, but there was only one,
my father's.
- I was sure that Judd
had murdered your mother.
- No.
He never killed anyone.
But he knew who the murderer was...
- Help!
Somebody help us!
Help us get out of here!
I can't believe your
mother killed those people.
- She did.
- Are you sure she killed your father?
- Yes!
- Why?
She's coming.
She's coming.
- Remove the chain.
- No.
- Don't do it.
- Don't lock your mother outside.
Oh, Aura, you know me.
- I'm not listening to you.
- You know I would never hurt you.
Now, remove it.
Remove the chain.
- No.
- Remove it!
- No!
- Remove it, now!
- Why are you doing this?
- I thought after the
others, I would stop.
- Please, please, please.
- Why did you kill them, huh?
- Because of.. Nicholas.
- Push.
Good, good.
Come on.
- Okay, stop, stop.
People, we've got trouble.
- Get back, what happened?
- What the?
- Decapitated!
- Somebody help her!
We've got to get somebody to do something!
- Anybody!
- Come on, Doctor.
Pull it together here.
Come on.
- Just do it.
- Oh, they butchered my son!
- Say yes.
- Do it.
- Nurse, please!
Goodbye, my son!
They thought they could make me forget,
but Nicholas came to me.
He ordered the deaths of
those who had murdered him.
And so I've done it.
And you know my secret!
- Don't look!
- Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas.
- No, Mama!
- Miss Petrescu, I'd like
to ask you a few questions.
Get these goddamn reporters out of here.
You knew Dr. Judd.
Is there anything you
can tell me about him?
Dr. Judd?
- Dr. Judd.
- Was he working with your mother?
- Working...
- Were they lovers?
- Lovers...
- Did your mother commit the murders?
- Commit the murders...
- Did your mother
commit these murders?
Let him go, let him go.
Aura, it's over.
It's me, David.
It's over.
I'm never gonna hurt you.
I looked all over for you.
- I love you.
We'll all be waiting,
we'll all be waiting,
We've all been waiting,
we've all been waiting
We've all been waiting for so long
All been waiting for so long
Waiting for someone
to come along, yeah
Someone who can love I and I is strong
Someone who can never,
never, never go wrong
Until you can do
Ruby rain, sliding down my face
Ruby rain, following
my trace too late now
I've found you
Ruby rain, dripping in the dark
Ruby rain, puddles in my heart
I'll miss you so badly