Travers la foret, A (Through the Forest) (2005) Movie Script

Your flowers are so beautiful.
They smell nice.
l look awful.
Mornings shouldn't exist.
You wake up and you see horrors.
What l see is you.
Just like l said.
l mean, the loveliest of visions.
Not at all.
How should l wear my hair?
You'll see.
This way is no good.
lf l make a forelock, it looks punk.
lf you say so.
Do you prefer it like this...
or like this?
Your English has improved.
You're joking.
Never about something so serious.
So l can go to NY with you?
You'll introduce me to Johnson?
Only if you wear your hair right.
ln that case...
This way.
Or else...
this way.
Also okay.
You don't know or don't care?
l wouldn't dare.
You're so handsome, you know.
Well, now you do.
Thank you.
And am l pretty?
Armelle, you're not pretty.
You're very pretty.
No, very, very pretty.
Thank you, my pet.
The sun's out.
The sun's out. Look.
Open your eyes.
You're not going to sleep all day.
My lover is a despicable lazybones.
- l know your song.
- Which one?
You'll see. You listening?
What happened? lt's dark!
Darn! lt's going to rain.
lt was sunny a moment ago.
There weren't even any clouds.
Where were the clouds?
Anyway, l don't feel like going out.
l feel like making love
all day long.
Where are you?
See? lt looks like
it's night already.
They're not dreams, Berenice.
Renaud is there. l can see him.
He touches me.
We talk.
lt's real. lt's genuinely real.
lf l find that book, you'll see
they're all known experiences.
Armelle, Renaud is dead.
lt's been three months.
We'll never see him again.
lt's awful, but true. Renaud is dead.
l know,
but at night he's so present,
so alive.
lt's an illusion.
Maybe it's a sign.
A sign of what?
Armelle, don't torment yourself.
You have to forget and move on.
You'll meet someone else one day.
You'll see, you'll be happy.
You're so small-minded.
Our sister says Renaud comes back
to see her, to make love to her,
and all you can say is,
Forget him, you kook.
Look, Roxane, you and l have spent
whole nights in this bed with her.
We never saw Renaud.
We never saw or heard anything. Ever!
Maybe he only comes when l'm alone.
l found it!
These are accounts of people
who had contact with the dead.
Did you read it?
- No and it scares me.
- l'll read you something.
Don't play around with that, Roxane.
You're hurting Armelle.
l'm helping her.
l'd like to leave
with a clear conscience.
Then goodbye, Berenice my dear.
Keep your mind open
for your nice boss.
l'll take good care of Armelle.
l promise.
This is a woman whose husband
has been dead a year.
''One day,
''when l was crying,
''my thoughts obsessed with Jean-Marc,
the phone rang.
''My first impulse was not to answer.
''l wanted to be alone.
''l'd lit a candle, as l liked to do
in these moments of great pain.
''l don't know why, but l couldn't
take my eyes off the flame's glimmer,
''which was reflected in the receiver.
''The phone kept ringing.
''Suddenly, without meaning to,
''my hand picked up the receiver.
''l was stunned to hear
Jean-Marc's gentle voice.
''He said,
''My love! My Louise!
lt's me, Jean-Marc!
''You're not dreaming.
''l wanted you to know l'm fine,
''that l'm waiting for you
in the utmost peace.''
She goes on to say
this happens every day.
Sometimes, she calls, and he answers.
- Think it's true?
- Why shouldn't it be?
l think the dead are somewhere,
that they live somewhere,
and sometimes make contact with us.
Are you nuts or what?
Give me that book!
What garbage!
You're incredible.
Believing in this!
Give it back!
You'll both drive me crazy.
What a raving lunatic!
l know someone who had
an experience like that.
Through a medium,
he spoke to a dead person.
Maybe Berenice is right.
Renaud at night may be just a dream.
Nothing at all.
lt's just in my head.
lf you want proof that Renaud
is still with you,
someone else has to furnish it.
Like a medium?
Think he can put me in contact
with Renaud?
For real?
lf you want it with all your heart,
you have to try.
l can help you.
You must go. Too negative.
You mustn't come back.
You hear me?
l don't like it.
We shouldn't have come. Let's go.
Go if you want. l'm staying.
...these deltas without sphinxes.
lnherent in the sustaining
maelstrom of phenomena,
it is the infinite aspiration
to the ldeal.
You are the woman
of infinite spirituality.
You still love a man who is dead.
The impetus of the ldeal
has been given in infinite space,
objectivizing itself
into innumerable worlds.
An accident.
Death in an accident.
A motorcycle in the ocean.
He wants to come back.
Now, he's coming back.
Look around you.
He's coming back.
The sun is for the Earth
the keystone,
the reservoir, the wellspring.
This is why morning and spring
are delights,
why twilight and autumn are deaths.
l'm coming back.
Why won't you let me in?
Let me in.
Armelle, let me in.
The original unconscious need
only be concerned with going higher.
lt has its special labors,
which it surveys on several
hardier, more serious worlds.
Nothing can distract it
from its dream of tomorrow.
And the planets,
which lack the depth to serve...
after following the progress
of the unconscious...
to serve as a crucible for tomorrow's
being, are ignored by the unconscious.
Small progress is inevitably made,
after the impetus is given,
like the negligible proofs
of an overused photo.
You are the negative.
Don't come back again.
Come. Follow me.
The master is resting.
A few moments.
Don't move.
Can l come again?
You've tired the master.
That's unusual.
Too many dead in your soul.
You have to go now.
He looks like Renaud.
Goodbye, young ladies.
True, there is a resemblance.
l know him. He goes to my college.
His name is Hippolyte.
His brother died.
He must be here for that.
lt's a sign.
The master said he wanted to come back,
that he was coming back.
Let's go.
Excuse me.
Can l speak to you?
What about?
Can we talk in private?
- l'm in a hurry.
- lt's very important, really.
Wait here a minute?
Who are you?
My name is Armelle. l saw you
at the medium's yesterday.
You were there?
Those guys are phonies.
The nonsense they said
about my brother!
l didn't expect anything.
l went out of curiosity.
How about you?
l was in love with a boy.
He died.
The medium managed
to make contact with him.
He said he was coming back.
And then you walked in.
l don't understand.
You look just like Renaud.
lt's incredible, really.
What are you getting at?
l think that...
l think that Renaud made contact
through you.
Think l'm crazy?
Look, miss, l have nothing to do
with your problem.
Forget it. l have to go.
l can understand your reaction.
But l'm sure of what l'm saying.
We have to talk.
l have to know what Renaud wants.
He'll give other signs.
lt's all nonsense, believe me.
Forget it fast and good luck.
Goodbye, miss.
l'll try again.
Shouldn't you just forget?
So it's impossible.
l'll never find him.
Renaud wasn't there.
l didn't feel him.
Hippolyte isn't Renaud.
That medium is useless.
But you believed her.
She got it wrong.
Renaud drove into a tree
in a forest.
lt wasn't in the ocean.
Please don't!
-There's no light because of you.
- Please!
- lsn't 10 days in the dark enough?
- Please!
Look at the state you're in!
Roxane and her stupid ideas!
Look at the results.
- Relax, it's over.
- Stopped thinking about it?
l've stopped thinking about it.
l've stopped thinking.
l'm white, all white inside. Or black.
Black rather.
Hi, Julien, it's Berenice.
No news.
She was in Tokyo last week.
After that l don't know.
She'll come home
when she feels like it.
She needs to be alone a bit, l think.
Don't you worry.
Goodbye, Julien.
lf you want my opinion,
Roxane will never see that guy again.
She was weird before she left,
wasn't she? Totally confused.
Where are you?
Renaud doesn't come at night
any more.
Where is he?
Come back to us. We're waiting for you.
Life's waiting for you.
What's there to live for?
Do you know?.
Do you know or not?
Then tell me.
lt's hard to say.
We each have our own reasons.
What's yours, then?
Well, beauty.
The beauty of the world.
The sun this morning,
the light, fresh air.
There's no more fresh air in nature.
lt's all polluted now.
Don't overdramatize.
The earth's living on borrowed time.
Mankind, too. Everyone knows that.
Then you have to fight.
Fight those who want
to destroy the planet.
That's something to live for.
lt's a lost cause.
They have the might.
They have the guns.
They torture.
They kill.
Find something else, Berenice dear.
Love. You're lucky in love?
- Not all the time.
- Why not?
lt's impossible...
- You've known Antoine how long?
- 7 1/2 years.
Why don't you live together?
We're fine this way.
We're very independent, you know.
No, that's not why.
The truth is you don't give enough
of yourselves.
You don't let yourselves go.
You're afraid to make
a real commitment.
Roxane, with all her lovers,
is like that, too.
Everyone's like that.
But Renaud wasn't.
You meet someone like Renaud
only once in a lifetime.
Your idea of love
is too uncompromising.
lf you think living together is proof
that you're letting yourself go...
- That's it exactly.
- No, it isn't.
We'll live together
when we have children.
A child is a good reason for living.
A child is wonderful.
A child is a future loser.
You're so gloomy about everything.
lt's frightening.
You're right, l'll shut up.
Can you put some music on?
Renaud's record?
Okay. True, we're talking too much.
We don't know what we're saying.
l must be dead.
What should l do?
Where should l go?
But l don't feel any pain.
Am l dead or not?
You seem different.
l don't know.
Two days in a coma is long.
You have to wait a while
before things are normal again.
ls it true they said l was dead?
They call it clinical death.
ln Roxane's book,
the one with the green cover...
l remember reading that some people
declared dead, clinically dead,
come back to life transformed,
with certain powers.
What kind of powers?
lt depends on the person.
Cut it out. This silliness
has gone far enough.
When she came out of her coma,
you called it a miracle.
lt was the emotion.
- That's when the real questions come.
- Cut the esoterics.
lt helped calm me.
Don't switch roles.
l think l want to be alone.
We're not leaving you alone
at a time like this.
By the way, did you know
Roxane met a guy in Tokyo?
She wants to marry him.
Well, we're still talking it over.
lsn't that great?
The funny part is that Berenice
also decided to get married.
To Antoine, naturally.
Nothing to say?
You don't know why you're marrying.
You're afraid. You're confused.
You cling to what you can
before you die.
- Don't start that again.
- lt's the truth.
You're so sure of yourself.
You think only of death. You're morbid.
Life isn't death.
Leave now. l want to be alone.
No way.
Then let me go.
l don't know why l'm getting married.
l'm afraid.
l'm confused. l'm clinging
to what l can before l die.
What are you talking about?
Come back!
What got into her?
l don't know why l'm getting married.
l'm afraid.
l'm confused. l'm clinging
to what l can before l die.
Thank you.
Something wrong?
What is it?
Tell me.
What are you staring at?
Get lost!
Tell me what's wrong.
Get out of here!
l kept you waiting. l'm sorry.
These are for you.
Something wrong?
Armelle, what is it?
What's wrong?
l'm sorry.
l'm sorry, my love.
How long have we been making love?
it's you.
This is your body.
My love.
Speak to me.
l've always felt your soul
more strongly than l have mine.
lt's inside you that l find myself.
We're so close.
We can't tell where one of us ends
and the other begins.
You're quiet.
l'm listening to you.
You talk and it's my heart
that l hear.
Make love to me.
My love.
How long has it been?
We've been making love for 32 days.
lt will last all our lives.
Your English has improved.
l can really go to New York, you know.
Have you found a hairstyle?
Sure l have.
Like this.
l also know your latest song.
Are you listening?
How long has it been?
l don't know any more.
lt doesn't matter.
Nothing matters now.
Just you and me.
lt's me, Renaud.
Armelle, where are you?
Armelle, come back.
l'm coming.
l'm here.
l'm coming.
Processed by L.V.T. - Paris