Treasure Buddies (2012) Movie Script

This will add nicely to Babi's treasure.
- As-salaam alaikum, Uncle Babi.
- Nephew Babu.
My new apprentice, you have arrived.
Welcome to Uncle Babi's humble palace.
Babu is most excited
to learn art of adventure.
Good to hear. Babi is most excited
to teach art of adventure.
Babi always wanted a sidekick.
Wow! Uncle Babi,
look at all your treasures.
Babi like shiny objects.
I want to be great adventurer
and treasure hunterjust like you.
No more organ grinder
school for Babu.
I will teach you everything I know.
What is the greatest treasure
you ever found, Uncle Babi?
That is a very special story
that Babi has not told anyone.
Tell Babu! Tell Babu, please!
OK. It all happened
when Babi met the Buddies.
You know the Buddies?!
Uncle Babi not only friends
with the Buddies,
but Babi once saved their lives.
Is this another one
of your tall tales, Uncle Babi?
My mom says you
exaggerate sometimes.
No, cheeky monkey.
This is truest of true story.
It all started 40 years ago,
when a brave adventurer
named Thomas Howard
came to Egypt with his best
friend and partner, Digger,
looking for the Bronze of Bastet.
We've done it, Digger.
Good boy.
What is a Bronze of Bastet,
Uncle Babi?
It is the first clue
leading to a great treasure:
the lost collar of Cleocatra.
The other half is missing.
The chest was booby-trapped.
Run, boy! Run, boy, run!
Leave it, Digger.
It's too dangerous. Let's go!
Good boy.
That was close call.
Babu happy Digger escaped from tomb.
So did they ever find the other half?
And where are the Buddies?
Be patient, Babu.
Great adventurer has much patience.
Now hurry up and listen,
so Uncle Babi can continue story.
Many years went by
and Thomas retired.
He moved to a small town
called Fernfield,
where he opened a museum,
had a family and
a grandson named Pete.
And so Digger and I made it out
just as the tomb collapsed.
And Digger had grandpuppies, too,
who were heroic, just like him.
Buddha, Budderball, Mudbud,
B-Dawg and their little sis, Rosebud.
But don't let
the pink bow fool you,
she is feistier
than all the boys combined.
And we brought this half of the
Bronze of Bastet back to Fernfield.
This way, please.
OK, let's move to the next room.
Whoa, Digger was the coolest dude ever.
Perhaps Digger's spirit lives in you.
You both love dirt.
Yo, Digger was old-school cool.
- I'm the new fly dog.
- I met your great grandpappy
when I was knee-high to a grasshopper.
I heard grasshoppers and bugs
are a delicacy in some countries.
Can you imagine ever being so
hungry you have to eat bugs?
Yeah, right, Budderball.
You'd eat anything...
other than vegetables.
As the legend goes,
Cleopatra was given a necklace,
which contained the powerful
jewel of the Cat's Eye.
But, somehow, it became lost.
But you almost found it,
didn't you, Grandpa?
I certainly tried, Peter.
Well... that wraps up my last tour.
Thank you.
Thank you all for being here.
Have a wonderful day.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Wow, Grandpa, that was great.
Ah, if you like it, Peter,
that's enough for me.
Why does the museum have to close?
Such a bummer.
Yes, Pete, it is a... bummer.
And we haven't had the funding
to acquire a new exhibit
in quite some time.
It's really too bad you and Digger
never found the other half,
and the lost necklace of Cleocatra.
I just hope a young archeologist
like you finds it,
and not some greedy grave robber.
How did dogs become man's
best friends if cats were first?
The Cat's Eye necklace was
believed to have magical powers.
Legend has it Cleocatra
had plotted to steal it.
They say she wanted
to change the order,
making cats rulers over all
Earth's creatures, including man.
But, somehow, she was foiled
by the legendary pup, Buddasi.
Cleocatra's necklace
was never seen again.
All we know is the order was changed
and dogs became man's best friend,
and cats were banished.
I guess that's why it's in
our DNA to chase cats, dudes.
When I see one,
I just can't help it.
Did you see that?
The cat's eyes moved.
Huh. Must be one of those
optical delusions.
Oh, don't worry, B-Dawg.
Those cats are just statues.
Come on, cat, I'm gettin'
all up in your grill.
What are you gonna do about it?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
You ain't nothing but
a skinny, bald, scaredy-cat.
Now, just wait a minute, Peter.
Here's some stuff you might like.
Tools of the trade.
- Anything you want is yours.
- Even your compass?
Better a young explorer
like you have it.
Oh. And here's
something for Mudbud.
- It's Digger's favorite bandanna.
- Cool!
He's the spitting image
of his great grandpappy.
Wait. Why was Grandpa Thomas
giving away all his things?
Was he giving up being adventurer?
Yes, but Grandpa Thomas
about to learn important lesson.
Great adventurer never gives up.
What are we going to do with this now?
Well, I'm not sure what
we should do with it, Peter.
Oh, my, I apologize.
I didn't see you there,
Dr. Philip Wellington.
Of course.
Dr. Wellington, what an honor.
May I... as you say in America,
cut right to the chase, professor?
I have something that
I think might... interest you.
- It can't be. May I?
- Hmm.
How did you find this?
Well, let's just say
it took a very long time
and... considerable effort.
Why didn't I hear of this discovery?
Well, the Egyptian government and I
thought it best to keep it on the Q
- until we discover...
- Cleocatra's tomb!
Precisely. I have a plane
waiting on standby.
Well, I can'tjust
pick up and go to Egypt.
Thomas, the only missing piece
of the puzzle is you.
But I promised my grandson
a camping trip for spring break.
Well, bring the lad along.
Surely, a trip to Egypt
is more exciting.
Mudbud can come too, right?
No, no, no. No dogs.
I'm afraid my dear, sweet cat,
Ubasti, is allergic to them,
so your Mud dog
will have to stay here.
So what do you say, Thomas?
Do we have an arrangement?
- I don't know.
- Oh, my dear man.
You don't want to be an old relic,
like the things in this quaint,
little museum,
when you could show the world
what a great archeologist
Thomas Howard really is.
Finding Cleocatra's necklace
is one of the greatest
archeological finds in history.
You've worked for this your whole life.
And you know well
that opportunities like this
only come round once in a lifetime.
You're right.
Let's find that tomb!
The town of Bastati,
that is where we must go.
- You ready to go, Peter?
- Oh, I'm ready.
This is gonna be epic!
Take care of my baby, Dad.
Remember he's only ten.
And call me when you land.
And then every day, twice.
- Don't you worry, sweetheart.
- Well, we mustn't dawdle.
Wheels up in precisely 26 minutes.
Chop-chop. Let's go.
Hey, Mudbud. Bye...
Ohh. Yes.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye, sweetie.
- Bye, Dad.
- Be good.
- Have a good time.
- Let's go, Peter.
I'll bring you back some Egyptian mud.
He won't be bringing you back
- anything, Dirtbud.
- Huh?
When we find the Cat's Eye jewel,
it'll be mine,
and cats will finally rule,
with me as their queen.
Not if the Buddies
have anything to say about it.
Bye-bye, fleabag.
Ohh. Poor Mudbud's devastated.
That cat dudette
cannot get away with this.
Don't worry, Pete,
I'm coming to save you.
We heard your emergency howl.
Is everything OK? Or was someone
just trying to give you a bath?
Pete and Grandpa Thomas
are in trouble!
You know that collar
Sniffer told us about?
The one that could be
the end of all dogkind?
- Yeah?
- Well, that creepy cat said
she was going to get the collar
and use it to rule humans and dogs.
Yo, ain't no one
gonna rule the B-Dawg.
Nohow, no way.
That's fo' shizzle.
What are we waiting for?
Let's get on that plane.
- Follow me.
- Team Buddies to the rescue.
Back it up a little bit.
- Yo, what's the plan now?
- We hitch a ride to Egypt
and kick some serious kitty butt, dudes.
So Buddies set off for Egypt,
a land of amazing adventure
and shiny treasure,
but most importantly, me,
Babi the Great.
As-salaam alaikum, Mr. Wellington.
Very happy to see you.
Seti, skip the formalities
and unload the plane.
Meet us in Bastati
and gather supplies.
That means "good morning."
I'm Thomas Howard,
and this is my grandson, Peter.
Hello. Hello, Peter.
My name is Seti.
This is my cousin, Tarik.
What, you crazy?
This is explosives.
Put that down.
What is wrong with you?
Hey, you guys,
we must've landed in Egypt.
It's raining falafel sauce!
Come on, Peter.
Egypt... I've missed this place.
- Come on.
- You think we can explore the bazaar?
Dudes, I think
we're on the road again.
When do you meet the Buddies,
Uncle Babi?
Soon, soon. Be patient.
At first, Babi met
Pete and Grandpa Thomas.
This place is so cool.
Mudbud would've loved this.
Let me show you something, Peter.
- What are they?
- Dried seeds. Great for snacking.
Pete give Babi
his favorite compass in trade.
Uncle Babi, what did you
trade Pete for compass?
Did Babi say "trade"?
I mean borrow... permanently.
No, no, Ubasti, come back.
No, no, no. Don't go
into that awful market.
OK, let's go.
Slightly used camel,
low mileage,
owned by little old lady.
Do I hear 500 pounds?
Five hundred? Sold! OK.
Let's have the money. OK.
And now, Babu, Babi about to
meet bad man and hairless cat.
- Welcome.
- Oh, welcome.
How very nice of you.
What is this?
Pure Egyptian...
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
There's nothing I detest more
than a petty, primate thief.
Babi not steal.
I was just admiring shiny object.
Beat it!
Ubasti, there you are.
Guys, I think this is cheese!
I'm starving.
Yuck, that cheese smells funny.
This is stinky cheese.
I guess stinky cheese
is an acquired taste.
I'd better acquire some more.
As-salaam alaikum.
My name is Pete.
Oh. Oh!
You don't speak English.
You said that I am a cucumber.
- Hey, you do speak English.
- Yes, my father taught me.
My name is Farah.
You are American.
Yeah. I'm here with my Grandpa.
He's a great archeologist.
We're going to discover
Cleocatra's tomb.
Cleopatra's tomb.
No, not Cleopatra.
Her cat, Cleocatra.
Oh, that is my father, I must go.
It was very nice to meet you, Peter.
As-salaam alaikum.
Guys, I'm not feeling too good.
Budderball, don't panic, but...
I don't think that was cheese
you ate. It was explosives!
Oh, no. I'm gonna explode!
Don't you dare Dutch oven us!
- OK.
- Seti...
Box making noises.
You're right, it is making noises. OK.
Hey... get the crowbar.
I'll get this one.
Budderball, I take it back.
Let 'er rip.
- Disgusting.
- Gross.
- That's not good.
- Boom, boom?
Run! Run! Run!
Let me outta here, yo.
It's Dirtbud and his team
of dim-witted wonder dogs.
How did they get here?
- Tarik!
- Huh?
Where did Pete and Grandpa Thomas go?
OK, we've got a lot of ground
to cover. Let's split into groups.
B-Dawg, you go with Buddha,
so we can keep you out of trouble.
Budderball, you stick with
Mudbud, and I'll go by myself.
I know how you boys
hate shopping anyways.
All right, dudes,
let's go track them down.
Not bad. I could lay down
some sick beats to this.
- Snake!
- Don't worry, B-Dawg.
The snake is in a trance.
He's meditating to the music.
Wow, look at these colors.
Let me give you something.
OMG. This is so to die for.
OK, next up we have beautiful animal.
Very young,
but will grow big and strong.
Five hundred!
Five hundred pounds!
Kebab! Hot kebab!
Come get your chicken kebab!
Oh, sweet mama, kebabs!
We're on a mission here, Budderball.
But I search much better
on a full stomach.
Besides, the best way to know a new
culture is to sample its cuisine.
OK, one kebab for you. Eat it.
Hey, come back here!
Stop that thief!
Yo, dawg, did you hear that?
It sounds like Budderball's in trouble.
It came from over there.
Come on, B-Dawg.
Uncle Babi, wait a second.
That's how you met the Buddies?
You stole Budderball's kebab?
You snooze, you lose. And Babi,
winner-winner kebab dinner.
Anyways, Babi helping Budderball out.
Chicken bone choking hazard for dogs.
Somebody stop that kebab-a-robber!
Got you cornered, you chicken thief.
Budderball, stop monkeying around.
I'm not monkeying around,
he's monkeying around.
Please, don't hurt Babi.
Babi am but a humble monkey.
- What's going on?
- I'll tell you what's going on.
- This monkey is a no-good crook.
- Here.
See, now I give you something in trade.
- I'm not much of a hat dog.
- Ooh. Looks good on you.
- OK, we'll call it even-steven.
- I am Babi, not Steven.
I'm Budderball and these
are my brothers, Mudbud, Buddha,
and B-Dawg, and our little sis, Rosebud.
It is pleasure to meet you all.
- What brings you to Egypt?
- Actually, we're looking for my people.
My boy, Peter, and his grandpa.
They were last seen with a bad man
and a creepy cat with no fur.
Oh! I think I saw that cat today.
Babi does not like cats.
You've seen her?
Hey, that's Pete's compass, dude!
Babi see it fall
out of boy's pocket.
Finders keeper, losers weeper.
So you've seen Pete, too?
That compass is
very important to him.
Babi could give you compass...
perhaps in trade?
Babi likes shiny objects.
My bling?
You've gots to be trippin'.
Babi will give you compass
and help you with everything.
Promise to get you to boy.
"B" for Babi look very nice
on Babi's hairy chest.
Sorry, dawg, you can't have it.
B-Dawg, he knows where
Pete and Grandpa Thomas are.
We need his help.
Give him anything he wants.
- What's that, dudes?
- It's the Muslim call to prayer.
It is getting late.
Market not safe at night.
Babi know place where you can sleep.
I will show you boy in the morning.
Follow me, friends.
This is so not happening.
I'm practically naked without my bling.
This way, Buddies.
Yo, what's that, dawg?
It appears to be a sarcophagus, B-Dawg.
Where they put mummies in ancient Egypt.
- Relax, they don't really come to life.
- I knew that, dawg.
Quick, hide. Someone is coming.
OK... OK, now tomorrow you must sell,
OK? OK. Bye-bye.
Hey, what's wrong, little camel?
That mean human
stole me from my mother,
and he's trying to sell me.
You were taken from your mother?
That's awful.
I must find her. My tribe
is on their way into the desert.
If I don't catch up with them soon,
I might never see her again.
- Tribe?
- It is my family.
I belong with the Bedouin tribe.
We are travelers.
I get it. Kinda like my posse.
The name's B-Dawg.
- My name is Cammy.
- I'm Rosebud and these are my brothers.
Maybe we can help.
Mummy! Ahh!
- Babi!
- Is coast clear?
Babi, this is Cammy.
As-salaam alaikum, little camel.
Dudes, I hate to be a bummer,
but the door is locked.
We're stuck in here.
Babi going to solve
everyone's troubles.
You all sleep now.
Babi will go see what he can find out.
"It will lead you
to the water's path."
Perhaps someone misinformed you.
We're in the desert, there's no water.
- We're here.
- Ah!
"From the eye of the needle,
take direction from Thoth."
What do you think it means, Grandpa?
Thoth, the moon god,
take direction from the moon.
- The moon.
- "From the eye of the needle,
take direction from the moon.
On the 12th day,
the moon will light the way."
- There's a full moon tonight.
- That looks like a needle,
and there's a half-moon
carved in the top.
The obelisk! Peter, let's go!
- Oh, my. Dr. Wellington.
- Yes, yes, of course.
- What now?
- Well, now...
...we need to calibrate
the position of the beam
and coordinate it on the map.
Ah, given the height
of the tower...
...60 feet,
the light should be going
south by southeast, 86 miles.
And leading us... to this oasis.
Ah! They're heading to the oasis.
I must tell the Buddies.
- Buddies!
- What's up?
Your people are leaving in the morning.
They're on their way to oasis,
deep in desert.
Oasis? I've been there
with my tribe before.
That could be where they're headed, too.
I can show you the way.
And we can help you find your tribe.
Babi will hitch ride and slow them down.
- What are you thinking?
- How rad this is.
Mudbud would've loved it.
Knowing Mudbud, he's probably
off on an adventure of his own.
You know, for some reason,
Mudbud doesn't feel that far away.
Ahh! Bad man's truck.
Got it.
Chop-chop, my good man.
We're seven minutes behind schedule.
I know that whistle.
The man is coming to take me away.
Not ifwe have anything to do with it.
I've an idea, Cammy.
You up for it?
Anything to get back to my mom.
- Wow, gnarly loogey, dudette!
- Come on, Buddies, let's go!
My beautiful camel! Oh!
Now, the Buddies and
their newfound camel friend escape,
and follow Babi into the desert.
Where were you, Uncle Babi?
Babi hitch
a ride on top of truck.
Babi sneaky monkey.
Who are they, Grandpa?
They're Bedouins, Pete.
They're a nomadic people of the desert.
Hey, you, move your disgusting
beasts. I'm in a hurry.
You should be very careful.
This area is known
for bandits and thieves.
Safe travels.
Come on, guys. We just
have to make it to the oasis.
I'm running on fumes.
Cammy, aren't you hungry?
We camels were born
to survive in the heat,
and go a long time
without food and water.
We can regurgitate the food
in our stomach and re-chew it,
so we can go longer
without a meal.
- Eww. TMI, Cammy.
- Good idea.
- Budderball... gross.
- Mmm. I love leftovers.
What happened? What you do?
I told you, check out the truck
before we left.
- But I did.
- You did? Oh.
I swear, your brain
is the size of a monkey's.
For heaven's sakes,
what's wrong with it?
Is broken.
I don't suppose you know
anything about motorized vehicles?
Well, as a matter of fact, I do.
Well, let's see what the problem is.
Oh, my goodness.
Hose came loose.
Just put some coolant in it.
there's the oasis just up ahead.
How did all this grow
in the middle of the desert?
Even though
we're in the driest of places,
centuries ago, in Cleopatra's time,
there was a river here.
And that river is still
running deep underground.
We'll set up camp,
look for the next clue at daybreak.
All right.
- Are we close, Cammy?
- I... I am not sure, Rosebud.
I think so.
Aw, snap. We're doomed. Doomed!
- Think positively, B-Dawg.
- I am positive.
Positively sure we're lost
in the middle of the desert.
Do not worry, Buddies,
my tribe has been here.
There's some camel poop
on the ground right there.
That's camel poop all right.
We're gonna need a bulldozer
to clean up that mess,
'cause a pooper scooper
definitely's not doing it.
It's getting too dark
to follow their trail.
The dudette is correctomundo.
We'll rest here for the night,
and get our groove back tomorrow.
So, young Peter, what story
would you like to hear this time?
Can you tell me the story
about the Cat's Eye necklace?
All right.
The cat goddess, Bastet,
gave a special necklace
with a Cat's Eye jewel to Cleopatra,
the ruler of Egypt.
Cleopatra's favorite feline,
was furious that Bastet
gave the necklace to a human.
She decided to steal the necklace.
But a vigilant puppy, Buddasi,
saw Cleocatra.
And Cleopatra was so mad
over being betrayed
by her trusted cat,
that she used the necklace
to make dogs man's best friend.
And cats were banished from the palace.
Grandpa, is it gonna rain?
No, no. That's just dry lightning
from an electrical storm.
Happens all the time
out here in the desert.
Ah, looks far enough away.
I'm sure we're perfectly safe.
Time to hit the rack, though.
We have an early day tomorrow.
You get a good sleep.
I'm gonna go stretch
these old legs of mine.
Grandpa, thank you for
bringing me on this adventure.
It's my pleasure, Peter.
I couldn't ask for a better partner.
Mudbud, are you OK?
Yeah, I'm just sorry
I got us into this.
I'm really worried about Pete.
Fate set us on this path, Mudbud.
Every journey has a deeper reason.
Good night, Buddies,
you're the best of friends.
Sweet dreams, everybody.
Wake up, Buddies. It's morning.
Let's rock and roll. Who knows
how far ahead of us they are.
Hey, Grandpa,
I'm gonna go explore.
- Have you seen my compass?
- No. No, I haven't, Peter.
Well, you go ahead.
I'll join you in a minute.
- Ah!
- You got me.
- Hello, Farah.
- Hello, Peter.
- When did you get here?
- Late last night.
Sometimes we travel at night
when it is cooler.
Where are you going?
Our tribe is making
its way through the desert.
It is our way, nothing more.
Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy.
My daughter says you are here
with your grandfather.
This man you are traveling with...
...does your grandfather know him well?
He just met him a few days ago.
You would do well not to trust him.
Be safe. The desert can be
a very unforgiving place.
- See you later, Farah.
- Bye.
Ah, Peter.
- I see you've made a friend.
- That man said not to trust...
All right, chaps,
no time for chattering.
- Time to find the next clue.
- Well...
- This well was built centuries ago.
- Mmm.
This was the widest
part of the river.
And the Egyptians would
have built an access
to the river running down below.
- Are you OK, Grandpa?
- Yes!
What? What have you found?
It's the Cat's Eye symbol.
This must be the entrance.
Careful now. Careful.
Here we go.
All right. I got this.
Easy does it.
Slow, slow.
Hold it.
Look how much
light is coming in here. Ah!
The sun must be directly
over the opening of the well.
Oh. Peter.
Go clean off that part
of the wall over there.
And, Seti, clean that other spot.
Hurry along, hurry along.
Well, what does it mean?
That one stands for royalty
in this part of Egypt.
And the other is called a menet.
It's the source
of great power for the gods.
Tarik, the map!
Thank you.
- Yes, I know, Ubasti.
- Ahh...
I think we have it.
I know where Cleocatra's tomb lies.
I don't know how much
farther I can go.
- We need water.
- We can't stop, dudes.
This way, Babu.
Babi had brilliant plan
to slow down bad man.
What did you do, Uncle Babi?
Hold your camels, Babu.
You will see.
Yes, Ubasti,
we're getting very, very close.
What's that petty primate doing here?
Up to no good.
Butjust when Babi
was almost complete,
hairless cat caught
Babi monkey-handed.
No, no, no, no.
Oh... Uh...
- Oh, no!
- Never fear, Babu.
Babi scared cat with big muscles.
Ah! Scary cat!
What do you think you're doing?
I've traveled far
to find Cleocatra's tomb,
and no one is going to stop me.
Ubasti. Kitty.
There you are, my little darling.
Hey! What's that?
What is it, Budderball?
Can't you see it? Food!
Hot dogs! Pizza!
And lemonade!
They've even got ice cream!
Oh, sweet mama!
Dudes, I think Budderball
has lost his marbles.
Budderball is seeing the mirage.
The heat makes your brain
do funny things sometimes.
Come on, guys, dig in!
Budderball, you gotta snap out of it!
Now that's what I call a sand-wich!
Where'd the buffet go?!
Look! What's that?!
It looks like trees!
Trees? You've gotta be
hallucin-a-trippin', dawg.
I can still see them, it's real!
And where there's trees,
there must be water.
- It's the oasis!
- We're saved, dudes!
Yo, dawgs, check it out.
I've never been so happy
to take a bath in my whole life!
- Surf's up, dudes!
- Yippee!
All right!
There's no way I'm going in there
without my floaties, dawgs.
What now?
Mr. Wellington,
I think we have a flat tire.
My tribe and your tribe are not here.
They must've traveled on already.
What the...? What was that?
Relax, B-Dawg.
It was probably just the wind.
Then that wind has sick
paw-eye coordination.
Hey, they're falling
from that tree up there.
Those are dates, Rosebud.
Babi, we're so glad we found you!
Buddies and my camel friend,
I am so glad you have made it.
Babi, what happened
to Pete and Grandpa Thomas?
Babi was following boy
and men and cat.
Cat very scary. She find Babi,
so Babi run and hide in oasis.
- Are they OK?
- Very much so, friend Mudbud.
They are on their way
to Cleocatra's tomb.
That's great, dawg. Too bad
we have no idea where it is.
Babi has idea.
Babi see Bedouin tribe following,
they can help.
My mom! Come on, Buddies,
we'll go to the camp.
What about the others?
We can't let them
- get to the tomb before us.
- Babi has dealt with that.
Ifwe hurry, we can reach
the Bedouin tribe before nightfall.
This is outrageous!
How did this happen?
This is... This is all
your fault, nitwits! Idiots!
Well, I guess we're going to
be stuck here for the night.
So we may as well make ourselves useful,
Pete, and unload the truck.
So, Babi, dawg, how 'bout
you give me back my bling?
Deal is deal, friend.
All trades are final.
I can't wait until
you meet my family, Buddies.
They will be very grateful
for all you have done.
That's it!
Many thanks to you, Buddies.
And you too, Babi. I'm home!
- Cammy!
- Mom!
Oh! I can't believe it's you.
My dear Cammy, I thought
I would never see you again.
The bad man tried to sell me,
but my new friends, Babi and
the Buddies, helped me escape.
Oh, thank you so much
for bringing my baby back to me.
How could I ever repay you?
We could do lunch sometime,
soon preferably.
We welcomed the opportunity
to create good karma.
Yo, B-Dawg's the name,
and these dawgs are my tribe.
My name is Mala,
and my tribe would be thrilled
to have you as our honored guests.
Yo, these dawgs got it going on.
Hmm. That looks like
an interesting game.
Here you go, Buddies,
dinner is served.
My three favorite words.
Pinch me, I wanna make sure
this isn't a mirage.
Cammy, no offense,
but my dinner looks
an awful lot like bugs.
- Dude, your dinner is bugs.
- Those are scarab beetles.
They are a delicacy of the Bedouins.
Do you have anything less delicate,
like pizza or maybe some hamburgers?
Whoa! Budderball turning down food?
Thatjust blew my mind.
They are quite good, Budderball.
I promise.
OK, here goes nothing.
Over the teeth, past the gums,
look out stomach,
here the bugs come.
Budderball like scarabs?
Crunchy, but not bad.
Tastes like chicken.
That archeologist
is getting far too nosy.
Typical American.
Can't mind his Ps and Qs.
But tomorrow, we'll be rid
of the wretched man
and his annoying grandson,
and the treasure will be mine.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Hmm?
- Huh?
Oh, no.
Grandpa, wake up!
I heard Mr. Wellington
say he's gonna get rid of us
- and keep the treasure for himself!
- What?!
Peter, really?
Oh, no. I should've known
he was just a grave robber.
- What are we gonna do?
- Well, first off,
we need to be very careful.
Philip could be dangerous.
Could he, now?
I'm done helping you, Philip.
Oh, I think not, Professor Howard.
For the sake of your
precious grandson,
you'll do exactly
what I want you to do.
What are they doing?
They are sending balloon up in
sky to look for bad man and cat.
Babi believe this is the way
we find your people.
Travel by air is much, much faster.
Let me get this straight,
monkey dude,
you want us to fly up
in that balloon?
Babi, do you know
how to fly that thing?
Babi is good pilot. The best.
Wind is going in the right direction.
Quick, Buddies, come!
Buddies, I can never
thank you enough.
Bye, Buddies! Be safe!
Bye, Cammy. Bye, Mala!
I hope we see you again.
Good luck, Buddies!
Look! It's the bad dude's Jeep.
We would've never found them on foot.
They must've gone in the truck.
Follow the tire tracks.
Babi does not control wind.
Allah does.
I think this is it, Peter.
So... Hmm? Where is it?
I'm sure it's here somewhere.
- I can feel the energy.
- The energy?
You worthless twit.
You've led us nowhere!
Grandpa, look! A balloon!
Oh, don't be silly, Peter.
There are no baboons in the desert.
I think maybe you've
been out in the sun too long.
You should drink some water.
Dudes, there they are!
Let's land this puppy!
- Land?
- Babi, please tell me
you know how to land this thing.
This part Babi is
not so familiar with.
Oh, great. We're just gonna
float away forever.
Don't worry, B-Dawg,
panic is a wasted emotion.
Babi know what make
balloon go down. Hold on.
Oh, no.
Forget about what I said before.
Time to panic.
- Oh, no!
- Hold on, Buddies.
Going in for crash landing.
- Babi is dizzy.
- You can say that again, dawg.
Oh. Babi is dizzy.
It feels like there's
a sandstorm coming on.
No, nonsense.
Just a little breeze.
You two. Go to the top of that
dune and have a look around.
It is a sandstorm.
Run for the truck, Peter!
Quickly, Buddies, we can
take shelter in that cave.
Be safe, Mr. Wellington!
Run, Mr. Wellington!
This is most fortunate, my friends.
We shall be safe here
until the storm passes.
This is really freaking me out.
I believe this is
some sort of secret entrance
used by those who built
Cleocatra's tomb.
But this secret entrance
is protected by a large serpent.
Serpent? What's that?
It is a snake.
Babi no like snakes.
Ah! For once can't
something be easy-peasy?
Why can't it be protected by a
bunny rabbit or something vegetarian?
Uh, dudes, long, creepy,
slimy thing at 12 o'clock.
Hold it, hold it! Uncle B,
there's a snake coming?
Is this the part
where you save the Buddies?
Yes, big and slimy snake, but no fear.
No challenge too great for Babi.
Babi about to outwit snake.
I promise.
I am afraid where you go,
I cannot follow, Buddies.
Wait a second, wait a second.
You ran away?
Uh... Yes, Babi ran to see
if he could find help.
Babi is wise.
Uh... Buddha, what are you doin', dawg?
Calm yourself, B-Dawg.
I am Slither, the serpent
protector of Cleocatra's tomb.
We were hoping to secure your
permission to enter the tomb.
I was put here
to protect the tomb
from all those who would
seek its riches without wisdom.
Only the descendants
of Buddasi may pass.
You must look me in the eyes.
If I can hypnotize you,
then your intentions are not pure,
and you will become my supper.
That's the worst dinner invite
I've ever heard.
And if I win and hypnotize you?
Then you are descendants of Buddasi,
guardian of man,
and I will let you pass.
B-Dawg, remember the snake
at the bazaar?
- Uh-huh.
- Lay down some beats.
I think I gotcha, dawg.
I accept your challenge.
Shanti. Shanti.
Shanti. Shanti.
Shanti. Shanti.
He's gone.
Buddha, you won.
- Way to go, dude.
- All right, Buddha!
You are the descendants of Buddasi!
I have been waiting
so long for you.
You and your friends may pass,
but beware ofwhat's ahead,
for there are more tests
along this path.
If you need Slither again,
I will be here... waiting.
Good luck, Buddies.
You heard the serpent dude.
Let's be careful.
You never know
what's around the next corner.
In that case,
ladies first.
Grandpa, look!
Oh, my.
It's Cleocatra's tomb.
We're rich, my dear. We're rich.
Only in my dreams
have I imagined this moment.
Hey, Tarik.
Tarik, we're alive! Tarik!
This is a single stone slab.
It must weigh thousands of pounds.
There's no way we can open it
without heavy equipment.
Even then it'll take months.
No, it won't. Why do you think
I brought the explosives?
For a fireworks display?
But the tomb
is thousands of years old.
- We can'tjust use dynamite on it.
- Watch me.
Tarik! Seti! Get the explosives.
Oh, no! Quicksand!
How will we get across?
No problem-o, dudes,
I'm an expert
in all things dirt-related.
Just roll with it.
You can make your way
across now, dudes and dudette.
The discovery of Cleocatra's
tomb is priceless.
- It belongs to the Egyptian people.
- Oh, please.
I'm every bit the archeologist
you are, Professor Howard.
I simply do it for profit,
not for silly accolades.
No, Mr. Wellington, what you do
is illegal and immoral.
Grandpa! There's a slot in the door.
No, Pete!
Get away from there!
- The disk. Philip.
- Yes, yes.
There, you see?
I've gotten you here.
Come along, Peter.
That's weird.
The oil torches are lit.
Someone else is here.
It can only be those filthy mutts.
They've beaten me to it.
The opening of the door must've
triggered the lighting of the torches.
What is it, Ubasti? No, no, no.
Ubasti, come back here.
Ubasti. Whoo-hoo, Ubasti.
I sure wish... that ancient
Egyptians... invented elevators.
Yo, what's the holdup?
There's something strange
about this hallway.
You guys are worrying too much.
This room looks
pretty normal to me.
Remember what Slither said.
Ah, that snake's been
trapped here too long.
He's loony, yo.
And then, B-Dawg
fell into the pit of snakes.
- Oh, no!
- Don't worry.
At the last second, Babi grabbed
B-Dawg's tail and save him.
I thought you ran out of the
tomb when the scary snake came.
You worry too much about details.
Anyway, like I said,
Budderball grabbed B-Dawg's tail.
Hang on, Budderball's
got you by the tail.
Ahh. You know what?
I'm gonna bounce.
What do you say I meet you
dawgs back in Fernfield?
Hmm. It's ancient writing
called hieroglyphics.
I saw Bedouins playing this,
but much smaller.
You have to get to the other side,
but can only move on specific squares.
All right, boys,
let a girl show you the way.
Come on, boys, jump only
on the squares that I did.
Dudes, I don't get it.
It's just a big, empty room.
Not a good sign.
- Bugs. I love bugs.
- That's disgusting.
Hmm. A little slimy when they're
uncooked, but still not bad.
Dawg, I don't think they
appreciate you eating their cousin.
Hey, it's another one of those buttons.
Dudes, this looks like Cleocatra's tomb.
It's the lost collar of Cleocatra.
Oh, no. It's a quicksand trap.
Tarik, we need a bridge.
Lie down.
Well, all right.
Seti, you lie down.
Yes, you do it, Seti!
- I'm very sorry!
- Well done, well done. Yes, very brave.
Very brave.
Are you ready? All right.
There you go. I got you.
Move it, move it. Careful.
- Careful, Peter. Come on, Peter.
- I'm so sorry.
Very safe. Here we go.
It's OK. Very strong.
I am coming.
Right, well, carry on.
What do you think it means, Grandpa?
It's raising him up!
Tarik, you're safe!
Tarik, you're safe!
What should we do?
We've gotta take the
collar for safekeeping,
so Ubasti doesn't get her paws on it.
Notjust for us,
but for all mankind and dogkind.
That bling is super fly, yo.
I'll get it.
B-Dawg, why are you wearing the collar?
Relax, sis.
I gave that monkey my bling,
so I'm just borrowing this
until we get home.
Now, if you would kindly hand over
what is rightfully mine.
Seems to me you're outnumbered
Hmm. Well, we'll see about that.
Guys, is itjust me,
or are those statues moving?
I believe the numbers just got
more in my favor, Blubberball.
- Uh-oh.
- I'd like to remain optimistic, but
they definitely don't seem friendly.
Run, dudes, run!
Wow, it's like Senet,
the ancient Egyptian board game.
Well, right, off you go.
Wait, no. No.
- No!
- Don't look, Peter.
Well, Tarik, you're next. Off you go!
I think we've lost them.
Yo, dawgs, I feel kinda weird.
- Meow!
- Did you just meow?
Oh, no you didn't
call me a scaredy-cat.
Them be fighting words. Meow.
I'm pretty sure you just meowed, dude.
There's no way I just meowed.
I believe it's imperative that
we remove the collar from B-Dawg.
It appears to be
turning him into a cat.
Meow... No!
You cannot take my bling.
- Meow!
- B-Dawg, no! Come back here!
Let's divide and conquer.
- I can do it, Grandpa.
- Wait, Peter. Listen to me.
Do it.
Only jump on the squares
I tell you, all right?
Start here.
Now, plow.
And life.
Come on, Grandpa.
After you.
Come play in the kitty litter, dudettes.
That'll teach them to underestimate
a blond with a pink bow.
Wait. I just need a little lunch break.
Hey, bugs, bon apptit!
Whoa! The service must be terrible.
I believe meditation
can help with your anger issues.
You will become my supper.
- It's amazing!
- I don't believe it.
There's... There's nothing here.
Someone beat us to it.
A mouse?
I love chasing mice! Meow!
It's my worst nightmare.
I'm turning into a cat.
Get this collar off me!
- Are you OK, B-Dawg?
- I... I think so.
Eww, gross, hairball.
I almost crossed over to the dark side.
- It's finally mine.
- The collar!
This is, perhaps, the greatest
historical discovery
since King Tut's tomb!
You were right, Grandpa.
The necklace.
You found it, Ubasti.
Ooh, bring it to me,
kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. Yes.
Finally, the moment I've
been waiting for my whole life!
Now is the time for cats to rule.
First, dogs will be banished.
Your best friends here will be
nothing more than my slaves.
It's happening!
How did you get here?
My goodness!
It's mine.
Get out of my way!
I'm rich!
Philip, I can't let you steal
these invaluable artifacts.
You can't?
I can take anything I like.
- Who's going to stop me?
- Me!
Oh, professor,
it might interest you to know
that I was fencing champion at Oxford.
So be it!
En garde.
And he joust.
- And he parry.
- Ooh.
And Babi helped swordfight bad man.
But how could you swordfight if you
weren't there, Uncle Babi? Remember?
Do you want me to
tell this story or not?
Now, the ending is coming soon.
Hold on to your banana.
Is that all you've got, old man?
Nope. This is.
I... I...
- Grandpa!
- Peter!
- Thank you so much.
- What happened?
It says here there was
a curse put on the gem
to prevent any cat
from misusing it again.
If a cat was greedy for power,
it would get everlasting life,
but in the form of a statue.
Let's get him, Grandpa!
Come back here, Philip!
Get him!
He's getting away!
But where's Uncle Babi this whole time?
Good question, my nephew.
It is now time for Uncle Babi
to save the day!
Babi, the hero of all heroes, the
great adventurer, the world famous...
OK, OK, I got it.
Now tell Babu the ending.
I am on the edge of my hammock.
Let's get him, Cammy.
- Bad man. Bad man.
- Ow!
- Very, very, very bad man! Bad!
- Ow! Ow!
- Bad, bad man!
- Get this monkey off my back!
Nobody messes with my friends.
I can't see.
We know all about you, grave robber,
raider of sacred places.
- Amir Sabak, Egyptian Secret Service.
- Oh.
You are under arrest,
Mr. Wellington.
Thank you for your
great discovery, Mr. Howard.
The Egyptian government
is most grateful,
and is willing to compensate you
for your efforts, of course.
- You are a national hero.
- Finding the treasure
is all the compensation
an archeologist needs.
And if I'm a hero,
then my young archeologist
partner is one, too.
Without him, I wouldn't
be standing here right now.
Thanks, Grandpa, but the Buddies
deserve a lot of the credit.
We'd like to thank you two dudes.
We couldn't have done it without you.
Yeah, dawgs, you two are da bomb.
- It was Babi's pleasure.
- And mine, too.
Maybe we'll see you both again.
Next time there is
a treasure to be found,
Babi will be happy to help.
In the name of
Her Majesty, the Queen, untie me!
Take me to the British Embassy.
We must go now and take this
dirty grave robber to the jail,
where he belongs.
Thank you, again.
If there is anything I can do for you,
please, let me know.
Amir, I do actually have a request.
First off, I'd like to thank
the Egyptian government
for allowing the debut
of this great archeological find
to happen here in our hometown
of Fernfield, saving our museum.
And I must extend my gratitude
to six very important
little archeologists.
First, my grandson, Peter.
And then, of course, the Buddies!
And now, without further ado...
...the lost Cat's Eye necklace
of Cleocatra.
If only your great grandpappy,
Digger, could see you.
Chips off the old block,
five doggone explorer pups.
- He'd be very proud.
- That's a cool necklace.
Yes, it is beautiful, isn't it, Pete?
And I'm glad we found it
so the world can enjoy it, too.
But I learned a very
important lesson on this trip,
more valuable than
even gold orjewels.
I have the greatest treasure
in the world right here.
I hope it will be safe, Amir.
We wouldn't want that necklace
falling into the wrong hands.
Worry not, my friend.
No man will be able to get through that.
And that is the story
of the greatest treasure
Babi ever discovered.
Wait. Where is Babu going?
That was amazing story, Uncle Babi.
- But...
- Babi no like "but."
Babu knows Uncle Babi exaggerates.
Scare off cat with big muscles,
save Budderball from snake pit,
swordfight with humans?
All tall tales. Babu not even sure
Babi is real treasure hunter.
Babu going back to Cairo
to see if Babu can get back
into organ grinder school.
OK, fine, Babu.
'Tis true, Babi tend to exaggerate,
just a little bit.
But this adventure story is true.
Babi really meet the treasure Buddies.
Sorry, Babi,
you cry monkey too many times.
Maybe this will change your mind?
The lost collar of Cleocatra!
Oh, no you didn't
call me a scaredy-cat.
Them be fighting words.
That'll teach them to underestimate
a blond with a pink bow.
No problem-o, dudes.
I'm an expert in
all things dirt-related.
Fate set us on this path, Mudbud.
Every journey has a deeper reason.
Over the teeth, past the gums,
look out stomach,
here the bugs come.
I met your great grandpappy
when I was knee-high
to a grasshopper.
I am Slither, the serpent
protector of Cleocatra's tomb.
There's nothing I detest more
than a petty primate thief.
It is a snake.
Babi no like snakes.
Is this another one
of your tall tales, Uncle Babi?
My mom says
you exaggerate sometimes.
Budderball is seeing the mirage.
The heat makes your brain
do funny things sometimes.
My name is Mala,
and my tribe would be thrilled
to have you
as our honored guests.