Treasure Lies (2020) Movie Script

(suspenseful music)
(car door slams)
(Door Chimes)
- Forget something?
(upbeat music)
Sometimes I feel
Like a house of cards
- Over there?
- Yes.
One gust of wind
Is all it takes
- Have a cookie.
- Oh, thank you.
To unravel
- You're welcome.
(Mrs. Wahl laughs)
- Thanks, Mrs. Wahl.
- You're welcome
One little push to
unearth my faith
One little push to
unearth my faith
Oh, Lord be my anchor
on this unstable ground
Hold me as I slip
between the cracks
Catch all my pieces
as they drift
Piece me back
together in Your hands
Oh, Lord be my anchor
on this unstable ground
(Dad snoring)
- Just cut it in bite-sized
pieces like that.
- Okay.
- Hey, Mom.
- Did you have a good day?
- Nothing I'd rather do than
work all day on a Sunday.
- Did you remember the milk?
And the rest?
- It's all in there.
- How much?
- 17.72.
- With your discount?
- Yup.
- Where does it go?
- That's okay.
- I can get the rest
to you on Friday.
- I know where you live.
(soft music)
- Boo!
- Go change,
dinner's about ready.
Go wake up your dad.
(gentle music)
- I'm starving.
- Me, too.
- So Becky got braces.
She didn't hardly
talk the whole day
because she was paranoid.
- You mean self-conscious?
- That she is going
to spit everywhere?
- You're right, that's paranoid.
(family laughs)
- So Rob's gonna be
selling his Jeep soon.
I told him I want it.
- This looks really good!
- It doesn't have
a lot of miles
- Hey, can you pass
the salt, please?
But I love salt.
- And I love you.
- It doesn't have a lot of miles
and it's the same engine
as the old Cherokee,
so if anything happens,
you know how to work on it.
- How much?
- 3,000.
Can I get it?
- You know how we
feel about that.
- Nothing's gonna happen.
- That's what Ryan thought.
- He wasn't even driving.
I can't ride my bike forever.
(throat clearing)
(door opening)
- Why would you bring that
up in front of your mom?
You know I'm working on her.
Just use my van for
a little longer.
- Like a girl would go
out with me in that.
- How are you gonna
get the money?
- I already have 1,700.
- Your senior trip money?
- I'd rather get a car than
blow it on a trip to New York.
- How much long until
you have the rest?
- Not long.
I'll talk to Mr. Sherman
about some extra hours.
(car engine roars)
- Everyday.
- Drive.
(upbeat music)
- Hey, I know, why don't you
just hit snooze one less time
and then you'll
have five minutes
to stand around and think,
"Tim's gonna be here
in five minutes.
"What am I forgetting?"
- Or maybe you
could actually brush
your teeth in the
morning and then
that will give me the time
that I need to get ready.
- Ha.
You wanna walk?
- Guess what?
- You outgrew your
Teddy Bear P.J.'s?
You love bubble baths.
You keep your toe nail
clippings in a jar.
- I might be able
to buy the Jeep.
- Woo-hoo, you should buy this.
- Dude, I can't afford this.
- I can't stand it.
- Why?
- It was my Mom's car.
- So?
- So, it's literally a mom car.
(upbeat rock music)
- Out of your league.
- I know.
- But now dude, I'm serious,
she's like big league
and you're still
hitting off a tee.
She's stadium football
and you're still playing
in a hockey rink.
She's like--
- Yeah, I got it.
- Good 'cause I can't
think of another one.
- She's so good looking
and doesn't even know it.
- I wonder if I'm that way.
How would I know?
- Yeah.
- I can hardly concentrate
when I work with her.
- Dude, her Dad could
buy the whole town.
Why does she even work there?
- So she can be closer to me.
- Yeah, I bet that's it.
- No, no seriously, I've
caught her looking at me
a couple times in church.
- To see if you're
still staring at her.
- Here she comes.
- With your restraining order.
(dreamy music)
- See?
- Oh, yeah.
I could see it in her eyes.
(loud thud)
- You're in my way!
- Dude, just change lockers.
- He'll find me.
- Well, do something.
- I'm gonna start a fight
with Wayne "The Pain".
He's a Golden
Gloves boxing champ.
- When he was a feather weight.
How tough do you
have to be to beat up
other feather weights?
- Tough enough.
(gentle music)
I'm home.
- Let's skip that one.
We should have our
tax refund by then.
- We skipped it last month.
- Okay, how about the gas bill?
- [Mom] Really?
- [Dad] Yes.
It's warming up,
spring is in the air.
Flowers are blooming.
Birds and bees are doing
what birds and bees do.
Speaking of birds and bees...
(Mom giggles)
- Still here.
- [Mom] Are you here for dinner?
- I gotta work.
(Mom laughs)
- Whoa, Dad!
- Yeah.
- [Dad] I love you.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Seriously?
- Let me give you
a little advise.
Do you know when the best time
to tell your wife
you love her is?
Before someone else does.
- I gotta go.
- That's some good
advice right there.
- Mr. Sherman.
- What's up?
- Do you have a minute?
- What's going on?
- I wanna let you know that
I'm not going on
the Senior Trip,
so I can work that
week if you need me.
- You're not?
- No, and I'll take
another eight hours a week,
if you have 'em.
- That seems like a lot with
you still being in school.
- I can handle it.
- How about we start with
fours hours a week for now
and see how that works?
- Thanks.
- Hey.
I don't want your
grades slipping now.
- They won't.
- All right.
- Sorry, Coach.
- Does this have anything
to do with your decision?
- The money?
- Look, I know your
family's been through a lot.
Okay, but you're the best
second baseman we've got.
All right, and if there's
anything, anything I can do--
to get you back...
- I've been trying hard
for scholarships,
it just doesn't look
like one's gonna
happen for baseball,
so I gotta focus on my grades.
(soft music)
- Hey Peterson.
Do we got a test today?
(knuckles knocking)
Are we allowed to
use calculators?
- Uh-huh.
- Well, I forgot
mine, give me yours.
- Dude, come on, I
need it for the test.
(ominous music)
(elbow thuds)
- Are you sure I
can't use yours?
- It's the only one I have.
- That's all I need.
- Take it.
Take it.
- Good morning.
Put your books underneath your
desks and take out a pencil
and a calculator
and no cell phones.
- Hey, what's wrong?
- Oh, I don't know.
I just blew a Trig test.
- No, not Sean 4.0?
- Wayne took my calculator.
I had to do it old school.
Do you have any idea
how hard that is?
- I do.
That's why I don't take Trig.
But man, you gotta
stand up to him.
- I'm a little
smarter than that.
I'm Sean 4.0, remember?
(buses roaring)
(announcement bell rings)
- [Announcer] Attention, please.
If you are going on the
Senior Trip to New York,
the buses have arrived.
Please meet in the
front of the building
and we will be
departing in 30 minutes.
- Go.
(students shuffling)
(desks and chairs bang)
So who's gonna tell me
the theme of Shakespeare's
"Much Ado About Nothing"?
(upbeat groovy music)
Can't keep my eyes open
'Cause you see
I've been working
Nine to five
and five to nine
Weekends, night
shifts and overtime
And everybody tells me,
"Shawn maybe you
should go mainstream
But it's overdone
and it's not as fun
So I guess that
can't be an option
Mamma raised a mister
funky white boy hipster
With skinny jeans
and fat beats
Does anybody feel me?
Wait just a minute
I know you want it
Won't you just admit it
And come and come get it?
We've been working all day
So keep it fun-K
(sky thunders)
- Great.
(car honks)
- Want a ride or
would you rather swim?
(rain patters)
Whoo, let's go.
- Of, course.
- It'll be all right.
What's wrong?
- Just frustrated.
- With?
- Riding my bike
everywhere I go.
- A little longer is
not gonna kill you.
Look, this is the
pace your Mom needs.
If it was up to her, you
wouldn't leave the house
until you're 30.
- I just wanna ask Melissa
out before she goes to college
and I never see her again.
- Melissa Jacobsen?
- Yeah.
- Swinging for the fences, huh?
- She's not gonna want
to ride on my handlebars.
(engine roars)
(wipers swirling)
- You can use this.
- That's eight, nine, 10 and 20.
- I only gave you 10.
- Wow, thanks.
- It's not mine.
(Door Chimes)
- Did you zero this out?
- Yeah and we sold a ton today.
- It's getting up there.
- I should buy one.
(chuckles) Yeah, like you
need to win the lottery.
- What time do you
get off tonight?
- Two.
- I'd better get going there's
a party at Mark Cleveland's.
- I heard.
- I wish you could be there.
- Oh, yeah.
I'd be the life of the party,
sound asleep on the couch.
- Maybe we could put a
little lipstick on you,
maybe some eyeliner.
- I don't sleep that sound.
- Later.
- Later.
(Door Chimes)
- Hey Melissa, I
have this crazy idea,
let's go to prom together.
How hard is that?
- Very hard, if I
remember correctly.
- I didn't know you
were standing there.
- Most people don't
talk to themselves
when they know other
people are around.
(whispering) Makes
'em look crazy.
So are you gonna ask her?
- Oh, no.
No, no, no.
- Sometimes you just got
to take a deep breath
and let the question out.
(car honks)
She likes you.
- Pfft.
- Now, I've got five daughters.
I fight off boys
in my spare time.
I can tell.
(spray squirts)
(Door Chimes)
- (Indistinct chatter).
- Hey Dude, you're
missing a good party.
- Oh, great, thanks.
I thought I was
missing a boring party.
- What did Lacey want?
- Licorice and a diet something.
- I don't think
so, she's a twig.
I'm not getting her diet.
- Hey, she won't drink it.
- I'm not getting her diet.
- Seany, you would not believe
the girls at this party.
- Who knows Brad, might
even meet one. (laughs)
- What?
It could happen.
- Melissa's there.
Cooley's working
her pretty hard.
- Good luck with that.
- It seems to be working..
Don't worry, bro.
I got your back.
(Door Chimes)
- Why don't you come
by once you're off?
- At two?
- Another guy just
decreases my odds.
- And they're already
a million to one.
- That high, huh?
What are we standing here for?
Let's go.
- See ya, Seany!
- Later.
- Yes, I believe in miracles.
I put the cologne on.
- Friends of yours?
- [Sean] Yeah.
- When do you get a
chance to whoop it up?
- I find time, I whoop.
- You're working every
time I come in here.
- On my days off, I
really tear it up.
- I hope so, you need
to enjoy your youth.
It goes by too fast.
- [Sean] Nothing.
- Please.
- Do you want me
to drop these off?
- Bless your heart.
- That'll be $19.
- Keep the change.
- Mrs. Wahl, like I tell
you every time, I can't,
but thank you.
- Are you gonna make me
walk to the Sooper Dooper?
- You would never go there.
- You don't think so?
- They don't sell
lottery tickets.
Have a good night, Mrs. Wahl.
(gentle music)
(ominous music)
(Door Chimes)
- Hey Peterson.
How's my buddy?
- So far so good.
(box contents clatter)
- You know you should really
clean up this place up.
It's kind of a mess.
Keep the change.
(Sean sighs)
(upbeat music)
- "Look at the birds of the air;
"they do not sow or reap
or store into barns,
"but your heavenly
Father feeds them.
"Are you not much more
valuable than they?"
Do you know the difference
between the birds and you?
The birds are His creation,
you are His children.
God loves you so much more
than any of His creation.
But yet He feeds them everyday.
Trust Him, He'll take
care of your every need,
not your every want (laughs)
but your every need.
- Oh.
- Your girlfriend's
coming up and down.
(soft music)
- Excuse me.
They can't let go
just for a second?
- I think it's kinda cute.
Do you have work today?
- No.
- Wanna play tennis?
- I'm horrible.
- Perfect, then
I'll kick your butt.
I'll just have the go
home and change first.
Oh, and I have one more thing
to do, then I'll be over.
(lawn mower roars)
(Mom laughs)
How's it going?
Thanks for inviting
me to play tennis.
Oh, yeah.
Eight in the
morning, get going
Told you I was good at tennis.
What's up with that hair?
Hot coffee pouring
I'm adoring you
And I can't help
it but stare
Oh, beautiful you
Nobody like you
loves like you do
Nobody like you
loves like you
Nobody like you
- You got this.
loves like you do
10 more, 10 more.
You're a beast.
You're a beast!
Nobody like you
loves like you do
Nobody like you
loves like you do
Oh, beautiful you
- Oh, yeah!
You're a beast, ha ha. (laughs)
Come on, Harley.
(upbeat music)
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
- Give up?
- I do.
- What happened here?
- Oh, I got it in a sword fight.
- A sword fight?
- Yeah, my mom had Ryan and
me unload the dishwasher.
She was like folding
laundry or something
and there was this huge--
- Sword?
- Yeah, yeah, there was a sword
just right there
in the dishwasher.
No, it was a knife, but it
looked like one to a 6-year-old.
So I grabbed one
and we went at it,
like in the movies.
- You're kidding me!
- No.
I cut his finger which
really made him mad,
and he lunged at
me and I twisted
and so instead of taking
it in the chest...
- Oh.
It went all the way through?
- Yeah, Ryan just let go
and started screaming.
Mom came out of the
corner just in time
to see me pull it out
and down she goes.
I had to call 911 myself.
- That had to hurt.
- Oh, it did.
- That's the saddest
funeral I've ever been to.
- How's Brent doing?
- He still has a limp
but there's deeper scars.
- He doesn't blame himself?
- Well, he was driving.
- Well, we don't blame him.
You know that, right?
- He blames himself.
Mom blames Dad for buying
him such a fast car
and Dad despises her for it.
Not that everything was
all roses before then.
Your folks were so strong
through the whole thing.
- They had some tough days.
We all did.
Still do.
- They were rocks,
and never lost their faith.
I admire them so much for that.
- [Mr. Jacobsen] Are you done?
- Dad!
- Hey, sweetie.
- Does mom know you're here?
- She can't keep me
off my own court.
- Let me go tell her
before she freaks out.
- What's he doing here?
- Hi, Mr. Jacobsen.
- Hey, look, so I
gotta call it quits.
- Wow, I really got
a hold of that one.
- Hitting it wasn't the problem.
It was getting it into the
square on the other side.
- I think you gave
me a bad racquet.
Seriously, look
at all the holes.
(Melissa laughs)
- So that's the excuse
you're going with?
- I think it's probably
the most viable one.
- Wow, viable?
Fancy word.
- I like to impress women
by using fancy words.
- What is your dad doing
on the tennis court?
- Playing tennis.
- Not on my tennis
court, he isn't.
- [Melissa] Mom.
- I thought you didn't
wanna live here anymore.
- You kicked me out.
- Mom, why can't he play?
- Because it hurts too
much to have him around.
- Oh, just let me play with him.
- One hour.
- So, I gotta go.
- Yeah, yeah, go.
- I had fun.
- Me, too.
(gentle music)
- What did he want?
- To play tennis.
- That's it?
- We're just friends.
- Did he talk
about the accident?
- Yeah.
(ball rattles)
- Did it seem like he was trying
to pump you for information?
- No, but it feels like you are.
- This is serious.
Your brother left
us vulnerable here.
And I don't like
to be vulnerable.
(exciting music)
(gentle music)
- What are you doing?
- Making muffins.
- Who are you and what
have you done with my son?
You feel all right?
- Hahaha.
It's a damaged box.
We can't sell damaged boxes.
- Mmm. You better get moving.
Now, that's my boy.
(students murmuring)
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Good morning, Mr. Whitehead.
(Tim laughs)
- How is that funny?
- It just is.
- Guess what?
- You sold your doll collection?
You paint your toenails?
You have softer
hands than your mom?
No dude - you actually
do, that one was serious.
Like a baby.
- I already have 2,500 bucks.
- Dude, sweet!
He might have sold it.
I'm not really sure.
- You're kidding!
You're kidding, right?
- I'm not really sure.
I'll call him tonight
and get back to you.
Do you work?
- What do you think?
(upbeat music)
(sighs) Okay.
You got this. You got this
(Door Chimes)
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Pump Seven.
- Did the reader not work?
- I wanted to come in and pay.
Sorry about the
mess the other day.
- I didn't know
your Dad moved out.
- Not many people do.
If you could keep
that between us.
- If you don't tell anyone
how bad I am at tennis.
Your uh...
I got it.
- Ha, I got it.
- No, no, I did it.
- Seriously, I got it.
- No, let me help.
(soft romantic music)
Do you wanna go to
a movie sometime?
- I don't think
that's a good idea.
- Oh.
- Well, I gotta go.
There's a wrestling
match tonight.
(suspenseful music)
- There's a wrestling
match tonight?
(energetic rock music)
- [Melissa] Yeah,
against Central.
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
(phone rings)
I better get that.
- Later.
- TC Mart.
- [Tim] Hey, Sean.
- What's up?
- [Tim] Nothing good.
So I talked to my brother
and he said he sold his Jeep
to some guy in his frat.
- I thought he was
saving it for me?
- [Tim] Yeah, so did I.
His buddy wrecked his car
and needed one right away.
(somber music)
You still there?
- Yeah.
- [Tim] Dude, I thought
it was set in stone.
Look, I'll take you to
any car lot you want
until you find
another, all right?
- Yeah, I gotta go.
I have a customer.
(jar shatters)
Can something good happen to me?
Just once.
(Door Chimes)
Hi, Mrs. Wahl.
- Well, hello.
Oh, no, what happened?
- Butter fingers.
Watch your step.
You want another?
- Yes, please.
- Would you like me
to drop these off?
- Yes, bless your heart.
- That will be 12.75.
- These are for you.
I found a way.
- You didn't have to
do that, Mrs. Wahl.
- Bye. (chuckles)
(Door Chimes)
(cheerful music)
(intense music)
(vigorous music)
- Mrs. Wahl?
Mrs. Wahl.
(Door Chimes)
(intense music)
(Door Chimes)
(Door Chimes)
- I can't believe that
you'd let me leave here
without my lottery ticket.
My lottery ticket.
- Oh, yeah, sorry about that.
- No problem.
G'nite now.
- G'nite.
(Door Chimes)
(suspenseful fast-paced music)
(computer clicks)
(gentle music)
(Sean exhales)
(suspenseful music)
(cup shatters)
(footsteps thumping)
(Door Chimes)
(intense music)
- Whoa!
There you are.
- Oh hey.
- I was getting worried I was
gonna find a body back here.
- Oh, no, just had to
take out the trash.
- I saw the broken glass and
I started to freak out a bit.
- Broken glass?
- By the smell of
things, it was pickles.
- Oh, yeah, yeah it was.
- And they say I'm not
detective material.
(both laugh)
(phone shrills)
- Hello.
- [Mr. Sherman] Hey, Sean.
Did I wake you up?
- No, no, I've been
up for a while.
What's up?
- [Mr. Sherman] Well, I've
just got off the phone
with Mrs. Wahl.
(suspenseful music)
- Oh, yeah.
- [Mr. Sherman] Yup.
- What'd she want?
- [Mr. Sherman]
She wanted to know
if you dropped her groceries off
because if you
did, they're gone.
- No, no, I forgot.
- [Mr. Sherman] No problem.
I could take them over to her.
Where are they?
- Where's my uniform?
Right under the register.
- Calm down, I put
it in the wash.
- You washed it?
- I don't know,
check the laundry.
- [Mr. Sherman]
Ah, yep, I see 'em.
- Yeah.
Thanks for doing that for me.
- [Mr. Sherman] No
problem, see you tonight.
- See you tonight.
(vibrant music)
(Sean exhales)
- [Radio Announcer] by the
security company that had--
- What was that about?
- Oh, I had a girl's
number in my pocket.
- She must be something special.
- She is.
- According to Lucky Break
Lottery officials, the winner
from last week's drawing
still hasn't come forward.
The winning ticket is worth
an estimated $43 million.
- Do you have the money
for the Jeep, yet?
- He sold it on me.
- I thought he was
saving it for you.
- So did I.
- I'm so sorry.
I know how bad you wanted it.
- That was a good one too.
Low miles, well maintained.
- I know, right.
(car honks)
- What?
What did you guys do?
- What does it look like we did?
We bought Rob's Jeep.
- We didn't buy it,
we're loaning you
the rest of the money for now.
- We had to act fast.
We were afraid he
was going to sell it
before you could save enough.
- So was I!
(gentle music)
- Every single time
you turn this key,
you're responsible
for almost everything
that's precious to me,
you and my girls.
Are you ready?
- I am.
- All right girls, who
wants to ride in the Jeep?
- I'll ride with Dad.
- All right, Jenny, get in.
- I am not going in that thing.
- [Pam] Called it.
- You knew about this?
- Yeah, but I
couldn't say anything.
Oh dude, meet me
in the parking lot,
I gotta tell you something.
- What is it?
- It's that place
where we leave our cars
when we're in class.
- Ha, ha!
- Just hurry, okay.
- Seat belts!
(Jeep engine fires)
(car popping)
- [Sean] No.
- All right, what'd
you wanna talk about?
- Dude, you haven't heard
about the wrestling
match last night?
- What happened?
- Only the funniest thing ever.
So Wayne is all psyched
up for his match, right.
(crowd cheering)
The freak is slapping
his own face.
The guy from Central
is scared to death.
I mean Wayne hasn't lost
a match since sixth grade
and this guy knows it.
(Wayne's stomach grumbles)
(crowd cheering)
Wayne dives at this kid,
gets behind him and
gets some kind of idea
that he's gonna lift him up
and toss him back
down on to the mat.
(grunting) (Wayne farts)
- [Crowd] Ooh!
- [Wayne's Dad] What?
(Wayne farts)
- [Student] What's going?
- [Student] Oh No.
(crowd laughs)
- [Tim] And all of a
sudden, waddles off the mat,
straight to the locker room
holding the back of his pants.
- Wayne, where are you going?
(crowd laughs)
- [Tim] The guy from Central,
he couldn't believe it.
He won by forfeit.
Dude, everybody was dying.
(Tim laughs)
(crowd laughs)
- Wayne's looking for you.
- Me?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- I don't know.
- Hey, ah, did he look mad?
- He always looks mad.
- Oh no, no, no, no, no!
- What's wrong?
- I kinda might've -
made Wayne, forfeit.
- How do you "kinda"
make someone drop a load
in front of the whole town?
- Yeah, well, you told me
to do something about it.
- No, no, you're not
blaming this on me.
What did you do, Seany?
- I made laxative muffins.
- Laxative muffins!
- But he took them from me.
He stole them out
of my backpack.
I didn't make him eat them!
- I'm sure that he'll take
that into consideration
while he's beating
you half to death.
- Dude, what am I gonna do?
- I don't know.
- Will you be serious?
- Dude, he's a
Golden Gloves champ.
- Any ideas?
- None that don't
involve hospitalization.
He would never expect you
to throw the first punch.
- Ya think?
- No wait, I'm serious, dude.
Look, I'll stand outside
Mr. Hoffman's class
and as soon as you
land that first punch,
I'll yell "fight"
as loud as I can.
You just need to hang in there
until Mr. Hoffman
can break it up.
- That might work.
- Dude, it's better than death.
- I need Hoffman
there right away.
- Dude, I'll get him there.
- Let's do this.
(creepy music)
(students chatter)
- Protect your face.
(suspenseful music)
Where's Hoffman?
(intense music)
Are you kidding me?
- You looking for me, Wayne?
- Yeah, I've got
something for you.
- What's that?
- You all right?
- Yeah.
(gentle music)
- Hey, look.
I just want to say
I'm really sorry
about this whole
calculator thing and uh,
everything else too, I suppose.
We cool?
- Yeah.
- What just happened?
- I have no idea.
- Hey, look everyone
it's Wayne "The Stain".
(students laugh)
(Sean nervous noise)
- Wait, Sean.
I was wondering
if you still want
to go see a movie sometime.
- I do.
- Good.
You're bi-polar, right?
I knew it.
(Melissa laughs)
- No, it's my Dad.
- Doesn't he like me?
- It's not that so much.
(hems and haws)
- But he's okay with us now?
- My mom is.
She said, "Let me
worry about your Dad."
- Yeah, what could go
wrong with that plan?
- So do you work Friday?
- No.
- So, Friday?
- Sounds good.
Call me crazy, but
an idea just hit me.
(laughs) Will you
go to prom with me?
- I'd love that.
- Really?
- Really. (laughs)
- Guess what just happened?
- You joined Golden
Gloves Boxing?
- Nope.
- You sold your soul
for a golden fiddle?
- Nothing to do with gold.
- You wrote a laxative cookbook?
- Ha, funny guy.
- Betty Crapper. (laughs)
- What?
- The name of your cookbook.
Betty Crapper.
Oh, no.
From the Pot to the Pot.
- Got any more.
- Give me a sec.
Dinner for Poo!
(Tim laughs)
- Now if you're done...
- I am.
Oh, no wait.
No, that one's stupid.
- Give it to me.
- Salt and Pooper.
Oh, oh, Eat and Runs. (laughs)
- Okay, anyway, Melissa said
she would go to prom with me.
- Melissa Jacobsen?
- Yup.
- You're kidding me.
- Nope.
And we are going to
a movie on Friday.
- So you woke up this morning
and you were gonna spend
the rest of your life alone
and now you're going to
prom with Melissa Jacobsen?
- Dude, I didn't ask her to
marry me, I asked her to prom.
- Dude!
Are you getting a limo?
She's gonna want a limo.
- I didn't really
think about it.
- And you're probably
going to have
to take her somewhere expensive,
like the Country Club.
Oh and just so you know,
if you're gonna rob a bank,
your bright red Jeep sticks
out like a sore thumb.
- You can steal a candy bar.
That's what my brother and
I did when we were young.
Yes, Pastor Brooks
stole a candy bar.
We got away with it for a while
and one day, baam. (yells)
- [Youth] Woo!
(Pastor laughs)
- The manager grabbed us
by the back of the neck.
You know what he did?
He didn't call the police,
which he had all the right to.
He asked us if we wanted
him to call our father.
There are forms of torture
that I would prefer
than disappoint my father.
What I didn't realize
was that I let him down
just by stealing something.
But what if we
hadn't gotten caught?
Who knows?
I could have looked
for something more
thrilling to steal
and before you know it,
I'm getting fingerprint.
Guys, don't fool yourselves.
There are no small sins.
They're all gateway sins that
will wrestle for your soul
unless you turn away from them.
(keypads tapping)
(soft music)
(Sean sighs)
(upbeat music)
- I can be anonymous?
Oh, make way for the crew
Bust down that door
Turning heads as they
break their necks you know
All eyes on us
and your jawbone
Hits the floor
- Sign right here.
Hello I don't think
we've ever met before
We them boys from the six
Watch it as we
drop it like this
- Thank you so much.
Here we come ready
or nah nah nah not
Can't stop the mic drop
We own it, own it
No, we really can't wait
'cause we bout to drop this
Here we come ready
or nah nah nah not
Can't stop the mic drop
We love it, love it
And we really can't
quit gotta keep it 100
Here we come ready
or nah nah nah not
Can't stop the mic drop
We them boys from the six
Watch it as we
drop it like this
Here we come ready
or nah nah nah not
Can't stop the mic drop. Oh!
- I'll take it.
Against all odds underdogs
with one shot, case closed
Posers cry hoax as
we do the impossible
(upbeat music)
(Jeep roars)
You like?
- I liked the old one.
- That one didn't
have navigation.
- What?
You're phone doesn't work?
- Imagine me rolling into
college in this next year.
- How are you gonna pay for it?
- You don't need to
worry about that.
- Somebody should.
- Payments won't be a problem.
- This is gonna crush your Dad.
You have no idea the
sacrifices he made
so you could get the other one.
- I'm gonna pay him back.
- That's not the point.
He bends over backwards for you
and you go take out a huge loan
so you can be the
cool guy on campus?
(foot steps)
(soft piano music)
- Table for two.
- Do you have a reservation?
- No.
- I'm sorry.
We only take reservations here.
(money shuffles)
- Do you?
- Right this way, Sir.
- Is it possible to
get the white sauce
on the penne noodles?
- For you, of course.
- Thank you.
- Well, he's sure
coming on strong.
- He's just being nice.
- I think I know when
a guy is flirting.
- I think I do.
- Like he has a shot
with someone like you.
- What does that mean?
- I mean you with a waiter?
- I've even been known
to date lowly
convenience store clerks.
- I don't work there anymore.
- What?
- I quit.
- Really?
- I called Sherman and told
him I wasn't coming back.
- What about your shifts?
- Let the rest of the
schmucks fight over my hours.
They can have them.
Not you.
I mean the guys
that need the money.
You obviously don't.
You don't think I was calling
you a schmuck, do you?
- What? Do you think
I get an allowance?
Having a job makes
me appreciate things.
I manage my time better.
I'm punctual, I'm
more responsible.
- You are oversensitive.
Look, all I was saying is
I just don't see
you with a waiter.
- You really don't get it.
- He's probably sleeping.
- It's okay.
I can get it.
- Let him get it.
It's his job.
- I'm sorry.
I didn't see you guys come out.
- It's no problem.
I could've gotten it.
- He has one job.
(upbeat dance music)
No matter what comes our way
My love for you
will always remain
(bouncy dance music)
Nice suit, Wayne.
Couldn't afford a tux?
- All the black makes you
look like a mortician.
- Where's the funeral?
- Yeah, at least all the
black'll hide the stains, huh?
(punch splashes)
- [Crowd] Ahhh!
- Did she just punch
you in the face?
- Where are you going?
- What happened to the nice
guy I used to work with?
- Oh, now he opens the door!
You're really gonna
leave me, at prom?
(suspenseful music)
- I really don't know what's
going on with you right now
but I don't want any part of it.
Slam it for effect.
(door bangs)
(quick footsteps thud)
- (yells) Do you think I care?
I can go in there and go
out with any girl I want.
(car engine roars)
(tires squeal)
- What are you doing?
Mom and Dad did not
raise us act like that.
- Yeah well, Mom and
Dad wouldn't know
what to do with this.
- Look out!
- What?
(punch smashes)
(Sean gasps)
(running footsteps thudding)
(gentle music)
- What's wrong with that boy?
I love you, Mom.
- And your Jeep, evidently.
- I do.
I love that thing.
And I hope you and Dad know
I appreciate everything
you do for me.
- We do.
Can I get you to do
something for me?
- Anything.
- Brush your teeth.
- Ha.
(Mom laughs)
(students chatting)
- Thanks, Peterson.
- We need to think
of a color theme.
- Is that a thing?
- Yes.
Your tux and my
dress have to match.
- I've been thinking that
maybe you should go
with someone else.
I'm not gonna be able
to get a tux, or a limo
or take you anywhere nice.
- Well, if that's what you
think's important to me,
maybe I should.
- Wait.
- No, we're gonna
go to Prom together.
And we'll take your Jeep
and eat at The Lokal
and you can wear one
of your dad's suits.
I don't care.
We're gonna have fun.
- I have a suit.
- What color?
- Navy.
- Do you have a blue tie?
Now we're getting somewhere.
(upbeat music)
- What's wrong with that boy?
- So when are you coming home?
- Why won't you ask your mom.
- We have.
- Well, what'd she saying?
- "When he loves me more
than he does his stuff?"
- That's ridiculous.
- Is it?
When you got to the hospital,
the first thing you
did was yell at Brent
for totalling his car.
- That was a 75
thousand-dollar car.
- Ryan died.
- I didn't know
that at the time.
- You knew Brent's
leg was messed up.
- I know I overreacted.
But hasn't your mom
overreacted, too?
I've been kicked
out of my own house.
- And out of the lives
of your children?
- Of course, I miss, miss you.
Is that Sean's Dad?
- Yeah.
- Why's he meeting a lawyer?
- How would I know?
- I wonder what
they're talking about.
- Do you remember what
we're talking about?
- I do.
We were about to order dessert.
- [TV] Why aren't you out
saying goodbye to your friends.
- [TV] The time with my Mom
was cut short by a week.
- Hey, Mom.
- Hey.
- Would you eat Rice Krispy
bars made out of Cap'n Crunch?
- Rice Krispy bars made
out of Cap'n Crunch?
- Yeah.
- Sure.
- That's what I thought.
- What if you never
had to do this again?
- Clip coupons?
- Yeah.
- I love clipping coupons.
- Seriously?
- It's like a game.
When I go to the checkout
and say the total's like $100
and then I give them the
coupons and now it's 90.
It's like I just won $10.
- But wouldn't it be nice
to not have to do it?
- I don't have to do it.
I want to.
- Let's just say Dad
made a ton of money.
- Like if he were
a district manager?
- Like he owned the company.
- Oh, okay, we're loaded.
Got it.
- Would you still clip coupons?
- Yeah.
- But you have
all of this money.
- Why leave 10
bucks at the store?
- Imagine if he had
that kinda money
when you met him, how
different life would be.
- I probably wouldn't
have liked him.
- If he was filthy rich?
- I like him the way he is.
- Wouldn't you love him
more if he were rich?
- It's like this cake mix.
If you put in just
the right amount,
you get a cake.
- But if you forget
an ingredient
or you use twice the
amount of something,
it's just not the same cake.
I like your dad just how he is.
- Isn't the money just
icing on the cake?
- You can put icing
on a brick, baby,
that doesn't make it a cake.
(Jeep roars)
- Oh, boy!
- What are your intentions?
- Honestly, sir, we
are just friends.
- I mean you and your dad.
I saw him the other
day with Jeff Seeley.
- They're in a Bible
study together.
I think Dad's like a
mentor or something to him.
- Hey, sweetie.
When can I expect you?
- I'll bring her
by in the morning.
- We agreed I'd have
the kids this weekend!
- Why would you want her
to come over there so late?
- We talked about this.
- 11?
Is 11 okay?
- Yeah.
- Bye, Bethany.
- They only do that
when I'm around, right?
[Sean] Yeah, the special
effects were great.
- [Melissa] I know and I love it
when they end a movie like that.
- [Sean] Yeah - you're
like, "What just happened?"
- Like me in my driveway,
what is happening?
- So you think they
will go through with it?
- I don't know.
It was supposed to
be a trial separation
but they keep getting
more and more separate.
I miss our simpler life.
- When was that?
- When we lived on Meadowlark.
- You lived on Meadowlark?
- Out past the dump?
- Yah.
- Huh.
- They were actually
happy back then.
We had a little bitty house.
We didn't have any money.
It was so much fun.
- What changed?
- I don't know.
Dad started the company and,
he worked every
night and weekend.
He quit going to church
and as the company grew,
they drifted apart.
It's like all he cared about.
I can't remember the last
time I heard them say,
"I love you" or saw them kiss.
That's what I want
when I get married.
- Someone that'll kiss you?
- A strong, caring Christian
who's not afraid
to show affection.
Like your Dad.
- (laughs) You know
he's taken, right?
- Like your Dad
is with your Mom.
Sometimes, in church,
I'll turn around
to look how close they are
and wish my parents
were that close.
They seem so happy.
- I thought you
were looking at me.
- Maybe I was.
- They're practically
glued together.
- I'd do anything to glue
my parents back together.
- Come in.
- Hey, dinner's almost ready.
Time to wash up.
- Hey, Dad?
- Yeah.
- Do you have a minute?
- Is this a door open
or door closed minute?
- Open's fine.
- All right.
What's up?
- Nothing really, but
I have this friend
who did something that
he feels real bad about
and he doesn't know what to do.
- What's the Bible say?
First John?
"If we confess our sins,
"He is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins
"and purify us from
all unrighteousness."
- I thought my sins were
forgiven just for asking.
- They are but
confessing helps us deal
with the guilt of our sin.
We all sin, right?
But when we don't
confess our sins to God,
they're like building blocks.
We keep building
and building a wall
that separates us from God.
It's like us.
You're my child and
you know I'll love you
no matter what.
But our relationship
is always better
when we are
communicating, right.
There's always
apologies, restitution
and there's always,
always repentance,
turning away from your sins.
Is there still time to fix
this situation or whatever?
- Yeah, kinda.
- And that'll correct things
and make things right?
- Yeah.
- Then I think you
answered your own question.
(blow whooshes)
My work here is done.
- Thanks, Dad.
(Dad chuckles)
- What?
- Just wondering what
your closed door
conversations look like.
Come on, wash up.
(door bell rings)
(phone buzzes)
- Oh, that's so pretty.
- Oh, you guys!
- You're perfect, I love it.
You look so great.
- Oh, right here, right here.
- Melissa
- Yeah, you are
so beautiful.
- You are so beautiful.
I love it.
- Nice. (laughs)
- That is so cute.
- Okay, hang on, hang on.
- That's great.
Let me get a few.
- Mom can send you copies.
- Just a couple, just
to play it safe, okay?
Come on, let's get in there.
Hey sweetie, you're blocking
the entrance to the house.
(upbeat music)
Yes, it's a new
day, renewed faith
Nothing's gonna
stand in my way
New mercy and new grace
Gotta peace when
I seek your face
What ya' want from me
What ya' want from me
Where do you want me to go
Where you want me to see
What ya' want from me
What ya' want from me
Where do you want me to go
Who do you want me to see
We do like
Hey yo, I'm gonna
give you praise like
Hey yo, every
single day like
Hey yo, I'm gonna
give you praise like
You praise like
You praise like
Hey yo, you praise like
Hey yo, you praise like
Hey yo, you praise like
You praise like
You praise like
(crowd cheering)
Until I knew you
I couldn't sing,
I couldn't stand
With the fear of judgment
Or failing again
Until I knew you, I wouldn't
dare to raise my hands
And I didn't know myself
Until I knew you
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
(gentle romantic music)
Until I knew you
I wouldn't dare
to raise my hands
And I didn't know myself
Until I knew you
Before 12 as promised.
- Sorry.
My grandpa told my mom
that before midnight,
the boy entertains the girl.
But after midnight, the
girl entertains the boy.
"You be home before midnight!"
(Sean laughs)
- I don't know you were
kind of entertaining.
- Again?
With my dancing?
(Sean laughs)
You're going to give
a girl a complex.
- No, really, you were fine.
I had a lot of fun.
- Me too.
- I'm not gonna turn into
a pumpkin or anything.
I better get in there.
- Please do.
I don't want her coming
out with a shotgun.
- She wouldn't hurt you.
She likes you.
Almost as much as
her daughter does.
She says, "There's a lot
of good in that young man."
And I agree with her.
(gentle music)
(Jeep roars)
(footsteps thud)
- What happened?
- They think it was a
heart attack in her sleep.
One of her sisters called us
when she didn't return her call.
You gonna be okay?
(ambulance engine roaring)
(somber music)
- Into thy hands, Oh Lord,
we commend the
body and the spirit
of Agnes Suzanna Wahl.
Born in the image of God
and now she walks with
the Father and the Son.
May we all lead our lives
so that we may walk
together with them.
Go in peace and serve the Lord.
(somber music)
- You're right in here.
- Thank you.
- Hello Sean.
- Hi.
I wanted to--
- Sean, this is our In-House
Counsel, Terri Nelson.
I've asked her to sit
in on this meeting.
- Okay?
- What brings you in?
- I wanted to give you this.
- You can't serve
papers on Mr. Jacobsen.
It has to be done by a
disinterested third party.
- I can't give him this?
- It absolves you,
Brent, your family,
- What?
- The company of all
responsibility in the accident.
- It was an accident.
We don't want you to worry
that we're gonna sue you.
- Both parents signed.
- If you had been
at the funeral,
you would have known that
we've forgiven Brent.
Getting over losing
Ryan has been hard.
Forgiving Brent wasn't.
We don't blame either of you.
(gentle music)
You know, the hardest
part about forgiveness
isn't the forgiving.
It's accepting that
you're forgiven.
(gentle music)
(door bell rings)
- Let's go.
Let's go, man!
Come on that's not a hit.
You got to hit, let's go.
Come on, come on, let's go.
Hit me.
(boxing gloves thud)
Come on.
That wasn't a hit man, hit me.
Last warning.
(boxing gloves thudding)
(Wayne groans and coughs)
- You're so worried about
that pretty little face.
You leave your gut wide open.
It looks like you
got company, Nancy.
- What are you doing here?
- Can I talk to
you for a minute?
- Sure.
- You might wanna
leave those on.
- What do you want?
- You know those muffins?
- Yeah?
(students murmuring)
- He found out
about the muffins?
- He did.
- Hey, I didn't tell a soul!
- I told him.
- Are you nuts?
- Possibly.
- What did he do?
Well, what'd you
think he was gonna do?
(Sean groans)
- Well, what'd you
think I was gonna do?
- I didn't think you
were gonna hit me.
- Yeah well, it was
an automatic thing.
- I probably deserved it.
- Probably?
- All right, I deserved it.
- I guess I probably deserved
what you did to me, too.
- Really?
- Don't expect me
to thank you it.
- I'm just surprised
to hear you say it.
- Yeah, yeah.
No, oh, this is perfect.
This is perfect, okay.
You are going to go
to school, right,
tell everyone that this
whole wrestling incident,
it was your fault, all right?
You were playing some kind
of practical joke on me
and it backfired.
(Sean laughs)
- Backfired?
- You think this
is funny, Peterson?
- Sorry, go on.
- And so I found out about
this and I kicked your butt.
- Are you sure you wanna
keep being known as a bully?
- You know this one
last time, maybe I do.
- Can we just say I
got a few hits in?
- No one would...
- ...believe that.
- You should have had
him keep his gloves on.
- I tried!
- Can you tell me why there's
a lawyer down at the store
looking for you?
- A lawyer?
- I just got off the
phone with Mr. Sherman.
Is there anything
you need to tell us?
- Not really.
- Is it about a ticket?
- Ticket?
What ticket?
- Did you get a speeding ticket?
- No.
- Anything to do
with that black eye?
- I don't think so.
- Call him and find out what
he wants and then call me.
- I'll call him when
I get to school.
- And then?
- I'll call you.
Hi, is Kenneth Smith there?
Will he be back today?
Okay, no, I'll try again later.
All right.
Okay, thanks.
(suspenseful music)
(students murmuring)
- Hey, look
everybody, it's Stain.
Stain, Stain.
- [Crowd] Stain, Stain,
Stain, Stain, Stain,
Stain, Stain,
Stain, Stain, Stain.
- Stain!
- Leave him alone!
You've all heard the rumors.
Okay, you know
this was my fault.
So stop picking on him?
Leave him alone!
- That's him right
there, actually.
- Which one?
- That one.
- I need to ask you
a few questions.
- Do you work at...
- He took them out
of my backpack.
- The TC Mart? What?
- Nothing.
Go on.
- Do you know a Mrs. Agnes Wahl?
- Mrs. Wahl?
- Mrs. Agnes Susanna Wahl
of 208 Nellie Street?
- Yeah.
- Are you the only
Sean that works
at the TC Mart on
Junction Avenue?
- Yes.
- I need to read you something.
- "I would like to leave,"
- I can explain.
- "20% of my savings to Sean"
- What?
- "The young man who works
"at the TC Mart on
Junction Avenue.
"For years, he has carried my
groceries home from the store
"and never asked for
anything in return.
"He's such a hard worker.
"It seems like every time
I go there, he's working.
"I wanna make sure he has
enough money to go to college."
She got $100,000 when
her husband died.
She put it away and
didn't touch it.
She doesn't have any children
so she left 40% to
each of her sisters
and the rest she is
putting in a trust
for you to be able
to go to college.
With interest,
that's $41,578.56.
(Sean exhales)
Please sign here.
Are you 18?
- Yeah.
- Right here.
(gentle music)
And here, that's your copy.
You take that one.
Her sisters tell me that she
spoke very highly of you.
- I thought a lot of her, too.
I really did.
(gentle music)
- Stay out of the cookie jar.
You were supposed
to call me today.
- Was I?
- You were gonna call me and
tell me what the lawyer wanted.
- Oh, that's right.
- So what did he want?
- He just wanted me
to sign some papers.
- I hope you didn't
sign anything
without your dad or
me reading them first.
- I thought you would approve.
Mrs. Wahl left me
$41,000 to go to college.
- She did not!
- I take out 20% each
year for four years
and the balance when I'm 25.
- Shut up!
- I don't think I deserve it.
- You were always
so nice to her.
This is her way of showing
you her appreciation.
- Just don't make a
big deal about it.
- So, no parade?
- [Sean] No parade.
Change my heart
Save my soul
Shower me with love
I've never known
Let my life,
reflect your Name
Let everything within
me bring you praise
Let everything within
me bring you praise
(congregation applauds)
- Last weekend, I went to
my niece's birthday party.
And my sister takes 27
eight year-olds bowling.
Eight-year olds.
They don't bowl like we do.
They have these
bumpers that pop up.
I tell you, I don't think
any of them were trying.
They were throwing the ball
and hitting the
bumpers on purpose.
But the bumpers aren't there
to be a part of the game.
The bumpers are there to
get you turned around,
back on the right track,
on the right path,
so that eventually,
you're really bowling.
Right there, right
down the middle.
As Christians, God has
given us these bumpers
to walk with him.
One of them is this
phenomenal thing called Grace,
that is greater than our sin.
And Grace has a way of
getting into the gutter,
of our lives to get
you turned around
on the right path.
And the other one that
He gives us is Scripture.
Scripture tells us what
to do, and how to do it.
It teaches us in the
way we should go,
it trains us in the
who that we should be.
Because, friends, God never
intended for us to bounce
from bumper to bumper,
or skim down the edge,
flirting with sin.
He's called us to so
much more than that.
We were told in
Hebrews to cast aside
every weight, every sin,
everything that distracts us,
and fix ourselves on Jesus.
Jesus, He is that headpin.
He's what we are aiming for
and the more we aim at Him,
the more our lives are on track
with all that God has for us.
That's when we begin to do
the right thing, consistently.
That's when we begin to forgive,
to humble ourselves, to submit.
That's when we
become men and women.
That store up
treasures in heaven,
not things of this world,
and actually live
lives of significance,
of substance, of character.
That's what it was meant to be.
Right there.
Straight down the middle.
(bowling ball and pins)
(congregation laughs)
(student's murmuring)
- So you wanna come
over and play tennis?
- Yeah.
I have some stuff
I have to do first
but I'll hurry.
- Okay.
Ah, thank you,
kind sir. (laughs)
- I don't really
know how to begin.
Right before Mrs. Wahl died,
she came into my store and
bought a lottery ticket
and had me check the old one.
I threw it away like I
always do but after she left,
I noticed it was a winner.
I took it out of the garbage
and I ran after her but
something stopped me.
I don't know what it was.
I'm not that kind of person.
I've had time to think
and pray about it
and I felt guilty about
it the second I took it.
I think that was God's
way of telling me,
"You know what you did wrong."
Well, anyway, it's not mine.
It never was.
Will you see to it that
it gets to her sisters
and apologize for me?
- I will.
Thank you for doing this.
I commend you for your honesty.
- Don't.
I don't deserve it.
(gentle music)
I tried to give it back to her.
I went by her house
the day before she died
but she didn't answer the door.
By the time I went
back, it was too late.
I really did try.
(suspenseful music)
(dramatic music)
(computer keypads clicking)
- Come on, Come on.
Come on, come on, come on!
(suspenseful music)
(gentle music)
(soft music)
(lighthearted orchestral music)
(Jeep engine roars)
intense music)
(mellow orchestral music)
- [Musician] One, two, three
(upbeat music)
I need friends
I need money
I need a change of scene
But I need grace
And I need mercy
More than anything
I can get confused
And forget the truth
That all I need
Oh, all I need
All I need is You
I need Your kingdom
To come to this earth
To show me how much
more Your love is worth
Take everything away
I hope I can say
That all I need
All I need
All I need is You
Oh, all I need
All I need
All I need is You
Yeah, all I need
All I need
All I need is You
(upbeat music)