Treasure Planet (2002) Movie Script

[Music playing]
On the clearest of nights
when the winds of the Etherium
were calm and peaceful
the great merchant ships
with their cargoes
of Arcturian sura crystals
felt safe and secure
Little did they suspect
that they were pursued by
And the most feared
of all these pirates
was the notorious
Captain Nathaniel Flint
[All gasping]
Like a Candarian zap-wing
ovetaking its prey--
[Door creaks]
James Pleiades Hawkins
l thought you were asleep
an hour ago.
l thought you were asleep
an hour ago.
Mom, I was just getting
to the best part.
Oh, can those eyes
get any bigger?
Scootch over.
a Candarian zap-wing
ovetaking its prey
and his band of renegades
swooped in out of nowhere
Ha ha ha ha!
And then. gathering up
their spoils
vanished without a trace
NARRATOR: Flint's secret trove
was never found
but stories have persisted
that it remains hidden
somewhere at the fathest
reaches of the galaxy
stowed with riches
beyond imagination--
the loot
of a thousand worlds
Treasure Planet
OK. Blow your nose.
How do you think
Captain Flint did it, Mom?
How'd he swoop in out of nowhere
and vanished without a trace?
l have no idea.
Come here, you, you li--
I'm gonna get--oh!
OK, now it's time for this
little spacer to go to sleep.
You think somebody'll
ever find Treasure Planet?
I think it's more...
like a legend.
I know it's real.
You win. It's real.
-Nighty-night, Mom.
-Nighty-night, sweetheart.
l love you.
Love you, too.
NARRATOR: There are nights when
the winds of the Etherium
so inviting in their promise
of flight and freedom
made one's spirit soar!
[Alarm rings]
Come on!
Whoo! Ha ha ha!
[Sirens blaring]
Oh, great.
Mrs Hawkins!
I know--
refill on the purp juice.
Coming right up,
Mrs. Dunwiddie.
There we go. That's four
powdered spheroids...
two lunar eclipses,
and it's a big bowl...
of Zorellian jelly worms
for the big boy!
Sorry, Delbert. It's been
a madhouse here all morning.
No problem, Sarah.
Ah! My Alponian chowder
with the extra solara seed.
Mmm! Yum!
What brings you here
curious littleone?
Go away.
Are your parents around?
What's the matter?
Cat got your--yaah!
Oh, they're so adorable
at that age.
Oh, yes...deplorable.
Uh...adorable! Hmm.
Speaking of which,
how's Jim doing?
Much better. I know
he had some rough spots...
earlier this year,
but I really think...
that he's starting
to turn a corner.
Mrs. Hawkins?
Jim! [Drops dishes]
Ooh...wrong turn.
OK. Thanks for the lift, guys.
Not so fast.
We apprehended
your son operating...
a solar vehicle
in a restricted area.
Moving violation 9-0-4...
section fifteen,
paragraph, um...
-Thank you.
-Don't mention it.
-As you are aware, ma'am...
this constitutes a violation
of his probation.
Yes, yes. No, I understand.
Um, but could we just--
Um. ahem. pardon me
Officers, if I might,
uh, interject here.
I am the noted astrophysicist
Dr. Delbert Doppler.
Perhaps you've heard of me.
No? Uh, I have a clipping.
-Are you the boy's father?
-Oh! Good heavens, no!
Eww! He's just an old friend
of the family.
Back off, sir!
Thank you, Delbert.
l will take it from here.
Well, Sarah, if you insist.
Ahem. Don't ever let me
do that again.
Due to repeated violations
of statute 1 5-C...
we have impounded his vehicle.
Any more slip-ups will result...
in a one-way ticket
to Juvenile Hall.
-Kiddie hoosegow.
-The slammo.
Thank you, officers.
lt won't happen again.
We see his type
all the time, ma'am.
-Wrong choices.
-You take care now.
-Let's motor.
[Conversations resume]
Jim, I have had it.
Do you want to go
to Juvenile Hall? ls that it?
Jim, look at me.
It's been hard enough
keeping this place...
afloat by myself
without you going--
Mom, it's no big deal.
There was nobody around.
Those cops just
won't get off my--
Forget it.
Mrs Hawkins! My juice!
Yes, l'll be right there,
Mrs. Dunwiddie.
Jim, I just don't want
to see you...
throw away your entire future.
Yeah, what future?
DR DOPPLER: I really don't
know how you manage it. Sarah
Trying to run a business
while raising a felon like--
fellow like Jim.
Managing it?
I'm at the end of my rope.
Ever since his father left
well. Jim's just
never recovered
And you know how smart he is
He built his first solar surfer
when he was eight!
And yet.
he's failing at school
he is constantly in trouble
and when I talk to him.
he's like a stranger to me
I don't know. Delbet
I've tried everything--
[Engines sputtering]
Hey, Mister?
you're OK in there, right?
He's a-comin'.
Can you hear him?
Those gears and gyros
clickin' and whirrin'...
like the devil himself!
Uh, hit your head there
pretty hard, didn't ya?
He's after me chest...
that fiendish cyborg
and his band of cutthroats.
But they'll have to pry it...
from old Billy Bones' cold,
dead fingers afore I--argh!
Oh, my--
Uh, come on, give me your arm.
That's it.
-Good lad.
-Mom's gonna love this.
Thanks for listening, Delbert.
[Sighs] It helps.
It's going to be OK.
You'll see.
l keep dreaming one day
I'll open that door...
and there he'll be
just the way he was.
A smiling, happy little boy,
holding a new pet...
and begging me
to let him keep it.
[Gasps] James Pleiades Hawkins!
Mom, he's hurt...bad!
Me chest, lad.
He'll be comin' soon
Can't let them find this.
Who's coming?
[Whispering] The cyborg!
Beware the cyborg! [Gasps]
[Sarah gasps]
Quick! We gotta go!
I believe I'm with Jim
on this one!
[Pirates shouting]
Delilah! Hallelujah!
[Yelping excitedly]
Stay! Don't move!
PiRATE: Where is it?!
Find it!
Don't worry. Sarah
I'm an expert in the laws
of physical science.
-On the count of three--one...
Go, Delilah! Go!
Go! That's it! That's it! Go!
Hyah! Hyah!
[Crickets chirping]
[Crickets chirping]
DOPPLER: I just spoke
with the constabulary
Those blaggard pirates
have fled without a trace
[Clock chimes]
I'm sorry, Sarah.
I'm afraid the old Benbow lnn
has burned to the ground.
Ahem. Well, certainly
a lot of trouble...
over that odd little sphere.
Those markings baffle me
Unlike anything
I've ever encountered
[Beeps, whirring]
DOPPLER: Even with
my vast experience
and superior intellect
it would take me years
to unlock its--hey!
DOPPLER: Why, it's a map!
Wait. Wait, wait, wait!
This is us,
the planet Montressor.
That's the Magellanic Cloud!
Whoo! The Coral Galaxy!
That's the Cygnus Cross
and that's the Kerian Abyss.
Wait. What's this? What's this?
Why, it--it's...
Treasure Planet.
That's Treasure Planet!
DOPPLER: Flint's trove?
The loot of a thousand worlds?
You know what this means?
It means that all that treasure
is only a boat ride away.
Whoever brings it back
would hold an eternal place...
atop the pantheon of explorers!
He'd be able to experience--
Whoo! What just happened?
Mom, this is it. This is
the answer to all our problems.
Jim, there is
absolutely no way--
Don't you remember,
all those stories?
That's all they were--stories!
With that treasure...
we could rebuild the Benbow
a hundred times over!
Well, this is--
it's just--oh, my.
Delbert, would you please
explain how ridiculous this is?
It's totally preposterous...
the entire galaxy alone.
SARAH: Now at last,
we hear some sense!
-That's why I'm going with you.
l'll use my savings
to finance the expedition.
l'll commission a ship,
hire a captain and a crew.
You're not serious.
All my life l've been waiting
for an opportunity like this...
and here it is screaming,
''Go, Delbert! Go, Delbert!''
OK. OK! You're both grounded!
JIM: Mom. look
l know that I keep
messing everything up...
and I know...
that I let you down.
But this is my chance
to make it up to you.
I'm gonna set things right.
lf I may?
You said yourself,
you've tried everything.
There are much worse
than a few character-building
months in space.
Are you saying this
because it's the right thing...
or because
you really want to go?
l really, really, really,
really want to go...
and it's the right thing.
l don't want to lose you. won't.
l'll make you proud.
DOPPLER: Well. uh. ahem
There we are then.
We'll begin preparations
at once.
We'll begin preparations
at once.
Jim, my boy, soon we'll be
off to the spaceport.
[Creatures speaking
alien languages]
Jim! Oh. Jim! Wait for me!
[Breathing deeply]
Well, Jim, this should be
a wonderful opportunity...
for the two of us
to get to know one another.
You know what they say,
familiarity breeds, um...
well, contempt,
but, in our case--
Look, let's just
find the ship. OK?
-Second berth on your right!
-You can't miss it.
Hey, thanks.
It's the suit, isn't it?
l should never have listened...
to that pushy
two-headed saleswoman.
This one said it fit,
that one said it was my color.
l didn't know what to do.
l get so flustered. Ooh!
Oh, Jim! This is our ship!
The R.L.S. Legacy!
Stow those casks foward!
Heave together now!
How cool is this?
[Squishing noise]
Sorry about that.
l didn't mean--
[Angry farting noises]
Allow me to handle this.
[Pfft pffft pffft]
[Eek eek eek eek]
[Eek pfft]
I'm fluent in Flatula, Jim.
Took two years of it
in high school.
Flatula? Cool.
Good morning, Captain.
Everything shipshape?
Shipshape it is, sir,
but I'm not the captain.
The captain's aloft.
Mr. Arrow, l've checked
this miserable ship...
from stem to stern,
and, as usual, it' on.
Can you get nothing wrong?
You flatter me, Captain.
Ah, Dr. Doppler, I presume?
Uh, um, yes. l--
-Hello! Can you hear me?
-Yes, I can! Stop that banging!
lf I may, Doctor,
this works so much better...
when it's right-way up
and plugged in.
-Lovely. There you go.
lf you don't mind,
l can manage my own plugging!
I'm Captain Amelia...
late of a few run-ins
with the Protean armada.
Nasty business, but I won't
bore you with my scars.
You've met
my first officer, Mr. Arrow.
Sterling, tough, dependable,
honest, brave, and true.
Please, Captain.
Oh, shut up, Arrow. You know
l don't mean a word of it.
Ahem, excuse me. I hate to
interrupt this lovely banter...
but may I introduce to you,
Jim Hawkins?
Jim, you see, is the boy
who found the treasure--
Doctor, please!
l'd like a word with you
in my stateroom.
Doctor, to muse and blabber
about a treasure map...
in front of
this particular crew...
a level of ineptitude...
that borders
on the imbecilic...
and I mean that
in a very caring way.
lmbecilic, did you say?
Foolishness, l've--
May I see the map, please?
Hmm. Fascinating.
Mr. Hawkins, in the future...
you will address me
as ''Captain'' or ''Ma'am.''
ls that clear?
Mr. Hawkins?
-Yes, ma'am.
-That'll do.
Gentlemen, this must be kept
under lock and key...
when not in use.
And, Doctor, again...
with the greatest
possible respect...
zip your howling screamer.
Captain, I assure you l--
Let me make this
as monosyllabic as possible.
l don't much care
for this crew you hired.
They' did l
describe them, Arrow?
l said something rather good
this morning before coffee.
''A ludicrous parcel
of driveling galoots,'' ma'am.
-There you go--poetry.
-Now, see here--
Doctor, l'd love to chat--
tea, cake, the whole shebang--
but I have a ship to launch...
and you've got your outfit
to buff up.
Mr. Arrow, please escort
these two neophytes...
down to the galley
Young Hawkins will be working
for our cook, Mr. Silver.
What? The cook?
That woman! That...feline!
Who does she think
is working for whom?
It's my map, and
she's got me bussin' tables?
l'll not tolerate a cross word
about our captain!
There's no finer officer
in this or any galaxy.
ARROW: Mr Silver?
Why, Mr. Arrow, sir.
Bringin' in such fine
and distinguished gents
to grace my humble galley.
Had I known,
l'd have tucked in me shirt.
Heh heh heh heh!
A cyborg!
May I introduce Dr. Doppler?
The financier of our voyage.
Love the outfit, Doc.
Well, thank you.
Um, love the eye.
Uh, this young lad
is Jim Hawkins.
Jimbo! Uh...
Aw, now, don't be too put off
by this hunk of hardware.
These gears have been
tough getting used to...
but they do come in
mighty handy from time to time.
Here, now, have a taste
of me famous bonzabeast stew.
Mmm! Delightfully tangy,
yet robust.
Mmm! Delightfully tangy,
yet robust.
SILVER: Old family recipe
ln fact, that was part
of the old family!
Ha ha ha!
Oh, ho! I'm just kiddin', Doc!
Uh, yeah, well...
I'm nothin'
if I ain't a kidder.
Go on, Jimbo. Have a swig.
SILVER: Morph!
You jiggle-headed
blob of mischief!
So that's
where you was hiding!
Wha--? Ha!
What is that thing?
''What is that thing?''
SILVER: He's a morph
I rescued the little
shape-shifter on Proteus 1
Aw, he took a shine to me.
We been together ever since.
Right? Yeah. Nice boy.
We're about to get underway.
Would you like to observe
the launch, doctor?
Would l?
Does an active galactic nucleus
have superluminal jets?
l'll follow you.
Mr. Hawkins will stay here
in your charge, Mr. Silver.
Beggin' your pardon, sir, but--
Captain's orders! See to it
the new cabin boy's kept busy.
-Aw, but, no, but--
-No, you can't--
[Both sigh]
So, Captain's
put you with me, eh?
Well, who be a humble cyborg
to argue with a captain?
You know...these purps...
they're kind of like the ones
back home on Montressor.
You ever been there?
l can't say as I have, Jimbo.
Come to think of it,
just before I left...
l met this old guy,
who was, um...
he was kind of looking
for a cyborg buddy of his.
ls that so?
What was that
old salamander's name?
Oh, yeah. Bones.
Billy Bones?
Bones? Bones?!
T'ain't ringin' any bells.
Must have been
a different cyborg.
There's a slew of cyborgs
roamin' this port.
[Whistle on-deck]
ARROW: Prepare to cast off!
Eh, off with you, lad,
and watch the launch.
There'll be plenty work
a-waitin' for you afterwards.
We best be keepin' a sharp eye
on this one, eh, Morph?
We wouldn't want him strayin'
into things he shouldn't.
We're all clear, Captain!
Well, my friend. Are we ready
to raise this creaking tub?
My pleasure, Captain.
All hands to stations!
ARROW: Smatly now!
Come on, you scurvy scum!
l'll race you!
Loose all solar sails!
Come on!
ARROW: Heave up the braces
Brace up
Ooh. Oh.
Mr. Zoff,
engage artificial gravity.
[Poomp poomp poomp pooomp]
South by southwest,
Mr. Turnbuckle, heading 2-1-0-0.
Aye, Captain. 2-1-0-0.
Full speed, Mr. Arrow,
if you please.
Take her away!
Brace yourself, Doctor.
[Snidely] ''Brace yourself.''
Aah! Oof!
Upon my word,
an Orcus Galacticus.
Uh, Doctor, l'd stand clear--
SILVER: Ah. 'tis a grand day
for sailing. Captain
and look at you
You're as trim and as bonny
as a sloop
with new sails
and a fresh coat of paint
You can keep that kind
of flim-flammery...
for your spaceport floozies,
Spaceport floozy,
spaceport floozy--
You cut me to the quick,
l speaks nothing
but me heart at all times.
MORPH: Nothing but me heat
And, by the way,
isn't that your cabin boy...
aimlessly footling about
in those shrouds?
Yep, it--oh...
A momentary aberration, Cap'n,
soon to be addressed. Jimbo!
l got two new friends
l'd like you to meet.
Say hello to Mr. Mop
and Mrs. Bucket.
Heh heh heh heh!
Yeah, I got your Mr. Mop.
Watch it, twerp.
What are you looking at,
Yeah, weirdo.
Cabin boys should learn
to mind their own business.
Why? You got something to hide,
bright eyes?
Maybe your ears
don't work so well.
[Grunts] Yeah. Ahem.
Too bad my nose works just fine.
Why, you impudent little--
[Crew shouting]
Go ahead! Slice him! Dice him!
[Poot poot phoot]
Any last words, cabin boy?
Mr. Scroop...
you ever see what happens
to a fresh purp...
when you squeeze real hard?
ARROW: What's all this. then?
You know the rules.
There'll be no brawling
on this ship.
Aye, aye, sir.
Any further offenders
will be confined to the brig...
for the remainder
of the voyage.
Am I clear, Mr. Scroop?
Well done, Mr. Arrow, sir!
A tight ship's
a happy ship, sir.
Jimbo, I gave you a job.
Hey, I was doing it
until that bug thing--
Belay that! Now, I want
this deck swabbed spotless...
and heaven help you if
l come back and it's not done.
Keep an eye on this pup...
and let me know if there be
any more distractions.
OK Aye-aye
[Crew grumbling]
[Crew grumbling]
So, we're all here, then.
-Excuse me.
Now, if you pardon
my plain speaking, gentlemen...
are you all...
totally blinking daft?!
After all me finagling
getting us hired...
as an upstanding crew...
you want to blow the whole
mutiny before it's time?
The boy was sniffing about.
You just stick to the plan,
you bug-brained twit.
As for the boy,
l'll run him so ragged...
he won't have time to think.
[Morph laughs]
Well, this has been
a fun day, huh?
Making new friends
like that spider psycho.
Spider psycho, spider psycho.
Heh. A little uglier.
Pretty close.
thank heavens
for little miracles.
Up here for an hour...
and the deck's
still in one piece.
Um, look, l, uh...
What you did...
Didn't your pap
ever teach you...
to pick your fights
a bit more carefully?
Your father's
not the teachin' sort.
He was more the taking off
and never coming back sort.
Sorry, lad.
Hey, no big deal.
I'm doing just fine.
ls that so?
Well, since the captain
has put you in my charge...
like it or not,
l'll be pounding a few skills...
into that thick head of yours
to keep you out of trouble.
-From now on...
I'm not letting you
out of me sight.
You can't do--
You won't so much
as eat, sleep...
or scratch your bum
without my say-so.
Don't do me any favors!
Oh, you can be sure of that,
my lad.
You can be sure of that.
You can be sure of that.
Heh heh heh heh!
Put some elbow into it.
h am a question
to the world
Not an answer
to be heard
Or a moment
that's held in your arms
And what do you think
you'd ever say
h won't listen anyway
You don't know me
And h'll never be
what you want
Made of pain
And what do you think
you'd understand?
I'm a boy. no. I'm a man
You can take me
and throw me away
And how can you learn
what's never shown
Yeah. you stand here
on your own
They don't know me
'Cause I'm not here
And I want a moment
to be real
Want to touch things
h don't feel
Want to hold on
and feel I belong
And how can the world
want me to change
They're the ones
that stay the same
They don't know me
But I'm still here
And you see the things
they never see
All you wanted.
h could be
Now you know me
And I'm not afraid
And I want to tell you
who I am
Can you help me be a man?
They can't break me
As long as I know
who I am
They can't tell me
who to be
'Cause I'm not
what they see
Yeah. the world
is still sleeping
While I keep on
dreaming for me
While I keep on
dreaming for me
And the words
are just whispers and lies
That h'll never believe
And I want a moment
to be real
Want to touch things
h don't feel
Want to hold on
and feel I belong
How can you say
h never change?
They're the ones
that stay the same
I'm the one now
'Cause I'm still here
I'm the one son still here
I'm still here
I'm still here
[Song fades]
[Pulley squeaking]
Oh, ho ho!
You having
a little trouble there?
Oh, get away from me.
Oh, Jimbo.
lf I could maneuver a skiff
like that when I was your age...
they'd be bowing in the streets
when I walked by today.
Bowing in the streets.
l don't know.
They weren't exactly singing
my praises when I left home.
-Heh. Whew.
But I'm gonna change all that.
Are you now? How so?
Uh, I got some plans.
Gonna make people see me
a little different.
Sometimes, plans go astray.
Not this time.
Oh, thank you, Morphy.
So, uh,
how'd that happen anyway?
You give up a few things
chasing a dream.
Was it worth it?
I'm hoping it is, Jimbo.
l most surely am.
[Ship groans]
What the devil?
Good heavens.
The star Pelusa...
it's gone supernova!
Evasive action, Mr. Turnbuckle!
Aye-aye, Captain.
All hands,
fasten your lifelines!
Mr. Arrow, secure those sails!
Secure all sails!
Reef them down. men!
Yeah, baby! Ba-boom!
Ha ha ha ha!
Whoa. Thanks, lad.
Captain, the star!
It's devolving into a...
[Gasps] a black hole!
We're being pulled in!
No, you don't, you--
Blast these waves!
They're so deucedly erratic!
No, Captain.
They're not erratic at all.
There'll be one more
in precisely 47.2 seconds.
Followed by the biggest
magilla of them all!
Of course! Brilliant, Doctor!
We'll ride that last magilla
out of here.
All sails secured, Captain!
Good man!
Now release them immediately!
Aye, Captain.
You heard her, men.
Unfurl those sails
-But we just finished...
-Tying them down!
-Make up your blooming minds!
Mr. Hawkins...
make sure all lifelines
are secured good and tight!
Aye-aye, Captain.
Lifelines secured, Captain!
Very good!
Gaah! Whoa!
Captain. the last wave!
Here it comes!
Hold on to your lifelines,
It's gonna be a bumpy ride!
[Crew cheering]
Captain! That--oh, my goodness.
That was--
that was absolutely--
that was the most--
Oh, tish-tosh.
Actually, Doctor...
your astronomical advice
was most helpful.
Well, uh, uh--thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well, I have a lot of help
to offer anatomically--
as-astronomically. [Slap]
Well, I must congratulate you,
Mr. Silver.
lt seems your cabin boy...
did a bang-up job
with those lifelines.
[Both chuckle]
All hands accounted for,
Mr. Arrow?
Mr. Arrow?
I'm afraid Mr. Arrow
has been lost.
His lifeline was not secured.
No, I checked them all.
l--l did. I checked them all.
They were secure.
l swear.
Mr. Arrow was a...
Ahem. Fine spacer...
finer than most of us
could ever hope to be...
but he knew the risks,
as do we all.
Resume your posts.
We carry on.
[Ship creaking]
lt weren't your fault,
you know?
Why, half the crew would be
spinning in that black abyss--
Look, don't you get it?!
l screwed up!
For two seconds,
l thought that maybe...
l could do
something right, but--
Aagh! I just--
Just forget it. Forget it.
Now, you listen to me,
James Hawkins.
You got the makings
of greatness in ya...
but you gotta take the helm
and chart your own course.
Stick to it,
no matter the squalls...
and when the time comes
you get the chance...
to really test
the cut of your sails...
and show what you're made of,
well, I hope I'm there...
catching some of the light
coming off ya that day.
[Sobs softly]
There, there.
Lad, it's all right, Jimbo.
It's all right.
Now, Jim, l, um...
l best be getting
about my watch...
and you best be getting
some shut-eye.
Getting in too deep here,
Next thing ya know, they'll be
saying l've gone soft.
[Crew snoring]
[Crew snoring]
[Poomp phem poom-poomp]
Uh--oh! Oh! Ugh!
Morph, knock it off.
It's too early for this.
Ow! Hey, Morph!
-Hey, come back here!
-Come back here!
Gotcha, Morph!
That's it, you little squid.
You little squid.
You little squid.
Squid. Squid. Squid. Squid.
Ungh! Unh!
Ha! Busted!
Look. what we're saying is
we're sick of all this waiting
There's only
three of them left
We are wanting to move.
We don't move till
we got the treasure in hand.
h say we kill 'em all now
l say what's to say!
Disobey my orders again...
like that stunt you pulled
with Mr. Arrow...
and so help me,
you'll be joining him!
and so help me,
you'll be joining him!
Strong talk,
but I know otherwise.
SILVER: You got
something to say. Scroop?
It's that boy.
Methinks you have
a soft spot for him.
Now, mark me, the lot of ya.
l care about one thing,
and one thing only!
Flint's trove.
You think l'd risk it all
for the sake...
of some nose-wiping
little whelp?
SCROOP: What was it now?
''Oh. you got the makings
of greatness in ya ''
Shut your yap!
l cozied up to that kid
to keep him off our scent.
But I ain't gone soft.
ONUS: Land ho!
Ha ha ha! There it is!
Feast eyes and click heels
if you got 'em.
Where the devil's me glass?
Playing games, are we?
Yeah, we're playing games.
Oh, I see. Well, I was never
much good at games.
Always hated to lose. [Click]
Me, too!
SILVER: Ohhblast it all
[Blows whistle]
Change in plan, lads!
We move now!
Strike our colors, Mr. Onus.
With pleasure, Captain.
Pirates on my ship?
l'll see they all hang.
Pirates on my ship?
l'll see they all hang.
Doctor, familiar with these?
[Gun powers up]
Oh, l've seen--
well, l've read--
Uh, no. No. No, I'm not.
Mr. Hawkins!
Defend this with your life.
Morph! Give me that!
Oh, you're taking
all day about it.
Oh! Stop them!
DOPPLER: Aah, aah, aah. Oof!
Ooh hoo hoo!
Hey, you!
To the longboats, quickly!
[Cocks gun]
Morph! No!
AMELlA: Chew on this,
you pus-filled boils!
Did you actually aim for that?
You know, actually, I did.
[Gears turning]
Oh, blast it.
Doctor, when I say ''now'',
shoot out the forward cable.
l'll take this one.
JIM: Morph. here! Morph!
Morphy, come here. [Whistles]
Morph. Morph. Bring it here.
Morph, come here.
Come here. Come here, boy.
Come to your dad.
Come here, boy. Morph!
-Come on!
-Morph! Morph, here!
[Groans] Ohh.
[Powers up]
Parameters met.
Hydraulics engaged.
That's it! Come to papa!
Hold your fire!
We'll lose the map!
Laser ball at 1 2 o'clock!
Oh, my goodness.
That was more fun than
l ever want to have again.
That's not one of my...
gossamer landings. Unh!
Oh. Ooh.
Oh, don't fuss.
Slight bruising. That's all.
Cup of tea,
and l'll be right as rain.
Mr. Hawkins.
The map if you please.
Morph, where's the map?!
Are you serious?!
It's back on the ship?
Stifle that blob and get low.
[Engine whining]
We've got company
We need
a more defensible position.
Mr. Hawkins, scout ahead.
Aye, Captain.
-Steady, steady.
Now, let's have a look at that.
[Wind whistling]
[Morph chattering]
Shh. shh.
[Powers up]
Oh, this is fantastic!
A carbon-based life form
come to rescue me at last!
l just want to hug you
and squeeze you...
and hold you close to me.
All right. OK.
Would you just let go of me?
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
It's just l've been marooned
for so long.
l mean, solitude's fine.
Don't get me wrong.
For heaven's sakes,
after a hundred years...
you go a little nuts!
Ha ha ha!
I'm sorry. Am l...
l am, um...
My name is, uh...
[Cuckoo cuckoo]
B.E.N.! Of course, I'm B.E.N.
Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops.
-And you are?
Oh, what a pleasure
to meet you, Jimmy.
-It's Jim.
Look, I'm kind of
in a hurry, OK?
l got to find a place to hide,
and there's pirates chasing me.
Oh, pirates!
Don't get me started on pirates!
l don't like them.
l remember Captain Flint.
This guy had such a temper.
Wait, wait, wait.
You knew Captain Flint?
l think he suffered
from mood swings, personally.
I'm not a therapist,
and anyway...
but l--you let me know
when I'm rambling.
But that means--but wait.
But then you gotta know
about the treasure?
-Yeah, Flint's trove?
You know,
loot of a thousand worlds.
It's--well, it's...
it's all a little--
little--little fuzzy.
Wait. l--l r-r-remember.
l do. l--treasure!
Lots of treasure
buried in the centroid--
of the mechanism.
And there was this big door
opening and closing...
and opening and closing...
and Captain Flint
wanted to make sure...
nobody could ever
get to his treasure...
so I helped him...
Aah! Data inaccessible! Reboot!
Reboot! Aah! And you are?
Wait, wait, wait!
What about the treasure?
l want to say Larry.
The--the centroid
of the mechanism, or--
I'm sorry. My memory
isn't what it used to be.
l've lost my mind. Ha ha!
l've lost my mind.
l've lost my mind. Ha ha!
l've lost my mind.
You haven't found it, have you?
Uh, my missing piece?
My primary memory circuit?
Look, B.E.N., I really need
to find a place to hide, OK?
So I'm just gonna be,
you know, moving on.
Oh, uh, so, well, then...
l guess, uh...
this is good-bye, huh?
I'm sorry that
I'm so dysfunctional.
So, uh, go ahead and...
l do understand.
l do. Bye-bye.
[Sighs] Look,
if you're gonna come along...
you're gonna have
to stop talking.
Huzzah! Ha ha ha!
Oh, this is fantastic!
Me and my best buddy
are lookin' for a...
[Clears throat]
[Whispering] Being quiet.
And you have to stop
touching me.
Touching and talking.
That's my two big no-nos.
OK. Now, I think
that we should--
Say, listen, before we go out
on our big search...
um, would you mind if we made
a quick pit stop at my place?
[Chuckles] Kind of urgent.
JIM: BEN. I think
you just solved my problem
Uh. pardon the mess. people
You'd think
in a hundred years...
l would've dusted
a little more often...
but, you know,
when you're batchin' it...
you tend to, uh, let things go.
Aw, isn't that sweet?
l find old-fashioned romance
so touching, don't you?
How about drinks
for the happy couple?
Oh, uh, ooh. Uh, no.
Thank you, we don't drink...
and, uh, we're not a couple.
Look at these markings.
They're identical
to the ones on the map.
l suspect these are
the hieroglyphic remnants...
of an ancient culture.
CAPTAhN AMELhA: Mr Hawkins
stop anyone
who tries to approach. Ohh!
Yes, yes. Now listen to me...
stop giving orders for a few
milliseconds and lie still.
Very forceful, Doctor.
Go on. Say something else.
BEN: Hey. look! There's
some more of your buddies!
BEN: Hey. look! There's
some more of your buddies!
Hey, fellas!
We're over here, fellas!
Oh! Uhh! Ooh! Ohh!
Stop wastin' your fire!
SILVER: Hello. up there!
lf it's all right
with the captain...
l'd like a short word with ya.
No tricks,
just a little palaver.
Come to bargain for the map,
That means...that he thinks
we still have it.
Ah, Morphy! I wondered
where you was off to.
Oh, this poor old leg's
downright snarky...
since that game attack
we had in the galley.
Whatever you heard
back there...
at least the part
concerning you...
l didn't mean a word of it.
Had that bloodthirsty lot
thought l'd gone soft...
they'd have gutted us both.
Listen to me.
lf we play our cards right...
we can both walk away
from this rich as kings.
-Ha ha ha.
You get me that map...
and, uh...
an even portion
of the treasure is yours.
You are really something.
All that talk of greatness...
light coming off my sails...
what a joke.
Now, just see here, Jimbo--
l mean, at least
you taught me one thing.
Stick to it, right?
Well, that's just
what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna make sure
that you never see...
one drabloon of my treasure!
That treasure is owed me,
by thunder!
Well, try to find it
without my map, by thunder!
Oh, you still don't know how to
pick your fights, do you, boy?
Now, mark me.
Either I get that map
by dawn tomorrow...
or so help me,
l'll use the ship's cannons...
to blast ya all
to kingdom come!
Morph, hop to it.
Oh, blast it!
we must stay together and...
And what? What?!
We must stay together
and what?!
you have wonderful eyes.
She's lost her mind!
Well, you gotta help her.
Dang it, Jim. I'm an astronomer,
not a doctor.
l mean, I am a doctor,
but I'm not that kind of doctor.
l have a doctorate.
It's not the same thing.
You can't help people
with a doctorate.
You just sit there,
and you're useless.
It's OK, Doc.
It's all right.
Yeah, Doc! Jimmy knows exactly
how to get out of this.
It's just Jimmy
has this knowledge of things.
Jim, any thoughts at all?
Without the map, we're dead.
lf we try to leave, we're dead.
-lf we stay here--
-We're dead!
We're dead! We're dead!
Well, I think that Jimmy could
use a little quiet time. Heh.
So l'll just slip out
the back door.
-Back door?
-Oh, yeah.
l get this delightful breeze
through here...
which I think is important...
because ventilation
among friends--
Whoa What is all this stuff?
You mean the miles and miles
of machinery that run
through the entire course
of the inside of this planet?
Not a clue.
Hey, Doc! Doc! I think
l found a way out of here!
No, no. Jim, wait.
The captain ordered us to stay--
-l'll be back.
-So, what's the plan?
-Shh. B.E.N., quiet.
[Whispering] OK, here it is.
We sneak back to the Legacy,
disable the laser cannons...
and bring back the map.
[Muffled] That's a good plan.
l like that plan.
The only thing is...
I'm wondering,
how do we get there?
On that.
Oop? [Poink]
-BEN. shh!
Sorry. sorry Sorry
OK, l'll get the map.
You wait here.
Roger, Jimmy. l'll neutralize
laser cannons, sir!
B.E.N.! B.E.N.!
Yo-ho. yo-ho.
a pirate's life for me
Disable a few laser cannons.
What is the big deal?
All we gotta do is find
that one little wire.
[Gasps] Oh, mama.
[Sighs] Yes.
[Alarm blaring]
Bad, B.E.N. Bad.
OK, fixing.
That stupid robot's
gonna get us all...killed.
Cabin boy.
[Powers up]
Whoops OK. don't panic
Breathing in
breathing out
[Ship creaking]
[Poink] Raah!
This has gotta be cannons.
Maybe not.
Heh heh.
Come on, come on, come on.
[Snickers] Oh, yes.
Do say hello to Mr. Arrow.
[Gasps] Rraar!
Tell him yourself!
Back you go, you naughty plug!
Unh! [Gasping]
Laser cannons disconnected
Captain Jimmy, sir!
Gee, that wasn't so tough.
Doc! Doc, wake up!
l got the map.
Fine work, Jimbo.
Fine work indeed.
[Muffled yelling]
Thanks for showing us
the way, boy.
[Morph yelping]
What's this sorry stack
of metal?!
Not the face!
You're just like me, Jimbo.
Ya hates to lose.
What the devil's the...
Open it.
l'd get busy.
[Crew murmuring]
Oh, the powers that be.
Would you look?
Ha ha ha ha!
Tie him up and leave him
with the others till we--what?
You want the map...
you're taking me, too.
We'll take 'em all.
It's OK, Morph. It's OK.
l--l don't know about you...
but I'm starting to see my life
pass in front of my eyes.
At least, I think it's my life.
Was I ever dancing
with an android named Lupe?!
B.E.N., shh.
This isn't over yet.
We're gettin' close. lads
l smell treasure a-waitin'.
SILVER: Where is it?
l see nothing! One great, big
stinking hunk of nothing!
What's going on, Jimbo?
l don't know.
l can't get it open.
We should've never
followed this boy!
SILVER: h'd suggest you get
that gizmo going again.
and fast!
Let's rip his gizzard
right out right now!
Throw him off the cliff!
Oh, have mercy.
JIM: The Lagoon Nebula?
But that's halfway
across the galaxy.
JIM: A big door
opening and closing
Let's see.
Montressor spaceport.
So that's how Flint did it.
He used this portal to roam
the universe stealing treasure.
But where'd he stash it all?
SILVER: Where's
that blasted treasure?!
Treasure! Treasure!
It's buried in the--
Buried in the centroid
of the mechanism.
What if the whole planet
is the mechanism...
and the treasure is buried
in the center of this planet?
And how in blue blazes
are we supposed to get there?
Just open the right door.
[Alarm beeping]
Wait for me! Wait for me!
The loot of a thousand worlds.
CREATURE: We are going
to need a bigger boat!
This is all seeming
very familiar.
h can't remember why
B.E.N., come on.
We're getting out of here, and
we're not leaving empty-handed.
But--but, Jimmy! Jimmy!
A lifetime of searching.
And at long last...
l can touch it.
Do you know what's strange?
l can't tell you how
frustrating this is, Jimmy...
'cause there's something just--
it's nagging
at the back of my mind.
-Captain Flint?
-ln the flesh!
Well, s-sort of,
except for skin, organs...
or anything that--that--that
resembles flesh...
that's not there.
And yet it's so odd. you know?
h remember there was
something horrible
Flint didn't want
anyone else to know
but h--h just can't
remember what it was
Oh, a mind
is a terrible thing to lose!
l think I just found your mind.
Hold still.
Aah! Jimmy, your hands
are very, very cold.
You know, uh, Jimmy,
l was just thinking...
l was just think--
It's all flooding back!
All my memories!
Right up until Flint
pulled my memory circuits...
so I could never tell anybody
about his booby trap!
-Speaking of which...
Flint wanted to make sure...
that nobody could ever
steal his treasure...
so he rigged
this whole planet...
to blow higher than
a Kalepsian kite!
Run, Jimmy! Run for your life!
You go back and help
the captain and Doc!
lf I'm not there in 5 minutes,
leave without me.
l am not leaving my buddy Jimmy.
Unless he looks at me
like that.
Bye, Jim!
No! No! Oh, no! Oh, no!
No! Aah!
[Crew yelling]
Come back here, ya blighters!
All my life, I dreamed
of an adventure like this.
[Sighs] I'm just sorry...
l couldn't have been
more helpful to you.
Oh, don't be daft.
You've been very helpful.
l feel like such
a useless weakling...
with abnormally thin wrists.
Excuse me, brutish pirate.
Yes, you. I have a question.
ls it that your body
is too massive...
for your teeny-tiny head...
or is it that your head
is too teeny-tiny...
for your big, fat body?
l pummel you good!
Yes, I'm sure you will,
but before you do...
l have one more question.
ls this yours?
Morph, we are so out of here!
SILVER: Ah. Jimbo!
Aren't you the seventh wonder
of the universe?
Get back!
l like you, lad,
but l've come too far...
to let you stand
between me and me treasure.
Oh, no, you don't!
Reach for me now!
l--l can't!
Oh, blast me for a fool!
Silver, you gave up?
Just a lifelong obsession, Jim.
l'll get over it.
BEN: Aloha. Jimmy!
Hurry, people!
We got exactly two minutes...
and thirty-four seconds
till planet's destruction!
You're doing fine, Doctor.
Now ease her over
Aah! We were better off
on exploding planet!
Take us out of here, metal man!
Aye, Captain!
Captain, you dropped from
the heavens in the nick of--
Save your claptrap
for the judge, Silver!
Missile tail demobilized,
Thrusters at only 30%
of capacity.
We'll never clear
the planet's explosion in time.
-We gotta turn around.
There's a portal back there.
lt can get us out of here!
DOPPLER: Pardon me. Jim.
but didn't that potal open
onto a raging inferno?!
Yes, but I'm gonna change that.
I'm gonna open
a different door
Captain, really, I don't see
how this is possible--
Listen to the boy!
One minute, twenty-nine seconds
till planet's destruction!
-What do you need, Jim?
-Just some way to attach this.
All right. Stand back.
Stand back, now.
There you go.
There you go.
OK. Now,
no matter what happens...
keep the ship heading
straight for that portal.
BEN: Fifty-eight seconds!
Well, you heard him!
Get this blasted heap
turned 'round!
head us back to the portal.
Aye, Captain.
Go to the right! The right!
l know, I know!
Will you just let me drive?!
Twenty-five seconds!
No! No!
Come on, lad.
Seventeen seconds!
BEN: Seven
Wow! Yeah!
SILVER: You done it. Jimmy!
You done it, boy! Ha ha ha!
Didn't I say the lad
had greatness in him?
but ludicrously effective.
CAPTAhN AMELhA: h'd be proud
to recommend you
to the interstellar academy
They could use a man like you
Just wait until your mother
hears about this!
Of course, we may downplay
the life-threatening parts.
Jimmy, that was unforgettable!
l know you don't like
but get ready for a hug,
big guy, 'cause I gotta hug ya!
Ha ha ha ha!
Hey, you hugged me back.
Oh, I promised myself
l wouldn't cry.
Does anyone have a tissue?
[Morph squeaking]
-Morphy, we gotta make tracks.
-l know.
JIM: You never quit. do you ?
Ah, Jimbo! Ha ha!
l was merely
checking to make sure...
our last longboat
was safe and secure.
that should hold it.
Heh heh heh.
l taught you too well.
lf you don't mind,
we'd just as soon avoid prison.
Little morphy here,
he's a free spirit.
Being in a cage,
it'd break his heart.
What say you ship out
with us, lad?
You and me,
Hawkins and Silver...
full of ourselves
and no ties to anyone!
You know,
when I got on this boat...
l would've taken you up
on that offer in a second...
but, uh,
l met this old cyborg...
and he taught me that
l could chart my own course.
That's what I'm gonna do.
And what do you see
of that pal of yours?
A future.
[Chuckles] Why...
look at ya,
glowing like a solar fire.
You're something special, Jim.
You're gonna rattle the stars,
you are.
[Clears throat]
Got a bit of grease
in this cyborg eye of mine.
Oh, hey, Morph.
l'll see ya around, OK?
See ya around.
Morphy, I got a job for ya.
l need you to keep an eye
on this here pup.
Will ya do me
that little favor?
Aye-aye, Captain.
Oh, and one more thing.
This is for your dear mother...
to rebuild that inn of hers.
Stay out of trouble,
ya old scalawag.
Stay out of trouble,
ya old scalawag.
[Laughs] Why, Jimbo, lad...
when have I ever done otherwise?
Oh! [Giggling]
[All gasp]
[All cheer]
[Playing music]
[Song starts]
ht's good to see the sun
and feel this place
This place I never thought
would feel like home
And I ran forever
Far away
And I always thought
h'd end up here alone
the world has changed
And I've come home
To give you back the things
they took from you
And I feel you now
I'm not alone
h always know
where you are
When I see myself
h always know
where you are
Where you are
And I found something
that was always there
Sometimes it's got to hut
before you feel
But now I'm strong.
and I won't kneel
Except to thank
who's watching over me
And somehow
h feel so strong
And I've begun
to be the one
h never thought h'd be
And I feel you now
I'm not alone
h always know
where you are
And when I see myself
I always know
where you are
Where you are
Now it's all so clear
And I believe
That everything's been
opened up to me
And I feel you now
I'm not alone
I always know
h always know
where you are
And when I see myself
I always know
where you are
And when I feel the sun
I always know
where you are
And when I see myself
I always know
where you are
Where you are