Treasure Raiders (2007) Movie Script

The Templar's have sent me a great distance...
Father Baleminus.
Don't say... such name.
They know me here as... Bartholomew.
I'm the custodian of the gospel...
of the grandmaster Jacques De Molay.
Dear God...
The Gospel contains his secrets...
of the Order of the Templar's.
No one except you, should know about it.
Before I die, I must give you the
responsibility, to take care of this gospel...
It is your ordained duty.
The Order of the Knights Templar's, was
completely destroyed by Guillaume de Nogaret...
Chancellor executioner and the right hand of the
King of France, however...
the immense treasure of the order was not destroyed...
it completely and utterly vanished.
Jacques De Molay, the grandmaster of the Order...
Was burned at the stake.
But before he died, he placed a curse, of sudden death and eternal damn nation...
of all those who were responsible for the destruction of the Order.
So Jacques De Molay's prophesy came true.
On April 20th, 1310, the Roman Pope...
Who was involved in the destruction,
of the Order... suddenly died.
A few days later Guillaume de Nogaret
himself... mysteriously died,
And on Nov. 29th... that very same year,
The king of France Philip IV...
also met his maker.
So was Jacques De Malay's prophesy...
responsible for demise of this men?
That is up to you to decide.
Excuse me, professor...
I was very interested... in your lecture,
I always been fascinated by the 13th
and 14th century...
- Well thank you!
- I am Pierre Seminal.
Michael Nazzaro... I've read all your books.
In fact...
you're the main reason,
I got interested in Russian history.
- It's an honor to meet you Sir.
- You're American?
- Yea.
So, what brings you... to this part of the world?
I... ah...
mystery I guess, what I'm hoping to resolve in Russia.
Russia has a 1000 years... of mysteries.
Oh believe me... I know.
Are you familiar with Bartholomew?
- 16th century I believe, the time of Ivan the Terrible,
- Yea...
- I found... an ancient book, written by him.
- Really?
It contains some symbols in there... and...
that resemble those of the Knights Templar.
- I think it could be some kind of a code.
- A code?... Of what?
I think it might help me, find the missing
treasure of the Knights Templar.
A historian and an adventurer...
you must believe what you teach.
That I do.
what makes you think... that the
treasure is hidden here in... Russia?
Let's call it... instinct.
forgive me for asking but... how can
you afford this kind of research, on a...
professors salary?
I have a little hobby, that
makes a little extra cash.
- Watch where you're going!
- I'm so sorry.
- Sorry.
- Thank you.
I really am sorry.
- I told them to use their... imagination.
- Don't waste my time with your stupid ideas.
- what about transportation?
- I got something a little... special.
- Mike!
- Hey...
- I'm glad you could make it... ready to race?
- Yea man.
Come on.
That is a big man.
- Where is my money?
- Here
- That is my money.
Come on, I'll introduce you.
Wolf, I want to meet professor, from America.
- Welcome to Moscow professor.
- Thank you.
- I heard you're good.
- I try.
Do you know about the entry fee?
- 10,000.00 US... right?
- 10,000.00... but not to me, give it to him.
- That's a lot of money to lose.
- You sure you can afford it?
- I like you professor, nice to meet you, good luck.
- Thanks'...
- good to meet you too.
- Very good.
If he's as good as you say he is,
I have to take care of it...
because we don't wanna chance it...
especially tonight.
- There's a dead man inside.
- I know.
- Why would you steal a corpse?
- Mmm... that I do not know.
Come on...
They're coming, everybody gets ready!
Everyone wait's for my Order!
I've located them... remember stop there.
I'm on my way, get ready to switch cars.
We are ready to roll!
Sir! We have a third party entering
the zone, at a high rate of speed.
- Can I get a description?
- No Sir, he was going too fast.
Just stay put, this guy has no idea,
what he's driving in to.
- Bo!
- Yea?
Put your guns away.
Serge... put your guns away.
- You got the money?
- You want to count it?
Certainly I can't trust you.
- What is that?
- I have no idea.
- This is ridiculous.
- Let us make these transaction.
Just put it on the ground.
Any time now!
What the hell happened?
I said... wait for my Order!
Now... arrest them all.
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt.
- You're a death man.
- We'll see... have a nice evening, gentlemen.
I don't wanna hear any more excuses...
Hi boss...
How'd you know, the special forces
weren't involved in this operation.
These weren't the Spetsnaz... I just got of the
phone with them, these where imposters...
Well, no Sir... I think somebody (?)
them of, right in front of our eyes.
- You think? Don't talk... get away from me.
- Whatever.
- That was sweet...
- A piece of cake...
Now I've got a race win... get my
double to disappear, and that's it.
Where's he going?
That's impossible.
Beekeeper and Bo's.
I haven't seen you two for ages, you just
can't keep your nose's clean, can you?
- That's just... your personnel opinion.
- Why don't you tell me what happened here?
Well... just a Saturday night get
together, you know... boys will be boys.
The money and the drugs are gone.
- What?
- Vanished.
Did you get a description of the
person in the car?
They all said the same thing,
the guy was big... I mean huge.
Hold them for twelve hours, that's all we can do,
and then don't let them out of your side.
- All right, take'm away.
- Move out.
Let's go to my club, all of you, we'll celebrate.
This is a tough way, to lose 10.000 dollars.
- Yea, tell me about it.
- I just wanna say... you did good.
Don't get upset, nobody beats Wolf.
- Yea, but I just hate a...
- Losing?
- I'm ah...
- Michael Nazarro.
- I'm Masha.
- Well, it's nice to meet you.
I'm sorry, I... knocked you down,
are you a student?
Yea... post graduate, I have a
masters in economics.
You don't say,
You know, you're pretty famous at the university.
Really... I didn't know my teaching
was that well known.
Um um, it's not your teaching.
- Hey, congratulations man.
- Professor, you were good.
Oh yea... but just not good enough.
Like a lot of racers, talk to talk,
and you my friend walk to walk.
- Let's get a drink, come on.
- Let's go
- Elisa... how is the night so far, baby?
- I'm not complaining, what would you like?
Nothing for me, thanks'.
You sure you don't want Vodka?
The best Russia has to offer.
It will make your bad days good,
and your good days even better.
No, I'm okay.
Wolf... what about you? You're usual?
Absolutely... my milk.
- How do you do that?
- Have you ever served in the army?
Yea, but they didn't teach me how to do that.
Well... if you just can imagine, that the can
is your sergeant, you can do it.
We're all going for a ride, you want to come with us?
- No, go ahead, I have things to do.
- Do you mind if I go?
- But be careful okay.
- Of course.
Elisa, take care of the professor,
I'll be back very soon.
- Professor?
- That's what I do, not what I am.
So, how long have you been...
Okay, you guys...
Ok, Igor, take one of this box, to each
of the 5 following addresses.
You did a great job guys...
you really looked like special forces.
- What should I do with the drugs?
- Dump it... in the river.
I knew you were gonna say that.
Oh, sorry man
- Hey, back of man.
- You never watch where you going.
Get your hands of...
Are you all right Professor?
You know... that's really one... intense wolf, Wolf.
Life is intense, my friend.
- Survival.
- Survival.
Oh, no, no, I had plenty.
You don't understand, Vodka is for the inside,
The bottle is for the outside,
take it put it against your eye.
You know...
that's a very interesting pendant.
Did you ever had it appraised?
To sell?
Out of the question,
this pendant brings me good luck.
I would never sell it, it's priceless.
Everything has its price.
In the next race, I put 50 Grant,
against your pendant.
Do you really, have this kind of money?
I already took 10,000 dollars from you...
why do you want it so bad?
- I'm an archaeologist.
- And if I say no?
Then superstition, is taking the place of good sense.
Well good professor... okay...
If you win the next race...
the pendant is yours.
But if you lose, and you will,
you will owe me 50,000 dollars... cash.
- We got a deal.
- Deal.
The operation against the Beekeeper
and his group failed.
- We didn't consider a third party.
- So who was... our uninvited guest?
Sir, we suspect that Serge,
known on the street as Wolf...
- Serge Wolf?
- Yes Sir, do you know him?
Yes, I knew his father Miguel Wolf...
he was a good friend.
He died of a drug overdose,
when Serge was in high-school.
This must be too good to be true,
At 15, Wolf was a member of a car jacking
gang, he left the gang later for sports...
A couple years later, he got in a huge
fight with a couple of drug dealers.
He was just a kid then, kids make mistakes,
so tell me something I don't know.
The FSB report states, he fought as a mercenary, spend time in the Balkan mountain.
At present he's the leader of a car-racing
gang, he also owns a nightclub.
So what! What does that all have
to do with a drug deal?
We think, the FM Beekeeper, was a bid to take
over the drug take here in Moscow.
And Wolf is the man behind the plan,
that's why we have one little problem.
- Which is what?
- Wolf has an alibi.
When Beekeeper's deal was going down, Wolf was
in a car race, witnessed by hundreds of spectators.
- How did he do?
- He won.
For centuries people have been fascinated
by the treasures of the Knights Templar.
Research has uncovered evidence, that 60
knights, abandon the Orders main temple,
And fled through port La Rochelle...
it is believed...
That they placed the treasure on a ship
leaving France, for an unknown destination.
- Nazarro. - Yes Michael,
these is Pierre Saminault. - Hi.
- I was calling, to invite you to lunch.
- Yea, yea that be nice.
Excellent... we could meet at the Amsterdam?
Yea, I know where it is... yea, let's say one o clock?
- I'll meet you then.
- Okay, see you then.
- Vodka for me please.
- Another one? - Sure.
- Thank you for meeting me.
- Oh, it's my pleasure.
Are you having any luck with your... quest?
Well, everything seems to point,
to the treasure being here in Moscow.
Are you quiet sure, it's not just... urban legend?
If you look at the local monasteries...
the outer walls are covered with symbols, which are identical to the insignia of the Knights Templar.
- It doesn't prove anything.
- I don't know.
But... the grave-yards and graves of Russian warriors...
have exactly the same symbols,
now that tells me, these are the Knights...
who fled France, and came to Russia
to avoid execution.
Fancy meeting you in the library.
Oh... hi.
- Hi.
- Just... research, you know.
Of course, it looks like you're busy,
I won't keep you.
Oh, no no no, take a seat, I need a break anyway.
Rumor has it, you are searching for
the treasure of the Knights Templar.
- Who told you that?
- Like I said, you're famous on campus.
Well anyway, I like to introduce you,
to very interesting friend of mine.
He's the curator at the university museum,
you never know, he might be able to help you.
Do you really think, that I'm going to reveal
to you all the mysteries, I've been trying...
to uncover, my entire life?
This is the biography of Bartholomew,
written by Bartholomew himself.
Is this sufficient to convince you, I'm serious?
- Can I see this book?
- Of course, go ahead.
It dates the book... at least 500 years old.
Where did you get it?.
It's has been passed down, from generation
to generation in my family.
- Tell me...
- Yea.
Have you... come across symbols such
as these, in these margins before?
Ah... only once.
Let's make a deal, you lend me the
biography for a week,
And in return, I'll give you another
very interesting document.
I don't know... I never left it with anyone before.
- I'll need to know, that it was...
- Safe?
It's what I do... look around.
You won't be disappointed.
This is the interrogation list of a French officer...
He was interrogated by the Emperor
Alexander's special investigators.
The name of the arresting officer was... Nogaret.
- The offspring of Nogaret, the persecutor of the Knights Templar.
- Exactly.
- That's incredible.
- There you have it.
But the crucial fact is, on the interrogation
papers, the same symbols.
A... a rose, arrows, bows and arches.
What about the exchange?
- Done.
- Ahh...
Today is the 18th, come back on the 23rd.
- For me it's hard.
- One more!
From now on.
- I dumped the cocaine in the Moscow river.
- And?...
Then I send the money to three separate clinic's.
How do they make the transaction?
The money is transmitted to the bank
accounts, through the anti drug foundation.
If they try to check out the legal address, they will
come up with an elderly lady in Switzerland.
You know it's a shame, we never
get any credit for these.
Remember Brian, it's not about the credit, not at all.
I told you I would find him, and I did.
I know he's the biggest man in Russia,
but it's hard to get to him.
Don't worry, I'll handle it.
The document is definitely real.
Maybe the symbols mean some kind of code.
But... how did Bartholomew know the
symbols of the Knights Templar?
Well, maybe he was one...
you see this here on these papers...
V.D.S.A. are the same letters,
that appear in Bartholomew's book.
Hey, look here.
The translation says: Three feet east,
two feet down, and two stones from the left.
Three feet east of where?
- Dr. Ramirez.
- Michael.
- Welcome.
- Surprised to see me in Russia?
- Surprised... I'm delighted, my friend.
I'm here to report on the Colombian health care crises.
Wow... since when have you become infatuated?
Michael, my dear friend, before we
can study archaeology,
We have to save the civilization, that are still among us.
- Touch'.
- My wife send you something.
Very nice.
You look like Snoopy... but it fits.
In Russia we have some very
special drinking ceremonies.
Here we go... it's pretty hard to break a man,
that learned how to drink Tequila in the rainforest.
Well, it's very special to see you here in Moscow.
And these bottle, is a very special Vodka, my friend.
- Processed with milk.
- With milk?
With milk.
- Wow...
- That is not bad.
- Isn't these the symbol of Acuities?
- Yea, you're good.
Well, I can't wait to see the Kremlin,
Red Square and Lenin's mausoleum.
And tell me, what cemetery is Lazar buried in?
Cemetery... Ramirez you are a genius.
Cemetery?... I'm a genius?
We're making great progress, young man.
Actually, hmm... I was close to the truth myself,
but I wasn't able to decode the symbols...
of the Frenchmen's interrogation papers,
because I didn't have your book.
I made a copy of it, and I'm giving you back
your rare-ity.
- And I yours.
- Thank you, very much.
I've searched ah... my archives,
And found some very intriguing information.
I found passages about a gospel of
De Molay in a 16th century document.
De Molay, the grandmaster of the Knights Templar?
I think Bartholomew, somehow got the gospel and hid it.
All the Russian cemeteries, during the
It would make sense for him, to hide it there.
I love a good mystery.
But of course, I'm aware of that, trust me,
we'll get your money back, if it's the last thing I do.
As soon as I find him, I will let you know,
I just need more time.
Yes, I understand.
Yea ok... adios.
I want the money and the cocaine back.
I think, we just got a little closer to our goal.
- Michael, you always drive like this?
- Yea man, it's one of the many bad habits, I've developed in Moscow.
Bad habits you've developed? This is insanity.
Well listen, if you don't drive aggressively
in Moscow, you just don't get anywhere.
I've noticed.
Michaelito... Michaelito don't let me down, I just
put my entire travel allowance, on this race.
- Yea well don't worry about it, I got a bundle on it too,
- Good.
Besides... it isn't no fun,
unless you risk more then you can afford.
- So you're still after my pendant, Professor?
- A ha...
Did you bring any money?
We don't take cheques, you know, only cash.
- Do you accept dollars?
- Will we?
Oh yea, we'll accept dollars.
- We will take your dollars, professor.
- Good.
Well, you just look after that thing,
I wouldn't wane leave, without it.
Always an optimist,
even if defeat's... staring in your face.
Well, good luck to you, let's see.
I just came out to watch you race.
- Well, how did you know these was going on?
- Well, the races are not exactly a secret.
- Yea, I guess not.
- Who's the big guy.
- They call him Wolf.
- And you're racing him for his amulet?
I just came out, to wish you good luck.
- Hey... what's up professor?
- I don't get it?
- I thought you and Wolf where together.
- We are together.
You didn't know that Wolf and Masha,
are brother and sister, did you?
No, I didn't.
That explains it all.
- There's not a lot you know much about Masha?... huh.
- Yea obviously.
She and her brother are very close,
like he raised her...
financed her education, the entire time
he was in the Foreign Legion.
You really should get to know him,
don't... judge a book by its cover.
- So anyway.
- You're right.
There is one problem though, I mean...
the thing's Masha been dealing with.
- What?
- I think... I think she's fallen in love.
- It doesn't sound like a... bad problem.
- You better focus on the race.
Hey baby... are you alright?
I'm okay, go win the race.
At least, I beat Wolf.
- I guess the pendant is mine.
- No, no, no, it's not yours, you came in 2nd.
What're you talking about? We agreed,
the winner was the one of us, who came in 1st.
No, you had to win the race,
Pretty Boy won the race.
Hey, Pretty Boy, looking good brother.
But don't worry professor, you know...
if you try really hard next time,
you can win this, have a good night.
Are you crazy, why did you stop during the race?
You know...
some things are more important than winning, brother
What're doing tomorrow?
Are you asking me out?
This is Michael Nazarro, an American,
they spotted him with Wolf.
A (?) from the FSB, it turns out he spent two
years in Colombia before coming to Russia.
Where he made a lot of money, after discovering
a site of ancient archaeological artifacts.
- An archaeologist drug trafficker.
- Exactly.
Nazarro was a professor at Chicago University, he is
on an exchange program, at the University of Moscow.
It's also shown, that he served two years in the
US. army, and is a graduate of West Point.
We think he is an operative for the Cartel,
and the final photograph is Pablo Ramirez...
a doctor from Bogota.
Now Ramirez just arrived in Moscow,
probably to review the organization.
He and Nazarro, were connected in Colombia,
and Nazarro is listed on Ramirez's visa...
as one of the contacts here in Moscow.
Ramirez changed his flight out of Moscow two days
early, we should bring him in now, he's a flight risk.
When you connect the dots, let me know, until then, we
don't, we sit out, we don't need any more bad press.
- What do you want?
- Ah... listen real good.
From this point forward, I own you,
your life is in my hands.
- But you don't understand.
- No, no, no, I understand.
Your boyfriend owes me a lot of money, and in
return, I owe my partner a lot of money...
and it just snowballs from there...
I need him to return to me, what he owes me.
- Wolf will kill you.
- Not if I kill him first.
We found Wolf's garage and he is alone.
- Well then it's time to take him out.
- No problem.
- Bo... don't fail me.
- Okay.
If you weren't so pretty, I would kill you right now.
Wolf! Something has happened.
Hey, my sister, what's wrong? Just calm down.
- Lena was kidnapped, - What? - I
called you, but you didn't answer.
Where are you?
- At Karenitze's.
- Stay there.
- Wolf, tell me who is this?
- I think, I know.
Give me the phone, fast.
You've got some visitors, in the front of the garage.
Sir! Something just went down at Wolf's garage.
Stay down!
- Hello.
- Karenitze.
- Thank God, you're alive.
- What the hell is going on?
Beekeeper has Lena, on top of the Bergman building.
Tell Masha to go to my hideout,
she should wait for me there.
Give me your gun.
Go... go.
Don't worry baby, you're save now.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
- Just kill him.
- Don't be stupid.
Look... on the count of three, I'm gonna
loose my gun, and you will let her go, okay.
And two...
And three.
All right, don't worry, it's over now.
You can't believe how worried I was.
- That was close.
- I thought, I was gonna die.
- Oh... Michael.
- I came as fast as I could.
You okay?
- Well, I heard about your garage.
- Aah...
Hey, I thought they destroyed your car too?
Hey, wait a minute...
Okay, you got me.
Your 10 Grant.
You know, I thought you came out
of that tunnel a little fast.
This is a special car.
Not as fast as the other, but this baby
has some very unique features.
Yea, but more important than that, what about those guys?
Who did this?
If I tell you... of them, I'll have to kill you.
Well, let me explain.
Mr.. Ramirez?
Now that I've told you everything, I need you
to be straight with me.
Why do you want my pendant so bad?.
Well... ah...
Without boring you with all the history.
I am trying to find a treasure, which
I believe to be in Moscow.
- Oh, by the way Masha, I think I've located that cemetery.
- Mm...
I really think, we should check it out,
hey... we all should.
I think we'll find something, that leads
us to the gospel of De Molay.
- Why is my pendant come in?
- It decodes the gospel.
In other words... if we could find the lost
treasure of the Knights Templar.
That my friend... is worth more than money.
When I was in the Foreign Legion,
I served with this French soldier.
Our unit suffered many casualties one day
on the battlefield.
As my French friend was dying, he told me he had
no family left... and want me to have the pendant.
He said it was special, but before he could
explain why, he died.
He must have been one of the descendants of the
original knights.
Tomorrow, we take the trip to the cemetery.
- What are you doing here in Russia?
- I'm a physician.
I'm here to speak at a the international
symposium on the aid, to 3rd world countries.
- Is that what you're calling it now.
- Calling what?
Establishing a drug trafficking network, from Colombia,
you call it an international symposium?
Colonel, you have a very distorted view of our country.
Just because I'm from Colombia, doesn't mean
I'm a drug dealer... I told you, I'm a doctor.
Drugs were invented by doctors...
what about your principles and believes.
I believe you are a desperate man,
try to implicate an innocent man.
Excuse me Sir...
We just got a call from the Colombian intelligent
bureau, his record is... clean.
You are free to go, doctor.
That's it.
I've never seen anything like this.
This is very interesting, this is the cantos,
the symbol of the Knights Templar.
Air, water, fire, earth, all united by the holy spirit.
What you're trying to do, Michael?
Trying to move it, I think... there's got to be
something underneath there.
Let me try.
- Is this your bell?
- Yea... that's my bell.
Okay, we can take a look... may I have your pendant?
- I can't see where it fits.
- It says here...
This bell was made by Bartholomew, to the
arches of Spotges Sabina.
That's a huge area, there's hundreds of churches.
- Let's go see the curator.
- Who is the curator?
You'll see.
Who would do this? He never hurt anyone.
I've got an idea, but I... I hope, I'm wrong.
Let's get out of here.
Wait a second.
This calendar is different from
the last time we were here.
Why would he change it?
That's odd, this calendar says 1999.
Look, hand written these are the symbols
of the Knights Templar.
I think your curator found the place,
where our bell belongs.
I know this place, this is the church of
Michael the Archangel.
Have you lost something?
Ouch... ah...
No, no... oh, well, there you are, we've
been looking for you.
You were looking for me on the ground?
Oh, no, no, ah...
I'm a historian, we were told this church
was pre 16th century.
I was just looking for some conformation
of the date, but I found nothing.
It's not here, this church is from the 18th century.
We thought the church was here.
You know, I'm a historian too, look it this way,
There's hundreds of churches in the area,
we're looking for an older one.
We do have a church, built in the
- Where?
- Next door.
So that one, is the church of Michael the
Archangel, right, 18th century.
But this one, my friends, is the church
of Spotges Sabina 16th century.
- Oh, I don't know guys,
- Michael.
It's just one dead end after another.
- This is it, that's what we've been looking for.
- You're sure?
Yea... look here now...
According to Bartholomew... we should be...
Three steps east, right?
Two foot down...
And, one...
And four stones.
Sounds hollow.
Okay now, let me see.
All we needed was a feminine touch.
Come on professor, did you find something?
Ladies and gentlemen...
The Gospel of De Molay.
- What're doing?
- Bravo, Michael.
I thought something didn't smell quiet right about you.
Let's not make things ugly.
Just, give me the Gospel and the amulet,
and we all be on our way.
Let's be reasonable, you're a big man,
but not big enough to stop a bullet.
Thank you.
What're you doing, Pierre?
Many years ago, my ancestors swore
to the King of France...
that they would find the treasure
of the Order of the Knights Templar.
Would you like to know my mother's maiden name?
Let me guess... Nogaret.
You are smart, too smart for your own good.
Ah... or, perhaps not, after all you led me
to the amulet, the gospel...
and ultimately to the treasure.
There's one thing, you didn't know.
If you want to decode the Gospel,
you need two amulets.
You never guess who has the other amulet' me.
Ah... yes.
This is not the real amulet, where is it?
That's all I got.
I'm not stupid, this is not the amulet
you have been wearing.
I'm telling you the truth, you're in Russia now,
you know our problem...
You never put your eggs in one basket.
Let me tell you my problem, take her.
You give me the real amulet, and no one will get hurt.
If you lay one finger on her, or hurt her in anyway,
I swear, I will kill you with my own hands.
You know, it sounds as though you could almost do it, professor.
Get me the amulet, if you ever want to see her again.
It's alright... all right.
You got the real pendant?
You still got the real pendant, right?
Yea, I got the real pendant, I switched it at the last moment for safety...
if I hadn't done it, we wouldn't be in this mess,
and Masha would be safe.
No you're wrong, if you hadn't made the switch
we all be dead.
- That smells good, Pepperoni?
- Cheese.
It's open.
You can just put it on the table.
What you're doing?
- Get out of my house.
- Okay.
On second thought... I don't think so.
You and your friends been (?) my job,
my partner is not happy.
To tell the truth, neither am I.
Now... I don't know what else, so tell me,
where is the money and the cocaine.
Oh... where's the money and the coke?
The coke is in the river, where it got to be.
Really, for your sake, I hope not.
I think I just found the big bad wolf.
I hope you know what you're doing.
It's a little trick I learned at West Point.
I never thought I have to use it, Pierre
is not gonna know what hit him.
- Who is this guy Pierre Saminault?
- He's a historian, it's said he's one of the best in his field.
But it also appears he's a descendant of the
persecutors of the Knights Templar.
One of his ancestors, by royal degree,
arrested the Knights and tortcherd them...
in the hopes of finding the treasure.
What happened?
His great, great, grandson, is about to succeed.
Meet me at the old shipyard in 3 hours,
and bring me the amulet,
The real amulet.
My patience is running thin.
We're on.
- Ok, I got what you want.
- It will better fit, this time.
It does.
Now let her go, or the pendant and your dreams, drown.
Don't worry, I'm not a violent man.
Let her go.
Ah... yes.
Now, you know, I can't just let you walk away.
Go ahead...
Get after them.
After them.
- That's not good.
- Tell me about it.
Are you crazy?
You wanna play? Let's play.
Come on man, that was to close.
The De Molay's curse, again.
Another one of Nogaret's descendants, died in flames
I'm glad our descendants didn't have any curses.
- You're a crazy driver, you know that.
- I know that.
- These things really work.
- He's got my GPS.
Amazing... I have a little surprise for you, I'm sure
you're going to like it.
Especially you, Mr. Nazarro.
- You need to get better friends.
- This has not been my day.
Pablo why?
I come from a struggling nation, I see people
starving, and dying from disease every day.
The only way to make a different, money! Lots of money.
It's difficult for you to understand, but with
drug sales, I can actually help my people.
Come on, Pablo...
You know as well as I do, drugs are part of the problem.
I like you, Michael,
But, I will not let you, or anyone else, stop me.
I thought doctors were suppose to cure people not kill them.
Got you now, Beekeeper.
Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe rain, maybe snow...
As for you three, I only have three
months for me to retire.
Colonel, what about Wolf?
What about him, he's done more to stop
crime then we have.
You want to arrest him? Go ahead.
Thank you, Colonel.
- Wait, wait, wait, wait...
- Michael be careful.
The Gospel.
- Can you imagine, we'd end up with that.
- Everything but the actual treasure.
What does it mean?
- Job.
- Job?
Yea, it's from the Bible, he was the man
who lost everything,
His wealth, his family, his friends... just like De Molay.
We need to find out where Job is buried.
- Where did he live?
- The Arabian desert.
Excuse me, that's Lena.
Hi darling.
Oh... nothing, everything is well.
We were thinking about a little vacation,
what do you think about the desert?