Trigger (2022) Movie Script

'Hey! You have to upload
these criminal records'
'In the new computer
we have got by tomorrow'
- 'Understand?
- Okay, sir'
'Bro, he is coming'
'Go, help'
Throw sand and save him
- What is your name?
- Michael
You don't look like you were
arrested for chain snatching!
That's all for the time being
You should listen
to only what I say
- Understand?
- Okay, anna
- 'Who is he, da?'
- Without my knowledge
- If you do any business here
- He rules the roost in jail
All the inmates will listen
to him implicitly
- Got it into your head?
- 'Yes, anna'
- Hahn?
- 'Yes, bro'
Being a mastermind in crime
Why did you get in here
for chain snatching, bro?
If we should get control of a city
We should know details
about all the criminals in that city
Only if I get arrested
for a petty case, da
Police will turn a blind eye to us
'Do you know why I came in now?'
'I am starting a new business'
I need manpower for that business
The bunch here will be the right choice
"Let life move at its own pace
Whatever obstacle I can boldly face"
"As long as I live, whatever the crisis
I know how to handle it with ease"
"My route will always be"
"Top notch truly"
"My route will always be
top notch truly"
[song from 'Bramma']
"Let life move at its own pace
Whatever obstacle I can bravely face"
"As long as I live, whatever the crisis
I know how to handle it with ease"
[cricket commentary on TV]
Hey! Look here
What, ma?
I have washed this shirt multiple times
I just can't remove this stain
Why do you buy trouble like this?
A man is hurt and lying on the road
I helped him into an auto
And my shirt got blood stained
What can I do?
How well you spin a yarn!
How is it possible?
Every month, 4-5 people will be
lying in a pool of blood, in an accident?
If a man is lying on the road
people will just stare and walk past
You think I'll follow suit, huh?
Only good samaritans will have
such stains on their shirts, ma
Somehow I can't believe all your tales
Karthi, I've given my bike for servicing
Hurry up, I'm getting delayed
I am ready
She is the one who is
delaying us as usual
Shree, I'm late for office
Will you get ready fast?
'Boss is calling me nonstop'
Pccht! Coming, Karthi
Dai! Give this in any dry-cleaning shop
near your showroom
- What is this for?
- Bye, ma
'Nearly 40 people have died
Only in Tamil Nadu'
This is totally 100% our fault
- Hey!
- Sir?
What is the time, da?
Time! I'm not wearing a watch, sir
You don't own a watch
What kind of a shirt is this!
'With a colorful vest
Youth, sir
Fashion, sir
I'll sit here
Hey...hey...don't sit down
Go and stand there
till the meeting ends
'Is he a commissioner
or a school principal?'
- What are you muttering?
- Nothing, sir
Okay...okay, guys
Let's have a recap
What is it, dude?
We are following up on
this operation for the past 6 months
In our police department armory
The guns, pistols and rifles
that need to be repaired
Usually we melt them
When we shift them
to the liquefying process
Someone has broken in illegally
and stolen all the equipment
'Taken them apart
part by part'
'Scanner, printer, TV'
'They are assembled and sold
in electronic equipment'
'100-150 weapons have been stolen
in this manner in the past 1 year'
Now, give or take 6 months
They have tried to ship the stolen weapons
in a huge consignment
He is the main culprit
Okay, guys
In this operation
Buyers and sellers
Should be nabbed with
concrete evidence, okay?
Opponents will be armed
Arm yourself with
the necessary weapons
The person leading
this operation will be
Uff! I have to do
all the work all the time
Tell me, who is our target?
- Deva
- Sir!
- Deva, lead this operation
- Sure, sir
- All the best
- Thank you, sir
Good choice
All the best, sir
Keep it up
Jai Hind, sir
Long live India!
What's up with him?
Hey! Sorry, dude
I swear I thought you will
lead this operation
But this commissioner
Why be so formal with me?
How will we find out the time
and location of this consignment?
I've already set up
an informer in their gang
I'm fine, son
- I'll be back tomorrow
- Okay, pa
I'll give the phone
to this uncle, pa
Murthy, when is the consignment due?
As far as I know
they said 10:00 p.m, sir
'Sir, I am trusting you
and taking this huge risk'
No school was willing to admit my son
claiming he is a rowdy's son
'You are educating my son for me'
That's why I'm doing this for you, sir
They are a dangerous lot
Tomorrow if something drastic
happens to me, take care of my son, sir
Haven't I told you I'll take
care of him, Murthy?
Trust me, focus on your work
'Okay, sir
Thank you, sir'
Uncle, hope my dad will
come back safe and sound?
Hey! It's getting late
Hurry up and load everything
Prabha, I think your informer
has been caught, da
When are they coming?
- Hello?
- Sir
The 'deal' isn't happening here
'Plus our informer has been caught'
'Then you don't go in'
Just abort the mission
Guys, the mission
has been compromised
I'll follow them to track
their weapon storage hideout
You leave now
You used my hospitality and
you are informing the police, eh?
Hey! Hurry up
Load the weapons
The police may land up
All of you scoot
'Showing off your capability to me!'
'Your son, your family
I'll destroy the whole lot'
'No one will be alive'
'Deva, Prabha is missing'
Hey! Prabha, listen to me
Don't do anything in haste
'Informers dying in such operations
is routine stuff, da'
'I am taking this risk
trusting you, sir'
'Hope my dad will
come back safe and sound?'
'Hey! You are looking at him
as just an informer'
I am looking at him as a father
If you are so impulsive
you will lose your job
Gone case!
Hey Prabha!
Listen to me
'Taken apart
part by part'
'They are assembled and sold
in various electronic equipment'
Police, better drop your gun and escape
'I know how important he is to you'
If you don't I'll kill him
'Drop your gun'
Drop the gun
Shoot him
'Only because your father was a policeman
he stood humiliated in front of everyone'
'That's why I'm
telling you, Prabha'
'You should never wear this khaki uniform'
You fulfilled your mother's wish
in the end, right?
Sign and leave
One last chance
If you are likely to get
the same situation once more
Will you choose the department?
Or will you choose your sentiment?
Okay, if you will choose
the department
Tear this, trash it
Apologise and go
If sentiment will take priority
over your sense of duty
Sign this and you can walk out
That informer trusted me, sir
I can't leave him in the lurch
Sathyamurthy sir
You are suffering from Alzheimer's
The likelihood of you slowly forgetting
day to day activities is high
Next stage is dementia
You may need clinical assistance
A nurse or someone has to be
by your side and take care of you
Doctor, 25 years ago,
my dad sustained a head injury
Maybe that can be the reason
After his head injury
The stress he has undergone
That must be the reason
That art and music therapy
I hope you are following it?
- Yes, doctor
- 'Good'
'Listening to his favorite songs'
'Or drawing small details
he remembers'
'These can lessen his memory loss'
See you, pa
- Prabha
- Pa
Is your mother's birthday
this month or next month?
If I ask her she will get annoyed
Will you tell me please?
This is my birthday
Don't think you will forget, pa
If you don't remember, check here
Bye, pa
What's our next move, bro?
We have destroyed
all the cases against us so far
Breaking into the Commissioner's office
And burning the evidence
is the only big case
Someone has to take this blame, Sethu?
Your wife and children
are under my custody, Sethu
They will be fine
I'll take good care of them
'It's getting late, come home soon
The police may catch you'
Don't bug me, hang up
I'll come home, ma
Looking for you all over
- What are you doing here?
- Why?
- You dismissed me, right?
- I'll drop you home
I know my way home
I can go by myself
It's raining
I am telling you to get in
Get in
'Dismissed me and
offering me a lift!'
Tell me
Did I sack you?
Didn't you sign of your own accord?
Why did you join the police force
Tell me the reason
My dad is a diligent,
honest police officer, sir
But he is a loser
in the eyes of everyone
I wanted to shine as a cop
Wishing every salute I get
be an ode to him
I joined the police force, sir
But you nailed my coffin
Okay, cool
That shop sells real good coffee
'Coffee with brown sugar'
You settled down with a restaurant
right in time for retirement
Why did you bring me here?
- I'll tell you
- How are you, sir?
- I'm good
- Coffee?
- Thanks, bro
- 'Thank me after you taste it!'
Yov! What kind of muck is this?
YES! Sir, I served
anti-corona coffee
This is how we ensure
we don't have people walking in here!
I'll bring Green Chiretta Anti-Covid soup
'You shouldn't step in here again'
Read this paper
Instead of drinking this muck
I'm better off reading anything
'Police brutality
Father & son die in cell'
'A father and son
were taken into custody'
In a police station
Our own colleagues have
tortured them to death
I know, sir
I read about it
In the total cases filed in
Tamil Nadu Police department
Our policemen are responsible for 340 cases
Do you know why our department
has slid to this pathetic state?
If you sack good policemen
how else will it be?!
You brought me here
to drink coffee, right?
Why bring me to a third-rate place
like this and broach irrelevant topics?
Tell me, looking at this place
and these men, what do you think?
'Do you want to taste this bun?'
A family gone to the dogs
not knowing how to survive
Running this restaurant
to pass time is what I think
What will I do
figuring this out, sir?
Will you believe me if I tell you
they are Undercover police agents?
The other day in your team
Everyone followed
perfect police protocol
Caring two hoots for your job
you thought of a common man's life
Identical to that thought
Suspended by the police department
for serving the general public
'We can access 129 police stations
in the city, audio and video inclusive'
Only if a house is clean
street will follow suit
And hence the nation
Only if a police station is clean
5 km around that area will
be crime-free, clean and safe
Here we can track everyone's mobiles
from Assistant Commissioner to constable
So Prabha your duty
Monitoring and reporting
Any policeman in the city
commits a crime anywhere
You should inform me at once
Come what may, no one should know
you are working as an undercover agent
So welcome to the Internal Affairs
'From now on you are assigned here'
'This hotel is your police station'
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
'Hotel Bharatha Vilas'
"Who will guard these cops in khaki?"
"Look at this team so funky
without any walkie-talkie"
"With eyes as sharp as CCTV"
"Faces so innocent
No doubt, 100%"
"Just a small-fry is he
On a show-off spree"
"When the real cops appear
he changes his route in fear"
"Empty vessel boys
making the most noise"
"When the real cops step in
he changes his route fleeing"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
"This gang wins hands down
as the jewel in the cop's crown"
"He holds a pucca PhD
in nailing you down repeatedly"
"If you commit a crime, dude
our 'lathi' will speak to you"
"If the same crime even by our 'lathi'
you think we will let it go scot-free?"
"When a cow rang the bell of justice
hanging outside the Chola palace"
"King Manu Needhi Chola heard the sound
Came to the cow's aid, stood his ground"
"To stop you from committing a crime
To inquire and investigate in time"
"Don't paint the town red, dude
thinking no one will nab you"
"Whoever fires a shot
our bullet will kill on the spot"
"If you choose to sin
I will nail you in your coffin"
"Knowing he is 100% innocent
you pin a false case; hell bent"
"Selfless, we will lock horns to win
Smartly we will lock the felons in"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
"Who will guard these cops in khaki?"
"Look at this team so funky
without any walkie-talkie"
"With eyes as sharp as CCTV"
"No doubt, 100%
Faces so innocent"
"Just a small-fry is he
On a show-off spree"
"When the real cops appear
he changes his route in fear"
"Empty vessel boys
making the most noise"
"When the real cops step in
he changes his route fleeing"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
"Hey scoobydooba...ho stabaraba
Shugabareeba...yabadadabada da do"
Is he my bro-in-law?
He's a jerk of a junkhead!
Listen to me
What happened?
Someone, please help
My brother is having an attack
Aiyaiyo! He's in intense pain
Why is everyone just looking?
Sir, we need a hand
You are looking somewhere else
I have come to
pick up someone
- 'Let go of me'
- Take this
Sir, he's the only brother I have
Please attend to him
Sir, please
I'm getting married next month
'If my parents get to know
it will be shameful, sir'
Please delete that video, sir
Please, sir
I beg of you
You won't toe the line
unless I show you
Wait, I'll upload your video online
'How will you?'
- Please don't do it, sir
- Wait
Did you see my phone?
Well done!
Good slappin-
'Didn't you steal that uncle's phone?'
'I know you stole it'
Bloody thief!
I'm not the thief
- Thief...thie-
- Shut up!
Wait, if I had stolen the phone
shouldn't it be in my pocket?
Check if you want
I don't know all that
You stole the phone
- Thief...thief!
- Hey shut up!
Shut up
I'll punch you
You are watching quietly
while she's yelling!
Come to the police station with me
Police station?
Who is your witness?
'I am the witness'
Come to my rescue
What is the problem?
You tell her first hand
whatever you saw
I saw, madam
He stole the mobile
Come with me, sir
Let's report this
in the nearest station
No need to go to the police station
We should approach this differently
Criminals like him will grease
the cop's palm if you take him there
Let's take him directly
to the Commissioner's office
Best idea
What say you, criminal?
Commissioner's office
Let's go, I'm willing
'One tight slap'
Remand him to custody
Sir, I am helpless!
- Go away
- I was cornered
- 'Please, sir'
- Come, our job is over
- Actually-
- Sir, will you wait for a minute?
Let me discuss which section to
file this case and join you
Will you please wait outside?
Hey! Come here
I asked you to monitor the police
and work as an undercover agent
And you go, get caught by a child!
Is this how efficient you can get?
Take a look at this
Mobile belongs to Karunakaran
Asst Commissioner of Police
He has taken a video of a young girl
Instead of yelling at us
'You decide what we should do to him'
Aiyo! Oh gawd!!
'Hey! Stop it'
This is my business card
I work in this orphanage
Prabha, I'm being bashed up
What are you doing there?
- Okay, see you
- Bye
Nisha, come
You were with Michael all these days
and you are showing your true colors!
- Hello, Michael
- How are you, dad?
Tell me, Adhi
We have planned a consignment tonight
Our boys are getting released today
Assign them and finish it
Look what Michael has done to you
for being so loyal to him!
What do you intend doing now?
Michael's consignment
is being transported tonight
It will be a big blow for him
if it is seized by the police
Somehow save me
Michael's consignment will be seized
He will be killed too
That too by your hand!
Hmmm okay
Guys, 100 kg cocaine
Being smuggled in Bangalore highways
Come in
Sit next to me, let's see
who has the gall to touch you
The police have seized
Michael's haul, right?
- Catch him
- Hold him
Smuggling cocaine?
Get down
Dad, the police have seized the truck
Your game is over today
Hey! Give the knife to me
Now finish him off
Close his chapter
Not that difficult, bro
He came and fell into the trap easily
A cat in a jungle, not knowing
his own limitations
Assumed it was a lion or a tiger
and was roaming around with arrogance
In a jungle where the lion rules
Just because it belongs to the cat family
The cat cannot become a lion or tiger
I think you would have realized now
Who the cat is
And who the lion is!
"A full moon adorned with a 'bindi'
on her forehead enchantingly"
"Spread her glow all over me
with her laughter tinkling softly"
"For a lifetime
truly sublime"
[song from 'Idhayam']
'Prabha, why are you happily relaxing?'
That man is coming with
the number plate as proof
Turn off your song
We are in for a heart attack now
He is here
We are dead meat
Sir, would you like
some tea? Boost?
Shut up and sit
What about almonds?
- Sis, make an almond milkshak-
- Are you brainless?
Your job is only to monitor the blunders
the police make and report to me
Correct, sir
Karunakaran has been
suspended for his mistake
Why do you find his house
and go bash him up?
Did they beat him up?
Look...look here
Take a good look
You were sent into undercover
only to ensure your identity is concealed
If there was a CCTV in his area or house
...what will you do
if your car # was recorded?
If your cover gets blown don't need an accused pouncing
on you, just 1 policeman will do
He will kill you in a second
You don't know the seriousness
Okay, now I know, sir
You won't prosper at all
You are not fit for any assignment
A cow will toe the line
if branded once!
You won't reform even then
Such a thick skinned creature
Owner, after all it is just batter
and it was spilt by mistake
I'll make stringhoppers
Please go and relax, sir
- What brings you here?
- Who is he, yelling at you?
He owns this place
He is angry the batter was spilt
I can handle him
Why this surprise visit?
Hey! You forgot?
Today is our wedding anniversary
How could you, Prabha?
- Happy wedding anniversary
- Thank you
- Happy wedding anniversary, bro
- Thanks, da
Let's go to a good restaurant
I'll treat you, we can chill
Isn't this a restaurant?
We can eat here?
Isn't this good enough?
What does he mean?
I agree, this is a good restaurant too
We might as well eat here
Go, find a good seat
- Your bro took so long to get ready
- Hey! Wait, 1 minute
- Why is no one here?
- I saw you yelling at my brother
Do you know who I am?
Unlikely you'll know
I'll tell you myself
Do you know Ravi of Kasimedu?
He is a notorious rowdy
I gave him a 'friend request' on Facebook
and he accepted my request too
Even my brother doesn't know this
We have that unique reputation
We may finish you off, leave now
Clear out, man
'Silly fellow'
'What did you tell him?'
'I told him the truth'
Don't worry, hereafter
he won't raise his voice at you
'Pipsqueak! I put him in place'
Jesus Christ!
'Sit, can he yell at you
just because he owns this place?'
'Why are you working for him?'
'The whole family is mad'
- How can he be so rude?
- It doesn't affect me
Why be yelled at by random chaps
especially on a special day?
- Anniversary, right?
- Yes
We'll have a blast
Speciality of our restaurant
We don't have a menu card!
Customer's free choice
is the aim of our 'Bharatha Vilas'
Tell me the name
of your favorite hotel
We will bring you
that special flavor and taste
Oh! We went to that place
Mainland Hong Kong
- Okay
- We want that soup
- Did you hear that?
- I can hear you well!
Loud and clear, man
Specify the soup
- Which soup?
- I'm fine with tomato
- Tomato...toma-
- No, let's order mushroom
- 'Okay'
- You there!
Make up your mind
Tomato or mushoo?
'Mainland, 1 mushroom soup, okay'
- Get it now?
- Yes, very soon
- We'll try it
- 'Next?'
Aiayaiyo! Akka, that delivery chap
is coming straight inside, stop him
What bad timing!
'You will let the cat out of the bag
Don't make it so obvious!'
Mushroom, uh?
'Watch your step'
- How do you do?
- Go inside
- She wants to act in a film
- 'Thinks he's chef Damu!'
Mushroom soup ready
He acts as if he made it
- Let's order the main course
- Go ahead
We went to a restaurant
in OMR, Navallur
- 'We had Chinese fried rice'
- Oh God! 42 km!!
- 'Can I get that taste?'
- Will take 1 hour
It may take 1 hour
Do you mind waiting?
1 hour?
For what?
Peak hour traffic
42 km, sir
Should bring the same taste
to the table here
- That's why
- Fair enough
Why not suggest
any hotel nearby?
- Like Ganapathy Mess
- Close by
- Wipe your hand
- Thanks, da
Karthi, why is anni looking dull?
Prabha, today is
our 10th wedding anniversary
We don't have a child yet
We have even tried IVF
twice or thrice
But didn't work out
Neither can we say this openly
nor can we console ourselves
Nothing...nothing to worry
Don't be alarmed
What is troubling you?
That you don't have a child of your own?
I have a child too
After he grew up
and became an adult
He just bid goodbye to us
He went his way, leaving us
Only the blind will know
the value of light and sight
Same case with me
Only a child without a father or mother
will know the intensity of that pain
I know this for sure, madam
Only if we give birth biologically
the child is ours isn't true any longer
- Hey! Who the hell is he?
- Karthi
A baby born to you
Can leave you and
go miles away from you
But if you adopt an orphaned child
And you become
her or his mother
I swear, that child won't leave you
till your dying day, madam
I know this for a fact
I don't know what sin I committed
Sorry...sorry, madam
- Come, bro
- My son deserted me
- Sorry
- No, it's alright
- Come, don't cry
- 'My own daughter abandoned me'
'A baby isn't our child
only if we give birth biologically'
Anni, even if he said it in a harsh way
What he said is very true
Do you want your own child or-
Do you want a child of your own?
'Nisha, what are you doing?'
You said the grandpa visitor today
is celebrating his birthday
I'm making a gift for him
Hello, madam
Welcome to our orphanage
Take these bags from our visitor
Hello, I'm Prabha's anna
Didn't Prabha come with you?
He's coming in his bike with his dad
You go in first, pa
Happy birthday, grandpa
Happy birthday
- Happy birthday, thatha
- Happy birthday, grandpa
Hi, thatha
How are you?
Shri, I'm so happy
you agreed for us to adopt
But are you sure about this?
I'm okay with adopting
a child, Karthi
But look over there
So many children
Each child is special in
his or her own way, right?
Is this like choosing a saree?
To pick one in each variety?
I can't do this
To decide which child to adopt
That's the tough part
- Happy birthday
- What is this, dear?
'Do you like the gift I made for you?'
They told me you are
a retired police officer
That's why I made a gun for you
God bless you
Thank you, dear
Sweety pie, bye
- Bye
- Take care
Bye, sweetheart
We like Nisha very much
I'll talk to them, you leave
We would like to adopt Nisha
There are many legal issues
involved in adopting Nisha
Won't you do this for me?
No, there is a complicated
document process in her case
Give me your contact #
Whatever documents needed,
I can send directly to you
Starting # 91-
Your business card had
only the landline # of the orphanage
That's why
It's okay, I got your sister-in-law's #
I'll ask her whatever
documentation is needed
Is that so?
Okay, what am I doing here?
See you
Why are you leaving?, tell me
I'm not going anywhere
I want to tell you this
You came here today
You gave our children costly food
they have never tasted before
This is just for one day
Won't these kids yearn for
the same feast tomorrow too?
'Have you ever given it a thought?'
I'm not finding fault with you
Instead of spending so much only 1 day
I feel it is better to contribute
to their regular upkeep
Cha! Why didn't I think of this?
I'll donate to that cause too
Share your # with me
Hey Prabha! I've already given
her phone # to you, right?
Why are you still
begging for her number?
Such a smart sneaker!
I'll see you
- Hey!
- Appa...appa!
- Oh God!
- Appa, save me
Hey you! Stop right there
Appa, save me
Are you okay?
How is this fair?
You gave Nisha
to us for adoption
How can you give her
to someone else now?
We can't disown Nisha like that
Didn't we take good care
of Nisha for 2 years?
Do you know how much we have
missed her these past 6 months?
Our job is not to just give
a child for adoption
We monitor her welfare continuously too
She doesn't like living with you
That's why we were forced to
bring her back to the orphanage
What does a child know?
She will get used to everything
naturally in due course
Our problem is this attitude of yours
Parents like you adopt a child
to rise in the eyes of the society
Adoption isn't like taking
a pup home as a pet
Our child won't wag its tail and follow you
whether you show true love or not
A child knows to differentiate
Between true love
and mere pretence
Nisha has got a family
who will treat her like a princess
I believe she will be happy with them
Please sign in this document
and you can leave
We can't let go of her just like that
Nisha belongs to us
I refuse to sign
This is a mere formality
I know how to unite Nisha
to which deserving family
You can leave
- Please don't take Nish-
- Hey! Shut up and come
How to get back Nisha
I know damn well
'I cut the paper'
'I cut both of you, I win'
Hello, Janani
'I haven't told her about the surprise'
- 'You play it the same way
- Okay...okay'
She's coming
We are just leaving, akka
Drive carefully
- Bye
- Nisha, happy?
Shall I take you to your parents?
'Where are you, da?'
- 'Didn't even get home last night'
- Restaurant
'You know how special today is'
'We are bringing Nisha home'
'How will it be without you?'
As if I won't come!
I'll be there when she arrives
Who the hell are you?
Let go of me
- Get in
- Let me go
'You shouldn't 'da' me
That's disrespectful'
Call me 'uncle', okay?
'4 men have kidnapped a girl
from Ashok Nagar 2nd avenue, over'
- What, da?
- Look here, Prabha
Check where that van is heading
'A man rigged an accident
in Arcot road, Vadapalani'
'He is threatening bystanders with a gun
Beat 42, go to that spot at once, over'
- Let go of me
- Don't yell
'Get down from the car quietly'
'Who are you?'
Tie her up
Let go of me!
Prabha, the cop who went to save
that girl has met with an accident
- Why is he in a tearing hurr-
- Prabha
It isn't our job
The police will handle all this
- Advise him, bro
- Then who are we, akka?
Inform the nearby police station
They will send their men
All those patrolling cops are busy
If we wait till they go
that girl's life will be ruined
He'll never listen to reason!
You know the commissioner only too well
You've already been suspended
If something goes wrong
you will lose your job
My job, that's all, right?
Gone case!
Bro, din some sense into him
How can you encourage him?
Get down
'Bro, we are ready
Waiting for your order'
Why haven't the police come yet?
'Prabha, in your present location
there's a building under construction'
They went in there
Give me a fag
1 minute, I'll be back
Hey! Don't even think about it, Raj
You were asked
only to abduct the girl
Don't buy trouble
Anyway we will be
locked up in this case
That girl is too good to be true
All is fair, Mani
Let me go
'Chain snatching in K.K Nagar'
'Beat 33, go to the spot immediately'
'Our police patrol in Ashok Nagar
met with an accident'
'Immediately send back-up'
'One chap is threatening people
at knife-point in Arcot road'
'Beat police nearby
go to the spot at once'
Go in now
Thank you
Please, bro
'Let me go'
'Hey! Come on
Someone has barged in'
Hurry up
'Come...come, that side'
'Go...go, nab him'
'Come this way'
'Hey! Run'
Go over there, quick
Janani akka?
'Janani akka?'
I am scared
Janani akka?
Akka, hel-
Nisha, don't be scared
'Nisha, where are you?'
- Nisha?
- Where is Nisha?
- Where is she?
- She was right here
'Bro, save me'
'Bro, please rescue me'
Hello, police station?
'A child was kidnapped
from Madras mall in Vadapalani'
'Police beat nearby
rush to the spot'
'A man has been creating a ruckus
in Arcot road in broad daylight'
'Traffic jam and we are
unable to go to the spot'
'Send some other beat as back up, over'
'We got a complaint about
a kidnap in Ashok Nagar'
'Our jeep was involved
in an accident on the way'
Beat 48 reporting, we are here
to investigate a chain snatch case
'Send some other beat to
that crime spot at once, over'
'Sorry, madam, all the policemen
in that area are busy in other cases'
'But don't panic, madam
The police will reach very soon'
'The child is in the car
safe and sound, bro'
Prabha, I called more than 10 times
They claim all the cops are busy
I'm scared, Prabha
Nothing is clear in the CCTV
50-60 vehicles have exited
from the mall at the same time
'I can't point the exact car now'
They have planned it to the The team that kidnapped Nisha the same as the one
that kidnapped the college girl
How are you so emphatic
it is the same team?
When Nisha was kidnapped from the mall
Janani has called the police
at least 15 times
But not one policeman
came to her aid
At the same time the entire police team
was busy with various crimes in that area
They have made sure
the cops were busy
'Who the hell are you?'
'we are here to investigate
a chain snatch case'
I am convinced 100%
it is the same team
I don't get it, Prabha
Are you saying they committed some crime
and got nabbed by the police voluntarily?
Their plan was to get caught by the police
Take a look at this
Same pattern followed by
Mexican drug cartel
If 100 kg cocaine has to be smuggled
Same route they will
bootleg 100kg marijuana
They will be the ones
to inform the police too
When the police team is busy
seizing the 100 kg marijuana
In the same route
without anyone's knowledge
They will easily smuggle
100 kg cocaine
They call this parallel crime
Or Deviation Crime
To kidnap Nisha too
They have followed
the same strategy
If we understand this plan clearly
We can definitely find Nisha
These are the men who came to
the orphanage and threatened us
We will nab them for sure
Don't worry, okay?
For the past 2-3 months
Check in which area a group of
police team has been very busy
1 minute
Prabha, 24th of last month
Maraimalai Nagar, Guduvanchery,
Oorapakkam in Chennai to Trichy highway
The 4 police stations in this area
have received complaints at the same time
Just like you said, they have
all been busy for nearly 2 hours
Same time, police team in the nearby
reserve forest has seized 50 kg cocaine
13th of this month, same incident
in Adyar-Tiruvanmaiyur
There will be one common factor
in both these events
Either a man or a vehicle
Something will be a common factor
Check that out
'0370 Audi car
Seen in both events'
Play the footage in the mall
where Nisha went missing
'Same car is in Madras mall'
Track that car now
Prabha, that Audi car crossed
ECR toll gate just now
That car has crossed city limits, da
We don't have access to
the camera to monitor that car
High end car, right?
Hack the car's GPS
and check its route
Prabha, that car is owned
by an international company
Can't track its GPS that easily
No camera only enroute
His car will have a camera
Try to hack the car's reverse camera
Prabha, the car is a German model
But the reverse camera is Chinese
'We can nab him'
Prabha, that car has crossed Kovalam
We asked you to kidnap that girl
'Why did you manhandle her?'
'Kill you'
- What is the ruckus?
- Our boys, bro
They obeyed your son's orders
One of our boys roughed up
a girl they kidnapped
Everyone was charged with a rape case
That's why they are being bashed up
Nabbed only by the police, no?
Didn't leave any trace elsewhere?
The chap who came wasn't a policeman
Someone else barged in
and nabbed our boys
Did you see his face?
No, bro, he was masked
and he bashed up everyone
'He was smart enough
not to reveal his face'
'The car seems to be heading
towards a go-down, da'
Prabha, they switched off the engine
Camera access is cut now
Dad, a girl seemed to be missing
in the previous consignment
I kidnapped that girl too
'We clinched the deal on her already
We would have got a much higher-'
Are you mad or what?
Adhi, you should have spared that girl
'You made a grave blunder'
Some chap has barged in
'And beaten our boys to a pulp'
You've brought that child at this time
If he is a smart cookie
he'll be near you now for sure
Where are you?
In our go-down
Escape with the boys
from there at once
- What about this child?
- Finish her and flee
Leave no evidence here
Splash petrol and burn this place down
Start the car
Save me
'I am scared'
Please save me
Prabha, they have started the car
I got camera access
'But can't locate the car'
Save me
'I am scared'
'Please save me'
Prabha, I saw your bike
'They are in the building
you crossed just now'
I am so scared
'Save me'
Finish him off
'Last night in an abandoned go-down
in ECR road, Muttukadu, in a fire accident'
'6 charred bodies have been found'
'Regarding this, the police-'
Hey! I have to get out today
Arrange for my bail
'He ruined all my plans'
'I have to see his face!'
- Akka!
- Nisha
Were you terrified?
You are fine now
Sir, the details you asked for
Let this child be with you
for some weeks
I have assigned 2 policemen
on guard here for your safety
They will take care
This has all the details of the family
you gave Nisha in adoption to?
- No other record?
- No
They are my friend Prabha's
brother and sister-in-law, sir
Don't whisper a word
about this to anyone
Janani, I understand your mindset
But this won't happen again
You don't understand, Prabha
2 people were lying dead
in front of my eyes
I tremble at the thought
of the trauma Nisha went through
You should put that behind you, Janani
The criminals are dead now
That's all
How can you say it so casually?
Every second I feel
shivers down my spine
The children and this orphanage
means the world to me
What if something drastic happens?
Don't imagine the worst
No such thing will happen
You say it so easily
I called the police repeatedly
the day Nisha was kidnapped
Not a single cop came to my aid
On what basis do you
expect me to be strong?
I was the one who saved Nisha that day
I was the one who also
told her not to tell you
I work for the Undercover Division
in the police department
As long as I'm there
I'll ensure you are safe and sound
Listen to me
My parents, my brother and his wife
None of them know about this
Reason I'm sharing
this secret with you
You need to know how special
you and Nisha are to me
I'm here for you always
As long as I'm here
I won't let anyone harm you
'Hello, Michael
How are you?'
Your old house, bro
Doesn't it look brand new?
I redecorated the interior
I've heard about you, bro
My deepest desire is to
become like you, bro
'I am thrilled to bits
meeting you in person'
I think I'm talking too much
Make yourself at home
I'll wait outside, bro
Adhi alone escaped, Michael
He's in a hospital in the suburbs
He has shot in the center
of the forehead
The intruder is well trained
Adhi isn't smart enough
to escape from him, Prakash
He let Adhi escape
only for a faceoff with me
He will be in the hospital
Adhi has been admitted for sure
Bro, I am inside now
Are you all set in your positions?
He will come here, I am sure
I have to see his face
He ruined all my plans
I have to see his face!
Prabha, Adhi is in 2nd floor
Listen to me
Let's inform the police
I have a bad feeling about this
We are police too
- We can handle it
- 'Prabha?'
Bro, shouldn't you be in B block?
- What is this, bro?
- You'll need it, keep it
Prabha, someone has entered Adhi's room
Adhi, you are such a fool
You have made a big mistake
Did you at least see his face?
Couldn't see clearly, dad
It was smoky all over
You haven't been of use
for anything for me
At least let me see
if you will be useful in this
'The man who has come there
intends to kill you'
- 'What are you saying?'
- Don't get hyper
'He'll kill you in 1 second'
Dad, don't do this
I am your son
Before you die
'Hear this truth from me'
- You are not my son at all
- What are you saying, pa?
My son won't be a fool like you
'Don't kill me, pa'
He is truly a wise guy
Which floor, sir?
3rd floor
Bro, don't kill me
Prabha's # isn't reachable
He is in the lift, bro
'I think there is
a problem in the 2nd floor'
Hey! Stop
Catch him
Catch him
'You say it is a hospital'
How do we escape
if we are in a soup?
Look, he is admitted there
Stab him in his neck and escape
Let go of him
'Police, right?'
Won't he come and stand right there
when a chap is dying in public?
'I will see him for sure then'
'If your cover gets blown
he'll kill you without thinking twice'
'If anyone dares to come near me'
I'll kill him
'He is coming closer to us'
Before he finds out about us
We have to close his chapter
We have never had such a disturbance
for 10-15 years, Michael
How did this chap turn up?
Only in the last 5-6 months
40 policemen have
been put behind bars
More than 30 have been suspended
I'm sure you are aware of this
Even when I was released
I saw a District Commissioner in jail
For sure the Internal Affairs team
is responsible for all this
The police have the phone
of the chap who died in the hospital
'Yov Perumal! These youngsters
will be rash and impulsive'
'That's why I employed you here'
'What is the meaning of your rash act?'
'You are 58 years old'
'You are of no use here any longer'
'Your Pension Fund will be
settled by next week'
'Opt for Voluntary retirement'
Why the hell did you-
You went and bought trouble, huh?
Good gentleman
but bad tempered!
You lost the job you had
due to your impulsive act
What will you do now?
You can't be reformed
Why were you so impulsive, bro?
But if you hadn't shot him today
I would have done what you did!
Whatever you did
It was for my sake, right?
No, Prabha
I didn't do it for you
Isn't a dad the hero
for a son always?
But in my son's eyes
I am a loafer who takes bribes
and drowns in booze
My son must have been 15 years old
I was dismissed on
a case of accepting a bribe
No one knew it wasn't the truth
Only the Commissioner knew
I can't blame my son
He was ragged and derided
in school by all the students
One day or the other
I should let him know
I am not
The drunken lout he thinks I am
I have my own style
I did this selfishly for myself, Prabha
What to do?
He doesn't know I did this
He may not know today
But some day in the near future
I have to make a huge mark!
For my son to know about the real me
I must do it
Prabha, this is the phone
of the chap who died in the hospital
I searched and dead end
except for a voice note
Play it
'Hey! Policeman'
'I thought I'll meet you
somehow today'
'But you were hiding
like a sissy in the crowd'
Anyone could have been your villain
'But your bad karma
You have to contend with me'
'Don't assume you'll die
an ordinary death'
'I will kill every single person
associated with you'
'You have a family, right?'
'I won't spare anyone'
'You will be the last to die'
'When I see you face to face'
'None of your colleagues or
family members will be alive'
Prabha, today she left early
and I am late to work
Hey! Prabha
- Karthi
- What, ma?
Your father is missing
I've searched all over the house
- Missing?
- Can't find him
- Did you check upstairs?
- I did
He isn't here
- I don't know where he has gone
- We'll go and check
Karthi, don't come with me
- Be with amma
- Okay, da
Sit down and relax
Appa will come back
What are you doing here?
I don't know, Prabha
I thought of something
and walked here
- I didn't know my way back home
- Get on to my bike
- I don't remember how I went-
- Appa
Don't stress about that
You'll be fine
- Come inside
- Amma
This is the usual symptom
for what appa is going through
Please, ma
Wipe your eyes
Take him inside, ma
Come inside, dear
I'm troubling you too much, no?
Lakshmi, I don't do
any of this deliberately
Father, have you seen him earlier?
No, son, not that I remember
When was that Old Age Home inaugurated?
25 years ago
How long since you came here?
I've been serving here
for the past 30 years
It wasn't an Old Age Home
when you took over, Father?
It was an orphanage when I came here
After I came here
About 12 to 18 months
All the children in that orphanage
were given for adoption
So the orphanage was converted
into an Old Age Home
'How many children were
in that orphanage?'
'Around 50-60 children'
If 50 to 60 kids were adopted
in such a short span
Doesn't it seem odd to you, Father?
What are you saying?
If orphans get an opportunity
to be part of a family
...isn't that something
to be happy about?
How can I suspect this as odd?
Regarding this...I mean, can I talk
to anyone incharge then, Father?
His name is Sethu
'He was in charge of the orphanage then'
'But in 1993, in the fire accident
in the old commissioner's office'
'I heard he succumbed to burns'
Which file, da?
The file with details
about appa's head injury
Why, Prabha?
Our doctor asked for it
This is the bullet retrieved from
Selvam who died in the hospital
Our only lead to find out about them
I know a police officer
He can trace the gun's owner immediately
They are monitoring the police
We can't use a policeman to find out
Then whom do we use, bro?
Hello, Karna?
How is life treating you after being
dismissed from the department?
'I heard even your wife and children
abandoned you it seems'
- Who the hell are you?
- I don't know if you can be a cop again
But don't you want to seek revenge
over the man who brought you to this state?
I'm prepared to help you
Do only what I ask you to
I didn't see his face clearly, sir
But he came in that car
and bought the gun
'The Padmini car # you sent
isn't in any Govt record, sir'
'Thanks a lot, Ramesh'
'I have spotted the car'
There has been a fire accident in 1993
in the commissioner's office?
Same day my dad was attacked
His name is Sethu
He was in charge
of that orphanage then
In 1 year, 50-60 children from
that orphanage were adopted
They are into some racket
using those children
There is a link between
that crime and my appa's case
I can't place my finger on that
Whoever gets into that car
issue an order to kill him
Bro, what is it isn't a big fish
but a small fry working for him?
Even if the chap who comes
is in the lowest rung in his team
Seeing him die
Won't they panic?
Start the action then
We don't know what they are doing to
the children they took from that orphanage
Prabha, why not ask Janani?
She knows adoption procedures
Okay, it's getting late and
it is raining, I'm going home
- Bye, bro
- Goodnight
- Kili anna
- 'Coming'
Yes, Prabha
Something is not right, bro
Perumal anna has been encircled
What are you saying?
Yes, they are standing here
Have they identified him?
What do we do now, huh?
Which car did anna take
to buy the gun?
He went in his car
- You left your parcel behind
- Parcel?
They have encircled you, bro
You get into the car you'll die
Take the side exit
Your dinner is piping hot
I packed the chutney
Spicy chutney also
'Sir, goodnight
Sweet dreams'
- What happened?
- They have come up to our den, sir
We need to know his identity
Look here, sir
'10 police officers burnt
to death in a fire accident'
Your dad was attending a case
before he got injured, Prabha
He said he has archived
all the evidence in our record room
There was a fire accident
in the Commissioner's office
It was orchestrated
The very next day after your father
was admitted in the hospital
He was charged with a case
Child kidnap case
Sir, being a policeman
he kidnapped our child in front of us
We won't let him go scot-free
'I know your father was
an honest police officer'
'But the witnesses were very strong
in that case against your father'
'We had no other option
but to dismiss him from the department'
'I tried asking your appa
about the case afterwards'
'But he didn't remember anything
about the incident clearly'
My dad has found out about
the child trafficking case right then, sir
But no one supported him
in the department
If so, it wouldn't have blown
out of proportion like this, sir
Check this, sir
We bought this bullet
in the black market
An insider has given this
from our police evidence record
We don't know whom to trust, sir
To be honest
I can't trust even you, sir
Only now you've become
a pro as policeman
What did you do to Perumal's car?
Anna, they want to know
when is the next consignment?
Bro, they want to know
the date of the next delivery
The police are nosing around
like scent hounds
Is it a good time for us to go ahead?
This consignment has to
go through tomorrow
And it will be delivered
- Thanks
- Why did you want these details?
I saw the crime report, Janani
They didn't plan to kidnap Nisha
It has happened in a rush
I saw many boxes in the go-down
like the one Nisha was locked in
They are kidnapping
many children like Nisha
Okay, after you give a child
for adoption to the parents
How long do you monitor
if that child is safe?
3 years
We go home now and then
to check if they are well cared for
One of those visits we found
Nisha wasn't comfortable there
We brought her back
within 2 years
So you don't check after 3 years
if the child is safe?
No, Prabha
Most children will get attached
to their new parents in that 3 year span
If we keep checking after that
It will look like we are
reminding them they were orphans
That's why
This list has details of more than
200 children adopted in the last 3 years
How will you find out
fake adoption in this?
It's me, I'll send you
a list of addresses
Check Aadhaar or any other verification
for the children in these addresses
And if those children are sent to school
Or is it just home schooling
Check and let me know
'Okay, Prabha'
Why get details of children
not sent to school, Prabha?
In the case of fake adoptions
...those children won't be
allowed to interact openly
Their names won't feature in any ID proof
These criminals will be nabbed through
their ID proof when the kids go missing
If we check the list of these children
We can find out their next child-target
Bro, will this work out?
'Why haven't you sent
your child to school?'
Ours is an inter-caste marriage
'So if we send our child to school'
'There's a threat from our parents' side'
'That's why we didn't send'
Okay, thank you
I'll take leave
- Sorry, I left my phone behind
- It's okay, take it
- Bye
- Bye
You have to catch
Isn't it wrong not to add
your child's name in the Aadhaar card?
That's okay
Where is your child?
Where is she?
She has gone to visit
her grandparents
Okay, call your parents
They don't have a phone
Janani, something is fishy
Are you happy?
'Why haven't you sent her to school?'
You know very well
about her health condition
'That's why we opted for home schooling'
Amma...amma, help!
Hey! Let go of my son
Aiyo! My son
The boys have abducted the children
- 'Prabha'
- Sir?
They have kidnapped 20 children
all over the city on a random basis
They have sent a ransom note
And called the parents
to a location tonight
'Can this be connected
to the case you mentioned?'
No, sir
They keep a child in an adopted home
for 3 years and kidnap in a planned manner
They won't call
asking for ransom, sir
They won't kidnap the children
in broad daylight in public
This is a different case, sir
Sorry, don't get me wrong
This is just a general enquiry
'20 children have been
kidnapped in the city'
'Parents have been asked to
come with cash to a roof top bar'
'First follow up that case'
Okay, sir
Go to your room and
play a game, sweety
I'll join you now
Janani, only now our child has
become attached to both of us
She is slowly forgetting
the fact she was an orphan
Your visit
Seems to remind her she was an orphan
Call us anytime to ask
any details about her
If you want to see us in person
let us know, we will come
Please don't land up unannounced
She means the world to us, madam
Please understand our position
No, Prabha
I know them for 3 years
They have taken good care
of the child for past 3 years
Can't be them for sure, Prabha
Don't trust anyone so soon, Janani
She left?
Why is she enquiring
all of a sudden without prior notice?
Would she have suspected anything?
Don't worry about all that
We managed very well
and sent her away
Adhi isn't available
I don't know whom to report
about this girl's visit
Whose mobile is this?
Cough up the truth
'Don't hit my daddy'
- What are you doing with the child?
- Don't hit my dad
- Uncle, don't hit my appa
- Take her away
Uncle, don't hit appa
You are pretending to be
loving to the child for money
She cries if I bash you up
You aren't human at all
When are they coming?
This girl has to die tonight
Kill all the children in
the orphanage this girl works for
- Where is the child?
- In the car
Those beasts have said
they will take the child tonight
I'll be here, you go
Everything will be fine, Janani
I can handle this
You go
Bro, I feel it's a wrong move
Do we have to do this tonight?
Tonight we put an end to this
Do as I say
Let's go
Bro, it's me
They are planning something tonight
I don't know which children
are being targeted
Take our team and
go to the orphanage
Okay, Prabha
Dude, that child's father
has brought the cash
Bro, he isn't picking up my call
Check if he has any other #
- 'Hello?'
- Kiddo
Why are you crying?
They beat up my daddy
and brought me over here
Where are you, kiddo?
I was in an orphanage earlier, no?
I am there now
'They are in there'
'Finish them off'
- Kili...Kili
- What happened?
Take the children in to safety
This place is surrounded by their men
'Janani, take the children inside'
Take care
'Anna, why are you closing the gate?'
What are you doing?
Locking the gate and going alone?
Let me come with you
Will you do me a favor?
If I die go and tell my son
Your father saved 30 children
and 4 policemen
He died a hero's death
as a policeman...go, tell him
I'll come, give me the key
Hey! Don't hurt him
- 'Listen to me'
- Hey old man
- Open the gate
- Give me the keys
- Anna
- Finish him off
I think all of them here are his men
Oh gawd!
This is Deva reporting
'Undercover team is
being attacked in Hi-life bar'
'We need immediate police back up'
'I repeat it is an emergency'
- Tell me
- Hey Prabha
Your friends Deva & team are
in danger in some assignment
Bro, what happened?
Where are you?
Hey Raj!
Hey Raj!
Hey Raj
Hey Vikram!
What happened?
Deva, huh?
What happened to Deva?
Bro, this dog would have escaped
Drop your gun
Drop it or he will press the trigger
I take full responsibility
Let him go
He is not connected
with this at all
Bro, why are you wasting time
talking to them?
Let's shoot these 2 dogs
and be on our way
Police, eh?
'My son won't be a fool like you'
'He is truly a wise guy'
Didn't I tell you?
When we face each other
No one will be alive
to stand by your side
Only now I knew who you are
You are the carbon copy
of your father, da
'Our population was almost 900 million'
'These orphans may be around 50 million'
If these children have a problem
they have no one to turn to, right?
I have a job for you
You must adopt this child
and take care for 3 years
After 3 years I get the child
You get this now
No one has the time now
to think of the plight of orphans
But your father did
Sir, they send children
for adoption to various homes
And ask the parents to
take care for 3 years
They offer a fat amount
I feel something isn't right, sir
Which orphanage?
This involves innocent child-
Sathyamurthy, we can't register a case
when a crime hasn't even been committed
We have enough headache
handling the current cases
Sir, give me a patient hearing
Please...please understand
If you smell something fishy
collect evidence
'We can check later
[overlap of children's voices]
'Your father collected
and filed all the details about me'
'And archived it in
Commissioner's office'
'The files contained how I kidnap
the children and the route taken'
'A detailed report'
'So I burnt down
the Commissioner's office'
'In a rage because his evidence was burnt
your father made a foolish mistake'
'That's why the case boomeranged on him'
I thought I'll kill your father right then
Only after that, my boys saw your father
here & there and reported to me
'Your father had lost his mind'
'I thought I was the reason
for his mental state'
'And I was walking tall!'
Aren't you ashamed of
using kids and lining your pocket?
I made a grave blunder
I should have killed you,
your father and the entire family
'Not too late now either'
We can close your chapter
Dude, you are too clever
for your own good
If someone like you is with us
we will definitely be caught
'That's why, dude'
'Hello, appa
How are you?'
'You have to sign my report card, pa'
There's a man by name Murthy in your gang
He isn't working for you
He's with the police
Look into it
'If you are so impulsive
you will lose your job'
After all my job?
'Gone case!'
'I planned and robbed you of your job'
Dad, we have the consignment
The truck has safely
left with the children
'I was the one who clicked a photo
of the bullet in the Commissioner's office'
You aren't even in the department
Even I believed you were
working in some hotel, dude
Even now I expected someone will come
who is monitoring the police, dude
But I swear I didn't expect it would be you
I don't have any other option
Yov! Stupid of me to have trusted you
[children chattering]
We brought her up
showering love and affection
No need
Let's take her back home
I love her as much as you do
But what to do?
They will kill us if they knew
Do you remember me, sir?
How can you say you don't
remember me of all people, sir?
I suffer from selective amnesia
I have...forgotten many names and faces
If I am in this situation today
You are the sole reason
We have shared so much together!
How can you simply say
you don't remember me, sir?
Take care, see you
Shall we go, baby?
Who are you, grandpa?
- Janani akka is waiting
- Sir?
That child-
She is from our orphanage, sir
Got some legal formalities to complete
'Once that's done
I'll drop her back'
'Come, sweetie'
Let's go meet Janani akka
'And come back to
your grandpa real quick, okay?'
Don't worry, Prabha
We are all here
Doctor wants you to take complete rest
Where is anna?
He got hurt
He is close by
Nothing seriou-
- 'He is fine now'
- What happened?
- He is just flustered, that's all
- Shut up, man
They are lying to you
Perumal anna is gone, bro
He is dead, bro
'What is happening?'
Why did you risk your life, bro? son
Tell him
'I have to make a huge mark!'
'For my son to know about the real me'
Why didn't you tell me?
That you are a police officer?
Would you have agreed
if I had told you?
Why, da?
Didn't I raise you telling you how
your father was reduced to this state?
Then why did you choose this?
'You've already paid the bill'
'Did you forget, sir?'
'No problem, thank you'
Look at him, ma
Some thug is kidnapping
all those children tonight
No one to pull him up
25 years ago
he stood all by himself
He thought of saving all the children, ma
Such a bold and brave police officer
is derided by everyone as a lunatic
Even I feel that way
when I see him like this
But only now I understood
My father is a genius
This is a case he wanted to solve
If I don't go now
My dad
Perumal anna
Those innocent children
Their lives won't have any meaning, ma
Don't do this, son
I have to go, ma
Hey! Get up
Hey! We are talking to you
If you keep me in a separate cell
you think I'll tell the truth? Go
Now you will cough up the truth
'Don't hit me, sir'
Save me, appa
Ask them not to beat him up
Sir, let them not harm my son
I'll confess everything
'They are doing this
for past 25 years'
'Child-trafficking is their business'
'Their dealing is all on Dark Web'
'They call the route the children
are kidnapped as the silk route'
'They kidnap the children by boat
in Chennai-Andhra border'
'If the children board the boat
that's it, their life is over'
'No one knows which country
they will be shipped to'
'The boys are made to join military'
'They use the girls
for child-prostitution'
Your sister-in-law is crying
I seem...I seem to have
handed Nisha over to that criminal
I don't know what is
happening around me
We are going to save those children
Nisha is also with them
The ruthless criminal behind this
will come to our house today
He will kill everyone at home
in front of your eyes
What do you intend doing?
I won't remember what even you spoke
to me after 10 minutes, Prabha
How trust me?
This is your baby
The case you found, pa
You are the only one
who has seen him
A policeman is always
residing inside you
He will never forget anything
I have full faith
in that policeman, pa
From this moment onwards
You handle it, pa
They have shifted Nisha to a truck
outside an ATM in Alwarpet
Keep updating me on this truck's route
'Prabha, that truck is on Trichy highway'
'How I kidnap the children
and the route taken'
'Your father had collected all the details'
- Asif
- Yes, Prabha?
He plans so meticulously
Why should he transfer Nisha to a truck
right in front of an ATM CCTV?
If he is giving us
such an obvious clue
Then Nisha is the deviation
Inform our police in NH 45 and
tell them to block the truck Nisha is in
Okay, da
Asif, where does
NH16 highway lead to?
Chennai to Tada highway, Prabha
Sir, ask them to check
all vehicles on NH16
'Parallel crime, sir'
'Nisha is being taken on NH45'
'They are deviating us
on to a false trail'
'And transporting the rest
of the children in NH16, sir'
Check all the vehicles on NH16
We should find out the truck
with the children
Go...get in
Get inside
We are going to court
No need?
Where should we come?
Hey! Police are blocking
Speed up, don't stop
That school bus didn't stop
Headed to the forest area, over
Pull up to the kerb
'Pull up'
'Sir, the truck you asked us to block
is empty, no child inside'
'Prabha, Nisha isn't in that truck'
'Prabha, don't worry'
'Police have surrounded
the school bus in a forest area'
'Nisha is with them, I'm sure'
Leave the children and run
Or else we will fire
The police have surrounded us
What should we do now, bro?
Follow my instructions
'They will let you go'
Hey! Shut up!
Police, turn back and go
Or we will stab
every single child here
Hey! Sit still and shut up!
Stop crying
Sit quietly
'Hey! Catch him'
One boy has escaped
through the window
Go, get him
Get down, quick
'Why get details of children
not sent to school, Prabha?'
'In the case of fake adoptions'
'...those children won't be
allowed to interact openly'
Which school do you go to?
Little Flower International School
'Asif, I've sent you a photo'
'Send me the details
of this boy at once'
1 minute
Prabha, like you said, that boy
wasn't kidnapped from the orphanage
Some children were kidnapped
in random public places, right?
'He is one of them'
If Nisha isn't in the bus
where has she been taken?
Then Nisha isn't the deviation
That school bus is the deviation
Bro, he is also here
I told you, stop crying
Don't order a 'shoot out' in haste
Hold them a bit longer, sir
Hey! Leave now
Hey! All of you just shut up
'They are taking the children
in some other vehicle in NH16'
'So many vehicles ply on NH16'
How can we zero in on one?
Asif, listen to me
NH16 is a forest area
'All cameras here are fixed
with thermal sensors'
Hack all these cameras at once
and scan all the vehicles to and fro
Okay, Prabha
Prabha, children are in a cement truck
travelling on NH16 highway
Prabha, the cement truck is
travelling at a slow pace
I think the truck is only about 200m
from your present location
'If you speed up
you can get there'
Sir, I have located the truck
with the children
He has caught up with us, faster
Appa, he is tailing us
- Sir
- 'Yes, Prabha'
Hear me out
5 km from here is the forest checkpost
'Ask our team to assemble there'
We can rescue the children
Cha! He has the devil's luck!
How are you, sir?
I don't recognize you
Don't you remember me, sir?
Start...move it
Keep going
He's catching up
'Overtake him'
'Don't give way, go'
'Go...Varadha, faster'
- 'Hey!
- Speed up'
'Don't give way'
He's coming
Bang on collision
Climb up
Don't stop, speed up
Give it...give it to me
'Kill him'
Hey! Go...go, faster
Get him
Don't stop
Keep driving
[children wailing]
You had better leave the children
and my son right there
Run for your life
What gall to leave
your family alone at home?
You thought your father was still
the alert policeman of the old mould?
He's sitting here like a lunatic
Knowing I reduced him to this state
makes me feel great!
'Hey! If you don't scoot from there'
Your family members will be corpses
fit for the graveyard!
Come and collect the bodies
'Will you leave now?'
Or will you listen to
each one of them being shot?
The gunshot you heard
was your son lying dead now
'Hey! I will-
Do whatever you can
First bullet is for that child
Now listen to my gun talk!
'Everyone looks at
my dad as a madcap'
'And a loser-police officer'
'One day my dad will win'
'I will make him win'
'Kural #70
What penance did his parents do?'
'For people to praise and say
A son should act in such a way'
'In this same city where parents
go to a Fertility Center, Prabha'
'Orphanages house children yearning
for love and stability in a normal home'
'Those who go in search
of Fertility centers'
'Wish they go to orphanages instead'
'They will get a child and the child too
will have a family of his or her own'